In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tonight, dear children, I have delayed arriving here to this sacred place because your Heavenly Mother, through your prayers and songs, has helped the souls of the whole world that recently disincarnated and left the physical plane for other schools of the Universe.

These souls were suffering because they did not carry out something fundamental and important for these times, which is the Scapular of Peace. This sacred instrument of God that I once revealed and presented to you in Aurora so that all the souls of the world, all possible hearts, could carry this sacred instrument of God for these definitive and difficult times; because the Scapular of Peace not only protects souls that leave the physical plane, but also protects souls that are still incarnated, experiencing the lessons of Earth, living in the end of these times.

It is with this same Grace and this same Love that I once revealed to you in Aurora, in the sacred orange grove of Casa Redención, that today, My children, I again present to you the Sacred Scapular of Peace so that it may be valued and recognized by all as a source of salvation and a vehicle of protection even for the physical body.

Today I carry this sacred instrument in My Hands for you, this sacred object of God, so that you may make known to the world the importance of carrying this instrument upon your bodies and within your souls so that you may be protected from chaos, perdition, distraction or any illness.

For this reason, My children, the Holy Scapular has been presented to the world in other apparitions and times. In the same way that the Sacred Medallion of Peace has impeded calamities, has halted illnesses, has rescued entire peoples from catastrophes, epidemic or destruction, simply because, My children, all My dear children have placed their faith and devotion in the promises of your Heavenly Mother.

This is the time to take sacred objects into account because of what they represent and the value they have. For this reason, I again bring them to you so that you may remember that these sacred instruments of God, such as the Scapular of Peace and the Medallion of Peace of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, are means by which you will be guarded by My maternal and supreme Grace, through the authority granted to Me by the Celestial Father from the beginning, from the moment in which My Son was on the Cross and He asked Me to be the Mother of humanity, to be the Mother of each one of you.

By carrying the Sacred Scapular upon you, My children, you will be able to perceive the promises that I have brought to the world through these sacred objects, which are still current for all of humanity, for all peoples, all races, in any place on the planet, in any situation and condition, because the sacred object is the path for your bodies, minds and hearts, to reinforce the faith of your heart and, above all, your trust in the Supreme Father.

For this reason, My Maternal Heart and My Divine Consciousness have a special task through sacred objects.

This is the time to again renew them and to again recognize them, with the power of the Grace they received for all souls in need of salvation, redemption and healing.

Like in previous times of the Earth, like in the culminating moments of humanity, so similar to this time, the Mother of God, the Lady of the Divine and Holy Scapular, the Lady of Carmen, today presents Herself to the world so that Her children may remember these Graces that were once given to the world for its liberation and salvation.

Each sacred object that is given to the world holds millions of Graces, spiritual promises, victories and triumphs that souls receive upon entering into contact with them. But the object is a means and a path for finding the Source of salvation, healing and freedom. Your devotion must be to the Source, to the Source of God, which is nonmaterial and divine, the Source that conceived and granted the world all the Graces that hearts need for this final moment.

In the same way that prayer, at this moment, is preciously heard by the Father, coming from all hearts on Earth, the sacred objects, My children, also bring you inner and spiritual impulses that you need at this moment so that your consciousnesses may be focused on the necessary discernment and wisdom, so as to know how to act with caution, protection and safety, so that you may always find the truth and be not confused with appearances, with all the world reports.

By means of sacred objects, and on this day of the Holy Scapular, My children, you will be able to elevate your consciousnesses, you will be able to achieve another dimension and another reality, far from chaos, adversity and all the confusion that in this time is disseminated throughout the whole world.

Hundreds of angels that are with Me here today and also carry the Scapular of Peace wait for more of My children to put the Holy Scapular, the sacred object of God, upon their bodies and souls, so that nonmaterial Graces may descend to this physical plane and bring hearts total peace.

While you listen to My Words, I ask you to meditate upon, to reflect on and to perceive the occult meaning of everything I say to you, so that your consciousnesses may expand and be able to have the same vision and the same discernment that your Heavenly Mother transmits to you in this moment.

I also come tonight with a request: that all My children value the sacred objects that, up to today, have been given to the world through these apparitions and other apparitions of your Divine Mother throughout the course of time because, in this way, humanity will receive the Grace it needs, will receive the help it needs and will be protected by the Sacred Mantle of the Mother of God in these definitive and difficult times.

My Immaculate Heart is still full of Graces for the world, which seek to be poured into the hearts that open to receive them. But in this time you must learn, My children, to carry out the correct practice to receive these Graces that overflow from My Maternal Heart.

Your petitions must be for the common good of humanity and for all those who are lost so that they too may be saved, so that they may also awaken. It is time, My children, for your petitions and requests to be for the planet, for humanity, for the evolution of this race, for the fulfillment of the Human Project of God for this part of the Universe.

In this way, you will be closer to Me, together with Me asking the Father for our essences to be one, in the same way that our hearts may be one in the plea and in the purest intention of your heart, so that Divine Will may be fulfilled.

With the coming of My Son, during the next Holy Week, your Heavenly Mother and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will accompany this coming sacred task, in which all are invited to participate and truly accompany from the heart and in truth.

With this I want to tell you, My children, as advice, that you should dedicate space and time for this task, and that you invite your families and dear ones, friends and acquaintances, who have still not awakened to the Call of God so that, through the meeting of this next Holy Week, they too receive the Grace and the awakening that they need, so that they finally position themselves as servants of the Plan and their errors may be forgiven, their sins dissolved and souls may re-ignite in love.

For now, I thank you for seriously addressing this request, as you have done many times.

It is when we are separated in this crucial moment of humanity that we really ascertain, My children, that under the omnipresence of God and the omnipotence of God, we are more united now than when we are together in these meetings.

But I continue to pray with all of My Heart so that the meetings, and especially the planetary situation, may become harmonized and balanced and, after this planetary retreat, souls may more strongly and with more faith take back their compliance with God, with His Will, reconsidering in their lives, looking again at their commitments, and becoming aware that the time has come for a change in consciousness, for the great and expected change.

The integrity and justice that humanity may experience at this moment will prevent the great events of the Apocalypse. Thus, this moment has an even greater and deeper meaning than the one you know.

This is the moment in which, in stillness, in prayer and in fasting, it will be possible to review each one of your lives, each one of your acts, to make room for Divine Will.

So be it.

With this message and this call, I say goodbye, and I ask you that with the time available to you now, you may review this message so that you remember what I requested at the beginning concerning the sacred objects of God, so necessary for the souls of the world; Graces, promises and victories that will come to souls with the help and the collaboration of those who can manifest these sacred objects, for a simple fact and a simple purpose, for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Today, dear children, those who are listening to Me through this medium cannot see what I am doing, but they can feel what I am saying. This is where the truth is.

In this moment, while I rise up to Heaven to wait, together with My angels, to pour out the promises and Graces through the Holy Scapular, see Me mirrored within your souls with the image that each one can recognize in the Most Holy Mother of God. In this way, we will enter into spiritual, universal, and essential communion.

Through the song that you will now offer Me, confirm your vows to the Eternal Father and to My beloved Son.

We will listen to: "Mirarte a Ti (Looking at You)."

I thank you for responding to the call, for the sacred objects of God and for the awareness of your lives in this cycle, so that all the Healing and Light, Mercy and Love may descend to the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


For the protection of Christ, My Beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, My Arms bring you rejoicing, motherhood and love, but My Heart also brings you pain from part of this world; and that, dear children, is what on this thirteenth day, I come to announce to you.

So many years have gone by since My Presence in Fatima, and My Heart still continues to triumph in this world. Thus, today I ask, dear children, that you keep these Words present in your hearts, because in the end of time you will understand them.

I need you all perpetually, your hearts and your actions. All prayers are welcome in the end of this time.

Know, dear children, that My great sorrow today can be seen, since it is observing the great condemnation of souls that exists in this world; even though they are here, in this life, on this Land of God, they condemn themselves to the fire of hell.

Thus, today I invite you, dear children, to sincerely repair the Heart of My Son through good actions of peace and of love, because a new time is close in which many things will be revealed to humanity.

All the secrets that I have poured out throughout the years, some in Medjugorje and others here, will be revealed in due time, My dear children.

So that all may be repaired quickly and with love, the prayer of the heart is necessary. You must connect your spirits with the Most High, with the One Father, so you may be within His Protection and His Peace.

Today I also tell you, dear children, that My last call is being pronounced in this time; and when I repeat this phrase so many times, it is so that your little hearts may hear Me.

And so it is necessary, dear children, that you experience reconciliation and forgiveness. I tell you truly, My children, that you are in time to be able to live these attributes.

Some of My children of this humanity must live these principles in this end of time. You must fill the Chalice of the Heart of the Lord, the Chalice which represents the Heart of My Son, through prayer and your surrender, because His Heart is being greatly scourged.

Who will remove the thorns from His Heart, which are generated day after day, time after time?

Thus, today, dear children, I tell you again that you are in time to be able to change your condition in life through prayer and the activation of your faith; because all the Words which have already been poured out have a special reason for your hearts: conversion.

Each movement you perform in your life must be given to God; for in this way, from you He will contemplate the good works of peace and of charity. In this way, dear children, your hearts will be illumined and guided, and you will be able to follow the path toward My Son.

Because today, I tell you in truth, dear children, that very few believe in the Coming of the Redeemer; but this time is close and the temples, which are My children, the hearts of all My children, must be prepared.

When I speak to you, saying you are in time, it is because you are in time to give love and peace, setting aside any criticism born from your hearts. In this time, you must seek purity; for in this way, I will be able to say, dear children, that your hearts are illumined. They will be a crystalline temple for the Most High, for My God.

Many things are changing within My children; thus, daily I invite you to prayer. Prayer must reach even dreams, must be perpetually repeated from the heart. For in this time, My children, you must create barriers of light so that you may be protected from everything, during the hours of your life and beyond your life. In this way, dear children, I only ask you to be united to the Celestial Kingdom of the Creator.

I also ask, dear children, that you not give up, but rather, raise your eyes to the Mercy of My Son. The spring is still open and whomever has not yet drunk from this prodigious source, is invited to drink in order to quench the thirst I see in many hearts.

My Son waits to pour out His Rays, but where are the instruments of the Creator? What are they doing with their lives? How much time do they dedicate to the Lord?

Dear children, we are in the end times. What John wrote a long time ago in the Bible is now ready to be revealed.

These are not normal times, dear children; open your eyes to the Light of My Heart and raise your supplications to My Being, because My Heart feels all things and knows all things.

If today I do not show Myself to you all, it is because I am responding to God. I am inviting you to love the mysteries which are beginning to be experienced through the faith and devotion to My Immaculate Heart.

Thus, in this time, dear children, the primary proposal is peace, conversion and prayer.

Once again, I tell you to dare to live by these principles and not allow yourselves to be overcome by the conflicts within you. Elevate everything through prayer, for in this way, My Immaculate Heart will guide you.

In this very definitive time, in you, dear children, is the key for opening the door for Me, and in this way, I will be able to take you toward My Son, Who needs you and silently awaits you.

As Queen of Peace, today I also tell you that you are being very blessed throughout this time, and you, My dear children, must respond for all you are receiving.

The first response is peace in the heart.

The second response is love for your brothers and sisters.

I do not want to see any dissociation in your hearts, because My Light, the Light of the Most High, is coming to meet you.

Could it be that My little ones have perceived this?

Where is your thought? Is it united to the feeling of the heart?

You must find the peace I am promising you through your sincere unity with Me.

As Mother, as Queen of Peace, as the Mother of Nazareth, as I did with Jesus, I want to carry you in My Arms so you may be within the eternity of the Lord and know He is Mercy.

For this reason, today also, dear children, I invite you to be peacemakers of My Mission, here on Earth. Your hearts must be mirrors of light in the world, codes of love and of peace that transform wounded hearts.

It is necessary, My children, to have servers and followers given to My Immaculate Heart, so that My Peace can be disseminated through harmony and unity. In this way, fellowship will emerge from you, because the Heart of My Son will be in you, and your souls will be in My Son, in a perfect union of love and great wonders in this time.

It is necessary, dear children, to have legions of love; souls given to My Heart that can labor with Me to achieve peace.

My only request in this end of time is that you cause My Immaculate Heart to triumph, because through My Heart, the Rays of My Son will be present as a source of Peace for the world and much Mercy; above all, dear children, for those that need it, those who have fallen before God.

God listens to the song of your heart, which is born of the soul, and which allows you to maintain a unity with the Source of Love. To this practice, dear children, you must return so as to be within My Peace, very important for your hearts.

My Soul was glorified by the Lord when the Spirit of God entered into My Heart.

Thus, I invite you, My children, to elevate the greatest plea of the heart through praise of the Most High, so the Heavens, through My Heart, are able to expand upon the world and many souls are able to be touched by My Light, above all those who for a long time have waited for forgiveness.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let the bell ring, says Our Lady, to praise God.

Song: "Magnificat".


My soul blesses the Lord and all My children who unite with My Heart.

At this moment, through the Holy Spirit, the true sign of Light for all My children, I will bless you and will bless this archetype of My Immaculate Heart. In this moment, dear children, and in the name of humanity and the Power of the Love of My Son, I will also bless each of your orandiums; thus, I ask that you lift them up to Me.

May the Eternal Grace of the Father, the Merciful Power of Christ, and the Love and Wisdom of the Holy Spirit bless My little children and these small instruments of peace, so that through the simplicity and humility of your hearts, all may be united with the One God, to the Power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit of all centuries and eternity, with the mission that, on this plane, the Divine Plan of God be concretized, and conversion as well as salvation awaken in each of My children.

As Lady of Graces and Mother of all the children of the world, I also give you My maternal blessing, the power of My Love, the strength of My Spirit, the humility of My Heart, that they may be active principles in your hearts.

May the Mercy of God, His Compassion, His Love and His Forgiveness, disseminated throughout the universe, reach the light of your hearts and may all My children be united with God for all eternity. Amen.

I thank you for answering My call on this thirteenth day.

May the memory of My Presence on this day remain in your hearts forever.

I thank you!


Mother Shimani de Montserrat:

We will give a brief account, because the Words of Our Mother have already been more than enough for everybody.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We're now going to speak about some things that were occurring during the preparation of the prayer and which speak about a request that our Mother made to all of us; a request very important for the end of this time, which She called Jesus' Repairing Communion.

While we were preparing, She showed us some scenes we are going to share; scenes that gradually occurred before the Altar of our Mother, as if they were scenes on the physical plane and gradually developed as we prayed.

At one moment, a Man with a white robe to His Feet appeared. He was bent over as if carrying something on His Shoulders. And what He carried on His Shoulders and Back showed itself to be the planet. That Man wore a Crown of Thorns on His Head. Many threads of Light which came out from underneath the planet were supporting Him.

These threads of Light were supported by many angels, and that scene showed that the planet was being sustained by that Light. Even so, that Man continued to carry the planet on His Back with a great deal of effort. At one moment, the image came closer and showed us Jesus, Who was working together with the angels for the planet. Jesus was crying blood.

The image then vanished and another appeared, the very luminous image of Our Lady that was very bright, very alive.

Afterwards, Jesus was seated on a hill and Our Lady approached Him as Mother. On several places on His Face, Jesus had drops of Blood. At that moment, He no longer had the Crown of Thorns. He was in a state of total silence, of contemplation, and also radiated pain, and showed His Heart, which was surrounded by small thorns, that little by little, went deeper into His Heart, and this generated pain in the Master.

When Our Lady drew close, She made a very special movement. From within Her Mantle, She began to take out many rose petals; and at that moment, She observed us, saying: "These are the prayers of My children".

She offered them to Jesus and began to take each of those petals, which were petals of light, and placed it on each drop of Blood, and each petal dried the Blood on Jesus.

Then, this image also vanished until just before the Apparition.

Afterwards, the Master, Whom we know as the Merciful Jesus, came forward strongly, into this house and no longer had thorns nor Blood on His Face.

He placed Himself above the image that is here, in front of us, and behind Him there was a lot of light blue light and choirs of angels who accompanied Him. There were seven choirs, seven armies that accompanied the Mercy of Christ.

At that moment, He emanated, as we already know, the Rays of His Mercy over us. He had His Arms and Hands open in the sign of the cross and radiated Light from the palms of His Hands toward this room. At that moment, He said to us: "Now I will tell you what is taking place in this time".

The Rays began to ever more strongly shine, radiating from His Heart. And under His Feet, He showed us a scene: the red Ray, pouring out as if it were a river of Blood and the blue Ray also created a light blue river of Light.

At that moment, at the Feet of the Christ, two different images appeared. One was many souls that were close to the margins of that river of Blood, souls that were suffering and in a lot of pain, and who also radiated a lot of incomprehension. On the left appeared another image with a group of souls approaching that light blue river of Light. Those souls were more luminous, lighter, clearer.

At that moment, the Master said to us: "The red Ray is the one that purifies souls. All those souls are being very condemned". Then He continued, saying that even those still in this life, are souls who are being lost and needed many prayers. Then He said to us: "Many souls are in different parts of this world, and I Am pouring out this red Ray over them, My Blood, to be able to save them".

At that moment, the Master spoke about the souls which were in the light blue river. "These souls are all of you, a part of humanity that is being purified by My Water, but that is walking in the Lord".

After, the Master said to us: "Do you see these two realities?, the condemnation and the salvation. Will you help to alleviate My Heart which is being scourged?"

At that moment, He showed us how the thorns were detaching from the Heart of Jesus; and then this image disappeared.

When Our Lady came, as Queen of Peace, She spoke a lot about the reparation of the Heart of Her Son. And then, She made a request which we have already told you about at the beginning: the Repairing Communion.

Afterwards, Our Lady said: "In this time, I need the Heart of My Son to be alleviated so the Source of His Mercy can continue to be poured out and your prayers allow Justice to be light in the hearts of all the world. You can stop this through prayer. For this reason, I ask that you carry out a Repairing Communion every Friday for some time". But She did not tell us how long a time; however, we knew that it would be a long time. She also told us that it was very necessary to do that Communion practice.

After, we asked Her how this Repairing Communion would unfold.

"My main request is that all commune to repair the Heart of Jesus. I not only need you to be in good attunement, but also in true prayer". She told us this would help and that the Communion would be done openly for everybody.

Then we asked Her how this Communion would happen.

She answered: "First, you must have the intercession of a priest who will offer you that Communion. You can also do the Communion in the Communities, in a very simple way, offering it to My Son, for in this way, you will also be repairing the Heart of Jesus".

That was the first part. Afterwards, in the second part, She transmitted Her Message to us.

After everything She said to us, at the beginning of the Apparition, She also told us that She received permission for being over Her children. So we turned around to see Her and She began to transmit the Message. While She transmitted the Message, She also was imprinting Her Light in all of us.

When we recited the prayer for the Marian Centers, each Marian Center was touched by Our Lady, and then we were able to see the powerful effect the prayer was having, because She was concentrating each Marian Center in Her Heart.

In this way, finally the moment came when She made the blessing and brought God in Her Presence, Who She also poured out as energy over us.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now we will finalize our transmission over the internet, singing "Revelations of Aurora".

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
