Have you noticed how many times My Redeeming Consciousness enters at three in the afternoon, in each place of Earth?

While, in each place of the world, it is three o’clock in the afternoon, My celestial permission expands as love and light and touches the essences most deprived of Mercy.

Between three and four p.m. each day, My Eucharistic Heart radiates towards the most distant spheres of the Earth, where a soul that is calling for My Mercy may be. I give everything so that it may be in My Arms, to console it and again give it life.

When a devout soul contemplates Me and adores Me by means of the Chaplet of Mercy, it not only opens the door of its heart so that I may enter but also, if it prays with love, My Shepherd Consciousness, with Its omnipresence, within seconds commands souls out from purgatory; in this way, it elevates them as close to My Kingdom as possible so that they may finish learning and, in the end, they may be a  part of My Glorious Eternity in Paradise.

The doors of Paradise are open at three p.m. This is a mission that the angels of Heaven accomplish to elevate all consciousnesses that may be disoriented upon the face of the Earth.

At three p.m. My Merciful Heart collects the appeals of all simple hearts and My Love radiates toward them, transforming them into roses of peace and glory for the Thrones of God.

Each time that you say: “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion…” from the crown of thorns, that I still carry to relieve the world and that is represented by the Chaplet, a thorn is liberated from My Head.

The crown of thorns that was once placed during My Passion was transmuted by the power of the Chaplet of My Mercy, which was given to the venerable apostle Faustina Kowalska.

All those who persist in faith and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will not cause Me pain as the world does, day by day, but at three p.m. your hands in prayer will be spiritually removing the thorns from My Heart and will heal My Spirit with your love for prayer.

My dear, do you see how big the mystery of the Love is, that I have for all of you, as while you nailed Me on the Cross, I poured Mercy instead of pouring pain; I poured Love and Water of Life from My Side instead of pouring justice upon the world.

Because I belong to you as a Heart and as a Master, I was born amongst you and, as I ascended to the Heavens, I will return to give testimony of My Glory and My Truth.

Under the Absolute Truth of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating upon My words with your hearts!

Christ Jesus, your Instructor. 


While from Heaven, God the Father keeps His sacred gaze on all humanity, dear children, today I call you, as I do every day, to the reparation of the heart through prayer. An immense number of souls await the prayers of all the Marian missionaries consecrated to My Immaculate Heart; souls that, being distant from the path of sanctity, lead themselves through pathways that are contrary to the ones destined for their lives.

Therefore, My children, as a Mediator in this world of today, I call you to contemplate the Merciful Face of Jesus as the only path to the redemption of the heart. These times distract the souls more each day and conduct them towards intentions that distance their hearts from the path that leads them to God.

Today I call you to pray with all the heart so that God the Father may hear the pleas for the salvation of all His children in the world.

With a thorn thrust in My Maternal Heart, today I ask that through prayer you repair My Immaculate Heart so that as the Mother of Mercy I may be able to sustain for longer all the hearts that are losing themselves.

May all My children be conducted by My Maternal Heart so that all creatures may raise their arms and cry out for pity.

Dear children, it is time to become conscious of the life of prayer; a prayer that, by the divine power that it acquires, will be able to protect you in the moments close to the end of this cycle in the world.

You must be reborn through prayer as precious instruments in the Hands of God. All My children are called to collaborate with the planet. It is necessary that all of you know that someone in this humanity must intercede before the Creator.

For this, My Son has given you the shepherds. Pray for them so that the Holy Spirit may guide them in these moments.

I thank you for your prayers!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
