It is through effort and persistence that the warrior of the heart is built, who is capable of further overcoming their own difficulties and miseries, every day, and, above all, continuing onward out of love for God and His Plan.

In this way, the new apostles emerge, the apostles of service and of a constant willingness to build all that which the Hierarchy needs and aspires for, for the different phases of the Plan.

It is in this effort and persistence that God relieves the oppressed heart of the server and has them feel, as many times as necessary, that they are fulfilling His Will rather than their own.

To reach this moment, only effort and persistence bring to awareness the possibility to always participate in the new, in the impulses that come from the Universe Itself, and that bring to consciousness an expression of humility and of service to others.

In all of this, I contemplate My apostles, because your errors are errors, but the triumphs are victories that you can give Me with your constant transformation.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Nothing will stop My Purpose from being accomplished in Argentina, because if it is the Will of God, it will be done.

When you face some difficulty or delay for Me, be grateful and do not be tired of doing so, because I assure you that you will be very close to me.

It is in the difficult times when I count on My friends and companions the most, because comfortable and rested servers do not please Me.

My wish is that My companions do not cease to burn in their love and service for Me, because this attitude will represent a lot more than walking by My side for years.

My Heart fills with hope and reasons to return to the world when My companions give their all and are not lukewarm nor want to resolve everything quickly.

I am glad when I see how My companions, day after day, make a true effort to accomplish the impossible for Me.

When someone, out of those who are Mine, is thinking too much of themselves or does not have the correct attitude to serve, and only complains all the time, let them reflect if they are truly serving Me and if they are too comfortable in their situation and in their wellbeing.

I called you, one by one, so that you could unconditionally be My warriors of love, capable of going behind Me into the most impenetrable hells of the Earth to help Me redeem and save those who urgently need My Mercy.

Never forget that I called you to this path of sacrifice, full of blessings, of gifts, full of the Love of My Heart, which the majority of humanity does not have.

I thank you for being more aware each day of what you are experiencing and of the time in which you are living!

Who blesses you and thanks you for assuming, one by one, My Words of instruction,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Daily Message received in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Now, My Cosmic Stations of liberation and of planetary transmutation rest and restore themselves for a moment, to then be spiritually activated over the city of Amsterdam, the place where your Lord shall work with the lower human consciousness of all those to be found there, those who, out of debauchery and the deviation of these times, have forgotten God and have been abducted by the great powers of vices and pleasure.

I come in this hour to prevent Amsterdam from becoming a new Sodom, burning in flames and being violently purified by the very nature of Creation.

I will go to Amsterdam to call the most fallen ones to do penance and to repent from their sins, knowing that it is the Savior and Lord Himself Who will encounter the most lost ones so that, in the inner planes, those souls and their essences may confirm themselves in God and abandon the aspects of illusion.

Therefore, I will need not only followers who accompany the Master in this task. I will need warriors of prayer who, far from tepidness, will face with Me the great moment of liberation that I will impart, in the supreme company of Saint Michael the Archangel.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


My dears:

Not even the weakest of My servers will fall down because My Spirit will give them the strength which they need to comply with the commandments of the Lord.

For this, I tell you again: do not fear! But yes, assume the very important part that My Father has entrusted to you, the conversion of hearts to the sublime Heart of the Shepherd.

My dears, when I return I will not carry the cross of the world, but I will come in Glory to relieve the weight that today the world carries. I will come to remind you to whom you belong and to where you must go in the next cycle.

I will not come to announce the end of times, but I will come to announce a new time of Graces for humanity. I will come to resuscitate the ones who are dead in spirit and in life. I will come to elevate those who, in hope, sustained the torch of light and of redemption.

May no one decay before My Coming, but may you bear the universal fire that comes to purify the impurities of all of humanity. And this universal fire will be lighter if you pray, if you pray with the spiritual potency of the humble heart.

Dear friends of path:

May not even the last of My Sheep be lost and, if you vigil with Me, you will vigil with love for all of My Flocks, even though My Hand will not stop those who may want to do their own will. We are in the cycle of supreme obedience and in obeying you will be firm in the next steps.

My Light accompanies you. My warriors of Mercy, do not lower the arms! But raise them so that the nets of the Great Fisherman may be able to be thrown on Earth for the salvation of the ones who are lonely and forgotten.

My friends:

The time is marking a new encounter and for this your hearts must be prepared by prayer. Let us pray for the world. The Grace of My Father must descend, have awareness of what I tell you.

Under the power of the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


My dears:

Remember that all of the days you can come towards Me and let your beings rest in My arms of salvation.

For this today I invite you, as has said My Mother, to constancy, to what is to come, to live in the holy hope of the heart because with your good works of peace and of love, you too, My Companions, will transmit My Good News for all.

Today I can already get to the depths of your hearts, but still My Soul has thirst for those who do not even look at the Heights of Heaven, of the Universe. With this aim I am forming the warriors of the Divine Mercy so that as much in prayer as in humility, the one which you must reach everyday, you may be a proof and living example of My Redeeming Message made flesh in you.

My Dears, accept to live the lessons of love and of forgiveness because through these two lessons you will learn to love and to redeem the heart. I wait in prayer for you as My Mother of the Universe, in all of the moments of the day. Just allow that My Love may radiate on your faces, in the examples and in the daily actions of life. I want and I can be present for longer in your inner temple only when you are able to tell me: “Come Master, you are absolutely in Me and I am in you!”, thus you will open to Me the door of your houses, families and of the dearest beings.

If I redeem your lives with the Source of Life consequently I will also redeem your closest brothers and sisters. Before all that happens I want to show you the Love of My Mercy and the Faith of My Spirit Divinized by the Supreme Father.

I want to have you near, for this I wait in silence, in the contemplation of Creation and of Life. As I Am part of God, I am everywhere. When you unite yourselves to Me I will help you because My Love for you is still unknown for many.

Trust in My Spirit because at the end of all I will resuscitate you from death and I will take you to the Promised Earth, to the Earth and to the Paradise blessed by the Creator God.

Under the Holy Spirit of God, be always merciful.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, your Shepherd. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

