During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!



It is in the most humble and simple places on Earth where God can be present, and thus have the power of His Mercy become known to the most miserable and lost.

For this reason, each opportunity that presents itself is a door of Light that opens in the face of spiritually complex, painful and sorrowful situations.

And so, before the hells, the power of Mercy descends to help and rescue incarnated souls that are more ignorant and fragile due to the adversity of these times.

All this is possible when a soul opens its heart and implores God for help. In this way, not only the consciousness, but also all that is around it, that needs Mercy and Light, is benefitted.

This power increases and doubles when, in the time of Mercy, souls pray and unite with the Passion of the Lord.

It is in this way that other very needy souls find themselves drawn to this celestial Light that is present, and receive much inner pity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



When souls place themselves, with sincerity, to pray for a difficult situation, the Universe will always respond and the angels, and all the hosts, will dissolve that invisible interference that is feeding on the indignation and fury of consciousnesses.

Thus, group prayer, regardless of being gathered together physically or not, fosters an operative and angelic movement in search of those causes that generate disharmony and rebellion within people.

In this time, such operative prayer will keep the portals open and the hells closed so that souls may not find themselves encouranged to move forward with actions that they will later repent of, for the rest of their lives.

Even after having prayed for a long time, if apparently nothing happens or everything continues on the same, do not be alarmed nor question yourselves, because you will see the power and the results of the prayer carried out, and how many situations will be benefited for having prayed with the heart.

Remain firm in this purpose, for you will not only be protected, but you will also have wisdom to be able to proceed.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Nothing will stop My Purpose from being accomplished in Argentina, because if it is the Will of God, it will be done.

When you face some difficulty or delay for Me, be grateful and do not be tired of doing so, because I assure you that you will be very close to me.

It is in the difficult times when I count on My friends and companions the most, because comfortable and rested servers do not please Me.

My wish is that My companions do not cease to burn in their love and service for Me, because this attitude will represent a lot more than walking by My side for years.

My Heart fills with hope and reasons to return to the world when My companions give their all and are not lukewarm nor want to resolve everything quickly.

I am glad when I see how My companions, day after day, make a true effort to accomplish the impossible for Me.

When someone, out of those who are Mine, is thinking too much of themselves or does not have the correct attitude to serve, and only complains all the time, let them reflect if they are truly serving Me and if they are too comfortable in their situation and in their wellbeing.

I called you, one by one, so that you could unconditionally be My warriors of love, capable of going behind Me into the most impenetrable hells of the Earth to help Me redeem and save those who urgently need My Mercy.

Never forget that I called you to this path of sacrifice, full of blessings, of gifts, full of the Love of My Heart, which the majority of humanity does not have.

I thank you for being more aware each day of what you are experiencing and of the time in which you are living!

Who blesses you and thanks you for assuming, one by one, My Words of instruction,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Daily Message received in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The time is approaching when the doors of the terrestrial hells will close and where the souls will pass from a level of suffering towards a level of Light and Mercy.

This will happen through the prayer column established on the surface of the Earth, an inner exercise that will sustain any consciousness and under any situation.

The Prayer for the Nations will continue to grow as a task and as a purpose and, each day that passes, more souls will be touched and called to participate in this luminous network of prayer, preciously formed by all the beings of prayer and goodwill of this planet.

This spiritual and, at the same time, human foundation, is what your Redeemer will use to prepare nations, people and cultures in order to welcome the second coming of your Redeemer.

This is the time to have knowledge of this internal purpose that is being carried out, day by day, in the life of those who participate in this proposal, and thus each prayer becomes a possible instrument that, in humility and selflessness, is capable of carrying forward the Love of God and His Messengers, to any part of the world and under any circumstance,

Magnificent is the internal network of prayer that unites nations and peoples, a network created and sheltered by the Heavenly Mother.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Dear companions,

Everything is now prepared for the glorious descent of your Master and Lord.

Everything was prepared with love by the hands and hearts of My followers.

The victorious door of merits and the legacy of the Passion and of the Resurrection of your Lord will open again.

All the spiritual Universe is awaiting the great moment in which the Shepherd and King of kings will return to celebrate the redeeming Communion with His friends.

While the doors of the Universe are opening, as time goes by, the pressure and oppression of the hells are becoming unbearable, since the powerful Codes of Christ are descending over the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.

Thus, the seven angels of the trumpets are positioning themselves in the proper places, while the Arc of the Holy Covenant, that carries the Holy Chalice with it, is placed near the dimension of the Earth.

All that is contrary will become paralyzed during the eight days, when the Son of God descends in spirit to Earth, and the end will begin within humanity.

I thank you for truly accompanying me during this Sacred Week!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Each new year, in which the victory and the triumph of the Passion of Your Master and Lord are celebrated, the forces contrary to evolution that are governing the planet are frightened by the approach of the Cosmic Light of Christ.

It is during these decisive days that the hells of the Earth feel oppressed and blocked by the descent of the Divine Light through Christ.

Various contrary actions and movements are carried forward by My adversary, as the hour of his judgment is approaching, and nevermore will he deceitfully escape again.

Thus the Higher Universes are moved by the impulses that emanate from the Source and a kind of universal defeat is established through the merits attained by the Love of Christ.

Everything contrary that happens will be a reflection of this imminent defeat that the Archangel Michael will carry forward to close the uncertain spaces.

While you remain in prayer and in vigil, you will be protected and sheltered from all danger.

For this reason, I come to ask the prayerful beings that for the first time, during this coming Sacred Week of 2019, you transmit through the channel “Praying for Peace”, the “Spiritual Trilogy of Prayer, Devotion and Contemplation”, in order to support and protect everything that Your Master will carry forward during the eight days of the Sacred Week.

I thank you for accompanying Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


My companions,

Like so many others that silently follow Me, may you learn to walk amongst tribulations and evil.

Let the Shield of My Heart be, for you, the barrier that separates you from the wickedness of the world and from enemies.

Let the Light of My Heart be your guide in the moments when only intuition will provide the answer when I am no longer here.

This is why, in silence as in meekness, I prepare you so that you may continue firmly in the Purpose that is above all adversity.

In truth I tell you, first you will find your own hell, but I promise you that I will not step away from anyone who invokes Me by heart and by word.

With a single breath, I will be able to dissolve any disturbance from your core.

So open the door to Me and invoke My Holy Name:

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, my Savior, help me, guard me, and protect me."

Thus, I will be your perfect alliance in the name of the Love of God the Father.

Afterward, later, you will see the hells of this humanity burn up in flames and you will see how many will be lost, believing that I am present in some incarnated person.

I am present in the tabernacle of the humble hearts of the Earth. My Spirit is Holy and cannot yet descend to the abysses of this world, until the prophecies are fulfilled.

Have you read the writings of John, My beloved disciple?

Observe, then, that these times were already written, see the signs and do not fear, the Lord will help you to walk in faith and in love.

While you still have time, renounce, avail yourselves of each meeting with the Heavenly Messengers, for the time is coming to an end, the fruits must awaken through the prayer and the devotion of the simple.

My brothers and sisters, do not allow anybody to deceive you. I am only present in the Eucharist, in confession, in the prayer of the one who pronounces My Blessed Name without arrogance or fanaticism.

Seek Me and you will not lose sight of Me. In this time, I come to reveal to you the wise Mercy of the universe and to unmask the false Christs with My own Hands.

The only Christ is I, your Master, Who lived two thousand years ago among you to teach you to walk in faith and in forgiveness, Who was humiliated and martyred by all humankind and was resurrected and rose to the Heavens, whence He will come for the second time.

Woe to those who use the Name of the Son of God in vain and as a lie! On the day of Judgment, you will know the power of My Holy Justice.

Open your eyes and see the true Light of Heaven, which assembles you so that one day you may die for Me and live eternally in My Glory.

Read My Messages. Now I have sent you Saint Joseph every day, so that He may help you to truly find Me in what is most simple and pure.

Under the merciful Justice that comes from Heaven, be blessed and be attentive.

The Glorified Christ Jesus


While My Blessed Heart opens the doors of Heaven on the Earth, the dark hells are opened in order to save those who have eternally condemned themselves to live this spiritual condition.

When in truth your lips proclaim My Divine Mercy, My Compassion does not have limits nor spaces.  It saves, redeems, heals and liberates the most inveterate souls in original sin. 

My perpetual and invincible Light pours its redeeming powers upon those who would not deserve the Grace of My kind gaze, and this is possible when a person who prays remembers that prayer is essential for the other, it is as needed as it is for oneself.

May at this hour of Mercy your feet walk steadfastly towards My Kingdom so that soon I may be able to recognize that My Heart makes use of apostles in service and in abnegation.

At this hour of wonders, may your souls elevate themselves to the universe to confirm in this time the perfect union with My Project of Salvation.  Open your arms and receive in your beings the balm of My Unconditional Love.  A love that will always nourish your little essences.

Under the Infinite Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


The supreme angels are the ones who accompany My Celestial Commands and they liberate the souls of the world from the prisons that are imposed on them when they live in constant sin.

This angelic mission also radiates My Powerful Rays of Mercy, those that give the opportunity of liberation for all.  Now the supreme angels of Heaven are preparing to remove from the eyes of the world the bandages of illusion and of the material desire for trivial things.

But it will be necessary that the prayerful hearts on the Earth participate in these redeeming commands through the merciful prayer of the heart.  In this way your feet will walk on safe paths, to find, in the next time, the portal towards Paradise.

Allow also the bandages of your eyes to be removed by My Sacred Hands.  I promise that you will not suffer, but that you will see emerging the light of My Mercy as a Solar Grace on the horizon.

See in this time the real necessity of untiringly serving your fellow humans because only between you and Me will we construct the emergence of the new humanity.  

May the supreme angels guide the infinite path of your souls, may your sacred instruments be prepared for the unusual battle against the wiles of hell.  In the same way that once I was three days in hell, I will return to bring light to the eternal darkness.

Implore your Father for Pity and Mercy. It is time to live in My Perpetual Vigilance.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Warrior Heart!

Christ Jesus


As were the three days that I was in hell, in the same way I will return three more days to rescue those who are fallen upon the surface of the Earth.

Contemplate My Solar Presence, I Am not the one who comes to your encounter, it is the Universe that comes to talk to you because I Am the Universe and all look through My System to fulfill My Will that is the Will of God.

Today I bring to you a ray unknown to your consciousness, something that is called immaterial because it is the moment for you to know it before My Return. The Universe and Aurora are united at this moment as an only Sun.

It is the moment to venerate in order to be able to save the world, it is the moment of determination. I come every day to the world to help it but who comes every day towards Me?

For this I send you My Mother as rescue and salvation, She will be who will open the door for My Return, for this you must reverence Her as your truly Mother. Remember that I gave Her to you on the Cross, divesting Myself of this maternity out of love for you.

Today My Presence is solar because it is infinite;  It is perfect before your inner eyes and senses. I do not materialize Myself as energy because you would be afraid to know My New Face, the face of My Infinite Mercy, that which I achieved on the Cross in face of obscurity and tribulation.

Why I have instructed you about three in the afternoon as an important hour?

Because the world is disconnected from itself in spirit and in truth.  For this I try day by day that you unite yourselves to Me and that you strengthen this union with Me before the world purifies itself completely. These are not philosophical words, these are My Truths, the Truth of the Supreme.

For this I descend from the Universe to your encounter. This is My Message for you today. A message that I am allowing you to listen to because everything has its place, its time and its rhythm.

I want that you live in My Priesthood, that which I instituted on the Cross.  My Heart is heavy for the pain of the world but there are good hearts that relieve It. The power of My Love for you for this time is Transfiguring. It could crack the deepest layers of your consciousness and deeply liberate you.

For this Heaven has chosen this place, not only because My Father placed His Eyes upon it, but also because He contemplates the world as only one. Some places in this world will serve as a retreat for the souls, where they will be able to encounter the last essences of peace that the world is losing from its decisions.

There still remains some more time to walk together with Me. I come to banish your sufferings and your pains.

But who will allow Me too? Because when I try to, you do not feel comfortable. The spiritual life, the life in God, is not about comfort.

Silence is prayer, it is perpetual faith, it is emptiness after emptiness of oneself, but many do not achieve it and in this way the enemy gets what it wants: to dominate My hearts.

For this I have promised to return from the beginning so that after My Mercy I may be able to pour the ray of liberation and that hell that the world lives may be able to end so that My Peace may be established, that which I have sown with My Blood on the Cross.

Today I wish that I were closer to all.  Today I am giving some special time for you and with pain I Am observing humanity because it does not change. My first descent to Earth was in the East but My Second Descent will not be there.  I will come in glory and as I have told you once I will be with you until the last days.

For this I have consecrated with My Consciousness elements like the Eucharist, the Adoration, the Contemplation, so that your weak fire may not be extinguished in these critical times of vanities and competitions. May no one be astonished by what you will see, may life be the path of prayer, as I taught My Apostles in Gethsemane.

Today I do not come to the world as on every day for the world to turn its back to Me, but so that you may recognize that I Am the only path that will bring you to faith and to redemption, because I know that which is  guarded within you, that which is pure and immaculate, the same that God created in Me when I was born in the manger in Bethlehem.

Today I leave to you My Firmness that which will sustain the basis of your lives. Today I leave to you My Trust which is what will allow your spirits to be elevated. Today I leave My pure and unbreakable Love, which is what will heal you when you only say yes to Me.

I Am facing consciousnesses from different schools, but now it is no longer time for this.

My Dear Companions: the Universe talks to you tirelessly transmitting the same message so that you may listen to it and you may cultivate it in the heart. It was very necessary that you listened to the Universe, that I surrendered Myself once again to talk to you day by day.

My Heart rejoices  in this way, It rejoices to be able to encounter the souls praying to My Mercy, to be able to renew the original request that I made to My daughter Faustina and that few understood, for it being an immaterial request, for it being something of My Immaterial Spirit.

But today what else can I leave to you but My Heart, that which will never fail you and that will make you feel the truth in the face of doubts and uncertainties?

Who will want to drink from My Blood at the end of these times so that their cells may change and be transformed according to My precepts?

Heaven wants to show you the Truth but it is necessary to change, to stop being for oneself, to be totally for Me, as I have designed in My Merciful Heart.

For this I have entrusted My Presence to very few consciousnesses throughout the world and throughout history. Until that which is written is fulfilled I will not rest because I Am part of you and you are part of Me in some sense of the life and of the spirit.

Yesterday My Mother came to your encounter. Now I come to reaffirm that which She has told you in Her Virginal Purity. I want that you be part of My Energy, of My Consciousness, of My Ocean, of My Source.

I know that your senses and wills are weak but I want something beyond this, that is your heart, that which never darkens, that never loses love no matter how upset it may be. It will be up to you, as a flock in this time, to weave the threads of light and to form the network of salvation. In the same way that I ask you, I have also asked other apostles that are in this time working for Me on the Earth in humility and in surrender.

Who will take the risk with Me to sustain the torch of the victory of light?

For this you must not allow two fires to burn you, but only that My Fire purify you according to My Will and My Decisions. Today you are within the ocean of My Mercy, do not forget it because this never will be repeated until the end of your days, until that you cross the threshold to meet Us.

At this moment I will tell you: what have you done with this Fire? What have you done with this water of Renovation, that with which I baptized you in order to forgive you?

There is still much left for you to learn in this endless walking, in this school of the Earth. Remember that upon you is the Greater Universe which you can count on moment after moment because humanity looks at itself all the time instead of looking towards the Universe and to understand the laws of the stars; to understand the signs that indicate the new time for those who open themselves to read with the heart what God weaves in Heaven with His Will and Creation.

It is time to unite that which is separated in the consciousness; it is time to let yourself be something new, renewed, crystalline and humble. I know that many wished they were near Me, where I Am today, but know that I Am with each one of you waiting for the moment and loving you with the Love of God, the Love that I matured on the Cross as a Man, as a Being and as a Divine Consciousness.

I want to leave a gift and a blessing for all, mainly for a group of souls that has a responsibility with Me from other times and that today I dare to say that it must return to Me in consciousness and in awakening1.

This is a message for your inner beings.

God is relieved and is rejoicing when He sees His Children singing, also My Heart glows with joy when this song is born, as a prayer, from the heart.

Rejoice yourselves because I am returning!

May the children of God sing and may the Heavens be opened because Light and Peace are coming to liberate the world from its own evil.

Under the Love and the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating and reflecting about My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus


1 Here the Master is talking to a specific group that was present at the moment of the Apparition.


As it was in Bethany and Bethesda today I enter into your houses to have dinner in spirit with your souls and hearts.

May on this day of Saturday of unfathomable Mercy your feet walk determined in the direction of My Great Spiritual Boat so that together we may sail in spirit for other lakes, places that one time you knew and that only through My Heart you will arrive to again.

Today I talk to you about the infinite path, that space created by God in this sacred cosmos in which the universe gathers Supreme Consciousnesses that eternally serve the High. For this today do not sleep, wake up to the redeeming principle that with love and truth I reveal to you.

I thank all of those who, for various reasons and facts, equally trust in My Sacred Purpose of Love and Forgiveness, because even though your paths may be confused or not so clear, My Saving Light returns to gather the last disciples, those who in faith and perseverance will walk for many towards the infinite universe.

There, in that sacred space from where I come to announce to humanity My Return, is present the Eternal Loving and Powerful Heart of your Father. Out of Love and Mercy He sends to the world that One who was nailed on the Holy Cross. But now the Son of the Man does not return to carry again the evil of the world. The Son of God comes in Glory to banish the hells and to close the doors of all suffering.

My Sacred Liberation will come to revive those who are dead in life and those who have lost the spiritual union with Me.

Christ, Powerful, Merciful and Pious, returns to live now and always with all of His Ones. In this way, under the Glory of the Plan of God, the one thousand, one hundred and fifty years of peace will cause to re-emerge the Promised Earth.

Only a little more is missing. Who will follow Me?

Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for following My Steps of the Cross with so much love!

Christ Jesus.


In spite of the thresholds that you must cross, always keep ignited the eternal light of the heart so that nothing external to My Kingdom of Love may extinguish it.

It is necessary to have a peaceful and loving heart in face of unpredictable circumstances. In this way the enemy will not disturb you and you will find inner strength by means of the presence of My Merciful Heart.

The hour of Divine Mercy is only for the brave because from three in the afternoon My Disciples help Me to tear the hells and evils that the consciousnesses live in different parts of the world. For this the disciple must hold on to My Tunic and walk among the wolves and the darkness without fearing to fall into the abysses that this humanity creates because from three in the afternoon your beings must become invisible before the wiles that My eternal rival articulates.

Without expecting anything, without aspiring for any results, always pray with fervor, fight so that your eyes may not fall asleep but that in truth your spirits may awaken to the Redeeming Work that all of the prayerful people are accompanying Me to carry out. In this way you will always know, through the intuition of the heart, which part of the reality of the world and of humanity is receiving My Merciful Liberation from the evil that oppresses you.

Let those who are willing to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy remember that you will be doing it for your own salvation and for the salvation of all the Earth. You will do it principally for the permanence of the life of all of the Kingdoms created by the Kind Hands of My Father.

I invite you to pray with faith and conviction so that the Project that was drawn in the heart of the Universe may remain amongst you always and for all eternity in My beloved blue planet of light.

And something else I tell you: listen with attention to My Words every Wednesday, the day of study and reflection about My Message, because My Presence will be there by means of the heart of My Disciple Jose. Listen with attention to all that I have told you with so much Love and every Wednesday you will receive the gift of My Eternal Grace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the love of your hearts!

Christ Jesus, who returns to your lives. 

1. Christ is referring to the studies that José Trigueirinho Netto has been carrying out for years in the Light-Community of Figueira, Brasil.


The one who has the courage to open the wings of the heart will be able to arrive quickly to My Kingdom of Peace and Redemption, because the soul that day by day surrenders itself to Me by means of merciful prayer will receive the precious gifts of My Sacred Heart.

In this time the flocks will be only one because through them I will always intend to prodigiously share My Graces of Love and Mercy. That heart which at three in the afternoon opens its door to Me will be aided by My Spirit that comes from the Universe as an immaterial and divine presence. In this way It will erase from the memory of its soul all of the sufferings caused to My Merciful Heart.

But My Grace that comes from Heaven and from the Kingdom of God descends all of the days at three in the afternoon to be multiplied in love, truth and fraternity. My Heart looks for thirsty souls and souls that may still not know the greatness of My Universal Love.

In this time I gather the sheep so that they may graze new laws, very close to Me, at My side, without losing sight of the path of redemption that each one must go through in this world.

For this My Sacerdotal Spirit comes again from the Universe to free from sin all of those who may open themselves to recognize that the Son of God is near and that He will arrive at each one of your lives to unite you again in Peace and in Love.

Something that this world lacks today, the world that God perpetually contemplates, is to live in the Love of My Heart, something important that humanity forgets about. If you live in this love, the alliance that must exist between My Disciples will be able to be materialized in the same way that I created it between the apostles.

My dears, today I gather you and I come to your Prayer Gathering to open the doors of your hearts because this will be the way for this final time. Open the doors of the heart, in this way your spirits will be redeemed and they will find the safe path towards the victory of My Light.

Tirelessly unite yourselves to the indispensable hour of My Mercy because once more, through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, I will be able to liberate from hell many who live there perpetually for not having met love and for not having accepted My Redemption.

I belong to you in Heart, Soul and Divinity and I give you, for the beginning of these journeys of prayer, My Peace and My Mercy in the hope that soon may blossom within you the fruit that I have left to you, a fruit that will flourish in the spring of My next coming to the world.

May Peace be the shield for you and may faith soon transform you.

Go ahead, My companions!

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for sharing My teaching from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


And whenever you feel a lack of consolation or feel perturbation, confusion or disquietude, repeat with full trust and love towards Me:

Lord Jesus,
Only and Favorite Son,
Christ Redeemer,
keep me in Your Heart
for all Eternity,
and liberate from my heart all evil,
in Glory to the Universal Father.



In the ocean of My Mercy, the deepest wounds are healed through the Spirit in all the consciousnesses that awaken to the devotion for My Sacred Heart.

In the fountain of My Graces, the souls find always the joy to be able to renew themselves and in this way liberate themselves from the past.

All of those who venerate My Merciful Heart and invoke the power of My Blood and of My Water, are renewed from the most sublime part of their beings and these wonders poured by My Sacerdotal Consciousness touch even your material life. 

In the precious hour of three o'clock in the afternoon the hearts of all the beings of the world, spiritually are contemplated in Mercy by My paternal Vision and by the effect of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy; in this way My Heart of Love pours Its Pity over those who are condemning themselves day by day to the underworlds of hell.

In this time of great changes for the interior of many souls, My inexhaustible Ocean crosses the deepest thresholds of hell; so that in this way someday, under the powerful protection of the Celestial Armies, My Heart may liberate and obtain the victory of the Kingdom of God over obscurity, and all evil may be dissolved from the heart of the proud and of the vain.

The Infinite Love, one time reached by My Heart on the Cross, has awakened the Glory over the death towards which humanity was heading, the death of the spirit of all of humanity.  It was in this way that God sent from Heaven one part of His Great Consciousness, the First Son was born, out of love He liberated the world from sin, and now in humility serves God eternally, out of love for His Brothers and Sisters of the Earth.

And one day, in the same way that He elevated Himself, He will appear among the clouds and a great Merciful Sun will shine in the essence of all the hearts, those that will be able to recognize the path of return to the House of the Celestial Father, and the Divine Mercy will finish pouring itself over the world, so that it may reach redemption.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
