In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved children,
For God, your Father, there is no impediment or obstacle for Him to be close to His Children and for His Spiritual Plan to descend and unite to the souls that invoke Him and cry out to Him.
I Am the Mother of Argentina, the Venerated Virgin of Lujan, who holds all supplications in Her Heart and watches over the faith of Her children, so that it may not disappear.
Be conscious of the dark night that the planet and humanity are going through. There are no other paths, but God’s path, which can be drawn through your hearts and your inner life.
My Son sends me before, to be with you on this day, because I Am the Mother of all, the Venerable Mother that has made a commitment to each one of Her children so that they may live the Will of God.
I come to heal the wounds that have opened.
I come to place Light where there is darkness.
I come to bring hope where it has completely disappeared.
I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see and feel the Kingdom of God close to you.
Argentina will rise from the ashes, because its inner spirit, the spirit of this nation, cannot be defeated.
You still do not know its fire, a sacred fire that impels Argentina to be a strong country, firm in its conviction and faith, which is what you must learn to take care of and protect today. Because despite the dark night or despite the time without answers or signs, or even without solutions, this is the calvary that shows itself before you so that you may live and cross it, because if My Son did it for you, you can also do it.
God blesses, with His Graces, those who sacrifice and persevere.
God tends to those who are weak and those who cannot find meaning to their lives.
God is here, in you and among you, and He springs from My Motherly Heart in offering and love for His children.
Do not forget everything I have taught you. It is time to apply the divine knowledge that We have given you.
It is time for you to be yourselves, once and for all, with your own light, with your own love, united to the Love of the Father, with constant self-giving and service for those who suffer.
Today, I come to pour out My Grace upon those who have lost it and even upon those who have never recognized it.
Because if I speak today it is at the request of My Son and in obedience to His designs. Because here, before Me and in your souls, there are precious crystals that still must be polished and transformed. And when My Son starts transforming and polishing them, will you leave? He has something special for each one, believe Me. Because He hopes He will reveal it to each being, on the indicated day and hour.
Meanwhile, I invite you to renew yourselves in the school of prayer.
How will you sustain yourselves if you do not pray?
How will you be able to discern if you do not pray?
How will you be able to have Light on your paths if you do not pray?
Darkness embraces many souls in these times and you know it.
Allow your own purification to be freed and transcended forever. Because God does not want to see you in suffering or in pain, but rather in the joy and certainty to live Him each day, in perpetual communion with His Sublime and Eternal Heart.
But the tests of life are there to be lived and experienced. If I promised to you a life of roses, I would not be honest with you, MY children.
If My Son drank from the Chalice without deserving it, have you asked yourselves internally if you would be capable of drinking the offering to God from the Chalice?
O My Lord, Your Altar is served. How many chalices are full to be offered and drunk by souls?
Who will understand, beyond themselves, the reason for this commitment and the reason why God offers to you His mystery to be revealed?
I pray for those who cannot understand this moment, because I know.
Have you ever wondered what I felt upon seeing My Son being handed over, flagellated, crucified and killed on the Cross for something He never did?
What is more beyond human comprehension?
What is more beyond knowledge or even knowledge itself?
It is called love, children; love for the unknown, love for the immaterial will that has ruled your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters since the emergence of your essences in the ponds of God and since the gestation in the wombs of your mothers.
For this reason, a mother knows what it is to have a child; but does a child know what it is to have a mother?
How many mothers suffer disappointment of their dearest children and cry, just as I cry with them, so that My tears may be the river of Grace that consoles the mothers who love and protect the path of their children?
I am here to protect the Work of God, in which you participate.
My Son hopes you have been able to learn today and have grown internally. This is what My Son has hoped for for a long time, because if in all this and at this moment there were not love, I would not be here, because God is Love, but He is also Justice.
He will never allow you to go astray from His path and, even if you go astray, He will rescue you because this is the promise that My Son has made at the foot of His Throne, of His humble house of love and service in this Creation.
I want this Light, which once ignited in your hearts for this Work many years ago, to today re-ignite in confidence and faith. Because if I am here it is not only because I love you, but also because I accompany and support you.
And today I promise you, My beloveds, that your wounded trust is being repaired by the Grace that God has sent Me to give you, in spiritual communion with My Son and in eternal sacrament.
God knows that human imperfection is very great; but despite this, the one who obeys the Lord becomes liberated from themselves forever. Because that is where your school is, the one of surrendering your own will every day so that the Will of God may reign in you at each moment.
Today, I come to give to the offended hearts the roses that exist in the Kingdom of Heaven, which are profoundly spiritual and invisible, so that a flower of My celestial garden, nourished by good and praying souls, may be positioned upon your hearts and, thus, you may receive the perfume of the Mother of God, the perfume of Her Grace and Her Peace.
Argentina, through you, must affirm itself in the work with the Centers of Love. You already know how to do it and how to represent the Hierarchy on this wounded, outraged and violated planet.
And thus, in union with the Centers of Love, you will be able to know the treasures of the Hierarchy, but above all the treasures that are hidden and yet to be revealed in your hearts. Cross the door to the inner rebirth, the door that I offer to you today to inner rebirth, reconciliation and internal union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My Son has asked Me to anoint each one of you with a kiss on your forefront. Receive, in this way, this gesture of Love of the Celestial Mother, of the little Virgin of Lujan, so that the stars and suns that live in you may ignite and affirm themselves in the purpose of God.
I want to thank each one of My children of the Light-Network for being here today and for having crossed the threshold of incomprehension and misunderstandings. Because the love that lives and dwells in each being has brought you here, up to this present day, so that the pain may be liberated, so that faith may be strengthened, so that peace may fill you and embrace you on this day and thus, this may be radiated to the world that needs it so much in this crucial and difficult hour.
Remember that in Heaven We are always there for everyone, for everyone; that the doors of My Heart will always open so that you may find a safe haven in this time.
The work of the Light-Choir in Argentina must expand. The Southern Cone must make the gifts of God shine through the voices that offer to praise and recognize Him as the only God of the universe and of life and so that, above all, the doors of the Heavens may be open upon Argentina, and this country, this nation, and especially its people, may be a part of the last boat of salvation of Christ, Our Lord.
Because you will see Him come down the mountain, just as He did so many times.
Because you will see Him preach, heal and cure in a surprising way, just as He did so many times.
Because you will be able to feel, upon His Return, His blessing Hand, His closeness and His embrace, as He did many times with the forgotten, with the discarded, with the offended, with the wounded, with all those who have been despised.
The touch of His humble Love, at His Return, will transform all things, just as the Mantle that the holy women would touch for them to be healed, just as the tears that rolled upon His Feet to wash and bless them with the love of the confirmed ones.
Today I want you to re-consecrate your vows as Children of Mary, but with an inner conviction of striving every day to fulfill the vows that you yourselves professed to Christ.
This will allow the light and expression of the task of Argentina through you to be fulfilled, because everything is offered so that this may happen. For this reason, I am here, to accompany and impel you once more.
My Son needs your service in Argentina to make the sun of this nation to shine, because to Him, Our Lord, this is urgent.
Before I bid farewell and thank you, I wish for the little Marys to draw near to be blessed by Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us bless these little souls, through anointment, so that they may be consecrated as Children of Mary.
Let us say a prayer for this soul.
Prayer: “Hail Mary” (twice).
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the perfume of My Love be felt at this moment, so that souls may re-ignite in the Love and Grace of the Father, which are immeasurable, infinite and inextinguishable.
Just as I consecrate these little souls today, baptizing them with the spiritual Light of My Son, in the same way I consecrate and baptize you again with the spiritual Light that Jesus brought to His Mother and His apostles in His Resurrection.
May the stars of My Crown protect and guide Argentina.
I thank you for this meeting of peace, love and reconciliation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rivers of blood flood the surface of the Earth; just as this ocean, before your eyes, floods life.
Who will pay the price for the innocence that was destroyed?
Who will take charge, My children, after the Precious Blood of My Son was shed, drop by drop, in order to redeem and save the world?
Today, I come to Russia, also as the Mother of this nation, which has another Spiritual Purpose and not the one that it is committing in these times.
If all the nations of the world had fulfilled their Spiritual Purpose from the beginning, I assure you, My children, that war, famine, exile and impunity would not exist.
But this Project of God, on the surface of the Earth, deviated from its intended path. For that, God the Father sends us to the world as His Messengers to awaken the consciousness of humanity.
How much more will have to happen on this surface, My children, for something to change in the human being?
Although the majority is not responsible for the wrong decisions made by very few and which have repercussions on millions of souls in the world, I ask you, My beloved children, that your profound school of prayer, in these critical and challenging times, be deepened even more, so that this school of prayer, which is a permanent invocation to the Kingdom of Heaven, may touch the Heart of God, a Heart offended and hurt by His Children.
But I come to offer to the world the Reliquary of My Immaculate Heart so that souls may enter God through My Heart, and the difficult and complex situations that are lived in these times may be repaired by the offer of good souls, of souls who seek God unceasingly, of souls who live the gift of the Fear of God, not as a justice, but as the imperious need to be in Him and for Him, serving on this surface of the Earth.
Weapons are still being activated. Humankind still lives in war and the souls who, on this surface, are under these difficult living conditions, are frightened and terrified by what they hear and by what they see, day by day; from My youngest children, who are the most innocent and pure, to My oldest and most adult children, who are subdued by the arrogance and by the power of a few.
Unfortunately, in this world there is an infernal network that conditions many populations of the planet; but this cannot continue, My children, because the signs of the planetary birth continue to increase. The Earth will continue to tremble, volcanoes will continue to erupt, nature will show its fury and its power for not having been cared for and respected.
Can you imagine, My children, just for a moment, how many will be under this condition?
We can only pray, in heart and in truth, not allowing a single day to fail to be permeated by the light of prayer.
As Mother of perpetual prayer, who prays for all Her children of the world; as Mother of Mercy, in the face of so many injustices and errors; as Queen of Peace, in the face of so many conflicts and wars that are committed; I come to ask you, My children, once again, to heed the appeal of My Heart, because I assure you, dear children, that very few are prepared for the end of times; so few are prepared as the number of angels that accompany Me today.
Do you understand the urgency of these times?
I do not come to give you fear or dread, because that is not from God. I come to pray, today, on my knees, that Russia may be converted to My Immaculate Heart so that the Third Secret of Fatima may not be fulfilled, so that evil and impunity may not continue to spread in the world. My Thorned Heart is pressed by the thorns of My children's pain and My Heart sheds Blood on this day, just as My Son shed His Blood on the Cross.
May this Blood, shed by the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be repaired by the sincere prayer of Her children, those who know that praying is not an obligation, those who already know that praying is a necessity and an emergency, because under the light of prayer they will be protected and sheltered by My Mantle of immaterial and universal Light.
My Hands today are not enough to help all those in need. The hosts of Light, sacred angels of the Eternal Father, are also unable to attend to so many emergencies and needs that are not only physical, but also spiritual, because spiritual needs are the most urgent.
Who will decide to take the step to assume, together with the Mother of Sorrows, this planetary cross?
Who will no longer distance themselves from the cross and will be the new Cyrenian who, through silence, persistence and faith, will carry with My Son all the sins of the world, with the ardent aspiration to help the Lord?
Who will decide, once and for all, to be a mirror of prayer on Earth, to understand that it is no longer the time for selfishness and individualism, to understand that it is the time and it is the hour for the "we", where the whole Celestial Brotherhood vibrates?
Regrettably, mistakes will continue to be made in the world, and this will be so until My Son returns. He knows this, He watches in His utmost silence; but His Love does not judge, His Mind does not question, His Spiritual Government does not pressure, His Light radiates, His Compassion is established beyond the borders of this material plane.
But do not lose faith, affirm in yourselves the Divine Hope. The world will need, more and more each day, that there be good instruments of God, so that His Love may be deposited and His Light may be poured into all the tabernacles of the Earth, which are the sincere souls who offer themselves to enter into communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the sacred science of the Sacraments and of the sublime adoration of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
May all the Blessed Sacraments be opened, in these times, so that the Light of Christ may be multiplied in the world, so that equilibrium may be established, so that peace may fill the spaces and consciousnesses.
As Mother of Russia, I ask you to pray for the religion of this country, sadly conditioned, empty of spirit because of its commitments that are not with God. Many, many souls depend on this.
Now, do you understand My affliction? Now, do you feel My Heart?
I will thank you for heeding My spiritual requests, because you do not have to do anything different from what you already do. You must only become more aware of the reality and the time of emergency, so that the nations do not continue to engage in evil and so that millions of people are not under this condition.
I come to ask you, once again, to pray for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart.
Today, I come here to give this special Message because God has allowed Me to do so. I will do all that is possible and a little more for My children, so that they do not lose peace and unity with the Eternal Father.
Now, your Heavenly Mother will withdraw into silence and thus, She invites Her children to withdraw into the sacred silence, so that My Words do not go unnoticed or souls forget them from one moment to the next, because it is God who sends Me to give this Message, it is the Voice of God that resounds through My Words and My Lips, so that His Love may echo in the world.
I thank you for being here with Me today in this place, praying on your knees next to the Mother of God.
May the Love and Light of My Son bless you all.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
This is the time to hold prayer as the fundamental instrument in your lives.
Thus, in the universe of prayer, you will receive the light of wisdom for the absolute transformation that your consciousnesses must experience.
This is the time to hold prayer as the instrument to solve the most difficult situations, because prayer will always lead you to remain on a higher frequency in a safer reality, at this planetary moment.
My children, I invite you to disseminate this instrument, not with words or with messages, but rather with your examples of transformation and conversion through the School of Prayer, because prayer will also help, as will fasting, in keeping the elements of nature in balance.
In this School of Prayer that you must live, My children, I ask that you not stop praying. This is the time in which your hearts are to elevate the most fervent and sincere prayers towards the Heights so that serious situations in humanity may find a solution.
All the consecrated Children of Mary, at this moment, must be united in prayer, as souls and as brothers and sisters, beyond distances, so that your Heavenly Mother may intercede in all needs.
Children, may prayer be the inner melody that resonates within you, so that someday your lives may be a prayer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The world experiences its calvary, experiences its cross, but I bring you the solution for all this.
The Rosary is your salvation, it is the powerful and unbreakable instrument of God, which your Mother and faithful Servant used for a long time while She was here on Earth.
From My Heart came the school of prayer of the heart, which is the one I need to see alive within you, may you live this inner school every day, so that My Immaculate Heart may continue to triumph in your lives and on the planet.
It is through the groups of prayer, it is through the prayerful hearts that I am able to come to the world. There is no other reason for being here at this moment.
Your prayer is the door that opens for Me, so that I may descend to the world and, while I am with you, I am able to assist those who need it in this culminating hour for humanity.
Today I come dressed in celebration, but also in peace and in hope, knowing that in the world there are many children of Mine who suffer the effects of the very illness the planet has generated.
But this will pass. I pray for you, for the nations and for all the planet, because as a Mother, I hope that humanity will learn this lesson, that it will be able to overcome it and be able to register it in its consciousness so that it does not happen again; because even though the Apocalypse must be fulfilled, I come here to intercede for you, My children, for your nations, peoples and families, because I only want the joy and the happiness of Heaven for each one of you.
Your Heavenly Mother is very simple, so simple and humble, an untiring servant who offers Herself to the Celestial Father for each of your souls, but also avails Herself of this moment, of this special anniversary, so that a planetary task may be accomplished again on the inner planes, where help and redemption are truly necessary.
I invite you to unite with Me in this chain of prayer during the month of the Holy Rosary so that, at each new day, My children, you may be able to awaken, within you and within your souls, an interest in this powerful but simple prayer.
Once again, My children, I will count on each of your beads and your prayers in each meeting of prayer that is transmitted through this Work.
I invite you, My children, to strengthen this commitment to Me as Children of Mary, as Rosary of Light groups, as all those who pray on Earth who, at this moment, need to raise their prayers and pleas to Heaven, so that not only may this pandemic end, but that nothing more come to the world that will make it suffer.
I will tell you something true, each time I descend here to the Earth, I always see the suffering of the world, of millions of souls that still suffer because of their own choices, as well as many innocent souls that suffer because of the choices of others. The suffering has to end, My children, it is possible to live in the joy and the Love of God.
So I am here as your Mother and Queen, so that you may be able to renew your vows this evening, so that the Rosary, in each day of your lives, be an essential and spiritual nourishment for you. For in this way, beloveds, you will drink of the Fount of My Grace, you will drink of the Fount of the Mercy of God; your problems will end, your faith will be strengthened, and you will be My servants, you will be a part of the Legion of Mary.
Today, on this 8th of May, in which Heaven touches Earth, in which God touches your hearts, in which the angels of the universe bow down before the Mother of God, I come to invite you and to call upon you, through the prayer of the Rosary and of your consecration to My maternal and Immaculate Heart, to become a part of the Legion of Mary, of the praying order of the Legion of Mary, a purely spiritual order of which the angels of Heaven are also a part, and many children of Mine in the world who devotedly pray to My Immaculate Heart are also part of this spiritual order.
My Son has asked Me to call you to this, invite you to this spiritual practice, in this way, your souls, your families and all your loved ones will also be contemplated by this spiritual order of the Legion of Mary.
Through the loving prayer of the Holy Rosary, I need you to spiritually carry the Marian symbol of My Heart stamped upon your chests, the "M" of Mary with the victorious Cross of Christ, surrounded by the twelve stars of My Crown.
This is the symbol of the legionnaires of Mary.
I invite you to strengthen, not only your commitment to the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, for Venezuela and for Syria, for the Middle East, for Easter Timor, for South Korea, in this case, also for Japan and China, so that the triumph of My Heart may also occur in that part of the world, just as it should occur in Africa.
All are called to remember what I once asked and requested of you. Prayer will never tire you, prayer will transmute you and uplift you.
I need to form this spiritual order in this end time. The spiritual order of the Legion of Mary was also inspired by the Templars that formed the first spiritual order of humanity, as by the holy women that were the guardians of the Relics of Christ.
I invite you, My children, to enter into this spiritual and angelic order. Your intermediaries will be your Guardian Angels. They are there in silence and in prayer, all the time, and I know that many do not call on their Guardian Angels.
All the treasures, the keys and the tools of the Hierarchy were given to you.
This is the time not only of the legionnaires of Mary, but also of the apostles of Christ. This is the time for your action, your definition and your moment of spiritual service for humanity.
If I have brought you to this point, in this definitive and culminating time of the planet, it is because, My children, you need to move forward with this spiritual mission.
This spiritual order of the legionnaires of Mary has no age limit, no requirements, but rather, three principal vows: devotion, commitment and obedience.
Today I bring to your hearts, but mainly to your souls, the spiritual symbol of the legionnaires of Mary, stamped in the very depths of your hearts so that you may receive it, revere it and accept it, at this moment, in which the servants of Christ need to prepare for what will come.
From your homes and families, you can do many works, although it may not seem to be so. There are infinite intentions in humanity, just as there are infinite needs in the four continents of this planet, that are waiting for your help and intervention.
In this month of May, the month of the Rosary, the doors of the Heavens are open for the opportunity granted to your Heavenly Mother so that the devotion to My maternal Heart may allow Graces and Mercy to descend, which many suffering souls need in this time, especially those who have lost their lives.
Today at My feet I have the world, and in it, all of humanity and the consciousnesses that are self-summoned to be a part of this Legion of Mary.
My wish is that you will be able to respond to My request through this Work, which My Son founded for an extremely important spiritual and planetary reason.
Just as you must give a response to the requests that I have now made to you in these recent days, I will receive the applications for the Legion of Mary with open arms, so that your souls may have the Grace and the experience of further living the school of prayer.
This spiritual order will be fundamental and important when your Heavenly Mother no longer comes to the world nor appears here or in any other place of the world.
The order of the legionnaires of Mary will be that which will support the last part of the planetary transition.
Those who want to enter the praying order of Mary may apply and, as a response, I will give you the spiritual symbol of this Legion through this Work.
It will be a profoundly spiritual practice of each one of you with Me, but those who apply and truly dedicate themselves to not only be My consecrated children with the Sky Blue Mantle, but also dedicate themselves to this practice that I give you today, will be with Me to help in the most culminating moment of humanity, regardless of where they may be.
Now Our Lady is praying for us. We pray inwardly with Her so that Her divine intentions may be accomplished, for the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
The prayer of the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the prayer of the legionnaires of Mary.
At the request of our Mother, we will recite this prayer a few times so that the echo of Her Voice and Her Words, of Her requests and intentions, may reach as many hearts as possible in the four corners of the Earth, while our Divine Mother opens Her arms and stretches out Her hands toward us, igniting the Light of Her Immaculate Heart to receive these prayers, that we will now recite.
And I rise up to Heaven on this evening, while listening to a special prayer that I Myself inspired, a prayer that, among many others, was born in Aurora, the Greater Center of My planetary task with humanity.
And so, receiving this prayer in My Heart and in My Soul, to Heaven I will carry the intentions of those who commit themselves to the Holy Rosary in the times that will come, and of those who will apply to be My future legionnaires.
I thank you for responding to My call.
By the blessing and by the authority, given to Me by God and My beloved Son, I re-consecrate you to My maternal and Immaculate Heart so that you may live the vows of devotion, commitment and obedience to My Marian work.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We will listen to "In a simple gaze."
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This is the time to reconcile humanity with God before everything happens. This is why I chose again to come to Portugal, not only because of its history, but also because of its events with other peoples and nations, and thus, I come for the other nations of Europe.
I will continue on pilgrimage through these lands, as My Holy Mother did together with the Holy Grail. I will come with My Heart to illumine the darkest spaces of the European consciousness, and your help will be essential for Me.
So, in My Heart and on this afternoon, I bring the treasures of Heaven that will illuminate souls and their paths, so that all consciousnesses may learn someday to live the Will of God and can overcome and transcend human suffering activated by their own will, rather than the Will of My Father.
I know that sometimes the world does not want to listen to this need, to realize this truth. But a very definite time is drawing closer, it is very close, more than it seems for humanity, and it must not take you by surprise. You must be aware and awake so that, at the indicated time, your hearts will dictate the moment of this great event that will place humanity by the side of God, or far from God.
For this reason, from the Celestial Universe, Our Sacred Hearts ask for so many prayers for the world, in order to be able to rectify the errors of humanity and of the peoples, not only the historical errors that have become indelible in many consciousnesses, but also to avoid future errors, so that the harmony and equilibrium of God may be established on the planet.
Your attunement with My Heart is very important, not only through the practices I have taught you over time, mainly through the Communion that I offer you daily, so that your spirits and souls can be nurtured by the Source, but also through all that comes from the Celestial Universe and descends to the world in each moment of prayer and of supplication, of service and of surrender for your fellow being, in each opportunity of again experiencing a Sacrament, and of freeing your consciousness from perdition, from the temptation of these times, from the illusion of the world, from spiritual blindness and from indifference.
On this day, companions, your hearts reached a new step in their awakening. Thus, I bring you this request of continuing to pray from the heart for those who most need it, for those who do not listen, for those who close their ears to the Voice of God by means of His Divine Son.
Today I come to rest in your hearts. Today I come to repose My Spirit in your spirits so that the inner alliance may strengthen between souls and the Plan of God, for all that still must be done and be manifested on Earth, for the Greater Will to be fulfilled.
Humanity must continue to seek the perfect union with the Ark of the Holy Covenant, with that sacred symbol of spiritual ascension that descends from the Kingdom of the Heavens through the intervention of the Divine Son, so that His sacred treasures and His divine impulses may descend over the human consciousness and to the nations, so that the errors may be erased, the deviations may be avoided, human perversion may be stopped, and souls may find again the path toward what is sacred and toward the upliftment of consciousness.
All this may be possible because of the continuity of your daily prayers, the commitment with the school of prayer of My Mother so that more souls may be able to awaken in time, and may find within themselves the meaning and the answer of being here on Earth, not for something material, but for something profoundly spiritual, for a mission, for a principle and a purpose, for a Greater Plan.
My Heart contemplates your inner needs. My ears hear all your pleas. But it is necessary, companions, to take another step so that the Higher Universe may come to meet you and the Greater Source of all the impulses of God may continue to guide you and lead you toward the goal of being able to be part, someday, of the new flock of God that will be born from the miserable and the imperfect, from those who are learning to be redeemed and to forgive. Because it will be the New Jerusalem, the city of light that will descend from the Universe to welcome you all in the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God, in profound communion and alliance with the Father.
The nonmaterial treasures of the Universe must be part of your lives, the attention of your consciousnesses, the reason for living and for existing and for carrying forward a part of the Plan of the Father, in this way you will be helping your Master and Redeemer so that His Work may continue to expand on Earth in this time, outside of His Church, given the need of millions of souls that experience great suffering and infinite agony that only the Love of God will be able to heal and alleviate.
For this reason, your Master and Lord needs intermediaries, not masters but disciples, servants of His Merciful Heart that can represent Him in this time, just as the apostles represented Him in the past.
In truth, I tell you, I come to bring continuity to what I once did on Earth. I unite past time with present time through Real Time, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may receive the same Christic codes that My Apostles from the past once received, as did all those who followed Me with faithfulness and love, with sacrifice, in surrender and in redemption.
You must be part of the story of the Book of God. The Celestial Father still hopes to be able to continue writing a new story in humanity. A story of all those who listen to Christ, who follow His steps and experience perfect communion with Him, responding to His Call without conditions or rules, in obedience, with faithfulness and in profound unity.
I am still waiting for the definition of many of you as well as many of your brothers and sisters that are on this planet, who are a part of the 144,000, who will proclaim My second return to the world, the second Glorious coming of God through His Most Beloved Son, in the presence of the Holy Grail.
If you give continuity to the story that God wants to write through your lives and hearts, nonmaterial treasures will descend from the Universe and will cease to be a mystery to the majority of humanity.
You will know how to work with the sacred tools of God, you will learn through prayer and through the sacred instruments to support this planet during its three days of darkness, and you will be by My side, although you may not believe that I am there, because My Presence is eternal, unmistakable and undeniable.
And thus, you will fulfill My promises, the promises that I once made to the Celestial Father of being able to again, through My Soul and My Divinity, rescue this sacred people that is humanity, who again were perverted and got lost through the influences of My adversary, which someday will be defeated by your own Master and Lord, with the authority of the Archangel Gabriel.
Celebrate the opportunity, companions, of being conscious, and do not let the planetary inertia absorb you or that the deep sleep of millions of human beings may affect you.
You are now within the great awakening, the opportunity to transform your lives completely, to be the new wineskin in the Hands of the King, purified and sublimated by My Spirit.
As long as humanity does not take the necessary steps to reverse and balance human perversions and all their misalignments, the treasures of the Universe will remain in the Universe until they can be revealed to the entire human consciousness, regardless of religion, color, or nation, because the knowledge of God is for all. The knowledge will make you more aware and available to be able to carry out the Plan of God, to fulfill the great promise of being a sacred people under the principles and the attributes of God, which many call Commandments.
We are still in the time of Grace. We are still in the time of Mercy, with the opportunity of being able to cross the portal toward redemption and of becoming worthy children of God by means of prayer, daily charity, love, and peace with your peers.
As a testimony to this love that I continue to unconditionally give to the world, today I will again consecrate new adorers of My Eucharistic Body, because in them must be the pillars and the great divine structures that will support humanity and the planet when it moves, through the perfect practice of adoration.
Through My Eucharistic Body, find the portal for your ascension and transcendence, for the sublimation of your thoughts and feelings, in order to be able to make amends for all your debts and faults in face of the Celestial Father, Who mercifully loves you.
Through this consecration of new adorers, I again give you the Gifts of God so that you may learn to conceive them within you, through an example of life on the path of prayer, of service, of instruction and of healing.
Those who adore My Eucharistic Body are the ones who will, in the end of times, allow divine revelations to continue in humanity so that all may be more aware and available to be able to serve God.
Those who adore My Eucharistic Body are the ones that balance the planet and humanity in this time and do not allow errors to continue to be generated so that they do not lead souls into perdition and spiritual blindness.
Adoration is a path of reconciliation with God and of profound contact with Me, from Heart to heart, from Soul to soul, and from Spirit to spirit.
Between us, the adorers and My Heart, only the Light that emanates from the Source can exist, which brings healing, forgiveness and renewal to hearts.
Adoration is a permanent practice of concentration and of alignment to be able to stabilize the psychic plane of humanity, from all that it generates in this time, because of what it thinks and what it experiences.
Adoration is a permanent portal of transmutation in which the angels are able to maintain all the balance and the harmony when the adorer simply opens to being before My Eucharistic Heart.
Today I bring you these opportunities and Graces, knowing that this meeting will not be enough for everything that Europe needs today as a continent and as a people, in light of so much history and so many events. Because the salvation of the rest of the nations of the world will depend on Europe, on its charity, on its contribution, on its giving of self and its fidelity to fellow beings, to the one who suffers, the one who has nothing.
That is your main commitment: to step out of yourselves, to completely empty yourselves so that My Love and My Light can enter, so that My Message and My Word not only continue to come here, to Europe, to bless you, heal you and redeem you, but also be able to reach the whole world through your conscious collaboration.
The manifestation of My Second Return will depend on the conscious contribution of humanity, on those who believe in Christ, on those who work for Christ, on those who live in Christ.
There is a part that is up to you all, in perfect equality and balance, in cooperation and in brotherhood. This will allow humanity to not be without a guide, without help in this difficult time on Earth, in which everything, absolutely everything, is at stake.
Unite with My Heart and you will understand what I tell you today, because God does not need your material goods. The Universe needs your giving of self so that you and your material goods can transform into what God needs, just as He conceived it in the beginning in unity, in equality, in fraternity, so that the Divine Spirit, the Love of God may always be present.
Let us celebrate this meeting, Let us internalize the Words of God through His Beloved Son, so that the words do not go unnoticed, but rather that the Words of the Father be conscious within you, especially in your hearts, where the Living God must always have a principal place in your lives.
Opening the Celestial Church, summoning all the Angelic Choirs, we will experience this consecration as if it were the first time that Heaven touches your lives to redeem them and change them into light. Amen.
We stand up.
At this moment, each one of you will make their offering before the Celestial Father. In the silence of the heart, you will tell the Eternal Father what it is that you need so that My merciful Heart may gather up your supplications and intentions, and your lives again be transformed.
"Father of the Universe and of Grace, just as You gave Yourself through Your Son on the Cross for an immeasurable and infinite unknown Love, today surrender, Lord, through Your Son, so that souls may vivify Your Spirit and live the experience of Your Love, which will raise them and bring them the awareness of accomplishing Your Divine Purpose. Amen."
By the water that emerged from My Side, today may souls be washed so that they can experience spiritual communion, and in this way, achieve redemption.
Now bring here the elements for the consecration of the adorers so that the Lord can bless them.
Just as My Mother lived Her virginity, I invite you to live My immaculate Spirit, the immaculate Spirit of God that emerges like a Fount of Love through His Son. Because My ardent desire is that your hearts learn to be pure, not only in consciousness but also in intentions, because if your hearts are pure, you will achieve the Kingdom of God and will enter into It without any impediment.
Each practice of consecration, each new step that is taken by the children of God is an opportunity to awaken, to be committed to the Plan of God and to surrender to the Christic life.
This is why today I especially bless these elements that will represent a stage of your lives on the path of the consecration of the Spirit, of the conversion of the soul, and of the transformation of life.
May the Grace of God descend into them and may that Grace be reverently cared for and protected by each one of those who today will be consecrating themselves, as well as by those who are already consecrated, because in the simplicity of all that exists is the Living God.
Be the example of My Life on Earth, testify to My Message for the world, represent Me in truth, without fear and without obstacles, because I take you into account, I contemplate you with My Heart, and I hold you in the temple of My Spirit.
May the instruction elevate and redeem you.
For those who also adore Me, I make the sacrifice of coming to the world again, so that souls do not lose the joy of living in God and of finding the meaning of being here on Earth, fulfilling an unknown Divine Will that, for the heart that opens, reveals itself in life with clarity and precision.
Today I come to renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God through the transubstantiation of the elements, of the bread and the wine.
At the Table that was consecrated by the Father and by His apostles, we will again celebrate by giving the world the Blood and the Body of Christ, for the salvation of humanity and the planet.
At this Altar, consecrated on this day, where the men and the women of the Earth recognize the Son of God through His Eucharistic Body, I invite you to kneel to remember the last Supper of your Lord together with His apostles.
In deep joy and love, I took the Bread, giving thanks to God, His Spirit blessed it, I gave it to My apostles, saying to them:
"Eat all of It, because this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
I then lifted up the Holy Chalice to the Heavens, the Father blessed it with His Spirit, I gave it to My apostles, saying to them:
"All take and drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Redeemer and by the martyrs for the remission of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
In union with the Most Holy Trinity, repeat the prayer that with such Love I taught you:
(Our Father (in Portuguese)
"This is the Lamb of God, who redeems and forgives those who are lost, who with His Fire of Love, vivifies and reignites those who live in Him and proclaim His Name. Amen."
I taught you to love one another, and it is something that humanity still has not understood, but those who are awake in Me know the importance of unconditionally and truly loving their fellow being.
For this reason, I invite you to renew yourselves in love so that your wounds may be closed and the inner sequels be dispelled, and you feel the joy of living in love and for love, just as I live for you all of the time.
Today I not only leave you My Peace, but also I leave My Love so that the Peace and the Love of God may be in you and in the world.
In fraternity and in love, you will give one another the greeting of Peace.
I thank you for being with Me today.
Be guardians of peace in the world and pray for those who proclaim peace.
Pray for those who struggle for a planet of fraternity and hope because, without knowing, they are opening the path for a New Life and a New Time.
Pray for those who sincerely love life, the Kingdoms of Nature and the human beings and who, day and night, search for ways to expand respect and love for the world.
Pray for those who do not pray and silence those who do not respect their fellow being and who, with their word, create a lack of union and of love.
Offer spiritual repair for this world. Believe that through your prayers new laws will be attracted from the Universe to transform material life, which is out of alignment and imbalanced.
Pray for the protection of your brothers and sisters who, in the four corners of the world, take forward planetary tasks with the faith that Love will be established on Earth.
Trust that all effort is valid and even the smallest one can transform the destiny of this humanity and of this planet.
That your prayers be each time more sincere and embrace this world.
Children, pray for peace and be the peace of this planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Restore yourself in the source of prayer that, when sincerely offered, generates merits for the Redemption of souls.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and renew yourself in the certainty that your effort is not in vain and that everything you offer turns into a reparation for the Heart of God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and let your soul offer everything of itself to God and to His Son Who, throughout all of human evolution, offers His Heart in sacrifice and resignation for each being of this Earth.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and remember the souls without hope in the wars, in slums, and in the palaces of this world. Let your voice, already sometimes without strength, be able to reach the depths of these beings as an impulse so that they too do not give up seeking God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and do not tire of pronouncing your praises to the Father. Know that the Heart of God always waits for you, and no matter how small your offering, when it is sincere, its merits infinitely multiply and the Redemption that is born of it is eternal.
Restore yourself, beloved child, in the source of prayer, and until the end of your days, pray so that the Father never distances Himself from you.
If you have no strength or voice to pray, pray in silence. And if your heart is too weak to emit love, pray in the stillness. And if your mind is unable to pronounce a thought, pray in the void. And if your soul is in the desert and feels nothing, simply pray, waiting for God to reach you there. Never close the door to the Heart of the Father.
Persist and be firm, even if it is in the core of your being.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, child, pray at every instant of your life, asking that the presence of the Spirit of God be alive in you. That this Holy Spirit may permeate your being, your mind, your soul and your heart, entering into your feelings and acting in the world through your actions.
It is a time of confusion and conflicts, in and out of the beings, and the enemy, very invisibly, enters into the life of people and takes hold of their hearts, even when they believe that they are on the path of good and that they do not do anything other than proceed through life, according to what their heart dictates.
The enemy lives in the hearts of many men who sow discord by enjoying evil and that, ignoring the voice of their souls and the outcry of their guardian angels, enter more deeply, each day, into the abysses of this world.
Pray for those who make mistakes and only attract Justice and despair toward themselves.
Pray for those who will regret their mistakes too late, for having ignored the Plan of God, His Work and His Will, believing that all of that was the plan, work, and will of men.
Pray for those who ignore the Law of the Hierarchy, for the unbelievers and the impious, those who judge the actions of God in men, because they will not be able to receive anything more than Divine Justice, since they did not accept His Mercy.
Pray for those who suffer for not being able to be humble and who prefer to build human works instead of recognizing their faults and allowing themselves be corrected on the path of God.
Beg the Holy Spirit to act in your heart and live in you so that you may persevere in the Will of the Father and do not judge the fulfilling of His Plan based on human actions and definitions.
Pray, child, because the world agonizes, the nations tremble, the hearts of men are confused. Only in God there will be peace, only in His Spirit there will be discernment, only in His Heart there will be true Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
In this world and in this humanity, the school that enables you to go through human suffering is one of the greatest tests for souls, since this school represents the overcoming of difficult moments and experiencing greater learnings.
This is the reason why the school of prayer helps and intervenes in the deepest aspects of suffering, reaching the unconscious spaces of the human being in order to uproot that which caused suffering and keeps the soul imprisoned.
Therefore, the prayer from the heart attracts the action of the Laws of Healing and of Redemption.
In these times, in which most of humanity has chosen the school of suffering, it is the moment to act through the power of prayer so that souls may abandon that state of pain and rediscover the path of love and peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May this conviction always emerge from your heart, dear child, that God dwells and lives within you, because thus each human aspect of life and of personality will become small before the true impulse of the essence.
In the essence of the creatures of the Earth lies the fulfillment of the Work of God and this Divine Project must awaken within the beings, in this time.
The essence in each being is an incalculable treasure and, at the same time, the human being itself cannot conceive what the Original Essence in itself means.
In order to have at least a little contact with this reality, the school of prayer offers to you this portal that will always lead you toward the intimate and deep encounter with what you truly are.
May more and more hearts dare, in this time, to enter the most intimate core of your inner essence, so that the principles of faith and of the communion with Christ may make of each soul an instrument of peace in the Hands of God, for this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Germany needs to re-consecrate itself to My Immaculate Heart, so that it may receive more Graces than the ones I bring to you today. But today I will carry to Heaven and in My Heart the breath of love of My children, which is what makes Me return to the world again and again.
This is why I am here, My children, so that the breath of the love of your hearts may reach not only Germany, but also the places that are most in need of the Love of God.
It is this Love so deep and real that will redeem your hearts and lives, that will have you understand the Mysteries of God, so that someday you may learn to fulfill His Will.
Today I have felt this love from your hearts, from each heart that is present, that has confessed their love for My Immaculate Heart to Me.
I wish, My children, for you to always remember this, for it is what will dissolve even more the mistakes that Germany committed in the past.
It is this love that will cause you to love the Universe even more, so that someday you may be participants in all that is guarded in the essence of Universal Life.
It is this love that will cause you to love everything unconditionally, that will awaken you to the service for those most in need; because the main reason for service here in Germany is for those who suffer spiritually, despite having everything and never lacking anything.
Although it may not seem so to you, My Children, spiritual suffering is greater than material and human suffering, for there is nothing that can dissolve it, except the Love of God, which again and again must emerge from your essences so that this Love may fill your lives and spirits, and in this way, fill the planet that is so in need of the Love of God in order to continue forward in these defining times.
Today the laws of transmutation have acted in a different way, because first you have donated the love of your hearts and surrendered to an unknown and invincible Will.
It is this Divine and Infinite Will, based on the Love of God, that has brought Me here to Germany, to bring to your hearts what is renewing and good so that, from your families and peoples, you may learn the new values of spirituality, based on the attributes that My Immaculate Heart offers to you for these times.
Through the path of service and of prayer, My children, through the Communion with Christ and the daily confession of your hearts to the Supreme Creator, is where you will find the keys to transform everything because, My children, you will learn to live the spirituality that God had planned from the beginning for Germany and Europe.
Therefore today, My children, a new cycle begins and your hearts are participants in this Grace that I bring to you; a Grace that will try to lead you into a further awakening and an awareness of all that God needs for this time and your humanity.
My children, the task here in Germany has only just begun. The soil has been prepared, the Shepherd has sown it and Mother Nature has watered it, so that new principles of brotherhood and of light can sprout here, which will help to dissolve the past and to heal hearts from all suffering.
Therefore, My children, first you must believe in the love that is in you and within you. Open yourselves to discover God's Universe of Love within, and prayer will be the basic pillar of your lives in order to find it. Because with this daily communication with Heaven, your Guardian Angels will help you find the path of love, in order to finally find the path of the truth that you need so much to know and understand, through what happens in your lives day by day.
So today, I not only stretch out My Hand for you to hold it tightly, My children, so We can unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe of God and the souls, but I also offer you My maternal Heart so that, through the Fire of My Spirit, new gifts may enter into you at this moment, and this may expand beyond your lives and your nation. Because whoever experiences the call of the Celestial Mother will learn to live the Will of God in these difficult times.
Therefore I invite you to generate among yourselves, children of Germany, an unbreakable unity that will help to foster Peace in the inner worlds and that will bring renewal to your lives and to all of your people.
Today I am here before you, as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, to invite you so that, by means of your consecration on this day, group prayer may be the keynote for your lives; prayer that can heal the deep levels of the souls of Germany that are still suffering the consequences of the past and the present.
Today I offer Myself to you as the Mother of Prayer, so that you may enter into My eternal school, so that together with the Angels of Heaven, you may form this new school of prayer, which on very silent and deep levels, is not only able to transform Germany, but also Europe, which needs it so much.
With this answer that your hearts have given Me to experience today's consecration, and also for those who have come from other nations to consecrate themselves, My wish, My children, is that you be able to perceive the fire of your faith that, although unknown, must always lead you to concretize the Will of God in your lives and in the nations to which you belong.
This is My message to you, My children: I wish you to be ambassadors of peace and that you foster peace through good actions, fraternal actions, peaceful actions, that may renew your consciousnesses and all those who receive this service from you.
The greatest spiritual service for the groups of prayer in Germany will be the assistance through prayer and the invocation of the Divine Mercy of My Son for all of My Children who need to receive an opportunity in these final days.
Today I will leave here, My children, finalizing and fulfilling a Mission, which you have experienced together with Me in these last months and in which all were led to collaborate out of love and brotherliness, so that Europe could receive the Graces it so much needed.
There is still much work to be done, My children. Belgium and Denmark also hope for My help someday, as well as Russia, which is in need of a great deal of Mercy.
But if the pillars of the groups of prayer are first founded in Western and Eastern Europe, they will create the necessary conditions, My children, for the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers to reach those places in the world that are also in need of Mercy.
As from now, My children, we are preparing for this moment, as well as to carry the peace and love that you have received to Asia and Oceania.
At this moment, before the Celestial Church of Christ, which opens from the Spiritual Universe, the Mother of Heaven and of Earth, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, invites Her children who are consecrating themselves today, to approach this altar blessed by Christ in order to experience this important moment of the consecration of their souls to My Immaculate Heart.
As from this moment, let the hymn of your consecration begin to be heard.
You, My children, have determined before My Immaculate Heart to form part of this first army for Germany, which will also unite Austria and Switzerland in this divine and special triangulation for the triumph of the three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, who from this moment, in the name of God and of His Divine and Invincible Project, have offered Themselves to these three nations in order to carry out an important moment of conversion and of redemption for this part of humanity, forming glad and joyful groups of prayer that can forever carry in their hearts the Love that I will give you today.
The children who will consecrate themselves today, put your hands in a sign of reception.
As the Virgin of Schoenstatt and the Lady of the most Holy Rosary, receive from My Maternal Heart this Grace for which you have waited so long in your lives, so that this Grace may multiply and reach the hearts that suffer the most, by means of your commitment in this life of consecration to the service of prayer for humanity.
May the Lord pour out His Gifts upon you and make you partake of His Mercy.
May the Lord always make you feel His trust and plenitude, so that thousands of souls in Germany may receive the impulse of awakening through your devotion and dedication to a life of prayer, so that the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon against evil, may be instilled in your hearts and in the world and renew the times on this planet.
You may place your hands on your heart and thank God for this day of consecration to the Maternal and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Remember that I will always hear you, that as Mother and Servant of God I will listen to your prayers, which will especially emerge in this time from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Today I consecrate you as a spiritual family so that the three Sacred Hearts may be present in you and in your nations.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Today you will take these roses that I am consecrating as the testimony of My Love for you, of an eternal and invincible Love, of a Love that understands and accepts, of a Love that does not question, nor judges. Of a Love of My Heart that embraces, that heals and that redeems, because it is God through My Heart in your lives forever.
I thank you for having responded to My call.
May peace always be found here in Germany.
So be it.
I come in the name of My Son to give you thanks for your pleas through the novena you are doing to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
I have come from the Cosmos to tell you this so that you know that your Heavenly Mother is with you, as She is with the world, in so much need of Love and of Light.
I come to make your lives shine through prayer, so that you may become pillars of Light for this world and carry that Light to the world where It is most needed, where they cry out the most.
I thank you for this novena, because the doors are opening and hearts are managing to be sincere.
Even though you do not understand in depth the Purpose of God, your Heavenly Mother, through Her Love, will make you understand all things with simplicity and humility.
For that reason, continue praying until the end of the Novena of Saint Joseph so that the Most Chaste Heart may also bestow His Graces on Europe and Africa.
The planetary needs are great, and the emergencies in these times are many.
I ask you, My children, to continue praying for Peace in the nations, as you have been doing: week after week, bead by bead, and heart with heart, igniting that Light of My Love in the world through the powerful Rosary.
With all of this, I ask you to continue forward, so that you may continue renewing yourselves through the times, in spite of the very serious things that occurr in the world.
My trust, children, is in you, in each moment of prayer that you offer to My Immaculate Heart, so that deep and inner wounds may be dispelled from the Heart of you Mother, and thus, from the heart of Her children who seek peace.
I come to meet you with all the stars of the Cosmos. I come to visit you with great angelic consciousnesses to untie the knots of these times, so that souls may find peace, live the spirit of solidarity and of cooperation with their peers, knowing that everything may be overcome through Love. There is no other path.
While the world does not learn to love, there will be no peace. The more you dare to practice the exercise of the love of the heart, the greater the possibilities that will exist for millions of souls to learn to live the path of Love.
Through this school of prayer that you live with Me every day, especially in the prayer for Peace in the nations, all the beads that are counted and offered grant inexplicable Graces to the whole world; things that perhaps you will not see in this time, but you will see occur in the near future, when your Heavenly Mother is no longer at your side to visit you and is only in Heaven, ardently desiring that you live My instruction, the instruction of My Son and that of Saint Joseph, so that this Work may continue forward, as it is written in the Heart of God.
Meanwhile, My children, I invite you to continue to truly love, to put love into practice in each detail, as with each sibling that approaches your lives, seeking a little of the restoring love, seeking a little of the healing and consoling love, that only emerges from the Source of the Holy Spirit and from the souls that unite with Him.
The Work that will be carried out by your Heavenly Mother in Europe is important. For that reason, each collaboration is essential, no matter how small it may seem. But I know that there are souls that can help Me more and you know that what I say to you is true.
The Mother of God does not flaunt riches, but rather the good for all of Her children, irrespective of their nation, religion or belief.
I want you to learn, My children, together with Me, that all can be one for, by achieving that spiritual unity, God will be in you and you will be in God, living His Kingdom; in spite of the events of these times, of the purifications or of the tests.
I invite you every day to be part of the Great Brotherhood, the Great Brotherhood that is in Heaven and also those who are in the interior of the planet and that with their silence, carry forward great Works in the world for the liberation of the planet and of humanity, for the redemption of souls, for Peace in all the peoples.
I invite you every day to link up with that great Brotherhood and to continue igniting the Confederated Star in your breasts, which will lead you on the path of Light, of ascension and of the good.
Very deep and unknown Laws of the Universe may be able to transform your lives and the lives of your siblings, and it will no longer be necessary to suffer, My children. I want the pain and the suffering to stop in the world. I want souls to know the true joy of serving God. What I call spiritual happiness, that is not in this world but in the Universe, in the Universal Life and in Knowledge; in faith, in service and mainly, in gratitude.
I want to lead you, dear children, to the Kingdom of God every day, so that you may dare to bring the Kingdom of God to the Earth and many, many more things in the world may continue to be transformed.
This is the ardent desire of your Celestial Mother, of your humble and serving Mother, untiring and eternal, Who comes to call Her children throughout time so that more lives may awaken to their true spiritual life.
While this does not happen, I will continue coming to the world. I will continue giving impulse to the awakening of consciousnesses, responding to the request of Christ and of the Celestial Father; with you and in you. As a Mother, I will be able to do many more things.
There is still much to do, My children. There is much to materialize and express within this Work of planetary Love and of Redemption that is traveling through the world and the nations, simply to sow Peace and hope.
Today I bring the Ray of hope to the world so that souls may recognize it and live it. Knowing that each one of My children has so many virtues and gifts to serve God, so as to be able to awaken and recognize in themselves what not even souls fully know.
Thus, I come to give you an impulse and to motivate you, to awaken your talents, virtues and gifts. Because Christ will come to call you and He will ask you for your virtues and talents, as well as for all of your gifts, so that you may be at His service at the time of His great Return to the world.
You, My children, are being called like your Celestial Mother, to be mediators of the heart and of the word; to seek in all things and in all of your siblings the spirit of the good; to see the good in your siblings, rather than evil; that which is positive, radiant and elevated in each consciousness that holds the inner Christ within.
Promote the awakening of the inner Christ in this time and the planet will be repopulated with sublime divine energies, which will be attracted by the children of God, not only as pillars of Light, but also as mirrors of His Divine Consciousness.
I invite you, My children, to recreate this planet and this humanity together. To teach the path of Love and of Service again through the humanitarian missions, the pilgrimages, the choirs, through everything that may be able to express the Love of God in the world.
Thus, this Work is for everyone and is broader than it seems and is. You, My children, have the key of My trust in order to do it, following the steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy in obedience and in the good, so that all may remain on its path, just as I ardently hope it to be fulfilled.
I come to thank you this evening for your loving collaboration, all those that are generating the next mission of peace in Europe and Africa through prayer and collaboration.
You do not even know, My children, what will happen on that continent and all that the Divine Messengers will do in each nation They will visit, just as in each place where They will go in order to sow the Peace and the Mercy that you have had the Grace of knowing during these last times.
Through the collaboration and the building of this next mission, I invite you to continue to ardently be those who pray and are merciful with those more ignorant, that are distracted and full of illusions with everything the world offers them.
Everything you do on Earth you will also be building it in Heaven. On the last day of your lives, you will know and become aware of all that you did for the love of God.
Everything you weave on Earth you will also be weaving it in Heaven, and the Universe will keep a memory of your actions and of your works of good for humanity.
Today I will rise up to Heaven in profound serenity, knowing that My children have understood, beyond words, the call of Heaven.
Be propagators of the good that I bring you today, so that the planet may be filled with Light and with Mercy until the Divine Messengers finish completing Their Mission in humanity.
On this evening, My Children, I want your hearts to be covered in hope so that healing may be established in humanity, the good may reach many more lives in the world and be touched by the Grace of God, by His Infinite Mercy.
I come to bring Peace not only to Brazil, but also to the world. This meeting has helped this to happen.
In Love and in the Good, I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call.
May this place be always covered in hope, so that hope may transform the world and all the consciousnesses may be touched by the Ray of the Hope of God.
I thank you.
Operative Groups of Prayer for Peace
In these times, My Divine Plans are to form praying souls, and at the same time operative ones, who take on the task of prayer as an essential commitment in their lives.
The operative groups of prayer are formed by consciousnesses that have already lived a life of prayer for a long time, or by souls that are just beginning the path of the life of prayer.
All souls that are placed in these groups wake up the gift of their devotion and are able to deepen on the path of contemplative life.
At this time, in which the planet has need of true pillars of prayer, the Divinity summons souls from different places so that they take on the fundamental task of responding to the greater call.
The operative groups of prayer are formed through their response to a planetary or universal purpose. The operative groups of prayer are based on a devotion to the Sacred Hearts, and they come together to build that bridge which will unite the Earth with the universe.
Thus, the groups work without receiving anything in return, because they understand that the need for prayer in these times is real.
The operative groups of prayer may also be spiritually integrated by different consciousnesses from different parts of the world that are connected to the Heart of each Divine Messenger, thus spontaneously creating a network of prayer that unites souls with God.
All the groups of prayer have a profile of union with the Divinity; what is important is that each consciousness enter this school so as to be able to receive the spiritual impulse that will sustain it in the end of times.
The groups of prayer exist as a loving service to the planet and to an indifferent humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is united to the groups of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of all the children of the world and from Heaven I bring you the peace that is possible to live in these times. This is why I am here, dear children, so that you may believe in this; because in spite of what happens in humanity and in all hearts, My task continues to be completed. I open the Heavens so that your hearts are able to rise up toward Me and thus enter the Heart of God, Who with ardent love awaits you to give you shelter in His Spirit and in His Divinity
Dear children, I come to Madrid with the same mission as two years ago. The Guadalupana must now travel through each province of Spain and must reach the hearts that are unknown to you. Because if you go on this pilgrimage with Me, carrying the holy image, hearts will seek it because they have lost faith in God and they need to regain it. This is why I am here, dear children, to make this request of you, because from the heart of Spain it is possible that this task may begin.
And thus you will find souls that will need to live through prayer, will need to learn how to pray and know how to connect with God. You who already live within My School of Prayer will know how to do it and how to teach it, because I will inspire you in the Power of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. In this way, dear children, you will gradually come to know the Gifts of God that are waiting to descend upon humanity and upon the simple hearts that open to find the path of consecration to the Plan of the Most High.
Today I come here to unite what is separate between consciousnesses, just as the song says. I come to establish in your essences the new humanity, something that today you will not be able to understand, dear children, but which you will build little by little inside of yourselves, taking the steps in the Plan of the Lord and in the redemption that My Son offers you in this time. Thus, dear children, you will never be alone; no matter how much you feel you are losing your inner strength, My Heart will always support you. I am that sacred hand that reaches out to you so that you can take hold of it firmly and feel safe on this path of conversion, of complete transfiguration of your lives.
Spain must be the Reign of My Immaculate Heart, because united with Portugal, it will be able to radiate peace to the whole European continent and beyond. You know, dear children, that you can count on the Sanctuary of Lis and also on the Sanctuary of Medjugorje. But it is still not enough; there are still hearts that have not repented and that do not find the path to My Son.
I come to show you the pathway that takes you to the Heart of the Celestial Father and this will cease to be a theory or something that is so invisible for you. Dear children, I need you to form as My columns, as I have told you once before, and to keep strengthening your spiritual life so that I may be near you and guide you along this path of end of times amidst the darkness and obscurity that the world lives.
I want this image to be a portal of peace, because for this I have consecrated it for each one of you and for your brothers and sisters on the path. As Guadalupe, I fulfill an important task in the United States, and I also fulfill it here, because from here I left to manifest in the Americas and come to be known as the Mother of the Americas and Mother of all the peoples.
I inspired the apostles of Christ when they evangelized and preached throughout this region, so that they might make My Gospel known, which is the deepest story of the Mother of God with Jesus Christ, Your Lord; so that they might make My silent work known and so that it might be witnessed by each one that heard it. This story reached Guadalupe, in a corner of this great Spain, and from there I was known to the world when My sacred face of the Mother of all the races showed itself to the Americas; thus reminding the white man of the union with all the peoples through unity and love, which at that time in Guadalupe I came to institute by order of God so that the peoples of Europe might have an opportunity in this final time, in this time of purification, in this time of transition.
Your hearts have been self-summoned for this and have not ceased to fulfill what I have requested in this work of expanding the light of My Heart throughout the world and especially in Europe. My mission with you, dear children, must go beyond frontiers and nations. You must reach those closed hearts that do not want to know Jesus nor draw closer to God. There is no method for doing it, nor one rule; transmit the love of your hearts, the love you feel for Me, and thus I will work. And when you gather together to pray with your brothers and sisters, with those who are unknown to you, they will be able to be converted by My Love and will find the peace that they seek so much. Dear children, I expect this of you in this time. This is why I have come here to Madrid, so that you may effect a renewal of your vows with the Celestial Father and with the Plan of redemption of My Beloved Son and of My Immaculate Heart.
The next step for Europe is to disseminate the love of Saint Joseph and the transformation that this holy man lived while being human, being a simple and true man. Thus I want, dear children, to create in you and in these peoples of Europe a new human being, and leave behind the old human being who has closed themselves off from transformation and from renunciation. Saint Joseph will be the Mediator that will guide you along this path.
If you disseminate Our Lady of Guadalupe, you will know how to disseminate the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, because in truth I tell you, dear children, that here in Spain there are still simple souls that feel God in their hearts but do not know how to connect with Him. The souls that are closed are My preferred souls; they are the ones I aspire to find through your hands and your services in union with My Son, with His Sacred Heart.
There is still much to be done here and it is time for your hearts to grow in this task and not be afraid of taking the steps, just as your brothers and sisters have done so in other parts of the world, definitely surrendering to live the Plan of God and to cooperate in the salvation of this humanity and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so assaulted.
Dear children, I am in communion with you all the sainted days of life. And in each moment that you pray to My Heart, I can strengthen you so that you can live this Project that is so unknown to the world, which is the Project of love and of redemption.
Today I hover over you, dear children, because I love you; I love you in the eternal joy of My Immaculate Heart that pours Its Graces over My children so that they can stand firm and sure on the path that I invite them to follow. I am Your Mother of Peace, I am Your Mother of Love, Mother of Confidence, Mother of Consecration and of Hope, I am the one who lifts you up when you fall, I am the one who cheers you up when your hearts are sad or when you are confused by My adversary.
Unite with Me through the Holy Rosary and contemplate, as you have done today, each divine mystery of My Son. Thus your hearts will be custodians of the codes of the Celestial Universe, which will be indispensible in these times and for all of humanity. As I know, dear children, that not all will receive these codes that will help transform the world, the very few that will received them will have the great responsibility of being consistent with them and of expanding them in love and in joy throughout the world.
Your guardian angels are confident that you will be able to do it; count on them in this work of co-redemption that you live with Me and in union with My Son. It is because of this that I come to prepare you for the end time and so that you never forget this moment in which Heaven touches your hearts and lives to renew them and provides the impulse to give a little more in honor to God, Who contemplates you in this hour with gentleness and full attention through My Immaculate Heart.
Feel, dear children, how alive My Peace is, and beyond being non-material, it is felt and pulses in the heart that opens to receive it. Seek the gifts of charity and of the good and you will be on the right path. Do not seek personal realization, but rather the completion of the works in humanity through the Sacred Hearts. Thus, dear children, as Your Patron of Guadalupe and of all of Spain, in the silence we will be able to achieve the redemption of millions of souls that are submerged in the chaos of this world and in the superficiality of material life. My adversary has undertaken closing these hearts, but today I am giving you the master key, which is the key of your hearts, the key of love and of trust in God, because the heart that is patient, dear children, gains everything.
Let us pray now, dear children, for humanity.
And here, dear children, before the Altars of God, today you offer Me the greatest testimony of Truth and of redemption for the hearts of the world, through the precious Blood and the divine Body of Your Lord, Who having poured out all the codes of rehabilitation for hearts and spirits, through this bread and this wine will today become present through transubstantiation. The angels of the Universe united to My Heart and in adoration, will convert these elements in glory to the Celestial Father. When you drink of the Blood of Christ, drink for those who do not drink the precious blood of Our Lord, and when you commune, dear children, commune for those who offend Him and deny Him in this time.
You will sing to Our Lady of Guadalupe just as you have done, so that My Face may unify all the races and all the peoples in the spirituality of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call and I love you!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
You may face the greatest and most difficult test, but when you pray the mysteries of the rosary of the heart, just as you did today when you were in My divine presence, there will be no knot that cannot be untied nor evil that cannot be liberated.
Simply through the holy rosary of the heart, I bring you the spiritual resurrection of your lives every day. I humbly show you the same path of surrender that I, as Your Mother, lived for you.
Now, My dear children, you are beginning to get to know this sacred path that all souls are invited to traverse in the spiritual life.
Dear children, I wish to thank you for your prayerful response, continuing with the purpose of praying for peace in the Middle East, which is still urgent.
Today I come to invite you to pray the prayer of the Universal Mother thirty three times for nine days; this exercise will be called the “Novena of the Universal Mother.”
Your task will be to pray, proclaim and feel in the depths of your souls the attributes of the Universal Mother so that these may continue to broadly descend to the planet. This novena is to be started on the 17th of October of 2015 and when finished, a special novena of prayer will be begun, answering to the request of Saint Joseph for peace in the world.
For this reason, the next novena that will be done will be the Prayer and Petition to the Most High God for world peace and for redemption, a supplication transmitted on the 10th of October of 2015 by My Most Chaste Spouse.
Dear children, We are attempting to have you remain as long as possible in the school of prayer that you are living today. The prayer of supplication for peace of Saint Joseph will be prayed fourteen times during nine days; thus the Celestial Kingdom will be closer to all and to the world.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who conducts you through the sacred school of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am the Morning Star, the one that is shining now in the firmament of Aurora in order to give the sign of the beginning of this gathering between hearts and souls.
Blessed be all of those who gather through the presence of Christ, because from today on you will be glorifying His holy and blessed Name, such as the day of His holy birth was glorified.
Children of Mine, receive then from your Heavenly Mother, the guide for the times to come, trusting your path of redemption, following the steps of your Pilgrim Mother that reunites you in this sacred cenacle of love so that you may forever find the Redeeming Light of My Son.
Today the Aurora of My Heart shines in its internal Glory and summons the hearts so that they may receive from the Kingdom of God, the Grace of feeling worthy in the Lord.
Dear children, open your hearts so that the Spirit of Christ may enter and you may feel united to His Universal Love. I leave for everyone a path of hope and truth through the school of prayer, which you are invited to live in these times.
Children, today I bless you and give you Peace, the Peace of Christ.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you in Divine Unity,
Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I Am the Lady of Fatima. On this day, I prepare for the advent of the anniversary of one of the most important events in the history of your humanity, which is the second redemption of humanity after the Coming of My Son.
Thus, prepare your hearts for the path of light which I will weave toward Europe; opening doors and hearts, healing souls and lives that want to be in My arms, experiencing the consecration of the heart the next 13th of March.
Today, I pour out My Immaculate Heart over the world and I expect each of your lives to crown Me as the Queen of the Earth, through the prayer of the Holy Rosary, the prayer of the heart, the prayer that will always carry you into peace.
In this time, proclaim My Word of Life.
Each day I invite you to live the Commandments of the Lord; in this way, you will generate the New Humanity for which God is waiting.
Today, I open to take your hearts into My Heart, and to prepare this next Holy Week, as the great fertilizer for your lives, in which the Lord will place new seeds so the plants and the flowers are able to grow and are able to offer their gifts to God in such a definitive and sensitive time.
Today, I call on you to gather strength through your hearts so you can unite with My immaculate path.
I come to prepare humanity for something important. For this reason, I always ask to return to Aurora; this is the cradle of a new project of God, in which something will be fully experienced by all, when you open to the Call of the Father and live without fear the transformation of life and consciousness.
Day and night, I offer you My Immaculate Heart. Here you have it; It is in My hands for you, a Heart that lived in this humanity and which understood the human condition of all beings.
Through My Heart, I bring you the Spirit of God. It must reign in your homes and families so it may be the new Light of the world after My Son, a Heart that prepares your hearts for what will come in a short time.
Thus, it is now, dear children, that the time has come to live in the school of prayer, in the school of healing and of redemption.
My Immaculate Heart will also go to Fatima next month. My Virginal and non-material Spirit will encircle this whole place. Those who want to truly see Me, attune your prayers with the heart, for you will surely find Me there and will feel the trust for being able to continue walking.
For I Am your Teacher and Pilgrim, She Who accompanies the flocks of Christ, Who does not tire of going through this world throughout the ages to light up the paths of those in darkness.
I come to revive those which My Son has requested of Me. I come to open the eyes of those who are blind and those who have hardened their hearts because of life experiences.
I have the key for your consecration, as well as your sanctity. Each knows what they can give the Father.
In this time, live My advent Message. My Son sends Me to truly and consciously prepare you. I come to prepare your hearts for the New Earth.
Who will risk following My path?
Who dares to fully live My call?
I am forming the new lines of the soldiers of Light, I am assembling those who have fallen and those who have not fallen; I am calling all of you to live the Transfiguration of My Son.
Dear children, I come to announce that God has granted Me a time of forgiveness for the coming month of May, in which the Kingdom of Fatima will shine forth once again in the world, and its Gardens of Light will be seen on the surface. Hold tight to My Sacred Mantle, I will not separate you from the Kingdom of My Son, rather I will take you toward the Kingdom of the Father, where Unity, Love and Forgiveness reside.
Thus, I name Myself the New Aurora, the Light of the Universe that is coming to you. I Am the Maternal Supra-consciousness, the Star that comes from the Universe directly to the Earth. God has granted Me being the Star in your lives.
I invite you to copy My path of simplicity and humility; in this way, you will begin to live in God.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My children,
As the Morning Star, I come to announce the Sun of a new time, which purifies your lives, which renews your small souls. This Sun that is coming, My dears, is the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, which will light up the abysses and from the depths of those abysses, will rescue up to the last of the souls that must manifest, in this time, as the image and likeness of His Most Sacred Heart.
I come to announce, My children, a New Aurora in your lives, an Aurora that will be born through the Presence of My Son in this Kingdom. I want you to prepare your hearts with love, with profound gratitude, so your souls are able to live in these coming days, with fullness and hope, the Presence of My Son in the world.
Through My Immaculate Heart, today I illumine your consciousnesses so you are able to discover the mysteries that are held in the Passion of My Son, mysteries that up until today, humanity has not yet uncovered.
My children, in your little hearts, I want you to discover the true victory that exists in the Sacrifice of My Son, and that your precious lives may be renewed, in this time, through small sacrifices, small surrenders you are able to experience to bring relief to the Heart of God.
Today, in the Passion of Christ, I want you to discover the joy of salvation, the joy of the redemption and, in spite of all suffering, the joy and hope which never disappeared from the depths of the Heart of My Son.
My children, the Heart of Christ could find the strength to stand up after each fall through the hope of the rebirth of this world, and from this Sacred Heart, you must learn the power of renewal in each instant of your life.
For this reason, today I tell you that you not place your hearts in the tests you are experiencing, but rather, you feed hope, the joy of being able to be reborn each day. Live the Passion of My Son, offering your small lives to renew the sacrifice of Christ, and thus, as He did so long ago, the offering of your hearts is able to generate merits for the world, My children, so that humanity may have a new opportunity for redemption and this world may not disappear from the universe.
Today, I want you to feed the faith and devotion in your lives, and that the power of prayer be more powerful than any evil, that the valor of your souls is able to defeat the fear that many times intimidates the souls of the world.
My children, through your hearts, I want you to be the example to the world that My Son is already returning to this Earth, because He has already returned to each of your lives, because His Sacred Heart beats in your essences and renews your lives and your souls through His Sacred Sacrifice, through His Infinite Love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this evening, dear children, see again the example of the consecration of My Immaculate Heart through these children I have called, who serve a large part of the Plan of God.
But My Son once said, in a Message, that in His ancient Sepulcher there were precious violets that restored Him, flowers of Love in His Sepulcher that helped to raise Him and to fulfill the Plan of God on Earth.
Today, I want to call on one of those violets to be consecrated, as daughter, to My Immaculate Heart, and as from this moment, adorn the Altars of My Maternal Kingdom.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lady, we are going to listen to the song: "Consecration", so She may bless these brothers and sisters and all these sacred objects.
Song: "Consecration".
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, carry the Peace of My Heart in your hearts wherever you may go. Just that is enough for this time.
Remember I will be at the side of those who dare to live the Passion of Christ, comforting them and consoling them, encouraging them to continue onward, because Something Greater awaits them: the Spirit of God, their Eternal Father.
I thank you!
God willing, we will see each other soon in Portugal!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
The truth is that we don't know how you experienced it, those who are behind the screen; but we here have experienced a great moment, in which Out Lady definitely entered into our consciousness.
Today, in a unique way, here in this space where we are, all the brothers and sisters from the Marian Center of Aurora who participated, were able to feel ourselves to be of one mind and one heart; and Our Lady came to involve all these consciousnesses in a single one.
We hope that those on the other side of the screen were able to feel, as we did, the Love of the Queen of Heaven and of Earth.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We would like to share in words what Our Lady transmitted today, but sometimes we find ourselves very limited by our terrestrial language. But the Love that flows from the Heart of Mary allows everything to be confirmed and felt in our being.
During the Apparition, Our Lady came as Our Lady of Fatima, as you heard. A very compelling and definite manifestation.
She brought Her Immaculate Heart pouring out blood, offering us the sacrifices She lived for us, offering us healing and redemption; but Her gentleness and serenity were with us all the time.
Mary's Words comforted our heart and our soul, moment by moment. We could perceive that behind Mary was the Presence of God, and in Her we also perceived God.
Also, in some moments, She showed us some passages of Her life in Galilee and Her accompaniment during the Passion of Jesus.
We could perceive that Our Lady was activating recordings of Light in our consciousnesses; Christic keys for our beings, which recognized them at the instant She activated them. In this way, we were communing, through Mary, with the whole life Jesus had all over the Earth.
When Mary referred to Fatima, we felt Her to be at home, Fatima and Aurora were one. And those Kingdoms She expressed today in such a particular way, those Gardens of Light came here and left something in our hearts: energies, angelic presences and also codes of Light that specifically entered our spirits.
Mary was slowly involving us with the Kingdom of Fatima and was showing us, in the future, Her task already concretized in Europe, and all the conversions and redemptions She would carry out on going through Europe.
The most special moment was when She called the brothers and sisters for the consecration, and when She directly spoke about the violets that had been in the Sepulcher of Jesus. That was not a metaphor, it was a fact that Mary was revealing to us through a scene She showed us.
At the moment when Jesus was placed in the Sepulcher, a group of women who were accompanying Mary, anointed the Body of Our Lord with oils. There was a very specific woman who carried a bunch of flowers in her hands, in her arms, and she went placing each of the flowers around the Sepulcher.
Those flowers were not only emitting a very particular and special aroma, we could feel and perceive a sweet, soft aroma that went enveloping the Body of Our Lord and all the Sepulcher.
And this, according to Our Lady, went restoring the Body of Our Lord, which was wounded, through the faith of that woman, through the faith with which she had trusted Jesus. She knew inwardly that He was the Messiah, the Redeemer; although He was dead in the Sepulcher, she trusted in the Spirit of Jesus, and that act of faith raised Him; it was one of the attributes that helped in the restoration of Jesus.
That is how it was explained to us by our Mother today. And today Our Lady was explicit in saying that when She calls Her children to be consecrated, She doesn't call on them to be consecrated physically; She calls on each of our souls. She wants to try and have us remember our commitment to Her Immaculate Heart. She wants to consecrate those who are healthy and those who are sick, those who are lucid and those who are crazy.
Today She named Herself as the Mother of humanity for those who are believers and non-believers. She knows well who we are; She deeply knows us, even though we may not trust in Her, or that sometimes, we may have turned our face from Her when we saw Her at some moment. She wants to rescue us and is determined to conquer our hearts.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
After so many things, all I want to add is that during the prayer, before Our Lady appeared, it seems that the angels heard us and quickly came, during the first prayers we began to recite.
And today, in a special way, they were working on us with great joy, pouring flowers out over this room. And when Our Lady began to approach, we could see the path on which She came from the horizon; and we began to see another path that came from the back of this room, on which some saints were coming who were joyfully singing. In the first row of these saints, we could recognize the Holy Padre Pio, who was bringing a crown of flowers. The other saints, who came behind him, were singing and pouring out flowers over the path. They stopped by the altar and stood waiting for the arrival of Our Lady. They said they came to crown Holy Mary of Aurora.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
These are a lot of emotions to open our hearts.
Well, we wanted to finish by sharing with the brothers and sisters that our Mother, yesterday and today, very firmly announced the Holy Week, the Sacred Week.
We want to share that this Sacred Week is an invitation of Our Lord Christ Jesus, a Sacred Week that will also be offered in other Marian Centers and will be an experience of prayer, of peace and of healing for everybody.
And we leave everybody with some questions:
Why is it that Jesus Christ returns during the Sacred Week?
What is it that the Sacred Hearts want to rescue in these times and which we are able to experience in a true and simple way?
After this great impulse of Mary's, let us place these questions in our heart so that, during this week, they can be answered by Our Own Lord.
Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!
Dear children in Christ,
Praise be Jesus, now and forever!
Today, My Immaculate Heart returns with the hope that your hearts wake up to My call and you return to your homes with the spiritual impulse to form new groups of prayer consecrated to My maternal Heart.
In the school of prayer of which you can be a part, the Teacher of prayer, your Most Holy Mother Mary, will be able to teach you to feel the prayer of the heart.
My dear ones, to pray with the heart is to feel in your souls each one of the sacred words that are prayed by you. To pray with the heart is to express a gesture of love and of reverence for what is repeated.
Throughout history, humanity recognized and learned about the power of the Message that was announced by the Archangel Gabriel to My inner Heart, which then became an ikon of prayer for the whole world. Today, I am referring to the Hail Mary prayer.
I want and I expect you to be able to learn to build a perfect union with God in your hearts through the loving offering that My Immaculate Heart proclaims.
At this time, I come to invite all My children from different spiritual paths, doctrines and beliefs to unite through the prayer of the heart. If this were not to happen in this way, the world as a whole will shortly have to face difficult tests.
My maternal Light, that Light that comes from the Most Pure Essence of God, will at every moment try to prevent your suffering. Thus, My call for you to be aware about prayer, is for everybody without distinctions.
I want the world, at this critical time, to know Me as the Universal Mother, as the Mother of all of humanity that lives today on the Earth. That will be possible through the ecumenism that your lives are able to reflect.
Beloved children, this school of prayer will open the doors so that, in truth, you may receive Graces, healings, liberations and, mainly be able to be blessed by the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.
Dear children, I thank all those present who made this vigil of prayer possible during this early morning; for it has extensively helped in the spiritual salvation of the original peoples through My holy intercession as Mother and Lady of Guadalupe.
Children, I thank you for your permanent union with Me.
Thank you for responding to My call for peace!
Mary, Queen of Peace and Lady of all the peoples
Dearest children from Córdoba and from all of My beloved Argentina,
As the Queen of Peace today I come to your encounter through a Special Apparition of My Immaculate Face.
May this day be glorious, blissful and joyful for all so that we may be together and united to the Celestial Jubilation of God and, through the prayer of the heart, we may say “yes” to the Salvation and Redemption of souls.
Dear children, God the Father has sent Me to the city of Córdoba to give My Great Maternal Blessing and for this reason My Immaculate Heart has heard the loving voice of your prayers and of your call.
When souls say “yes” to the Divine Plan, the events that are written in the book of God change through the intervention of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of My Son. And this happens because you, as so many other souls, live the inner power of prayer.
Therefore, dear children, may your hearts continue to pray, creating new groups of prayer that respond to My requests and thus strengthen the faith in each one of you.
As the Mother of Divine Mercy today I bless you all for this path of faith and devotion that your hearts are living in honor of the Lady of the Immaculate Peace.
My children, My Message is reaching everyone throughout the world. Today I also ask you that your hearts be faithful propagators of My message and of My call, because many souls that have distanced themselves from God must begin to pray again and many souls that do not know the Love of God must feel the Celestial Father in the depths of their hearts.
Dear children, in order for this to happen, your faithful prayer must continue every day and thus open the heart to receive those who are in most need of God.
Dear children from Córdoba and from the sister provinces, today I invite you to participate in the new life of the spirit through the selfless service to the Plan of God. Therefore all the groups of prayer from Argentina are called to collaborate for love in the emerging of the New Christic Community of Brotherhood (*), extending your arms and giving yourselves through your hands. Therefore you are invited to be the work- ers of this Plan of Love.
In the Córdoba Mountain Range, from My Home of Prayer, a point of Light must finish emerging. Therefore you are all called to form yourselves in the school of prayer and to respond to the maternal requests of My Heart. All of you are part of the Home of Prayer because the world needs it in order to reach the Grace of Forgiveness.
Good fraternal service for all My children of Argentina!
I thank you for responding to My call today!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Located at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina
Dear children,
In this month of the Rosary until the 26th of November, I ask you that out of love for God the Creator, you gather in groups of prayer and that you pray at least the first fifty beads of the Holy Rosary for the world and for humanity, uniting in this way this request to the one that I have already made for all the nations of the world.
My children, by means of this maternal request, My Immaculate Heart will intercede in favor of all the souls that are in need of peace and forgiveness in this time, with the celestial mission that all of My children may awake from the dream in which they normally live and may begin to live for God, in His Love and Mercy.
In order for this to happen for most of My beloved children, the prayer of the heart on the part of all groups that have con- secrated themselves to the Divine Mother will be considered of universal importance.
Dear children, when souls are conscious of the requests that God sends through My Immaculate Heart, this loving action of responding to the call has repercussions in all the life of the planet and of humanity.
By means of the exercise of the Rosary on these days of Octo- ber until November, your lives will be preparing in conscious- ness for the new, for the time that will arrive to the world.
My children, the opening of your hearts will allow that this task may become sacred and true, just as are resting, eating and living for God. Each action of life in this time must be sacred so that God may avail Himself of the good examples of His children, who learn the laws of living together and of fraternity.
The new world will be composed of groups of souls that will learn to live the laws as the ancient peoples from the desert lived and obeyed together with Moses. God has prepared for each soul a special message of love and a mission.
Your exercise of daily prayer will allow that, in each moment, your hearts may contemplate the Will of God.
Dear children, may this month of the Holy Rosary be a preparatory month, a true school of prayer for all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more