Today My Merciful Heart is divided into two parts, one part is with Brazil and the other part is with Argentina.
The need for help and spiritual intervention in both nations is very large.
The Lord of the Universe, the Master of Love, has His Heart in two places to avoid the deactivation of the rescue project for South America.
Together with all the powers of My Spirit, My Soul and My Divinity, the cosmic and stellar elements are mobilized to help, from the Spiritual Universes, what is happening in the Material Universes.
Great Universal Consciousnesses are positioning themselves in different regions of the planet to carry out a great operation for safeguarding and protecting all the christic essences that have already awakened, and which will traverse the cycle of the end of times.
This is why the Celestial Brotherhood is mobilized, in order to counteract the ideals and the actions that would impact millions of people in South America, a region that, at the moment, is the focus of the imbalance of the surface of the planet.
My Spiritual Heart is divided into two parts for this reason, to give spiritual and inner assistance to those who will face one of the most difficult times of humanity.
But, in the end, My Sacred Heart will triumph in those who have believed in the Lord because, I will not abandon them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My silence, today, speaks of the lack of awareness and love from the representatives of the nations, especially from the nations of South America.
Because where God is not, there is no Justice, let alone Mercy.
This lack of Justice leads to inequality and to the rampant abuse of the powers that humanity believes to have by rights. All of this generates discord and a lack of credibility.
The worldwide system itself, created throughout the course of time, is about to fall and with it, all that is intertwined and not faithful.
In this sense, the nations which should be enclosures of prosperous and equitable life, for the inequalities of all times and for the lack of transparency towards the people of God, generate social, economic, and political disorder.
The roots of the systems created according to the understanding of humankind will be the first to be self-destroyed in an unimaginable way when the planet itself demonstrates its intense power of purification.
All those who have a sincerely repented heart will be saved, and all those who pray for their enemies will grant Mercy to those who were eternally condemned.
For this reason, the Prayer for Peace in the Nations will continue to be that which will generate this most potent balm that will placate injustices and bring forgiveness to the condemned of spirit.
Continue to pray because the Hierarchy acts silently before this scene of chaos of the end of times.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Even though My Presence as the Patroness of Argentina is rejected, My Love remains in simple hearts. It will be there where the New Humanity will be erected, where the Plan of God will be accomplished.
For this reason, children, your Mother returns to Argentina for the hearts that do accept Her, for the souls that do live Her, for the lives that do welcome Her as the Mother of humanity.
I return to a country divided by deceit and corruption.
Among the abysses is the Mother of Heaven, the Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolás, to help Her children, those who still support the Purpose of God for this country.
Even though religion may be the justification for not wanting to live Her and decide on the new changes, and although it may be the cause of eradicating all forms of spirituality in the country, your Heavenly Mother will go to meet the hearts that do maintain their faith in the divine and know that without that faith, nothing would be possible.
Thus, your Heavenly Mother comes to gather the last soldiers of prayer from Argentina, who will battle with their rosary to protect the purpose of a new and correct humanity.
The scenario of the end of times will show ever more situations without common sense and discernment. For this reason, daily prayer will be the torch of all Argentines, My beloved children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Who is true of heart and wants nothing for themselves, this one will be with Me until the end of times.
Who does not change their mind regularly and is loyal to their brothers and sisters, this one will be with Me until the end of times.
For this reason, I need your confirmation so that the Plan of Redemption continues to develop in the consciousness of humanity.
Participate in My Spirit of loyalty and love towards your fellow beings, just as I Am with each one of them.
Receive this impulse to achieve the spirit of loyalty so that the old customs from yesterday do not influence the healthy relationship of love and brotherhood that should awaken among the servant spirits of My Word and of My Message.
Encourage yourself, at this time, to transcend the limits of the consciousness and to place the planet in its proper place.
May the reason be the renewing love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
If you cannot enter the deserts of Earth as the ancient Fathers did to heal their sins and to convert their profound human condition, enter, child, into the desert of your heart.
In these final times, the things of the world are like magnets that constantly draw your consciousness to the deepest abyss of darkness and perdition. But you, as a child of God, conscious of His presence within you, can choose not to follow the tendencies of the Earth and to enter the desert of your heart so that, alone and in solitude, you may find God.
Enter into dialogue with the Father every day and feel His divine proximity to your heart. Do not let the things of the world consume you and have you forget or put into second place that which is the real meaning of your existence.
Do not forget to contemplate, in your heart, the Universe as the Infinite, and to recognize your smallness once again. The heart that recognizes itself as small, and is grateful to God with its simplicity, opens the doors to Heaven, to the divine dimensions, to the higher reality, where truth is revealed.
Let your prayers become ever more profound and sincere. Cross the threshold between being a child and a companion of God to a living part of Him, renewing himself in His Creation, to return to the All with a greater Love.
May the Divine Purpose always be visible to the eyes of your heart so that you never miss opportunities to love, forgive, understand the neighbor and find God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.
Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.
Everyone will know the truth.
Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.
But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.
After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.
The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.
The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.
And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.
The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.
The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.
No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.
The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.
It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.
Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.
When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.
The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.
Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.
The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.
This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.
The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.
If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.
If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.
Do you understand?
You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.
You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.
You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.
Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.
Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.
Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.
You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.
Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.
God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.
Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.
You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.
You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.
This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.
You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.
Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.
I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.
But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.
Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.
The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.
The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.
The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.
You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.
You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.
This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.
The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.
I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.
Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.
The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.
The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.
All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.
All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.
Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.
Be capable of truly and warmly loving.
Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.
Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.
That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.
Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.
The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.
Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.
Do not waste time in what is transitory.
Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.
Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.
Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.
Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.
I thank you for cooperating.
I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.
May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.
Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.
I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.
Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.
You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.
Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Pray, in these times for your enemies, for those who once carried the same banner as you, and spoke of the same faith as yours, but then turned their backs with their rebellions and false comments.
Pray, as My Son did, even on the top of the Cross, and ask for forgiveness for those who offend God with their words and their slander.
Pray for all those who do not truly love the Will of God, as it is demonstrated, so that the grace they once received not fall upon their heads like a rain of never-ending justice.
Pray, child, because the end time is coming and those who lament will be more numerous than the happy. You will see it with your own eyes.
Pray, child, for those who, with no conscience and in great ignorance, repudiate Christ, for those who reject Him through His Work of Love which, in these times, He carries out, and which is not accepted by the ungrateful.
Pray for those who think they are secure in their salvation and for those who think, up until today, that after their lies and deceits, especially those who were previously in this Work, will in the end victoriously win.
Woe to them, poor miserable souls; I do not wish to remember what awaits them!
Pray, pray a lot, because prayer will always do miracles and all will pass.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray so that the Kingdom of God may descend upon the Earth and His Celestial Church may be established and manifested in all the churches of the world, revealing the divine spirituality and renewing the spirits who persevere in the search of a true faith.
Pray to raise your consciences and hearts to the Heart of God and find there the wonders of His Kingdom, in order not to lose the love in your hearts.
Pray for the priests of this world, for those who have lost the Grace of God and who no longer attract His Presence, but who have become instruments of darkness and of perdition, destroying the celestial treasures that the Father has granted them for their redemption and salvation.
Pray for the priests who make an effort to reach the grace to stand firm in their vocation, and which, day and night, are tested not to serve God, but to fall into the temptations of the world.
Pray for the religious of this Earth, consecrated to the Plan of the Creator in the different congregations and true spiritual lineages, hoping to be a light in the darkness of the world so that it is not lost and there can be a day worthy of the presence of the Celestial Kingdom.
Pray, my children, for it is the time for the deepest sins in the human consciousness to come to the light, and many will succumb into darkness, leaving aside the graces they once received to manifest the Kingdom of God.
It is time to wash yourselves in the pure waters of the end of times, which makes you transparent before God and before the world, so that, recognizing your weaknesses and sins, you repent and return to your paths.
The time has come for the definition of the planet, because soon there will be only two Laws acting on Earth: Justice and Mercy. Justice will be given to those who define themselves for it, and Mercy to those who open to it, surrendered in the truth of their hearts.
Pray for the souls not to be afraid or ashamed of repentance; do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for or to grant forgiveness.
Pray for all to have the courage to see themselves transparent and yet surrender before God, so that He makes you new and renews you in His Grace; so that you may be witnesses of His Piety to the world and, holding in your hearts the Divine Mercy, you multiply it in selfless service to others.
Pray for the Humanitarian Missions and for all those who will open their hearts to the missionary spirit, so that they may receive the opportunity to awaken and to redeem their faults through service. And pray for all those who will be served and who will receive the help of God through their fellow beings, so that they may see the flames of love, hope and faith awakened in their hearts again, which was disappearing from their spirits through suffering and darkness.
Pray, My children, for this planet, so that, despite all purification and all tests, these times may be the preparation of a new time.
As humanity will purify and cleanse themselves to be others, surrendered to God in His Grace, may this planet also purify and cleanse itself, and always count on firm spirits who, in prayer, will sustain it, so that one day it may be worthy to be the cradle of a new life, a life that will express the truth and resemblance to the Kingdom of God.
After all is fulfilled, the Earth will be worthy to receive a new name, reborn in Christ and under the Grace of the Spirit of God. The whole planet will enter the time of eternity, where the hours will not be counted.
When all has passed, My children, and love has triumphed in the hearts of those who persevered, being peacekeepers, this peace will expand beyond their hearts and reach the horizon of the stars, the firmament in the Universe, returning to settle where you did not even know it was lost.
Pray, then, so that souls may have this goal in their hearts and that, in the face of all the tests, do not forget it and do not lose sight of it.
You will see upon the world unbelievable accomplishments and events, but today I will tell you, My children, that even greater than all of this, there will be the triumph of the Plan of God which will succeed these events. Thus have faith, pray and persevere.
As My Voice speaks in the world, I will help you and accompany you always. And by revealing to you the celestial mysteries, I will teach you to attract the Truth to the Earth and to live it.
I bless you and thank you for carrying forward this Plan of Love and of Peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I still have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter, but when Divine Justice comes, it will close.
Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter and merge with My Spirit. But to go through this sacred doorway, you must leave behind everything that you believe you are, everything that pleases you and brings you recognition.
Look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter. Do not waste material time thinking about whether you will be with Me or will move away from Me. You know that time is going by quickly.
Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter; only the Father will say when it will close. Hurry up and do not question yourself anymore because when the door to My Heart closes, I will no longer be among you.
Thus, look, I have had the door to My Heart open for more than two thousand years and I offer it to everyone, but it is still only very few that dare go through it in order to forget themselves.
Hurry and go through the doorway of My Heart before everything is unleashed.
The door to My Heart will close unexpectedly and everything will happen. Those who have not entered will be unprotected and they will beat their chest, crying out in affliction for not having listened to Me.
Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter. Do not become distracted by the things of the world; everything that the world has to offer ends in a deep and miserable emptiness, for it does not contain love.
How many souls have already retrogressed because of wanting to remain within themselves and have gone through the doorways of their condemnations, and still believe that they did something marvelous?
Do not delay and look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may take refuge in Me. Because the savage wolves will go hunting and those that have not entered into Me will be attacked and will be out in the weather, just like a poor flower is adrift in the storm.
Look, I still have the door to My Heart open. Do not doubt, do not think about it anymore, do not do the same as the ungrateful ones who used to be with Me.
Enter into My Heart and all will pass.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
After the last 8th of August, many more situations on the planet and in its humanity have already been defined.
Now is the time to take up the Plan and to carry forward the mission that God entrusted to each one.
It is time to live this Plan in an unconditional and permanent manner, this will open the doors between the Universes so that the Design of God may be concretized.
But there are still companions of Mine who have not understood what this means, and the importance there is, in this time, to live this Plan of God.
When I tell you that everything has been defined, it is because everything has been defined.
After having received this greater impulse, it is time to carry forward the part that corresponds to you.
The doorways to sacred knowledge have been opened during these last days, and this sacred knowledge must continue to flow on this planet in order to instruct this humanity.
For this reason, it is time to live the Plan of God and to not interfere with it.
It is time to carry forward what is written in the Heart of God; it is time to fulfill it and to manifest it.
This is why I invite you, day after day, to relive the steps of My Sacrifice, so that you may be strengthened, and even more, so that you may be united with God.
In this perfect union that may exist in each being, that union with the Universe will be able to occur, and thus, that Brotherhood may be established that should already exist on the surface of the Earth.
It is not a time to bring concerns or interferences to the Work of God.
Each server on the surface of the Earth is already conscious of what they must fulfill in the face of this Divine Plan, which approaches humanity with force in this time, in order to be able to renew it and redeem it.
While there are situations on the planet that are getting more serious each day, I invite you, I invite My companions, to take up your responsibility; to carry forward this Plan in the best way possible and with the greatest dedication, so that your hearts may not cool when the most difficult events approach this world and this humanity.
You must learn to reverse the chaos of the end of times.
You must learn to become submerged in Wisdom, and to daily step out of superficial things, so that indifference not come to you, so that ignorance not blind you; on the contrary, so that the light that comes from wisdom may illumine you and guide you on the path that I have built for each one of you.
I will not pause in My steps for those who may not want to change.
I will continue onward with the persevering and with the brave, with those who are willing to live My Commandments and My Commands.
To each one of these beings I will give the direction of the Plan, the perfect handling of that Work, so that it may be manifested and materialized on Earth.
It is time to perceive, companions, that the world is in a huge collapse and that humanity is not accepting reality, because it submerges, day after day, in modernities in order to escape from reality and from the truth that is presented before the eyes of humanity.
It is time to draw the Purpose of God to the Earth; it is time to learn to build it through examples and with service.
It is time to learn to live the Designs of the Master, so that the Truth may be reflected on Earth in the hearts that have given themselves to My coming together.
I invite you to relive My Sacrifice so that you may recover the codes that you need, and thus learn to survive in these times, when increasingly inexplicable things will be seen and will surprise everyone.
I call you to pay attention to your inner fortitude.
I call you to the discipline of prayer and of service to others, so that the Love of God may abound in your hearts, so that this Love may also lead you and guide you on the path that I have already designated for each of My disciples
I will not set My Hands in the place where they do not want to call Me.
I will not intercede for that soul that does not want to invoke Me.
The freedom of beings still continues to be the great test of these times, which still changes the events and which still puts at risk many things that human ignorance does not perceive.
If you truly understood what the grandeur of the Universe is, and its infiniteness, many attitudes would no longer be in My disciples.
It is time to love sacrifice as something sacred.
It is time to carry forward the Work for Me, and for no one else.
You must perceive, companions, where you have placed your feet and on what path you are, so that those who are on My Path may continue walking and so that those who have deviated may soon return to this path that I offer you towards My Heart, which is the refuge of those who persevere, of those who are constant and peaceful.
There is still much to restore in this humanity; there is still much to serve on this planet.
Souls are crying out for help and the Kingdoms are screaming for relief.
It is time to do something different than what is done daily.
It is time to attract from the Universe what humanity needs; for this, there must be representatives of My call and of My message on the Earth. There must be consistent souls who understand what I am asking you for, and what I am requesting, from time to time.
There is still much to be done, companions. The Work of God will not stop for anyone, but rather, it will expand through everyone's adherence.
I need you to understand and feel My governing Heart.
I need you to receive this impulse with the greatest gratitude of the heart; because what must not happen is that you be distanced from the reality of these times, and the emergency that this planet experiences, day after day.
I need to forge a definition in you so that you may know which the path is that you will follow in the next cycle.
The last 8th of August attracted important impulses that almost the majority knew how to benefit from; but I hope that in the next cycle you may know how to benefit from the Word of the Hierarchy, which is already ending.
When the last message is fulfilled and the last word is pronounced, everything will happen and you should have your foundations well established in order to be able to endure the new times that will come.
I encourage you in this challenge of taking on what you have never taken on, of experiencing what you have never experienced, of doing what you have never managed to accomplish; but I will help you, My Presence is unconditional and eternal.
Dare to take on your talent for the end of this time, and thus you will build the path for My second return to humanity.
The Master and the Shepherd separates the wheat from the chaff in the stable; because it is now time to live a brotherhood, which will be built through an unbreakable unity, which will be uplifted through permanent prayer, a brotherhood that will be carried out with the help of everyone; in this way I will have more openness in your hearts in order to be able to labor and work.
I bring you the impulse of something Greater and unknown.
I bring you the opportunity of living new attributes and of carrying My Words in your hearts so that they may be part of the self and, thus, may be part of the world, of a New Humanity.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Maternal Exhortation
My beloved and dear children, servers of Christ,
On this day, I descend from Heaven to give you a special petition, which will try to attend the migratory crisis that is happening in My beloved Colombia.
It is for this reason that, in the name of My Son, I come to ask for humanitarian aid on the border between Colombia and Venezuela by means of an extraordinary humanitarian mission, which I call "Humanitarian Colombia."
This mission must arrive as soon as possible with the aim of attending, at the other side of the Andes, to My poor and suffering children of Venezuela, who are going through a social and humanitarian crisis.
In Colombia, the Fraternidade will establish a permanent space, in the same way it did in the beginning in the State of Roraima, in Brazil.
For this special cause that today My Maternal Heart presents to you, I wish the Light-Network and brothers and sisters with medical, dental and psychological specialties to be summoned for this first mission.
Colombia, in a short time, has been converted into a scenario of the end of times and My purpose, as in Roraima, will be to contain the wave of spiritual energies that are starting to infiltrate, more and more, in South America.
I ask, especially, that the Fraternidade, through the ONU, presents itself before the authorities of Colombia to announce that in an honorary manner it will, out of love, provide this humanitarian service.
Thus, with the inner strength that I will give each missionary who self-summons themselves for this "Humanitarian Colombia" mission, you will help your Heavenly Mother to succor and relieve the grave suffering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Message
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
By express Will of My Father, today I Am here to announce you that I Am the Lord of the Eclipse, the One who, through the phenomena of the end of times, announces the definitive times for humanity.
I have come especially to bring you this announcement.
I have descended here from the House of My Father to share with you My Word and My Message of the end of times.
By means of My Heart, I announce you the Truth and I open the ears of the consciousness for those who want to listen.
The last phenomenon that happened was not only physical, but also spiritual and universal; and although not everyone participated in it, the planet is inside of that context and that reality.
What the eclipse announces is the change of a cycle, the passage to a new state of consciousness and to a new time of purification.
The last eclipse announces the end of the end of times. There will be nothing more to expect, everything will unleash quickly.
This is why I come tonight to announce it to you, because at night the Celestial Governments act more deeply and the Spiritual Universe approaches to give this revelation.
I do not want you to feel disquiet about what I am revealing to you.
Each announcement that I make is to strengthen your commitment with Me and to testify to the return of the Lord to the world, for the second time.
The phenomena of the Universe are reflected in the inner phenomena.
Everything that happens in the Universe also happens inside of beings. There is nothing disconnected.
It is time to cross this doorway towards the new cycle. Because the commitments will transform into responsibilitie,s and if your responsibility is firm, the Master and the Lord of the Eclipse will be able to count on you in an unconditionally way.
After the eclipse comes a new time, a new reality, and the Universe expects that humanity realizes what that means.
The events no longer will be abstract, neither for only a few consciousnesses.
The last eclipse announces global events that will impact all over the Earth and specially in its humanity.
Thus, for this special Marathon in Aurora, the moment has come for each server to make his synthesis, meditate, contemplate and reflect about everything that they have received during the previous sixty meetings.
I have given, in each moment, a special key for each being, for each server, so that each one may learn to open the correct door and find the meaning of evolution in the end of these times.
Now the moment has come to give everything for the planet; this is why the first impulse of this cycle of purification will be the definition and the absolute union with My Divine Consciousness.
By means of My Sacred Heart, I offer you the perfect refuge for the difficult and acute moments of humanity; in this place that I offer you, only God and My Mother will find you.
In My Heart there is no fear, but rather the trust that God fulfils His Will, time and again.
Unite to this Principle and make it part of your lives, thus you will be able to accompany My steps, thus you will be able to follow My commands, thus you will be able to help to carry out the Plan, from the place that corresponds to each one and within the duty that each one must live, because what I need is something very simple. All this will help to prepare My Return.
I need that you write, with Me, a new history, which is the beginning of a New Humanity.
For this reason, the events of the end of times will be very intense, inside and outside of the beings, and will take to the souls to give big steps in their awakening.
But who does not manage to take these steps will move backwards, and I need everyone to walk by My side.
Because the Lord of the East is approaching by means of the announcement of the eclipse, where universal conjunctures have congregated and astronomic movements have united, to announce to humanity that the hour and the moment has come to redeem humanity and to restore the planet, after its time of purification and its transition.
May no one be surprised by what they will see.
May no one focus on the events, but rather in the need to love more and more, carrying in heart the Trust of God and the daily work of communion with Me, which will be important bases for learning how to survive in these times.
But today My Hand extends to you and to the world.
Today My Arms are open to embrace humanity and the planet.
The phenomena of the end of times are sudden changes for consciousnesses, because they will come, little by little, but they will be fast and they will demand a total change in humanity.
Who stays inside of the cosmic movements will be inside of the Law.
It is to follow the movements, unite to them and understand them, even though there is not full knowledge of what this means, for this final time.
The Lord of the Eclipse announces a very sudden change in the humanity that everybody will feel and that, from the next 8th of August, will be finally concretized.
I repeat to you again, do not stay in the events, perceive in your inner worlds what this will mean and the expansion of consciousness that this will bring.
Because these are the last Rays of the Universe that will descend to the Earth, by means of immaterial and cosmic Laws, with the aim of preparing humanity for the coming final time that is very close.
Everything will be visible, everything. Inside and outside of the beings.
There will be no more deceit, because the deceit will be seen.
There will be no more lies, because the lies will be revealed.
There will be no more secrets, because the secrets will be unveiled.
It is time to internally absorb the strength that comes from the Universe, by means of the luminous currents that come to the planet through astronomic and cosmic phenomena.
The planet has changed state after the last eclipse and the planet of Mars has been the governor in all this. Humanities of other times have participated in this and the Universe has contemplated this phenomenon, beyond the physical, within the spiritual plane.
And after this event, that has been seen in the world, today the Lord of the Eclipse, the Lord of the East, comes to you.
Because His Greater Fire is coming in large electrical waves of light to remove the dust of the lost humanity and to bring the last impulse of the Light of the Universe, which will open the portal toward the new time.
I will not be able to tell you everything that this event meant, but believe that it was very important.
Today you have conscience of one part of what has happened, but when everything unchains in humanity, you will understand it better and you will remember this day, because what I say is not wasted.
The Word of God is alive and eternal.
The Verb of God, through His Son, is unalterable and inextinguishable, it reverberates time and again by means of vibration and sound.
Commune of this moment and receive the macrocosm in your inner worlds so that it resonates in the depths of the consciousness and does its work in all souls.
May this Marathon represent the definite fusion with the Brotherhood and that, finally, its foundations of love be manifested on the surface.
After everyone has understood the meaning of the Hierarchy, receive My solar impulse for this meeting and may the first glimpses of the Light of Aurora emerge from your spirits so that you become like Mirrors that reflect the Love of the Universe to humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First Message
That being with Me not be a commitment, but an essential need for these times.
I do not come to ask the impossible, but what in truth you can give Me, because I see it and feel it.
Just as My Mother from Heaven, today I step with My feet on the head of the serpent of the curse, the usurping and invading serpent, and thus I liberate the hells, the souls and, above all, the peoples.
Today My Work begins here, in this place of Portugal, because it too needs of My Mercy; despite all the events that have happened in other times and all the Graces that have descended on this country.
But now we are in a definitive moment, in which the participation of each one of My companions is essential.
This is the answer that I will receive from you, in order to continue carrying out My Work, this time, in this part of the world, in Europe, but also in other places where My Divine Mercy is needed to be able to continue forward.
Now the time has come for My companions to give everything for love, and this message is for everyone.
The time has come for You to match Me, to be so similar to Me, not only in spirit but also in the work.
While I am with you, I decompress humanity from evil and allow the souls to immerse themselves in My Infinite Ocean of Mercy.
All those who can enter it will be important, because the Source is closing as Divine Justice approaches.
All those who can be safe, will be important, because thus I will be able to give testimony before My Father, that the souls respond to My requests and My commands.
I am here not only for Portugal, but also for all of Europe that must awaken to the essence of My Divine Mercy; and to be able to awaken to the essence of My Mercy, it must understand it and above all live it, in these very crucial times, in which love and indifference struggle.
I need you to be part of this Source of Mercy while you are here, on this planet, forming a part of this humanity.
May each act or each feeling be a part of My Divine Mercy.
May each offer or donation of yours be part of My Divine Mercy, so that My Redemptive Cross can triumph once again.
The time is already here, and by means of this Pilgrimage, entering to the most culminating moment of humanity, in which there will no longer be what to choose, but only one path to follow, which is the path toward My Heart, which I tirelessly offer to the world, so that souls may serve themselves of My merits and of all the treasures that the Father Himself has granted to My Divine Consciousness.
But you know, companions, that as much as I am in Heaven, I Am the same as you, as a man, as soul and spirit; that My resurrected Body and My whole Consciousness rose to Heaven to be protected from these times and, especially, to prepare for the moment of the great return to humanity.
We are on that transition and on that path, we are waiting for that great moment, when everything will be unleashed, inside and outside of creatures.
Meanwhile, drink from the Source of My Mercy so you can purify and cleanse yourselves.
May your acts be full of love.
May your words be full of wisdom and not of low vibrations.
May your works be full of charity and Mercy.
May your gestures be gestures of light and elevation of your consciousness, and of the consciousness of all humanity; so that when I return I may find you transformed, without the need to purify you a little more nor of asking you to remain for a longer time on Earth and you cannot return with Me to Heaven.
What I say to you at this moment is not symbolic, it is a truth that My Heart emanates.
But when I return to the world, many, many souls will find it hard to recognize Me because I will return different from how I went to the Universe.
But My Voice will be recognized, My Glorified and living Heart will be seen, and all will be able to be witnesses of My five main Wounds of Light, which I will impart, as the light of more than hundreds of suns, to bless the Earth and convert it into redemption.
When all that is about to happen, hearts must already be clean, without arrogance, without pride, without conceit and, above all, without evil.
Because in order for the Kingdom of God to enter you, you must be worthy of the Kingdom of God.
And the Kingdom of God will be able to enter within you when your hearts are clean of themselves and full of the surrender that they will share with their Master and Lord, transmuting and releasing the pain of the world and the suffering that imprisons and makes the souls agonize.
This is the cross that I offer to very few, because the reward, which will not be of this world, is very great, for those who carry it with Me, and with courage.
The moment has come for the cross of this humanity, which has been perverted and outraged, to be redeemed and to shine as a victory of Light and Love, of Unity and Brotherhood, so similar to the Cross on which I was nailed to on the top of Mount Calvary; in this redemption you will unite to the Essence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
But there is still much to be done, there is much to be done with so few.
However, you will not lack the Force of My Spirit; because whoever is in Me, My Spirit will make invincible and will give them the strength to be able do everything, according to My designs and My Will.
Thus I tell you today, companions, especially for those who hear this message, on this first day of Marathon, who have made the effort and gotten up early to receive Me in your hearts from the other side of the world, those that I will count on, because they will not be warm or cold hearts, they will be hearts in which I can trust infinitely and without exceptions, without justifications and without claims.
Again I tell you that it is time to give everything for those who do not give it; and when the time of My return comes, you will be blessed as those who are in the Heavens, you will be recognized for the cause of having suffered and endured for Me, like so many saints and so many servants of the last times.
May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be the marathon of sacrifice and of the institution of Divine Forgiveness among the peoples and the nations that conquered and harmed one another, transgressing the Laws of God and the attributes of evolution.
Through the Source and Ocean of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, may the deepest wounds of human suffering be closed, from the moment of My Ascension to the present.
I trust, I trust in what you will be able to give Me, because what you have given Me so far has granted this so important Grace of you being here, together with Me, to follow the paths of forgiveness and of redemption.
Listen, Father, to the voice of those who are always with You.
Listen to the voice of those who cry out for Your Will and for Your Grace.
May everything be renewed, Father, from the most intimate to the most superficial.
May everything be healed, Father, from the smallest to the greatest.
Because in everything You are found, Adonai.
Because in everything You vibrate, Emmanuel.
And Your Spirit is present, Abba, in all the dimensions.
May the most thirsty and the most lost souls find Your Light, by means of this offer to the Divine Mercy of My heart; and so I will be fulfilling, beloved Father, together with My brothers and sisters, the promise to return to make My Cross triumph in the world. Amen.
May the Light of the Holy Spirit bless you and may the Holy Spirit guide you through the Gift of His Wisdom and Discernment.
In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved Children of the Most High,
During the Passion of My Lord, your Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel showed Me, from the inner planes of My Consciousness, that at the end of time, in distant places of this world, communities of followers of My Son would meet to pray, receive Me in spirit and they would be instructed by Me.
They would prepare the second coming of the Lamb of God to the world.
Right after this vision, My Beloved Son, while He was agonizing on the Cross, announced that He was handing over humanity to Me to take care of it until His return.
Today I see manifested on the surface of this world, in lands distant from the Holy Land, in another land that is also holy, those communities, which today are Christian, prepare the second coming of Christ.
Today I see before Me those consciousnesses that the Great Announcer Gabriel showed Me and I hear His words again: these will be the faithful, those who will open the door to hundreds, thousands, millions and who will be the new companions of the Redeemer.
In that moment of so much pain, this vision and these words calmed My Heart and I was filled with hope.
Today, when you are standing before Me striving to fulfill each one of My requests, facing difficult tests, often without fully understanding the Designs of the Father, I want to thank you for the fidelity and commitment that you give us and I want to announce to you that I will be with you until the last day of your lives, accompanying and guiding you from the inner worlds.
A day will come when I will no longer appear publicly, I will not speak to you through your brothers and sisters; but within your souls, a loving place has been built for your Heavenly Mother, in which I live and I will always dwell.
In that place we will meet until God calls you to His side.
Today, which is a special day for this world, a day that God chose to give you one of His daughters, who would perform a hard and demanding work, I want to give all of My children the Gift of Fidelity, an essential gift for these times, which will be a column of light over which My Son is building His Celestial Church within your spirits.
Today, on the ground of this grand Kingdom of Aurora, I bless you and lift your souls up to the Feet of the Creator.
The promise of Archangel Gabriel has been fulfilled so far. Strive and reach the end, because that will be when Heaven will definitely descend to Earth.
I love you, bless you and revere your spirits in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for being with Me today,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With My great Celestial Consciousness, from the thirteenth dimension of the spiritual plane, every day at three o'clock in the afternoon, I fully descend for a period in order to establish the divine codes of My Glorification in the deep consciousness of awakened humanity.
Despite the fact that at this time humanity is submerged in an appalling material battle, your Master and Lord, from the thirteenth dimension of the One Divine Consciousness, descends in splendor and in light to pour out unalterable states of peace in certain places of the world, which will allow the planet to still be kept on its axis and in balance.
I come every day from that higher dimension, without restriction and without obstacles, to prepare those of Mine for the great and awaited moment in which the Son of the Father will return among the clouds, to bring the captivity of humanity to an end.
While what is most serious is still to take place, from the thirteenth dimension of the Divine Consciousness, your Master brings all the luminous and ascendant impulses to the inner universes of beings that you will need to be able to faithfully represent Me in humanity, in this time.
For this, in a short while, I will introduce those of Mine to the true Aspect of your Master and Lord. And when that Aspect is revealed to the whole world at the most critical moment of the Earth, none will be able reject it or deny it. On the contrary, the higher revelation will be so strong and intense that there will be no believer or atheist able to resist.
Thus, Your Master and Lord activates important events in this area of the planet’s hemisphere, preparing this part of the race as a witness to the coming of Christ to the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who paternally blesses you,
Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus
May My Words echo in the hearts that listen, because now these are the last ones before the end of time.
For this reason, with ardor and love in the heart, receive My Message as if it were the last part of the flame of the burning candle, where everything will end and then everything will be unleashed.
Most will realize what they will no longer have available as living spiritual nourishment when your Master and Lord is completely withdrawn from the scene of the horrors, of the end of times.
Some will later mourn and with their hands they will beat on their chest, saying: "My God!" and nothing and nobody will respond, because everything will have already been said.
Blessed and graced will be those who drink from my Words, as the birds that drink from the spring and the rivers, because they will be prepared to face any situation or event when their Master is no longer present.
I assure you that those who have drank from My Fountain, whatever happens, will not feel thirsty and will be enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
I leave these lines for My disciples because, from My Words, they will be able to gain the inner strength to defend themselves from the wolves that, dressed and disguised as sheep, will attack and shake My last flocks.
Apply, as soon as possible, the Law of Silence and do it truly, because it will serve you as a great defense for when two or more may be accused for having used My Name.
In spite of the oppression, do not allow fear and uncertainty, which are weapons of My enemy, to disturb or confuse you.
Keep purity of heart, mind and word and you will be safe, because they will not be able to point you out as usurpers and liars; your oppressors will not be able to call you "wolves dressed up as sheep".
Live My Message and apply it in life.
It is no longer enough to be before Me each time I present Myself to the world and be moved for a moment.
You will not fight with swords, blasphemies or coarse words; your defense will be in the invincible power of the inner prayer that I have taught you; because prayer itself will keep you from the danger of My great enemies and at the same time, it will expel, far away, those who do not truly live Me, just as it has already been done with your fellow beings, those who were by My side before.
Many think that My Presence is momentary and that My ardent requests and desires can wait or be forgotten and in truth, I tell you that no one, so far in this humanity, is conscious of what it means to be before the Beloved Son of God; they will only know when they pass on into the other world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The daily presence of My Son in this cycle is to reinforce the warning about an immediate change in the consciousness of humanity, before everything is rapidly unleashed.
That is why, children, a conscious and responsible attitude in the face of the events of life on the planet will be important.
It will be necessary that, every day, humanity, as a civilization, review within itself everything it does; this will allow it to mature and be more prepared to face the coming times. That revision must be full of reflection and maturity so that it may have a positive effect on the consciousness.
In this way, from a large part of the race, will be born spirits, more willing to reverse what the majority commits against the spiritual and physical evolution of the planet.
It is time for each human being to become responsible for everything they do, capable of seeking inner and spirituals means to reverse all things in order to generate a global equilibrium that is lacking at this time.
This step will help in the manifestation of a New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When I come to meet you, I also come for the world and, in consequence, for all those who suffer the catastrophes of the end of times.
I arrive at certain places of the world through My maternal and immaculate Spirit and thus I may help the most innocent souls that live the most difficult tests of all times. If this happens, it is because there is inequality among peoples and equity does not exist.
Your Celestial Mother goes on pilgrimage through the nations of the world to awaken within the human being this consciousness of equality and union among all beings. It will be this equality that will grant Holy Justice and, in this way, nations will no longer be dominated by capital sins, but will be guided by Divine Wisdom.
This is how, with very few, your Celestial Mother is building this consciousness of equality and respect so that it may serve as virtue and value for the next humanity.
Thus, little by little, humanity must recover the values and be re-educated with the civilized principles that once, by mistake, it lost.
I am united in prayer with all My children who suffer the consequences of inequality, so that they may have inner strength and, in this way, get through these difficult times.
I thank you for responding to My calling!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
That on this day, on the eve of the day of My Divine Spiritual and Cosmic Conception, your hearts prepare themselves internally so that, together with Me, we change the year, as well as the cycle, and in this way, that which should finally descend from the Source of the Divine Purpose can do so through your unconditional "yes."
For this, My children, it will be necessary that your souls aspire to find their inner purpose so that, in this period and under these conditions of the end of times, it too can be renewed.
I invite you to not look back to the past anymore, nor towards the future.
I invite you and call you to live the present, so that the pain, anguish, and suffering that some event may have caused and generated can be dissolved from your consciousnesses.
This new year, that is about to begin, will be the year of emptiness of self and of what is unconditional for those who are the most miserable of spirit and of mind.
May your lives be able to enter this year renewed of self, so that Christ may govern in souls a little longer.
A good beginning of the year to all My children!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If the final times knock on the doors of the world, open yourself to the New and let your old and outdated self fade away. Open yourself to awaken an unshakeable faith. Open yourself to love without limits, even when you are denied, humiliated, and offended by those you try to love.
Do not let the miseries of this world be stronger and more intense than your capacity to be merciful. How many reasons did your Master and King have to hate men? To not bear them? To decree before His Father the end of humanity? And meanwhile, child, God has revealed a mystery to you: the mystery of living the times of war and chaos in Peace; the mystery of triumphing with humility and renunciation, in a world of selfishness, pride, and vanity; the mystery of serving without receiving back, loving without expectations, and dying to give Life.
Your Lord and King, your Father and Creator, did not come into the world through His Son just to Love you, because His Love is infinite, inexplicably. He came, as a universal and divine sign, to reveal an unfathomable mystery to all of Creation. He came to remove the veils from the human consciousness and reveal the deep Love that lies behind the miseries of humankind.
The Cross was the water that washed away the muck of humanity and revealed the pearls hidden by ignorance, by a lack of self-knowledge, by not knowing who they are, where they came from, or what they came to do in this world.
The Life of Christ and His Cross revealed the purpose of human existence and made known, to all of Creation, the power of this Divine Project and why the Father still persists with His Hope placed upon human beings.
Therefore, take your cross and let it be, for you, the revelation of a great inner mystery. Find the purpose of your existence in the imitation of Christ and prepare yourself for greater steps, because the cross of this world, of this final cycle, the cross that opens the door to the new time still waits for you.
Meditate on what I tell you, and every day find the way to transcend challenges, the scourging of the conscience, executioners of the capital energies of this world, and live Love, live Peace, and prepare your spirit for the new time, when your example will announce to humanity the new purpose of human life.
So far, life on earth has been sustained by the Love achieved by Christ on the Cross, but now God calls you to a greater step, because a definitive change is needed. He calls you to be a multiplier, a renewer of life, a spearhead for the new time. And it is enough to Love without conditions.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more