Pray, because the more awakened the ones who committed themselves with Christ are, the greater is their responsibility before the planet and the Plan of the Creator.

Pray, because in the same time that you awaken, the world agonizes and those who are submerged in darkness enter deeper into their abysses.

Cultivate in your heart, in your mind and in your feelings, that which brings you closer to the Father, and unite to Him so that this union has more strength inside of you than the human tendency to follow the illusions of the world.

While the rulers of the nations become lost and confuse their spirit with matter, pray, child, for there to be balance in this world so that the laws attracted to it do not foster on Earth an unexpected test, something that many will not be able to bear.

Your prayer, hidden and silent, but sincere and true, reaches the Foot of God and His archangels, in order to balance the laws that cause the events to manifest within the life on Earth.

Everything in human life, before manifesting on Earth, starts to exist on the spiritual levels. The roots of virtues as well as of evil, of the new human being as well as of the tests of this time, are still in the invisible, intangible levels, but where prayers can indeed reach.

When you pray, you are attracting the Thought of God to Earth and this very Thought, when descending through dimensions, balances them so that it can manifest. 

In the same way, when human beings act in a negative way and attract chaos to Earth, this chaos destabalizes the dimensions of life wherever it passes so as to manifest according to its vibration.

Therefore, we say that we are in times of battle. A silent battle, in which one triumphs with love and unity with God, because there is nothing superior to the Love of the Father, nothing that can defeat it. But, for it to be present within life on earth, human beings must open the doors to the Love of the Father through prayer.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the soul faces its own darkness, its eyes can see nothing. There is no comprehensive clarity to it. The darkness of the soul leads to the darkness of the senses, of the thoughts, of the heart.

I do not tell you about the spiritual darkness that precedes the encounter with God. I talk about the darkness of these times, in which the soul enters when it is submerged in the abysses of its own consciousness. As that darkness comes from itself, there is no light that makes it see, or a Grace that withdraws it from obscurity. It is the soul itself that must turn its eyes to the heights and discover, beyond itself, the light that shelters it.

The soul transits through its own abysses many times without perceiving, but when this soul has already known and experienced the presence of light, it will cost it a lot to face darkness bravely, and also to accept that such pitch darkness comes from itself.

For the soul that enters in its own abysses after having defined its adherence to light, the time has come for taking one more step and allowing the light - which before illuminated and caused everything that was superficial and visible to shine- to now reach the dark abysses and make luminous that which the eyes do not want to see.

After bringing into light that which used to be in darkness, it will be up to each soul to love its dark aspects, just as it once loved its virtues and skills because in the same way as everything that was already positive in the soul was transformed, consolidated and ennobled in the presence of the light, so must the dark aspects receive in themselves part of this healing fluid that comes from the source of Love-Wisdom, in order to be transformed.

In order to love, you must be brave. In these times, learn to love like a maternal heart, which in spite of seeing the deepest and most unexplainable miseries in her children, never stops loving them. A mother loves, not for her child to continue being miserable; she loves because she knows that, in order for her child to be worthy and find the truth, they need to be loved, especially by her. 

When the consciousness is transforming itself, the awaken soul must act like a mother because, so that their aspects do not generate resistance and allow themselves to be shaped and corrected, they not only need serenity, but the love of their own soul above all.     

When the soul is immersed in darkness, it needs the silent and patient love of the fellowbeing, like a mother when she sees her child entangled in themselves and blind.

Feel what I tell you in your hearts and keep this in mind. If you do not comprehend what I tell you today, you will comprehend it tomorrow.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
