In truth I tell you that the one who is willing to serve Me will not perish but he or she will endure with Me all that must be removed from the good hearts. This is and this will be this way because those who are chosen by My Consciousness surrender themselves to the full sacrifice for humanity.
Little by little you will discover how My Redeeming Task is in this chaotic world of illusions and expectations.
I insist: under the power of My Father go, My Apostles and do in My Name all that I have told you from the beginning that you were going to do, greater things than those that I did upon the Earth.
The one who believes this will live it and in this way will prove it because in spite of the times that this humanity lives, My Grace will permit impossible things to be concreted in unforeseeable consciousness. My Law of Love is single and this same love that I lived for you will be what will nourish you and will strengthen you in the moments of crisis.
Above all things, may your faith be greater than any situation because in this way you will be living in My Trust. The wheat is already being separated from the chaff but My Merciful Heart will look for those who least deserve My Celestial Grace and I will do it through those who donate themselves, in spite of all, to My Paternal Heart.
That server who gives even his or her life for My Plan, I Myself will free them at the hour of their death and they will be able to get to know for all Eternity the Dwellings that they have searched for without result upon this world. All is permitted but My Love will always win evil because the true love unites souls to God.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My lessons in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
My Heart rests joyfully in the essences that in spite of all persevere in My Redeemer Call.
For this today and in this time My Sacred Heart will pour innumerable Graces of Pity and of Mercy upon those who open themselves to transform life by means of the path of conversion.
This light that springs incessantly as a source that comes from the Eternal Center of My Heart is the Light of the Divine Mercy. Those who at three in the afternoon unite themselves without delay but without time to My Source of Graces also will receive My Merits achieved on the Cross. These same sacred merits will strengthen the souls so that with braveness they may face the liberation of life and achieve forgiveness for all that they have passed through. If the souls pray with fervor the wonders that I pour will be stronger and more powerful and in this way your transformation will be victorious because in sincerity and peace you will have achieved the Kingdom of God.
For this it is important to possess a spirit of decisive and constant love that may permit the unraveling of the lagoons of incomprehension that are produced sometimes in the consciousness. By means of the merciful prayer of three in the afternoon, many uncertain doors open to the superfluous deviation of life may be able to be closed so that the souls may live through God and His Eternal Love. The daily prayer of the Divine Mercy constructs solid bridges between the souls and God, bridges of light and of mercy, bridges of love and charity that will never be able to be downed by the enemy. Despite the rough and difficult tests that in these times are faced by all of the hearts, these bridges are unbreakable because they are sustained by My Merciful Love, a sublime essence that is guarded in the temple of your little spirits.
Thus I ask you that in this time you strengthen through the merciful prayer these bridges because they will conduct you towards the definitive redemption of your lives.
Under the Imperishable Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for constructing bridges of light towards My Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Great Savior Bridge
The one who decides to enter into the sea of My Mercy at three p.m. has their inner body washed of all stains and, for the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart, the soul is liberated from all pain.
I wait that, for the existence of My Ocean of Mercy, all hearts may accept to live life because, as the manifested Love of God, I hope to receive you within My Flow of Graces.
To all those who at three p.m. venerate My Sacred Eucharistic Heart out of love, the light of the Greater Kingdom descends to dissolve and forgive all irreparable faults, and thus My Heart acts as an offering before God for all of humanity.
Therefore, I tell you that if you still have not crossed the earthly abyss, do not worry, because My Paternal Spirit will give you the inner strength to do so and thus, to transcend matter through devotion and love.
The one who waits for Me at three p.m. with consciousness and devotion will, day by day, untie the knots of materialism and spiritual ambition because during this merciful hour My Consciousness opens the doors to pour out the Fount of Redemption and Liberation in all spaces of the Earth.
Do not fear to meet yourselves, because even in this path that will take you to Me, you will encounter the dark night, a night that will be illuminated by the sun of My Heart.
Dear ones, if you take the steps towards Me, as a consequence, humanity will take the so urgent steps at the end of these times. You will be with Me by just saying yes to Me and recognizing that what you feel that you are, you are not, because the truth in you is the Omnipresent Presence of God within your little spirits.
Under the Grace of God, be blessed.
Today I give you My Universal Forgiveness.
Each time that I descend from Heaven, the universe and My Sacred Heart pour a special Grace over you, renewing you in faith and in the commitment with Me.
I come to you because the flocks are still too immature to be able to guide themselves by themselves.
Each one of your consciousnesses will have to recognize the presence of the Shepherd of Light in different forms and phases; this will be the moment when your hearts, open to purification and for consecration, abandon for Me the old structures that impede you from approaching yourself to My Redeemer Spirit.
Leaving your judgments behind, accept the corrections of today, because they are nourished by the rays of love, rays of instruction, those that will show you the time to change and renew yourselves through Me.
When My Heart called to the fishermen of Galilee, It called the old humanity that, semi- destroyed, had to receive the opportunity of Redemption.
Now I return to call all those that, giving their yes, have opened the door to Me so that My Glorified Consciousness can act on the imperfect hearts, resistant, rigid, and closed; because My Sacred Heart will consecrate you and when It consecrates you, all shall reach the victory of salvation
Encouragement to those that still struggle to overcome themselves!
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Praised be the children who come to Me! Because theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Praised be the little souls of the children who pray with Me! Because through them My Heart will liberate and give light to fallen souls.
Praised be the children who come to Me! Because in them I will deposit My New Gifts, those which will give fruit in the Promised Earth through their little hearts.
Dear children and My brothers and sisters:
Today I call you to become like children so that it may awaken in you the humility and the simplicity of loving the God of Love above all things.
Dears, it is time to throw the nets of love and of redemption so that more followers and non-followers of Mine may be able to awaken to the life of Spirit. My Sacred Heart, full of Graces and of Mercy will work through your essences. For this, it is necessary to keep the inner house in order, the temple of the heart of each one of you so that My reconciling Spirit may visit and guide you, step by step.
Dear companions, today I give you My paternal Hug of love so that you may find in Me the relief that you need and thus you may reach the Grace of the conversion that your beloved Father waits for so much from you.
Come to Me and do not get tired to come, open the door of the heart and allow to emanate from you the Source of Love so that it may be radiated to those who most need peace.
We are in times of imminent Graces, inexplicable for humanity, for this the inexhaustible source of My Heart will be able to unite itself to you by means of the prayer that renovates all things. I Am returning to give life to your spirits and to renovate in life your hearts. Just open the way so that the Shepherd may be able to guide you in Love and in Redemption.
Blessed be the meek of heart because they will be like children in the New Promised Earth, the Earth blessed by God Father.
Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
I walk by your side to guide the movement of your steps.
I remove the weight of sin from the heart of all of those who day by day are lacking My Father.
I relieve the essence of the creatures, I feed you with the Word of Life and I radiate to you My Love so that you may feel Me.
How to not wait for these Merciful Graces? The souls day by day forget all that we pour over their consciousness, for this some listen to My Words, others guard them in the heart but who will bring them into the spiritual practice of life?
As a Master I wait for your daily encounter with Me because I hope to reveal to you the mysteries guarded in My Heart and in the stars of the Universe. For this you must have your eyes open so that the wisdom of My Spirit may impregnate you and awaken you to the new.
I recognize that many love the Hierarchy but how much longer will you take to make the leap of return to the true inner origin which is the purity of your hearts?
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
As My Grace for you is immense and infinite, and because of the Marian mission you will have on your trip, today, just as in the previous month, I will appear during the Restoring Communion to give My Message to the world.
I expect an immense joy from you so that, in this way, you enter into the ocean of My Mercy. This Christic celebration with Me must be recorded, to then disseminate My saving and redeeming Message.
By the Grace of God, be blessed and wait for My coming, with love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Thank you for listening to My requests,
Christ Jesus
Children of My Eternal Father:
The universe is in your hands, it is enough only to see how many Divine Graces you have received in the passing of recent times.
For this today I tell you that you should not upset your hearts for what you still resist to change, but that by venerating the Father who is in the Heavens you open your eyes and contemplate the infinitude of the greater universe. Towards there you must direct yourself without delay but with hurry because many look down, look to the world, to themselves and forget that the truth of the Whole is found through My Heart of Peace.
I know about your feelings, I know about your thoughts, the Shepherd knows well His sheep and knows what each one of them need. For the sheep to grow strong and wise it must trust first in its Shepherd because the Shepherd will guide it, will free it from the wiles of the ferocious wolf who only wants to torment it on the path.
In each test count on My Confession, count on My Relief, on My total Liberation of any feeling of bitterness. You just tell me yes and there I will be to show you the way out.
But you must remember today the rule of love because without love for God there will be no transformation. The soul who consecrates itself must contemplate with love what it does, without conceit. It must seek the path of humility in order to recognize that without My Father it will be nothing. My Lord gives all to it, even the most insignificant things. All comes from the Source of Good and of Truth.
For this seek to be, for the longest time possible, united to this Source, even when your beings manifest to you opposite feeling and reactions. Like good vigilantes of My Call, aid all the needs of the souls because behind all My Spirit will be present. Each sign tells you a little more each day.
Under the Grace of the Spirit of God, be blessed.
Thank you for contemplating My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more