In each cycle of human evolution, children, the time comes for the disciples to take their own steps and deliver the results of their learning to the Creator. This is experienced in Heaven as on Earth.
When the time comes to put into practice everything that you have learned, your first premise, the most basic as well as the primary one, is humility. Never forget that all the lessons received were based on the Grace of God, and not on human merit. Each instruction, each gift, each virtue and even each skill reached, everything is the result of the Divine Grace within your lives.
For this reason, children, do not lose sight of that Grace, and under the perpetual spirit of humility, know that you only triumph when you are in the Presence of the Lord and it is He Who acts through His children. Thus, prayer, silence and the eternal awareness of the Divine Presence and of the need for His Grace are that which will allow you to remain on the correct path.
This is what will uproot from your hearts any vestige of competitiveness and lack of union when you wish to impose your own ideas and thoughts upon the ideas and thoughts of others. May no one ever desire to establish their own will, rather, may everyone humbly gather in the Presence of the Creator, pray and ask for the Grace to act, decide and discern in the face of each situation in life. This will protect you, guide you and keep you safeguarded under the Law of the Grace and Mercy of God, even in the times of justice.
Everything in your lives must be guided by the Creator, and even though His Messengers become silent, you must learn to seek the Presence of the Father within your own hearts and listen to His designs. The bridges have already been created, the doors have already been opened; it is enough that your hearts remain always humble and conscious of the need for Grace in the face of any situation.
You have My blessing for this,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
III - The True Treasure
A poor soul, lacking the basic means to survive in the world, questioned the Lord, asking where He was and what was the reason for their suffering, saying: "Lord, I who so seek and ask in Your Name, receive no answers but rather I received ever greater suffering and woes. Tell me the reason for the imbalance in this world, and why I cannot have as much as my fellow beings"
And responding also with a question, the Lord said: "Where lies your treasure, little soul? In longing for accumulating things on Earth or in discovering the mysteries of Heaven? So contemplate those who truly came to know Me. The illumination of their consciousness allowed them to give up all goods of the world, and having become poor among the poor, yet they were rich before Me.
Therefore, contemplate My Son. Was He sent to the world to accumulate riches, to experience pleasures, to satiate His Body, Mind and Feelings? Is My Son your example and guide? Is He the mirror in which you want to find yourself reflected every day?
Then, little soul, understand that the suffering and poverty of this life comes to balance the great many excesses of humanity. For you, they must be a symbol that your school is not through accumulation, but rather in renunciation and gratitude.
Teach the world through a humble example and open the Doors of Heaven for those who are ignorant of this truth, and who seek in the world rather than in Me for the way of filling their lives."
I am telling you this story so that you may learn where lies the true treasure of your lives. And when you feel that something is lacking, give thanks, and be an example of the humble Love of God. In this way, you will open the Doors of Heaven for the most ignorant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To grow humanly and spiritually is to every day contemplate, not only your own responsibilities but also, and above all, the spiritual realities, the knowledge and the Instruction that comes from the Hierarchy.
In this way, you consolidate the guidance within your consciousness and it becomes an experience that matures the being and unites you to God and His Purpose.
To every day Meditate upon the Instructions that God gives you is the elementary part of the path of maturing the consciousness. It is the first step toward becoming an adult in the spiritual life and a human being full of God, not of yourself.
It is through the Instruction of the Hierarchy that you will develop within your being the ability to discern, to decide, to help, to lead the beings through the right path, to keep yourself in the Divine Will, despite all the deviations of the world.
And I do not speak of reading or listening. I speak of meditating, feeling and trying to understand; I speak of seeking opportunities in life to practice the Instructions; I speak of making the Impulses of God become alive and making them flesh within you, every day.
This is how, children, you may grow humanly and spiritually, a little more, every day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart at the disposal of God, at each new day. In silence, contemplate His Presence within you and in all things.
Child, seek to always go deeper into your union with the Creator. In your heart, let all the impulses and teachings that the Creator sent to humanity be synthesized, and, within you, may these paths become one: the narrow and deep path of union with God.
Feel the Creator within the air that you breathe, in the nature around you and in your human nature. Feel the Creator in the Universe upon you, in the infinite Cosmos and in your inner cosmos.
Allow the times to be united within your own heart. There you will find the revelation of the new and the remembrance of the eternal. There you will discover the story of your origin, the path to fulfill this Infinity and to return to the starting point, which is the very Heart of God.
When a being returns to the Creator after having fulfilled their mission, and they carry with them a particle of a new and infinite love, as did the Son of God, in the Heart of the Father, Creation begins to recreate Itself, a new infinity is designed, a new path begins.
Transcend that which is superficial and merely human. Child, part away from the confusion and the illusion of this world, and each day focus your consciousness on that which is eternal, so that when the Time of God comes to Earth, you may be able to recognize it, for It is alive within you and you live within it.
The truth begins to be revealed within you when you are able to perceive that which is hidden within you. So, when you open your eyes, you will see that which was hidden in all life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let the spirit of gratitude permeate your heart so that you may live each day as if it were your last and, at the same time, child, know that a last day does not exist.
Understand life as a unique school of love in all of Creation and seek to experience true love through fraternity, unity and constant gratitude for all that the Creator grants you.
Let each second of your life be transformative, not only for you, but also for those around you.
Let your learning processes teach others how to seek love, and that your errors also serve so that others do not make the same mistakes, but rather enter the correct paths.
Let all of your life be in support of evolution, and that errors do not disturb you or that being right does not make you proud, but rather that all uplifts your heart and brings you closer to the single purpose of your existence, which is to love with the Love of God, renew Divine Creation through that love, and return to the Father, so that a new beginning may occur in all of life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The art of being nothing
To be nothing is an inner state that transcends all the sciences and philosophies, all the teachings.
All beings are always searching to be something, through their profession, education, spiritual lineage, their role within the life on Earth, within families and inserted in the systems of life that the world offers.
To be nothing is not to stop doing things. To be nothing is a greater knowledge of the universal life that gives the heart the certainty that nothing that it seems to be belongs to it. To be nothing is the knowledge of All that God is; the wisdom that all life comes from this All and outside of It, is a mere nothing.
Within the body nothing functions alone. An arm, no matter how important it is in the body, outside of it, it loses its meaning and becomes nothing. So, the being who recognizes the Mystical Body of the Lord, formed by Life, also knows that separated from Him is nothing and together with Him, is everything.
To be nothing is an art of love and wisdom: it is a divine science, more than the consciousness of humility. A being can be humble and, even so, still be full of ignorance, believing that humility belongs to him, that he himself is the manifestation of humility.
To be nothing is a path of knowledge and of transcendence, it is the finality of everything. To be nothing is a path of love.
Aspire to this, children. To be completely in God and to recognize yourselves as nothing outside of Him.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come to the world, in spirit and divinity, sent by God, to remove humanity from the ignorance and from the blindness that separate it from the Creator.
I was elected by the Lord because My mouth never wanted to pronounce any word to teach the humankind. I learned to teach in the silence through the example and the experience of the Higher Designs.
Child, if you want to be an instrument of the Creator and that He leads you wherever it is most needed, take care of being the Truth of God and not only of knowing it.
The human mind has already lived its cycles of development and now it must give way to something that humanity has not tried: the experience of what you already know.
Prefer to be an example in the silence and if, as it happened to Me, the Lord sends you to preach and to teach with words, never fail to fill your words with the truth of your experience.
If you want to make My Presence in the world worth it, live what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend of always,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The essence of awakening is found in the development of faith, because it is faith that moves you to respond to the impulses of the heart.
Faith is what makes you transcend the atavisms of the limited material understanding for you to enter in the mysteries of the higher life.
Faith is what makes you cross the thresholds of life in this world, so that – although being in it – you do not belong only to it and, yes, perceive yourselves as part of an infinite and indescribable Creation.
Faith is not born in the mind: it comes from the spirit and expresses itself through the heart. Therefore, if you want that the impulses received are not lost, let faith develop itself freely in your own interior, even if you do not understand quite well the object of your own faith.
Many ask themselves, “To have faith in what?” Have faith in the purpose, faith in the teaching, faith in the presence of the Divine Messengers, faith in what moves you to transformation, faith in the communion with Christ, faith in His return, faith in the possibility that each one has to live the Plans of God, faith in Faith.
Let yourselves be transformed by the impulses of your own faith, for which the laws of matter are not the ones that prevail. Faith that comes from the spirit moves itself based on spiritual Laws. It is therefore that the hearts that have faith can experience what is called miracles that are nothing more than the action of superior Laws in the life of those who open themselves to live them.
Discover, children, the potential of faith itself and, by means of it, its prodigies.
Your Father and Friend, in faith and in prayer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions in Christ,
I know that many believe that we repeat the same words many times and ask themselves why we do this.
Could it not be because you still have not opened yourselves to the essence of learning and remain in the superficiality of understanding, but not in the depth of living? Could it be because you remain with the information inside your mind, believing that knowing is the same as being?
I come to talk about silence, that which is so little understood and lived by humanity, mostly in the West of the planet.
I come to talk to you about silence as a quest for emptiness and for the path to humility. I want you to understand silence as something that takes you out of yourselves and not something that makes you only think of yourselves.
The badly lived silence makes you selfish, full of judgments about the others and with a subtle feeling of superiority. This is a false silence, which shuts the mouth, but makes the mind and the lowest aspect of the being get out of control. This is a silence which is forced, a silence which oppresses, a silence which, starting from the lack of peace and being generated by forced and conflicted means, will never bring peace to the spirit and even less to the planet.
The silence that I mean is the one which the soul starts to seek when it does not find a way out for its imperfections and can no longer stand being with itself. For this reason it walks eagerly to elevation, to God who is the Word and, at the same time, the Silence itself, which supports all that was created in His mysterious sound without noise.
In these times of purification, silence will be a master key that, when combined with service and fraternal charity, will never allow you to lose the path.
In the midst of so many imperfections, which are at the same time so tangible and so illusory, the soul will only be able to get out of the confusion that envelops it, seeking silence, silencing the tumult of the inner expurgation, in order to live its own evolution in a way that is more peaceful and harmonious, conscious and effective.
You must not seek silence as muteness and think that everything is already solved. Silence is the means. Elevation is what encourages you. But the encounter with God is the true goal.
If you live silence with the intention of elevating yourselves in order to bring a little more peace to the world, you will help humanity to take its steps. And if, in addition to the silence, you live fraternal charity, you will know when words are necessary.
Speaking will become an act of charity. You will know the moment to laugh, to be sober, to encourage or to retreat, to give an opinion or to just watch.
I call you to seek balance for the love of the planet and not only for yourselves.
If you are already tired of your own abyss, try to be more silent as a permanent quest for God who hides Himself in His Creation.
If you still do not understand what I tell you today, try to live these words and to read them again after some time. You will see how the consciousness will find itself in another point of understanding.
Your Father and Instructor, Friend of the Silence that leads to God and shows the hearts the most profound necessities of the neighbor.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Relieve the human heart, releasing your heart from all anguish that separates you from God.
Relieve the human heart, which is the Heart of God, forgiving and healing the wounds that the illusion of the world has caused in your chest.
Relieve the human heart and, this way, all of Creation, fulfilling the principles of God for you.
Heal the ills of the body with the balsam of the spirit; live in the spirit of peace.
Dear companions, do not fear the freedom of the spirit, this which you find when you no longer carry your own weight and the human loads that prevent you from walking.
I come to the world as the bearer of celestial freedom. I come to bring you the key of a new door, in order that you may cross it and leave from the old existence, of the old human.
It would be simple for all human beings to find God and to dive into the depths of His Most Sacred Heart, if you could overcome the barriers of pride and of the fear of losing yourselves.
I am here to make you understand a superior reality, so that you may enter, in consciousness, into a true, greater life.
I ask you to heal human resentments as a way that you may learn how simple it is to let love emerge in your own heart; that you understand that this potential of love will always be latent in the heart of all beings. And, now, this love must be poured not only upon individuals, but also upon all the Creation.
To learn to love the Whole, you must learn to love all and, for this, you need to put aside the fear that prevents you from discovering the greatness of the true love that lives in all of you.
When you are willing to learn and to transform yourselves, My Chaste Heart will lead you, will show you the paths and will indicate the steps to follow.
After you take certain steps, you will understand the true essence of My teaching and you will be able to glimpse to where I am leading you in this time.
I will accompany you today and forever,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of God
Sanctify your lives adoring the Living God that inhabits all that has been created.
In the essence of the purely interior act of adoring, you will find the true meaning of service and of charity, which is the quest for unity with the existent God in all things.
In a faraway past, the human beings recognized the sacred as something more natural and could feel it as a part of their lives. Nowadays, teaching you to internally reverence and adore God is like offering you a great challenge.
In Jerusalem, as in all the East, many spent their whole lives seeking the Savior and waiting for the Messiah, believing that they were living and breathing only to find Him.
But when they were before Him, they did not accept Him and denied the Humility of God, that was the most pure symbol of His manifestation among humanity.
Do not run the risk of living the same that humanity from old times lived, that believed that they were seeking God and that they were living for Him and, however, never believed in the veracity of their quest and even less, of their goal. They received the teaching as something sacred, but only to remain in the theory and organize life socially and ethically, in a way that they could live with a little more peace, in times of so many wars, conflicts and incessant quests for power.
May the Words of the Divine Messengers, that today are sacred to many, not be only beautiful theories, that make you more peaceful in face of the common society in which you live.
Banish from your interior the hidden doubt about the veracity of the teaching and do not allow that the unconscious of humanity make you believe that Christ will never return. Because if you reflect and seek the depths of unconsciousness, you will find many aspects that deny the existence of God and His Plan, as well as the return of His Son. These are remnants of a degenerated humanity that, over 2,000 years ago, did not believe in the incarnation of the Messiah.
Open your eyes and purify yourselves, walk truly to the transformation, so that you will not be surprised by yourselves in a near future.
I love you and guide you to the inner transparency so that you may get to know yourselves and banish the old being.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Faithful Guardian of the return of Christ
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more