Most Sweet Mother of humanity
Here is the Mother of all peoples, of all nations, and of all cultures.
Here is the Mother of the simple and the Mother of the poor.
The Mother who listens to the prayers of the meek and who feels the heart of the peacemakers of Christ.
Here is the Mother who cures and the Mother who heals the deepest wounds of the heart.
Here is the tireless Mother who guides souls onto the good path.
Here is the Mother of the Church and the Mother of the Apostles, Mother of the Missionaries, Mother of the Servants of the Light.
Here is the Mother of Grace and of Mercy, the Mother who consoles, the Redeeming Mother.
Here is the Mother of Peace, the Mother of Hope, the Mother who envisages the Truth in those who seek It.
Here is the Mother of the Purity that purifies Her children in order to consecrate
them to the Heart of God.
Here is the Mother who releases from captivity those who are imprisoned in themselves.
Here is the Mother who builds in hearts and in souls the bridges towards God.
Here is the Mother of the humble and the Mother of those who are simple, Mother of those who love, Mother of those who surrender themselves and of those who consecrate themselves to God.
Here is the Mother of Goodness and the Mother of Justice, Mother who unconditionally intercedes for all of Her children.
Mother of the Carmel, Mother of all those who aspire to the path of the spirit.
Here is the Mother of the Light and the Mother of the helpless, Mother of those who are imprisoned, Mother of the suffering.
Here is the Mother of Wisdom and the Mother of Discernment, the Mother of the Law and Mediator Mother before the Celestial Father.
Here is the Mother of the Renounced, Mother of the Surrendered, Mother of all the Consecrated.
Here is the Mother of Redemption, Mother of Liberation, Mother of the Swords of the Light.
Here is the Mother of Defense and the Mother of Intercession.
Here is the Mother of the poorest, Mother of the forgotten in the world.
Here is the Mother of the True, Mother of the Honest, Mother of all those who open their hearts to God.
Here is the Mother of the Pilgrims, Mother of the Walkers, Mother of all those who are tireless.
Here is the Mother of Honesty, Mother of Transparency, Mother of the Original Essence.
Here is the Mother of the Sun, Mother of the Stars, Mother of Spring, Mother of Nature.
Here is the Mother of all the sublime Mirrors, Mother of Knowledge, Mother of the spiritual awakening.
Here is the Mother of all those who seek Christ, Mother of those who commune of the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
Here and now is the Lady of Peace, who comes to this meeting today to be with Her simplest children, to listen to the voice of their prayers, to bless them all in the name of love.
Here, children, is the Mother that always hears you, the Mother who comes to your aid to remove you from any suffering and pain.
Here is the always Virgin Mary, the One Who descends from Heaven to be rejoicing together with Her children, to give each soul what it needs.
Here is the Mother of the Holy Rosary, the One Who stretches out Her arms to you so that you may hold on tight and raise your consciousness to God.
Here is the Mother who eternally loves you, the Mother who awaits you every day in prayer.
Here is the Mother who shepherds you and guides you on the path of forgiveness and of reconciliation.
May this day be a celestial party, may the Portals of Light and of Healing open over this city and may no soul lose the Grace of liberating themselves from their self forever.
May we, all together, build over this town of Carmo da Cachoeira the arc of Peace and of the Mercy of God.
May the angels of the light descend to fill the hearts with all possible Graces.
May the alliance between souls and Christ be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Doorway of Peace.
I am the divine and powerful current that draws the principles of Creation to the world.
I am that most pure ray that comes from God and awakens redemption in hearts.
I come at this time to announce the Coming of My Son.
I come to prepare the paths by which souls will find Christ.
Thus, this cycle is decisive for all; it is the moment to meet the Eternal Father to accomplish His Sacred Will.
It is the time to feel the future and the hope shaped within all beings.
As your Mother, I lead and guide you toward My Work of Peace, which not only embraces nations and continents, but also, throughout the ages, It has taught humanity to live the Plan of the Creator.
I leave everyone the Spirit of My Peace and an absolute trust in the Designs of the One.
I embrace each one of you, so that you may feel My maternal warmth and thus be vivified in the Lord.
May everything become peaceful in this hour, and may those who walk embrace their cross and carry it, for it will not be heavy; it will be the cross of the liberation of the world and they will be in likeness to My Son to the Glory of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and of the Greater Love
I am that fresh breeze of love that all can breathe.
I am that marine wind that caresses the face of the sailor on the Ocean of the Mercy of God.
I am that powerful current that brings Peace to all hearts.
I am that star that guides the path of the flocks of My Beloved Son.
I am that principle of peace and of love for the world. That is why I come to pour out My Celestial Spring, and so that praying hearts live the fullness of being in Christ.
I establish in each of My children a greater Purpose that all are called to fulfill in this hour.
I am the Mother that brings the joy of the celebration in Christ.
I am that perfect motive for praying and being in God.
I am that infinity that never ends, which brings to all the Love and the Grace of God.
I am that bridge that rises to the Heavens so that all may cross it.
I am what is best for you. I am the Mediator. I am the Queen of Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and absolves you in Mercy,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am your Mother, Who heals you and redeems you in the Love of God so that, being free of the past and the chain of all the errors committed, you may feel more free than all the birds in the sky.
It is in this way, dear children, that I try to lead you every day on the path of the rehabilitation of your consciousnesses through the sacred path of prayer.
The soul that perseveres and works to build that prayerful path will draw to themselves the Gifts and the Graces of Heaven, generating a luminous field of peace around themselves through so much prayer.
At this stage, My wish is that each of My children assumes this task as the most important in this planetary time, which has need of much prayer on the part of humanity itself.
Thus, My children, I help you to detach from the errors of the past and to heal you within, so that finally, the New Christs present themselves for the mission of the end of times, where My praying soldiers must be those mirrors of prayer that attract Celestial Peace to the world.
In this way, My beloveds, I teach you to work in simplicity through the opportunity to learn to conquer the universe of the Love of God through service to the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who motivates you always to service,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, for in My garden I cause all life to bloom and essences are reborn to their sacred task.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, because, in My garden, I renew all things, and souls receive the Grace of being with Me.
I cause your hearts to sprout again, just as I cause the roses of My garden to sprout again so that all devotion is directed to the Creator.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I take care of each detail, of each flower that is born in praise to God.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I guide all consciousnesses that always pray with Me so that, in this way, they may express their inner beauty.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I follow each step taken by My children, which is a beautiful rose that is offered at the altars of God to confirm the triumph of His Will.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and I protect My children from all adversity. I do not let anything bad approach while within them only the path and the school of prayer exist.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush and I present all your intentions before God so that in this way the Father pours out His Graces upon all His children.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and from all the disciples of Christ I expect a profound living of the redeeming Love of Jesus.
I am Holy Mary of the Rosebush, and in My care lies all the souls that wait for Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Rosebush
I am that voice that announces itself to the world to bring a message of hope and of redemption.
I am the Mother who brings in Her Heart the Celestial Kingdom so that all may come to know it.
I can work in the whole world only if you are children of My Consciousness, because My Plan is simply fulfilled through each one of you.
I would like your hearts to know the power of My motherhood, the love I have for each child of Mine from this planet.
It is this love that causes Me to return every day to the world to remind it again and again that it has not yet changed.
For this reason, counting on souls like yours, I will be able to fulfill the Plan for this wounded world.
May the proclamation of the Kingdom of God spring from your lips so that at last, hearts find again the path they had lost, the path to peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who congregates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Lady and Guardian of the night.
I am the Lady in white that cares for and protects Her children from all evil.
I am the one who keeps vigil in silence and I am the one who during the night observes the sleep of Her small children.
I am the Lady and Guardian of the night, I am the one who follows the vigil of the souls that pray.
I am the Mother who guides the hearts through the path of the only Light.
I am the Lady in white, I am the one who watches the walk of Her children for them not to miss the path of Christ.
I am the Lady and Guardian of the night, I am the custodian of the door of the heart so that nothing bad will approach My little ones.
In My arms I hold My children during the night, even more when the hearts pray with Me and unite themselves to the Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and within My arms I carry My Son in universal representation of all the children I have.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I help the consciousnesses that most need a way out.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I protect each soul upon My chest, I protect the hearts that consecrate themselves to My Motherhood and I dissipate from their lives all the obstacles that My eternal enemy imposes.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and with My crown of stars, I illuminate the inner paths that the good souls must tread until they meet Jesus.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I offer the childhood of My Beloved Son to each devotee so that they may find their purity and sobriety even in the smallest details.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I prevent many dangers that My children in the world would be exposed to. I decree the infinite Love of God throughout all existence, and thus I neutralize the contrary currents of evil that seek My little ones.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I help each awakened consciousness to be transformed with humility, to come to know their human condition so that, with effort and love, they may transcend it and thus close the doors to the past.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I guide the hearts that ask Me to do so, I build the foundations of love in all those who open to experience Christ.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and in My silence, I prevent many things through divine thought, and thus I establish the Celestial Kingdom in each small heart.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I move all perdition and deceit away from the path of My soldiers.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and amidst the world chaos, I build the bridges of peace among hearts, My Heart triumphs in each child who humbly experiences Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who protects you always and everywhere,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Where you call to Me, there I am present, because who invokes My Holy Name receives the help which their consciousness requires.
I am the Mother of all impossible causes, I am that Pillar of Light on which My beloved children can lean, and thus find rest and protection.
Dear children, I am that Holy Mother Who responds immediately because of the trust and the faith of the hearts that believe in Me. I am present when hearts call to me; I do not cease spiritually helping those who ask Me with all their heart, because I know it is important to each being that I, as your Mother, can be present in your life.
It is because of this that My Consciousness responds unconditionally to all needs, because I know that hearts must keep alive their trust in God the Father.
In this critical hour for the planet, My Heart is present more than ever, because the time has come for My children to feel that they can count on Me regardless of what happens.
I am that guardian Mother Who protects Her children and leads them on the path of the good so that in humility they may conquer it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who protects and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of peace
I am the Mother of the Heavens and of all the oceans, each space of this planet is ruled by My Mirrors, from within the oceans of light.
In them I keep the codes of peace, love and rehabilitation, those that radiate to the whole planet.
In the great oceans of the world, the praying souls can find the celestial codes of redemption and rehabilitation.
In each ocean is kept an evolutionary and spiritual history of the celestial Universe, that which radiates itself secretly to the continents.
Spiritual currents of divine energy that help to maintain the planet under a certain protection manifest themselves in the great oceans.
When the praying people unite to the oceans, they reflect what they protect and thus an inner communication is created between the soul of each being and the oceans.
I leave this instruction for all because the oceans keep in themselves the hidden principles of harmony, beauty and balance for humanity.
Oceans exist to contain the emotional plane of humanity. They help the inner healing of consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prays for the great oceans,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am this fountain of Graces of the Universe, more potent and powerful than all the fountains in the world.
I am more sublte than all the waterfalls in the world because, through My Maternal Heart, I make flourish and give life to the soul that had been dead.
I am this water that washes and redeems all, because I am this divine code of light that can penetrate beyond the consciousness and, in this way, establish the spiritual purpose for each being.
I am this merciful fountain that restores all things and intercedes for Her children so that they never lose the path that will lead them to love.
I am this living and resplendent spring that brings to the spirit the essence of unity and peace.
I am this Sacred Spirit of God that was gestated in the most pure womb of Creation, which brought to the world the truth of God, incarnated through the Beloved Son.
I am this path that will always lead you to find the great and only fountain of love that will quench your thirst: Jesus Christ.
Because of this, dear children, each time you unite to My fountain of love, you will be uniting to the luminous fountain of My Son and the fountain of the Celestial Father.
I wish that from your hearts would spring this feeling of always seeking unity among the beings above all, because in this way your hearts will be healed and will be born to the renewed life in Christ through My fountain of peace.
My children, I leave this aspiration of Mine: that you may live in the only Source of God and that you may follow one path. My Pure and Immaculate Heart offers Itself to lead you to the revelation of the great mystery of love.
I am happy seeing My children of Europe today gathered around My fountain full of Graces.
I love you and always contemplate you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you under the Holy Spirit of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I purify My children from all debts and sins.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I baptize My children in the name of Christ.
With water I give life to spiritual creatures and constitute the inner fusion with the Celestial Father.
Dear children, I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I heal the deepest wounds.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I sanctify My children and pour out all My Graces upon them.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I divinize everything they touch and moisten, because within the essence of water is purification, as well as the elevation of life.
Dear children, I am the Lady of the Waters, and through them I mirror My attributes of light to the world.
Anyone who unites to the divine consciousness of water will be able to feel its purity and chastity; it is through this sacred element that God created where everything can be regenerated and renewed.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I erase the evils of this world through the light that physically emanates from them.
As the Lady of the Waters, I invite you to protect from yourselves everything they hold so that, in the future life, the new humanity learns to love the sacred power of this element.
With this water, you will wash your feet from the past and you will renew yourselves in essence and in life because water, when it is sanctified, allows to dissipate and clean every inner situation.
Renew yourselves, renew yourselves through water, and may all purity emerge from your hearts so that there may exist a little more peace.
As the Lady of the Waters, I purify and consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for protecting all the waters of the world and for praying for them!
Who heals you spiritually,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am that great Mirror of Light that ignites others with love and faith.
I am that Mirror of the Universe whose prayer draws the Consciousness of God towards the world.
Therefore, dear children, open the mirrors of your hearts so that they may refract the truth of what you are, and, with each prayer, pour out the attributes of the new humanity.
I form the Mirror groups of those who pray so that they may be a network for the elevation of humanity.
Dear children, each verbalized prayer can draw the Gifts of God towards this planet, thus, the prayer of the heart is the right means for each soul to learn how to light up in devotion and love, just as the Mirrors do.
In this time, try to be a part of this Mirror network of those who pray. This Mirror network elevates its word and its prayers so that the critical Gifts and Graces that the world needs may draw closer.
My children, it is time for you to enter this school, not only forming groups of prayer but also making the commitment to keep vigil, so that each Gift of God becomes present in humanity.
If each soul offers its prayer out of love, just as the Mirrors of Light of Your Heavenly Mother offer themselves to intercede for humanity, miracles will happen, and consciousnesses will have the Grace of being able to respond to the Call of God.
Being a Mirror of prayer is the goal of every disciple of Christ. It is time to open the doors to this sacred knowledge.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who radiates the Mirror of Love to the world,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the One who, on the hilltop, opened the Heavens and the eyes of seven children, so as to awaken humanity.
I am the One whose love is endless and who, by Her celestial maternity, has been returning to the world every day for 35 years.
I am the One whose humility does not belong to this world; the One who, being Mother and Queen of Creation, makes Herself the smallest of the servants and who, being in all things, expresses Herself in a human body to speak to humanity.
My humanity was already transcended in divinity at the moment of the Assumption, but My Love for you, children, is so immense that the Creator allowed Me to continue with this human aspect and appearance in My divine Consciousness to speak to your hearts and to awaken you.
Beloved children, I would like to build in the Marian Center an imitation of My Kingdom, which is invisible to the eyes of the body, but palpable to the heart.
On the subtle levels of each Marian Center is the essence and the archetype of that Center, that which it should become to truly fulfill its mission on the surface of the Earth and even beyond.
Children, the Marian Centers that I founded, on the ground that I chose, were not raised by chance. My house of peace and redemption is first built on the levels of the spirit and then in matter, so that matter imitates the spiritual construction, not only in its appearance, but in its divine principles and expressions.
Each Marian Center represents a powerhouse of transmutation, salvation, awakening, redemption and peace for the souls, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the Universe.
A real Marian Center, raised and sustained by your Celestial Mother, does not begin nor end in this world. What you see in the material plane is only a door to something more sublime; it is the beginning of a path of awakening and of redemption.
Those who approach a Marian Center, in reverence and with open heart, will feel that the sacred dwells there and that divine Laws and sublime beings share the Dwelling of their Celestial Mother.
To dissipate the darkness of ignorance from the consciousness itself and to know how to correctly be in a Marian Center, recognizing the truth about it, it is necessary, My children, to be willing to do so with the heart.
Go to the Marian Centers not only to pray and find peace, but also to provide planetary service, to deepen your own the spiritual awakening and, therefore, the awakening and human evolution.
Do not limit, My beloved ones, the action of your Celestial Mother. Know that I am in Omnipresence in each Marian Center, waiting for you to approach My Heart and to unveil for yourselves the mysteries what you should recognize at this time.
Children, My Presence in the Marian Centers is permanent and unchangeable; I am not only present when I come to speak to you. The Marian Centers are My homes on Earth, they are the epicenters of peace that allow Me to be in the world.
It is from the Marian Centers that I care for and protect the souls, that I shelter and guide them to the Kingdom of the Heavens. The Marian Centers are the entryways of the angels and archangels to this world. It is through these Centers of love that the Creator can liberate and transmute the suffering of the Earth.
Therefore, children, it is important that you understand that the life of the Marian Centers must be permanent; there is not a set date to liberate the chaos and the evil of the planet, because the evil does not have a time to act. While those who pray work at a specific time of the day and often only donate to the Marian Centers some days of the month, the enemy does not sleep and works without rest.
Do you understand the anguish of your Celestial Mother?
While the enemy outrages souls and the Kingdoms of Nature without asking for permission, I, children, depend on the adhesion of your spirits and of your hearts to act. My eyes also do not close to sleep and My arms do not search for sleep or rest, but I need you, My children, awake and active, building and renewing My Centers of love and redemption for Me to be able to rescue the souls from the darkness of the planet.
Today I will thank you for listening to My call for 35 years and I will ask you, My children, not to accommodate yourselves with the passing of the years and that you put your hands to work for the planetary redemption because, the more time goes by, while the human beings get used to the Presence of God and accommodate themselves in their homes, without going to the Marian Centers to work actively for peace, the adversary of the Creator multiplies his armies.
Wake up, My beloved ones! Leave your comfortable homes and discover the Grace of becoming a consecrated server to the Divine Plan. When you take a true step in your awakening, you will not regret it and will not look back, because the goal of a new race and of a New Earth will illuminate the eyes of your hearts and will give you the impulse you to go forward.
I love you and give you My Peace.
Our Mother, Rose and Queen of Peace
Dear children,
I am this portal that will always lead you to Peace. I am this portal that will lead you to the beloved Heart of My Son. I am this portal that will teach you about humility.
The life of souls must be simple and joyful, it must be filled with the Love of God. Each one of you holds this potential to love, to forgive and to reconcile. Each one has imprinted the inner union with My beloved Son.
Therefore, seek Him all the time, He will give you the strength you need. He will help you transcend yourselves every day.
I am this portal that will lead you so that you may fulfill the inner mission God has entrusted to you from the beginning. I am this luminous Heart that will comfort you during the time of the dark night and whoever is united to Me will not be lost, will know how to walk with Me and to be by My side.
I am this portal that will heal you and liberate you from all evil. Whoever trusts in My steps, will be able to reach the goal. I am this portal toward the New Humanity, toward the sacred family that must awaken in the coming time.
I am what you allow Me to be.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am the Mother of all peoples, all races, all languages, all beings. All the Creation of God comes from My sacred maternal womb. In Me all creatures are gestated; through Me are born and reborn the beings, the worlds, the universes. In My Heart I shelter and guard much more than all souls; in My Immaculate Heart I receive and welcome all creatures of all the kingdoms of this blessed and sacred universe.
My beloveds, you might ask why so many times I present Myself to you and in My words I say who I am. I speak about these things because God asked Me for humanity to recognize, in the end of times, the Feminine Creative Source, the Maternal Heart of God, which takes care of all that He created.
So many times I said “I am”, because humanity does not know Me and for not truly knowing Me, it does not seek Me and it does not look for My help before all the difficulties of life.
My dear ones, I present Myself to you as the Mother of Christ Jesus, because so it is. My Son is Omnipresent and He is in everything. His Most Sacred Consciousness reigns today in all creation and, thus, as I am His Mother, I am the Mother of everything that exists.
I ask you to receive My words in your hearts, because only there you will be able comprehend what I say to you. The one who may not open the heart will never be able to discover the celestial mysteries and the one who does not enter into these mysteries will never be able to find the true Universal Source, that is the Consciousness of God the Father.
My words seek to lead you to the truth, but humanity is very separated from the superior reality and few are willing to deepen into something that they do not comprehend and that they do not accept, for being so far from what they live in this world.
My beloveds, My presence invites you to the complete transformation of life and of heart. Many are the ones who do not accept Me because they are afraid of getting lost in the depth of My words and, today I say to you, that the one who deepens before the presence of the Divine Messengers and tirelessly seeks to comprehend, feel and live Our words, will not recognize themselves in a short time and they might not find themselves as they are today, because they will stop living and being a illusion, to express what they are, in essence and truth.
My beloveds, I say to you all of this, because throughout the whole history of humanity God sent Me to the Earth to lead humanity, but now, the celestial belfries are sounding and announcing that the time to live in illusion and ignorance is ending and I, as the Mother of all souls and of all beings that I am, have decided to launch Myself into the abysses of the planet and deliver the Gold of Truth to the ones that have always found themselves in the darkness of ignorance.
And even knowing that many may forever close the doors of their heart to Me, for not believing what I am saying or for not wanting to live the transformation to which I call them, I will never give up, because I also know that many will give Me their life and will make of this surrender, the reason of the conversion and the awakening of many other souls.
I want tell you on this day, My dear ones, that I will spare no effort to remove you from the sleep in which you live, that I will do everything to see you awake, knowledgeable of the Truth and of the living manifestation of the Will of God.
May today My words reach the depth of your hearts and impel you to take a definitive step. The souls wait for the definition of your hearts to find a tangible example to follow.
I love you and I wait for you attentive, vigilant and tireless in this long journey.
Peace for humanity.
I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today, as the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, I come to establish the Kingdom of Forgiveness in the hearts that still have not reconciled themselves with God, for so many causes and endless sufferings.
It is for this sacred reason, that your Heavenly Mother reunites you today in one of the main cenacles of prayer of this city, after the Parrish. I wish the first ecumenical cenacle for peace, which will be called the Cenacle of the Sacred Family, to be founded here.
You, My children, are ready in heart to assume this task of prayer for the humanity and the world. Today your Lady of Peace stops here to observe the needs of spiritual healing and restoration.
For this I tell you, My children of Carmo da Cachoeira, that to reach the deep healing of the body and the soul, you still must pray much so that My Grace may be granted to your lives.
Today I establish here in this house the Cenacle of Prayer of the Sacred Family so that from today on, your spirits may feed themselves from the manna, which wants to be given to your hearts. This will be possible when your prayer from the heart be intensified and in a short time you become bearers of Grace and Peace and thus the whole city will be worthy of the Mercy of God.
For this I invite you today, My dear children, to take the first steps towards the deep life of prayer. I want to tell you that from the top of the hill I listen to all of your daily prayers and supplications, but if you truly form this cenacle, I tell you that you will let My heart rejoice, and mainly, many things that are happening today in this city will stop happening.
For this go to the Parrish because My Beloved Son waits for you, present in the Eucharist as also in the Tabernacle. Decide, My beloved ones, what path you will choose?
I come to guide you and warn you, because I am your Mother from Heaven. I am the Holy Woman of God that unites peoples and beliefs through the Love of God. I wish to come back here three times more, because I aspire that My blessings reach your beloved families.
With the heart ignited in love and faith, live in Christ, look for Him! He is thirsty for your love, in this way your conversion will be possible.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Redeemer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Star-Sun I descend upon the world to illuminate the abysses of the wounded hearts and thus rescue the souls from perdition. To each one of them I deliver the strength to be able to go ahead so that soon they may find the new path that will take them to Christ.
I Am the Universal Star that descends upon humanity in order to save it and put it back in the Purpose of God. I indicate the path to go through, thus no essence of God loses the Grace of meeting again its inner Christ.
I Am the Star of the World, the One that signalizes the coming of Christ to the hearts, the One that suspends Herself in the cosmos to radiate the Love of God and the One that lights the fire of the new devotion.
I Am the Star Guide of the navigators, of the souls seeking redemption, of those that wait patiently for the arrival of the Grace and of the great day of forgiveness.
I Am the Star of the Cosmos, I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am the Spirit of Purity, I Am the Spiritual Divinity of the Creator because My Heart sprouts from His Most Chaste Love and His Omnipotence expresses Itself through the perfect unity of the Creation.
I Am the Star of Hope, I Am the Mother that brings the spirit of redemption, I Am the one who works in the name of Christ and the one who builds the new inner temple.
I Am the Star of the celestial spheres, I Am that Bird that searches Her nest in the dwelling of the humble hearts, I Am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity.
I Am the Pure, the Invincible, I Am the Simple and the Humble, I am the Healing Mother who heals with Her Love, every sorrow. I Am the One who guides the lost ones, I Am the One who purifies the heart, I Am the Mother who cleans the stains, I Am the Queen of Love.
I come to this world to look for My children. I descend in Glory to call you because it is already time to awaken from the illusionary sleep. I come to establish peace in each inner world. I come so that you may discover the life that is lived in the stars. I come for the last time to aid you and in order for you to undertake a flight towards Heaven. I come to look for the best in each one and to awaken the sacred virtues that Christ left to you.
At this time I come so that you may prepare yourselves in consciousness and heart to receive Christ, Your Shepherd. I will not leave any soul alone, but I ask you to pray with Me always so that all may deserve peace and may awaken repentance in your consciousness. Thus you will be free from danger and from the ambushes of the adversary. Be intelligent and good, be meek, humble and truthful in this time.
The world is a lie, but the souls are the full truth of God. Search for the correct paths in order to have correct results. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived, the only consoler is Jesus Christ. Do not seek hope in anyone, but only in God, the Celestial Father.
From Him you will receive the strength and the power, from Him you will be able to have hope to walk. Only be truthful and nothing will happen to you. Because the time of worldwide lie will succumb and your hearts will have to be ready to pray with fervor and persevere.
Unite to My Son and adore Him, in Him is the way out, in Him is the path to Paradise.
I thank Brasilia, the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of Aurora for having prepared this special encounter.
Blessings of Peace on this day for My daughter María Shimani!
Who thanks you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Know that I Am Your Sacred Mother and that I will always fill you with My Immaculate Love from the silence of the spirit.
For this, may the doors of reconciliation be open today and may the most unprotected receive from My Heart the essence of redemption.
Today I am among you in order to bring you My Mercy, that divine life that renews everything and that allows to awaken in the hearts the way back to the Celestial Father.
Dear children, see the immensity of the Kingdom of God that always congregates you to love, forgive and serve in the plenitude of the true surrender.
Receive today from My Heart the blessing for your lives so that united to My Virginal Spirit you may find the breath to go ahead.
Today I leave you the union with My spirit, I gather you all in the cenacle of My Heart where you will always be able to be united in essence to My Maternal Love.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel the sweet Voice of My Heart within you and firmly embrace the nets of salvation that I give you. Leave behind all that makes your heart suffer and see My Heavenly Light coming now on the beautiful horizon. Give Me all that you are and allow My hands of compassion and love to caress your face, wash your hands, and prepare you to receive in the night the Great Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ Your King.
I come every day to make known to you the Divine Mysteries of Heaven. I come to meet you with the Sacred Hope that you may walk lovingly at My side. I have always been Your Heavenly Mother, I Am the Flower that opens to the rays of the sun and expresses the beauty of Creation.
Find Me in the love of your prayer. Seek Me in the manifestation of nature. I Am the steadfast tree that sustains the good fruits, those that in the coming time will be harvested by the Shepherd of souls.
I want you to trust in what I ask you, I need you to be reborn through the Fire of My Devotion. I wish to see over the world pillars of prayer and banners of Peace and Fraternity. The Father has waited for His children since the beginning.
Today My Faith is poured as a fountain in the hearts that open themselves to feel My maternal words. I want you, on this day, to be able to give your YES to the Celestial Father, because the Lord expects the best and the good from you.
Stay in My arms, as Jesus once did. Let that which I have foreseen be fulfilled in you. I hope that you may know the light that comes from Heaven and the latent love of My Heart. Surrender yourself to My Heart and you will know that which you still have not known, you will recognize the Love of God in your heart.
While many souls despair for lack of comfort and peace, I come to awaken the soldiers who have fallen asleep in the sleep of this world.
Encourage yourself to be that which you still are not, I will help you. To all the children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, I say:
That a Child of Mary is a spark of devotion that illuminates the darkness.
A Child of Mary is an apostle of Christ who serves in full and opens themself to find charity.
A Child of Mary is a soul that is willing to fulfill the requests of Heaven and has offered itself to help materialize them.
A Child of Mary is a servant who consciously prepares the coming of Christ, because a Child of Mary is a collaborating soul that is at the complete and absolute service of the Immaculate Heart.
A Child of Mary represents the manifestation of the ray of Peace for this world.
A Child of Mary is like a bridge that intercedes so that souls may be relieved.
In Christ you are all potential Children of Mary, the Lord opens Himself to receive your offers. My Heart is grateful for your efforts to accompany Me.
I thank everyone in Santa Fe for having answered to My call to conversion!
Know, dear children, I need you as you also need Me. Will we help each other?
I protect you and I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Most Holy Queen of Brotherhood
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more