Dear children,
Although Your Heavenly Mother is not present among you, I count on your unconditional collaboration and support.
This is now the end of times, it is the moment in which the preparation will come to light within your consciousnesses, and you will realize at which point of the preparation you are in order to be able to face the chaos of humanity.
Therefore, from the beginning of Our Messages, We asked you to again study and interiorize our words, because you will need them to know how to go through the end of these times with intelligence and not with fear.
When we speak of an end, it does not mean that everything will end, but rather that each one of you and your brothers and sisters will have the great opportunity to reflect on what you have been doing, which will make you see your personal reality and the world reality. You will truly know how you have caused the planet to be, in its spiritual, mental and physical aspects.
Therefore, My children, becoming aware of this reality demands inner preparation and training, an adequate use of the tools and spiritual exercises that throughout the last years we have taught you.
This will leave you at the height of the coming events, and you will be freeing yourselves from the condemnatory ignorance that blinds souls, day by day, and hypnotizes them in indifference.
Dear children, may your preparation now begin to emerge from your consciousnesses.
Now the moment has come to recognize the mission of each one of you. The moment has come to fulfill it and not to step back because there will not be another moment for long waits.
The cycle is now and it will never repeat itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of the beginning of the powerful novena of the Mystery of the Rosary for the families of the world*, I ask you, my children, to bear in mind that, in each new offering of the Mystery of the Rosary that you will perform, I, as Mother of the families of the world, will be there, next to each praying heart that will be responding to My call for love and mercy.
The inner meaning of this next novena will not only be to place the divided and distracted families of the whole world in the Merciful Heart of God, but also to prepare those who pray and the devotees for the day of the sacred Christmas Eve; the moment when the Divine Son will impart His sacerdotal blessing over all from the spiritual plane, specially over the families of the whole world, so that the Attributes of God, those that were in the Holy Family of Nazareth, may be present again in the families of today.
For this reason, My children, have absolute confidence that your prayers will remove the families, who are in danger, from dark and unpleasant situations that affect the support of marriages, as well as the emotional and psychic stability of children.
This next novena will try to be a balm of light and love that will expand through the praying word, through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May the graces of unity in the family, strength in the marriages and peace for all the children of each family descend through this loving novena of the Rosary for the families of the whole world so that the guardian angels may safeguard the steps of each family member.
For this response, that all who pray will be giving to the Most Pure Mother of God, I now thank you for responding to My call!
Remember, my children, to recite, only once, after the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, the prayer to the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Who blesses you for this sacred spiritual task,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
*Spiritual exercise to perform in front of the Nativity manger, during nine days, from December 16 to December 24, 2018.
Do not seek perfection while you are on Earth, because true perfection is found in Heaven, at the moment when your consciousness will definitely merge with God.
The path of perfection is conquered daily, at each new step, with each new test, until total transcendence is achieved.
In this time, in which the challenges and the difficulties are very great, the path of perfection is forged through constancy and commitment to prayer, making this spiritual exercise the main engine of transformation and of the daily battle.
All that will be until the human condition on this planet is defeated, a condition that is at the roots of this civilization.
Thus, with determination and valour, My child, continue working toward your perfection, in order to make the world a little more perfect every day.
Perfection is achieved under a spirit of humility and of an absolute surrender to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While the battle between light and darkness unleashes over the surface of this planet, I wish that all those who pray in the world maintain the conviction of praying with fervor, love, and devotion; in this way, your Heavenly Mother can count on all your prayers to have the Plan of Love of God triumph in the world, and above all in humanity.
My children, through your prayers and daily sacrifices may all the barriers and the obstacles that are imposed by My adversary by means of conflicts and disharmony be transcended in the powerful action of the fire of prayer.
It is in this way that gradually, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will keep all the spiritual plans, as well as the mental and material ones, under a certain order.
Each one of you in this cycle must set, as a spiritual exercise within My discipleship, the goal or the inner purpose of overcoming and of abandoning indifference in the face of the events that daily precipitate in some nations of the world.
It is in this way that, with the minority of soldiers awakened to My call, I will have the redemptive Plan of My Beloved Son triumph before His next return.
My children, with all the devotion and pleading of your spirits, pray with love and trust so that the very prayer of the heart can guide you in this moment, and above all, can spiritually help a great many souls, which in this same time are passing through the cycle of planetary tribulation.
Open to hearing the voice of your Heavenly Mother, I ask you, dear children, that you keep My requests well in mind, because they are divine lights in the middle of the darkness of these times.
With the faith and the love of the heart, My adversary will lose the battle; believe in that.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who is among you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Adorers be the ones who understand through the Blessed Sacrament the infinite mystery of the Love of My Son.
Adorers be the ones that, with their fixed gaze on the Blessed Sacrament, attract peace to the planet.
Adorers be the ones who unite with the heart to the great portal of the Mercy of My Son through the venerated Eucharist.
Adorers be the ones who attract in each new exercise the Plan of God to the Earth.
Adorers be the ones that together with their guardian angels deposit the sacred offertory of the adoration in the Heart of God.
Adorers be the ones that receive the Grace through the adoration, not for themselves, but for the world.
Adorers be the ones who establish the spiritual unity between Heaven and Earth.
Adorers be the ones who repair in each adoration the Sacred Heart of the Lord.
Adorers be the ones that together with the Most Holy Mary clamor for Mercy.
Adorers be the ones who cross, with their gaze, the portal of the Blessed Sacrament and enter in the summit of the celestial altars, attracting the Piety and the Compassion of God to the world.
Adorers be the ones who disarm with love, silence and contemplation the plans of the adversary and, only through their adoration of Christ, help to save the souls from the abysses of the consciousness.
Adorers be the ones who receive in humility and simplicity the sacred flame of the Love of Christ so that this flame will multiply in the ones who need it the most.
Adorers be the ones who repair, in each adoration, the outrages against the lower kingdoms, and the ones who implore for Mercy without rest.
May you all be adorers of the Mercy of Christ in this sacred house that I have founded for the Celestial Kingdom, and in every place of the world where there is one soul in adoration, may it know that it will attract the Kingdom of God so that the holy peace will be established.
I thank you for adoring the Most Precious Body of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament!
Who accompanies you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Adoration
Dear children,
With the Sacred Family gathered around this sacred oratory, God again pours out His infinite and unfathomable Mercy.
In order for this to be possible, dear children, today Your Most Holy Mother brings you the Rosary of the Holy Virtues of Saint Joseph, something that will give an impulse to souls to live the attributes of the Chaste Heart, inner impulses that will come directly from the Holy Servant of God at each moment this sacred rosary is prayed by a soul.
This Rosary of the Holy Virtues of Saint Joseph will remove from human ignorance anyone who wholeheartedly prays, invoking the devotion to the Holy Worker of God.
Saint Joseph commits Himself to helping the human heart that will pray it, and thus be able to sanctify its life, in the same way that Saint Joseph sanctified His consciousness.
This Rosary will offer everyone the possibility of again drawing to themselves the principles of the Christianity of Saint Joseph and of the Sacred Family, so that these may penetrate the chaotic consciousness of the planet, and reverse all the evils that are generated by humanity itself.
This Rosary will also help awaken the consecration of souls to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. And through this act of union with the Divine Spirit of Saint Joseph, hearts will reach the Celestial Kingdom and will be able to feel it close to the planetary life.
Through His Holy Virtues, Saint Joseph offers Himself to humanity to help it experience the sanctification of consciousness, as well as provide the opportunity to families, for them to experience the Attributes of God, and generate the proper conditions for Unity to be present among all creatures.
Now I present to you the Rosary of the Holy Virtues of Saint Joseph:
Have a good exercise of humility for all.
I invite you for nine days to practice and feel this Rosary in the depths of your hearts, so that Saint Joseph may work in your lives.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unites you to the Chaste Heart of the Servant of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today I find Myself among you to bring peace, relieve and an expansion of light that may reach your consciousnesses, so that they may strengthen themselves in the Love of God.
In time of tests, of great definitions and greater commitments that must be assumed by the soldiers of Christ, My adversary uses all of his tricks to put in the heart and in the mind of My children, creations that are not real, ideas and feelings that disturb them and that only seek to remove them from the task of the spirit that incarnated on this Earth to serve God.
All those feelings and thoughts that distance you from My Heart and from the heart of your brothers and sisters are in process of transformation so that once and for all you may die for love. This will permit that the truthful that exists in you and that was sown as a talent by My Son, may sprout, flourish and develop.
These true attributes are kept, in some cases, under several keys because the mediocre aspects of humanity have been cultivated in consciousness throughout history and developed as false attributes, what deceives all of My children into thinking that they are their best spiritual qualities, mental and material skills.
While these false attributes are defended and treasured as real and sublime inside of the beings, the true attributes and talents remain captive in cages, where they can not express themselves or fulfill what they came to do in this world.
But My Love and the Redeeming Love of My Son come to break the locks of these prisons so that, what you truly are, My Beloved Children, be able to be liberated and the mediocrity learned by this humanity throughout history may be able to finally be unmasked and die.
The art of loving, dear children, is that task that God has entrusted to you, an exercise full of challenges in which each consciousness takes as a goal to overcome every day, one by one, the mediocrities of this world, with determination, will and faith to reach this vital purpose that keeps waiting for the worthy Children of God.
When a consciousness is determined to achieve what God in truth has sown in it, going over its own head, without fear of what it will find, it receives from the Celestial Spheres an assistance that is not from this world, which is reserved for the brave ones.
When a consciousness is willing, in humility, to discover what false this world has put in them and decide to discover the potential the Universe has sown in their interior, the Heavens collaborate so that their prompt awakening to the truthful may open the door of the treasure that had been guarded for so long.
Beloved children, persevere, work, be strong and brave. Discover the false that My adversary has sown in your hearts and do not allow to be prevented to feel the full joy of discovering who you truly are.
I guide you, trust in My designs, in My requests and thus I will be able to help you to liberate yourselves from what you are not.
Today I bless My favorite son, the one that is favorite for the effort he has made in discovering the instrument that I have built within him and in offering himself to be led by God to the awakening of his brothers and sisters.
I want to be able to serve Myself from all My beloved children as instruments of Light in My hands.
I love you, I protect you with My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for being today with Me.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Now I come every day from the Supreme Heaven to concelebrate together with My Son, the communion of reparation of the first five Saturdays, a spiritual exercise which must be taken up by all of My children.
Whoever realizes this communion of reparation, will be able to help Me so that the promises that I have made to humanity may be able to be fulfilled. In the next five months, on the first Saturday of each month, all of you are invited to remember and meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. For this, children, those ones that at least meditate on each passage of the Holy Rosary shall have as Grace, My maternal and divine help.
Today I come from the Universe to remind all to not forget to carry forward this act of reparation in a serious and conscious way, because humanity continues walking towards self-destruction and this could have major repercussions.
For this, children of Mine, and in order to comply with My requests, I invite you to read the promises and the effects that this communion of reparation with My Beloved Son Jesus has, promises that were transmitted to Lúcia dos Santos, after My presence in Fatima.
God wishes that the good hearts, the ones that until now are not imprisoned by the martyrdoms of the others, may be able to offer to the universe, the sincere and repairing act of this communion, mainly for Peace, the end of the annihilations, to be reached today, and thus the Mercy of My Son may descend upon sinners.
In this way, offering the communion of reparation for humanity and in union with the Eternal Father, you, My little ones, will universally create a more favorable environment for the law to change and for the world to reach Peace.
Today I ignite the flame of the original purity in all, so that you may unite with it and recognize that only through the purity of heart the whole humanity will recover innocence.
Open your eyes and see in the Sky the sign of the Woman Dressed of the Sun, the one who comes to your encounter to pour Her last Graces upon humanity.
Dear children, today I also wish to dedicate My gratitude to all My beloved children, the ones that are making the Mission of Peace in Africa possible. I tell you that the spiritual need will be able to be met and the souls of those who suffer will have a better destiny. For this important purpose, My Heart will accompany you in this new mission, that which will have as an exercise, taking the Divine Mercy to those who suffer the most.
Dear ones, today I receive upon this Sacred Center, the visit of the pilgrims that, filled with faith, have acquired the necessary strength to climb to the top of My Hill of Light. To all of them, I give My Love and My blessings, and I remind them that here they will find a Source of inner relief and profound healing.
I thank you all for answering to My important call!
Who reunites you in the Holy Cenacle of the Heart of Christ,
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
For the commemoration of My monthly apparitions each 25th in Medjugorje, today I invite you and I gather you in the name of Jesus so that your hearts may contemplate the existence of the Marian Center of Figueira.
After twenty-five years of instruction, necessary for your lives and loving for your souls, today I announce that the Blessed Universal Mother, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, has walked silently together with you through this pathway of teachings and learning.
Dearest children, today I want you to understand in your hearts that God the Father manifests Himself not only through My Immaculate Voice, but also through all those who give themselves from the heart to concretize the Divine Plan on Earth.
Therefore, My children, God the Father is the Great Tree of Wisdom, Its roots and Its branches are the expression of the Infinite Universe and Its leaves are the emanations of the souls upon this beloved planet.
Dear children, in order for this to exist in all of the created life, there exists in your lives the presence of the Universal Mother, the Queen of Peace, the Morning Star that announces the new time before the coming of Her Son.
Dear children, this is why your lives and your essences are al- ways united to the essence of the Heart of God. As the Mother of the World, as the Lady of the Heavens, I come to your en- counter to reveal to you the true mystery of your faith and of your lives; this mystery is called Love for the Whole, Love for the One, Love for the Will of God.
This is why today, with the Rosary of Peace in My blessed hands, again I invite you to prayer, because day by day many souls are lost and they do not find the path towards Light.
For you, My dear children, who are awake to the life of the spirit, it will be enough to serve in this time: to serve by giving yourselves, to serve by loving, to serve to repair the Heart of My Son.
Through your inner maturity and with prayer as a primordial exercise, you will be taking secure steps towards the consecration of your little hearts.
My children, on this 25th of October and after so many events that have happened by means of the presence of My Immac- ulate Heart, I call you to the awakening of your consciousness so that, under the will of God, new and donated Marian servers of peace may emerge. These soldiers of peace have the spirit of loving prayer, of being in inner service for souls and finding, in the Will of God, the aspiration to reach Eternity.
My children, awaken to the call and listen in your hearts to the Voice of the One and Great Lord.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
May today your hearts be able to understand and venerate the Special Grace that your lives are receiving by means of the exercise of prayer and in the name of the Love of My Son.
Dear children, this is why I invite you to pray more with the heart so that God the Father can hear you and My Maternal Heart may continue to come into your lives. The mission that God entrusts to you is to pray for the salvation of all souls, because, in this time, dear children, everyone will have one last Grace: to live the Conversion.
Before the Divine Universal Judgment approaches the world, you, My little ones, must be in deep and true prayer so that the willingness to pray every day may be born in you.
For this reason, dear children, the renovation of the groups of prayer is so important, by means of monthly meetings that allow the strengthening among the groups and the encour- agement to serve God and to be less invaded by the realities of the world.
Each group of prayer must be the Light of Christ in the world, and for this Light to shine in the darkness, the flames of Christ that are each one of the souls must be united in the mission and be humble from the heart, because in this way the Holy Spirit will be able to guide and bless the existence of each praying group.
My children, today I communicate to you this important mission of the end of times for all of these praying groups. Know, My dear children, that My Maternal Heart will be among you, accompanying you at the moment you begin your exercise of prayer.
Dear children, it is now time for fraternity to be born from hearts so that the task of praying in group among sister souls may have universal repercussions. But for this to happen, it is necessary to have much humility and to be empty of yourselves, because in this way your meetings of prayer will be victorious and you will be united to My Maternal Purpose of salvation.
Today, dear children, I thank each one of the praying beings and devotees for being responsive to My urgent call for prayer and peace.
I thank you.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children of My Son,
Rest your lives and your hearts in My Maternal arms. Carry in your souls the loving unity with the Eternal God.
My children, today again I call you to prayer, because a world and a humanity without prayer is a reality without God.
Dear children, united to your hearts I invite you to strengthen the spirit and the exercise of prayer so that you may always find refuge in the Kingdom of the Father through the faith and the devotion to the Most High.
As Mother of humanity I ask that you unite your hearts through the praying exercise in the groups of prayer. Each group of prayer must not only be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, but they must also radiate the Light and Love that they have received from the Heavens.
Each group of prayer must maintain the spirit of peace and the will to gather as souls that want to dialogue with God. The group must weave the network of peace between Heaven and Earth.
My children, you are servers consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart. This is why I ask that in this defining time you be responsive to My requests and strong in the purpose of living day by day a consecrated life through the prayer of the heart.
All groups of prayer must be pillars of Christ, they must beat the universal rhythm of the Heart of My Son; they must always renovate themselves, inviting new hearts to participate in the life of prayer.
Dear children, in you is the possibility of allowing salvation to become a reality. In you is the love that will unite you to My Beloved Son.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My Immaculate Heart radiates Love to the world.
Dear children,
Today I invite you in a special way to unify your hearts to the Light of My Maternal Love that also springs in the Center of Devotion in Medjugorje.
For this reason I invite you to pray for all the Marian Centers where My Immaculate and Helpful Face(*) is present for the life of all souls.
As the Queen of Peace today I call you to pray lovingly for all the pilgrims who, united to My Immaculate Heart, make an effort to live the science of faith and the devotion of the heart.
My Maternal Heart descends one more time upon this world, as also day to day, through My announcements in the daily messages.
Today, My little ones, My Immaculate Heart reflects itself upon the Marian village of Medjugorje.
Therefore I am inviting you to enter into the Kingdom and the Spirit of My Peace that are present in Medjugorje. There, it has been thirty years, and here in the Americas, five years, that God has been sending Me towards you to teach you to live in daily communion with My Son and to live in reconciliation and peace. Souls easily forget the essence of these important attributes for the heart.
Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the devotional heart of Medjugorje because thus you will find My Maternal Presence in your lives.
Remember that God contemplates the exercise of your prayers, that God expects the greatest effort and giving of the heart from all His children so that the designs of His loving Will are fulfilled.
Therefore, dear children, live Medjugorje as a school of prayer to live the Peace of My Maternal Kingdom.
I thank you for responding to My call for one more month!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Tr: “Faz Inmaculada y Auxiliadora” in Spanish - may refer here to “Mary, Help of Christians.”
I bless My little ones in the loving power of Jesus so that your hearts may find the safe refuge inside the Celestial Temple of God.
Dear children, today I invite you to pray with the inner voice of your hearts, because in this exercise you will find the art of living the contemplation of the heart. Today I call you to exercise the contemplative prayer, which means, My dear children, to leave the heart, the mind and the spirit in the Hands of God.
This simple exercise, My children, will help you in the harmony and in the silence that you and the world need so much, a silence that will lead you to find peace.
Dear children, as Mother of Divine Prayer I prepare you for the moments in which prayer must be the sustenance for your lives. Dear children, this is why the prayer that is pronounced with the love of your hearts is so important, in this way your souls will be dialoging with the Most High, moment by moment.
I invite you to help the planet and humanity through the prayer of the heart. I invite you today to find meaning for your lives by means of prayer, your union with the Eternal Father.
In this way, dear children, your hearts will serve as instruments of peace, of love and of hope for the hearts that still remain closed to the call of God.
Your lives must commune at each moment with My Son. Your lives consecrated in Jesus will be Divine lives in the arms of the Creator, because the unfathomable Mercy must be the hope of a new way out for those who seek with the feeling of the heart.
Above all let us pray for peace, and remain in My Maternal Peace.
I thank you, dear children!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Being the Mother of Graces, I contemplate the need of each one of My children. As the Mother and Queen of Peace, I invite you to put in your prayers all the supplications that your brothers and sisters send Me so that the Light of the Father and the Grace of His Love may be able to respond to the call of His children.
My children, with this you will see how great is the urgency of prayer for humanity, for the nations and for the continents. Dear children, as servants of Christ, today I call you to pray for all the supplications that the souls pronounce every day towards Heaven.
By praying and fasting you will help so that the Grace of the Mercy of My Son may propagate itself in the hearts of all My children. Little children, I invite you to mature by means of the exercise of prayer, because it is in prayer that you will discover the wisdom that your consciousness needs so that, in these times, it may make the decisions of peace.
Dear children, as Queen of Peace I ask that at each moment of your lives you seek Jesus to alleviate the offenses that He receives from humanity. My children, try, through prayer, to alleviate the Heart of My Son and, from the exercise of prayer, to consolidate in your heart the covenant with Christ.
Dear children, in these times peace must reign in the dwelling places of all My children. You, with prayer, have the key that opens the Door of the Celestial Universe of God.
By means of prayer you will find the most peaceful path for your lives.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dearest children and souls of prayer,
With joy I receive all of your hearts in the Kingdom of My Father, and today I invite you to emanate peace and love from the depths of your little hearts.
Dear children, we are now in a celestial mission of peace and conversion for each one of your lives and for all of the lives that are in the world. For this reason, little children, I invite you to constantly live prayer so that in all the beads of contempla- tion done by all with the heart, you may be able to touch the Heavens, and the Lord may be able to respond through His Graces.
I am the intercessor of all souls. I am the one who will take you towards My Glorified Son. For this, dear children, after these months that have passed and in which we have been united from Heart to heart, I announce to you, as a Special Grace, that My celestial voice will continue for some time more accompanying all of your hearts through My Love and through My Words in the Daily Messages, with the aim that My Immaculate Heart may reach all. I ask you, dear children, to propagate My call for peace and for the time of conversion and that you invite hearts to reencounter the exercise of prayer as something primordial in these times.
Now the Lord has asked Me that, through the Holy Spirit, My Immaculate Heart may reach families, so that the families of the world may recuperate the symbol of the Sacred Family of Nazareth. And this will happen when all of the hearts of the families begin the precious path of prayer. Thus they will also be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, I thank with Divine Love all of your little hearts for responding to My call. You must know that it is God that now calls the world to reconciliation and to forgiveness so that Mercy may emerge as a source of conversion for all of the hearts.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mercy for all of My children.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
My call comes from the Heart as Mother and Guardian of all souls. My hope is the salvation of all and the eternal peace in the world so that God may reign in the creative life of this universe to which you belong.
Therefore, beloved children, remember today two spiritual exercises that will help you during this cycle of changes in the world:
The inner adoration to the Most Holy Heart of Christ. In the adoration of My Son you will find the foundations to strengthen forgiveness and love in your hearts.
Confession made with the heart, which will lead you to the truth and to the forgiveness of all the faults committed against the Lord.
Therefore, dear children, I reveal to you the power of Grace so that you may see and feel that the hour of reconciliation for the whole world has arrived. If you live under the mantle of prayer, the Graces that will come through the conversion will be greater, and thus you will be living in a renewed faith.
The sacrament of confession allows you as souls to be before the presence of God and of My Son without fear, with courage to forgive what is still not mature in your hearts. The confession made with the heart will be able to liberate the world from its own weight, and then there will be less pain in your hearts.
In this way, dear children, you will give life to the talents and you will wake up to the new life in the Kingdom of God.
Little children, confession and adoration will uplift you as souls; thus more Graces will be able to be poured over all the children who still do not live in God the Father. True forgiveness, given first to each one of you, will help so that the Light of the wisdom of My Son may later reach the hearts of other children, so that they may live in peace.
Dear children, every sacrament is to be lived because they are sacraments of the heart, which construct the new, redeemed soul. The first step is the opening of the heart so that afterwards the Mercy of My Son may descend.
May you live and cry out for Divine Mercy, because it is the Primordial Source of Forgiveness.
Who always shelters you with Maternal Love,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more