In this cycle, chaos does not want to govern the nations; chaos desires to remain in the heart and in the mind of the people that agree with conflict and power; because, through souls taken by chaos, the plan of My adversary is carried forward, and as it knows that it has little time left, it will try to awaken and generate the greatest possible destruction within peoples and in nations.
For this reason, the true battle is within everyone, in the duality that must be transcended and overcome in this time so that the soul may triumph.
This cycle is one of many spiritual confrontations and that which is at stake is the next humanity.
If current humanity managed to overcome indifference through the strength and the power of love, the New Earth would already be in the process of being born within hearts.
But now the intelligence that the Holy Spirit provides must be used in order to overcome the attacks and challenges of these times. You will build that intelligence with prayer and with all that you nurture in your inner world.
There will be days of glory, but there will also be nights of battles, and in these moments, My Love will be there to help you, when you allow Me to.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Brothers and sisters,
Come to My Temple of Light. The bells are already ringing. The time of the offering is approaching. Prepare your oil lamps, because the Higher Priest will come. Put on the consecration garments. May the daughters of the Highest cover their heads with the veil of consecration.
It is time to enter the Temple and for the lower priests to sing the hymns of the final consummation.
Prepare yourselves, the bells of the Great Temple are now calling, and their sound resonates within all inner worlds, in all souls, in all hearts.
The Lord of the Universe is descending under the power of the Glory of God. Meanwhile, may your hearts feel the sacred suspense of the Great Moment, in which the doors of Heaven will open to conduct souls toward the Kingdom of the Lord.
But within the memory of those of Mine, will remain the remembrance of the Passion of the Lord. Thus, the believers and devotees will prostrate, head on the floor, when they hear from the sky the roar of light of the arrival of the Lord.
Everything will renew itself again. Everything will have the grace of being able to do penitence.
The bells are ringing. The Sacred Week is approaching, and you are invited to commune with this important meeting.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Without you having expected it, today I have come according to the expresed Will of My Father, to tell you that I will be returning to give you My daily spiritual impulses beginning today, March 20, 2019; numerically special for the Universe of God.
All of the Spiritual Hierarchy is attentive to the great spiritual and inner needs of humanity.
But in this cycle, in which My Word must be put into practice, I will impel you and guide you with new and precise instructions so that your inner worlds and your souls may feel guided.
For this reason, the Father has asked Me, by the infinite merits of My Passion, to offer My Divine Consciousness to those who will continue working daily for their transformation and redemption.
Thus, as from today on and for an undetermined period, I will be returning with all the Glory of God to accompany humanity in this critical and decisive time in which it is going through.
And I will specially come, at the request of My Mother, for those who deserve and cry out for the merits of My Divine Mercy.
I will come in this cycle to continue to reveal the Truth to you and, above all, to avoid the substitution of faith and Christian teachings with worldwide and religious idolatry and fanaticism.
During the next Sacred Week, I will sow the last seeds.
I thank you for keeping My impulses in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
With the power and the strength of My Heavenly Light, each time I present myself in the world I exorcise and liberate humanity from a great planetary pressure, so that the psychic plane may be relieved of the currents of conflict and perturbation.
For this reason, in the Hour of Mercy, your Master and Lord grants unique opportunities for the redemption and conversion of hearts.
In the Hour of Mercy, great spaces are opened from the Consciousness of God, so the souls may be submerged in the ocean of Love and can be cured spiritually.
That in the Hour of Mercy, the Passion of your Master be remembered, so that all the merits of His Death, His Resurrection and His Glory be deposited as a balm of repairing and inner relief in humanity, for souls to find the path to live their salvation.
That in the Hour of Mercy the presence of the Son of God be vivified so that by the merits of His Passion, inner redemption is radiated to the world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will unmask My false friends and everyone will see who they are.
I will not let any more deceptions and illusions exist, as they have existed in recent times.
I will raise the Scepter of the Power of the Love of God and, with a single decree, I will cleanse each consciousness and each space so that the Glory of God may descend to the world.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and with those who were faithful to Me, I will make the new flour as the symbol of the redemption of the planet.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, to the world, I will free souls from their captivity and I will let men know the immensity of the Love that has brought them here.
When I return, for the second time, I will see the eyes of My disciples, full of joy, because their Shepherd will be returning.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Alleluia"
In this song, the inner invocation is centered upon the receptivity of the consciousness when faced with the teaching and the knowledge given by its Master, that is to say, the Instructor; and in the openness to hear the Truth, in order to learn to follow the Law and to fulfill it.
This love for the Law will allow the soul to awaken even more to service, because it will lead it into seeking the good in all places and will give it the impulse towards the ardent aspiration of achieving, through devotion, the union with universal life.
The song also reveals that the disciple has no uncertainties about the great Hierarchy. This is because the faith of the disciple is concentrated upon learning to live and to love the Law of the Hierarchy.
This brings inner security in the steps, that must be taken, to someday concretize the experience of the mission to be accomplished in this world.
To carry out this experience, which will change the life of the disciple, the song indicates the way, saying that habits must change so that this experience of living the mission upon the Earth be real and have no oscillations.
All this surrender that will be achieved will be in the name of the Lord and for His Glory. This will lead the disciple into detaching from riches through the living of the Law.
So that this total experience may be reflected in the life of the disciple, he must gauge his strength during purification and not challenge evil.
Thus, in this resignation and surrender, he will emerge as chosen, among so many, to reflect only gratitude before the Messengers who fill Heaven with signs, determining for the spirit and profound for the transformation of the soul.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
I affirm it, Lord:
I know You can do everything in me,
although sometimes indifference or arrogance
may make me fall.
I know that You, Lord, can do everything,
and someday You will break
with Your own Hands
this hard stone of the human condition,
and on this day Your Glory, Lord,
will liberate me from all evil.
Meanwhile, Lord,
You, who know our
deepest miseries and errors,
I ask You, my Beloved,
make me a partaker of Your eternal Grace
so that I may be reborn
through the intercession of Your Sacred Heart.
Do not fail to show me the truth, Jesus.
However painful it may be, it will not be similar to
the pain of the nails that You endured
in Your most pure Hands.
Make me small
among the smallest,
make me invisible, Lord,
so that my arrogance
and my pride may disappear.
Hide me, Lord,
within Your luminous Wounds
and redeem
this whole imperfect being,
inside and out.
Because I know, my Jesus,
that someday You will triumph
and You will place me with all authority
where You most need me.
The hour has come, Lord,
for me to no longer be the one who lives
wishes, aspires or hopes,
but rather, dear Jesus,
the moment has come
for You to be in me.
Let me
die within, Lord,
just as Your humble Mother
died with You in each moment
at the foot of the Cross.
Reveal to me, Lord,
the incalculable value of Your Love
so that divested of everything
I may always say “yes” to You.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My beloveds,
After one year of continuous blessings, My Most Sacred Heart deeply wishes to consecrate your lives to the Plan of God. For this, today I come on this special day as a High Priest for the good souls to open, in a definitive way, the door of My Divine and liberating Mercy so that the sins of the world may be liberated from the hearts of the souls.
Today I come to announce My Paternal Affection and My Glory for each one of you. Today I want to tell you that God has conceded Me, because of the faith of all of you and because of the trust that you have built in your hearts, to be able to return with new instructions for the life of the spirit and of the soul.
I want to tell you that My Sacred Heart rejoices Itself in announcing that It will be with you every Friday, in a special way the 4th of each month and the days of Marathon, the 5th and 6th of each month. On these days I will come to pour upon My ones more blessings and repairing Graces.
It honors Me to tell you that I Am rejoiced for the devoted response of My companions. For this the Lord sends Me to ask you to go two by two and announce to the world that My Infinite Mercy is working in your lives day by day.
I will wait with joy that every day you will continue praying the Chaplet to My Divine Mercy. In this way I will also be able to visit you in the silence of the heart.
I thank for the year of Graces shared with My ones.
May God bless you.
Thank you for having been blessed of heart!
You Beloved King of Love,
Merciful Christ Jesus
In spite of the weaknesses and of the sins of the souls of the entire world My Infinite and Merciful Graces are poured upon those who are willing to show Me the true face of their weakness.
But My Love that is great, infinite and repairing for the hearts of the Earth awakens strength, braveness and will, to transform that which appears to keep repeating itself as sin.
In this time of Grace that humanity lives, in spite of the wars and of the social revolutions, My One and Only Spirit, the Spirit of the Son of the God, comes to the world to announce Its expected return of peace and of redemption for all of the fierce wolves that still do not know the power of My Love.
When I descend among the clouds you will see coming the Glory of God manifested in splendor and in glory. For this, as a preparation, do not hold on to your little sins. Do little sacrifices to God for the great sins that condemn the world because the Sacred Hearts are attentive to the offer of your hearts.
Before My Return I invite you to imitate the unbreakable faith of the Centurion of Galilee. Believe in the power of your faith in the face of your faults because by means of prayer all of the inner situations will be resolved. Cry out day by day for My Merciful Heart. In this way your souls will be repaired and your faults will be dissolved. Walk towards Me as did the Centurion so that I may be able to say that your faith has defeated all evil.
Under the Good of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for persisting in living My Path of Redemption!
Christ Jesus, the Master of Forgiveness.
I intend day by day, with My Merciful Power, to remain alive in the imperfect hearts.
My Redeemer Spirit is present in the true outskirts of the souls with the aim of saving them, as once I did when I was amongst you in the world. For this My Hope for the salvation of the world, for the salvation of the most asleep and sinful humanity, still does not end.
My Ocean is unfathomable and I still have much thirst for those who, having shown Myself to them, turned their backs to Me and this because they still do not know My Merciful Love.
It seems that for many it was not enough that the Son of Man had given His Water on the Cross and had poured His Blood for all. My redeemer Task has no end until the hell in which many live and the dreams that many construct will be finished, waiting for the glorious moment of My return to the world.
For this I prepare those who may want to wake up for an unknown life, those that want to wake up to the beyond of the ordinary and normal. My achieved Universe, the one which is not from this world, is coming, and in this way the Spirit of My Father is coming to reveal to the world the phase that you do not know, that you ignore by placing your eyes in other paths that are not celestial.
My Light presents itself again in Spirit for those who may want to see Me and for those who are very distant from God. Look beside you and observe with attention because the Son of God is returning in Glory and this Glory will be near those who may open themselves to recognize It.
For this I will not be distant from each sheep. I will return to to give you My Body as a food and I will give to drink My Blood, with the New Covenant constructed between the Universe and the Earth, the Covenant of the Son of God that will give you eternal life.
For this be consistent and vigilant at the end of these times. I Am giving My pearls to those who still do not know how to manage My Celestial Goods, I Am giving the fruit of tree of wisdom to those who need Me the most.
I gather you again in My Redeeming Supper to unmask the wolves and, in this way, to redeem them because I want that all may be in My Kingdom of Light.
Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for meditating My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Today, after having prayed for a while, I saw beside the prayer room altar a door of light opening, which showed Heaven. From this door Our Lord appeared as He did yesterday, although today His Face was closer and more resplendent.
When Christ Jesus appeared, He placed His left Hand upon His chest and from within His Being a pinkish Heart of intense light emerged. When the Heart of Christ lit up there appeared twelve golden stars around His Heart, which became illuminated at the same time. At that moment, Jesus said,
“Look, this is My Glorified Heart.”
Then, He started to transmit to us:
My dear ones,
I promise those who trust in My Mercy that they will not perish, that they will see Me in Heaven with My Face of Glory, and they will stay with Me, serving, for the good of all souls of humanity.
Allow My rays to enter your beings so that My Fount may be visible for those who are blind and do not see Me, even when I have many times been in their lives, with love and redemption.
Be One with Me, I promise to save you in My Second Coming. However, you must live the tests of life as an absolute confirmation of faith in My Redeeming Pathway.
In silence, I accompany you. In silence, I listen to you. In silence, I observe and watch the steps that each sheep takes towards the Light. Do not let the world embrace you, pray for the world to be filled with the merciful fountain of redemption.
I come back for all. I await everyone. I wait for all.
Take the steps toward Me so that I will be able to sustain you in this world. Live the paradise of My Heart within your hearts. I am your beloved Shepherd of Love.
Under the Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for holding in your hearts My final Redeeming Call.
Christ Jesus
Moments later He told us:
“I want you to paint the image of My Merciful face of the Second Coming, just as you saw it, so that it may be venerated by those who, coming to know Me once again, may find Me as their true refuge and relief of life.
To those who contemplate and carry this Glorified Face of My Second Coming, I promise to safeguard them, just as God guarded My Being during the flagellation of Calvary. Whoever venerates Me will not feel the nails received by Me on the Cross, rather they will feel roses at the Altar of the Throne of My Lord, the Almighty God.
Then He added:
"Propagate Mercy.
Live the Peace of the Redeeming New Age.”
And then the image of Glorified Face of Christ appeared, once more, with His Heart surrounded by twelve stars, and at the bottom of the image of Christ was written:
“Propogate Mercy.
Live the Peace of the Redeeming New Age”.
Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón: During the Prayer, before finishing the Orandium of the Passion and Transfiguration of Jesus, He was already present.
He appeared with a group of twelve angels. Each one of them had in their hands a chalice that was offered to all of us. The angels wore luminous white tunics, forming a half Moon behind the Master. They had short golden hair.
We say that He appeared because we felt the presence of Christ, but at this moment we could not see Him. After we sang the last part of "Redeemer Christ" and the song "Christ Returns" He made Himself visible. He appeared in the same way that the Divine Mother appears. He descended from Above as a light, and when He got closer to us He manifested, and we could see Him clearly.
When he appeared He made the sign of the cross with His right hand as a blessing, and He said:
Praised be the Lord!
He wore a white tunic, His hair was down past His shoulders, as in the image of the Merciful Christ. He wore a golden mantle and He was barefoot. His face was etched with a beautiful and soft smile, and His bright skyl blue colored eyes shone. His arms were facing outward, to the side of His body, a little bit open, with His palms facing toward us, and light was emanating from them.
From His heart came two rays that were of a turquoise crystal color. Behind Him there were many open heavens and he was upon the clouds. He said that He was showing us the face of His Return. Then He stayed in silence for a while, observing us, contemplating us. It seemed like our essences were transparent before His eyes. He let us understand that He could read all of our feelings at the same time, that all was put in evidence before Him.
At this moment we didn´t know how the task He had asked us to do was going to be carried out. He was present and we were just observing Him, we didn´t know what He was going to say until He started to talk and transmit the message.
My dear ones,
I have ardently waited to share this moment with you, especially with your hearts. After almost two thousand and thirteen years, now, in mercy and forgiveness, I come in the name of the Supreme Will of God to guide your hearts more closely.
But My second and awaited return has not yet begun.
I come today in Spirit and in Essence to fill your little hearts with My Light. To those who still do not hear Me, may you hear Me, because I am coming. To those who do not see Me, may they see Me, because My Peace is getting closer. To those who ignore Me and flagellate My Sacred Heart, may you feel Me, because I come to this part of the world to bring you My Peace and My Glory, My Help and My Counsel.
I have already been amongst you once, and now I return, I return to My flocks to remind you that now it is the moment for the Eternal Communion with Me, with My Soul, with My Heart, with my Divine Dwelling.
I Am the poor one, I Am the Dying one, I Am the one who suffers in each place of this world.
Come to Me, so that I may illuminate you! Come to Me, because I thirst!
Be blessed in the Glory of the Spirit of the Lord.
Thank you for receiving My final redeeming call into your hearts!
Christ Jesus
When He finished the message we asked Him what He most wanted from us today.
He said:
Today I Am giving you permission: that some of your brothers and sisters, whenever you heart indicates it to be so, may take part in the daily meetings with Me at 3 o'clock pm.
At this moment we must pray to wait for Him. He said that we should not forget to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy because He will be carefully listening to this prayer. At the end, before He left, we asked Him something else. Will the Master appear anywhere that we may go? He answered:
Wherever you go, wherever you may be, I shall guide you.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more