Dear children, 

The united family is God's most precious gift. The family is the original treasure of the Eternal Father's Project.

Throughout the ages and the different humanities, the spiritual archetype of the family has been present so that, in the union between its members, the authentic and spontaneous virtue that each family has is represented.

Each family, for God, has a purpose in life. Each family has a goal to achieve and concretize; but that concretion of the spiritual purpose of the family does not happen separately, but the family, in the persevering exercise of understanding, tolerance and love, beyond all things, will allow the expression of that spiritual gift that each member of the family has to manifest.

In other times, as it was for the Holy Family of Nazareth, that Gift of God, reflected through the family by means of charity, service and help to the needy, opened the internal doors so that new families could be formed, the cell of the Project of God could be enlarged and the souls that formed the groups of families could reach the same virtues that the Holy Family of Nazareth once reached.

Today, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, once again emanate internally and spiritually the same impulse that was gestated on the Sacred Birth of Jesus, so that the families may be under the shelter and protection of their spiritual purpose, so that the families of the world, martyred and persecuted today by all the threats of these times, may carry forward the expression of that archetype of the family, that is authentic and original in every family that was formed.

Therefore, the novena for the families of the whole world, in this month of December, reminds us that the family is the center of the New Humanity and the possible fulfillment of the Will of the Father through families.

I pray every day for families.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


Dear children,

May the Peace of Christ be in you and, at this moment, in all of Brazil.

With a special predilection, I am side by side with each prayerful child who, on these days, offer themselves to continue with the Prayer for Peace in Brazil.

To God, the last events in Brazil show the lack of unity and peace among brothers and sisters of the same people. Therefore, continue raising your prayers to My Heart of a Mother so the Lady of Aparecida may step with Her Feet on the head of the cunning serpent that wants to place you against one another.

My dear children of Brazil, do not forget your original roots and your culture. Your people, who has always been blessed by God, comes from sacred traditions and teachings.

Return now to your origins. Allow yourselves to recognize one another as one Brazilian family, a warm, joyful, serving, loving family that is willing to help.

No longer lose yourselves in that which is superficial and deceptive. Believe in the faith that has always characterized you and surrender your people and nation by the Feet of the Lady of Aparecida.

Do not stop praying for Brazil. I wish my heart to be the one that triumphs in this beloved people. In this way, My children will reach Peace.

With My Hands united in prayer for this moment, I ask you, My children, for you to be peacemakers of the Lord.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear and beloved children,

During this redemptive Lent, may your hearts be sensitized to the harsh planetary reality so that, in a humble act of prayer and supplication, those who suffer the most and have nothing are contemplated by those who have everything and who, in many situations, waste it.

Through your conscious prayers, may the christic spirit of human fraternity awaken in the world so that each human being may perceive that the path to rebuild humanity will be traveled together, as one great universal family.

Dear children, I ask that the feeling of fraternal charity deepen within each of your lives so that you will be able to recognize the Face of My Son through those who, at this time, are crossing the desert of consciousness and living the encounter with their own inner reality.

I call you to become sensitized so that indifference does not govern you and determine the next steps of all humanity, but that through human fraternity, you may purify your ideas and principles, for the benefit of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call,

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


As Mother and Lady of the Nativity of the Lord, I prepare praying hearts so that, during this end of the year, the consoling Love that My Son Jesus brings to you can be reborn with greater consciousness. This divine Love that was and is capable of giving life for all, to generate, also within these times, the redemption of the human race.

Therefore, My children, with My rosary in My hands, we will prepare in prayer and devotion, trusting in the Birth of Christ as Light in the heart of humanity and as spiritual Protector of families.

So that this may be achieved, I come on this day to tell you that I will accompany you in this important exercise of the special novena for the reconsecration of families, so that the principle of the universal family and its attributes may be the light that guides and conducts the families of the world; knowing that this special novena that will be prayed will collaborate in the union and understanding that should be lived by families, that in this time go through division and lack of love.

May each bead of prayer that will be offered for the needy families of the world be a star that ignites in the heart of the soul that needs help.

May this novena be the great offering to be placed at the Feet of the Creator for each one of My praying children.

From here on, I will be very thankful for all sincere offerings that will be delivered in each prayer.

For the union of families, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



As Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, I come, children, to place this nation beneath My Mantle and within My Immaculate Heart. I come to extend My arms to you and to open the paths so that My children may be closer to Me, protected upon my lap and inspired by My Heart.

I come in a time when many nations agonize and collapse due to the stimuli of chaos and to the fruits of their own purification, because everything that used to be hidden now comes to light, and the spirits are not ready to sustain themselves and their nations without succumbing into temptation and into human impulses of rebellion and lack of control.

Today, My children, I come to establish peace in your hearts, and to only ask you to pray. Pray with your families, form groups of prayer in which your spirits may strengthen and help one another to reach God. Create ties of love with the Creator through the word that rises to Heaven.

Prayer, beloved children, will bring you Peace and will bring peace to the world; it will safeguard the sacred that dwells within it and will allow these Sacred Sites to keep assisting the planet with their presence and their peace.

Colombia, My children, is a nation blessed by God with the Kingdoms of Nature, which make all human imbalances capable of being transmuted and liberated. Thus, in spite of so many conflicts, there is still peace, meekness and love in the hearts of many of My Colombian children.

The prayer and devotion of your people have brought you this far, lifted you up at each fall and raised you to God, in spite of all the abysses that you have gone through throughout the years. And today I come to tell you, children, that prayer will keep being your nourishment but, as the trials of the planet become more acute, greater must be the time that you dedicate to prayer, more imbued in God you must be, in His Purpose, in His Presence, in His Strength and in His Peace.

Create, beloved children, networks of prayer for Peace, for the good of families, for the rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the spirits and angels of the different nations of this world.

The times of suffering must awaken in you the missionary spirit so that each day you may feel responsible for the establishment and the support of the Plan and of the Divine Will for this world.

For all that you have experienced, My children, and as you have persevered in each test, through devotion, I can call you to take a new step in prayer, to define yourselves on the path of light and not only to strengthen your own lives and your own nation, but also other lives and other nations, through sincere prayer.

I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the superior silence that permeates the Earth, in this moment we contemplate, as Spiritual Hierarchy, the inner decisions that have been made and we wait, just as all of you, for the result of these decisions.

But what is most important at this moment, My children, is that you do not forget what is kept within the inner world of each one of you. As I have told you, it is the essence of God that will protect you and support you in this time, in spite of what may happen or emerge.

In this time, hold on to the favorite union with the spiritual Hierarchy and thus your steps, consciousnesses and lives will be guided by means of the Greater Purpose.

We are together, near the Earth, within this Solar System. On this day I am not alone, but rather accompanied by many Hierarchies that contemplate, with love, dedication and prayer, this planetary moment, especially this moment of South America.

The time of the planetary transition has arrived, but of a more acute and complex transition; for this reason there is the importance of being in union with the Hierarchy so that not only you can endure it, but also so that you can help your brothers and sisters to endure these difficult times.

The Armageddon is part of a difficult test for humanity, just as the Apocalypse. But I tell you, My children, that this Armageddon and this Apocalypse can be lighter and more short-lived for all, depending on how each consciousness acts and behaves in this time.

The more united you are to God and to His spiritual and universal Hierarchies, the more short-lived and lighter this Armageddon and Apocalypse will be.

We all know that the majority of humanity is completely hypnotized and delluded by many things, and that this situation distances them and separates them from God, day by day.

But, as in other ancient times, the Father will benefit from the small groups of consciousnesses that carry forward His Plan of Love and Redemption, until His Beloved Son can return to Earth.

I need you to understand, My children, that these times are not normal times, these are times that are different from other times and other cycles that different civilizations and different races in humanity have experienced.

This is the time to cross the threshold towards redemption, and to be able to live within yourselves this process of redemption so that humanity and the Earth may have an opportunity.

Today, I am here, My children, accompanying each one of you in the silence and quietude of My Heart. I radiate toward you and give you My Graces so that you can have more strength and  keep moving forward.

You must not be surprised by everything that you will see, although inexplicable and unexpected situations may happen.

The Hierarchy knows that humanity is not conscious of what it has generated and of what it has produced throughout the times in order to today arrive to this moment of a planetary turning point; therefore I tell you again about the importance of being united to God and of placing your consciousness in the Heights, no matter what happens, so that none of My Children, or at least most of them, may not become pulled and dragged by the planetary transition, and by the events that will come and unfold upon the surface of the Earth.

Your only faith must be in the Heights, in the nonmaterial and in the cosmic; in this way, the currents of the universe will come to help you and will lead you to understand all events, beyond the situations that may emerge.

You will be able to accompany the hard times, with more maturity and determination,  and you will know how to help your neighbor.

There is a part that corresponds to humanity; we cannot fulfill this part, nor can we intervene. This is the cycle in which each human being becomes responsible for their actions and their attitudes before the planetary moment, before the transition of humanity.

But now, My Children, it is important to maintain a strong faith and confidence in the Father, because the help from the universe will never lack for you. For some reason and motive, we are here to accompany you, to sustain and guide you.

If your consciousnesses and mainly your minds are positioned in the Heights, you will allow the Mirrors of the universe to reflect to the Earth their attributes, their powerful currents and their codes, so that humanity may be more protected and balanced, although very complex situations may be happening at this moment.

We know that the great populations of the nations will move from their place, seeking hope and an opportunity in other regions of the Earth, as it has already been happening. Therefore, it is also important to maintain your heart open in order to perceive all necessities and all realities, in order to welcome and receive those who are most in need and do not have anything; and who are the result of those who command them, of those who govern them and who lead them to live great and desperate sufferings.

With all these events and other events of the planet that you, up to the present day, do not know, and of which you are not conscious, it is the time for humanity to assume its responsibilities and make a true and clear decision. Upon this decision and this attitude will depend if the universal help can keep descending to you and to the world.

And that regions of the world may remain protected, in spite of the purification and of the transition of the planet, so that  a new humanity can be re-born and re-emerge.

The Plan of the Hierarchy will depend on the attitude of the men and women of the Earth; the Plan will be fulfilled and this will be the the objective of the Universal Hierarchies, although it may be in small groups.

The main cell, which is the family, must remain protected, because in the times of today it is much interfered with and very influenced. Just as in other times and in other civilizations, the family was protected and supported in spite of its tests and sufferings, in such crucial moment as this, the family must remain united to God and to His Divine Consciousness; in this way, nothing external nor internal will disturb it.

My Children, the Human Genetic Project wants to be defeated, and it is high time you perceived and realized this. But your consciousnesses and mainly your hearts must not be submerged in this occurrence but rather in the effort, in the diligence, in the dedication, in the surrender and the fulfillment of this project, day by day, by means of your  acts and your works of charity and prayer to the universe.

Remember that, on this planet and in its innermost worlds, sacred locations are kept that could regenerate and recondition the surface of the Earth; but it just so happens that the moment has not yet arrived. It is important that humanity goes through this transition and, depending on its attitude and on its actions, this transition will be lighter or stronger.

The facts, the events and the consequences that happen are exclusively the responsibility of the human being, of this race that is upon the Surface of the Earth.

Everything was given, everything was donated with love and dedication so that a civilization could emerge in the degrees of love and in the evolution of consciousness.

But duality has not been defeated, duality must still be transmuted, liberated and redeemed so that the balance and harmony may be within the beings and all can be in contact with God and thus fulfill His Plan, His aspirations and His promises.

The moment will come when My Son will return; He will return in a surprising and unexpected way. He will be seen in many places of the world, He will be recognized, although many will also reject Him, because He will come with an unknown aspect, never before revealed to humanity.

But the moment will come after His apparitions, after His Presence, and when He again approaches the human consciousness, this is when He will show who He truly is, just as He ascended to the Heavens and attained His greater degree of evolution of consciousness and of love.

It will be the moment in which the forces of chaos and the adversary will be defeated, and the government of this planet will again be granted to the Universal King, as it was granted when He was born on this Earth and among you, to bring you the good news of redemption and the opportunity to again find the path toward the Light.

We, all the Hierarchies, are contemplating the good events, facts and happenings that humanity experience through the consciousnesses, the souls that offered to live and express Christic Love.

Everyone who has lived this experience throughout the times, the generations, are being contemplated and at this moment helping the human consciousness in the inner planes to know how to make a good decision, and that this decision may have beneficial repercussions throughout the rest of the planet.

Now the moment has come to withdraw into the Heart of God and to seek, above all events, the essence of Peace.

Today I send this special message to the world to be Heard and remembered by all, knowing that the Universe also experiences a transition and that, each day more, we are reaching a culminating moment, when everything will be defined, when everything will become more clear, when uncertain realities will end and, at last, the Kingdom of God will be able to be established.

But for this, many situations must end, My children. The planet must cleanse what weighs on it and all that which hurts in it, all that it has received from humanity of the surface throughout time.

Everything will be reconfigured, re-established and re-ordered so that there may exist a new opportunity and the Plan can return to its origin, to its beginning, to its essence. Therefore, the movements will be strong, will be determining and unexpected.

For this, throughout the last times, we have prepared you, instruction has been your key to live these times of Armageddon, and to be united to the Plan of God and to His divine consciousness by means of the word of the Hierarchy.

In an extraordinary way, I send these words to the world and especially to those who sustain the Islands of Salvation so that the codes, attributes, gifts and virtues may remain present upon the surface of the Earth; and so that those who suffer, who undergo pain and who do not have anything may know someday that Love, the Love of God did not dissolve from the heart of humanity and from some places of the Earth. That Love can rebuild everything, Love can renew everything, that the Love of God can liberate you and save you.

I leave you the Light of My spirit and of My soul so that you may be led and, above all, peace and unity may be established.

In the name of the non-material Source of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; in the name of the Governments and Councils that guide and lead this and other Universes; in the name of the Confraternity and of the Celestial Brotherhood that has accompanied this race for a long time; in the name of the Voice of the Father that resounds and has repercussions as an echo through His Messengers; I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And together let us pray so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled, so that His divine Purpose may be established. Pray with Me, My children:

That the advent of the New Race
be fulfilled.
That humanity
be able to express its archetype.
That the word be alive
and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery expand  in us
and  the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.
(Repeated three times)

I elevate these prayers, My children, to Heaven, so that the Father may hear them and in response make descend His infinite and incommensurate Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children,

After the Meeting of Music yesterday, Amazonia has been prepared so that, through the Grace of the Divine Son, it may receive all the Light of the Universe that it will need in order to go through the end of times, as a Kingdom.

Aside from that, dear children, today your Divine Mother will prepare, by means of the prayers of Her beloved children, to enter into scenes of humanity where the suffering of the most little and innocent ones becomes worst, day by day.

For this reason, the Mother of God, the Sun of Life, will reach all the little and innocent ones, in different parts of the world, to help them and rescue them from this spiritual, mental and material condition in which hunger, persecution from war, exploitation of children and also undue trafficking of organs are carried out by a part of adult humanity that has completely lost the sense of discernment and the value that family represents.

My children, I not only will go towards those who despair, in these conditions of survival, but also, as Mother of the spiritual healing of humanity, I will come to hospitals and institutes where bodily suffering retains the departure of the little innocent souls that cannot manage to be freed from their incarnation.

Today, by a special Grace and by the sincere prayers of all servers of the Earth, I will concede immediate relief for this inhumane situation.

Therefore, My children, your support and participation, by means of the Vigil of Prayer, will contribute to and grant that the most innocent may find the relief and rest they so much need.

I will also come to the inappropriate and hidden spaces where the future mothers decide, by the interference of the enemy, to remove from their wombs the lives and love that God gave to them.

Within the coming and awaited for meeting, in the Marian Center of the Child King, on September 25th, I will come to ask all the collaborators of this Work of Love not to forget to help and serve the children, adolescents and youth that are in the Community of the New Earth, because they are the reflection of this part of humanity that needs healing, love and understanding.

I will be very grateful if the Planetary Light-Network groups visit and participate periodically and actively within the group and service life of the Community of the New Earth.

In this way, you will consciously be allowing other service groups in the rest of the world, to be able to assume the relief of suffering of other children, adolescents and youth.

May this vigil be the vigil of the heart and of self-surrender.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


One of the important aspects of God, within His Trine Source, is the Holy Spirit, an aspect that acted within humanity during certain occurrences with the aim of giving an impulse, of guiding and of helping the consciousnesses that were invoking it.

Until recent days, the Holy Spirit has not been a revealed mystery of God, which after having fulfilled Its mission, more than two thousand years ago, in this time Its manifestation, presence and action happens through the Mother of God, as the Lady of the Holy Spirit.

It is in this time that the Holy Spirit of God will work through the souls that offer to receive Its divine impulses and Its Gifts.

It would be of great importance if the human being were filled by at least one of Its Gifts, and this will help for the real task of each being to manifest, according to the necessity of the Divine Will.

The Holy Spirit accompanied specific events of humanity and, at the same time, It helped with Its science and wisdom in the culminating moments when only the Holy Spirit of God could deviate or reverse a fact that would happen.

Without the action of the Holy Spirit throughout the history of the human race, the planet, as a consciousness, that evolves and experiences, would have lost its spiritual dignity and its rescuable character.

For this reason, God sent His Spirit, in certain moments of humanity, to help His creatures, similar to Him.

God sent His Spirit to the patriarchs so that, from the peoples, the Gifts of the Father and His Virtues might arise, so that they could awaken the prophets and announcers of the Divine Truth.

God sent His Spirit so that His creatures, through Christ, might be baptized by the most potent non-material Fount, which is the Holy Spirit itself.

God sent His Spirit so that, from the main cell of His Project: the family, might arise the knowers and seekers of the Truth, so that the gifts and virtues of the healers, the governors, the mirrors, the hermits, the guardians and of the servers might awaken.

God sent His Spirit to repopulate the Earth with His infinite Love so that His creatures might learn to feel that the only guidance comes from the Eternal Father and that all Sources of manifestation emerge from the Father.

After two thousand years, during which the Spirit of God worked and became flesh among His children, through Christ, today the Holy Spirit will come by means of the Sacred Word to fill the sleeping and darkened hearts with the same gifts that the apostles and martyrs received, with a confirmation and an absolute trust that, through the Holy Spirit of God, the Project will be fulfilled and nothing nor nobody will prevent It from acting through the children of God, and the Spirit of the Father Itself will allow that, for all participants in His work of Pity and of Mercy,  the Holy Virtues of the Spirit of God can awaken and incarnate in the essence of His children, so that all talents and lineages may be at the service for this current crucial time of humanity. Because the one who opens and welcomes the coming of the Holy Spirit will have the inner force to represent the redeeming Work of Christ upon the surface of the Earth; will have the strength to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom of Peace and of the end of the planetary captivity; will have the impulse of faith to keep transforming their life completely according to this same spiritual model that the Celestial Father realized in the patriarchs and in the prophets. 

God comes to give you His Spirit through the Divine Body and Blood of His Son and through the message that is announced by His Divine Messengers.

May the Holy Spirit help you face the end of times, within and outside of you; and may you be able to sustain yourselves, in this definitive cycle, through the action of the Holy Spirit of God.

May the Holy Spirit bring you the force of renewal and of changes.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On the eve of this Nativity of the Lord, I would like all My children to work, every day, under the spirit of joy and love for serving God.

I would like your smile for receiving this next Nativity as something special and unique to be reflected on your faces, so that the spirit of the families may also continue to be helped.

For this, children, I daily invite you to renew yourselves, to be in Christ and for Christ, living each moment as something primordial, knowing that everything you do will have repercussions in the world.

I would like your lips to not tire of praising the Lord, because great are His Glory and His Mercy towards the world; a world that at this time needs infinite interventions and graces.

Celebrate every day and do not tire of doing so; celebrate from the heart and do it for your brothers and sisters of the world who lose the sense of living and the opportunity to love, just as I teach you every day.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

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My dear children,

On this 1st of December, at the beginning of the inner preparation for the Nativity of your Master and Lord, I would like that, through the presence of each manger in the homes of the world, the inner Christ could definitely awaken within you.

This will help that all human consciousness be redeemed and receive a Grace from the Universe in order to reverse all the mistakes committed through the division of families, the exploitation of boys and girls, of all the perversion of current youth.

Dear children, with the sweetness of your hearts and having responded to My call for the manifestation of the mangers, you have allowed your Sacred Mother to work within the family nuclei that are being corrupted due to the lack of true love and sincere peace.

Dear children, My Rays of Mercy have today penetrated the darkest layers of the black market of humanity, where My adversary laughs and plays with millions of human lives.

From that lost and dark place, your Celestial Mother, with the help of all the saints in Heaven and on Earth, rescued and prevented the essence of many human hearts from getting lost.

I would like, My dear children, that you could understand today the meaning and the victory generated through the loving and sincere adhesion of all of My children who dedicated their day to building the Sacred Manger.

The presence of the Sacred Family, in these times and in current humanity, will avoid many events, most of them by means of the intercession of the Three Sacred Hearts.

On this night of Grace, I leave you this reflection and this message for you to meditate upon so that you may believe that your lives and your hands are useful to God and for the concretion of His Divine Plan.

Lastly, I send all the Love of My Heart to My small children of Angola, telling them that My victorious visit to the African lands of Ruanda, Angola and Kenya is still valid and present.

From now on, I will be grateful that you prepare your hearts to respond to this call and to accompany your Celestial Mother.

I thank you for being with Me today!

For the triumph of the Plan of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Divine Manger in the bosom of the world family reveals the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

The true, humble and prayerful veneration of the Divine Manger of the Sacred Family symbolizes the inner union of the soul that venerates, with the essential bases of the Gifts and Virtues of the Sacred Family.

In this sense, the Presence of the Sacred Family in the spiritual bosom of the families of the world generates and creates the necessary condition so that each family member, each consciousness or human person that integrates the nucleus of the earthly family can internally participate in the moral, spiritual and inner values that the Family of Nazareth itself embodied and lived in past times.

For this reason, the awareness of all the humble and inner attributes that were expressed by Jesus, Saint Joseph and Mary builds the path of redemption in the consciousness that contacts them.

Now, in times of crisis in which the family, as the center of society and of modernity, is influenced, attacked and dissolved by human forms and tendencies, it must recover the meaning of its existence and the path of its purpose in these times.

The family of this era and of this cycle is one of the most daring and complex projects to manifest, conduct and guide to the goal of the spirit.

Primary union with the Project lived by the Sacred Family more than two thousand years ago, places again, on the path of Light, compassion and forgiveness, all current families that decide to find again the group purpose that they have come to fulfill.

Although each family member is, in this time, a mirror of their own inner reality, it is worth highlighting that healing and reconciliation among the members of the same family is one of the most urgent objectives in the end of these times, both for the families that still remain integrated and for those families that, for different reasons, have become divided or separated, the adversary being the spiritual cause of this division.

With the aim of cutting this ancient chain of separation, division or mistreatment within the families of these times, your Heavenly Mother is imploring and requesting the elaboration and construction of the Manger of Bethlehem, as the families of the world, far from modernity and all human tendencies, will need to consciously perceive how the inner family state of each member is and also how the inner state of the great spiritual families in communities and in religious groups.

If in this cycle certain altered standards of conduct and communication are present and prevailing, it means, children, that the entire family, social and inner foundation of the family itself must be completely renewed.

In this time, the meaning of the family alliance is a fundamental path and purpose which will lead to gestate, in each consciousness as well as in each family member, the spirit of unity and of consideration for their fellow beings.

If in the present time families disregard the divine model of the Sacred Family, at the end of this XXI century, humanity as a whole will have replaced, within its own consciousness, the essence of love in the family by the influences of the media, of stimuli and of the external realities that come from what humanity itself considers as innovative.

To preserve the culture of the family and its members from everything, it will be necessary to consecrate each one of them to the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

This consecration must lead the family to open itself to the path of prayer and of true Communion with Christ because, in truth, He is the main model in the integration of families by means of the Christic Essence.

The Celestial Father, in His Infinite Mercy and Pity, aspires that the principle and meaning of the purpose of families of the world may be recovered and embraced by all human beings.

The family of today is the main objective of search and of conquest on the part of the forces of chaos, which promote its division through cunning and intelligence.

In the next Nativity of the Lord, the intention of your Lady and Celestial Mother is to be able to work, through the Manger, in the immediate recovery of the spiritual values that the different families need, in this time, to survive and go through the end of this cycle.

For this reason, each prayer said with love for the Sacred Family of Nazareth will constitute this unbreakable fortitude that the families of the world will need in order to learn to survive all the interferences and influences of these critical times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses all the families of the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The time has come for all the children of Mary, regardless of whether they are consecrated to My Heart or not, in any nation, in any place on the planet, as well as in any language, to be able to pray to My Immaculate Heart.

Until now, children, everything lived and experienced by the local, regional, and international groups of prayer has been a preparation. Therefore, through the Association that I have founded, with the cooperation of the Sector of Diffusion and the official support of Mercy Mary TV, your Heavenly Mother wishes to implement a real base for the transmissions of prayers among the different peoples of the nations of the world.

My aspiration is to communicate, through the meetings of prayer, to the five continents among each other, and with these transmissions to unite all the hearts and families of the world that, in more than thirty countries, accompany, until now, the Work of the Divine Messengers.

For this reason, the mission of the planetary Light-Network will be able to embrace all My other children of the world who need to learn to pray from the heart and who do not know how to do it.

This mission of praying and of uniting the nations and the peoples must also be periodically diffused in the social networks so that more and more souls in the world may unite to pray for peace.

If, as from now, a basis could be adequately managed and organized for this new cycle of prayers with the different regions of the world, this would help to attract from the Universe immense Graces for all, and the different countries would be spiritually benefited.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother opens for this new cycle the regular task of the prayers for all; this will make the souls build inside of themselves a praying discipline capable of help in the events of the life of the people and of their families.

It will be necessary, in this new phase, to learn to pray in the different languages of the five continents, maintaining as a foundation the following languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, German and Korean.

For all the efforts lived,

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The little Flower of Carmo

Here is the little Flower of Carmo da Cachoeira, a flower that buds and opens on feeling the love of its most simple children.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that emanates the subtlest aromas of the Grace of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that expresses for everyone the beauty of Creation.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that shows everyone the Simplicity and the Purity of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that radiates the subtle rays of Love like a sun.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower present in the spaces and gardens of the pilgrims of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is in the hands of its children, worthy children of the Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that adorns and blesses the altars and the homes that receive the Presence of the Mother of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws the most simple and humble towards the Glory of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that reflects, in itself, a devotion for the beloved Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that gives to all the simple Love of the Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, that is found on the streets, in the valleys and hills of this people in redemption.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws from the Universe the Omnipotence of God, so that all living beings awaken to the spirit of Divine Compassion.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that conceives in its simplicity the inner Gifts of God, a flower that heals the wounds of the hearts and of the souls in need of forgiveness.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that opens portals to the Mercy of God, so that every creature, in Heaven or on Earth, may be worthy of the Grace of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that unites and consolidates what is divided; a flower that gathers and strengthens the fellowship in the family, a deep and wise love among all the beings of the Earth.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that mirrors the Purpose of God for the world, the essence of the mission for each being of this planet.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that awakens the Holy Virtues of God in the pure of heart.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, the flower of each missionary heart, the flower of the guardian of the Will of God, a flower that shows to all the ardent devotion for the Higher.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is abundant in the city, in the corners of this town, so that souls may remember that God loves them, expects them to be open of heart in order to carry out in their lives the infinite Purpose of His Divine Heart.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, flower of the Most Holy Mary, flower that manifest from the Heavens to emanate all the Graces that you need, in order to make of your lives instruments in the Hands of God.

I thank you for receiving Me today in this place with such love.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The reason for My coming to the United States is also to try to spiritually recover the essence of the families in the face of the facts of indifference and disharmony, which are experienced in this nation.

I will try, by all inner means possible, for the souls of this country of North America to remember that, in essence, they must recover the values of Christianity and peace so that the families from here may stop being artificial and influenced by materialism.

Thus, by the power of prayer and the perseverance of all of you, your Heavenly Mother will try to awaken the consciousnesses and, even more, the inner hearts of those who have them closed to the Love of God and those who have them open to indifference and continuous modernity.

As your Mother, I will try so that at least a small group of souls, in representation of many more, may be the depositories of the Gift of wisdom and science so that these spirits, these North American and age-old consciousnesses, may awaken to their inner truth and to the source of love among beings.

My purpose will be to pour out light and love where it no longer exists, for different material as well as spiritual reasons.

To recover the consciousness of a nation may take some time, especially when the nation itself has been condemned through its own actions.

Dear children, let us pray for love to be what will reign within all these hearts, so that truth may show itself, and the souls that await it may redeem themselves.

All of this will be possible with the loving help of all My prayerful armies.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who restores you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While My Maternal and Divine Light penetrates the Earth together with Saint Joseph to redeem the fallen and lost hearts, My Heart joyfully receives your prayers and chants. When the offering is sincere and spontaneous it pleases very much the Heart of God.

Thus, dear children, every day I teach you to love a little more and to lose the fear of doing it because if you loved your brothers and sisters as I love each one of you, many of the sufferings would end.

I invite you, My children, to strengthen the commitment with the Eternal Father of forming a sacred spiritual family, bearer the same codes of the ancient people of Israel; people that at that time vivified the Word of God and made it flesh within them.

I invite you to love the knowledge, but also to live it, for it to be in you a source of conversion and an example of redemption.

In this moment, dear children, the Sacred Hearts approach to this part of the planet for the great need of awakening and redemption.

I need, My children, you to be able to follow each step that the Messengers of Heaven take, in this way you can contribute to the development of the Plan that is not physical, but internal and spiritual.

Everyone without exception is called at this time to provide their virtues and gifts so that My Son will be able to achieve His redemptive Work at these times.

For this, start to love in a different form than you have loved until now, may your human love be transformed by prayer and be transfigured in each new consecration.

I will help you to follow this infinite path towards the real Love. I will motivate you and impel you to concrete in yourselves what the Father so much expects from you; for it to be possible, hand Me what you are and thus I will be in you the image and likeness of God.

Encourage yourselves every day to say yes to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who always blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When My Mother Heart visits every house on Earth and they open the door of their inner home to receive Me, I pour out all the Graces of Heaven and I establish in the hearts that receive Me, the Gifts of My holy Peace.

Every house I visit, I consecrate it, sanctify it and establish a point of Light for the world, a place where prayer can be found and where souls will be strengthened after I have gone through there.

Thus, dear children, in every house that I visit I create an oratory of Peace for the world and I pour out a Gift that will invisibly sustain all the lost consciousnesses in need of it.

This way, My dear children, through all the houses that I have visited in the world, I can create a great network of Light and of prayer that radiates the fruitful principles of goodness and peace through its potent energy.

Thus, every day, when My children pray in their consecrated houses, this flow of Grace and Redemption is spiritually reactivated for the whole planetary consciousness.

I establish in each spirit that opens the door of their house to Me, an inner consecration that is distinguished by the angels of the universe who, together with the souls, work to sow the peace so necessary in these times.

The oratories that I create for My children are spaces where My Divine Consciousness can be present to work in their own family and in all those who need it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Praised be the God of the Universe! Honored be His Holy Name because His Presence and His Mercy will save you.

While the Father sends Me every day to remove you from the illusion and to patiently teach you to accept the transformation and to live it, on the other hand, My adversary tries to destroy the nuclei of Light that I have built in the consciousnesses that have already defined themselves, for life, to follow My call and My path to Jesus.

So it is, dear children, that the perversion, the obstinacy and the lack of control of the human desires will knock at the door of all the disciples, but do not open it and only recognize that the time has come of the intense purification.

While the hearts define their spiritual life and their evolution, ask the Universe for the powers of Grace, of Mercy and of the blessed gifts that made the Sacred Family a unique project for humanity.

While the values of spirituality and family get lost by being substituted by impulsive actions and decisions, the adversary takes advantage of the moment to weaken in the consciousnesses the importance of living holiness and thus change it for a liberal life.

In this state is humanity and the majority of souls that still have to define their steps towards Christ. Therefore, a first and great battle will take place within each being, to confirm themselves or to lose the possibility of following the Project of God before the Apocalypse.

Dear children, with all the legions of Archangel Miguel, we are in prayer, asking for the souls to perceive that the whole planet is in a hard and constant battle.

To safeguard your paths and for you to be more protected from all adversity and temptation, I ask you to you invoke Me and that you call your guardian angels with determination so that the contrary currents will be dissolved with the entry of the Light of God.

I pray continuously for all My soldiers to fight with Me in the liberation and redemption from all the planetary evil; this battle is the preamble of triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays with you and for you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Dear children,

I am the Queen of Families, because My Heart of Mother conceives the spirit of unity between God and humankind.

I am the Mother who helps to consolidate the families, that in these times open to prayer. Families are in need of much prayer, to overcome those moments that are inevitably coming to the world. May the families be a part of the flow of prayer, so that their faults may be purified.

I am the Queen of Families, and I hope that, through prayer, Confession and Communion, they may achieve the new Christic patterns that will be essential in these times.

I am the Mother that cares and protects the families that adopt Me as their Governess. As the Mother of all, I can intercede and work in the hearts of all of My children.

On this day, may the families remember the Sacred Family of Nazareth, faithful workers of the Plan. May your souls imitate the untiring example of Saint Joseph, the infinite Love of Mary and the kindness of the little Child Jesus; in this way, your families shall be formed according to the spiritual model God expects.

Today the families of the world are divided by modernity and false affections; the world of the family believes it has advanced, but this, children, is not true.

While time goes by rapidly, families are losing their innocence and fidelity to God. Open your eyes and look to the model of the Sacred Family as an example of charity, of service and of doing good to others.

Let your families become temples, impenetrable to any influence and strengthened by faith and prayer, do not be a family of the new era; be a family of the true Christianity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is in prayer for all the families of the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Parents of the Earth,

As Your Mother and Guide from Heaven, I take care of all the details in the same way that I take care of and protect each soul.

Give Me your children, and I will take care of them as I take care of you all the time when you are in prayer with Me.

Entrust your children on Earth to Me so that someday they too may come to an awakening and redemption.

My motherhood follows your children with a tender look, who for you are the living experience of love, compassion, and understanding.

Beloved parents, God has given you a learning, a livingness, and an experience through the birth of your children; an experience that in this life, and at this moment of the planet, oftentimes has caused you to endure, to love, to understand, and especially to forgive.

Each one of you, parents of the Earth, have had to learn how to relinquish, to accept the decisions of your children and of your families.

The prayer of the heart will lead you to understand the decisions of life, and those of your children, just as I understand yours, and accept them in deep motherhood.

Do not expect to fulfill dreams of this world through your children, aspire that they be in My arms of a Mother just as you and your families are, especially when they are far from their loved ones.

All are souls in redemption and transformation, but My sacred motherhood grants you all the Graces. For this reason, today I invite you to place your children in My arms just as you often are, both in the moments of inner happiness and in those of pain.

Know, My beloved parents of the Earth, that you and your children belong to God and that one day you will return to God in spite of what you experience in this world.

I prepare you so that you may deliver your children to the Will of God in the same way that I trustingly delivered Jesus to the Celestial Father.

I encourage you to grow inwardly.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I deeply rejoice for finding you here today, reunited in this beloved oratory of My Heart, because all of the praying families are favored before the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, today I would like to tell you from the depths of My Heavenly Soul that higher and eternal life exists after this life.  Many among you, of those who have already left, learn close to My Heart about the power of prayer which rescues and liberates other souls.

For this, you must rejoice, and each day love the Will of the Creator who wants to see you mature and be firm on this path, which will finally also lead you to find your own dwelling in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My children, death is a deep step of purification and detachment: in this way, the soul lives a stage of surrender of everything that it lived on the surface of the Earth.  If your souls pray with trust to My Immaculate Heart, you will fear nothing, Your Heavenly Mother takes care and protects each one of Her children who are following the Will of God in obedience, and their brothers and sisters.

You will see, in these times, My beloved ones, that the world will purify quickly, this is not a punishment of God, it is the movement of truly living a change within the consciousness, in order to be able to reach the consecration to the Kingdom of God.

If you are here today, it is because I love you, and will always give thanks for your prayers, for the Plan of the Most High and for this suffering planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to a Higher Life, after this life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
