Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"What have been the twenty-four steps you have taken in this Lent up to today?

What have you been able to solve within your own inner desert?

Have you realized that Lent is a Grace for experiencing penance?

Have you noticed that Lent is an opportunity to make good decisions?

What fruits of all your inner work will you present to Me?

Can My Words be part of you?

How much longer will the world have to wait for the emergence of the New Christs?

Will you dare to finish the last stage of your inner desert in these special forty days?

Do you already know who you truly are?

Have you managed to return to your origin?

Have great patience and compassion, so that your feet may not take a step that is greater than your possibilities.

Hold on to Me, I Am here."

Christ Jesus


Offer God all the fruits that this next Marathon of Mercy may yield so that such fruits may be used as an offering of reverence and of love, so that your Master and Lord may give them as a testimony of love and of devotion to the Eternal Father.

Offer the best of yourselves so that your Master may continue to intervene in the spiritual situation of humanity, so that hundreds of records may continue to be dissolved by the descent of the Christic Light.

Do not fail to offer the most of yourselves so that in this offering the Kingdoms of Nature, which are outraged, may also receive a new opportunity of learning and of evolving in other spheres of consciousness.

Offer this Marathon as a lifeline for the most lost, but also offer your prayers for the serious situations unknown to all, situations that only your Master and Lord sees.

Offer each moment as if it were the last so that the triumph and the victory of Christ may continue to be given to the human heart, so that the talents may awaken and all the gifts that dwell in each soul of the Earth may be given to God.

Offer your hearts, because there is still time to cry out for Mercy, before the time of Justice comes.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I would like to make a special tribute on the opening day of the Sacred Week, giving My thanks and reverence to José Trigueirinho, for having opened the doors of his heart and of this Light-Community for having allowed My Presence and My Message to reach the whole world from this sacred and blessed place.

For such a spiritual and special reason, for your Master and Lord, on the opening day of this sixth edition of the Sacred Week, I come to ask the choirs to offer, from the deepest and innermost core of their hearts, the song “Breath of the Spirit”, so that the souls gathered here today in this sacred home may receive within the deepest of their inner worlds the fruits of Figueira that were harvested during this last time period, by means of the spiritual merits that their brother and instructor José Trigueirinho attained.

It will be thus, that through the song “Breath of the Spirit” we will reignite fiery devotion, love and unity, by the grace that this Light-Community of Christ received when Heaven touched the Earth.

Let us give a tribute to the serving and untiring soul of José Trigueirinho, for having dedicated his life to the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I am glad to visit the house of My servers because in it I not only find rest, but also the living faith in the hearts that, day after day, make an effort to be with Me in each moment.

I am glad to visit the house of My servers because, time and again, I see the results of love in them, a love that grows and matures because of all the Work of My Love.

I am glad to visit the house of My servers because the Hierarchy, in such a simple place, finds the breath it needs to be able to continue forward.

I am glad to visit the house of My servers and friends because with them I can share the fruits of redemption and healing to be seen in the spirit.

I am glad to visit the house of My servers because in this dwelling I can enter as many times as needed, to sow and share the peace and the joy of living in the Kingdom of God.

I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Do not let yourselves be deceived; many within My Church will use My Name to defend themselves, but the weight of their faults will leave them in the void of the abyss, because they will become naked before all eyes.

You should not defend yourselves, because I have already said it once, by your fruits you will be known.

Whoever sows in My Land will reap wonderful fruits, but whoever sows in their own land will have rotten fruits.

Let nothing surprise you; the Church that I once founded on Earth is falling down, because its foundations are rotten for not having sought for strength in My true Heart.

But not all shall be lost; the time will come in which humanity will come to know the last witnesses and they will not arise from the apparently constituted Church.

Those witnesses will be the humble of heart, who have no power, autonomy, or prestige.

With My own rod I will cleanse the impure Church of its gravest sins and when I return, the Celestial Church, the only one I have taught, will triumph.

In the meantime, may those who follow My Church repent and not seek the mote in the eye of their fellow being; first let them take out their own, because they have already hurt and offended the Lord with hundreds of innocent children who trusted in My weak priests.

Let My Church not judge My other Works, because the fire of purification is coming and will penetrate everything.

Meanwhile, the new Church, which has no name, already sails on its boat, out at sea, and no one will be able to stop it.

I thank you for considering My heartfelt Words!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

First Message

With My Light Blue Ray of Grace, I radiate to the world and I await an answer from it.

Even in the patience of My Spirit, I wait for an answer.

And I would like from My companions that, after everything that has been received during the last days, discords, doubts or contradictions among Mine and among the fellow beings do not exist.

Because what I have given you during the last days cannot be lost; it will be your responsibility to preserve it and to have this bear fruit in the future.

It is not time to think about yourselves, but about what the world and its humanity need, because you were always rewarded with the treasures of Heaven, more than many souls in the world. 

I need bonds and deep alliances among the consciousnesses that can bear what will come and that do not fear My Fire, which purifies everything and transcends everything.

But I will not be able to penetrate in those spaces of consciousness where I am not allowed. I will not be able to have more time to wait for you, as I have done it many times before.

It is time to assume what has been received and not waste it.

The Instruction that I come to leave for the world is an Instruction for the future humanity and that begins from now on, within you, with the certainty of doing good and not destroying it for anything.

The conviction to fulfill My Laws and to carry them forward in this final time must arise in you. In this way, My Light Blue Ray of Grace will be able to continue descending to the world, because I will have depository souls of My Light in this humanity.

Although everything happens and everything is unleashed, I will continue working for the world and its humanity.

I will ask the Rays of the Universe to continue descending upon the souls so that all times and all forms, structures and resistances may be unblocked.

There is still a lot to do and there is no time. This is something that many have not understood yet, but the majority have not accepted it although it has been said many times.

I do not come to the world to speak to you through theories or philosophies but rather through concrete words that announce what will happen. That is why you are in a preparation that you cannot stop living every day, at every moment, at every instant.

My Words cannot be kept in the unconscious of this world and by no means of its humanity.

My Words must be a reflection of a Work that can be realized from time to time and through the instruments that I am calling by their names.

It may seem difficult to do everything that I ask you, but if you really learn to be in Me, everything will be possible, although it does not seem so.

That is why your relationship with your brothers must be impeccable, free of conflicts, free of value judgments.

It must be a healthy relationship in the spirit so that this may reflect in the consciousness and your consciousnesses may be able to cover many more things that they still do not do.

You must reach the level that I ask you, and that is achieved with constancy and determination, with a ravishing faith; and, in this way, you will not leave behind all the needs that the Universe presents to you from time to time.

The legacy that I came to give you in this last Sacred Week is a legacy that will not be repeated. As much as it has seemed the same, I have delivered different things, new impulses, unknown currents of the Universe.

So that you can understand the Science in which I work, which is not from this Earth, you must love My Words one by one, even if you do not understand them or if you cannot make them part of yourselves in this time.

Love is what allows the Purpose to be radiated and to be literally fulfilled.

In love, things do not become distant nor unattainable.

In love, everything is understood and accepted.

There is nothing that love cannot bear; on the contrary, love, because it is alive and elevated, covers everything.

If there are discords and conflicts among My companions it is because My Love has not worked in you, at all.

You must learn to endure the fire of transformation that I bring you, because it is for a greater good that you will still get to know.

The unity among you will allow My opponents not to approach, not even to know what you are doing or what you are fulfilling in My Name.

I am not saying that you will be free from battles or from challenges, because you are learning to overcome the duality of these times, as humanity and as a planet.

But you cannot lose the Teachings that I give you, you cannot stop looking for them not even for a moment, because there is the way to be in true good and in true peace.

I need you assuming the Plan for the end of times, the Plan of God, which is this part of the Purpose that must still be fulfilled on this planet and with this humanity.

Being eight days with Me is no coincidence nor a mystery, it is a reality that you must learn to accept. 

The Father Who is All-embracing, Omnipresent and Omnipotent, still respects the freedom of His children, because He knows that they must learn in this school that the planet offers them day by day.

But you will not be able to go to My Kingdom with pending subjects in the school of spirituality and of service, of brotherhood and of good, of mercy. 

You must live that experience of redemption even in the greatest limits or even in the greatest tests.

You and many more in the world, in the name of all humanity, must witness through your own experience of redemption and forgiveness, that it is possible to realize this Project, even after the Resurrection of Christ.

You must affirm that the genetic of this humanity can be changed, transformed, transmuted and sublimated, that it is possible for Christic Love to overcome and, thus, the Plan triumphs over the forces of chaos.

But as long as duality exists in this world, which is something that will be defined in the next time, there will still be great internal and external battles and you will have to seek help in My Heart and in My Words, remembering and reliving the legacy that I gave you with an immeasurable Love, which still many have not understood.

I must be clear, precise, fair and true. I tell you again that there is no time.

While everything happens rapidly in the world and within the consciousnesses, it is necessary to learn to grow with speed, at an unknown speed that even matter cannot accompany, but the spirit and even more the disposition of the soul can.

New Laws are beginning to act on the planet for this final time, in order to define all the things that need to be resolved.

But if this does not begin first within you, it will not be able to happen in the world.

That is why the apostles of the last times are apostles who are different from those of the past, because we are facing a reality that can no longer be hidden, not even by the media and the news.

What is written is being fulfilled step by step.

For this reason, it is necessary to define yourselves with caution and surrender to a greater disposition, knowing that your imperfections will go with you until the end of your days, until the inner prison is finally opened so that the spirit may reach its freedom and may be united to the Source with all the experience lived on this planet.

We are working for a redemption that is gradual, that takes place step by step and not with great advances.

It is necessary to understand that the genetic of humanity has become imperfect because of its errors and deviations.

After 2018 years, I come, at the request of the Father, to correct humanity, so that it may learn to be free of itself and of its own illusions, as well as of its own fantasies.

And that change will be painful, nothing will be light. Remove the roots of authority, power and inertia will be painful; but I bring an inner balm in My Heart that no one has, to pour it out over those who truly accept it. It is the balm of My Mercy, which release all faults and all sufferings when you only trust in Me.

It is not time to get lost in superficial things, it is time to look on the inside and find oneself, not with pride or selfishness, but with a spirit of humility, simplicity and love, asking yourselves every day: "Lord, what else should I do to serve you?"

And so your miseries or disturbances will be small, because you will be busy in universal service, in the constant love of giving yourselves a little more every day, to make My Kingdom triumph on this planet. 

All souls will live their tests, no one will be free of them.

But have hope in what I promise you, because after this difficult time a better time will come, where it will no longer be necessary to experience pain nor suffering, nor will there exist a feeling of guilt for not being able to achieve everything.

On the contrary, you will have already learned to overcome duality, which will no longer prevail in the world nor in the consciousnesses. You will learn, through Me, to be free.

May this Marathon represent a deep reflection on everything that has been received, a constant confirmation of your spirits for My Works of peace in the world.

I would like this Marathon to be the moment for each being to find its purpose, which descends from Heaven and from the Universe to awaken souls in their mission.

I do not want you to take My Words as punishment, but rather as an opportunity of transcendence, to advance in the Light and to defeat evil.

May My greatest aspirations to see, in a short time, New Christs accomplishing their mission in humanity be fulfilled in you.

Offer this Marathon for those who are asleep, for those who are distracted, for those who have not had the Grace to be in My Presence yet, as in these last days many had.

Offer each moment to your Master and Lord as a gift of love to the King of the Universe, be it in the action of the day-to-day, in the prayer, in the Communion, as in the unity with the neighbor, so that My Spirit of Peace may always prevail in you. 

May the Lord bless you for this new cycle of awakening and of assuming with responsibility My Designs, so that they may materialize on the surface of this planet.

Under the Light of this Greater Center,

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


 Most dear pilgrims of mine,

For the first time in the history of My inner Encounters with you My Heart is pleased to open new doors of Light and of Peace for more souls.

For this in joy and gratefulness the Son of God will be present praying with you, for you and for the whole world so that most of the world may reach the state of My Divine Mercy.

The Lord of the Universe has especially sent Me to Londrina so that the original groups of prayer, those that were born in the Community of Figueira many years ago, may be able to renovate themselves and to enter into the path of the heart because in this time all that you do must be done through the true love of the serving heart.

I want you to contemplate the sincere expression of this love through the faithful example of work, of dedication and of absolute surrender to the Plan of God that occurred through the groups of prayer of San Jose do Rio Preto and of the region of San Paulo.  Then you will be able to see that the souls can be helped and receive the Graces of Heaven when the servers of the Hierarchy open doors in the correct way.  This, in this time, will determine the fulfillment of the Plan of Rescue.   

Heaven, through My Heart, wants to show you that there exists one only path to traverse.  A path that is called love of donation and of dedication.  Love that many of you have once radiated towards My Heart even though in other times I may not have been so present in your lives as I Am now.

But all that has been learned by the spiritual instruction of the past has generated the possibility that now Heaven is giving you the fruit of faith and of peace for your sincere efforts.  You know that the whole world is full of emergencies and of needs to respond to.  For this the universe, in its infinite science and intelligence, has conjugated the different groups of souls so that through affinity and attunement they can serve the Greater Plan. 

Now it is up to each server and person of prayer person to fulfill a part of the mission so that at the end of this whole journey may be fulfilled the important purpose of God.

Londrina was a city chosen by God so that the groups of prayer is this region could be able to retreat and meditate and pray, two important exercises to strengthen service.

Spiritually Londrina, due to its hills and farms, reminds Me much of My first house in Nazareth.  In Londrina exists the air of simplicity and of withdrawal.  For this it may be a point of meeting and of meditation for whenever the servers may need to be in retreat to pray and to study with the heart.

The fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy in Londrina shall bring the fruit of the unity between groups of souls, because the region of South of Brazil must prepare itself to serve in the coming time in a task of rescue and of regional service.

For this the Divine Messengers, after having been during the previous year in Porto Alegre, return with the goal of reminding you all about the need of renewing oneself and of keeping alive the mission that the Father offers to you.

This will be the mission of unity between all of the regions of the South, concentrating themselves as one only spiritual column of fraternity and of brotherhood.   Today the South of Brazil, within a time of definitions, has the opportunity to manifest this for the Plan of God.

May the fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy represent not only a meeting of prayer necessary for the Mercy for the world.   May it synthetize the reunion of servers and of hearts in Christ with the hope of collaborating, out of love, with the Plan and its materialization upon the Earth.

The fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy, that which is open for the first time to all, has the aim of gathering new people of prayer and, in consequence new flocks that may be able to begin the path of return to the Heart of God.  My unconditional Presence will be for you the confirmation for your tasks of prayer and of service in this part of the world.

Today I leave to those present My Paternal Hug, that hug of a Master to a disciple, of a Companion to a friend, a hug that nourishes the soul with life and with hope.  I wish all a good work of prayer and of peace for your hearts and for the whole world.

That the Divine Mercy may be the unquenchable flame that always burns in light and in love.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Teachings in the heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Lord of Love


At almost one year of the anniversary of My First daily Apparition in the Sacred Kingdom of the Marian Center of Aurora, the Heavens and the Universes have been united to be able to bring special Graces for all of the souls that throughout this last year have listened to My saving Message.

Now, after almost 365 days of daily spiritual impulses, the souls have been able to consecrate themselves in the faith to My Sacred Heart.

For this, in this last time I call you in order for you to be the living testimonial for those who do not believe and for those who seek permanent gratification.  I call you to be faithful defenders of the hour of My Divine Mercy.  If it were so, in spite of the circumstances and contingencies, I would really be able to say that I count on soldiers of Mercy.

When I ask you to be defenders of the Divine Mercy it means that first you must sacredly defend from yourselves this very important space so that later the doors of salvation may be able to be opened for those who are most in need.

Yesterday I spoke to you about the State of Grace that your hearts and lives are receiving in a chaotic time.  Today I call you to have an open consciousness facing this sacred hour.  In truth I tell you that you will see the fruits of this work of merciful prayer only in the next world and it will be only there that you will profoundly understand the synthesis of your lives.

While the world collapses from its daily actions, I ask you to subject your consciousness to the powerful source of My Divine Mercy.  In this way the Spirit of God will act through you and not that you will try to act through the Supreme Spirit.  Mercy will always bring you to reconciliation and to humility of the heart.

Under the Supreme Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus


I Am the Great Vine and you are the clusters. No cluster bears fruit if the vine is not well sown. My Father is the Great Worker who weaves and elaborates the new web of humanity between His hands. Those clusters that are dry, I will burn them in fire so that they may be purified and, as new seeds they may grow again a new vine.

In order for the vine may not become dry the fruit must be nourished with the Water of Life that is guarded as sap of life for all humanity. The poorly harvested fruit will be spoiled. For this only allow that the divine harvest be realized by the Great Farmer so that all of the fruits may be guarded and may rest as offer in the granary of the Great Farmer.

In this universe nothing is lost, all is transformed by the science of Creation. Try to mature as good fruit. In this way you will manifest the best harvest for My Father, you will be the fruits of the good vine, that which will be drunk as new wine in the supper of the last redemption.

Help in this flourishing of the fruits that are still immature. Give them the sap of life that you as clusters of light and of peace have received. Imitate the strength of the orchards of Heaven and be fruits renewed by the hands of the Great Keeper of the harvest.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for reverencing My Words through your love!

Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
