Listen to the voice of My Heart, so that all may be transformed, just as the Father has thought it so.

Hear My words as a balm for the soul and healing for the consciousness.

In each pronounced word, the sacred word of love is expressed, that which from the origin has created everything throughout this Universe and in others.

Hear the voice of My Heart as the spiritual nectar that gladdens the heart and heals wounds.

Openly listen to the voice of instruction so that each step taken may be based on the living of love and peace.

Listen to the voice of My Heart for those who do not listen, and for those who do not feel it. Listen for those who, due to being unconscious and lacking truth, lose the Grace of recognizing within themselves a higher and unknown love.

Listen to My words, one by one, as if they were the last, the words that leave seeds of love sown in the consciousness, codes that will forge a new being and a new soul, washed by the Spirit of sanctity of the Mother of God.

Listen to the voice of My Heart attentively for those that do not pay attention to all that I say, so that all consciousnesses may be worthy of greater knowledge beyond their limitations.

The voice of My Heart makes you grow in love and in brotherhood, in the absolute void of self and in sacred patience, with the purpose of awakening the Christs of the New Time.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


At the Marian Centers of the world consecrated by Your Heavenly Mother, by Christ and by Saint Joseph, are spiritually kept precious pearls of Light that, lit in the essences of souls, awaken conversion.

Those are the treasures of Heaven that My Divine Soul comes to pour each time that I am present among My dear children; it is in this way that My Maternal Spirit establishes at each Marian Center one Gift of God that allows to awaken the redemption of the hearts and of all consciousness that pass by them in prayer.

The Sacred Family made use of these treasures of which I speak in order to carry out the redeeming work of humanity. It is in this way that the spiritual relics are to be found deposited, for example, at this Sacred Marian Center where the Celestial Hierarchy still develops a planetary task in union with all the consciousness that are here to sustain the vortex of light that is opened over each Marian Center.

In these final times when humanity will define its next destiny, I ask you, dear children, that you never get tired of being guardians of all the treasures and all the Graces that the Celestial Messengers have poured with much love. 

In this time when redemption and the planetary healing are essential, may your hearts always renew and be guardians of the divine legacy that will have its fruits and its victory in the next humanity.

As once I told you, dear children, you are guardians and successors of a divine knowledge that is kept at all the Marian Centers.

In prayer, work every day so that this knowledge and these divine codes expand more and more in the world and in the consciousness that need it the most.

May the living remembrance of the treasures of the instruction always motivate you to take your steps toward My Son and for the fulfillment of the sacred Plan of Love.

May the flame of your hearts never be extinguished and may it always be united to the flame of Your Heavenly Mother, thus We will reconstruct this humanity.

I thank you for responding My call! 

Who impels you to move forward,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While I place My hands on you to intercede for the world before My Beloved Son, I ask you feel encouraged to love everything you live, without caring if you do not know how to do it.

Fervently love everything the Universe presents to you and I assure you that you will be happy.

You were born in this cycle to live the end of times and to learn from it, because in order for a new humanity to arise, everything must live its transition.

You, dear children of the planet, are this transition that you are already living within and outside of yourselves; you are this sacred experience in which the whole Universe is learning how to love, just as you are invited every day to love a little more.

I ask you that, with courage, humility, and service, you live as challenges these times that are unknown; if in this time when everything define itself you are awakened, you will be favored by a teaching that humanity has never lived.

With your hearts expanded in light, accompany these times without fearing what you will live or what you will learn about yourselves.

I leave you the opportunity, dear children, of taking your steps in consciousness and of learning how to give of yourselves above all else, because in the whole of this story is Christ, who commands you from His sincere and silent Heart.

I thank you for responding to these times!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day, in which from Aurora, you live the renewal and the beginning of a new cycle, I would like to invite you to accompany this new path which many of you were encouraged to walk, the path of the awakening of consciousness and the act of living the Plan of God.

After so many years of instruction, in this meeting, here in Aurora, My maternal eyes, for the first time, observe the steps which some consciousnesses are being  encouraged to take for the sake of this humanity and the evolution of this planet.

My eyes see the New Christs emerge from their inner beings, which will not be known, but will be contemplated by the Creation which has guided them since the beginning.

Today, I retreat from Aurora and from this house to rise to Heaven and announce to My Son that part of this inner project is now fulfilled.

I will continue praying, just as in all times, so that My children, determined to love the Plan of God, may have the inner strength of all the angels and archangels of Heaven.

In this time of inner definition and battle, may My beloved children count on the intercession of all the angels of the universe, who will come out of love to help you, whenever you need it.

Seeing the concretion and realization of this Work of Redemption within the hearts is an infinite joy; because from now on the Celestial Father observes from His Kingdom that His smallest and most imperfect creatures open their hearts to finally experience His Divine Purpose, His Holy Will.

Thus you will learn, dear children, to be that to which you so aspire, to be servers of My Son, to be faithful witnesses that it is possible to feel and experience the Love of God and of the whole universe.

The Grace of God has filled you in these days, as spiritual healings have occurred in the consciousnesses in need.

Today, a new spiritual brotherhood is formed among the spirits gathered by Christ for this important mission of being suns that illuminate the end of times, being stars that reveal to the world the message of peace and redemption.

Today, your Mother accompanies you from the sacred Heaven of Aurora and announces that the doors towards Peace remain open here so that, when you return to this House of God, you may re-encounter the essence that has saved you and has formed you as soldiers of the Plan.

Now, go with joy and take the same experience of love and brotherhood which you experienced here, from the first days of August. Transmit the essence of Love and Truth to the vast majority of My children who are asleep in this world.

Do not tire of being My arms and hands on this planet, so that I can work through your small hearts. Do not tire of being My feet, so that I continue sowing Light in this humanity in need. 

Lastly, My beloved children, I leave you My gratitude for opening your consciousnesses to the transformation and transfiguration of your lives, because in this pace you can keep the flame of your hearts ignited so that you may be in the plenitude of God all the time.

I have filled your consciousnesses with new Graces, just as My Son has asked of Me. I have left within your essences a greater commitment, which will impel you to experience something divine in your lives.

I poured over Aurora the last part of the Purpose that God asked Me to deposit in this place, and now, all those who are present are participants of this living part of the Plan which little by little begins to materialize.

It will remain as a mission, in this spiritual work, the prompt manifestation of the Auditorium of Mercy which, for the reality of these times, will be the same as the one found here. This auditorium will remind everyone that it will be the house of the Sacred Family.

I hope to see the walls of it raised this year. The foundations of this simple auditorium will be founded by Me and I hope you will accompany Me.

From this Heaven of Aurora, I allow the light of your hearts to shine so that the Father can see that humanity is not lost.

I leave you all My Peace and My Love of a Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Queen of prophets

Through the ages, My Son has sent Me to the world to warn it and correct it about the imminent danger.

Thus, through the ages and as at this moment, My Maternal Consciousness has chosen the new prophets amongst all souls, who determinedly have announced the words and the message of the Heavenly Mother.

At all the moments when humanity was in gravest danger, the Queen of prophets awakened consciousnesses so they would render this greater service, which comes directly from the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spirit that fosters all celestial revelations for this Universe.

Thus, the Queen of prophets appeared in different moments of the history of humanity to awaken the lineage of the prophets in simple and selfless consciousnesses, which means a service of surrender to the rule of higher Laws that guide the consciousness that is summoned to this end.

The Queen of prophets has the mission of demonstrating, through the prophets, that Her message is universal, divine, and timeless; that it is able to serve all souls in their instruction, transformation, and change.

 The message of the Queen of prophets in all ages always tries to guide, warn, correct, and raise awareness in all of humanity, in a nation, or in an individual.

 The prophets have the task of subordinating themselves to spiritual principles that are not under their control, and cannot be manipulated by any consciousness. The gift of the prophet is based on their spirit of humility, on inner work with detachment, and mainly, in each day loving more the mission that the Queen of prophets has chose them for to accomplish with this humanity.

For the Divine Universe, there are temporal prophets and timeless prophets. It is something that leads directly to the Holy Will of the Spiritual Universe through the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

 The temporal prophet is awakened for this mission by Deity itself; that is to say, by the Eternal Father through the Firstborn Son and the Mother of God, who have the highest authority to offer consciousness to a soul on this great and selfless service.

Therefore, the temporal prophet can serve as an instrument for a time in order that a specific purpose be accomplished, a specific spiritual end, which is guided by the Mother of the World. When this purpose is achieved on the surface of the planet, the temporal prophet or messenger of the Heavenly Hierarchy stops receiving the instructions or messages from Heaven in a natural way.

 The timeless prophet is that consciousness which came originally to fulfill a divine purpose throughout their life; it is something that cannot be under human manipulation or control, because it is the very Spirit of the Feminine Consciousness that guides this kind of spiritual mission.

Timeless prophets do not consciously know the moment when their task of service will end; only the Universal Father knows the moment, which is when His Will determines it.

 The prophets of the Queen of Heaven do not arise or awaken - either individually or collectively - for this mission, because it is the very need of assistance in humanity that causes the Celestial Hierarchy to choose and call any consciousness for this purpose.

The seed of humility and of acceptance of the Purpose are the primary foundations for the development of prophets, because their task in this field is not of their ownership, nor beneficial to them. The lineage of the prophets is focused on the fulfillment of Divine Will, which presents itself at each new stage.

The Queen of prophets is the ruler of these consciousnesses; Her impulses make the prophets of all ages receive the impulse to selflessly give of themselves more each day, and to learn obedience.

The prophets of the Queen of Heaven have the most difficult task amongst all the known lineages, such as those of the Governors, the Caretakers, the Guardians, and the Mirrors, because they must present the Divine Word to the world, which is to say, the message that the prophets receive will always mobilize and reverse the state of all situations.

For this reason, the instruction received by prophets at different times led the consciousness of humanity to make a change in its attitude before it was too late.

The message received by different prophets contacted by the Most Holy Mother at different periods has always shifted the position of the Church and all the consciousnesses that in many cases during Marian apparitions, considered the message to be false.

Humanity does not value the message that is sent through prophets, nor the gift of fraternal service that has been developed by other holy consciousnesses.

The human consciousness has always been in need of divine intercession and of mediators such as the prophets, to be able to correct planetary life. The message that the prophets of the Queen of Heaven receive causes these consciousnesses to shift their position, to transform, because the same divine message that emanates from the Celestial Hierarchy has a voltage and an impulse of spiritual energy that dismantles any structure, modifies and ennobles it when the consciousness is sincerely open.

The prophets of the end times have the task of bringing the world closer to the powerful currents that, through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, will come to modify the present direction of the consciousness of humanity.

For this reason, both in the prophets and in the other lineages, the consciousnesses that are most awake to selfless service to the plan and for humanity will be living receptacles of all the spiritual impulses that will reach the planet to transform it.

The Mother and Queen of prophets carries out Her co-redemptive work in these times through different prophets in the world, who faithfully show the fruits of the transformation of their lives and of their paths as a service to humanity, in an act of absolute renunciation and of adherence to higher Laws which help the human being of the surface.

The Queen of prophets is the spiritual administrator of the redemption of the world, and She announces Her message through instruments, to remind the world that the human consciousness can and must fulfill the Greater Will in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Open the eyes of the heart today and also the ears to see and hear the call for peace. This call supposes an effort from everyone to materialize the plans of peace of Your Heavenly Mother. To fulfill this important call will demand from you not only time, but sufficient love to face the battles.

For the devotees of Aurora there will be no lack of motivation because the own ray of the Sacred Center will shape the consciousnesses as the first soldiers at service of the Plan and of its evolution.

To be a warrior at this time means to fight only with the forces that come from love and freedom, to be able to perform the task.

Aurora establishes its commands of prayer through the sacred instruction and the confluence of impulses that lead to fulfill this purpose of peace. Therefore, the self-summoned to Aurora must appear and present themselves to receive the due instructions; in this way their hearts and minds will be prepared to respond to the call of the Universe.

So it is, dear children, that the Light of Aurora reflects its rays upon the consciousnesses that open themselves in humility and service to receive them, and they mirror them as support for aid and redemption of the hearts. The Light of Aurora expresses itself as a flame of prayer for those who invoke it with their soul and without interest. This Light of Aurora will guide you and place you on a secure path to respond to the call for peace.

It is therefore that all the soldiers, awakened or asleep, start to hear the warm vibration of the call, because the time has come for all the disciples to line up for the missions they must fulfill. In this way, the planet and humanity will be protected and helped before the great moment of their purification.

I thank all the praying soldiers who respond to My call!

Who awakens you to the celestial commands,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the city of Rivera to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am that universal Light of Aurora that illuminates the wounded spaces of the consciousness, bringing healing and a cure to the whole being.

I am that Ray of Aurora that purifies the corrupted particles of humanity and transforms them into codes of redemption.

I am that Spring of healing of Aurora that renews everything it touches and radiates principles of redemption.

I am that green Flame of Aurora that in devotion, elevates those who cry out for liberation.

I am that precious and green Crystal of Aurora that scatters victorious lights upon the souls that confirm their union with that state of redemption.

I am the green Star of Aurora that summons the soldiers to the path of a profound awakening.

I am that brilliant Light of the Kingdom of Aurora that calls disciples to inner instruction; in this way, I form the redeemed legions of Christ in this end time.

I am that green Fire of Aurora that like a torch, illuminates the path of the followers of the Plan.

I am that invisible Mirror of Aurora that attracts the principles of brotherhood and unity.

You, children, can be Aurora each time you unite with it and affirm your union with the Hierarchy.

May the New Aurora awaken in the life of each being. May the suns, which still do not shine, recognize the great convocation of the Plan.

Aurora calls you to form the first ranks of the armies of the Plan. Aurora invokes its Sacred Center so that the self-summoned awaken to the Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the healing Light of Aurora,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Sacred Tree

I am the Mother and Lady provider of all Graces.

I am the sacred Tree of the Universe, I am who bears fruit, and from the fruit are born all the seeds which are sown and germinated in all My children.

I am the sacred Tree of Figueira(1), I am the trunk that supports and transmutes My children.

I am the treetop that blossoms from era to era, reflecting the great beauty of God.

I am the great root that sustains all life and gives regenerative strength to all spirits.

I am the great Figueira; you are My favorite fruits that I cause to ripen with the rays of the solar Heart of My Son so that you may give the new seeds that will be sown in the new humanity.

I am the sacred Figueira Tree; you are also part of My leaves, expressing life, healing and renewal.

Oh sacred seeds of My beloved Figueira! may new fruits sprout in other fields that will be offered to the Celestial Father.

You are also My branches, and I am the great sacred Tree that unifies you and makes you participants in the perfect union with the Creator.

You are part of My entire sacred Tree, you are the result of the continuous work of the sacred Tree. Be the branches, be the leaves, be the fruit and seeds of My beloved Figueira; express the love of knowledge and practice it, the hour has come, the time is now.

The sacred Tree of Figueira has already planted its foundations of instruction in all hearts, it is time to experience it, to adore it, and to love it.

Oh sacred seeds of redemption!, sprout in those fields where there is loneliness in the consciousnesses; sprout in service and in charity, as do all the Kingdoms of Nature. Be the seeds that bear My Light and My Mercy, be the living mirrors of the divine message.

I am the sacred Figueira, let no one forget. I am the sacred Tree of renewal and peace. I wish, beloved children, for you to someday stop being seeds and to become trees grown in love and in sacred knowledge.

Revere all the fruits that My sacred Figueira has given you, it is the cradle of the new fruits, it is the seed nursery of the new humanity.

Oh, little figueiras! (fig trees) May your growth be as elevated as prayer, may your fruit be as beautiful as the flowers of My immaculate garden.

In the coming time, you will see all the little figueiras (fig trees) in the sacred forest live by the Light of God and are as expressive as eternal devotion.

Embrace My sacred Tree of Figueira with love so that in this internal union your feet may walk barefoot and liberated from everything toward the eternal garden of the Heart of God.

Children, allow to sprout within you that which is the purest and holiest, that God has poured out through love.

Let us be united in spirit as one, around the beloved Figueira of light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who congregates you in prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


(1) Figueira in Portuguese means fig tree, and is the name of the Marian Center where this Message
         of Mary was transmitted.


The School of humility of the Virgin Mary: The humility to be able to listen

Dear children,

In My school of humility it is essential to be able and learn how to listen to spiritual instruction. For this, the spirit of humility must permeate your consciousnesses so that you learn how to listen to everything which is needful to be heard. If your hearts listen, you will be humble, and in this time you will be able to understand what will allow the transformation to happen.

To find the spirit of humility and of surrender, first you must banish everything that your consciousnesses listen to in themselves. If you do not do this internally, you will never be able to generate the space needed in the consciousness for humility to act and have you be part of the inner transformation.

Dear children, consecration to God is not enough; the Father needs for you to learn to detach from your own forms and modalities, which have made of humanity a civilization without true instruction. For this reason, through the school of humility, you must gradually detach from every inner thought or feeling which opposes the higher action of humility. To achieve this detachment, you must recognize and accept the lack of humility existing in you, thus opening the heart so that it may govern above every mental or intellectual form.

Humility as essence is a powerful tool which allows doors to be opened to the healing of the heart and the deepest wounds, wounds which in most souls are caused by a state of incomprehension, and above all, by a lack of peace.

Every adversity or disappointment generated by the personal consciousness is the reflection of not feeling loved as one believes one should be, and of a lack of closeness to the higher principle of humility.

The school of humility allows the consciousness to recognize itself as it is and to see its difficulties as a possibility for exchanging them for attributes it has never experienced. The lack of humility generates a void in the inner world of beings, which cannot be filled by anything, not even by love. This happens because of permanence or the resistance to some true changes.

The lack of humility generates states of frustration or lack of concretization of goals in the material life in the consciousness. Therefore, for higher humility to draw closer, the consciousness must humble itself, and that is what arrogance and pride do not want to do from the moment in which they must be deposed from their power.

The invocation of humility presupposes facing some aspects of life that must die. When this search is honest, the Grace of God intervenes to dissolve the permanent difficulties. In humility there exists a door that leads straight to peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the essence of humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace


It is My Most Pure Heart that liberates from all evils through love. 

It is My Heart that liberates the souls from their eternal damnation.

It is My Heart of Light that opens the doors to redemption.

Children, I am in your lives everything that you allow; thus, unite yourselves to Me and I will fill you with a powerful spiritual strength that is capable of guiding you through the path of simplicity. 

Open your hearts, for in this way you will know how to recognize the Will of God in everything. 

Children, My Words are already telling you many things, take them as your own and transform them into life and instruction for your hearts, in this way you will be able to grow in plenitude and in spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who instructs you with Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I am the Mother of all peoples, all races, all languages, all beings.  All the Creation of God comes from My sacred maternal womb.  In Me all creatures are gestated; through Me are born and reborn the beings, the worlds, the universes.  In My Heart I shelter and guard much more than all souls; in My Immaculate Heart I receive and welcome all creatures of all the kingdoms of this blessed and sacred universe.

My beloveds, you might ask why so many times I present Myself to you and in My words I say who I am.  I speak about these things because God asked Me for humanity to recognize, in the end of times, the Feminine Creative Source, the Maternal Heart of God, which takes care of all that He created.

So many times I said “I am”, because humanity does not know Me and for not truly knowing Me, it does not seek Me and it does not look for My help before all the difficulties of life.

My dear ones, I present Myself to you as the Mother of Christ Jesus, because so it is.  My Son is Omnipresent and He is in everything.  His Most Sacred Consciousness reigns today in all creation and, thus, as I am His Mother, I am the Mother of everything that exists.

I ask you to receive My words in your hearts, because only there you will be able comprehend what I say to you.  The one who may not open the heart will never be able to discover the celestial mysteries and the one who does not enter into these mysteries will never be able to find the true Universal Source, that is the Consciousness of God the Father.

My words seek to lead you to the truth, but humanity is very separated from the superior reality and few are willing to deepen into something that they do not comprehend and that they do not accept, for being so far from what they live in this world.

My beloveds, My presence invites you to the complete transformation of life and of heart.  Many are the ones who do not accept Me because they are afraid of getting lost in the depth of My words and, today I say to you, that the one who deepens before the presence of the Divine Messengers and tirelessly seeks to comprehend, feel and live Our words, will not recognize themselves in a short time and they might not find themselves as they are today, because they will stop living and being a illusion, to express what they are, in essence and truth.

My beloveds, I say to you all of this, because throughout the whole history of humanity God sent Me to the Earth to lead humanity, but now, the celestial belfries are sounding and announcing that the time to live in illusion and ignorance is ending and I, as the Mother of all souls and of all beings that I am, have decided to launch Myself into the abysses of the planet and deliver the Gold of Truth to the ones that have always found themselves in the darkness of ignorance.

And even knowing that many may forever close the doors of their heart to Me, for not believing what I am saying or for not wanting to live the transformation to which I call them, I will never give up, because I also know that many will give Me their life and will make of this surrender, the reason of the conversion and the awakening of many other souls.

I want tell you on this day, My dear ones, that I will spare no effort to remove you from the sleep in which you live, that I will do everything to see you awake, knowledgeable of the Truth and of the living manifestation of the Will of God.

May today My words reach the depth of your hearts and impel you to take a definitive step.  The souls wait for the definition of your hearts to find a tangible example to follow.

I love you and I wait for you attentive, vigilant and tireless in this long journey.

Peace for humanity.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

My children:

Negligence has led the whole of humanity to have actions and attitudes contrary to the Plan of the Creator, because behind every inner state, known or unknown to you, lies a motive that is not in accordance with the purpose of the Greater Plan.

That is why, children, your Heavenly Mother, Mother of the Justice of God, comes to the world to banish these states that lead to the path of error and stagnation of the spirit in each being.

Be attentive to everything, be open to listen to the unrecognizable and simple to receive the instruction of Heaven and Earth; you, My children, will be able to perceive the different degrees of the human condition and its decadence throughout the ages.

But in order for that pattern of behavior, which was conceived as something normal, to change, constancy and diligence in discovering oneself will be the keys that will open the door to be able to liberate all human conditions.

To be part of the new sacred family of humanity, even if these inner and hidden states act and manifest themselves, without the possibility of keeping them neutral; prayer, instruction and perseverance over yourselves will help you to find the path to empty the self, despite the great desert you face in these times.

The hour of your purification will mark the moment of being able to cleanse and heal all these things that like negligence, until today, lead humanity on the uncertain path of an illusion "renewing and desired by many."

The mantle of humility will protect you from everything and know, My children, that at the moment of perceiving everything, I will be in Heaven encouraging you to liberate yourselves and to rest in the arms of My sacred withdrawal.

When you begin the path of your purification, it will be the time to be able to redeem all the deeds and all the actions that are no longer part of a sanctified life in the Lord.

Your immediate union and your love for your neighbor, in spite of your differences, will make you free and joyful to receive the Grace of the Kingdom of God. But while your search for all that is wrong remains visible before the inner eyes of the brave, do not be discouraged children, this school you live in promises insertion into the spiritual path of the heart, into the christic path of My beloved Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who instructs you, in consciousness and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

I come from Heaven as a Star of Confraternity, of Light and of Prayer.  Today I come to the world in order that through an act of repentance and of forgiveness it may be a repository of the Kingdom of My Peace.

I have come holding between My sacred hands the knots that are tying your lives.   Only through your faith and determination to achieve sanctity in this planetary life will I be able to help you to untie the knots that drown you and that do not allow you to breathe My celestial air. 

By means of My Maternal Grace and by the divine authority that My Son has given Me, I come to untie the knot in order thus to liberate humanity.  For it to be possible, your prayers and sincere offers to My Immaculate Heart will allow the doors to the redemption of the hearts to be open.

Again and again I have descended in Glory upon this blessed hill, that which has been converted into the point of light for this region.

But I need you, I need your hearts to be bright stars of love and of peace for the world.  In this way you will be able to dissolve the knots that are held in your little and simple consciousnesses.

Only by means of the power of the Holy Rosary will you manage to live the path of purification and of sanctity.  Your souls must convert themselves into living mirrors of the Will of God.  In this way, by means of My intercession your steps and footprints will be more luminous, they will be the footprints of the apostles of My Son. 

Today I untie especially the great knot of incomprehension and of bad feeling.  The knot that the enemy has patiently dedicated itself to create in the minds of those who do not dedicate time to the prayer of the heart. 

Now, as mature souls by means of My sacred instruction, the moment has come to you, after seven years of Graces, for you to meditate about the steps that you have taken with Me.

Beyond all that this world goes through and suffers, I bring you the Grace of being able to recognize My Maternal Love, the Love of God, the Love of Mother and the Understanding of all the problems and spiritual conflicts that many of my children live today.

For this, beloved children, see in your horizons the Saving Light that comes to aid you and that passes through here for the last time.  See the splendor of the Divine Love that wants to liberate and purify you so that you may be true humble servers of Christ.

To whoever supplicates to Me with heart and with soul, with faith and with spirit, I promise to help to untie the knots by means of the following charismatic prayer:

Charismatic Prayer to Our Lady Untier of Knots

Lady of Celestial Power,
untie from our consciousness
all the knots that oppress us
and close our paths.

Lady Untier of Knots!
Cut and liberate the ties of our lives,
may Your Light of Divine Wisdom
banish and dissipate the abysses of this world.
May Your celestial mantle of protection and shelter
guard us eternally
under the power of Your Love and of Your Guidance.

Sacred Mother who unties all knots,
may our lives, together with Your Angels and Archangels,
be untied by the imposition of
Your sacred hands.

Pray for us
 for all days that will come
so that, united to Your Maternal Consciousness
we may see, coming in Glory, the day of our redemption,
the day of the Return of Christ,
Our Savior.


       I thank you for answering to My call!

Peace and Blessing.

Mary, the Lady Untier of Knots

Monthly Messages
Message for the annual Apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

I am the Aurora that shines in the life of all beings. Those who search for Me will never perish, will never have their heart involved by darkness, because they will always open the doors for My Light to enter.

I am Fire, that comes from the Divine Fire, that restores and transforms the beings. Those who followed My steps can give testimony of the Power of My Heart. In the world there is not one who has repented after having opened their arms and their heart to My transforming Power.

I am the victory of the fallen hearts and the path of those who are lost. I am the treasure of those who are poor and the healing of the sick. I am the Mother of all the beings and in the world there is not one who cannot reach Me.

My children, resound My Words in the hearts of all beings! May those who do not feel me and do not find Me open definitely the doors of their heart.

The Divine Law allowed me to reach the world and to convert the beings, establishing peace and instituting the Divine Purpose in this planet.

After seven years of instructions, I want you to deepen your contact with Me and that you walk with more determination to My Heart. I want you to contemplate with attention My Words, delivered throughout these years, and see with joy that they have become life in each of your beings.

Go and be living witnesses of My Presence in the world. May, when they see your redeemed faces, the beings of this Earth lose the fear of following the steps dictated by God.

My beloved ones, the world still profoundly fears entering into this path, because darkness gained the heart of many beings and tied them to the pleasures and illusions that it could offer. Do not fear cutting these ties with the past. Do not fear forgiving the mistakes and erasing from your lives all the mistaken actions that you made by ignorance.

My children, the lack of forgiveness of all the past is tying the heart of My servers so that they cannot enter into a new archetype of life.

Know that the Water of Life has already been shed upon the beings. The merciful Blood of My Son enters day by day into your cells, His Glorified Body merges with your bodies in redemption through the Sacred Communion. Therefore, erase from your memories what has gone by and allow yourselves to be reborn to a new time of humanity.

Do not remember the past, afflicting your hearts for all the mistakes committed, but, yes, elevate your consciousnesses to a new experience to which the Sacred Hearts will lead you and through which you will be able to find a new future.

The time of the Return of My Son is already coming, and, with Him, the opportunity to return to the Origin and to take with you the Christic and universal Love.

My children, today I decree before God, by the Authority He has given Me, that a new life must be lived by the beings of this world and, by the Majesty of My Son, I erase the past of the creatures who cry out for redemption and I tell them to place, now and forever, their hearts and their fixed eyes on the purpose to be reached.

It is time to awaken the New Christs in the universe, it is time to live redemption definitely. I open the doors for you.

Which of you will enter?

I await for you to be able to respond to this new call.

I love you always and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monthly Messages

I want that from an old tree, new branches may sprout.

I want that the old souls may peregrinate with Me through new paths.

I want to cause to be born inside the heart a new heart.  May the old heart not lose its wisdom, but that it may demonstrate having to be born in itself this new heart, that beats in the rhythm of the Greater Will and that accompanies attentively the movements of the Universe.

I want to strengthen those whom I have chosen to be the columns of My temple and that for so long have been prepared to live that which happens today in the world.

I want to be the light on the path of My children, so that they may recognize in the treading of My steps, the teaching of other times.

I wanted to come to the encounter of those who did not fear, even while thinking that they were afraid, and that followed Me, even believing that they did not know how to find Me.

Now, children of Mine, it has come the time to see following upon My steps, and to perceive that on this path through which I have guided you are found all the teachings that with other faces I have to you.

If you are capable of following Me with confidence, feeling your way in the dark, now allow My light to switch on the inside of your beings and show you the way to live what you learned yesterday, but with the heart of today.

My children, I invite you to service, because you will be able to see and feel in this simple action, what the Divine Messengers have constructed in your beings.  When you return to serving, be attentive to what exists in your hearts and that before did not exist and discover that blessed is the heart that thinks it has not been transformed, because it will always cultivate simplicity, humility and what is most important, it will never stop walking, because it knows that it has not come to its goal.

My beloveds, I agree to come to encounter you, to contemplate each precious pearl that has arisen in your hearts and to find you here, at My side, even after so much incomprehension.

I want to answer the question of a daughter of Mine that thinks she does not live what has been taught to you for so long.  And today I say to you that you have lived it, when you overcame your expectations about the instruction that you were receiving, when you overcame yourselves, in all that you could feel in your hearts and crossing this threshold that many are still crossing, you found Me in your lives.

My beloveds, I am the same in Heaven as on Earth, in the Kingdom of My Peace, as in the Infinite, in the Universe.  My words penetrate and transform those who say yes to Me, even without knowing why they do.

Today I come to your lives to renew your commitments with Me, to say to you that I am by the side of each one of you, in the same way that you were by My side and that forever I will accompany you, in this life and in the other, because you have generated the merits to be closer to My Heart.

In humility embrace My call and continue to trust in this path.  Soon more comfort will come to your lives when by yourselves you discover that the theories have become life in your beings, and that the teachings beat in your hearts and are reflected in your actions and feelings, because you are being able to trust in God, more than in your own selves.

I embrace you with love and I bring all to My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Monthly Messages

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón,


When we were in the last Hail Mary prayers, a dove of light that descended from the universe towards the house appeared inside the room.

It was called to our attention that the dove had acted in an intelligent way, while it descended, it performed some movements. For example, in the moment that it approached the house, a door of light was opened above the place where we were. 

The dove  flapped its wings with great strength and determination, it kept flapping the wings for a long time, white rays emanated from its wings and it expanded all over the place. It seemed that the house was being purified and another new energy was entering as if it were a new cycle. 

We saw and felt that this dove represented the Holy Spirit. When the dove appeared, we noticed that someone had made it emerge from somewhere, we saw delicate hands that released that dove into the air and in this way, we knew that it had been the Divine Mother Who had made it appear.

Soon, the dove disappeared from the house and Our Lady approached. She manifested Herself today especially within a channel of celestial light, we saw that She was barefoot, Her feet were surrounded by a white cloud and Her face expressed kindness.

Then She told us to write Her Message to this prayer group and at the end She added that She would transmit a Message to each of the prayer groups that we visited during those days.

She will be doing a special task with each one of the prayer groups, as if they were one single group. This task that she will doing during these days, in the State of São Paulo, has a higher purpose that we do not know about now. 

She will be acting through us as a Mediator and, today She told us it was the Grace of Her Son Jesus that enabled Her to perform this task here in the State of São Paulo.

Mother Mary told us that the Grace that allowed Her, through Her Son Jesus, to come here, comes from that which is contemplated by Christ; contemplation that He accomplished from the prayer groups during these last years, and from the steps that these groups have taken through the instruction and the service.

The Virgin Mary said that for Christ all this had a spiritual value, which represented a spiritual richness to all souls, and that the Sacred Hearts need this spiritual richness in order to act.

Dear children of Mine,

Today, with joy and goodness, I descend from Heaven answering to your precious call.

I have come with the spiritual mission that this sacred house, which today I visit and have visited due to the need of many poor hearts of spirit, may be consecrated, with your permission and charity, as the new service center for the most needy.

You, My children, by opening the doors to your hearts, will allow the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Master and Guide; Who in the past gave His life for you and now, through His Mercy, I come to your encounter to request this mission from you. 

From the beginning, you should know who you will deal with. I ask you that, through the faith of Saint Joseph, you learn to give charity and goodness to those who will truly come to meet you.

I want to confess to you that the gift of your group of souls is service through healing, healing which you will discover through the act of prayer and the trustful union with My Immaculate Heart.

As with many other souls, I come to call you so that you step forward with confidence. Years of instruction and formation have served as support for the maturity of your hearts. Now, suffering, lonely and empty souls that have not found the God of Love for a long time, will come to your door. 

You should know, My beloved children, that Christ is amongst you. He wishes to make Himself be felt more strongly as soon as you cross the threshold of the Greater Universe. This mission will have a predicted time and great will be the need that you will see in the faces that will come seeking for new spiritual food in order to nourish and quench their thirst through the Water of Life.

Your permission will open the doors that I have wanted to open for so long. Prayer will always be your great comforter. 

I thank you for having received me!

I love you and bless you from the beginning.

Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of Charity

Special Message

When My gauze looks over the Earth, it comes filled with the Spirit of God, so that the Divine Source of Creation may radiate His Gifts and His Light to the Earth.

The Holy Spirit is the living Consciousness of God which reigns among creatures; a part of Him that exists to illuminate matter and divinize it.

The Spirit of God descends upon humanity in the form of aspiration, instruction, life-giving Light that restores all. One can perceive the presence of this Holy Spirit in the illumination of knowledge, when you have clarity and understanding of the Truth; in the illumination of the spirit, through the spirit of love and of humility; in the illumination of matter, through the constant rebirth in God the Father.

The Holy Spirit, My Children, is the Source of Eternal Creation that permeates the universes. The creative power of humanity comes from the Holy Spirit, and to be able to deal with this gift of creativity, which makes you in likeness to God, it is necessary to permanently invoke His Spirit.

In the life of Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, the Power of the Holy Spirit reigned perpetually, because even if we did not know Him in truth, we invoked Him permanently, until this Holy Spirit revealed Himself, in silence and solitude, to each one of Us in secret. Our eyes were illuminated by the presence of the Holy Spirit and Our gaze has become merciful forever. Our hands were blessed by the Holy Spirit and just as Jesus healed, Mary consoled and Joseph brought graces of charity to all who came in contact with the material of His carpentry.

Each being who received from Joseph anything made by Him, always for free, received from the Holy Spirit a special Grace. On the tables that He made, the food that the families needed was manifested; the planting tools gave rise to healthy and abundant plants from the soil for all to eat, and thus each instrument that He made in His carpentry work carried mysterious graces to those who received them.

The children who were instructed by Joseph were instructed above all in love and in the power of creation through this love. Joseph, full of the Holy Spirit, taught the children to work with charity and to create like the angels, to live in silence, chastity and prayer; and many of those He had taught His carpentry to became beloved disciples of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit worked in different ways in that simple family, always in secret, always in silence. Silence is the first key for those who seek the Spirit of God; solitude with God is another step that must be taken by the soul that aspires to unite with His Holy Spirit because the most precious Mysteries of this life on Earth are revealed in the silence of one's own heart. 

The Holy Spirit makes Himself known to those who await His presence with simplicity, who keep their soul united with God, and who work on Earth with charity, humility and silence.

To achieve the eternal presence of this Spirit, you must eternally aspire to be with Him and to live in God and, when the mind aspires, the emotions aspire and the soul also aspires. In this way, exercise yourselves in charity and in silence, exercise yourselves in prayer and in peace, in understanding and in admiration of your neighbor; thus you will achieve a humble spirit and the Spirit of God will finally be able to approach your hearts.

I bless you always.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monthly Messages
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to Friar Elías

Dear children,

Once again I will be among you in the primordial Center of prayer of Brazil. I will be among you in the Center of prayer of Figueira.

Dear children, today, with the special devotion that My Heart radiates, I will transmit to you an instruction from Mother to child, from the universe to the disciple.

My children, God prodigiously manifests Himself in three ways for souls, for His creatures. God can manifest Himself through the spirit of His creatures and transmit His Wisdom; God can manifest Himself through the minds of His creatures to transmit His Ideas on the Plan of Love for the universe; and God can manifest Himself through the soul of His creatures to transmit His Love to all the spaces of Creation.

God is an Essence of pure, wise, and divine Love; from Him comes all the powers of Creation and manifested life. God is owed honor, glory, and praise because He achieves His greatest expression through the love and unity among creatures.

Today, dear children, I want to teach you in this time to experience a lesson of humility, because God expects your consciousnesses to mature. This lesson of humility consists in your recognizing that God has the majesty and the power to manifest Himself to His creatures in different ways, in order that souls may know Him and feel Him as the Source of Love for life on Earth.

When God recognized the offering of His faithful Servant, the Virgin Mary, there was never any intention of appropriating it, in this mystery of surrender and sacrifice. The Love of God rested in My maternal consciousness, a pure and true Love that entered My Heart to have it become immaculate.

See, My dear ones, how God acts and reveals Himself to His children with Love and Faith, because God expects humanity to attain peace through the knowledge of Divine Truth.

When a heart gives itself to the universe, God is able to manifest Himself in that creature, and then His Will is etched in that consciousness that, through faith and devotion, must accomplish it.

My little ones, I want you to see and recognize that God is Humility and Wisdom. God will never magnify His power because, if He did, it would not be God. God awakens peace for life, as a source for the spirit; faith as an essence for inner growth; unity as a principle of fraternity; and love as spiritual support for souls.

Everything is simple, dear children, who are in God will not fear to be divested of themselves to be able to be healed from the spirit. God is the Source of Love that presents itself so that all may experience this through It.

When the soul does not listen, God is unable to approach. Universal Love needs to be impregnated as light in the cells of all souls so that, in the end, you may imitate My path of surrender and trust. Because in this way, as souls, you will help in the love for God, so He may continue to manifest Himself among creatures, the Kingdoms and the world.

God is renewal, is the Spirit of life and hope. God is the concretization of inner missions for creatures. God is the Love present in the essence of all His children. God must be sought from the heart, because God is constant prayer and a refuge for the hearts that are experiencing the desert and inner thirst. God resurrects the life of the spirit in those who have lost it. God heals through His kindness and humility, because God is the Sanctified Spirit in the Celestial Universe.

God is the only Greater Good for all, because the Father of Heaven is your beginning and your end in this life. He is eternity, eternal Love.

Dear children, hold in your hearts the aspiration of the Father for being more present in them.

Thank you for responding to the Call of God!

Who thanks and blesses you, in the Light of God,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and the Love of God


Special Message

Today I cast the stars of My Crown upon the Earth, so that the celestial brightness that covers the Queen of the World may awaken those who are still asleep and those who remain in the darkness of the consciousness, in ignorance.

My children, when My stars cross the threshold that exists between Heaven and Earth, a new dawn breaks in the lives of all beings. Each of My stars symbolizes the living attributes of My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus.

I bring upon My head a crown of 12 stars so that each time My feet touch the Earth, the hearts of the world may receive this luminous sign that descends from Heaven, this symbol of redemption that brings with it the Gifts of the Holy Spirit of God.

A great mystery is kept within My Crown of stars. Each of the new apostles of Christ will have within My Crown of stars the inspiration and instruction for their apostolate.

Contemplate with your heart the brilliance of My stars and allow this mystery of the Woman clothed with the Sun to enter into your consciousnesses. 

My beloved ones, through these stars, God pours out the awakening of His Holy Spirit into creatures, pours out upon the world the hidden teachings that live in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The stars that form My Crown are the keys to the awakening of your spirits, they are the keys to open the doors of the heart and to open the doors of Heaven.

Those of My children who seek the Creator, carrying in their heart one of My stars, will be recognized as children of God and His faithful Servant. The one who permanently assumes this celestial star on their chest will be recognized as a beloved child of the Woman clothed with the Sun.

If you receive this symbol of love within your hearts, you will be protected from all evil, and if you sincerely trust in this mystery that I deposit into your hearts, the dragons that roam the world will not find you.

Perceive, My children, the stars that descend from Heaven to Earth, stars that come from My blessed Crown and are here to seal the commitment of My children with My Immaculate Heart.

Be as the child from the prophecy of John, the Apostle, be in My arms, protected by the Sun and by the stars of My Crown; in this way, no evil will approach your hearts.

The Heavens count on the faith in the hearts of humans, they count on the response that each one can give to the Lord when they listen to My Words. Be faithful to the voice of your own heart when My Voice, full of the Holy Spirit, echoes within you. Be simple and humble to understand, always through the heart, the Words that I pronounce.

The most hidden mysteries that live within My Kingdom are unveiled through the purity of the heart and not from the cunning of the mind.

My beloveds, it is already time to unveil some mysteries to your beings. Those who open their hearts to listen to them will receive from the Spirit of God the necessary discernment and comprehension to understand and live the Will of God contained within these mysteries.

Those who try to hear My Words and find their veracity through the mind will suffer the darkness of ignorance and will not allow the Spirit of God to echo within their hearts, to search the depths of their spirits and tear the veils of their consciousnesses.

Receive My call today with love. Receive within your hearts the mystery enclosed within My Crown of stars, seek and ask the Lord that these stars may be present within your hearts, because if one of My stars finds space in the hearts of humans, the Holy Spirit can descend upon the Earth and ignite the human heart with Divine Fire.

I thank you, My beloved and little children, for allowing yourselves to be guided by My Immaculate Heart.

Mary, Mother of the World and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

