Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through My Wounds, you have been healed. Through My flagellation, you have been liberated. Through My agony, you have been consecrated. Through each one of My sufferings, you have been redeemed.

But today, I cannot smile at the world, because the world is suffering at this moment, because many hearts in the world cannot achieve the merits of My Passion.

This is why I contemplate a desolate scenario, which I invite My apostles to go through, although you may believe that you will not be able to do it on your own. However, I came to this world to show you the way, I came to demonstrate to you the Sacred School of Christification.

For this reason, today I carry in My Hands the Book of God, in which some names have yet to apply for the School of Christification. And this, companions, is not something exclusively spiritual; it is something concrete, because everything changed after the last August 8, and your ears cannot listen to the Hierarchy the way you did until a short while ago.

The scenario of the planet will continue to change, and this will be the hour of My apostles, who will decidedly go where I need them, regardless of time and place. Remember, My Church on Earth is sustained by a very thin thread of Light, which is so fragile that it could break at any moment.

Do you understand now why many names are still missing in this Book?

My Project will be fulfilled with those who are willing to follow Me until the end. Because it will not be the multitudes that will redeem the planet; it will be the powerful invocation of the Supplicating Network of prayerful and honest souls that will paralyze the grave events that will come to the world, although in this time you may see a scenario of not only material, but also spiritual and moral destruction, because the language in this world is changing rapidly.

The smallest and most innocent souls, the children of these times, no longer learn what you learned in other times. Do you realize that the language of humanity has been distorted?

This is why, companions, it is important, first of all, to protect from yourselves the values that God taught to the sacred people of Israel. Without these values, humanity will not be able to rebuild itself.

Values and principles are the Gifts of God that humanity needs in this end time to know where to place its feet, a safe and protected place where it spiritually is not at risk or in danger.

This means that, with the few that respond to Me and obey Me, I will try to do something in this world, before My Return to humanity.

But today in truth I tell you that there is a part that you must assume, although it does not correspond to you, just as your Master and Lord assumed it in silence and obedience, without complaints.

Because this sacred spirit of fidelity and loyalty, which each human heart can express in this time, is the guarantee that the Spiritual Hierarchy will have in order to be able to  intervene in humanity in these times of emergency.

I do not come to offer you a bed of roses. I come to offer you a path of challenges, goals, the path of the Purpose  that all must keep in their hearts. Because humanity has not understood the Message of God. For this reason, efforts are necessary, an imperious determination to serve, and the untiring self-giving of each server.

I do not want you to fear what I tell you, because here today an attribute is fulfilled: “Only have a resting place, rather than a dwelling place.” For the dwelling of each companion of Mine is in the Heart of God, a place where you will always know and understand the mysteries of Creation, where you will always be placed to serve wherever and whenever necessary.

Now the moment has come for the time of the apostolate to be fulfilled. May this not only be a necessity, but also a reality that each one will be able to live according to how it corresponds to them, just as it is written in the Heart of God.  

Therefore, embrace Divine Will, even if it seems impossible or unattainable; because when you embrace Divine Will, there will be no fears between you and God, rather there will be the concretion of His most ardent and profound Wishes for each one of His Children.

Thus, I come to prepare you for the next time, just as I prepared My apostles before My Ascension to the Heavens. Be very mindful, companions, that we are at this important moment. Therefore, ask yourselves if you are willing to live this moment, which I am presenting to you.

Will you be capable of going where I need you, under the conditions in which I need you, not holding on to any one place or task?

Because the souls that are of God do not have properties, nor do they have desires. The souls that are of God have the aspiration to serve Him and, in this end time, have the burning aspiration to prepare the Return of Christ. First, by purifying yourselves, so that the world may be purified of cruelty, indifference and wickedness.

I must still bear testimony, before My Father, of the Love I have given you throughout the times. For this Love, which I gave you in trust, My Sacred Love, which is the Love of God for all His Creatures, is the Love that I need to use at this moment, in the face of the emergency of the planet, so that, in remote and distant places, as well as in places that are near, the uncertain doors may be closed, which are submerging nations and peoples at this moment.

I need My Light to come through My apostles. Believe that this is possible, because I will take care of the purification of whoever trusts Me. But do not be afraid, no longer be hasty, because you have Grace and are blessed before My Father, you must not forget this.

Everything I do is not in vain. Everything I do has a Purpose, and My Purpose is the souls, My Purpose is to live in the hearts of the men and women of the Earth.

Therefore, what should you fear? If I have already foreseen everything, if I know the path of your souls, I already know about the destiny of your lives.

So that humanity may not destroy itself, I come to ask you for more. It is the only chance I have at the moment, in the face of the imbalance of the Laws on the planet.

This is the reason for the importance, at this moment, for the supplicating hearts, which may have, as a premise in this time, to supplicate and just supplicate, so that a child, or even a family, may not become martyrs, because of impunity.

This is why I offer you this Christic path, because you are now in the time to assume responsibility, and no longer be assumed by anyone. Because My Graces, throughout these times, have been abundant.

Now it is time to break the inertia of the planet, before it is too late. I do not want to see again the same as it was in Rwanda, that you lamented for not listening to the Mother of God.

Our fraternal closeness with you and with all of humanity comes to help, encourage you and impel you to continue, because there is a lot to do and you now have the tools to do it.

This is why I come to ask at the right place. I come to ask at the place where you do want to listen to Me, and you know that My time is precious at this moment, in the face of the emergencies of humanity, in the face of the imperative need for the values of human fraternity, respect, tolerance and peace not to disappear from the world.

I come to ask you, in this new Marathon of Divine Mercy, for a consistent vow of responsibility. This will define what the Hierarchy will be able to do, because you will do it on behalf of humanity, in the name of the disgraces of these times, which we can all see, and above all, you will do it on behalf of My Love, so that My Love may triumph in the world and especially where it is most needed.

Thus, just as I did with the holy apostles, I come to pour out upon you the Consoling Spirit, so that you may continue to walk towards the Purpose, always seeking a spiritual solution for this planetary situation.

I come to leave My Peace to you, and to encourage you so that this new Marathon of prayer may open the doors of the Heavens, touch the Heart of the Father so that He may pour out His Mercy, rather than His Justice, so that all may be, on this special occasion, under the Rays of My Mercy, of My Blood and of My Water.

May this new Marathon of Mercy be an offering, may the temple of the heart of each of My companions be open to receive Me and console Me. Because I come to seek, under this Fig Tree of Figueira, a place to rest and breathe deeply again, to continue together with those who may want to accompany Me in this time, in which redemption must be attained. This is My aspiration.

I thank you for the responses of those who attend to My appeal and were ready to serve Me.

Now, let us build, during these coming months, that which must reach humanity: the strength of hope and faith, so that healing may be established, so that peace may be infused in the world.

I thank you for being here with Me, for responding to the Aspirations of God.
In these times of sadness, never fail to smile at life, so that all may be repaired. The smile is the mirror of My apostles.

I thank you, and in this way, I absolve you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 



Make of humiliations an opportunity for your consciousness to understand what really is meaningful and valuable in life.

You are not on Earth to be honored, elevated or glorified by the eyes of humankind; but rather you are on Earth to experience a love that transcends understanding and the senses, that transcends logic and limitations, that transcend all love reached within the world and beyond it.

For this reason, when you are humiliated, let any need for recognition for glory, for a human response for your efforts, for your love, be broken down within you. Allow your heart to be placed in what is real, in what is eternal, in the Love of God, which is not based on human merits, and remain there, in the experience of humility that each situation in life leads you to experience.

Through your example, let the world come to know the Love of God. Follow in the footsteps of your Lord, Who, as a response to the scourging and the Cross, poured out Blood and Water, forgiveness, redemption and Mercy, for all beings, without distinctions. That is your eternal example; do not want another.

Do not seek to be elevated like the saints in the eyes of humankind, because what brings about sanctity in beings is not the opinion of humankind, but rather the sacrifice, the love and the unity with God, many times experienced in anonymity, in the ignorance of the world.

Thus, take your cross, embrace that cross with love; pray and ask for the Grace of knowing how to be in the likeness of your Lord, each day. And when you are humiliated, do not look to the thrones of the world, attained by human glory. Look to the Throne of Heaven, upon which is seated He, Who was abused, misunderstood, humiliated, scourged and died on the Cross, but He rose, not because of what He received from beings, but from the unfathomable Love that emerged from His own Heart.

Christ returned to the Father, not because of what He received from the world, but because of what He knew how to give, for He gave everything, all of Himself, for love. This is your Way, your Truth and your Life.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Thirty-second Poem

Lady of Calvary,
alleviate the weight of our cross,
help us to live Your Son’s Mystery of Love.

Lady of Calvary,
may we contemplate and live the Agony of Jesus
as a moment to strengthen our faith
and trust in the Eternal Father.

May we contemplate the Flagellation of Jesus
as the deepest testimony
of His redeeming Love for each one of us.

May we contemplate the Crowning of Jesus
as the triumph of Divine Wisdom
over our ignorance,
as the moment in which our consciousnesses
expand through the knowledge of Love received.

May we contemplate the Path of Calvary
as the opportunity for us to live our cross
and make of our lives a victorious cross,
wining through love
and through the transformation of the human heart.

May we contemplate the Crucifixion of Christ
as the coming time of liberation
from our spiritual slavery,
a liberation given by Jesus
in the last moments upon the wood of the Cross,
a liberation granted through the work of Divine Mercy.

Lady of Calvary,
may we learn to imitate Your Son
on the path of unconditional service.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Words of My Son reach the depths of your heart.

May His sorrowful acts of the Passion grant you the necessary transformation.

May each agony lived by Him impel you to bear the tests of these times.

May the solitude experienced by Him prepare you for crossing the desert in solitude.

May the precious Blood poured out by Him justify all errors you may have committed.

May the Water that emerged from His Side upon the Cross bring you the certainty that you can fulfill the Plan of God.

May the silence and humility expressed by My Son help you to hear and recognize the keys for the redemption of your consciousness.

May the flagellated Body of Christ heal the inner wounds of your suffering so that you may always be renewed by the Glory and the Victory that Christ continues to attain, throughout the ages, in the life of those who surrender to the Lord.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Embrace the cross that God gives you, just as His Son embraced it on the path to Calvary.

Receive the flagellation of this time and stand up, again and again, in the spirit of strength and humility, offering any sacrifice, sorrow, adversity or difficulty to the hands of God and continue forward, as a reparation for this world.

In peace, live the humiliations of these times, and receive upon your face the thorns that remind you always that the only true reign is the one that comes from God and that all crowns and honors of this world are but thorns that wound, upon the faces of humans, their purity and their true face.

Let the calvary of this time guide you to an unknown Love, lead you to discover the real meaning of life, just as Christ discovered the true meaning of Love when He forgave everything on the Cross of His time.

Prepare your heart as Christ prepared His: with prayer and silence, in communion with His Father.

Because the calvary of these times are now before you. The trials that summon you to the overcoming in Love have already begun. Now, child, you must look to Heaven, to the Heart of your Father and Lord, to say to Him: "Father, my heart is ready."

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Through the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries, what does the agony of Jesus in the Garden mean to you? What does the flagellation of Jesus mean to you?

What does the sorrowful crowning of thorns mean to you?

What do the three falls of Jesus with the Cross mean to you?

What is the value of the crucifixion and death of Christ to you? And the moment in which the spear thrust His side and poured out Water and Blood?

Have you understood the greatness of these merits?

In some part of your being and of your consciousness, all these facts and true experiences of Christ may be resonating.

Why should they resonate?

Because in communion with these mysteries, you will be in perfect communion with Christ, and you will allow all the merits of the Redeemer to replace, in your consciousness, all that must someday be transformed.

Therefore, live the Sorrowful Mysteries as a triumph, at each step, and experience surrendered by Christ.

Live each Sorrowful Mystery as the deepest demonstration of the Love of God that forgives all and can do all.

This is the essence of the experience of Love of My Son: to leave His legacy to the world so that humanity may avail itself of this legacy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The Cellular Christic Code

Dear children,

Today I reveal and teach you the importance of the cellular Christic Code, which was the sacred and greatest experience of the Love of Christ, seen by the whole universe.

The Christic Code is understood to be all the degrees of Love, Forgiveness and Mercy achieved by Jesus during His Passion and Death.

The living and sublime expression of this Christic Code spiritually manifested during the scourging and, from that point on, this Code of Love, which understands all and forgives all, gradually deepened in the human consciousness of Jesus.

In order to take this step, My Son had to incarnate in spiritual, cosmic and human conditions, greatly and specially prepared for that time period. This Christic Code gradually awakened in the spiritual essence of Jesus as the little Child grew in the heart of the Sacred Family.

This same Christic Code gradually manifested at a cellular level from the moment in which My little Son preached for the first time in the temple. It was in that very special event that the divine intervention of the Archangel Michael came forward until the holy prophecy announced by the prophets would be fulfilled.

The Christic Code incarnated in Jesus from the sublime spheres of consciousness in order to teach the world the true and unique Law of Love-Wisdom.

Throughout the history of earthly humanity, the planet as a mother consciousness was always assisted, and the Christic degrees of Love-Wisdom also greatly manifested from the moment Buddha's enlightenment.

In this way, through Divine Compassion, that is an aspect of the Ray of Love-Wisdom, humanity was able to understand that the errors made and all the debts incurred have a path of liberation which, through Compassion, leads the consciousness towards forgiveness.

The first spiritual impulse of Compassion was expressed by the Consciousness of Buddha, who, at that time, awakened deeply to a revelation of Divine Love that humanity had never known throughout it's history.

I would like to emphasize, children, that the holy Essenes had an important task on a spiritual level, and also in the continuation of this stream of Love-Wisdom and Compassion that humanity was in need of.

Where is the spiritual bridge that links the period of Buddha with the period of Jesus?

The true essence of both manifestations of Love lies in the Will of the Father and in His Divine Mercy, finding humanity in a constant attempt of spiritual, moral and human self-destruction. It was thus, dear children, that the intercession of the universe came forward in the human consciousness through the revelation of Compassion and the incarnation of the Firstborn Son.

The Christic Code slowly took shape as an awareness of Love in humanity as from the experience of Jesus on Earth.

I told you, in previous statements, that the Essenes were the consciousnesses who, in their inner worlds, united all experiences of Love-Wisdom in humanity.

They collected the essence of the Christic instruction manifested since the emergence of Buddha to the incarnation of Jesus. In this way, that source and that experience of Love were placed as offerings in the consciousness of the planet to prevent it from self-destructing.

That source remained active in humanity until Jesus began His public life, and with the divine approach of Archangel Michael, certain spiritual values were allowed to begin to be recovered in the terrestrial human consciousness.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of the universe accompanied all the events of the life of Jesus, and, in this way, the Plan was modified after the Resurrection of Christ.

The cellular Christic Code was cultivated by the essence of Love-Wisdom which the Master Himself radiated by His Presence.

The Son of God brought to the world the possibility for the creatures of the Earth to recognize their worthiness before the Creator and, at the same time, for all to find the Way, the Truth and the Life that Christ Himself showed.

The Christic Code became even more latent from the moment of the Ascension of Jesus and, afterwards, it was poured out by the divine impulse of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It was at that sacred moment that your Most Holy Mother instituted the ministry and the formation of the first Christian monastic orders, thus, opening the doors of evangelization through Christic Love.

After more than two thousand years of ministry and mission, in which surface humankind, through religion, used the maximum authority Christ had given them, the Heavenly Hierarchy presents Itself in this cycle to correct and restore the values of true Christianity.

It is for this reason that all are called to contemplate the immaculate heart of the Sacred Family, for there you will find the spiritual and human values that will also lead you towards redemption and forgiveness.

Every being that incarnated on the planet after the Ascension of Christ holds within themselves the cellular Christic Code, a Code that the adversary has separated from the interest of those who sleep so that they cannot evolve. This potential for Christic Love is necessary and vital in this planetary cycle in which chaos battles against the forces of evil to conquer the consciousness of humanity.

The process of purification, transformation and non-resistance will allow this precious cellular Christic Code to awaken and manifest for the redemption of the race. For this, acts of sacrifice, silence, charity, prayer, Communion and consecration to the Plan will encourage the emergence of the cellular Christic code within the human consciousness.

The possibilities are being given to all, all that is needed is determination and promptness so that every human being may, at this time, be an extension of the Love-Wisdom that was sown in the beginnings of this race. It will be that Love-Wisdom that will place humanity in a different, more evolutionary reality. Thus, I call upon My soldiers of prayer and service to reflect upon what I have told you. I will be grateful for your attention.

Who propels you towards the Love of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Guardian of the Precious Codes of Christ

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My children,

On this day when we celebrate the victory of the Heart of Jesus over death and over all error, see how much My Son is doing for you during these holy days.

Preparing for the next Easter of Resurrection, let us continue walking beside the Lord in the profound silence of the soul and the heart, so as to be able to receive the precious Gifts that emanate from His Holy Heart for the world.

In an act of trust and of faith, renew your perpetual adherence to My Son and follow this sacred task of the redemption of humanity.

Appreciating all the mysteries lived by Christ during His Sacred Passion, dear children; adopt a posture of withdrawal and of prayer so that with your souls, you are able to perceive all that My Son is doing for you.

On this path of search for silence, you may be able to find the keys that will open the doors to the divine knowledge of the Love and Wisdom of the beloved Father through His blessed Son.

Christ is pouring out a stream of Light and of Grace upon all creatures.

Receive this call to peace, and through the Passion of My Son, take on forever your own cross for those who turn their backs on the great divine summoning.

I am with you, walking slowly toward Calvary; but before, I will show you the spiritual meaning of the scourging and the crown of thorns.

Let us continue with confidence; the Lord awaits us in vigil.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Walking with all for the Passion,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary


Dear children,

The world is in evil. I invite you to kneel for those who offend God.

As the Sorrowful Mother, I have come from Heaven to bring you an important call, the most important in these times, which is the prayer of the Holy Rosary, for this humanity and this planet.

Today, in My arms I bring My scourged Son. This is the real example, a reference for everybody, of what humankind does to the Heart of God.

Pray for My seven sorrows. Pray for the thorns that My Son receives. Pray for the angels and their trumpets, before God declares Justice for the world.

The times are accelerating, the changes are accelerating. Thus, prepare yourselves with prayer, do not stop praying from the heart.

Persevere, simply persevere. My call is urgent in this part of the world, because I know you can hear Me with the heart.

Today, I bring My Son in My arms, completely wounded and bruised, so that you may see, My children, the cruelty of humankind, the indifference of hearts, the lack of love for the life God that has given you.

On the streets of this world, in the regions of the East, many children of Mine are being mutilated, while you are here gathered in prayer.

Persevere, My children; I ask you to think, just for a moment, of what God is perceiving in this humanity and mainly, what His Heart feels from you.

Today, I appear on this world.

I need you to respond to an urgent call, with a supreme effort, with a greater sacrifice for those who do not do anything and follow the tribulations with personal desires and expectations; but humanity still has not known the Power of God.

Today, before the Altar of the Creator, I place My maternal Heart as the only way out for this beloved humanity, which is daily lost in suffering and pain.

My Heart is full of sorrow. Who will give it relief? Who will risk coming out of themselves? Who will set aside their comforts and preferences to contemplate Me for just five minutes and feel My sorrowful Heart and the scourged Heart of My Son?

I come to announce a special call. Today I will not be able to pour out My Graces, for many do not deserve them. You are part of this humanity, of this Plan that God called you to live. Your efforts are still not enough.

Place your prayer in your heart rather than in your mind.

Persevere, My children; in this time I need you to just give Me responses of love and of charity. Call on your brothers and sisters to live prayer, tell your family members and friends to pray. The world is darkening and the majority do not perceive this.

While the blood of many innocent souls runs in the streets of this world, I invite you to meditate on My Heart, and that you think of living only in the Mercy of God, which is much forgotten by the whole world.

I invite you, My children, to reinforce your armies. The paths must be more luminous; thus, I will draw aside the shadows from the paths of all My children.

I want you to be true, My children, and that you hear the plea and the call of My Heart, because I have already done much for you. And who will do enough, what God needs at this moment, which is the prayer of the heart and living the Truth of God?

Pray with Me, My children, because the world is suffering.

Today I come with the Angels of the Justice of God, but I ask, My children, that you do not accept this moment as something normal.

Be thankful that I speak to you of all these things that are happening, because many must wake up to what is occurring. You cannot be distant from what is happening in this world.

I do not come to bring you fear, but rather to establish peace. But if there is no peace in My children, how will peace exist on Earth? For this reason, hearts and souls are dying, the bodies are being mutilated and wiped out in the life God gave them. Woe to those who do these things!

I just lay down at the Feet of the Lord to implore Him for Mercy.

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.
(repeated six times)

While you breathe, while you sleep, when you wake up, when you eat, when you are in prayer or even speaking with another person, do not stop repeating this prayer. It is the lifeline and Mercy for My seven deep sorrows, which it will alleviate, one at a time; and it will be the lifeline for what is happening in the East.

My dear children, today I not only come to bring you the Light of God, the Truth that is being hidden from many; I also bring you a special request about which I will pray from this moment on so that all My children, irrespective of where they are, those who are united with My Immaculate Heart; I come to ask the missionaries of Saint Joseph and My Immaculate Heart for a special mission of peace, who must go quickly to Africa, so that through your prayers, services and transmutations, and in the name of humanity, you balance all that is happening.

Thus, My children, I call you to collaboration, charity, surrender of your heart so this mission can be done as soon as possible.

If this were to happen, many souls that are being mutilated and that do not even receive a minimum of prayer, can be gathered up by My Divine Spirit and lifted up to Heaven as a symbol of equilibrium and of justice for those that suffer from the actions of humankind.

If you truly knew what a heart feels when it is slowly mutilated, your offering would be infinite, and you would only think about being able to rescue this humanity; because not only in Medjugorje, but also here, you must listen to Me openly. This is a request of My Immaculate Heart, beyond My Celestial Consciousness. I ask, My children, that you hold this call in your heart.

My seven sorrows are: the loss of life, suffering, negation, martyrdom, false power, injustice and subjugation.

I bless you, My children, in the name of the Justice of God. May the Light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit illumine your paths and fill you with love.

Sing to bring relief to My Heart.

Song: Ave María

I will always listen to your hearts and feel your love in My Immaculate Heart.

Be peace-bringers and carry peace, peace for the end of times.

I thank you!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Brothers and sisters, at the request of Our Lady, we are going to explain what happened at the moment when the brothers and sisters were praying in African languages.

At that moment, Our Lady began to draw closer, in the manifestation of a great sun that entered here on the right side of the auditorium, crossing the Heavens and the dimensions. Behind this sun came the angels; some came with banners and others with trumpets; those coming with banners had the six-pointed stars. It was what was being shown at that moment.

Our Lady passed over this stage, as if walking, and positioned Herself above the symbol of this planet, which we have behind here.

Our Lady, as She came walking, she was crying. Her eyes were rivers of tears. She was tilting Her head down as if thinking, deeply meditating in Her Heart.

At that moment, Our Lady came close and the choirs of angels took position, forming a triangulation behind Our Lady.

She came dressed in a light blue robe with a blue mantle, with Her hands down, very close to Her body, a posture which very much drew our attention.

At that moment, Our Lady reflects a star on Her chest, Her heart center; within that star was Her Immaculate Heart. During the Apparition, She kept Her gaze downward and the crying not only poured down Her face, but also over Her clothing.

When we saw Her, we were greatly affected; because through Her eyes, we saw what was happening in the East. She brought the whole event not only at a physical level, but also spiritual; and all that movement was supported and sustained by the angels that were with Mary.

At that moment, Our Lady explained that Her hands, at the sides of the body, meant the impossibility of Her being able to pour out Her Graces. In light of this symbol, we understood that She did not have permission to pour out Her Graces; afterwards, all of us were able to understand when She said that She could not pour out Her Graces over us. Even so, Her Love did not stop being present here, in this place. In spite of the suffering and the images that surrounded Mary, She did not stop looking at us serenely and with love.

During the Apparition, She very much called our attention to the Children of Mary, because She said that She needed them at this moment more than ever, not only in prayer, but also in an attitude of peace-bringing; for this reason, She has blessed and consecrated many children.

She made a special request that each one, who as a member of this humanity and in this transition we are experiencing, be able to consciously understand and comprehend what She wanted to tell us today. At that moment, it seemed that this would only go so far; but silently, Mary was revealing many visions that were being guided by Her.

After showing us Her Heart, Her crying and Her pain, that She manifested in seven sorrows, which She revealed to us today, She slowly showed us a being, a consciousness She held in Her arms and who seemed to weigh a lot; but the strength of the Love of Mary was what was supporting that being. At that moment, an image of Jesus, completely scourged and transfigured, was shown. The head of Jesus was falling backwards. It was a Jesus that was exhausted, tired, full of wounds from Feet to Head. We couldn't count the number of wounds He had, but there were many. And our Mother said: "This is what Jesus feels for humanity today. Look how He is at this moment."

And after that, the image of Jesus in Her arms disappeared, and through a ray Her Immaculate Heart emanated, at Her feet She showed a scene that had to do with Africa and the Middle East that She explained through the Message we all heard.

When Mary was explaining that the streets were bloody, She showed some place of the Middle East and Africa, in which She revealed situations that were taking place on the physical plane. At that moment, She made it explicit, specifying that it wasn't a spiritual situation, but rather something physical; and that She, by the power She has as Mediator and Intercessor, had the permission to show us, so that it could generate an impact in our consciousnesses rather than our emotional body, in our feelings.

At the feet of our Virgin Mary, horrible things appeared, people being burned, mutilated, experiencing martyrdom little by little; we thought this was something from the past that Mary was showing us, was giving an example, a reference; but it was a reality that She brought us about something happening at this moment and that all of us could hear and understand.

Through this symbol, She needs our prayer to not only be daily, but also fervent. Mary told us She was not asking us to pray constantly, but rather through our small prayers, we would be able to do something real.

We understood that with this, Mary was asking that our prayer have a certain strength, beyond the amount or number of prayers.

Because of what is happening right now, She needs us to pray from the heart as She taught us. Today She told us that we could have prayed more from the heart, because She says She considers us to be Her army of Light, each person who prays that unites with the Heart of Mary. And that will be the only way, said Our Lady, that many things will be able to be reversed in time.

But things didn't stop there. To the right of Our Lady appeared three angels with three trumpets. She raised Her right hand, pointing to one side and said the following: "Children, children, the trumpets are already sounding;" and it seemed as if Mary was very touched by that situation, She felt that the situation was moving toward another point.

When She referred to the mission to Africa, when She spoke the word Africa, from Her Heart came a cry, a call of love, a crying out of our Mother for that mission to be able to be accomplished and we would be able to support those brothers and sisters, not only with our prayers, but also that our consciousnesses go inwardly with them on this mission, so that they too receive the support they need.

It was something Mary was asking for; and She asked for this special mission of service, of prayer and of transmutation as she said, in three countries of Africa: Rwanda, Uganda and the Congo.

And if those three missions concretize, what our Mother promised and what we listened to will happen. That could reverse many things. At that moment, we asked Her: "Mother, there are not many more missionaries left in the world; could we support other people so they may go there or people of that region, so they may become aware of Mary's request?" She responded: "Children, do not forget that you are My soldiers who respond to My call when I ask you for something. You can always count on My support and My protection."

That is what happened during the Apparition that Our Lady asked us to share with everybody.

And to close this Vigil of Prayer, now we are going to watch a video of a previous Vigil of Prayer that was done in Caracas, Venezuela, in which Mary leaves us a Message for everybody about peace.

We thank everybody for accompanying us and we invite you to carry this call of Mary in your heart, to alleviate the seven sorrows of our Mother and to respond once again to Her call.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!


Who truly and without rush prays the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy will be able to receive the precious and glorified codes of light that My Consciousness achieved on the Mount of the Olives in My agony. It also achieved them during the flagellation and with the Blood poured during the painful crowning of thorns and when I carried your cross to the Calvary and also during My Crucifixion on the Cross.

All those codes will enter in the soul that at three in the afternoon may use correctly and with devotion to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, because at this hour it will not only pray with the heart but I will let it know the power of My Sublime Grace and in this way your hearts will get to know the passages of My Passion step by step such as I lived it.

Enter from this moment on in the science of My Mercy and be thankful for being able to understand in these times of chaos each one of the infinite mysteries that guards My Sacred Heart. If you accept, with consciousness, to learn to live the life of prayer your superior consciousness will be available to help in My Plan of Salvation and, consequently, your more earthly beings will count on the aid of the greater spirit of your true beings.

In this way I prepare hearts so that they may be workers of the Plan and consciousnesses that may be servers of My Eternal Father. Today I pour to you the wisdom that guards My Christified Consciousness so that you may understand that it is possible to be consecrated to My Lord when you simply say yes, because in this way your will will be surrendered so that may awaken in your hearts the Divine Will.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for understanding My words with the spirit of the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

