Blessed are those who suffer and, in the silence of their hearts, cry out for Mercy, because they will be granted not only the Grace they cried out for, but, they will also be granted even greater, more profound and eternal blessings, which will dispel pain from their hearts and grant them peace.

Blessed are those who, in spite of loneliness, pray, serve and trust, although they may inhabit the hells of this world, where despair and lack of hope reign, where joy has been silenced by the indifference of those who generate pain.

The prayer of the innocent is heard, the cry of the women who clamor to the Father washes His Holy Feet, and His Heart sympathizes with those who believed they were forgotten.

In the battle of these times, children, the Heart of God is attentive to your supplications and it does not forget or cause those who clamor to be made helpless, but rather He waits for the right time and hour to intercede for souls that suffer.

For this reason, I tell you today, and I will always tell you, that perseverance in God, in spite of the pain, suffering or loneliness, will always be rewarded.

The Father sympathizes with those who wait with faith. His Spirit sustains those who stay in service. His Divinity comes to help those who trust in Grace, and greater blessings descend to Earth when the time comes. And the time has come.

The clock of the world has marked the hour of redemption, while chaos battles against evil, love triumphs in the depths of the abysses of the human consciousness. All is allowed.

The Creator announces, through His Messengers, that the time of redemption has come for those who believe. The time of Mercy still pulsates in the hearts of those who cry out for an opportunity.

For this reason, you, beloved Africa, that has been seeking your path since the origins of the Earth, your destiny already shines on the horizon: the purity of your heart can emerge. Strength and frailty inhabit within you, persist, despite the suffering. Thus, wait and trust in the kingdom of peace.

Sacred Feet will walk upon your soil, and those Steps will mark your history. As in other times, peace will reign within you, and you will come to know life to the ends of the universe. The celestial mysteries will be revealed to you. From the core of your pain, hope will again emerge. A new life will reign within you. There will be peace.

With these Words, children, I bid you farewell, bless you and ask you to wait for Me in prayer next July 18  so that a Higher Design of the Creator may be fulfilled, that of giving a special Message to the hearts of My children of Africa. Your hearts await Me and the Creator sends a response.

I will create a bridge between the heart of Aurora and the inner world of Africa so that healing and redemption may permeate the deep wounds of those who aspire to know peace.

I bless you today and always.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph