Follow the steps of the holy women and also take with you the oils that will anoint the Divine Body of the Lord. Walk beside them, decided to find, within you, the Beloved Lord.

Follow the steps of the holy women, feel in them the redemptive love that ravishes them, the constant resignation to live in God and the absolute trust in the First Born.

Follow the steps of the holy women who go to encounter the Sepulcher, draw near, together with them, to the Sacred Body of the Lord, the one that rests among canvases and flowers that honor His Sacrifice of Love.

Prostrate yourself on the ground like the holy women, relive this encounter with Christ as it were for the first time.

Feel the decided fervor of the holy women, the unchangeable bravery of their hearts adoring the Lord and stay on your knees before the Highest Son.

Look at Him with devotion and joy. He will soon rise from the dead and songs of "Hallelujah" will be heard.

Anoint with your hands the Divine Body of the Lord and clean His wounds.

Wash with water the Body of the Lord and wrap Him in the sacred cloth of Restoration.

Stay by His side, in vigil, and affirm the victory of the Lord above all.

Leave the Sepulcher with the holy women and, in the garden, enter into prayer to await the Resurrection of the Savior.

This time is approaching, in which the inner Christ will have an everlasting place in the life of His disciples.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My Crown of Twelve Stars is crowned by the essence of the most beautiful flowers in the world.

My Mantle is covered by all the leaves of the plants of the world, but My Heart is the Divine Rose that represents the synthesis of the Creation of God on this planet.

My Blue Belt is the vine of life, the one that seeks to grow, to spread, and always rise to the highest to praise God.

My Tunic is embroidered by the matrix of themost simple flowers of the world, those that express a permanent devotion to the Creator. And I am surrounded by the Rays that each Kingdom expresses on this planet, to donate itself to God.

I am the Mother of Nature and I am integrated by each Aspect of God once manifested in the beginning of this Creation.

My Immaculate Heart keeps the matrix of the Kingdoms of Nature. My Cells keep the memory and the origin of each created Kingdom.

I Am a part of Life, of the Infinite, and of the regeneration for this planet. The one who from theheart, is with the Kingdoms of Nature, will always be with Me to be able to realize the Will of God on this planet.

The Kingdoms of Nature simply need to feel themselves loved by the human being of the surface, so that they too may be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Each time you pray from the heart, a thorn of pain is removed from the Heart of God and a flower of light opens in His Kingdom.

Therefore, continue praying the Rosary every day so that peace and the end of wars may be established.

Continue praying with the purity of your hearts, so that the situations of the planet may reverse, and thus more souls may achieve the Mercy of God.

Continue praying with the purity of your hearts, so that the situations of the planet may reverse, and thus more souls achieve the Mercy of God.

Each prayer that is pronounced with love, opens doors so that souls may submerge in the ocean of forgiveness and thus receive reconciliation with the Universe.

On this afternoon, the prayer of the heart reached vast celestial spheres, and help came to assist the most simple.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a soul awakens, it is like a rose that opens to receive Grace from the Source. Then, a Law deeply exchanges one state for another, and the consciousness participates in the beginnings of Transfiguration.

Thus, dear children, the reintegration of a being on the path of the Hierarchy confirms the fulfillment of one part of the Plan.

In this definitive time, all those who are awakening participate within a spiritual science that is changing the old being into a new being.

In this way, the consciousnesses that awaken are supported by a Law that they could not access before due to being connected with the things of the world. It is like a different fluid that starts to act in the consciousness that acquires knowledge of the truth.

In order that the process of awakening may happen in a harmonious way, the consciousness must not lose the aspiration of serving and working in the name of Higher Love, this is how everything will be protected and the self-summoned will be permeated by a new Light.

The time indicates the moment of a great awakening for the true task.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and supports you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, for in My garden I cause all life to bloom and essences are reborn to their sacred task.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, because, in My garden, I renew all things, and souls receive the Grace of being with Me.

I cause your hearts to sprout again, just as I cause the roses of My garden to sprout again so that all devotion is directed to the Creator.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I take care of each detail, of each flower that is born in praise to God.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I guide all consciousnesses that always pray with Me so that, in this way, they may express their inner beauty.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I follow each step taken by My children, which is a beautiful rose that is offered at the altars of God to confirm the triumph of His Will.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I protect My children from all adversity. I do not let anything bad approach while within them only the path and the school of prayer exist.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush and I present all your intentions before God so that in this way the Father pours out His Graces upon all His children.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and from all the disciples of Christ I expect a profound living of the redeeming Love of Jesus.

I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and in My care lies all the souls that wait for Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Rosebush


Dear children, 

I am also de Lady of the Garden, who, among flowers, herbs and plants, meditates upon the sacred Passion of the Lord.

I am the Mother of the Garden, who, after the Passion of the Christ, went to the places where Her Son suffered and passed through.

I am the Lady of the Garden, and, with My hands, I gather the ripe fruits that are ready to be offered to God and I watch and take care of the fruits that are still ripening.

In the garden of My Heart, all varieties of flowers are kept, herbs and plants, created to show to the world the beauty of God.

I am the Lady of the Garden, who contemplates with a sweet gaze all that was created and its grand beauty.

I am the Lady of the Garden, I am the one who waters with Grace all flowers, herbs and plants so that, nourished by My Love, they can grow strong and fulfill their missions.

I am the Lady of the Garden and I am also the Mother of the Sun, who illuminates all Her children with rays of Mercy.

I am the Lady of the Garden, the one who prays in silence for the seeds to sprout and flourish in the beauty of God's gardens.

I am the Lady and Guardian of all the gardens, and I ask My Angels from Heaven to protect with their wings all the small flowers that are growing at this time, I also ask for them to prune and restore the older trees, for them to be purified and yield new fruits, in praise to the Creator God.

I am the Lady of the Garden, and through My humble prayer, I make that which was once dead flourish.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guards the garden of the souls that unite to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Garden

Monthly Messages

The flowers of light that are born in My Sacred Garden are diverse, but all together emanate the same aroma of prayer.  My celestial rays water the flowers of the garden every day so that they, on their own, may reach the expression of their inner beauty.

In My Garden the roses are a beautiful present for the Altars of God, each one of them has its time to be harvested and after be taken in My basket of gold to the Thrones of God.

These precious and diverse flowers from Heaven are the sublime expression of the souls that pray every day with Me and that, as in the earthly life are transformed step by step.

Today I wish that you be new flowers in My Sacred Garden, that you may beautify life upon the Earth through your love and your prayer; it will help that most of the flowers that die on Earth may blossom again as seeds in the stable of Your Lord, Jesus.

Dear children, in this way is expressed My Mystical Rose.  My Light profoundly springs from the Immaculate Heart in order to transform and convert in love the souls that have fallen.

Think, dear children, about the possibility that you may spiritually materialize this aspiration of Mine, that you may be beautiful flowers at the feet of the Creator; in this way your lives may be guided by new laws and that which to you seems not transformable, the Holy Spirit of God will transform.

Beloved children, encourage yourselves to live in the new; seek in your sincere prayer the Divine Life, that is the Life of Heaven, the path of holiness and of service.  Be holy in life, proclaim the greatness of God in all things; in this way you will help that all be renewed and many of your brothers and sisters may find hope again.

Beloved children, the Lord of the Universe observes you and accompanies you every day of your lives; only seek the one and true union with the Eternal Father. He waits for His servants to give Him the fruits collected from the great harvest of the end of the times.

I am still here among your hearts, because there is still much that heals and that scars; it is time to place your beings under the healing rays of Christ, so that My Son may exorcise and transform you in precious seeds of light, ready to be sown as groups of prayer upon the surface of the Earth.

After so many precious instructions that the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph have poured, today I announce to you that this will be the last message that I will give to you for the Prayer Vigils.  Now I need for you to meditate, in the beginning of each new vigil, about the Daily Messages that I have given to the world; in them are deposited important keys for the conversion of the world and to be able to establish peace.

The Daily Messages, beginning in the next Prayer Vigil, will be those that will open your hearts month after month and will be the ones that will prepare your inner beings for the exercise of prayer for peace in the nations.

This does not mean, dear children, that I Am withdrawing Myself; God needs that you wake up to the reality that all have lived with Me since the last trip to Medjugorje in the year of 2011.

Dear children, I leave you My Eternal Peace, I love you and I bless you always!

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira

Special message for the Apparition of Mary, Mother of the Sacred Tree of Life, transmitted in the Fortín of Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Friar Elías:

When the Virgin Mary appeared to transmit the Message for the Apparition, at the dawn of July 25, our Mother manifested Herself as always, but this time She brought with Her the symbol of appearing beside a great tree, with a large green treetop. It was a robust, strong tree, full of mature fruit. At this moment, She told us She was the Mother of the Tree of Life.

Dear children:

I am the fertile seed that is sown in the hearts that open themselves to listen to Me. When the Seed of My Heart is sown, a new flower is born that gives subtle aromas to God; and the fruit grows and matures slowly, thus giving new seeds of love and redemption.

I am the great Tree of Life. I am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity, because through My Heart you will reach God and consequently you will find in your paths the Presence of My Son.

Some of the seeds that My Tree of Life spilled were so that it could bear other new fruit, but these dried up. Therefore, My roots nourish themselves and feed on fruits that were born, in order to strengthen the great treetop that will later bear new fruit.

If the Tree of Wisdom had not not born, the Tree of Life could not have been born. I was first the sacred Seed so as to become the Flower, and later become the Fruit fertilized in the loving Heart of God.

Afterwards God sent Me through the universe to sow new seeds of light and, on this trajectory, He sent Me on a great mission to Earth, so that the second Person of God could be sown inside of Me, the First-Born Son who was and is the great Fruit of your salvation; for it is through Him that the way out in this time is found, only in Him can be found the way out and the direction to be able to fulfill the Will of God in life.

You, My dear ones, are these new fruits that are already maturing on My Tree of Life, because the fruits can never be separated from the their Tree and the Tree can never be in splendor if it lacks its fruits.

Today I invite you to discover the fruit of your conversion and of your redemption. The time for the new seeds to appear is still waiting to awaken and this will be possible if the fruits are very mature, so they may give good seeds.

Throughout this planetary cycle, the power of My Grace and of My Mercy is passing before your lives so that, first of all, you can perceive it.

God expects His children to be strong and mature trees, that can bear fruit so that the most humble can serve themselves of this sacred food and thus your souls be united to Me through the great seed of service and prayer. If this did not exist, the seeds would soon dry out.

Therefore, My dear ones, in this Message I want to make you understand that you are united to the great Tree of Life, the Tree of God that holds the memory of your origins, an inner space to which you must return after all.

It is the great Tree of My Consciousness, the one that gave itself to the Father to give seeds of light and to sow them in the hearts that unite in eternal prayer. Now, the new tree of mature fruit must arise in the next humanity.

Now, you are sacred seeds in the Hands of God who, with so much love, is waiting to sow them in the new world. Therefore, dear children, understand that each act of love, service and prayer is a new fruit for your redemption and for the redemption of humanity.

Your steps must be directed to God through the pure heart, purity will cause the fruit to mature correctly and so in your beings the Spirit and the Wisdom of God will rest.

I thank all the children who with love, during this dawn, have kept vigil with Me in prayer for the fulfillment of My Plans of peace and redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call, in faith and devotion!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Dear children,

May your words not judge the other hearts, may you lips only pray for peace and for love in the whole world.

My children, may your feeling be an emanation of the Love of My Son because through Jesus you will find the source of all love and forgiveness.

May your lives, at the end of this time, be only love and forgiveness, and may your virtues be transmitted through good works. You are My children and all My children must be bearers of peace in the heart and thus radiate it through charity and giving.

Charity and giving are what is lacking among brothers and sisters of the same world. This is why My Maternal Heart comes to you to teach you that True Love is born as a flower in the sunrise.

Dear children, may your arms and hands be always open to welcome those who are most lacking and those who need God the most.

Little children, today I invite you to imitate Me. Today I call you to be true representatives of My message for the world, because as Mother I know that your hearts can be faithful representatives of My words on the planet.

You are under My Grace when I lovingly visit you month by month. But the world, where is it now? Is it living the Mercy of God?

Dear children, as servers and souls in prayer, you are called to be participants and propagators of Divine Mercy, because, with much love, a pure and crystalline love, lives and hearts are transformed.

In your hands is the future of the world and of all humanity. In prayer, in fasting and in vigil, the strength of life for each heart is to be found.

My children, be in My Maternal Heart because the Lady of Peace wants to make you humble before God so that, together with the angels, all souls may live their salvation and conversion, and may praise God forever and ever.

Pray for the shepherds because in them My Son always wants to be.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


When you feel lonely, I will be with you.

When you see that life is a shipwreck, I will be with you.

When you doubt your faith, I will strengthen you.

When you feel you are carrying too much burden on yourself, I will alleviate you.

When you search for My Son, I will show Him to you and I will give you to drink from the Fount of Mercy and Redemption.

When you see that everything is empty, I will fill you with the Spirit of My Love.

When no one can help you, I will place you under My Mantle so that, with the angels of Heaven, you may praise God, the Source of Love and Forgiveness.

When you feel joy, My Heart will be with you.

When you feel sadness or desperation, call Me because there I will be and I will place you in My arms, just as I did with Jesus, to radiate to you the Light of God. Then you will no longer feel lonely, you will feel the Maternal Comfort of My Heart.

When you cultivate prayer in your heart, there God will be because souls are still in need of forgiveness.

When you do not find the path, cry out for My Heart and I will radiate the Light of My eyes so that you may walk to- wards My Son, the Redeemer. Thus you will be like a sheep that aspires to the guidance of the Great Shepherd and together with the hearts of the whole world, you will supplicate for redemption.

It will be the moment in which your heart will be kept within the Sacred Heart because in this way you will be protected from all pain.

Now, on this day aspire to be in God and in vigil, in eternal prayer for the souls.

Believe in the power of Mercy and elevate your supplications as flowers to the Heavens, because I will collect them to give them with love to the Creator as an offering of a soul in redemption. And when you see the new dawn remember that the Light of God is being born for each being.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


When you open your hearts to God, you will open them in love to your brothers and sisters. There you will begin to understand the science of compassion and your hearts will be touched by the supreme radiance of the Humility of God.

When you open your hearts by means of the exercise of prayer, the darkness of confusion will fade, and on the path you will manage to see the Merciful Horizon of God.

When you open your hearts, it will be humanity that will open itself to the Will of God. Souls will find themselves sincere and pure before the Creator, and with an Immense Love, His Grace will be poured over all.

When you live in My Immaculate Heart, I promise you that peace will surround the beauty of your souls as an extensive garden of roses because there will shine the One and Only God.

When you are in the Heart of My Son, your souls will be pacified and will live in the Law of the Holy Spirit; the essence of love and truth will be revealed to you in life.

If humanity opened the heart to My call, much pain would already have ended, peace would reign in the homes and no child of God would have their life in danger. But still very few are those who, spontaneously, open the heart to the call of My voice.

Many are the soldiers who must be in vigil. The Shepherd must look after His flock. Remember that everyone is called to constant prayer.

Today I invite you to open your hearts and let yourselves be conducted by the new maternal guidance. Whoever accepts to be My child will be well received in the Kingdom of Peace and, in a true act, the hearts of those who still have it closed to God will be opened.

This is what is essential for today: to open the heart so that the Love of My Son may reign among you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today, once more, in My spiritual visit to Medjugorje I ask that you recognize the presence of My Peace in your hearts. My Love wants to convert your souls into a garden of roses and into an inexhaustible fountain of peace.

My children, by accepting this call from My Maternal Heart, pain will no longer exist in you so that in this way the Love of the Redeemer may be born again.

Dear children, I want your consciousnesses to not complain anymore about the difficulties and the tests of life. I invite you to remain in My Maternal arms so that you may walk in sacrifice.

My little ones, the world is carrying so much pain. For this reason you must be true emanations of My Peace upon the face of the Earth.

Dear children, in order to correct the past, the tests and the pains, you must surrender your lives into the Hands of the Creator. In this way, in the name of all those who do not pray, do not adore and do not love God, you will be making an important surrender of your hearts to the Most High.

Walk in this time under the Bravery and Love of Christ be- cause your missionary hearts must now give everything for humanity.

Smile to the life that God has given you with so much love; be thankful from the heart and serve, in peace, those in most need through prayer and the service of the heart. In this way the towers of peace will rise from the Light of your hearts.

I thank you for living My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

A soul dedicated to the life of prayer is a heart open to new cycles. Therefore today I ask you to be an instrument of living prayer so that My Son may manifest Himself in the essence of your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that your lives must be the source of prayer, of a prayer that must spring from the heart.

Therefore, My children, live within the great Source of Prayer that is My Son so that your lives may recognize the Love of the Redeemer. As sheep of the Shepherd, unite your hearts to each brother heart and keep your hands united to each heart, because if so, you will be renovating the existence of love in all of the world, a Merciful Love that is radiated by Jesus to each heart of this Earth.

Dear children, be in this way a source and may your lives not tire of giving love, unity and hope in the times that will come.

My children, transforming your lives into inexhaustible sources of prayer, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach the reality of each life, lives that need the Light and the Love of God.

Therefore, My Immaculate Heart tells you again: pray! Pray and pray, My little children, so that all humanity may receive the essence of Good and Peace.

As Queen of Peace I call you to pray with Me so that your hearts may become, through prayer, roses of Light for the Creator.

Reflect today on the importance of giving yourselves for love of others.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As the Lady of the Roses I want to bring you to My celestial garden so that all souls, gathered as roses, may be able to stay in the promised paradise of the Lord.

Dear children, these promises are beautiful but today I invite you to the conversion of your lives, to forgiveness of the past and to the reconciliation of your hearts with each one of your fellow humans. Remember, My children, that in each brother and sister, Christ, My Resurrected Son, is to be found. Therefore, I invite you to be responsive to the Kingdom of Peace so that it may be present in each one of My children.

Do not fear for that which still does not change in the world. The prayer of the heart is necessary to find the Light of the Father.

Little children, run as pure essences to the feet of the Creator, because if this gesture is sincere through the offering of prayer, the Omnipotent Lord will fill you with His Infinite Repairing Graces.

Today I observe you and place you inside the Celestial Kingdom. I place the entire great humanity that does not want to change by accepting the Plans of God because it lives its own decision of life, inside the Celestial Kingdom of prayer so that with My custodian angels We may pray for the salvation and redemption of all My children.

My children, it is up to all of you to respond to the requests pronounced by Our God in each one of your hearts. I want to make you grow from the heart so that many of My children may be able to imitate this simple path of consecration to the Most Holy Heart of Jesus.

It is time to repair the great causes that have distanced the souls from God. I come here to each one of you as a Mediator and Mother of Jesus, the Redeemer, your Savior.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Celestial Immaculate Heart guides you and illuminates your long and extensive path in this world.

Dear children,

With supreme reverence, remain during this whole blessed day of the Lord in the infinite essence of gratitude. If today your hearts feel a sincere gratitude, My Maternal Heart will be able to help you, as humanity, a while longer.

Your world is in need of immense and inexhaustible Mercy. For this reason, My children, open your eyes and see My Son Jesus before you. Christ expects that, without waiting and without delay, your little hearts approach Him so that your lives may be able to recognize the greatness of His Redeeming Love.

My little children, this is a reason for you to enter in trust into the true universe of prayer, which you must build day by day in your hearts and in the hearts of all My children.

As the world waits for Mercy, the Mercy of God, through Christ My Son, I invite you to become conscious of your life here on Earth and how much it is collaborating with the Plans of God, in surrender and in love.

My children, My Marian mission is to warn you that these are not normal times; it is time to pray with all the fervor of the heart in order to thus be able to be worthy of the coming of the High Priest of Love, of Jesus your Savior.

Little children, if your hearts pray and your thoughts are calmed in My Maternal Presence, as Mother of all I will be able to graciously bring you close to the presence of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Your lives must be as the expression of the roses in a celestial garden, because thus you will become worthy of receiving the beauty of the Love of God in each one of your lives.

As a mediator before God, today I bring you, dear children, the urgent call to prayer and to reflection, so that in a conscious way you may be able to serve all in the name of My Eternal Peace.

My voice announces itself to each one of your hearts; I am here because I love you and I guide you.

Be like Jesus, imitate the path of meekness and humility.

Let us pray, only pray.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Today I invite you to consecrate your lives as a gift to God, being flowers at the feet of the Creator. Carry the joy of serving Him on your faces and, in harmony, manifest the Love of My Son. Live under the Source of the Love of the Savior and, as good and humble instruments, radiate the peace of the heart.

Know, dear children, that despite the way the world behaves before God, My Immaculate Heart makes you participants of the new path that I want to reveal to you, the path of love and forgiveness.

Remember that you serve out of absolute love for God and that My Son calls you to drink from the Fount of Mercy for all those who easily forget the importance of being in God. For this reason, My children, each action of life must be consecrated to God and you must work under this spirit of peace.

Many will receive, in due time, the last call of God, the Father of the Universe, and one of His warnings will be given through the voice of My Immaculate Heart that comes to the world to elevate it as a consciousness and as a heart.

Be good disciples of My Son, be true messengers of His Divine Mercy. The Divine Hour marks the moment of making use of the Forgiveness of God and of reconciling yourselves with your dear ones. Each act of forgiveness attracts the original purity towards your hearts. Life becomes luminous before the throne of the Father because in it there is a new dwelling, a dwelling visited by the Compassionate Love of My Son.

Search for purity in order to begin to live the Immaculate Peace of My Heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


In truth I tell you, dearest children, that whoever remains under the Light of My Immaculate Heart will always be able

to be guided, as long as you remember that you must be loving, helpful and compassionate with your fellow humans so that My Plans of Peace may be fulfilled in all nations of the Earth.

This is why, My children, today I invite you to be an active part of the power of prayer so that your lives may be a principle of Creation in the Hands of God and the sound of love that is born from His Voice.

It is important, dear children, to be what God wants you to be in this time. As instruments of the Father, carry My Peace today because there are many who still do not have it and need it. You will be potential roses in My garden only when you unite to Me in the prayer of the heart. Thus you will radiate to the world the Light that it needs in these times of changes.

Dear children, correspond to what God asks of you today: to be true children of God in the prayer of the heart and in peace because in this way you will be helping the inner harmony that many of My children need.

The Kingdom of My Peace wants to dwell in the lives of all, but I still find places that are not filled with My Maternal Love. Therefore today I invite you to be empty, empty as was My Son Jesus at the moment of carrying the cross and reaching the Calvary.

Imitate Jesus in the simple examples so that your lives may find the path of humility that all humanity should travel before the throne of God.

The Source of Love is springing up in the name of the Father through My Maternal Immaculate Heart so that you may rec- ognize that I love you and that I accompany you as the Lady of Eternal Graces.

I thank you for corresponding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

My children,

Keep praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit and for Sacred Peace because many of My children are already approaching to live the conversion of the heart. And this conversion starts by recognizing oneself as a child of God that is redeemed by Christ and forgiven by His merciful love before God.

Know today dear children that I call you to hope and to persistence in each one of your hearts, in this way you may be before the Heart of the Father in constant contemplation.

Dear children, in the face of any external or internal situation in your lives I tell you to trust God and unite yourselves to the redeeming principle of My Son because in this way My mantle of protection will support you above all things.

Today I also remind you how important it is to be in adoration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the eternal communion with His Blessed Spirit of Love. Because those who are in Jesus find the strength and courage to transcend the limits of the transformation of their own heart.

Collect your hearts in the Heart of My Son because in this simple exercise of adoration you will allow the flame of compassion and of fraternal love to manifest for each one of you.

Open your consciousness so that the fountain of Graces that are helping a big part of humanity may come closer as a gift of peace and light over God on each of your hearts.

Know little children that I accompany you, but now the moment has come for your lives to mature as the fruit and for your hearts to grow as the trees. With the heart converted into a beautiful flower for the Creator, you will be in correspondence with the Plan of Peace for the world.

Let us pray for love of all My children. The task begins now, it is the time!

Thank you for answering and responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


While many souls need mercy for this final time, My rays of love and pity are intended to come to all My children.

For all this, dear children, today I invite you to contemplate the Face of Compassion and Love of our Eternal God the Father so that through inner prayer you may help, through love, other souls that are scattered and lost in the world. With the praying collaboration of your hearts you will enter the Merciful Plan of Salvation and in this way will be participants of My Son’s Redeeming Plan.

Only a life of prayer will prepare you for the time that will come, but for now place your eyes and your hands on the contemplative beads of prayer so that the angels of the Lord may assist the world in need of true love and inner peace.

I come to My children to give them the Peace of My Immaculate Heart and to remind them of the commitment with Christ, My Beloved Son.

Uniting your hearts in one true, pure and crystalline heart of children and of brothers and sisters, you will be providing the example for those who still do not live fraternity. Each soul will have the opportunity before God to be reborn in love and in redemption.

The praying assistance from My Marian Armies on Earth counts for this and this will provide the possibility of conversion for hearts that would be irreparable.

Because of this, the Grace of God will be the strength and the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this epoch and for this humanity it will be an act as an exercise of service from all the children that accompany My Marian Spirit.

May the life that has become a new flower for the Creator be of profound beauty for your hearts. Today I only ask you to be in vigil with Me in prayer.

You may live my words when they are a prayer in your lives.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Daily Messages

When a flower opens up it expresses the love of the Creation, thus dear children, your lives must be manifested in beauty and purity as the flowers.

Dear children, with immense trust I place you all close to My Immaculate Heart so that you may take the steps towards the Heart of My Son.  Know children, that in the path of prayer your lives will approach the consecration of your souls before the kingdom of God.

The fruits that My Son has entrusted you with such a long time ago and that are called talents must be awakened by the imperious exercise of prayer.  But, My children, so that these sacred fruits of the talents awaken in each one of you, first the soul must renounce and die to itself so that it may be born under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

Each path that My children pass through brings to them big and hard lessons that in some cases strengthen the spirit and give firmness to keep going through the path of consecration.

I want to tell you dear children that this is a special time of Graces such as Conversion for each one of My children of this humanity.  For this today I invite you to remain in the joy of donation and service to God the Father because thus your lives will be led to the sacred feet of Christ.

Your hearts are true little lights that at each moment must be lit up again to shine in this world through peace.

For all this know that My merciful love day by day wants to help the hearts of this world.

So, your hearts must be persevering and firm as the trees that elevate themselves to God.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
