In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the Celestial Church comes to your encounter, just adore and be thankful for the Divine Presence.

Today the Heavens open and unite with Earth, embracing all hearts that cry out for Mercy and Pity for all beings.

Today the Celestial Church comes to your encounter, a Church that does not have a religion, that did not begin in this world and does not end in it; a Church that is called this so that you could comprehend that it is a sacred and divine place, the Temple where the Heart of God dwells for all of His children.

This Celestial Church manifests itself every time that you adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus, each time you contemplate It in Eucharist, each time you contemplate It in silence, each time you allow yourselves to love as He loves, when you leave your minds behind, your judgments and your human smallness to enter in the divine greatness. 

The Celestial Church reveals to all beings what they truly are, revels your essences to the great Love of God that dwells within each one of you. It is inside this Church where I aspire for you to be today. I come, once again, to take you beyond all fears, incomprehension and human segregations. I come to elevate you beyond all tests, miseries and difficulties that you go through in these times. Because this, children, was what I learned to do in this world. 

I come to put your hearts into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because I do not come to the world to bring you to Me. It is not my example that you must imitate but it is the example of My Son, His Love and His surrender. I only followed His steps, and I have come to teach you to do the same.

The time of definition has come for each one of your hearts and, in order to live this, you must elevate your consciousness so that you not get involved with the difficulties of the planet but yet you may be in the Truth and in the Heart of God. 

When Christ took each of His Steps with the Cross, His Consciousness remained in the Celestial Church, and there He adored the Creator, even though they insulted Him, even though He received wounds upon His Body. 

Even though human sadness flooded His Consciousness, His Heart remained in the Celestial Church. His Eyes contemplated the hearts of humanity, but His Spirit would go beyond the miseries. He forgave their ignorance and loved them to the extreme. 

This is what you are called to live today: remain in the Celestial Church, even though the world is agitated, even though nature is agitated and this planet becomes imbalanced, even if the minds of humans live a madness not yet experienced and their actions have no explanation. 

Do not allow, children, that your consciousness become outraged in hatred or evil, but with the heart in the Celestial Church, may you know how to notice the obscurity that influences humans and forgive, love to the extreme, as your Lord did, because it is only this Divine Love that can balance these situations upon the planet. 

Just as the tests will be unknown, an unknown Love also dwells within you, but you must have your hearts within truth, not in human limitations. Do not look to the neighbor with your own eyes, but with the Eyes of God, the God that dwells within you and Who still waits, patiently, since the beginning of Creation, to manifest Himself within His children.

For you to be in the Celestial Church, you must love it, truly love it, love God, love His Plan for all creatures, for all His children, regardless of your path, regardless of your lives, regardless of the way you live them, the way you comprehend them. It is only the love in your hearts that will unite all religions. 

Until the Return of My Son to the world, there will be evil on Earth, but you need to prepare His return through Love. 

When we say that all religions will be united, we say that because the love in the heart of the children of God will make them unite, despite the differences. And there will always be the ignorant, the blind of heart, that will doubt the Presence of God, because these will have to see to believe. And they will see. 

But in all religions, in all the beliefs and in the hearts of those who claim to be atheists, love will pulsate, love will make them go beyond their differences, beyond human comprehension, a love that will overflow from the beings and will not allow them to remain in ignorance, criticism and judgments.

Many have already started to feel this love within themselves, but they are oppressed by the chaos around them, by evil that fears this Divine Love and tries to keep it silent. But today, I tell you, my children, although the Sacred Hearts are in silence, the love within man will speak louder, to the whole planet, about the divine Truth, and souls will hear it, hearts will surrender and those who must awaken, will awaken. 

For this reason, do not fear, but love. 

Stay in the Celestial Church through this love, give testimony to the world that God does not only speak through you, He lives in you, He lives in this place and in all sacred places consecrated by Him to be manifestations of His Kingdom. And even if your mouths become silenced, your eyes will speak; and even if your eyes close, your presence will speak.

Just as My Son said that if the souls stopped acclaiming Him and adoring Him, the stones would, today I also tell you that God lives within you, and He will always speak, and He will even speak through silence because He lives in the air that you breathe.

May those who clamor for peace be united; may those who express the Love of Christ love one another, those who aspire to follow His example and who only wish that the Celestial Kingdom be manifested in the world.

For an instant, feel the Presence of God, of His Celestial Church, His Temple of adoration. Feel that you are before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the one which pulsates, alive in Love, for each one of you. May being before His Presence heal, reconcile and forgive you. 

Feel, children, how this Sacred Heart wants to pulsate within you. He came down from the Cross, revived by Love, and this same Love aspires to enter into each creature of this Earth. Just say yes to Him.

Pray for one another just as I pray for you. Pray for all religions and for those who do not have a religion; pray for the perfect Thought of God for every creature; pray so that His Gifts may be expressed within all beings and so they may not want to destroy one another, but love one another.

When you notice a mistake, pray so that the truth may manifest, and when you are wrong, be thankful for those who pray for you and allow yourself to open your eyes to find the truth once again. 

Do not fear making a mistake; fear remaining in the error, for fear of living love. 

It is not God who separates you from the truth, children. It is each one of you who separates yourselves from it when you fear the unknown, when you fear surrender, when you do not recognize love and fear that it may enter into you and transform you completely. 

Therefore, My prayer for you today is for you to repent and surrender yourselves. Do not be ashamed of correcting your paths, do not be ashamed of madly loving, of knowing the truth and giving it space to manifest itself within you. Thus, surrendered in the Celestial Church, the Sacred Heart of Jesus may finally pulsate within each one of His companions. 

Today I unite to the prayers of all the priests throughout the world, all religions, for all the souls summoned by God to bring Heaven to Earth, for all those whose calling is to manifest for the souls their communion with Christ so that He may enter into all beings.

Thus, I ask you to bring here the altar so that it can be consecrated, and upon it, all the elements may be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, so today the Celestial Church may not only be before you, but also within you. Make this offering for all priests in the world, those who are mistaken, and those who fight not to fall into temptation. May they renew their vows today, be forgiven and reconcile themselves with God. Amen.

Today, children, may you clamor for all priests of the world and ask the Celestial Father for the Grace of His Divine Church to manifest in all Tabernacles of the world, and where a priest raises the bread and the wine, there his spirit reconciles with God and finds His Truth, once more. Amen. 

I will accompany you. 

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

We experience, at this moment, once again, the sorrowful Passion of Our Lord and, as Saint Joseph requested of us, through our souls, we are going to enter into the Celestial Church, along with all the angels of the universe, to give testimony of this legacy of love and so that our inner offer, in this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may be accepted and received by our Creator.

When Jesus was gathered with His apostles, He took the bread, raised it, and gave graces to the Father for this sacrifice that He would live for each one of us, so that this bread could be transubstantiated into His glorified Body. Then, He broke it and gave it to the apostles saying: "Take and eat of it, because this is My Body, that will be delivered by humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Afterward, Our Lord took the Chalice. Raised it to God and offered His Blood to humanity, and this Chalice was blessed as a testimony of the Love of the Son of God for each one of the souls of Earth. This was how He gave it to His apostles, saying: "Take and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of sins. Do it in remembrance of Me". 

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


In unity with the Holy Trinity, we contemplate and adore the Body and Blood of Christ, and we seal this Sacrament and this offer through the prayer that Our Lord taught us.

(The Lord´s Prayer).

We announce the Peace of Christ on the whole Earth, in unity to the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that all the Rays of His Sacred Heart could be shed upon this planet and in humanity. Amen.

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. 

May all souls feel, in this moment, the spiritual communion with Christ. Receive, from His Hands, His Body and His Blood, and let His Sacred Heart pulsate within you.

Thus, children, I bless you, strengthen you and I thank you for remaining in God, despite all the difficulties of these times. 

Remember that, despite these tests being unknown, an unknown love also dwells within you, and it can help you overcome all things and renew the Creation of God. For this I bless and thank you.

In the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


May peace be in this place, in this city and in the whole world.

May peace expand through your hearts, lighting up every dark space in this world, for this is possible when you are true of heart.

May peace illumine your minds, bring you harmony, balance and discernment for these times of tribulation.

May peace take away your doubts, convert your errors and lead you onto the path of Christ.

Today, with My Holy Wife and Queen, I bring you peace, a peace greatly missing in the world and in the hearts that live in it.

I come once again to awaken you to the higher reality, prepare your consciousnesses for the times that will come, so that you can grow, mature your spirits, experience redemption and manifest the perfection of God in your lives.

Children, many are still confused with the things of the world, because it is still necessary to live in it, but not to adhere to its tendencies, but rather to transform it.

Since the beginning of this human project, the Creator allowed the two opposites of the duality of the universe to exist here: great darkness, a great evil, but also a great love, an infinite light, which comes to the world not only through Christ, but also through each heart that awakens to express that light which dwells in the depths of your essence and which, even though it is darkened, it is because of the things of the world, and not by the Will of God.

You still do not know, children, the perfection that dwells within you and within your brothers and sisters.

In their hearts, many ask Me how to reconcile the life of the spirit with their family life, their work, and their daily activities.

I want each one of you to be an example for your fellow being, an example of persistence, of perseverance, of love for the Plans of God.

To love another is not to be consequent with their errors. To love another, besides accepting them as they are, is also being able, when you see an error, to give an example of something that will balance them and do the opposite, for in this way, you will convert, not through judgment, nor through the criticism of your minds, but through the example of your hearts.

In these times, children, the minds are very confused, and even though they recognize they are not on the correct path, they do not know where to go. Within their beings, the darkness that permeates the world is much stronger than the love that tries to appear. For this reason, on this day, I ask you to give true examples to your families, in your day to day, in each instant of your lives. If you want to transform your fellow being, transform yourselves, for that is the only way this world can be transformed in a true way.

You will be able to understand the celestial mysteries and experience them when within you, there is a determination to follow the Plan of God. This does not mean hurting the other, for you will neither judge, nor criticize anyone; you will simply give pure examples of your union with God, and the union with the Creator, in itself, will transform all things.

As always, I would like to talk to you about divine universal matters; I would like to tell you the true reason why your spirits came to the world, reveal to you that this is not the first time, nor the last time you are on the Earth.

I would like to show you, to your hearts, how many lessons, how many triumphs and how many mistakes you experienced throughout your existence so that you could learn that you are not perfect, but that not all is lost, for an experience of true love exists within your beings, for if this were not so, you would never be here.

Those who are listening to Our Words today in the four corners of the world, throughout the history of humanity, have already heard the echo of the Voice of God many times, be it through prophets, patriarchs, saints, My Son Jesus, be it from the Creator Himself, Who breathed the essence of a truth into your heart so that simply with that breath, you might commit to Him during the whole history and, in this end of a cycle in which humanity must definitely manifest His Will, you could remember and finally fulfill the Divine Purpose.

I tell you these things because while I speak, I show your heart these truths, I attract your souls and your spirits so that you, children, may recognize that you are not just this matter, this mind that listens to Me, this heart that feels Me.

Something exists between you and Me that is unique, that unites us, that makes us in likeness to God.

Your essences left a Divine Origin, but never lost the link with the Origin, never lost the link with the Creator. A part of your consciousness remains in the Source, as a promise of your return to the Heart of God.

For this reason, today, for those who open their hearts, I have you feel that essence. I rebuild the thread that unites you with God and I promise the Lord that I will take care of you always, so that this thread does not break again, but rather, that the light of divine essence can flow more and more within your hearts.

Today I come to the world not only to talk with you, but to give you a spiritual impulse, which will resound in the whole human consciousness. I want you to leave here filled by the Spirit of God, so that you lose the fear of announcing the Return of His Son, and, more than that, of preparing the dwelling place of Christ within yourselves, because your Christic Essence is already before your hearts. Open your arms, open your heart and let this Christ express Himself and dissolve from your beings all links with evil.

Today I show you the Kingdom of God, which few know, for many seek to understand with the human mind something that is divine. The pride and vanity of humanity do not allow it to knock on the doors of Heaven, for they still prefer to feel self-sufficient rather than ask for the help of God.

Children, lose your fear of feeling the joy and wholeness of finding the Creator. Lose your fear of saying 'yes' to a new way of uniting with God, which is not to be found in any religion, in any belief; it is to be found in the depths of your beings. It is a union that has always existed, but that humanity has never wanted to see.

Religions are a doorway so that you can find the Father, but the time has come for you to cross the limitations of all the teaching you have received up until today, so as to learn from the act of reconnecting, which exists within you and that no institution can teach you. Religions exist to congregate souls, form the flocks, awaken them and lead them on a unique path, which is the Love of the Creator. If you experience a true love, love your neighbor as yourselves, and God above all things, it does not matter where you go, because you will find the Creator, and He Himself will show you His Truth, dissolve illusions, break the barriers, and transform human understanding of His Truth, of His Kingdom, of His Origin.

Today I come with My Holy Wife Mary so that you may receive a special Grace, a divine atonement, for We do not tire of giving Graces to the world; on the contrary, Our arms are always full, but the human heart is also full of itself.

Empty yourselves of all concepts, of all ideas about God; empty yourselves of all comprehension, become nothing, for, in this way, everything will be comprehensible to you.

The greatest mysteries of the Creator are kept in the simplest things; that is why we came to the world, because humanity was seeking great teachings, great insights that aggrandized itself, and not unite it with God.

This is why we came as the Sacred Hearts, for that was the expression of simplicity on the Earth, and it is in this way, with this example, that you will come to know divine mysteries, and will be capable of living them. In simplicity, all instructions will come alive, and you will not need to read so many books, because the greatest book is written in the history and experience of humanity. That is the book of those who are dressed in white garments. That is the most sacred book that they write and rewrite every day. If you want to read a great history, write it and you will read it in the Universe.

Bring the communion here, the symbol that the greatest mystery can be found in the least things. Would you be capable of believing that in this little piece of bread and in this fruit of the grape is hidden the Presence of God, the sacrifice of His Son, each of His steps with the Cross, His Blood, His Water poured out to the last drop for the salvation of humanity?

Will you believe, children, that by eating this bread and drinking this wine you will unite with this sacrifice of Love and will be invited to renew it in each small sacrifice of your lives? For this is the greatest truth that I bring you today. And as a symbol of this truth, I show you that grandeur in the change experienced each day by those who commune of the Body and the Blood of Christ.

By the authority given to Me by God, today I dress as a Celestial Priest, because before My Son experienced it on the Cross, I already contemplated His surrender and communed each day of His permanent sacrifice. I learned with Him to convert matter and place His Divine Presence in these elements.

Pray with me an Our Father in Aramaic, as in other times when you prayed with My Son, and thus, once again, you resume your commitments with God, disconnect from all evil, free yourselves of all pain and find peace in union with Christ.

Our Father in Aramaic.

Commune of these elements as you communed in other times. Lose your fear, as you lost it in other times, surrender your lives, as you surrendered them in other times. In this world there are now not so many deserts, but your voices must echo now among the cities, in the hearts of the men and women of this world, so that all may come to know the greatness of God and all may prepare for the Return of His Son. Let all know that His Spirit is already on this Earth and the time has come to awaken.

With this I thank you, and with Our hands upon you, We leave you Our blessings. Receive them and hold them in the depths of your beings, so that they may be a divine nourishment that gives you the impulse to always walk, to transform, to change into a living image of the likeness with God.

By the blessing and the redemption granted to you by the Sacred Hearts, I free you, cleanse you, wash your souls, and leave upon you the sign of the Holy Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Continue in peace and renewed.

I thank you. 

At that moment, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón shared the daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary on that same day, October 19, 2016.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
