Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Even when the crust of the Earth seems to be dark, the Light of the Star of Bethlehem shines in humanity, bringing the cosmic impulse of God to Creation and the planet.

It is to this that I want to take you today, where your spirits need to elevate to unite to the Essence of Creation and the Universe; remembering in this time and at this hour that God has a Project for this humanity and the planet, just as He has written His Will for each human heart.

Remember that living the Will of God is not impossible. Behold the Slave of the Lord, Who heard the call of God within Herself, through the presence of Archangel Gabriel.

Today I want you to remember and keep very much in mind that this Call of God continues to resound in this universe and, above all, in the inner worlds that are open to hear it.

This call resounds through your guardian angel, an invisible and unfathomable Eternal Presence of the Father, unconditional and anonymous service that accompanies all apostles of Christ in their walk upon Earth.

I want you today not only to contemplate the Birth of Christ within your inner worlds but also to be aware, in this important hour of the planet, about what Christ needs to build through this Work, formed of souls that were self-summoned from times past.

Thus, My Son will be able to intercede and intervene in humanity, especially in the causes that seem impossible or difficult to resolve; and thus also, through His Grace and Love, My Son will be able to intercede in the aspects of your consciousnesses that still do not want to be transformed.

Even so, follow the path that I indicate to you today, the path toward inner purity and innocence, which each one of your souls and each one of the souls of your brothers and sisters have been able to conceive from the womb of your mothers, during your gestation.

Imagine how wonderful God’s Creation is; because just as Jesus, still a child, reflected the incarnated Purity and Innocence of God, each one of you and your brothers and sisters in this world, who come from the same Creative Source, from the same spaces of this Greater Universe, hold this small molecule of Light that reminds you of your inner purity and innocence.

Today I am not speaking to you about childishness but rather about a mature purity and innocence that are united to the Source of Creation and the Will of the Father. This is what humanity needs to recover so that wars may end, so that conflicts may dissolve, so that your own resistances may be transformed.

Beloved children, there is no other way but love, the mature love that My Son taught you and continues to teach you, the love that accepts and includes, the love that surrenders and resigns, the mature love that humbles itself before the Celestial Father to see itself as insignificant and small within this great universe, just as your Heavenly Mother saw Herself before Archangel Gabriel.

For this reason, I place the Mirror of My Heart at your disposal today, and by means of this sacred meeting and this moment, through My Immaculate Heart, I reflect this principle of the Innocence and Purity of God so that you yourselves and your brothers and sisters may recover it; and you may think, “how can we do it?”

Dear children, everything begins with your intentions and thoughts, and this will end up by reflecting on your decisions.

For this reason, God is attentive to this moment and to this special spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ; because today we are not celebrating a historic date but rather the remembrance of the incarnated Living God’s sacrifice through His Son, Who offered Himself out of love for you to grant you your salvation through Christ.

And this must not be something transitory. Make good use of this moment and this conjuncture before the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy itself, before the Kingdom of Mirna Jad, which shines today in a special way within your inner worlds so that you may be able to drink again from the source and its healing principles.

What is it that you still have not been able to heal?

What is it that you still have not been able to forgive?

What is it that you still have not been able to accept and recognize?

What is the barrier that places itself between you and God preventing you from accepting His Will in absolute surrender?

Beloved children, avail yourselves of this spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ.

Turn to your own beings to again find your inner child; not to remember your traumas and wounds but rather to remember and resume your innocence and purity.

Your guardian angels open this door so that many more inner children may be healed, and hearts may no longer remain hardened, indifferent to the Call of God, indifferent to the change and to this moment that the Hierarchy blesses and consecrates for you to resume the essence of your group and evolutionary life.

How many times did the apostles have to resume the path that Christ was indicating to them, dear children? How many times did they have to realize they were mistaken, that they should be humble and simple, to fulfill the Law of the Lord with righteousness?

Without humility nothing can be done, My beloved children. God could not be God if He were not humble. Accept the school of His humility, and you will be free of yourselves.

My silence also contemplates the needs and prayers of the world on this day, when everyone has the Grace of being reconsecrated to the Child King so that the foundations of His Work may be strengthened, so that His spiritual principles may be fulfilled, so that the flame of the Divine Purpose of God may continue to illuminate the path of all disciples of Christ on this dark night that each one is learning to live and go through.

However, I ask you, My dear children, not stop in your own darkness but rather look to the depth of the path, to the end of the spiritual path, and see how the Light of God begins to emerge; because Christ incarnated to let the world know that He is the Light of the world, the Lord of the world, the King of the Universe.

His Light cannot blind you because His Light comes to guide you, to take you to the Kingdom of God, where God hopes to have you close, in consciousness and wisdom.

Today Christ, My Son, contemplates in His Hands the Plan that God gave Him for this Work and for so many kind works in the world. And this project will be fulfilled only through souls, through those who imitate the resignation of Mary and the yes of the Mother of God to God through Archangel Gabriel.

Contemplate and live this spiritual moment, the yes of Mary. For this reason, today the redemption of the world is possible, the liberation from evil, the transformation and conversion of hearts, the consecration of families, healing of the inner worlds and all Graces granted and those that can be granted to the hearts that are faithful to the Lord.


O sacred people of Israel!
extended today on the whole face of the Earth,
stand up and walk.

Listen to the Voice of the Lord, your God,
which echoes like a great thunder in this universe
while His Love reflects as a great fruit
within the hearts that trust in Adonai.

Follow the steps that the Lord your God
is indicating to you, O Israel!

Do not resist, do not retrogress,
but advance through the Light
that blesses your path and
each one of your steps.

O Israel, sacred people,
make yourself worthy before God, Our Lord!
Be the reflection of His eternal Will,
of His immeasurable Love and Unity.
The keys have been given to you,
open the doors to the new time, O Israel!
The Lord is now returning.
The Lord is now arriving.
Prepare yourself internally to recognize
the Light of His Face and the presence of His Heart.


Disciples of Israel, the preparatory time has come for the Return of Christ. Will you accompany Him?

By the Light and Grace that bless this moment, I thank you for responding to My call and for opening the hearing of the heart to listen to the Sacred Word of God through His Slave, the Mother of the World.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bring the Child King here.

Behold the One who has given His life for the world and who would keep giving it for all eternity.

Behold the Child that was prophesized and announced by the angels.

Behold the Messiah, the Redeemer and Savior, who, in Divinity and Spirit, is reborn today in the hearts of humanity, in all beings of goodwill.

Behold the One who loves you, who knows you deeply, who awaits you and waits, with His open Heart, for you to receive His Graces and His Mercies.

Behold the Son of God, the Son of David, the One who was visited in the simple and humble Grotto of Bethlehem by the shepherds and Kings of the desert.

Behold the One who was in the arms of Saint Joseph and in the arms of the Mother of God.

Behold the One who knew what He was coming to this world to fulfill, and did not doubt, not even for a moment, all that God asked of Him since the beginning of His Birth until His Death on the Cross.

Behold the God of Life, the God of Mercy, the God of Peace.

On this Christmas, may the Inner Christ reignite within you, and, like the Child Jesus, may you be in the Arms of God, in the Arms of the Divine Mother.

Everyone, keep this clear within your memory: the One who was born in the Humble Manger of Bethlehem, the One who preached, healed, exorcised and liberated the souls of this world, the One who carried the Cross of the world and supported all the sins of the world upon His Back, as He carries them, even up to today, the Child of the Annunciation is today the King and the Governor of this universe, He will be the One who will return in Victory and in Light to this world in darkness, to again raise souls to the Heart of God, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to invite all those who followed His Path throughout the times and generations.

Behold the One who was blessed and protected by the Sacred Star of Bethlehem, the One who will come among the clouds as He has announced to His companions and to all who followed Him in those times.

Behold the Presence of God, alive in the Sacraments, and, especially, in the Sacred Eucharist. God became human, became humble and simple, became small and even inoffensive so that He could be understood, recognized and loved.

It is this Love of the Little Child Jesus that can be born in your souls and hearts today, that is present today, that descends today to the world in the Spirit of Love and Grace because, know this well, His Love is unchangeable, His Love is non-transferable, His Love is eternal, His Love is divine and sublime.

This is the Child that was in My arms, as you can be in My arms today, fully trusting, in spite of the tests and the deserts, in spite of the clashes and the challenges, and even in spite of the doubts, that the Inner Christ of each one of you can be reborn again!

Understand this Message that I bring to you today, because the Little Child was born in a Manger so that all could understand the immensity of the Humility of God, and that His Power is not based on authority, on monarchy or on imposition. His Power is ruled by Love and this Love is what, throughout the times and generations, has led and guided souls. It is this Love that descends from the Source through the Nativity of the Lord.

Now, like this Little Child,  for an instant, sit in My arms, in the arms of the Mother of God. And, for a moment, just as Jesus was in the arms of the Servant of God, being taken care of, accompanied and even caressed by My kisses, feel, within your Inner Christ, the great kiss of the Mother of God.

Remember when you were small children, perhaps you do not remember, but your mothers of the Earth do know what that moment was, not only for them, but also for your families.

Is it not wonderful, My children, to be in bliss under the Love of God? And, knowing that this Love is simple and renews all things?

Therefore, trust that you are in My arms and let all your doubts dissolve, all your sorrows and sadness disappear, and, impelled by My Love, the Love of the Virgin of Nazareth, again feel that you are in My arms for a moment so that you may know that, through My Heart, God loves you and loves the whole world despite its errors, its mistakes and even its distancing from God.

Together with the angels, who accompany Me today, let us rejoice in our hearts, because the Child King has been born in the world and His Divine Light is returning for all, the same Light that shone during the sacred night in the Grotto of Bethlehem, when the shepherds, Kings of the desert and even the little animals, with their warmth and closeness, took care of the Little Child Jesus, while His Heavenly Mother, in deep ecstasy like Saint Joseph, contemplated the greatness of the Love of God in the Little newborn Child.

All the mothers of this world know what I am telling you, they know what it means and represents to have had their children in their arms, to have fed them, to have helped them take their first steps.

Would you not do anything or make all efforts to safeguard the family Project, which is a Project of God?

Would you not be capable of giving your lives so that the children of this world who are orphans, lonely and abandoned may have a worthy home where to live?

Or so that the hungry children may have the food they need to nourish their bodies, have the hands of men and women of the Earth, in self-giving and service, who can embrace, kiss and protect them?

Have you not yet discovered how wonderful the Love of God is? This is why He made Himself small to become similar to all His children and creatures.

May this Child, who can be born again in the hearts of those who say ‘yes’, may this Little Child bless you and always make you remember your innocence and inner humility.

Now, let us place Him back, because He is a newborn.

Let us pray to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that this simplicity and humility that I bring to you today, from the depths of My Maternal Heart, awaken in many more souls, above all, in the souls that need Love, Light, Peace and Mercy.

May the Light of the Sacred Family of Nazareth accompany you and impel you to keep walking so that you can see the Footsteps of Christ along your paths, until someday you reach the Eternal Paradise of God.

And we will withdraw with a song that resounds very much within My Heart and that has resounded and will keep resounding in the hearts of My children, which is the song “Sacred Heart of Jesus”.

Because God, having been born, offered His Temple to guard our dwellings. He offered His Divine Fire and He will keep offering it, through the Holy Spirit, to illuminate our paths. This is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, unfathomable Source of Love and Unity, which nourishes souls through His Divine Fire and His Peace.

I bless you, at this Nativity of the Lord, and I bless the whole world, all those who trust Me, because I am the Virgin of Nazareth, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will now listen to the Hail Mary, sung by Piedad.


Thank you, My daughter, for having sung to me with such sweetness and devotion, because it is this sweetness and devotion, which emergee from the depths of My Maternity, that I want to share with all My children.

Because, just as I had Jesus in My arms, today I want to have each one of you upon My lap, because I am the Mother of the Christic Essence, the Essence of the Christs of the new time, the Apostles of the last times, all those who must allow, in this crucial moment of the planet, the Inner Christ to be able to be reborn.

This is an annual commitment of all. Whenever the Lord’s Nativity is approaching, celestial and cosmic circumstances approach the planet, those similar to that special conjuncture of the Star of Bethlehem.

What really took place in that time, when the Star of Bethlehem, not only on this planet, but also throughout the whole universe, was announcing and waiting for the arrival of the Messiah? as Its presence was protecting this great event?

Today, after two thousand years, your hearts are once again before the same event, but now they are before an inner and spiritual event in which I come to accompany and help, so that you may experience it, because My Son has all His Aspirations in His Hands, waiting for the most favorable moment to fulfill these Aspirations of God, which are His promises, and so that these promises can be fulfilled in each one of My children.

This is why I tell you again that, as a Mother, as the Servant and the Guardian of hearts of the whole world, I know that this humanity has not lived any other time like this one, a painful time, a time of great indifference, and, I might say, of great cruelty.

But in this special conjuncture of the Lord’s Nativity and at the doors of the re-birth of Christ in each being, I ask you, beloved children, to place your gaze in the Heights, because, from Above, from the Only Source, from the Celestial Father and from all His angels, the help the world needs will come. Because you, as a race, as a civilization present upon the surface of the Earth, are at a similar moment to the moment of humanity more than two thousand years ago.

Why does such a similar conjuncture happen again in this definitive cycle?

Because it is necessary for you to renew your inner vows, beloved children, at each new Nativity of the Lord that you celebrate and contemplate with your hearts.

Might it be possible that My Beloved Son needs you to renew your inner vows so that the Inner Christ may be reborn at each cycle?

I can confirm to you, My Son needs you to renew your vows yearly, because this is the way for your consciousnesses to understand the meaning of God’s Plan.

I know that, in a point of the human consciousness, God’s Plan is not understood, but if at each new Nativity of the Lord, before the opportunity to renew your inner vows each year, if you love this mystery with fervor and devotion, as you are loving at this moment, how much more could you understand and feel God’s Plan, so that it might cease to be something abstract and unattainable for all?

However, My beloveds, keep something in mind, which is very important for you to understand: if you are again at a similar moment to what My Son Jesus experienced more than two thousand years ago, it is because you are before the opportunity to witness, within you, not only the Inner Christ, but you are also before the opportunity, before the Sacred Manger of the Family of Nazareth, of being able to understand that God’s Plan is humble and simple, just as the Birth of Christ was humble and simple.

Because it is through this simplicity and humility, through this pure simplicity of the heart, that God may carry out His Work throughout this world and in others.

I invite you to prepare with joy and with enthusiasm, fervor and hope, the Rebirth of Christ in each human heart, because there is no other way out for this humanity in the face of all that it lives and suffers daily.

If souls turn to God, if souls turn to their Inner Christ, so many situations could be avoided and solved.

My enemy still keeps working against God’s Plan, but may the strength and the power of the love that you feel for the Birth of the Little Child of Nazareth be the premise and also the impulse that will lead you to transcend yourselves and thus be able to transcend these times.

Because if God incarnated through His Son, in a Humble Manger, to surrender for the whole world, you, in this analogy of the Rebirth of Christ within the human hearts, how many more risks could you take for the fulfillment of the Will of the Father in the face of the in-compliance of the Plan of God experienced by so many souls?

But today, with sweetness and devotion, I place your Inner Christs upon My lap, and thus I place your souls, I place your lives and even all your inner situations in My arms, because I know that, in these times, just as many learn to be reborn in Christ, day by day, many of My children also learn to carry their own cross, which is the cross of the debts of the world.

But My Love, sweetness and devotion, in the name of My Son, come to renew all things, and as many consciousnesses as possible that open up their hearts to welcome the Nativity of the Lord.

I deeply thank you, once again, for the “Novena for the Reconsecration of Families to the Sacred Family of Nazareth”, because you have allowed Our Three Sacred Hearts: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Three together at the same time, to be able to intervene in the sensitive situation of many families of the whole world, that are not only separated due to this pandemic, but also separated by the harassment of My enemy.

For the nucleus of families being reconsecrated today, before the Aspirations and Plan of God, may it be a moment of joy, of jubilation, for being able to rebuild the Project of God in this humanity, in spite of all that may keep happening.

If families imitate Our Sacred Family of Nazareth, how many situations could be solved throughout the world!

If families experience prayer, the Sacraments, Adoration and service to God as a means of reparation, of relief for suffering and of healing for this humanity, and if this multiplied within all families throughout the world, what would be the effect of this great movement?

Because, in truth, My beloveds, an inner attitude is what I invite you to live in these times, which is the same inner and spiritual attitude that the Heart of your Heavenly Mother and the Heart of Saint Joseph lived in that time, the days that preceded the Birth of Christ, following the Call of God in obedience.

This is what families must always remember: follow in obedience and in prayer the Call of God. Thus, you will be protected, all the members of the family will be protected from the influences of these times, from the interferences of these times and from the trends of these times, because the Project of God in each family of the world is still important, it is not undervalued.

The Project of the family cell has been transgressed and interfered with, and this is what must be repaired by each family member. It is the inner commitment of each family member for the gifts, aspirations and even the inner treasures of the Celestial Father to be safeguarded in the cell of each family of this world.

Today, in a special way, the Virgin of Nazareth contemplates and welcomes upon Her Bosom, within the Most Pure Womb of the Mother of God, all refugee families that are displaced and discarded by their brothers and sisters of this world because, despite the differences or the beliefs that this humanity may live, do not forget that, before the Father, not only are you all His children, but also all of you are brothers and sisters in one and the same Project, and in one and the same Aspiration. 

And this has not changed. For this reason, I invite you to see through My eyes what My Heart feels and sees of all refugee families and of the urgent need to seek a lasting, real solution for all the situations of the families throughout the world, not only refugee families, but also families divided by disagreements and disunity.  

May the Sacred Love that was expressed in the grotto of Bethlehem’s be present today in all homes that listen to this Message; because My aspiration is that you may not only be good people, but that you may be worthy children of God.

In the silence of My Heart, I try to repair the inner worlds, all those who have needs that must be attended to by Heaven, by the Sacred Hearts.

This is why I tell all of you, at the doors of the possibility for Christ to be reborn in every human heart, My children, to come out strengthened from this world trial, to be firm and decided to follow the Footsteps of Christ, thus preparing His near Return.

Just as I contemplate, at this moment, all the families of the world, as the Lady of Kibeho, I still keep contemplating, with ardor in My Heart, the aspiration of going to Angola.

For this reason, you must keep this Aspiration of Mine in mind, and through your prayers and offerings, protect My aspiration of descending in the Angolan lands so that My Grace may descend upon all of Africa, because I am the Lady of the Word, I am the Lady of the Word, of the Word of God.

And just as I have upon My lap all the souls throughout the world that accept My call, I also have upon My lap today all My children of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, who, despite adversity, the tempest or even the harassments, have always been and keep on being brave, because, even without perceiving that the love and faith of these hearts move mountains, they move events that are not seen nor perceived by most.

I hope this faith, this love and this devotion, which they have for My Immaculate Heart, keep building this inner bridge that will someday allow for the Mother of God to reach Africa, because this is My Word, not only to bless them, not only to console them, but also for them to be in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus was in My arms.

I tell My children of Angola, of the House of Saint Isabel, that just as I visited My cousin two thousand years ago, I will also visit them when the moment indicates it to be so. Just pray and do not cease to pray, because a Point of Light has been strengthened in Angola, in spite of the circumstances, not only of this country, but also for the whole African continent.

My cousin Saint Elizabeth is the guardian of your house, the House of Saint Isabe lin Luanda, and it is Saint Elizabeth who also protects you; because She was a great pioneer of the first Christian communities, even while Christ was still preaching in the Holy Land.

She knows that the House of the Children of Saint Isabel in Luanda is a precious and delicate cell of the Project of God, of the Project of My Son's Redemption because this is how God makes all things new.

I will keep praying during these days for all the Inner Christs to awaken, and, thus awaken the apostles of My Son, who must carry forward the preparatory Plan for His Return, in the four corners of the Earth.

In honor to the effort of the little children, adolescents and youth of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, I wish to listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho so that all of humanity may remember that the Mother of God once appeared to save and rescue all Her children, and to tell the world that the Brown Virgin is the Mother of Africa and of all who live there, in the hope of remaking their lives, once and for all.

I bless you and pray for the rebirth of Christ in each being, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

We listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
