Opening the door of My Heart, dear children, I give you My Supreme Grace. It is the Grace of My Heart that will strengthen you and protect you in these times.

I come once more to Sao José to bless you and I entrust you to the Most Chaste Saint Joseph so that He may be your Protector Father, the Guardian of your essences, the Shepherd of souls after Christ.

Today I would like to have you closer to My Heart, because I heard your prayers. And I also come on this day to bless Brazil in this important task it has for this moment; a very profound spiritual task, a purpose that many souls of this nation are involved with without knowing it, which is the purpose, dear children, of keeping faith alive in this blessed people that I cherish with so much Love.

Thus, today I come dressed with the mantle of this nation, bringing healing to souls, wisdom for all spirits, and on the planet of this nation I bring the Peace of God for the world.

This is the spirit and the proposition for this nation.

Now I will continue telling you, dear children, that My message on this day is to bring you the Grace of restoration and healing for all My children of Brazil, who are so in need of God and His Infinite Mercy so as to be able to persist in these times.

The planet has changed a lot, just as you know. Thus, I come on this day to you to show you once again the path toward Jesus, and the Love that He wants to pour out over all your hearts and lives.

Today, I would like to ask you for something special, dear children present here in Sao José, that you recite a prayer or at least a Mystery of the Rosary, so that Your Heavenly Mother may be able to fulfill the purpose through Her children, of reaching Central America.

Just as I appeared in this nation to protect the Purpose of God it has, in the same way I appeared in Mexico as Guadalupe to unite the races and the peoples in one same equality, in one same condition of love and of fraternity.

Therefore, I ask all of My children, not only those who are here in Sao José, but also in the whole world, that on this day of vigil you offer more prayers to your Heavenly Mother, so that My Basket of gold may be deposited at the foot of the altar of the Creator, and that it be the greatest and infinite offering of the salvation of all the souls of My beloved America.

I am here among you, dear children, as our Lady of Aparecida from Brazil and the Queen of Peace, opening My Immaculate Heart to you so that you may be able to enter the Temple, the Sacred Tabernacle of your Lord Jesus, Who contemplates you on this evening with His Mercy, erasing your debts, dissipating errors, bringing hope and a renewal through My Immaculate Heart.

Today I am not here alone with you; I am with the pilgrim soul of Brazil, with all the faithful devotees: simple and poor, rich and austere, who follow the Spirit of Peace, the spirit of your Lady.

In Heaven this is reflected as a great celebration, fulfilling again the prophecy that all the generations throughout all times, would honor and glorify the One Crowned with Stars, the Mother of God.

The angels see this event in Brazil as a new door that is opened on this October 12, not only in the Universe but also in this country that so needs forgiveness and redemption.

But it is the devotion and the faith of My children that will always allow me to come here, anywhere in Brazil, when the Will of God establishes it. When your voices pray to My Heart, irrespective of where you are, know that the prayer is powerful when it is done with the heart and with all the love of your lives. This renews your families and all planetary life, bringing an exceptional and extraordinary Grace for this end time.

Today I am among you, dear children, contemplating the nations of the world, and I invite you once more to renew yourselves within the Campaign for Peace; to be disseminators of My message, of My celestial call for these times, to now and always live the prayer of the heart, so that peace may be established in the human heart and on the planet.

I want all My pilgrims to come here today, My dear pilgrims, who helped Me to concretize My arrival in this city.

Draw close to My altar so that I may bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It is a joy to know that Brazil still loves Me, and that every day works on its faith to establish the trust in God and His Divine Purpose in its consciousness.

You, dear children, who today approach My altar, My Guadalupean altar, represent all the consciousness of Brazil.

I also ask all the Brazilians that are listening to Me in this moment in the depths of their hearts, to place their left hand on their chest so that the Voice of your Heavenly Mother may be able to resonate forever, the Mother who cherishes you and loves you, who for all Her children wants the path of the good and of peace, of hope and of faith, in spite of what happens.

In this way, I unite you with My Holy Rosary, and today, dear children of Brazil, you are part of the beads of My prayer that I will give to the Eternal Father and will place in His Holy Hands, so that He may see, dear children, that His faithful Servant, the forever Virgin Mary, fulfills the promise of salvation and of redemption of hearts. With My Hand pointing at My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, dear children, to trust in Me as you should trust Christ.

Trust in Me, because I will always lead you to God.

Trust in Me, because I will protect you from all evil.

Trust in Me, because I will always bring relief to your hearts, I will calm your suffering, I will bring you hope and the Grace of God from the most pure Fount of His Mercy.

Trust in Me, dear children of all nations, so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph through your lives in the whole planetary consciousness.

Trust in Me, because you can always count on My angels of Light.

On this day I give you, dear children, the flag of Peace, so that it always may be seen in the shining of your prayers and in the smile of your hearts, for in this way, everything will be healed.

You are Children of Mary, some already consecrated, and today consecrated by Me, so that in humanity the Plan of God for all of the Earth may be strengthened.

Tomorrow you will wear My Blue Mantle of Light, in the first place, feeling your souls consecrated to Me in this new cycle, in which your lives will be purified, but you will count on My guidance so that your hearts are always renewed and faith and all the Love of My Heart prevail in your lives.

Do not fear transforming; fear being far from God.

I invite you, dear children, in the sacred Oratory of My Immaculate Heart, to be witnesses of My Presence in this place, in the Americas.

Pray to your Heavenly Mother so that Her Plan may triumph on Earth and in all the souls that are awakening.

For the Light poured by Your Immaculate Heart,
that converted the hearts of the world,
Divine Lady, pray for us. Amen.

(Four times in Portuguese)

Blessed am I among all women, and blessed are your hearts before God when you live in My Heart.

Blessed is the step you take in your lives.

Blessed may your prayer always be.

Blessed are your guardian angels.

Blessed be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Now sing the prayer that you have prayed.

I thank you for responding to My call and I invite you to disseminate the power of My Immaculate Heart.

Smile at your Heavenly Mother. Humanity is waking up from its deep sleep.

Hallelujah, hallelujah!


In offering, today I offer you My Immaculate Heart as the perfect triumph for your lives and for the whole Project of God.

Today I meet with you, My children, and with all those who listen to My Voice, with all who contemplate the splendor of My Immaculate Heart, which overflows with love for the world and for souls, those who search for God as well as those who get lost without seeing Him.

Today, on this 13th of May, I unite you with the Center of Fatima and cause you to enter into the Source of its Light, its Love, and its Original Purity, so that you may remember, dear children, what you really are for God and for the whole Universe, that you are no longer what is imperfect, is impure, is sinful.

In you there is the Purity that God created from the beginning, to be able to manifest His Love on Earth and in all humanity.

That essential purity, dear children, is found in your souls, and your souls have waited for a long time to be able to take this step toward a greater surrender.

Today I come crowned by the twelve stars that My children of the Earth have placed on Me, honoring each one of My attributes, and making them part of your lives, as the perfect balm for an inner healing.

Today I am with all those who listen to Me and who open the doors of their homes and their hearts so that I may enter and reign as your Most Holy Mother.

Today I come with the Scepter of God, holding it in My hand, dear children, to show you that the power of Love is invincible, and that darkness will be defeated; for I continue to step on the head of the malevolent serpent that causes pain and desperation in all human beings.

Today I come with the book of God that reveals Justice to you, as well as the Mercy that welcomes you in this moment, which allows you to enter into the Heart of God in perfect wholeness, devotion, and love.

Today My eyes are here to observe you and contemplate you as the purity that you are and the mission that you have, dear children, of being able to achieve it at this very difficult time for the world.

But as long as you remember Fatima, you will achieve it. Because I am there, and I also hope to be in your hearts so that the Will of God may be fulfilled.

This message that I bring you today, dear children, is a preparation.

On this 13th of May, in which all the angels gather around their Heavenly Mother and over this land of Aurora to unite both Centers of Light, Fatima and Aurora, I come to declare, dear children, a special foundation, and the continuing of a Marian movement, which will be the prelude to the defeat of My adversary.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will promise all of you an immeasurable devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Son of God and the Mother of God offer themselves as Hearts for the world, so that souls may be able to contemplate and fully live them through love and prayer; pillars that will not cause you to perish in spite of the storm of these times.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will unite you to My Immaculate Heart.

I will want to be the Governess of your lives and hearts, of your homes and families, so that the Sacred Family of these times may be constituted and there be a consecration of each being of this world to the perfect Plan of God, which must be fulfilled through the collaboration of each essence of the Earth.

You will get to know much more about this Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement over time, because it is already being gestated to be able to be presented to all.

This Movement is the continuation of a Work that I began in Fatima, after My Apparitions, with all the priests, who are the servants of My Son and of the holy Eucharist.

What this Movement wants, dear children, is that you live the devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that souls in the end of times have someone in whom to trust in spite of what happens and of their time of purification.

To adopt My Immaculate Heart and the Heart of My Son means taking a step in your lives, a renewal for your families, so that the gifts of the Holy Spirit may begin to manifest in each work of love and in each daily action.

These gifts that will be poured out by the Sacred Hearts will allow you to carry out the Project of God and to accomplish your main mission for this end time.

Thus, dear children, I will offer Myself as the center for your families and as the Mediator for all the impossible causes.

I want to enter your lives even further. I still have not achieved enough to conquer your hearts and, even though I know you have taken me up, I still wait, dear children, to reveal to you My designs for these times.

Whoever enters into this Marian and Priestly Movement will have the assistance of My angels from Heaven and will be able to learn, dear children, about the treasures of instruction that were recorded on Earth and in the Gospel by the Sacred Family.

Many graces will be revealed in your lives, and you will be able to build, in yourselves and in your loved ones, what you were never able to, because the soul that takes up My Immaculate Heart will not perish, although it will be purified.

This Movement will try to unite your hearts, but also the hearts of the whole Earth, that in some way are devoted to My Presence in their lives and plead to God for infinite grace, that it may descend from Heaven and be poured out in all souls that need this.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement will be protected by the priests of this Order that I have formed together with My Son.

It will be the first step for a greater and true ecumenism, that will not only unite Christians, but also all those who truly seek to live in the Love of God and who need to find it in this moment, to be able to spiritually survive.

That is why My Heart is offered to you and to the world, bringing a continuity to this Marian Movement that once began in Fatima, and that sprouted and was born like a small flower, that afterwards changed into large gardens in all the souls of the world who contemplated My Heart.

Through this Movement I come to bring you the possibility of being united to the Universe of God and that you may be mediators of these end times; because there will be souls that will need your prayers and also your peace.

When I am no longer among you, this Movement will continue with My Work; and it will be you, the apostles of My Son, who will testify that I was here, among you, for so much time and that I had you come to know of the power of My Immaculate Heart for the whole planet. I also taught you to close the doors of hell and to remove from the claws of the adversary all those lost in this cycle.

So you will fulfill your task, dear children, through this Movement, with the same Ministry that My Son founded with His first followers: and you will also bring continuity to the Work that your Mother carried out with Joseph of Arimathea and the holy women of Jerusalem after the Ascension of My Son, founding the first Order Consecrated to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this way you will remember, dear children, something you have always done, and each soul of this Earth will have the chance to participate in this Movement, according to their degree of consecration and of awakening.

So on this thirteenth day, dear children, know that you all have a place in My Immaculate Heart, and that I pray for you so that the Plan of God may finally be accomplished in all hearts.

This Movement will open the doors to a real fraternity; and the Work that I have done here in the beginning, in Aurora, will be more accepted and understood after everything has happened.

Many will grieve for not having listened before, but the light of this Movement will help to change them.

Even being religious and Christians, the light of this, My Movement, will change you, because My Immaculate Heart will be present, which is the emblem for the salvation of the souls of those who wish to be reconciled with God, after having been separated from Him for a long time.

My Immaculate Heart, dear children, is the representation of the Universe of the Love of God, that many do not yet know; a Universe that is waiting to be known by all, so that your wounds, your misunderstandings, and your doubts may be healed.

My Immaculate Heart is offered to the world again on this day to save it, before everything happens.

My Immaculate Heart will be the banner of this Movement.

It will be My Heart that will want to be stamped in your spirits and souls, in this perfect fusion with the Love of God and with His Mercy.

My Immaculate Heart, in this Movement, will be the portal for the angels to descend and be able to work together with you on this Co-redemptive Work with My Son.

My Heart is everything for the world, and I hope that your hearts are also, so that God may be pleased to be in you and in your brothers and sisters all the time.

Today I have brought My Immaculate Heart so that on this day, the Marian and Priestly Movement may be born; so that the new Christs may present themselves in light of the call of the Universe, and in their redemption, are able to fulfill the Will of the Celestial Father.

You will still not understand what I am saying to you today, but hold My words in your hearts, for in your hearts is the first place in which My designs will be fulfilled, and it is from there that the works are carried out for the whole planet.

Feel My words before understanding them and so you will transform, dear children.

My love waits to be deposited in you when your trust becomes absolute, when your spirits open to this sacred summoning and thus, the nations of the Americas will gain relief.

Because this Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement, dear children, began from the first moment in which you said "yes" to My Call eight years ago, when you learned to pray and prayed with Me; when you fulfilled each one of My requests for peace in the world and for the salvation of souls.

This Marian and Priestly-Christic Movement has been gradually gestated in your spirits when they were receptive to My Universal Call.

And there is still much to do, dear children, there is much to accomplish and to fulfill for God.

Today I leave My Immaculate Heart for you as the treasure of the Universe, an emblem of love for all of humanity; as the foundation of this Movement for this blessed and glorious day, in which your Mother from Heaven is crowned by the love of Her children.

Today I want you to sign this commitment to Me through your love and your "yes."

In this way, many will be helped, and will come in different ways to My Immaculate Heart: as a refuge for the afflicted, as a home for those who despair, as a healing for those who are sick, and as salvation for those who were in the abyss.

Today I place here before you My seven roses of Light; because as from this ninth year of meetings with Me, dear children, the seventh cycle will be completed and a new cycle will begin for all. Be prepared.

This Movement will also be formed by the Children of Mary who represent Me in this humanity as a testimony to the change and the Love of God in your lives.

Today I will call those who will be consecrated on this day, when I will again reveal the power of My Immaculate Heart, which is the Power of God.

Let My children come here, those who will be consecrated.

Today there are three, dear children, in the sacred memory of the purity of Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucía, and in the sacred memory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What will this moment mean for your souls, dear children?

What will this consecration represent for your souls before My Immaculate Heart, that opens to receive you and infinitely love you?

Today, for each one of you, I leave the seed of original purity, so that you may recover it and cause it to grow like a great tree of light that, through your prayer, will give shelter to suffering and lost hearts.

In union with My Immaculate Heart, receive the Light of Heaven, that today I offer you by Grace and by Mercy, touching your heads and praying to My Son for your great step into the Greater Universe.

I love you and adopt you as My children, because you have already taken Me on as your Mother.

And so I once again, on this day, fulfill the Project of the Love of God in all hearts through these three children.

Receive from Lys Fatima, Peace.

And now, children who are consecrated today, repeat with Me:

My God, I believe in you....

(Prayer of the Angel of Peace, recited three times)

And so, children who are consecrated today, your hearts are cleansed and your souls purified in My Light, in the perfect Love of God and in the Unity with His Spirit.

Today I consecrate you in the name of all the Universe, in the name of Love and of Peace, so that it may be established in your lives and in all those who cross your paths.

Remember, dear children who are consecrated today, that you adopted My Immaculate Heart, that will always protect you and love you as nobody has ever loved you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For this day, for the days past, and for the works to come, I thank you for responding to My Call.

Let your candles be raised and sing: "The 13th of May."

Go in peace.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In these times, the world does not seek the Light. I come from Heaven to make it known, that powerful and sublime Light that emerges from the Heart of God for the world and for all the universes.

Today I am here with you, dear children, with My Most Holy Heart, commemorating this special meeting with My Consciousness, which unites all your consciousnesses with the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

On this day, I come to restore your lives; to restore your material and spiritual paths so that you may follow My call, directly to the Heart of the Creator.

This is My greatest wonder for your lives, that you follow a single path through My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, I come to call you, not only to prayer, but also to a fulfilling of your spiritual task in this mission of the 144,000, of the new apostles of My Son.

Do you perhaps believe you are one of them?

I come to reveal this prophecy to you, because the sign that the world needs to deeply change, before everything happens, is visible in these times.

My Voice is not only announced in Medjugorje; I come to this part of the Americas, not only to consecrate the Plan of God, but to also, through the peoples, have the new apostles of Christ emerge, those who will impart gifts and graces to all those that need them. Thus, My Heart is persevering, beloved children.

Today, a cycle in your lives closes. A new spiritual and higher cycle is coming to the world. It is beginning at this very moment, in this real time of God, in which all are invited, through the upliftment of the prayer of the heart, your communion with Christ and your repentance, to place yourselves again and again in light of Divine Laws.

 For this, I come clothed in the Sun, to illumine your paths, to open your eyes, to open your hearts and thus, you may feel the Purpose of God through Me.

Today, My whole Consciousness is manifested in this place; just as God allowed it in this end of times, in which all are called to experience a profound reflection in the consciousness, to change the habits of your lives, to correct your paths, to follow the path of the Shepherd which is the real path, is the true Hierarchy of this galaxy, in this solar system and in this little world in the whole universe.

Do you know what this means, dear children?

I come to reveal the mysteries of God to you. Those deep secrets that, in the Divine Life of the Sacred Hearts, of the Sacred Family, were fully lived in the absolute trust that everything was true for the evolution of the hearts of the world.

I come with the aspiration of a good Mother, to institute the principle of a New Humanity here, strengthened through faith, love, unity and mainly, a trust that your lives, purified in Christ, will find the goal that you have sought for so long.

Your goal, My children, is to be found beyond other philosophies. I invite you to experience the philosophy of My maternal Heart, which is the perfect vibration of the Love of God manifested in the Heart of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I again present you with My Immaculate Heart, as a perfect offering to be able to experience redemption and peace, within and outside of yourselves, so the confusing paths fade and the Light of God again emerges in all the steps you must take toward the Lord.

My Heart is a Star manifested before you, which comes from the universe, crossing these thresholds of Light, to pour out the Graces that God has granted on this day. I would deeply like that, every day of My omnipresent Life, you could see Me; but trust, trust in the Will of God.

It is already a Grace for your hearts that you have been assembled on this holy day to renew your spiritual vows with the Creator; release your ties, leave the paths of damnation, the material lack of control of the life promised by this sick humanity.

Today I come to heal many of your hearts, hearts that are sick and have need of the relief of the attributes of the Universal Mother. If you live these attributes, I assure you, dear children, that you will not lose that path to infinity that you are invited to experience in this beginning of peace that I disseminate for your lives and the world.

As Mother of this humanity, Mother and Princess of this world, Commander of all these hearts, I come on this 8th of August to unite your hearts with the Sublime Spirit of God, which you know as the One Source.

My Heart is that Portal that today is open to your souls, in front of your eyes, with deep maternal Love, with the gaze of a kind Mother, so that everybody dares to enter into Me and consecrate your lives, according to your possibilities.

I come to give you this last offer on this date. This is the greatest Grace God has granted Me after eight years of patiently walking by your side, in love and in truth, so your hearts would be able to grow in faith and be nurtured by the Holy Spirit of My Son.

God granted, beloved children, that My Son come here to open the doors of this Aurora, so that hearts could be freed, redeemed and healed through the Archangel Michael. But that is a task, is a spiritual mission of Our Sublime Hearts in light of this unfaithful world, which seeks for results in other things, on other paths upon which souls are lost and distance themselves from God more each day.

Thus, the universe is around My aura, My blue aura of Light, to radiate the fortitude to you which you need to feel encouraged to follow in My footsteps, so simple and humble that in truth, dear children, if you dare to experience them, you will concretize your works, which are the Works of God for the world.

But today, I am not here alone, but rather surrounded by the angels of Heaven, by all the Heavenly Hierarchies that respond to the maximum Will of the Creator. Today I am uniting this Spiritual Universe, where I am, with your material life, a life of sorrow and pain that must be rescued by My Spirit of Peace, before everything happens.

While I speak to you, dear children, I am working on your hearts so you may reach the Light, the Light of the redemption of Christ, so necessary and urgent for rehabilitating as many hearts as possible that walk in the darkness of My adversary.

But with My feet, on this soil of Aurora, I step on the head of the serpent; so that it stop causing souls to be lost and I, as from now, be your Governor, your Universal Mother, your Guiding Star, that will guide your steps, your paths and your families toward a new Repairing Communion with Christ, at the definite moment of His Return to Earth.

Happy are those who believe without seeing, because in truth, they know the Kingdom of God.

Happy are those who hear with the ears of the heart, for they will feel the Holy Spirit of the Creator.

Happy are those who repent from the heart, that set aside their ties so that the Aurora of My Heart remove all the evils of this world and the doors of redemption open for the hearts that are lost because of not wanting to follow the Mother of Heaven.

I bring you true, definite words for your lives. I bring you higher healing, the feminine principle, sacred and immaculate, in this universal life.

I come to open your eyes so you may reach your soul and so that your soul live in the Spirit of God, for the centuries to come.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is for this reason that I open all the doors of this world that separate it from the universe, and I unite the Time of God with the time of this Earth, to thus heal all the errors of the past, a past unknown to you, that does not come from this world, but which My Heart can indeed see and heal in your consciousnesses.

I come to release the ties with evil of those who say 'yes' to My Immaculate Heart, but let this 'yes' be true and let it manifest in the actions of your lives in the days to come.

I hope, My children, that you did not come to meet with Me simply out of a curiosity for knowing what happens on this sacred ground; that you are here because you are willing to definitely transform your lives, to release the ties of the past and be reborn to a new knowledge, to a new life, to a New Humanity, which must have each of your hearts and each of your consciousnesses as a seed.

Do not wait, My beloveds, for this humanity to suddenly appear, for it must be built through the conscious purification and transformation of each of you.

But the love for God and for His Perfect Plan must be greater than the love for the things of this world; because My adversary will seek in all ways to feed those desires and the aspirations that tie you to the illusions of this world, and in all ways, it will disguise these aspirations so they may seem true and spiritual.

For this reason, open your eyes, not the eyes of the mind, but rather those of the heart; because it is through the heart, My beloveds, that you will hear My Voice and will know that it is the carrier of the Will of God for your lives as well as for humanity, as well as for the whole universe, which on this day, assembles around My Mantle to observe the hearts of the world and contemplate the Project of God.

The universe waits for the response of all human beings. Thus, today I ask that you be brave, in spirit as well as in matter, to set aside the past and surrender to the new future that I bring before your eyes as an opportunity for redemption.

This redemption is available for all, but if you do not say 'yes' to Me and are not ready to transform your lives, this fount of healing will spill onto this ground and will return to its Source without having touched your consciousnesses.

Do you recognize, My beloveds, the great loss it is for this race if you do not accept saying 'yes' to the Power of God that manifests in His Servant?

Let me dissolve the fear of your hearts, to heal the lack of faith, for in this way, I will be able to shape you and protect you so that you go through the times that will come and that, in spite of all the events of the world, you never abandon the Path of the Lord, because the great victory of God is to manifest the full certainty of the perfection of His Project in His creatures, and that these children of God accept following the Light, beyond the darkness that surrounds them.

It is for this, My children, that today I bring you the Light of the Divine Source, which originated the consciousnesses of the Cosmos as well as of this Earth.

From this Source of Light come your essences, which today I seek to re-ignite, so that in this new cycle, a great act of redemption and reconciliation with God will manifest; thus, announcing to the cosmos that the manifestation of the Plan of God is possible and that, at the beginning of this planetary cycle, which announces the end of human decadence, a part of humanity chose to follow the Plans of God.

What I need, My beloveds, is that you not only listen to My Words, but that your paths be straight, that you look firmly at My Immaculate Heart, and that you not walk other paths, but rather on this one that leads to My Heart.

I aspire that you not only be with Me today, but all the days of your lives; that within yourselves, you defeat all the tendencies of this unfaithful world, to follow in My footsteps which lead you to the Redeemer; that you proclaim the Son of God every day, in all moments of your lives; that you announce the victory of the King of the Universe in your consciousnesses through your transformation.

Live My Words, do not just listen to them, because this is the great possibility that I bring you on this night. Live My Words.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this holy day, I invite you to live the path of the heart, the path of Love that humanity is losing because of distancing itself from God and preferring other things that do not nurture the spirit, that do not make life shine, in the way God foresees.

Thus, on this night, I will bless this Sacred Book, which is the greatest expression of My perfect Love for you. I hope you will carry it as a path to find the Light.

Let us sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary."

Dear children, I bless this Book, because they are the Words that God taught Me, which today I transmit to you with all the maternal Love of My Heart. May these blessed pages be read with a humility of spirit, with the simplicity of the heart that seeks a perfect union with God.

Each time you read these documents, these Words of My maternal Heart, may your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters be spiritually re-ignited and definitely establish a union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

But today I also bless your hearts, because My Grace is poured out over your lives and the lives of the souls of the world. That is the only thing I desire, dear children, that you live in unity and in love so that many things do not happen in the world, simply because you do not want to listen.

I bless these fruits that represent the tree of life. Each one of you is a fruit of My Heart; and through this simple basket, I present this offering to the Creator, because with His merciful Eyes, He will see that they are already ripe to live universal life.

Aurora protects you if you have a simple heart, with the pure intention of seeking union with God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother is requesting we intone the song we had offered Her, because for Her it represents the voice of all Her children, seeking the simplicity and the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.

She said: "I am here, in My house of humility."

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Never close the doors of your hearts, for thus I will be able to enter.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, here the brothers and sisters are going to give an orange to those who are here.

And Mary was telling us that we have these oranges, as the fruit of Her simple Heart.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
