During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Keep calm, so that the whole world may be calm tonight and, in the sacred quietude of the heart, it may find the path of return to peace.

Today, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of humanity brings, on the palms of Her Hands, the Creative Principle of the Child-King, that Sacred Purpose that the Eternal Father thought of at the beginning for the salvation and redemption of humanity.

I know that you will not understand what this means and represents, My children, but today, through the portals, I bring the presence of the Sacred Grotto of Bethlehem, where this mystery took form and incarnated through the little Child, the Messiah. Today I confess to you that, also for your Most Holy Mother, it was a revelation at that time.

This means that the mystery becomes unveiled and that the essence of the Child-King shows itself to the world, at this very moment, for all those inner worlds of humanity, for all souls without exception, even those that are lost and far away from the Father.

This was the Sacred Essence of Creation, which the Child-King brought to the whole world. There was no other way to concretize this so awaited mission, if not through a humble and poor place such as the Grotto of Bethlehem, where not only the Sacred Family of Nazareth, but also all those who participated in that event, beyond this planet and beyond the stars, were witnesses of this sacred revelation.

My children, in these critical times of the planet, when war prevails instead of peace, today, with My own Eyes of a Mother, I want to know, I want to see this Sacred Essence of the Creator, incarnated through Jesus, present itself to the world in the inner planes and through the Inner Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys. Thus, your Guardian Angels and all the angels of the universe may also be witnesses of this sacred moment. They may be adorers of this sacred revelation that once incarnated in the world through a Little Child, through God Himself, who made Himself man for your salvation, for the salvation of the whole human race, from that time up to now, and from this moment up to the end of times.

This is the inexhaustible and inner Creative Essence that My Beloved Son deposited as a Spiritual Legacy, not only here in the Inner Sanctuary of Lys, but also in all the Inner Sanctuaries of the planet, especially throughout all of the Americas.

My children, this is why I invite you to change dimension and frequency at this moment. Thus, you will be able to know once again that, beyond the suffering and chaos that reign on the planet, there is a Supreme Reality that awaits you, and spiritual treasures present for each one of My children, which wait to be revealed to all those who are pure in heart, to the pure of intention, to all those who do not want anything for themselves.

This would not have been possible if Saint Joseph had not embodied the Principle of Humility, or even if your Most Holy Mother had not embodied the Principle of Original Purity. This scenario, prepared two-thousand years ago, allowed in these times that this revelation could come to your consciousnesses and to the consciousness of all your brothers and sisters on the planet.

I bring you toward this Creative Principle today, in which your gaze must focus on the Purpose, when your spirits must aspire to attain the same aspiration that My Immaculate Heart and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph attained long ago.

In synthesis, My beloveds, through My Humble Hands, which reveal the Creative Principle of the First-Born, the Son of God, the Messiah, souls will be able, here and now, to find the emergence of the New Humanity, free from chains, free from errors, free from sin, free from suffering, from pain, from all that separates them from God.

I know that all that I say to you sounds symbolic, but I assure you that it is not so. The Living God, through the Little Child, has sent Me tonight, to reveal this Message to inner worlds and souls.

In simple words, My beloved children, the Creative Essence of Christ comes to remind you that all must return to the Source of Creation and that your own lives must be transformed according to what is thought of by the Father, because something wonderful awaits each one of My children, something that will be revealed upon your paths when you strictly follow in obedience that which the Primordial Source determines, although that seems unknown at this moment.

If souls do not fix their gaze on this Creative Essence of Christ, and if the majority does not do so in these times, what will happen to this humanity? What will happen to this planet and this surface?

We are at a moment and a time similar to those of the Birth of the Messiah, the Redeemer. The Living God incarnated through His Son in Body, Soul and Divinity, to demonstrate that His Powerful Presence is simple and poor, that His Majestic Presence is loving and wise.

These are the Attributes that the world needs today, not only to repair the endless path of its errors, but also to recover the purity and innocence it has lost. An innocence and purity that are being stolen, that are being placated and dissolved, not only through war, but also through all that happens in this humanity.

God has His Gaze placed upon humanity at this moment. He sends Me as His Portal, as His Messenger, so that the world does not forget that it must recover peace.

What My venerable companion Saint Joseph left to you on last December 19 was important. Determining and transforming Words for you to someday achieve the Creative Essence of Christ, and be united to this Essence.

Within all that Saint Joseph has said to you lies the beginning of your paths, paths of transcendence and transformation.

In this way, you will quickly achieve what I ask of you, because God is thirsty for souls that can radiate His Attributes and Principles, who can be a mirror that may reflect, on this planet, all His Commandments, especially those that were transgressed and violated by the very humanity of the surface, due to its ignorance and ironical behavior.

Through the Creative Essence of Christ, may this Birth of Christ, which once more presents itself and takes place in the hearts open to receive it, allow the world and humanity to find a path not only of lasting, peacemaking, impersonal and wise solution, but also of return to the House of the Father. Because this will allow the millions of souls present on this planet to resume the path of the Purpose they have lost for different causes and reasons, and through the guardian angels that accompany Me in this culminating hour, this also allows the ardent Aspiration of God to be attained, that aspiration of seeing all His Creatures in His Kingdom, just as the Sacred Family was in the Kingdom of God, even while living on this planet.

Today I will carry, within this Creative Essence of Christ, the intentions, supplications, pleas and all implorations of the pure and humble in heart that, at this hour, no longer seek anything for themselves, but rather the good and charity for others, and peace for peoples and nations.

Today I carry, in this Creative Essence of Christ, the offering of souls and each one of my children's Guardian Angels, which have managed to write, in their own Books of Light, the steps of redemption and love of those who keep attempting to take them, every day.

Although it does not seem so, all that I have said at this moment is that which maintains the doorways to Mercy open. It is that which still allows, at this end time, for the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy to be present in this humanity and on this planet, because Their Voice, the Voice of the Hierarchy, will never tire until It sees the fulfillment of what It has promised the Creator.

Through the humble and poor Grotto of Bethlehem, at this very moment and at this very hour, in any part of the world, anywhere, may all families and especially all children be touched by the Creative Essence of Christ. Thus, they will be protected from this madness of the planet at this culminating moment, and, in these little essences, not only will the Child-King be reborn, but they will sustain within themselves the purity, innocence, love and joy of being part of the New Humanity, of the One-Thousand Years of Peace.

I bless you and consecrate hearts to the Child-King.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Most Holy Mother, we will sing, accompanying the choir, the song “Silent Night,” allowing at this moment, through the symbol of the light of the candles, for the darkness of the planet to be dissolved and for the neediest places to receive the Peace of the Sacred Family.

Let us sing.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will now listen to the Hail Mary, sung by Piedad.


Thank you, My daughter, for having sung to me with such sweetness and devotion, because it is this sweetness and devotion, which emergee from the depths of My Maternity, that I want to share with all My children.

Because, just as I had Jesus in My arms, today I want to have each one of you upon My lap, because I am the Mother of the Christic Essence, the Essence of the Christs of the new time, the Apostles of the last times, all those who must allow, in this crucial moment of the planet, the Inner Christ to be able to be reborn.

This is an annual commitment of all. Whenever the Lord’s Nativity is approaching, celestial and cosmic circumstances approach the planet, those similar to that special conjuncture of the Star of Bethlehem.

What really took place in that time, when the Star of Bethlehem, not only on this planet, but also throughout the whole universe, was announcing and waiting for the arrival of the Messiah? as Its presence was protecting this great event?

Today, after two thousand years, your hearts are once again before the same event, but now they are before an inner and spiritual event in which I come to accompany and help, so that you may experience it, because My Son has all His Aspirations in His Hands, waiting for the most favorable moment to fulfill these Aspirations of God, which are His promises, and so that these promises can be fulfilled in each one of My children.

This is why I tell you again that, as a Mother, as the Servant and the Guardian of hearts of the whole world, I know that this humanity has not lived any other time like this one, a painful time, a time of great indifference, and, I might say, of great cruelty.

But in this special conjuncture of the Lord’s Nativity and at the doors of the re-birth of Christ in each being, I ask you, beloved children, to place your gaze in the Heights, because, from Above, from the Only Source, from the Celestial Father and from all His angels, the help the world needs will come. Because you, as a race, as a civilization present upon the surface of the Earth, are at a similar moment to the moment of humanity more than two thousand years ago.

Why does such a similar conjuncture happen again in this definitive cycle?

Because it is necessary for you to renew your inner vows, beloved children, at each new Nativity of the Lord that you celebrate and contemplate with your hearts.

Might it be possible that My Beloved Son needs you to renew your inner vows so that the Inner Christ may be reborn at each cycle?

I can confirm to you, My Son needs you to renew your vows yearly, because this is the way for your consciousnesses to understand the meaning of God’s Plan.

I know that, in a point of the human consciousness, God’s Plan is not understood, but if at each new Nativity of the Lord, before the opportunity to renew your inner vows each year, if you love this mystery with fervor and devotion, as you are loving at this moment, how much more could you understand and feel God’s Plan, so that it might cease to be something abstract and unattainable for all?

However, My beloveds, keep something in mind, which is very important for you to understand: if you are again at a similar moment to what My Son Jesus experienced more than two thousand years ago, it is because you are before the opportunity to witness, within you, not only the Inner Christ, but you are also before the opportunity, before the Sacred Manger of the Family of Nazareth, of being able to understand that God’s Plan is humble and simple, just as the Birth of Christ was humble and simple.

Because it is through this simplicity and humility, through this pure simplicity of the heart, that God may carry out His Work throughout this world and in others.

I invite you to prepare with joy and with enthusiasm, fervor and hope, the Rebirth of Christ in each human heart, because there is no other way out for this humanity in the face of all that it lives and suffers daily.

If souls turn to God, if souls turn to their Inner Christ, so many situations could be avoided and solved.

My enemy still keeps working against God’s Plan, but may the strength and the power of the love that you feel for the Birth of the Little Child of Nazareth be the premise and also the impulse that will lead you to transcend yourselves and thus be able to transcend these times.

Because if God incarnated through His Son, in a Humble Manger, to surrender for the whole world, you, in this analogy of the Rebirth of Christ within the human hearts, how many more risks could you take for the fulfillment of the Will of the Father in the face of the in-compliance of the Plan of God experienced by so many souls?

But today, with sweetness and devotion, I place your Inner Christs upon My lap, and thus I place your souls, I place your lives and even all your inner situations in My arms, because I know that, in these times, just as many learn to be reborn in Christ, day by day, many of My children also learn to carry their own cross, which is the cross of the debts of the world.

But My Love, sweetness and devotion, in the name of My Son, come to renew all things, and as many consciousnesses as possible that open up their hearts to welcome the Nativity of the Lord.

I deeply thank you, once again, for the “Novena for the Reconsecration of Families to the Sacred Family of Nazareth”, because you have allowed Our Three Sacred Hearts: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Three together at the same time, to be able to intervene in the sensitive situation of many families of the whole world, that are not only separated due to this pandemic, but also separated by the harassment of My enemy.

For the nucleus of families being reconsecrated today, before the Aspirations and Plan of God, may it be a moment of joy, of jubilation, for being able to rebuild the Project of God in this humanity, in spite of all that may keep happening.

If families imitate Our Sacred Family of Nazareth, how many situations could be solved throughout the world!

If families experience prayer, the Sacraments, Adoration and service to God as a means of reparation, of relief for suffering and of healing for this humanity, and if this multiplied within all families throughout the world, what would be the effect of this great movement?

Because, in truth, My beloveds, an inner attitude is what I invite you to live in these times, which is the same inner and spiritual attitude that the Heart of your Heavenly Mother and the Heart of Saint Joseph lived in that time, the days that preceded the Birth of Christ, following the Call of God in obedience.

This is what families must always remember: follow in obedience and in prayer the Call of God. Thus, you will be protected, all the members of the family will be protected from the influences of these times, from the interferences of these times and from the trends of these times, because the Project of God in each family of the world is still important, it is not undervalued.

The Project of the family cell has been transgressed and interfered with, and this is what must be repaired by each family member. It is the inner commitment of each family member for the gifts, aspirations and even the inner treasures of the Celestial Father to be safeguarded in the cell of each family of this world.

Today, in a special way, the Virgin of Nazareth contemplates and welcomes upon Her Bosom, within the Most Pure Womb of the Mother of God, all refugee families that are displaced and discarded by their brothers and sisters of this world because, despite the differences or the beliefs that this humanity may live, do not forget that, before the Father, not only are you all His children, but also all of you are brothers and sisters in one and the same Project, and in one and the same Aspiration. 

And this has not changed. For this reason, I invite you to see through My eyes what My Heart feels and sees of all refugee families and of the urgent need to seek a lasting, real solution for all the situations of the families throughout the world, not only refugee families, but also families divided by disagreements and disunity.  

May the Sacred Love that was expressed in the grotto of Bethlehem’s be present today in all homes that listen to this Message; because My aspiration is that you may not only be good people, but that you may be worthy children of God.

In the silence of My Heart, I try to repair the inner worlds, all those who have needs that must be attended to by Heaven, by the Sacred Hearts.

This is why I tell all of you, at the doors of the possibility for Christ to be reborn in every human heart, My children, to come out strengthened from this world trial, to be firm and decided to follow the Footsteps of Christ, thus preparing His near Return.

Just as I contemplate, at this moment, all the families of the world, as the Lady of Kibeho, I still keep contemplating, with ardor in My Heart, the aspiration of going to Angola.

For this reason, you must keep this Aspiration of Mine in mind, and through your prayers and offerings, protect My aspiration of descending in the Angolan lands so that My Grace may descend upon all of Africa, because I am the Lady of the Word, I am the Lady of the Word, of the Word of God.

And just as I have upon My lap all the souls throughout the world that accept My call, I also have upon My lap today all My children of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, who, despite adversity, the tempest or even the harassments, have always been and keep on being brave, because, even without perceiving that the love and faith of these hearts move mountains, they move events that are not seen nor perceived by most.

I hope this faith, this love and this devotion, which they have for My Immaculate Heart, keep building this inner bridge that will someday allow for the Mother of God to reach Africa, because this is My Word, not only to bless them, not only to console them, but also for them to be in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus was in My arms.

I tell My children of Angola, of the House of Saint Isabel, that just as I visited My cousin two thousand years ago, I will also visit them when the moment indicates it to be so. Just pray and do not cease to pray, because a Point of Light has been strengthened in Angola, in spite of the circumstances, not only of this country, but also for the whole African continent.

My cousin Saint Elizabeth is the guardian of your house, the House of Saint Isabe lin Luanda, and it is Saint Elizabeth who also protects you; because She was a great pioneer of the first Christian communities, even while Christ was still preaching in the Holy Land.

She knows that the House of the Children of Saint Isabel in Luanda is a precious and delicate cell of the Project of God, of the Project of My Son's Redemption because this is how God makes all things new.

I will keep praying during these days for all the Inner Christs to awaken, and, thus awaken the apostles of My Son, who must carry forward the preparatory Plan for His Return, in the four corners of the Earth.

In honor to the effort of the little children, adolescents and youth of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, I wish to listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho so that all of humanity may remember that the Mother of God once appeared to save and rescue all Her children, and to tell the world that the Brown Virgin is the Mother of Africa and of all who live there, in the hope of remaking their lives, once and for all.

I bless you and pray for the rebirth of Christ in each being, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

We listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On the eve of Christmas Eve, I come again, dear children, to give you My Immaculate heart so that you may be strengthened and continue forward, in these difficult times of tests and challenges.

Today I come to bring you My Celestial Kingdom as a blessed prayer for your lives; for as your Universal Mother, I want you to always be under My immaculate Rays, so that in this way, My Celestial Grace is able to act in your lives and families.

In this time of chaos, I come to pronounce the Peace of God, in spite of the indifference of humankind, of the injustices of hearts that many, in this time, perpetrate in light of the Celestial Kingdom.

As Mediator of the Holy Spirit, as Mother of all humanity, as a part of this race, I come to intercede for all of you; but My intercessions, dear children, will have their timing. Thus, beloved children, prepare your hearts in trust, let your arms open to receive My consolation and in your hearts, receive the essence of My maternal Love.

Today I come to free your lives and your cities through the Grace God has allowed Me to carry out here. Uruguay must build important things for the end of time, and it is in you, My soldiers, to create the necessary conditions so that the Will of God is able to manifest. In this way, My children, you will be mirrors of the Supreme Will and will invite other children to follow the steps of the Will of God.

What I speak to you about, My children, may be very distant matters for your minds; but, beloved children, through the Divine Verb, I bring you the word of simplicity and of humility, which must be incarnated in your spirits so that, in the next time which will come, you are prepared to receive My Son. He is already coming in Spirit and Life, in Soul and Divinity; many hearts of the world are already inwardly receiving Him.

And you, beloved children, when will you take the step to receive the inner Christ? In this way, My Son will be able to act, carrying out His Works of peace in this world. As good instruments of the light, unite with My Immaculate Heart. Let your true inner vision be a permanent search for the Kingdom of God in your lives.

What I need, beloved children, is that you be Sacred Families, lights for a world in darkness, stars in the universal firmament, of whom I can avail Myself to pour out My Grace in this humanity.

But how much the Kingdoms of Nature are suffering. I invite you to continue with prayer. It is necessary, My children, that your prayers reach the eternal Heaven so that God can hear you and pour out His Mercy through the Divine Messengers.

I know that many of your hearts suffer all the time. Experience the lessons with courage. Fortify your faith and walk confidently toward My Immaculate Heart, because I promise to protect you, safeguard you from all evil, open the doors for you to a new path; and in this way, My children, you will be able to recognize Christ, Our Lord.

I come to this place, as I have gone to other places of the world, waiting for the inner lights to be able to awaken in your hearts; for God has need of whole and simple servers, of builders of peace for the times when there is no peace. In this way, beloved children, you as humanity will prepare the way so My Son is able to come and share the redeeming Supper with all of humanity.

I Am the Mediator Who prays for you all the time. I need you to unite with Me so you are able to understand My petitions and can concretize them in these times of chaos.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

Those who have accompanied Me from the beginning know that, year after year, the Divine Messengers receive a celestial opportunity for placing the Christic Principle in the essence of human beings, those who open to discover Higher Truth, which will transform this race into a likeness with their Creator, with His Son, sent to the world so long ago to show you the Way, the Truth and the Life which should be not only His, but also that of all of humanity.

My children, today I leave you the question: Where is that Principle which I placed so long ago in your essences, and that year after year, I renew so it may help you overcome the limitations of material life to unite with God, with His Creator Universe?

Today I want you to search for this Living Christ in your essences and in your hearts, which I placed there so it could blossom and be the reason for the awakening of other creatures in this world.

In each of My children I want to see the new Birth of Christ. This year, I want you to remember all the Words I have given you in previous years; so that in this way, you can allow the impulse I left in each of you to be renewed, because it is alive, but yet latent within you.

I want that Christic essence to be renewed, purify you and transform you so that not a year more goes by in your lives without this Christic Principle manifesting in your beings and expanding throughout this humanity through the living testimony of each of you.

That others of My children who are sleeping awaken from the dream of material life, so their spirits, which have waited for so long, may accomplish their mission on this planet.

My children, through My Words, I want to leave a small step so your consciousnesses are able to awaken in this time. Study My Words and through them, discover all the truths that in other times you were not able to perceive, because now, your consciousnesses have already matured enough and you have opened enough to discover that My Words go beyond that simple verb you find on the paper.

Each of the Words I have pronounced in this world represents a doorway for humanity. A doorway that wants to lead you to the Celestial Origin of human essences, to a perfect union with My Son, which you must discover is the Heart of the Universe, that Heart that moves all the events of the world, that Heart praised and respected by all the Great Consciousnesses that dwell in Infinity.

This planet, My children, must recognize that a single King exists, and that King will show you what steps you must follow to unite again with the Creator of all things so you can manifest and accomplish the Divine Purpose for this world, and thus, for the whole universe.

In this coming year, I want you to discover that this Christmas is not just a commemorative date for the world; it is not just to remember the Birth of Christ. It is to have Him be born in your hearts, to make Him come alive in each of your cells, in likeness to each of you.

Each Christmas that goes by should be the birth of a new cycle for this world, a cycle in which humanity approaches the Christic union so desired by the Creator for His creatures.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While I speak to you, I contemplate the world. Imagine for a moment, My children, what My eyes are seeing in humanity. My hands are stretched out to humanity so that all My children can take hold of My Heart; could it be that everybody will dare to take this great step in trust?

Today I am here, among you, sharing My Mercy; but there are many other children that have need of this Grace. I invite you to be carriers of My Message, a simple and living testimony for humanity; because that very simple thing will help humanity be able to change.

On this night of Graces and blessings, My Heart is grateful to all the groups of prayer of Uruguay, and I encourage beginners to join the groups of prayer, to build the pillars of Light in each of the departments so My different attributes can be lived in each part of Uruguay, and thus become a sacred nation, rescuable, blessed and redeemed by My Heart. If you take this step of disseminating the groups of prayer, you will help all of Uruguay to receive a greater time of peace and of Grace. In this way, you will gladden My Immaculate Heart and the world will again transform.

On this night of Graces, in which My Heart is exposed to all of you, I invite the new Children of Mary to kneel before the Kingdom of God. Approach My Heart so I may bless you and show you once again, as a true testimony, that the consecration of the heart will create the universal condition for the salvation of the planet and its Kingdoms.

Do not forget, My children, that you are the Human Kingdom and must deeply love the Younger Kingdoms that serve God since the beginning, to help the Earth in its perfect elevation and harmony.

Thus, I consecrate you as My children, and I invite you all to also consecrate your lives to My Immaculate Heart. Do not fear what you will experience; I am always present in the silence of prayer.

Let us sing joyfully for this blessing.


Song: "Immaculate Lady of Peace."


My Spirit rises up to the universe; I pray for you and your families, with the ardent aspiration that you become consecrated just like the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Through this meeting and through those that will come, by the permission God has granted Me, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, dear children for responding to My call!

Peace will prevail.

Prayer: "Act of Consecration to the Divine Heart of the Celestial Mother."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, at the request of Our Lady, we want to share a brief experience, during prayer, that has to do with the Guardian Angels of each of us.

As we prayed and went deeper into the practice of prayer, the Guardian Angels recited the prayer of the Universal Mother behind us; as we continued to pray, they were working with our cells. I couldn't tell you nor explain how this was happening, but so it was.

The angels would enter each one of our cells, as if they were surgeons, and withdraw things that had to do with our pain and our past. They were implanting codes of Light produced by the effort of our prayer. In the way in which we generated the prayer, if it was from the heart, that prayer would create the condition so that the angels could withdraw the Light generated and place it again in us, and in this way, many things were being dissolved.

When the moment of the Apparition came, the Mother came truly kind and loving, as the Queen of Peace, and the whole time, She had Her Immaculate Heart exposed. She was speaking to Uruguay; we perceived that Her voice could not only be heard here, but in each corner of Uruguay. She was speaking to the inner world of each Uruguayan, and as She did this exercise, she was establishing the Will of God in the consciousness of Uruguay, something which was spiritual, a task that the Mother was carrying out during the Apparition.

She also showed us, during a moment of the Apparition, all the groups of prayer from here, from Uruguay, fused together as if it were a single pillar of Light which worked for the Plan. In reality, Mary said that this was Her aspiration for this country. That if we managed to fulfill this goal, this purpose, everything will have been said, She said, everything will have been accomplished, everything that corresponds to Uruguay in the Will of God.

That is what happened.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

To think that with so little, we can fulfill the Will of God. Do we really understand what the goal of the Divinity is? Will our hearts be brave enough to accomplish this goal of forming groups of prayer that pray for this nation and for all the nations of the world, who pray for the Kingdoms, who unite with the Immaculate Heart of Mary so She may carry them into the Heart of Christ? Do we dare do this?

We are a small country, that because God saw it was so small, He filled it with everything that is beautiful, and we have to defend that beauty and that Love which God placed there. We are simply asked to pray. Through this prayer, as happened today when we were all very united in pronouncing this prayer that Our Lady needs, with so little, She allowed the Guardian Angels to dissolve something in our consciousnesses which in many lives it would not be possible to dissolve.

The universe is perfect, God is perfect, and when each of His creatures lifts up a true prayer to His Kingdom, He pours out all His Graces, because He has a perfect Plan for each of us, a loving and kind Plan, a perfect Plan which makes us worthy children of God, which makes us creatures that can achieve the happiness of knowing God; and more than that, of knowing God, of being able to experience Him in our little lives.

So we invite you, as we have invited so many brothers and sisters in Uruguay, to be strengthened through prayer, to learn to permanently channel that Light, to be able to dissolve our pain, our past, our anguish, to place all of our life in the trust of the Divine Messengers and, as from today, to walk holding Their hand always.

Who of you doesn't aspire to speak with God and have God answer and show you each matter, to be able to live what is correct and luminous? Who doesn't want to speak with the Little Mother of Heaven and feel how She places each answer in our heart, and how She makes us unmistakably feel that answer?

Begin to pray. Ask about something while you are sincerely and devotedly praying, and each of you have that personal experience, that Mary places the answer in your heart. With all our heart, we challenge you to do this, because you're going to get a big surprise.

To all those who are following us through Misericordia María TV, we invite you to sing a last song with us, a song that has always filled us with joy. We're going to sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary."

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
