My dear children:
The footprints of the Lady of Finland, as footprints of Light, begin to mark the inner paths, so that My missionary children may be oriented in this next Pilgrimage for Peace. The same will happen miraculously in Poland, Switzerland and France, this last country very much in need of love and redemption.
Dear children, today the Lady of Finland presents Herself to you with this Face for the first time, so that you may internally follow the Mother of Finland in this important task which, spiritually, will try to appease the injustice and lack of peace between sister nations, today divided by conflict, hatred and war.
The Lady of Finland will place herself before all the evil generated so that, through a sublime breath, it may be dispelled from the ideas of conquest and power over millions of innocent souls. And you, with courage and faith, will accompany Me together with the Angel of Finland, Hellem-El, so that together with the Angel of Portugal they may intervene by order of the Most Holy Mother.
But all this will not be through confrontations or spiritual battles, but rather, in the name of the Most Precious Blood of Christ, the small seed of gratitude that the countries in conflict lost by deviating from what was essential and immediate will be restored.
Therefore, through the unfathomable presence of the angels of some nations, your Heavenly Mother, as Lady of Finland, will cause the original values to emerge again that were part of the Nordic countries and beyond.
I invite you to have an open and empty heart on this pilgrimage; because not only you, but also the Hierarchy, will come into contact with a legacy that has not yet been revealed to the world.
For this reason, the Lady of Finland presents herself as the first Guardian of the values that made the most ancient peoples of the north of the planet representatives of the Lineage of Warriors.
Let us consciously pray so that every step of this pilgrimage may be beneficial, not only for Finland, but also for the whole world.
I thank all of you who, once again, trusted in Our requests and made this extended and necessary pilgrimage possible.
I love you and accompany you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Finland
Dear children,
This is the time when your lives should be the example of a concretized transformation. It is time to be the same Message as My Son. It is time to express that which My Son so much expects.
Until that happens, He cannot return. He needs the pillars of His divine Gifts to be affirmed within you.
In simple words, dear children, My Son needs that you now be other people and that your souls, and not your personalities, may govern.
As a Mother, I pray for each one of you so that, each day that passes, you are able to get out of yourselves and put yourself in the place that My Son indicated to you since the beginning of your walk of faith.
My children, it is time that you embrace with love the painful planetary situation, that you can be faithful workers of peace and that you protect, from yourself and from others, the Word of the Hierarchy.
In this way, My dear children, you will be apostles of the end of times, you will reflect everything that My Son waits for since the beginning of your paths of transformation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
After nine days of prayer to the Saint Raphael the Archangel, on this day and through the 1000 Hail Marys, your Heavenly Mother completed another stage in the spiritual mission of assistance to humanity.
With each Hail Mary done from the heart, at this moment, one more soul receives the opportunity of being free of their spiritual and material captivity. In this way, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart triumphs in the life of those who turn to God in these times.
Through the 1000 Hail Marys, the Celestial Hierarchy also intercedes for those who are unprotected and submerged in material misery, an effect of inequality and the culture of discard.
It is for this reason, beloved children, that your prayers reach Heaven and all those intentions change into Graces and into expiation for those who really suffer the consequences of these times.
In these hours, while the 1000 Hail Marys take place, the Eternal Father contemplates the effort and the dedication of His children, at a planetary moment in which only faith and hope will be able to change the current destiny of the whole race.
It is in this way that the meeting of today prepares you for the events that will take place during the month of May. Moments in which the Hierarchy will give more impulses and instructions so that in 2020, souls may finish their training in this school of transition of the times and the cycles.
I again give thanks for the adherence of those who prayed today with Me for peace and the healing of humanity in need.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Source of all Instruction and Knowledge descends to Earth through the Word of the Hierarchy so that humanity may be conscious of the Truth and, at the same time, conscious of the possibility it has of fulfilling the Creator Project of God, even if as a minority.
This Source of Instruction not only enters the consciousness of each server so that they may be renewed, but it also gives them the impulse for a more rapid process in their redemption and their consecration to the Divine Plan of the Father, so this may be accomplished as foreseen.
It is in this last cycle when the Source of Instruction will assist many consciousnesses and will allow them to perceive reality, and thus change their way of life forever, acquiring the patterns of life that will be good for their own lives, souls and spirits.
For this reason, Instruction and Knowledge will come with many revelations so that the human race, in this last instance of the planet, may place itself on the correct step and, by redeeming its past and its errors, it may resume the Plan it once lost, which will begin within each being.
Thus, Instruction will be this light that will indicate the way so that many more consciousnesses may abandon the world illusion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear sons and dear daughters of Mine,
Listen, at this moment, to the winter winds that embrace the north of the planet.
Feel the light of this lake that reveals everything. Unite with the nature of your being and commune with God so that today you may renew your vows in the name of humanity and the planet, in the name of the Original Project of God and of all that still must be done here upon the surface of the Earth.
Feel the breeze of these winter winds of Canada and open the doors of your consciousness to the new in order to discover the sacred knowledge that is held upon this planet and in many Inner Enclaves of the Brotherhood.
Receive this winter breeze of Canada as a moment of introspection and withdrawal, to discover within your being that which really exists, rather than only what seems to be, that which once emerged from the Source to live and experience the awakening of consciousness, the evolution of love and the great moment that you are living in the redemption offered to you by this planet and this creation that is found here; absolutely thought of, meditated upon and contemplated by the Eternal Father for each one of His children.
It is from this setting, in Canada, that today I send My message for each Child of Mary, for each child of Mine consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.
An important moment in which you may renew your lives and consciousnesses in the aspiration of fulfilling the Plan of God, as armies of the Mother of the World, which attract to Earth all that is in the Heavens so that souls may ignite in light within themselves and find God beyond all that may happen or take place.
Walk toward the encounter with the new humanity. You are the transition of something that will arrive and that will soon emerge. This is the hardest and most difficult moment, but it is not the only one. After everything happens, the Light will come, the Light of Christ, the Light of My Son, to illuminate you again in the same way that the Holy Spirit illuminated the apostles.
Follow the path that you are building in your lives and do not allow yourselves to be intimidated nor disturbed.
A Child of Mary is one who is reborn every day and who, beyond themselves, fulfills that which God so much expects in the simple things of life, in the gestures of love, in charity and in the good.
Allow service to be the torch of the Children of Mary, that prayer always be the fire that lights up your hearts in order to find peace, the peace so urgent in these times, the peace you can reflect with the example of your lives and your surrender.
Today I speak to you from the frozen country of Canada and, opening My arms and stretching out My hands toward you, dear children, I expand the light of the Mirrors of the Universe upon the Earth so that today your souls may be filled with more attributes and principles, and you can thus continue walking in the evolution of love and consciousness, in a vaster and deeper opening, so as to understand the Mysteries of God and, in this way, live His Plan on the surface of the Earth.
Today I send you this message from Canada as part of a trajectory of the Spiritual Hierarchy which moves through certain places of the Earth in order to prepare your consciousnesses and your brothers and sisters for what will come.
This is why knowledge in your lives is indispensable, so that you may apply it and move forward with it in your daily lives and, in this way, you may imitate other peoples and consciousness that have also passed through the Earth and that lived a great awakening.
Today it makes Me happy to see you gathered together in the name of the Love of God, which is the first thing you must experience in your lives. Today it makes Me happy that you are gathered together in the name of My Son and, lastly, in the name of the Love of your Heavenly Mother, who stretches out Her mantle to protect you, to safeguard you and wrap you in the Grace of God.
This Divine Grace that is inextinguishable and undeniable, a Grace that I have brought especially for each consecrated child so that they may awaken to their personal mission and may perceive that it is the time and the moment of the great encounter, of the great service for humanity and for the planet as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.
This is why I am here today, from the great lakes of Canada, I send My message of Love, of Peace and of re-consecration for each child of Mine consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.
Never lose sight of the truth of what you are and the Divine Existence that once formed and created you. In this way, you will learn to overcome appearances and obstacles, which will renew your lives in daily loving prayer that will unite you with God and all the Universe.
May the potency and power of the Mirrors of the Universe illuminate your consciousnesses and all your brothers and sisters so that, in the face of a new step of re-consecration, each one may take their place and their moment of great planetary service, for a definitive time approaches and it is not far away, My children. That will be the time and the hour of doing everything for this planet and for its humanity, so that everything may begin again as is foreseen.
From My Heart, receive the light of the Graces and Mercy of the Father. Filled by My maternal spirit, reaffirm your vows and renew your consciousnesses, for there is still much to do and serve.
May prayer in your lives continue to be this bridge that unites you with My Heart and carries you to Heaven in spirit every day.
On this day of renewal, may all the Children of Mary stand up and, as an army, affirm the commitment of fidelity and union with their Heavenly Mother, the Universal Mother.
With joy and rejoicing, I receive your appeals and intentions so that, in this year 2020, you may continue to grow inwardly and take form as apostles of Christ on Earth.
From the Great Mirror of the Universe, I send to all the Light that you and the planet need, so that this human civilization can again find the meaning of experiencing this Project of Creation that is still to be accomplished, and you will prepare this accomplishment with the Return of Christ.
Be happy and smile at the Mother of God, because Divine Grace has touched your hearts and lives forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the Presence of the Mother of God, Who brings us inner healing and renewal, before Her Presence on this day, which fills our lives and hearts, through Her Grace, all together we renew our vows to the Immaculate and Maternal Heart of Mary, for the triumph of Her Heart on this planet and in this humanity. And so that Her divine and sacred attributes may continue to descend into our souls and into our brothers and sisters, and within this scenery of the great lakes of Canada, being embraced by the winds of this great winter and before Her Great Mirror, the Mirror of the Universal Mother, we will together say the prayer of the Universal Mother three times so that Her attributes may continue to work upon and consecrate the souls of this world.
Prayer: Universal Mother (three times).
And now, My children, listen again to the movement of the Mirrors, by means of this winter wind that embraces you and the movement of the water of this great lake, and how it is possible for the synthesis of Creation to manifest in all of nature and within you; and thus, return to your origins, to your truth and to your essences, to be there in God, and to fulfill His Will for Him.
I thank you for having gathered together with Me today!
And under the authority granted to Me by My Son, I absolve you and re-consecrate you as My children, the children of the Celestial Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the Mother of God is in silence, it is because something important is about to happen, and at this moment you must understand this meaning.
This silence leads to introspection, to reflection and to discernment.
It is a moment for humanity to understand the cycles it is going through and experiencing in these times.
For this reason, the Messengers of God come to Earth, to prepare and guide it toward the next step and toward the new time.
I have come here today to bring you My message of peace, but also My message of consciousness, dear children.
Today, in the message given by your Heavenly Mother for the apparitions, a cycle closes and a new cycle will begin; from the month of March of this year onward, a moment in which you will be able to accompany Me throughout this last cycle that draws near, which will conclude an important stage for all inner worlds and also for all of humanity.
It is a moment for you to begin to harvest the fruits of the instruction and knowledge of the Hierarchy; a moment for you to be able to learn and drink from this Fountain, so that you may only depend on God, on His Grace and on His Mercy.
Thus, your souls will be strengthened upon this path and trajectory toward the eternal service for God on behalf of souls, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet.
Today I come here to announce the end of this cycle, the end of these messages that I have been delivering that prepare you for each new meeting with Me, whether in your hearts or before My Presence.
Thus, dear children, you will be able to understand, at this moment, the omniscience of the Mother of God. This omniscience and power that Her Son has given Her to carry forward this planetary task in the end of times, which is the last and great task for these times.
For this reason, I invite you to keep in mind all that I have said to you, from the first years in which I met you, to guide you, conduct you and make you live the Plan of God in its different manifestations and tasks.
This is the time to make the great and last synthesis. It is the time to live the knowledge of God so that you can learn to face that which will come, not only for your consciousnesses, but also for the whole planet, for the entire humanity.
Through each message, through each word and instruction, your Heavenly Mother has given you an impulse, a key, a gift, a virtue and a light so that they can be lit within your hearts and within your lives, and so that you can represent the Work of Christ upon Earth.
Thus, dear children, I call you to live the untiring apostolate, the apostolate of effort, the apostolate for love for all that God conceived from the beginning of this Creation, and so that this Creation can be regenerated, healed and redeemed.
This is the time when humanity will go through the last moments within its planetary transition. Therefore, I invite you to be conscious, but I also thank you for having responded to each call.
Having responded to My call, you have responded to the call of God. This call of God is to fulfill, at each stage, His Divine Will, His aspirations, His ardent wishes and His goals. It is in this way that He appears, reveals Himself and guides His children, so that all may follow the path of faith and trust in God, in the fulfillment of His Divine Purpose.
I need you, dear children, to help me accompany the coming cycle, because from the moment My Son visits you this year, during the Sacred Week of this year, a more definitive stage will close.
Understand, dear children, that now cycles are monthly and there are also cycles that are weekly. The Hierarchy will no longer be able to wait for twenty-five or more years for the human consciousness to be mature and be in the condition that the Plan needs in order to be fulfilled and accomplished.
Therefore, I lead you to understand the importance of knowledge and instruction, which are strongholds and principles for your lives; they are directions, paths and routes to find the Divine Purpose in its diversity, within the Law of the Hierarchy, within the Law of Love-Wisdom.
I leave you this message, dear children, this last message that prepares your inner worlds for this Apparition of today, a moment when each soul and each heart, beyond what it is going through and experiencing, will have the opportunity to make this synthesis and gather, in its inner world, all the treasures that the Hierarchy has delivered, throughout the years and the times.
Today is a culminating moment for all, from the inner planes but also from the spiritual planes, the Eternal Father will be contemplating this instance, when His children will again respond to the call of the Mother of God, by means of this meeting of prayer, which tries to strengthen all souls, all hearts and consciousnesses so that they do not fear, so that they may learn to go through the end of these times with bravery and momentum, under the impulse and company of the Great Chrsitic Consciousness.
Above all, dear children, may love always be within you, in your brothers and sisters, and everywhere. It is this love, the Love of God, that has brought you here, to live this time, to live this school, to live this learning, to serve God. There is nothing that can prevent this. There is nothing that can hinder it nor intervene.
The deserts are big, but the victories are vaster and more infinite.
Take back the inner strength that the Sacrament of the Communion gives you. Affirm your Baptism. Affirm your anointment in Christ, and all will be renewed.
I thank you for responding to My call and, under the Light of My Heart, I guide you toward the Greater Purpose, until this Purpose is fulfilled, in you and in the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Upon the planet, there has always existed the presence of the Hierarchy. This presence came to this civilization to guide it and accompany its learning of the expansion of consciousness.
In this way, countless beings were summoned, in the inner planes of consciousness, so that these Hierarchies could offer to participate in the evolutionary and redeeming process of the whole human race.
In turn, this call and summoning allowed for the expansion of the field of service and self-giving of the souls, so that they could also live the advancement of their state of consciousness towards a higher and unconditional consciousness.
The lineage or virtue of the master was something that was applied since earlier times because true guidance and instruction were necessary for humanity, to prevent it from constantly straying.
So, these great summoned consciousnesses would act and help the human project in an imperceptible and silent way, bringing to the planet all the impulses needed in order for humanity to be able to perceive the continuous need for ascension.
For this, the summoned Masters were assigned to intervene spiritually and internally in certain cultures, races and peoples who could understand them and, above all, understand the message and instruction received.
With this purpose, the Masters concentrated in important and solitary spaces, such as the mountains of the Himalayas, the Alps, the Pyrenees, and even in the grand mountainous chain of the American Andes. From there, within the Sacred Enclaves of retreat, silence and contemplation, they began to work spiritually for the various needs that humanity had.
All this work of the Hierarchy was internal, but, in many cases, the process of materialization took place, which means bringing an inner level toward a physical and concrete level, without losing the acquired principles and teachings.
This movement, in accordance with the necessity or emergency of the inner nuclei, collaborated with the quick awakening of consciousnesses toward a reality that is not of matter. That is to say, of becoming aware of the life of the spirit and of the divine essence of each being.
These apparitions of the Masters fostered, both in the East and in the West, the necessary balance to encompass the expansion of consciousness and, above all, the responsibility for the evolutionary and cosmic path.
Today, I reveal this history and reality to you because it is important to understand the inner meaning of the existence of various religions that, in ancient times, were impelled by the intention of the Divinity through the Hierarchy.
This is the moment to carry out a vaster synthesis, to understand the reason for the existence of so many religions that in the time to come must walk together towards a definite union with the Divine, leaving behind that which each one represents or teaches, and allowing for the matrix of all of them to merge with the Love of God.
Therefore, you must pray so that your Divine Mother, who has this mission for the religions of humanity, may carry forward that which God needs, with the help and collaboration of all My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I come from the heart of the Universe to assist and rescue My children of humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. We are upon a world in ruins and on fire, with a humanity consumed by illusion and indifference.
I come today to attend to various situations of the planet, because within the Armageddon, the human race is not responding to the times of emergency.
For this reason, I come to cry out for awareness and promptitude, because your home, which is this planet, has need of the help and love from all human beings so that the exploitation, the trafficking, the excessive consumption and the massive destruction of the Younger Kingdoms may be reversed, beyond the interests that a small number of people have, which bring about global poverty.
This is the time in which certain powers that the human being believes they have will fall apart, in the same way that a mountain comes down. Nothing will remain in the place believed to be its position. The Hierarchy will intervene so that injustice ends and those who live off of the slave labor of all humanity will be removed.
Humanity cannot imagine the arrival of this moment. Thus, we must pray, pray and pray, so that Justice may be gentle in all it intercepts. Be aware of this and accompany the Hierarchy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I descend to the Earth, and through my consciousness, I ignite the Mirrors of the Cosmos so that the Mirrors and the doors of the Universe may bring the help that humanity urgently needs in this cycle.
By igniting the Mirrors and opening the doors of the Universe, I bring to all the Attributes of God, althought the majority of humanity at the moment is unconscious of what this means for this time.
By igniting the Mirrors, I bring the powerful current of peace, so that the spiritual planes of this planet and of human consciousness may be transmuted and liberated so that, from the most invisible planes to the most material planes, the interferences do not keep descending, those that My enemy imposes in nations and among souls.
This is the time to understand the movement of the Universe and of the Hierarchy so that, being more conscious and more available, you may accompany the Divinity in all that there is to be done in this cycle.
All the necessary help will be delivered by the Universe to humanity, but it will be up to the human consciousness, no matter what, to give a conscious and true response in order to receive all the help it needs, so that souls may not only be freed, but also the chains of oppression, exploitation and conquest that many human beings carry forward, at this moment. Serious actions, for which Universal Justice has a price, a consequence and a response, that will be given at some moment.
But by means of the Mirrors of the Universe that make the Light descend upon the planet and humanity, I come to intercede as Mother of the World and Mother of the whole human race so that the possibility of Mercy and redemption may exist.
So I gather all the Commanders of the Universe, all consciousnesses that unconditionally serve God, in the Universe and on the Earth, so that in this unity and in this brotherhood, the opportunity may be established internally that many, many consciousnesses need to keep evolving in the coming cycle of the Earth or in other parts of the Universe.
Everything will be reordered. Everything will transform. Nothing will remain as it is. The Universe will intervene and will bring the new to all human consciousnesses and especially to the planet that endures the aggressions of the humanity of the surface, all the time.
The spiritual healing granted by the Univese will not only be for the beings of the surface, but also for all the Creation manifested on this blue planet, that is its house, that is its home, is its dwelling place for having the experiences of forgiveness and redemption.
The human beings have forgotten that they are passing through this planet and that afterwards they will depart toward other regions of the Universe to learn what they could not learn here.
But those who open and offer to listen to the Hierarchy, and to fulfill what it requests, will be mediators, will be intercessors, will be collaborators of those who live ignorance, in the blindness of these times, and who have lost the meaning of reality and truth.
Therefore, all the elements of the planet, all the cosmic forces of the Universe that work to establish the Plan of God gather and congregate because these times requires it. And the necessity is more urgent than what the eyes can see and than what the heart can feel.
Today I come as a Mother that governs the macrocosm, that governs the planet which, throughout the times and the infinite Apparitions, throughout all the culminating moments of humanity, has tried to help the children of God, and will keep doing so until the last soul, the most lost and submerged in darkness, receives the opportunity of being redeemed and of finding the path of Light, the path it lost toward the Celestial Father.
Therefore, all the angelical hosts also congregate and join efforts so that the spiritual planes may be within universal order and harmony, although we know that the very human consciousness itself generates many situations that disharmonize and generates chaos in the human race itself.
All human beings, believers or non-believers, atheists or devout, or even those of other religions, must keep in mind and be aware of what they are generating, of what they are producing, not only for the planet, but for their own civilization.
Meanwhile, we make all efforts, we carry out all possible operations and carry forward all the requests of the Universe to maintain the Doors of the Cosmos open, because they are the Doors that will not only liberate chaos toward other regions of the Universe, where it will be transmuted and liberated, but also these Doors that are profoundly internal, spiritual and cosmic will bring the Grace of God to all.
When the human being recognizes that they do not have power above all things and beyond God; when they bow their head down upon the ground, ask for forgiveness and do penitence, the help of the Universe will be stronger, the change of consciousness will be quicker and no one will lose the path toward the Love of God any longer.
The change of the great human situations, of the great problems of the nations and in peoples will have to begin first within each being, because if each being is not in contact with God, with the One or however you want to call or name Him, nothing will be solved.
Open the doors of your hearts, extend your arms toward those who suffer, welcome all those who are not accepted, those who are not understood, those who do not want to change.
Be merciful, be blessed, be peacemakers of My beloved Son, and the world will change in the small things of life and then will be able to change in the greater and larger things. Each one must be responsible for their redemption and for their surrender.
I once told you, beloved children, as I once told the world, not to place the responsibility upon God nor upon anyone else. Each being in this time must perceive the consequences and the responsibility in everything they do and in everything they practice.
The Universe is there to hear you, to receive you, to attend to you and to help you, it only depends on a correct and peacemaking attitude, on repentance and on true change, because if this is not present, the help will not come.
Many are the evils, the adversities and the chaos that the race itself has generated thoughits ties with My adversary. But now a time of truce will come and, in this time, it will be the only and unrepeatable opportunity in which the souls, the consciousnesses and My children will have the chance to change and reverse something for all that is taking place.
I come as a Messenger of the Universe in the name of many more Messengers who circulate and who live in this macrocosm and beyond this galaxy, to tell the world that we are attentive, that we are accompanying the gravity of these times.
But we need and plead for you to stop, to reflect, to meditate and to no longer do evil. Suffering must not be the path of the loss of hundreds of innocent consciousnesses who are mistreated, exploited and sold like animals from a barn
It is time to deter the roots of adversity, generated by My adversary in the ideals of abortion, of the exploitation of nature, of the slaughtering of animals of the sea and of the land, of the transgression and the contamination that all the large industries of the planet produce, in the ambition of power and of money, which only exists in the consciousness of humanity.
Reverse your attitude and the Apocalypse will change. Do not boast nor desire for what does not correspond to you. Be thankful for everything that surrounds you and you will not lose peace.
I thank you in the name of many consciousnesses of the Universe for having listened to Me with bravery and courage, with openness and especially with gratitude.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The light of the mystery is revealed in this time and is born from within the Sacred Centers so that the human consciousness may receive the impulse of awakening and of cosmic reality.
It is in this way that these Sacred Centers, fruits of Creation and present in various points of the planet, are the most potent powerhouses of light that attract, to the Earth and to humanity, the Grace of being able to have the Greater Knowledge radiated by the great constellations and stars.
It is in this way, My children, that the human being again remembers, and for the memory of the origin to arrive, of who they were and the reason for having emerged from a pure and supreme Fount, Founts present in various spaces of the Universe.
Each being of this planet is a star, which had once lived an experience in some place of the Universe, but for this experience to be more enriched and so that it could bear its fruits, most of My children had to arrive on this blue planet to deepen in love and in forgiveness.
But their history will not end in this life, there is something that exists beyond the sphere of the Earth which is called “macrocosm”. To there they must return, with learnings fulfilled and a mission accomplished.
The Sacred Centers are within the reach of human beings to allow them to remember all these things. For this reason, the light of the Center of Figueira is the first essence of love that, with power and fortitude, will be unveiled within the heart that opens to receive it.
Let the light of the Center of Figueira be a bridge of elevation and an impulse of transcendence for all human conditions.
From each Sacred Center will emerge, not only the light of their essences but there will also be the appearance of the Hierarchy as a member of a Higher and evolutionary Order of the entire Cosmic Universe.
It is time, children, to recognize, through these impulses, the last revealing impulses that will come to humanity to lead it toward the expansion of consciousness with the aim of someday taking on evolution, the care and the love for this planet, which is the receptacle of great and unknown Sacred Centers that God Himself created so that all of His children might be accompanied and could thus come to meet Him.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.
For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.
The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.
In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.
Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.
This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.
This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.
Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
What it is to represent the Spiritual Hierarchy on the Earth
Dear children,
Throughout the entire evolution of the Creation, like that of human beings, the Law of the Hierarchy has always existed.
The Creator, as He multiplied, manifested Himself in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Who, although they are only one and have never lost this spiritual and divine unity, represent the first degree of the Hierarchy of the Creation of God.
Each one of the Aspects of God were responsible for emanating different aspects of life: the dimensions, the Archangels, the planets, the spaces in which life expresses itself. And thus, from the Divine Consciousness to the material manifestation of life, of which the human beings are a part of, everything creates, manifests, expresses itself and lives according to the Law of the Hierarchy.
This Law is drawn in the Universe as on the Earth not by degrees of superiority, as you know by your human definitions. Nor is it due to their abilities that beings are on higher steps of the hierarchical consciousness. It is by the degrees of love, children, of surrender and of donation of self that a being is conducted to represent and guide many more.
In Heaven, like in the invisible levels of Earth, where only your hearts can reach, there are what we call Hierarchies, which are those consciousnesses Who arrived, throughout their evolution, following the guidelines of the Will and of the Plan of God. And, in the evolutionary scale of the Creation, they are treading the path to return to the Heart of the Father; beings that have surrendered their will to the Will of God, and who live beyond the material dimensions to represent the Divine Will.
Their thought is one with the Thought of the Father, their spirit is one with the Spirit of God, their love is an extension of the greater Love of the Son of God and thus, they are worthy of representing the Creator within the different scales of life.
The Earth was thought of and created by God to renew His Love, renew His Creation, and thus elevate life to a greater degree of Love.
So that this may happen, there must be consciousnesses here that love the Law of the Hierarchy and that, by their degrees of love and of surrender, can be worthy of being called the Third Order of the Brotherhood of God.
This means, My children, that not only in the invisible levels must there be consciousnesses that respond to the Divine Will and represent it.
Also on Earth, the consciousnesses must adhere to the Will of the Creator and embrace the purpose of living His Love and of being living and conscious extensions of His Presence.
Thus, they will be able to participate in the Hierarchy that conducts the creatures to the return of their origin. And it is with degrees of love and of surrender that this is built; it is with the rendition of your lives to a greater purpose that you begin to build what I am telling you.
Today I call all of My children of the Planetary Light-Network and all of those who aspire to return to God to take a step further in your surrender, raising your goals and aspirations, raising the purpose of your lives so that you may aspire to be part of the Hierarchy, extensions of the Divine Will on the Earth, and thus you may help even more consciously in the fulfillment of the Plans of God.
Meditate on My Words, My children, and ardently aspire to live love more each day, with transparency and sincerity, so that you may be worthy of being part of the Third Order of the Brotherhood of God, of His Hierarchy upon the Earth.
I love and bless you today and always.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the soldiers of prayer: The Planetary Light-Network – Part II
Carrying on your chest the star of peace, today, may your origin be confirmed and thus the mystery of your origin may be revealed.
Discovering the occult meaning and the reason for your coming to the Earth, may your hearts pacify themselves in Christ so that the Divine Purpose may be fulfilled within you.
Children, now that you carry on your chest the sacred symbol of the Heart of the Redeemer, may your arms remain open to receive and welcome any need, and in this unconditional openness and in this immediate response, may you recognize the action of the Divine Providence.
This is the time when the new Light-Network, with all the knowledge received, will open the doors of its inner world to welcome the serious planetary situation and will live it as a part of itself in order to be able to relieve it, just as the Hierarchy relieves the planet, time and again.
To be part of the new Light-Network is not to be impelled by emotions, nor by one’s own goals. It is to say “yes” to the Hierarchy under any circumstance or situation, to be able to go beyond appearances in order to penetrate the sense of the Purpose with the consciousness.
For this reason, My children, to carry on your chest the symbol of your redemption is to open the doors of the heart in order to learn to welcome the Divine Grace and live in the Mercy of God, despite the precarious situation of humanity.
However, a Light-Network missionary has it clear and present in their consciousness that it is not their human persona that will act or serve, but it will rather give room for the soul and what is beyond it and comes from God, that which will conduct the personal purpose of each being.
To carry, impressed on the chest, the symbol of the new Light-Network, is to send a message to the Universe of true and profound adhesion to the Plan; it is to understand, accept and welcome the needs of the purpose and it is to sincerely strive for these needs to be fulfilled. Because a Light-Network missionary is already aware that each request of the Divinity does not address a situation or a person. They know that each request must be complied with and be fulfilled so that near upcoming events do not affect humanity, nor the Kingdoms of Nature.
Now the Light-Network missionary recognizes the primary importance of remaining attuned with the Hierarchy so that their path, life, and consciousness may be conducted along a safe path of protection.
Whoever carries the impressed sacred symbol of the Confraternity will know that they will be part of an infinite Brotherhood, of a broad Mission, and will comply, as a duty, with the part that is required of them with joy and in the certainty that, above all, the Plan of Love will be fulfilled in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To My dear children of the Planetary Light-Network
Now that you carry the spiritual symbol of the Confraternity, of the Brotherhood and of love among beings, stamped upon your chests, may your souls definitely dare to take this last and great step toward the path of the apostolate of Christ.
May this star that confirms in you the existence of the Mission and of its fulfillment on any part of the Earth be the impulse of light that will place you selflessly at the service of others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
May the Sacred Heart of My Son, His Flame of Fire and His Holy Cross, impel you in this cycle to always say “yes” and to abandon any sign of tepidness.
Now is the time of the presentation of the apostles and of the missionaries that will build the Plan of God, first within themselves, by means of prayer, of service, of instruction, and of healing; and then to build it and share it with the rest of humanity.
Now is the time that more stars of light ignite in the firmament and begin to be part of the new Planetary Light-Network which, despite the circumstances or the events, will defend from itself any act of disobedience so that unity with the Divine Plan and the Supreme Hierarchy may finally be lived.
My children, the path of redemption is open by means of the service and the testimony that your hearts can live, in perfect union with the Hierarchy.
May this new symbol that today you carry on your chest be revered, valued and loved, in the same way that you would receive the presence of the Hierarchy in your homes.
In truth, children, it will be the spiritual Hierarchy Who, in this new cycle, will want to govern and guide you so that more and more consciousnesses may be removed from the world system and from the planetary illusion.
The Hierarchy hopes that the majority of souls can learn to live in a brotherhood that is divine, humble, powerful and unconditional in its surrender, in its service and in its constant and infinite donation.
All those who today carry on their chest the sacred symbol of the new Light-Network will be saying to the Universe that they accept the awakening of the consciousness, the transcendence of all suffering through love and the constant confirmation of aspiring to belong, someday, to the Divine Plan of the second coming of Christ.
This is the symbol of peace; it is the impulse that invites you to readiness and the absolute surrender of self so that, from now on, the Hand of God and the Flame of His Divine Grace may be upon you, which will enlighten you in these times of darkness.
May the sacred commitment and the fiery aspiration of being worthy children of God ignite within you.
I wish you a good beginning, to all of My missionary children of the Light-Network!
May the inner light of each being reach the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
My Heart already contemplates this new year, full of challenges and of projects for our God.
A year in which faith must be further strengthened, and the knowledge and the formation of the disciples of Christ must now be taking place so that the Work may also strengthen and mature; that it may mature in the consciousness of all so that the spirit of commitment and responsibility may definitely awaken to what it means to carry forward the purpose of the Heights.
We are on the way to that goal, My children, that is why perseverance, constancy and discipline will bring about a rhythm in all things, as part of a universal rhythm.
On the other hand, children, also in this new year the time has come to unconditionally take a step in unity; a unity among brothers and sisters that is capable of representing the fraternity of Christ, a unity without traces of division that is apparent or stimulated by some human or personal impulse.
The time has come to work for this unity, and the key that will open that door will be the Truth, the Truth that you are able to reflect, the Truth that you can be and feel.
This will build and support the pillars of a Work that is not based on what is individual or petty, a Work that only lives and beats through the heart of the Hierarchy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As the Star of the Sea, I guide the great luminous consciousnesses of the inner Mirrors of the oceans, for them to radiate towards the world a great flow of peace.
As Mother and the Star of the Sea, I guide and direct the intelligent movement of the Mirrors, for them to capture the universal currents, which in this transition will help purify the planet and its humanity in the greatest possible harmony.
As Mother and the Star of the Sea, I guide and direct the inner opening of the Mirrors of the oceans for them to balance the psychic plane of the planet, and for the souls to be able to awaken and find the center of their being.
As Mother and the Star of the Sea, I guide and accompany the movement of the Mirrors, for them to attract from the Cosmos the principles and attributes that humanity will need during this transition.
As Mother and the Star of the Sea, I guide and direct the epicenter of the Mirrors of each region of the planet, so that through this subtle network of spiritual communication, humanity may someday awaken to the superior realities of the Hierarchy, and this race may no longer feel alone upon this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Sacred Places, places where the Hierarchy is present, in deep levels of consciousness the Law of Permanent Transmutation is fulfilled, which is a spiritual process that allows for redemption and purification of certain states of consciousness that corrode humanity and that, in many cases, condemn the functioning of great nations.
For this reason, children, in some unpredictable cycles, at undetermined moments, this process of permanent transmutation takes place; a moment in which certain states of consciousness that are against love and light are exorcised in order to generate the relief, so necessary for humanity.
During the last Pilgrimage throughout Argentina, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been working on these deep levels of consciousness with the purpose of unblocking the spiritual counterpart of the country that is very contaminated by what is happening on its surface.
Not all consciousnesses on the planet know about this internal mission made by the Hierarchy, but, from the moment you perceive and feel the fierce movement of the elements, it will be because on a regional level and, could be on a planetary one, The Sacred Centers will be working in a permanent way and without delay.
Prayer is an offering that the souls of the world can make as a way to compensate their own evils that the human being generates for themselves, which are transmuted, through the Sacred Centers, in order to keep the balance of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Children,
From the Heart of God Gifts and Graces emanate on this day for the liberation of the planet, and your Heavenly Mother comes to decree Her triumph in this place through this liberation and the Peace that emanate from My Immaculate Heart.
The Sacred Immaterial Rays that come from the Heart of the Creator touch Earth today, and Its signs become visible through nature. Nothing will remain as it is, inside and outside of humanity, and its mud will be extirpated and purified.
I come as your Heavenly Mother, as your Universal Mother, to prepare the path for the new dawn of Aurora, which next August will shine again in the hearts of humanity and on the horizon of the Earth.
I come to unite My Heart to the heart of Aurora giveing a sign to the world that its liberation is not only near as it has already begun with My Presence.
The heart of Aurora again gives signs so that the pulsing of its life may once again illuminate the abysses of this world. But, for Aurora to resume its place, My children, it is necessary that humanity know how to conduct the events in union with the Heart of the Hierarchy and that it follows, step by step, the Will emanated by God for the Earth.
The silence of Aurora will gradually give way to its healing word, and the expansion of its light will be visible. But, while this moment is prepared, accompany your Heavenly Mother step by step, because everything has its time and place.
The expansion of the heart of Aurora will take place gradually, so that its light crosses the horizons and reaches the hearts of humanity, the Kingdoms of Nature and the depth of the consciousness of the planet, liberating all kinds of life from the darkness that still dwells in this world .
But this must happen without wounding; its fire must burn, but not wound. Its heart expands and comes alive, respecting the Laws that rule this world, because thus humanity has chosen to learn.
To those who do not understand My Words, because they do not know the Aurora of which I speak, I say to you, just feel its grace in your hearts and let it expand, taking its corresponding place, because this is the Will of God.
My children, your Heavenly Mother, on this day, comes to prepare a very important moment: the expansion and return of Aurora of the dawn, to illuminate the hearts of the world.
Pray with me, pray so that the nations open up to the Will of God; pray so that the Plans of the Creator may be fulfilled on Earth; pray so that, in the depth of a true prayer, your Father Who is in Heaven may find the necessary permission to help this world.
There is still much to happen for God's Plans to concretize and, with Power and Peace, your Celestial Mother comes to unite the Scepter of God to the Scepter that rules the Aurora of My Heart, so that, gradually, it decrees its return and its triumph.
Beloved children, today I also come to give you a special Grace, through the beloved soul that offers itself every day so that My Plan may continue fulfilling itself. Soul that, like Me, united her heart to the heart of Aurora, so that this world might always have an opportunity to be healed.
Know, My children, that, with the simple surrender of a few, My Heart will work miracles on Earth.
With this I tell you not to give up surrendering your lives to God; do not give up taking steps toward union with the Heart of the Father and, in spite of everything that happens on the planet, never lose hope that the healing that comes from the heart of Aurora will extend to the world and touch all life, bringing back to the sacred what was lost and distorted by human misunderstanding and ignorance.
I am your Heavenly Mother, the One who shows you the way to reach Christ and, on Earth, I left you an earthly spiritual mother, so that she would point to the Father together with My Heart and that, united to Me, she might tirelessly work for the rescue of souls.
Unite with this mother soul that I gave you, because today I tell you that, upon her, your Father, Who is in Heaven, has placed His trust.
Therefore, today, do not only pray for Aurora to dawn again; also pray for the awakening of Unity on all this Work of Love, and may the hearts know how to recognize the instruments that the Father placed on their paths to never get lost.
Everything is part of a unique construction; listen to My Voice and unite with Me, and thus, My children, you will not confuse yourselves and you will be able to make triumph the Heart of God trough your lives.
I bless you and ask you to accompany Me, preparing with the heart the final awakening of the Aurora of the dawn.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother.
Free your heart from all the tiredness and surrender with confidence into My arms, so that your tireless spirit may rest in Me.
Leave behind all bitterness and detach from within you all that is not love, because by my beloved Son having suffered all the martyrdoms, the Lord has shown you the unconditional path to find fortitude.
I come to ask you to surrender to Me and allow My Heart to work through you, for I still have to calm the despair of the world.
Submerge yourself promptly in the ocean of My Grace and you will be able to be near My Son, feeling His unfathomable Heart and fully living His Divine Consciousness.
Surrender into My arms, and you will know what to do, with wisdom and discernment.
Withdraw from fear, and day by day draw closer to the Love that is born in the Primordial Source.
The triumph of My Son is in the redemption of your life and in the conquest of your heart, so that He may dwell within you.
Cultivate a spirit of meekness and, in this way, you will receive from Above the keys of Heaven, just as Peter received them when he trustingly surrendered his life into the Hands of the Lord. And you will not only be a part of the Fisher of people, but also a part of a fraternal community formed by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Go forward! And leave discouragement behind, do it for Me. Hope is possible.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When the Divinity descends over a place through the Celestial Messengers, there is a moment of pressure, expansion and contraction due to the opposing currents that imprison souls in the abysses.
It is in this way, dear children, that the Celestial Hierarchy finds a deep space where to work, redeem and rehabilitate, and it is through the prayers of My children that I can cause all Graces and Gifts to descend over souls.
For this reason, dear children, the Celestial Father sends His Mediators of Heaven so that the planetary consciousness may be touched by strong luminous impulses of liberation and healing.
In this way, a higher and divine reality is generated in what we call inner universes, which helps to unblock the obstacles that are imposed upon the spiritual lives of the servers and the souls of the whole Earth.
For example, the intention of the Divine Hierarchy to reach the countries of Asia and Oceania is not only to liberate the oppression generated by the constant mistakes of humanity, but to finish building the planetary Network of prayerful service that must be willing to serve the Plan of the Creator.
It will be this planetary Network of prayer that would be able to encompass worldly issues of a high risk. It is in this way that the Father tries to awaken the consciousness of all His children in order to avoid worldwide situations of purification, of which humanity is completely unaware.
When each stage of a pilgrimage is promptly fulfilled by all those who pray and by the collaborators of the Divine Work, the Hierarchy has the permission to enter spaces that the Mercy of God had not reached before.
Everything begins and ends in the collaboration and support that you are able to give. Now, through the pilgrimage, throughout the nations of Central America, Mexico and in the United States, a positive spiritual condition has been generated, which will help millions of souls throughout the next four years, as a preparation for the final times.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you through the heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more