In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The time and the hour have come for you to awaken, even when you think that you are awakened.
The time and the hour have come for you to keep vigil, because during the night, the night of the human heart, like a thief, the One who is awaited by the nations will come.
The moment when it will be most difficult to believe, the moment it will be most difficult to have hope, when just emptiness dwells in your hearts, then the One who is awaited by the nations will come.
When you look at the world and only see chaos, when you look at yourselves and only find confusion, when the mind of humanity cannot elaborate even one thought and discernment looks scarce or non-existent in human consciousness, wisdom will descend upon those who pray.
In the darkness of the world, when beings seem to walk blindly, and the blind try to guide one another, the light will descend upon those who pray.
When it is hardest to forgive, because the errors committed by humanity will be unforgivable, compassion will descend upon those who pray.
When fear takes the place of the fear of God, and beings doubt the existence of the Father, He will manifest Himself in those who pray.
Many did not give importance to all the times in which the Messengers of God asked them for prayers. Have you wondered, children, why we form so many Rosaries of Light? Why we ask for so many prayers for peace in the nations? Why we always invite you to pray? Might it be because you do not have anything else do and we need to fill your time? Or is it because the time has come, the time to awaken?
And it is through prayer that you will find balance, that you will awaken the virtues and the gifts, that you will confirm yourselves day by day in the expression of your Lineages, and that which is Sacred will find room to go through Its expansion.
If you are awed by what you see in the world, I tell you that this is just the beginning of the end of times.
I do not want to cause you terror, I do not come to cause fear in your hearts. I come to strengthen you so that you can look at chaos and know that there is a life beyond, a life that dwells within you, just as it dwells within the planet, in the firmament of the universes, in the invisible dimensions that share the Earth. But the eyes of humanity, covered with veils, still cannot see this.
When you pray, the Wisdom of God is capable of revealing the reality that exists on Earth, in the Universe and within beings. To this reality I want to lead you, so that you do not mistake that which is real for the illusion of the world.
I do not say, children, that suffering is illusion. I do not say that the end of times will be an illusion, but it is just a bridge, a door for you to cross and find a new life, a life that has always dwelled within you, a life hidden and silent within beings, a life for whose awakening the Creator patiently awaits.
Even with all that you know, even with all that you have gone through, it will be difficult to look at the world and not become confused. It will be difficult to face pain and not be able to identify yourselves. It will be difficult to become sick and not feel death as something that destroys life. But today I want to tell you that there is life beyond life.
The path of the Calvary of these times is a little longer than the one that the Lord lived two-thousand years ago. Slowly, your feet will walk along this Calvary and, at each step, will transform the human condition. At each step, the Creator within you gradually overcomes the old person and expands beyond disease, beyond chaos, beyond suffering, beyond pain, beyond confusion, beyond war and conflict, beyond the wars within families, beyond the wars of parents against their children and children against their parents.
Much beyond this, those who pray will find peace, they will know how to see through the window of suffering and find in it a bridge to a new life.
Suffering will not have the same weight for those who are awakening, because greater than that will be the proportion of Truth within you. Thus lived the martyrs, and this is why they were able to endure, because the Truth went beyond human frailty and it was revealed within themselves, even within their physical cells, this Spiritual and Higher Life.
I know that this seems impossible to you. You look at the life of the martyrs and turn your eyes back to your own lives: how far you are from loving God with that fervor, from surrendering your lives for Christ as He surrendered it for you. But this thought is part of the illusion that you still live.
To awaken, children, is to understand life with eyes of wisdom, not to compare yourselves with the past, because now is another time, different are the human difficulties and, although there is one same Truth which you must attain, it will be attained in a different way. But all those who believe, pray and strive, will find that way.
The battle today is against the distractions, against indifference, against selfishness, against pride and against self-will. This is why it is more difficult, because it is fought in the invisible of your hearts, there where you think no one can see.
The martyrdom of these times is the constant stimuli that humanity receives in their minds and emotions to separate them from God. And it is against this, children, that you must battle in these times, through prayer, adoration, through a sincere, true and real contact with God.
It is more difficult to ask you to overcome the distractions, indifference and pride today than it was to ask you to surrender your lives two-thousand years ago.
This is why the Lord told you that you would do greater things than those He did. Because He knew the roots that would grow in the hearts of humanity, in their minds and in their souls, and how difficult it would be to uproot and pluck them from their inner worlds so as to renounce all that for Divine Life.
Today I would like to open the Heavens to you, so that you could all see that which is invisible to your eyes. So that everyone could contemplate the sacred place upon which your feet are standing. This time will still come, but until then, children, pray.
Pray from the heart, enter into dialogue with God. Open the doors of your lives so that He may have a space, so that He may govern, so that He may indicate each one of your steps.
Include the Creator in your decisions, in your days, in your thoughts, and little by little His Presence will expand within you. Thus you will be strengthened and capable of facing the times to come without losing peace, without losing hope, being true servers of a humanity that is agonizing. You will not be like the blind who guide the blind, but rather you will be like light at the table of the world, illuminating this sacred house so that those who are lost may see the way.
Therefore, you must tread the path of renunciation, of solitude, of emptiness, and discover in this emptiness the plenitude that cannot be found in the world, the joy that goes beyond human happiness, the divine realization that goes beyond human realizations, when God realizes Himself in you.
Who will reflect on what I am telling you?
Who will take these Words into their own lives?
Who will be capable of saying, “I will live this?”
Thus, children, when the portals of the inner world open up on Earth and sublime realities manifest themselves before the eyes of humanity, you will not fear, but you will rather find your place in the Lineage that corresponds to you, together with the Heart of the Hierarchy.
And when the vibration of the Mirrors resounds, your voices will resound together.
And when the shout of the Guardians and Vigilantes rises, your sword of light will also ignite.
And when the knees of the Contemplatives open the doors to Heaven so that Mercy may descend upon those who do not deserve it, then your prayer will also cross the dimensions.
And when the Governors attract the Law for the establishment of a new life and a new world, then you will also know how to make of these Laws manifested life.
And when wisdom fills the human heart, then the Instructors will know how to give explanations to the souls that are lost and guide them.
And when the Kingdoms of Nature need a true example so as to also cross the dimensions and find a new evolution, there the Kingdomists will be, pointing out the way.
Where will you be? Confused before the life that manifests itself? Or serving with the Hierarchy in the construction of this new life?
Have you asked yourselves this?
Where do I want to be?
Will I be the bride that fell asleep and stayed outside? Or will I be the one who entered, together with Christ, into a new life, to share with Him a new evolution?
Is my lamp lit? Or did I light it up but let my oil run out?
Ask yourselves, children:
Where is my consciousness, my aspiration, my will?
Where does my heart dwell?
Who dwells within me?
I leave you with these reflections because it is time to deepen, it is time to awaken the consciousness, it is time to be at the place that suits each one of you, because all will be fulfilled, just as has been foreseen since the beginning, and you have the Grace of an Instruction that no church, no religion, no spiritual group has ever received.
Be grateful and consistent. You have My blessing for this.
Today I would like to offer the Sacrament of the Foot-washing to some families that are important to Me so that they may renew their paths and again find the purpose of being a family in these times, so that they may find strength in each other.
You are together to strengthen one another, to grow in spirit and manifest patterns of behavior that humanity does not know. And when there is no peace in the families of the world, the peace that dwells between you will be a service that will generate merits for the salvation of the families that are lost.
Therefore, I would like to wash your feet, so that you may begin a new cycle, a cycle of inner consecration for each one of you to God, in which each family will know what virtues and gifts it must offer as a family group in these times.
I will accompany you and, under the blessing of My Gaze, I will guide you always.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I ardently waited for this moment, because, in spite of staying in the world, contemplating souls and their needs, contemplating hearts and their supplications, this moment is also a gift for Me.
In a world that agonizes, the Creator makes His Light descend. Among the simplest souls, the Creator manifests His Presence and, amidst the chaos of the end of times, while the cry of the innocent echoes, God manifests Himself among human beings to demonstrate, children, that His Grace is abundant, unfathomable, infinite.
He just needs hearts to say yes, that they learn to listen to His Holy Spirit in order to be at the right place and to do their own part, collaborate with the Hierarchy, as it was said to you when you were preparing your souls for what you experience today.
Today I open My arms and humbly expand the Light that is in My Heart upon the world, so that those agonizing may feel relief, so that those who live in chaos may rediscover peace.
Many fear the Apocalypse, the manifestation of what was written, but you must contemplate the entirety of the promise. There will be suffering, but there will be peace, and, in the hearts of those who believe and have faith, miracles will happen, as it has been throughout the centuries, throughout times, when pain has been dissipated by the deep love of hearts. Trust that this is possible, and so it will be.
Know how to make of pain the manifestation of God’s Love. Just as the Son transforms miseries into Mercy, making Blood and Water spring from His Heart, so you, children, are potential transformers of the miseries of the world into Divine Mercy, because you were created to renew love and, although this may seem a great utopia in the eyes of humankind, in these times, this truth will be more and more manifested within those who have faith.
But each heart must choose where they will be, which boat they will get on, the one where the Lord rests or the one that is empty. Empty of God, empty of Grace, empty of strength. Filled with the world, filled with human miseries, filled with the old and new capital energies, which make the hearts of humankind shipwreck.
All boats will be launched into the sea. The storm will come for all, but there will be peace where the Lord rests, in spite of the winds, the waves, the storms, there will be peace.
The end of times announces a moment of triumph, the triumph of the Heart of God in those who will persevere, and, it does not matter that they are few, they will generate merits, not only for the human race but also for the races that they do not know, consciousnesses that have committed ancient errors, unknown to the world, but deeply lived in the human consciousness, which even to this day suffers their consequences.
Many ask themselves, “If the end of times has been announced for so many years, prophesied for two thousand years, where is this end? When will it come?”
Children, you must decide to reach this end today, the end of the human condition, of the captivity of this world, the end of childishness, the end of mediocrities, the end of small sins, the small permissions that you give to your hearts to not fulfill the Will of God. You must decide to reach the end today, the end of leaving for later the fulfillment of Divine Will, the end of leaving for later the profound Wills of the Father's Heart as the priority of your lives.
So you ask yourselves what is this Will. If you seek it, you will understand, because, since the Ascension of Christ, His Holy Spirit has been speaking into your hearts.
Who will be willing to listen to Him? Who has silenced their mouths, their minds and their hearts in order to listen to this Spirit?
Many sing, “Come, Holy Spirit! But what will It do when It manifests Itself? What will you do within Its Presence?
The end of times has come. The eyes that cannot see it should open a little more in order to come out of ignorance, of the new capital energy, selfishness, and, its companion, indifference.
Contemplate the world, contemplate those around you. Take time to often contemplate the agony of your own souls, and you will know that the end of times has come.
When will this end come within you? This is a decision of each being.
However, there is an end that can be at any moment. An end that you will not decide yourselves: the end of opportunities, the end of the time of repentance.
Therefore, children, repent now, cry out now, listen now, live now.
If it is not worthwhile to do it for yourselves, do it for the world, for the souls that agonize, for the outraged Kingdoms, for those who have lost faith and do not have the strength to recover it.
If you do not believe in yourselves, believe in Me, because I know that it is possible to transform the world with small actions, to transform souls with small actions, and, that by sowing love among you, within you, this love is sown in the world.
The songs and praises please the Heart of the Father, but it is no longer enough to sing: you need to live it.
In moments like this, the Divine Truth descends to Earth, and the souls that are open can understand this Truth, they can know it, because the Holy Spirit listens through their ears, It opens their hearts, It expands their consciousnesses so that they can understand what they would not be able to understand otherwise.
But, at this moment, cement in your hearts the Graces that descend so that you do not forget when I make the sign of the cross and you leave here.
The greater the chaos in the world, the greater the faith of humanity must be. Do not let yourselves be shaken by what happens on the planet, but transform this into strength, into a spiritual life consolidated by a mature heart, which knows how to balance the events of the world. Do not let yourselves be shaken by the definitions of those you have by your side, because it will be up to each one of you to respond before God for all the Graces received.
But pray for those who give up and for those who weaken, pray for those who become lost, even when they believe that this is not happening. The world embraces those who are weak, closes their eyes, buries their hearts. How will they be able to know the right path? Therefore, pray for them and strengthen their hearts, strengthen their spirits.
Allow higher life to become more and more palpable each day. Open yourselves to discover mysteries, to permeate the unknown within your own hearts, to live potentials that had been hidden, to be that which God calls a human being, that which He created in His image and likeness with deep Love, to renew His Creation and bring it closer to His Divine Source.
I would like to be with you for longer: through My Words, lead you to the depths of your beings, to tell you: “Do not fear, but be strong in God; do not fear, but be true in Christ.”
But I need to return, to keep embracing the world, to keep guiding those who are lost, illuminating those who are in darkness, responding to the small and great requests of those who believe in Me, because when I do these things, I strengthen their faith.
Do not fear to ask. Rejoice when it is concretized, but do not stay there. Strengthen your faith.
This is all I wanted to tell you today. But be attentive, because I may return when God allows Me, when you open the doors to Me, I will be here.
Let us now celebrate the Eucharist, as this second impulse of My Chaste Heart, so that Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph can cause the bread and the wine to be permeated with the strength that you will need in order to live your definition in the coming days.
I leave you My blessing and My Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more