In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Breathe the pure air of heaven, breathe and enter the Atmosphere of God, the Kingdom of His Creation, the Greater Universe where there is peace, where evil does not prevail, where love expresses itself and joy is shared through being in the Presence of God.
Thus, enter the Divine State of Consciousness so that, from this place, My children, you can hear Me.
Thus, I remove you for a moment from the sphere of the Earth so that, at the moment of this Apparition, you may enter the space where the blessed ones are, as well as the angels that praise God.
Place your hands in reception to receive the pure air of Heaven, the impulses that the Divine Fountain emanates today, not only for this world but also for all Creation.
Today, I have come as the Messenger of the Universe to lead My children to the Consciousness of God, where for a moment they may be renewed and healed, where that which is adverse and contrary does not exist, because, through My Heart, I give you Love, the same Love that My Son gave you on the Cross, at the culminating moment of His last expiration.
Today, place your consciousness in that which is beyond forms and enter the Universe of God through your hearts, enter this safe feeling that brings you the confidence of believing in the Word of the Mother of God, which is the Word of the Divine Word, the Creator Word, from which all once began.
It is there where I want to have you today so that you do not identify with matter, but rather you may unite in spirit with the sacred Source of Creation, where, through Its Mirrors, I will reveal more to you about the existence of Creation, about the true existence of Creation; where the origin emerged, where God gestated the universes and all civilizations.
See yourselves, then, before the great Mirror of Neutrality, in which is revealed a part of the history of this universe, which you call the Material Universe.
I come, through this, to close your unknown wounds, to erase the past, and to place you in the eternal present, from where emanate the impulses of the Love of God for all His creatures.
Today, you can see a world in darkness, in obscurity and in suffering, but why does this still happen? If the Mother of God is here to lead you to Love and Grace, why do my children keep suffering chaos? Why, more each day, do the families throughout the world separate instead of uniting, and the project of the universal family is always seen in danger? Why do souls have difficulty living in love and being in this love always, which will help them understand all the experiences of life, the whole trajectory of the Cosmos? Who else will risk transcending this duality so that they can finally live the Divine Will?
In this, there is no mystery, but rather the revelation of the deep simplicity and humility of recognizing, within oneself, the Will that God has for each one of His creatures.
I know that for My children it is not easy to attain this transcendence, but I am here, because I am your Mother, and I come to tell you that this is possible, even in these times when the way out is not found, if your devotion and your faith were expanded, the celestial spheres would lead your spirits toward the goal and in this perfect but profound inner communion with the Creator God, they would always lead you to be in His Peace, although you may live battles and deserts, although you believe you will never manage.
I come here as a part of this emanation of the source of the Love of God, as I have come in other times and in other humanities to announce the same Message, in various forms.
Now that you are before this Mirror of the Neutrality of God, see how much history this Mirror holds, of all that has happened throughout this universe, throughout times and the different humanities.
Children, with this I want you to understand that the entire human race of this time is before the doors of living a great opportunity of redemption and reconciliation, but first, you have to learn to love so that you can know the mystery that God still waits to reveal to all His creatures, so that they can understand the infinite abundance of the Love of God.
Today I will tell you a very significant and important story for this whole material universe; a higher story, previous to your race, previous to this planet, when God still thought of that time in which His angels and archangels would carry forward Creation, especially within the material universe.
There was one of His creatures in this local universe, who was loved and recognized by many civilizations and by many origins, as well as by many lakes of Light that deeply knew the existence of this being.
But there was a day when this being made a mistake and, without realizing it, involved by his ambition and power, he forgot the essential, of loving God above all things. Thus, this creature fell, through his great errors and debts. Did Creation, by any chance, judge him for his errors and faults?
In that time, the universe was learning to live in the Law, just as today you learn to live in the Universal Laws; without knowing them deeply, you know within that they are the guide for these times.
But this being that once failed, his ambition turned him blind, it left him in a condition that no other creature of the universe would have expected, as his word, presence and action were emblematic and respected in this universe.
He was a great commander that guided and led many legions, and the center of his existence was the Purpose that in that time was destroyed by temptation and harassment.
How was this being able to return to the path he had lost?
How was this being able to realize he had fallen?
How was this being able to recover his filiation with the Father?
It is something similar to what can happen to you today, even in the daily things of life.
This being became aware of his errors when his brothers, while even being transgressed by him, helped him and did not cease to love him, because they knew that he was mistaken and that he was blind, far from Love and the Truth.
This being came to Earth in his worst spiritual and inner condition; he had not only lost the values of his loyalty, but he also lost the principles of his spirituality; and just like all of you, he came to live his redemption.
And one unexpected and extraordinary day, he lived his redemption when a potent ray of Love again entered his heart and removed the blindness of his eyes, removed the ambition of his being, because love, Christic Love, converted him completely. And then, at that moment, this being became aware of what had happened.
In the example of this story, would you be able to do the same for a fellow being?
Would you be able to go beyond what you believe you know?
If this being who had fallen recovered his mission, his emblematic spirit, once again being the commander among the commanders of the universe, how would you understand Mercy today?
Evil can appear to be strong or even unbreakable, but in essence, it is weak, because evil does not know Love nor Unity, and you are creatures created in the image and likeness of the Eternal Father, in your souls and essences, you have a molecule of the Creation that allows you to go beyond your limits and your possibilities.
This is why, My children, you are here, on this planet, to live this great process of redemption and forgiveness, because when Higher Love works and acts, there is nothing that can resist it.
Today I want you to meditate upon this message because many of you are already in the face of this time of great redemptions and inner opportunities so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.
So, in this time, My children, may the center of your existence be love for the Purpose so that you may learn to overcome, every day, just as this commander of the universe overcame, through knowing the Love of God, which he had lost for different circumstances.
Never wish to have power or authority over anything. Always seek, by means of Love, to be empty, so that God can work through your lives.
Never aspire to have anything or to control anything, although sometimes it may be difficult for you. Remember to withdraw in holy humility and thus you will be in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; thus, you will be able to be precursors of the renewal of this universe.
On this extraordinary day, I come with this inner and deeply loving revelation so that the consciousnesses may awaken, so that they may contemplate the universe and know that, beyond this place and this space there is something bigger that awaits you and expects you….
Thus, just as this being commander of the universe has his history and trajectory, you also have one.
Would you not aspire to know the origin of your consciousness and the purpose for which God created you?
Can you perceive, My children, that life is not only material, that true life is immaterial?
Think of this, aspire to this, pray for this so that your consciousnesses may be firm and decided at this moment of the Plan and that, in spite of the hesitations, you may know how to overcome difficulties and tests for one reason, for Love.
Today I have all the essences commune with this great Mirror of the Neutrality of God; and I want to leave you there, during this day, so that nothing dual can remove you from this space.
Remember that you have entered the Source of Creation and that your spirits have participated in this moment.
Lastly, today I wish to bless one of My visionaries, Sister Lucía de Jesús, so that this day, in renunciation and selflessness, may be surrendered at the Service of God for the souls that suffer; so that someday, in the Return of Christ, we may celebrate the redemption of souls and of the planet, the liberation of the Earth from all suffering and the trauma lived throughout times. Therefore, you must remember your origins, and although you do not understand nor know what it is about, love your origins, and unite to them through a simple and fervent prayer.
May the sacred Attributes of the Mother of God descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters so that, by means of these Words and of this Message, the fruits of redemption may grow.
Prayer: “Universal Mother.”
I bid farewell to you, beloved children, and from this moment on I prepare you for the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as it was in the month of April of this year, will give a great impulse to all, regardless of where each one is, because, through My Presence and the Presence of My Beloved Son, you will be learning to be united in omnipresence.
So that this may be possible, I will now have you enter the universe of a simple song, which will lead your souls and spirits to reach close to God.
This song is an emblem and a hymn of this Community of Figueira. It is the essential reason for the manifestation of this Sacred Center that, thanks to the Father and the collaboration of many souls, is alive and beats, like a subtle sound, throughout the universe.
I will leave you with the song “Breath of the Spirit.”
I thank you for responding to My call!
Go in peace and trust in God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am here today for a spiritual reason. Today I am here for humanity, but also for the consciousness of the planet, for the soul of this Earth so that one day it may fulfill the Purpose of the Celestial Father.
But this humanity, although it has deviated, does not cease to be filled by the Grace of God, by that which comes from His spiritual and divine Source. From this place comes the Celestial Mother. From this place comes the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as well as all the angels of the universe, who guard and protect Creation.
In this vast universe that you do not know, called the Material Universe, there are points of spiritual inflection. This planet that was thought of since Genesis for the Project of God, throughout time and through the different races, which we call different humanities, has become at a point of inflection.
But, in all this, there seems to be something controversial, because this planet, to which you belong in this lifetime, was especially created for you, among so many planets in the universe that were also thought of to develop a similar Project, projects that were not successful.
So, My children, think about how important it is to transcend duality through transparency, truth and purity, these attributes that come from the Source of Love-Wisdom, the Source from which you also came, since you were tiny molecules of Light in the Lakes of Universal Creation.
Why did God, our beloved Father of the Universe and of the Earth need, in this local universe, fora civilization of Christs to exist?
In order for that to be possible, but also so that the human project would not become lost, as it was about to be lost more than two thousand years ago, the Eternal Father humbled Himself and incarnated through His Son upon this planet, bringing for all the lesson of Love and Forgiveness.
I need, My children, that you keep in mind, at this moment and under this planetary circumstance, that the Project of God for this humanity must still be fulfilled.
For this reason, My Son gave Me each one of you at the foot of the Cross so that, throughout time and throughout the generations, you could be partakers of the Plan of the Creator, not only by living it but also by knowing it, by loving to discover the mystery of Creation, which still waits to be revealed in the Return of Christ.
Dear children, throughout all these years, we have lovingly tried for souls to understand the meaning of the Purpose, the reason and the existence of being here at this moment and of knowing, beyond the circumstances or situations, that you have come to Earth for a Higher Purpose, a Purpose that you have yet to love in order to one day be able to understand it.
God is so humble and simple that He reveals His Mystery only through those who love, and not through those who want or aspire to possess something. This happened to Me, I loved the Will of God, I believed in His Will, I protected the Will of God from any situation or circumstance, I fulfilled the Will of the Father knowing that, beyond everything, there was a deep Will to be carried out and accomplished, through the incarnation of the Son of God.
You, as children of the Eternal Father, are a part of that Divine Will, but each one of My children has a small part of this Will to fulfill and carry out.
When this Will is not fulfilled, and is not carried out, humanity suffers because it drifts away from the truth but also from the simplicity of life, it drifts away from the love that can understand, in oneself and in others, the most unknown situations and even the most unacceptable situations.
It is Love that allows the concretization of the Plan of the Creator. It is by living in this Love and under this Divine Love that your lives will be free to concretize that which the Father has expected for so long since the origin of your essences in this vast and infinite universe.
Many of My children may have thought, at some moment, that everything we say is unattainable or will never be concretized, but where is the sustenance of faith? Where does the faith of the believer rest? What is it that feeds the faith of each being so that it has enough strength to move forward and not give up? It is Wisdom that grants them understanding and discernment and it is Love that reflects the truth and the purity that will allow them to be in God, regardless of what happens.
The world has erased these attributes from its mind and especially from its heart. The invasion of technologies, the hypnotism of minds, the blindness of the hearts that do not feel and do not experience God have established the culture of indifference, and this has become deeper and more serious, leading many peoples and nations to be insensitive to the hardships of those who suffer as immigrants or those who are exiled in these times.
This culture of indifference has established the culture of discarding among brothers and sisters of the same race and civilization, and what is hidden in all of this is My adversary, who increasingly encourages the appropriation of wealth and tempts those who believe that they are powerful to control the world.
But God will never confront these situations. Know how to contemplate His sacred strategies through prayer and do not give up, do not desist and do not allow yourselves to be deceived because the triumph of My Heart and the Return of My Son are yet to be fulfilled, and your lives must be this path, but also this trajectory upon which the Eternal Father Himself can write this spiritual and deeply internal victory in the hearts that believe in His Kingdom.
My Son, in the solemnity of the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, sends Me with this Message to the world so that My children may know, comprehend and understand that a time of solution and hope will come. A short time that will allow hearts to rebuild their lives and their families, and prepare for the last time of the Apocalypse.
Because it is at that time and at that moment that My Son will return, a time that is not far away for you. For this reason, I have had to wait these last twelve years of building this Work with you and for you to be able to tell you this, all that I announce today through My Heart.
Some internal Places of the planet work tirelessly, through their Hierarchies, to help in this transition of humanity. Know that all efforts are being made, all sacrifices are being fulfilled, all surrenders are being offered so that humanity can sustain itself in this cruel battle of the end of times.
And you, through the Rosary and prayer, have to win this battle within yourselves because, at some point, as many of My children have felt in these times and especially in this last year, they had to face their own inner battle in order not to leave the path of Christ and not to leave My Son without His pillars upon the surface of the Earth.
Understand, in this symbology, the complexity of these times, the true need for the spiritual and universal Hierarchy. And, above all, understand the meaning of what is really happening in these times and not of all that is said in the world.
May your hearts be sensitized with My Words, to not only listen to them but to also internalize My Words in the heart, a safe dwelling for being in God. Many dwellings are extinguished in these times like a weak flame that disappears by itself and, in many cases, a weakened flame that is extinguished with the strong winds of adversity.
But I bring you this spiritual oil of the anointing of My Son, which will make you ignite your spirit and your heart through the flame of the faith of My Immaculate Heart so that you feel protected and sheltered by Me because what I still expect is only to take you to God.
My Immaculate Heart is your fortitude and the direct path towards God. Do not forget, My little ones of the whole world, to enter My Heart so that I can enter even more into your lives and consecrate them to the Will of the Father.
I am that perpetual Mother who loves you, protects you and accepts you. I am the Slave of the Sacrifice of God. I am the one who will always lead you to God through My Heart.
Meditate on My Words so that My Words may be little seeds of Light in your consciousness, seeds that can germinate in the future so that one day they can bear the fruits of redemption and peace.
For all this to be possible, I come to ask the world that, through each exercise of prayer, peoples and nations be reconsecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Just as it was in the month of May, when many of My children, through the Holy Rosary and the Sacrament of Communion, offered reparation to My Immaculate Heart; I am very grateful that My children made the effort, beyond the pandemic and the suffering of this time, to repair the Heart of the Mother of God so that the Father grants the faithful Servant the infinite abundance of Graces and Mercies for those who need to step out of suffering and earthly hell.
For this reason, I thank you again, and, in the same way, I invite you, My children, on this day, through the Sacrament of the Eucharist that we will now celebrate for everyone, to carry out the exercise of a loving and true reconsecration to the Most Holy Heart of My Son during the current month of June and every day for many, many souls throughout the world; so that His authority and Spiritual Government may finally guide the planet and humanity; so that the forces of evil that My adversary rules may be removed from the planet and the souls may breathe the joy of again finding the Kingdom of God within each heart.
I am here, and I am your Mother. I reach out My hand to you so that you may hold it tight and walk together with Me in the primary service of the spiritual reconstruction of this planet so that the Sacred Fountains of the Universe fill the Earth with spiritual abundance, Grace, Forgiveness, Love and much, much Mercy.
We will also offer this Sacred Eucharist, this important celebration, as the Mother of God prepares to bring Her impulses to Europe in the upcoming months. so that the Light of Fatima, the Light that will always lead you to peace, may submerge the whole world and especially Africa, so that healing and forgiveness may be established for all souls who suffer exile, slavery, death, hunger, disease and desolation.
My Heart is still patiently waiting to reach Africa and, somehow, I will do so, and you, My children, will be My helpers for this to happen, because before My task with you ends, I must fulfill the promise that I have made before God for Africa.
So when this is accomplished through your help and collaboration, My task will have been consummated.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit, Supreme Source of all Feminine Energy, Supreme Source of all Universal Motherhood, to grant the impulse of the reconsecration of hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and also to establish the spiritual strength that the mothers of the world need to guide their children towards God, as mothers, servants and servers of the Universal Mother.
Let us celebrate, in Christ and for Christ.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the feet of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, responding to Her request and Her call, we prepare ourselves, in the simplicity of the heart, to celebrate this Sacrament of Reconciliation and Love, which Christ, our Redeemer, has left us.
Let us ask for Grace, in the presence of the Virgin Mary, to make us humble and worthy of this unfathomable mystery of Love that Christ offers us through the Heart of His Mother.
May our mistakes, omissions, faults, indifferences and all the situations that have, for any reason, separated us from God, be dissolved through this Sacrament of the Altar that, together with the angels of the Virgin Mary, we offer, as an act of reparation and reconciliation before the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We invite those who can to kneel down or stand up in an act of reverence before the Presence of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of servers and of priests.
Let us ask the Most Holy Virgin, just as it was at Pentecost, to give us the Gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we can fulfill the Promises of Christ.
Our Lady has knelt down before the Blessed Sacrament, that we will now celebrate. Let us ask for Her blessing.
On that Holy Thursday, moments before Jesus was handed over to live that great sacrifice of love for humanity, Our Lord took the bread, raised it in thanksgiving and asked the Eternal Father that the bread be transubstantiated into His Divine Body. Thus, Jesus broke it and, offering it to His apostles, He said to them: "Take it and eat it, because this is My Body, which will be given up for you for the forgiveness of sins."
In the same way, before finishing the supper, Jesus took the Chalice in His Hands and offered it to the Creator so that the wine could be converted into His precious Blood. Thus, He offered it to His companions, saying to them: “Take it and drink it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world”.
Behold the Body and Blood of Christ, the One who gave his life for us, who gave his life out of Love.
United with our Most Holy Mother of Heaven and the angels of the universe, we offer the prayer of Our Father to consummate this consecration.
Prayer: Our Father.
We announce the Peace of Our Lord and the Peace of Our Lady.
In union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we announce the Spiritual Communion for all our brothers and sisters on the planet in this act of reconsecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through three bell sounds.
In the joy of the renewal of faith, I rise to Heaven with this concluded offer from all the hearts that commune with Christ so that the Father of Mercy and Peace may descend these Attributes upon humanity.
In the spiritual Light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And as an offer to this month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our brothers and sisters of the choir, at the request of the Divine Mother, will close this meeting through the song "Holy Communion" so that the Sacred Eucharist, like a divine and spiritual sun, may always shine with its Light within us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved children,
Place your attention upon what I will tell you today.
It is an important moment, in which your consciousnesses may deepen into awakening, to meet the true life that is lived in the universe in order to meet the true vibration which can come to you, in help and in protection.
Today, on the palms of My hands, I bring you the sphere of Light of the archangelic and angelic consciousness. This is the essence that God used to create His angels and archangels, all His hosts of Light.
Now place your consciousnesses in that space, in that vibration and dimension.
For a moment, perceive how it is possible, through My Words, to leave the terrestrial sphere, the human condition and the chaos, so that you may find within each one of you the true being, the original purity.
Through this creative sphere, God manifested the supra-terrestrial mental universe, before the material universe existed.
Thus, My children, you can understand how ancient and valuable that moment was when the Eternal Father placed His gaze and His Love in order to create and manifest His hosts of Light.
This sphere that I carry within My hands today is the creative sphere, one of the many spheres that the Father used and manifested to concretize His Will within Creation.
A similar sphere exists over the material universe. Imagine how ancient that moment was when everything was manifested and created for the Glory of God, to praise and honor Him as He is, the Source itself, Love, Unity and Mercy.
From that creative sphere that I carry between My hands today, as I told you at the beginning, archangelic and later angelic hosts emerged, and then, successively, the armies of Light of each Creator Father, of each Archangel, thus forming the Angelic Hierarchy, the sacred commands to carry forward the important Project of God in the material universe.
Imagine for a moment, My children, that before you existed, the archangelic and angelic consciousness was already present, learning to take the first steps in the unconditional service of God, learning to manifest and concretize the Law, so that the Commandments could be expressed, one day, in their civilization and in others. So that, through divine, spiritual and material laws, all My children in the universe would learn to evolve.
The Father knew from the beginning that the Project of the material universe would have its oscillations, before the fallen angel abandoned the Divine Will.
In that oscillation, duality was generated, what you know today as free will, the freedom to decide and to assume the consequences and effects of the decisions of each human being.
Thus, living in the Will of God is more than accepting it, more than living it, it is being able to have all of your consciousness permeated by that Law, by that vibration that will only elevate you to the meaning of the purpose and the goal.
This Will was fulfilled from the beginning by the archangels, the angels, and all the hosts of Light, those known as celestial choirs.
Thus, following the indications of the Divine Source, of the Creative Consciousness, after having formed and gestated the different angelic Hierarchies, the moment of the Creation of the material universe came through divine alchemy and the intervention of divine Laws, of divine rays, and also of cosmic currents that allowed the creation of the material universe.
And so the first planets emerged from the great, very ancient stars, which today no longer exist within the material universe, but which gave the impulse for the Will of the Father to be able to be concretized. The mission and, at the same time, the divine operation, carried forward by the armies of Light, the different angelic Hierarchies, is under the guidance of the Archangels.
Thus, each Creator Father, at the feet of the One Source, collected what God with Love, Unity and Mercy gave to each one of them, each one received their divine sphere.
Twelve creative spheres were entrusted to manifest the life of the material universe, with the main goal and the primary purpose that the creatures that would emerge from the Lakes of Light of the universe could have an important condition, which was and which today is the divine connection with the Source so that, regardless of any situation or experience in Heaven or on Earth, creatures could learn to unite with the Heights, to enter into communion with the Source in order to regenerate and heal themselves.
Those twelve spheres, in the hands of the Archangels, were taken to the threshold of the supra-terrestrial universe, from where the material universe would begin to be created.
Through divine doors, the Archangels reached the thresholds of the great cosmic void, where a deep silence still reigned. Moments later, the twelve Archangels united in prayer and supplication for the Divine Source to help them carry out and concretize the mission that the Eternal Father had entrusted to them.
It was at that moment that one of the Archangels rebelled, his interior moved away from the divine connection, and mainly from Love, completely deviating from the wisdom and understanding of the Divine Science that God proposed, at that time, to create the material universe.
The Throne of God, recognizing this important failure, dismissed him so that in a space of the cosmic universe he could reflect and reconsider in order to realign his consciousness with the Divine Source and heal his consciousness of feelings opposite of God.
Meanwhile, the other Creators, the Archangels, began to carry forward that mission. They gathered all the creative spheres, in which the Will of God was deposited in each one of them.
In each of these creative spheres lied the emergence of civilizations, that is, of life in the different material universes that would be created.
But there was one of those creative spheres that had a burning and deeply spiritual desire of God, that which we now call the Local Universe. From there would emerge the greatest Christic experience of love, although at that time God had not yet expressed His Second Person, the Son.
Back then, the Creators carried forward the Will of God. They prayed, they supplicated an, connecting with the Supreme Source, they began to create, through vibration and sound, the material universe.
That was the moment when Andromeda became the center of this Local Universe, as it has been up to these times.
A spiritual and cosmic Government would be developed so that it would be the intermediary bridge, so that the other creatures could live in the Law and fulfill it, so they could achieve the happiness of evolving and of being in contact with the Source in an eternal way.
While the first creatures were created in the Lakes of Light, the rebelling Creator Father began to create duality; the feeling that creatures could decide for themselves, regardless of consequences or results, without bearing in mind that the Law is the energy that helps to align consciousnesses with the Purpose that leads them and guides them towards their spiritual and inner goals.
Evolutionary life was being generated in this local universe as in others. Time passed, experiences were carried out, and God contemplated how His creatures, whom He deeply loves, responded to Him.
With this, I want to tell you, My children, that the Project of God has always been updated, it has always adapted to the realities of this material universe, as well as to those of the mental universe.
Inevitably, with the entry of duality or free will, the creatures carried out their experiences and made many mistakes.
After millions of years of your time, the creation of a civilization emerged from the Eternal Father, His civilization on the surface of the Earth, which would not only live the connection with the Source, the communion with the Heights, but also express Christic life.
In the early days of this human genetic project, humanity managed to take its first steps. There were important failures in the history of humanity, as occur until today.
So that this Project on the surface of the Earth would not become lost and aborted, the Divine Source itself, God Himself, the Almighty, decided to materially express His Second Person, the Son, and He brought Him to Earth.
But He would leave an important lesson and instruction for all generations that would pass through humanity, for all creatures who would have the opportunity to live their redemption and forgiveness upon this school-planet.
For this reason, Christ incarnated in a very humble and simple place, such as a grotto. God could never have been born on a throne or in a palace because then He would not be God Himself.
In the birth of Jesus, in the manger of Bethlehem, you can see, represented by a clear vision, the humility of the Eternal Father, which is what allows the Source to govern all of Creation and all life.
So understand, My children, how important it is to live that humility at this time, to be able to recognize the inner God in each one of you, and thus be able to transform yourselves.
Today, within the consciousness of this humanity, I deposit this creative sphere, which is the one that generated the material universe and especially its civilization from the earliest times.
Through the creative sphere, regain your connection with the Heights, with the Source, and unite again to the Love of God so that He may again give you His trust and His Mercy, and so the world may recover, as a whole, its filiation with the Eternal Father. Thus you will be able to live in the Law, in the Commandments; not as the obligation to comply with a rule, but with the open consciousness of knowing that this is the way for each one to live their transfiguration and their ascension until they merge into the Divine Source.
Open your hearts to welcome this mystery. Carry within your consciousnesses this impulse of the Divine Spirit and reaffirm your vows with the Source of Creation so that the world receives the Grace of a new opportunity, and thus most of you may achieve the happiness of being in God and belonging to His Kingdom.
I pray that you achieve this aspiration of Mine.
I love and bless you, under the Light of Christ, Our Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
It is through the love of My children that the Holy Mother of God and your Mother can work with humanity and the planet, through the precious tools that exist in the whole of the vast Cosmos, tools that generated the Principles of Creation and that permitted the generation of life in the origin of origins.
It is these same tools of light of the nonmaterial and spiritual Universe that in this time act in the Universe and on this planet with the aim to not only uplift the human consciousness, but also to redeem it so as to take it on the path of good and light.
You are before the Mystery of the Origins, of the first thing that God thought of before the creation of the universes. You are before your existence, your creation. You are before the Mystery from which you emerged as essences.
Today you are before one of the truths of God and My angels accompany this sacred movement which, like a spiral of light, descends its principles from the Source for the human consciousness which, in these defining times, opens to reveal the mysteries and thus become able to know them, in order to become sacred and united, in perfect alliance with God.
In the nonmaterial Source, there are many manifestations of life. In the Universe, not only that which lives and vibrates is called life, but also everything that is moved by nonmaterial energy, as a powerful flow and energy that feeds back the spaces and all of the planes of consciousness, so that souls and all the beings of the Universe may be in contact with God.
In this part of the local Universe, where your planet constitutes a system of life, only one percent of this system of communication exists.
So you will be able to understand, My children, how vast the Creation of God is in this Universe. Because as you already know and learned, through the instruction received, the Universe not only ends in the physical, but it is also mental, spiritual and supra-spiritual, something that the human consciousness has not achieved yet, due to the condition of its molecular and cellular density and to the chaos of these times.
But the Father thought of something different for this humanity and this planet, even before the return of His Beloved Son, that His most sacred treasures of Creation, the most ancient knowledge of this material and spiritual Universe should be within reach of all human beings, so that they may finally represent the Plan of God on Earth and the veils of cosmic life may fall from their faces so that the truth that brought them here and the Purpose that conceived them for this moment may be shown.
This is why, through My Immaculate Heart I not only profess simple words for souls, so that everyone may understand Me. But it is time, My children, that your consciousnesses take one more step toward the Universe so that your vibrations may be elevated more, given the planetary need and the chaos of the end times.
Just as the people of Israel were, this generation of the end of times, this humanity transitioning from an old time to a new time, must be deserving of the celestial treasures so that it may become the steward of the relics of God and of all His knowledge emitted since before creation.
Now, My children, the Mystery has now ceased to be a mystery. It is time for you to be able to ascend through the awakening and the sacred knowledge written in the eternal, in the sublime spheres of Creation, where the Divine Purpose pulsates and vibrates for all of Creation and for all life.
Today you are before one of the Wills of God and I know that your hearts cannot embrace all of this, even less your minds because of the limitation they have. But your spirits, that know universal and cosmic Life, that feel in the center of their breast the Greater Life and the confraternity that has brought them here to learn about redemption and forgiveness, your spirits are indeed open, because it will be your spirits that will make you understand the Mysteries of God, and you will thus become familiar, in an evolutionary way, with the divine Knowledge of the Supreme Source.
There are still many keys that we must deliver so that new doors may be opened. It will depend on the receptivity of hearts to divine knowledge for this to happen. This will generate more opportunities. The divine science will be close to your lives.
You will learn to interrelate with the Universes and with other systems of Creation that are beyond this local Universe.
It is time to understand, My children, that we are not alone. It is no longer a theory of a few wise or scientific men.
Divine and universal reality wants to descend so that your souls may find the commitment that brought them here and become instruments of God, so that He may work in the end of these times, fully activating the plan of rescue in this humanity.
Nothing of what I tell you is strange. However only some hearts, in this hour and at this time, are able to understand all of this universal system, since the majority is awakening to something that they have long forgotten and that comes from the stars, from all the suns, from all the stars that encircle the Universe, generating universal Life and the descent of sublime Life in all the systems of this Universe and of others.
The Creation of God is vast, and much knowledge can draw close to the souls that want to reconnect with universal Life so that ignorance may be dispelled and the tonic of Truth may enter the consciousness, which will make you responsible and correspondent with the Divine Plan of the Father.
Thus, it is now time to take steps in spiritual evolution. It is time for you to no longer remain restricted to what occurred on the planet or with what is told in the history books that were written. Many more truths exist in the Universe that are not known up until today.
Only by the decision of the Eternal Father can this reality be part of your lives, be within your consciousnesses and form you in the Sacred Knowledge of God. That same knowledge, which once descended over the patriarchs and the prophets, was what allowed the originality of the race to be preserved, beyond its errors and acts committed, and also what allowed the preparation for the birth of Jesus.
The human being from the Earth has many possibilities in the system of life. However, the plans of My adversary reached the entire human consciousness so that it would not know its potential and virtues, or the possibility of being able to communicate with God in a fluid and permanent way, like no other place in the Universe.
For this reason, the human being is something unpredictable. They may be in good or in evil.
But it is time, My children, that through the Sacred Knowledge which comes from the Universe of God, you may learn in the end of these times to defeat duality so that your souls may grow in love and in truth, in service and in humility for those who are more ignorant and foolish, for all those who do not want to see the Truth of the Universe that is written since ancient times in the Mirrors of Creation, divine and cosmic information that is refracted from time to time to other systems of life beyond the Earth.
Beyond the Earth, the material amongst distance planets is something alternate for the consciousness of humanity.
There are many points in the Universe from which you can reach other spaces in a matter of seconds or minutes. It is just that humanity is in an alternate time.
It will be the knowledge of the Universe that will allow you to access the truth of real time or present time, and will allow you to understand everything that exists within the Universe of God and which is much more sacred than what has been sacred on this planet.
All beings come from different Sources, from distant origins, from undeletable histories, from a lived experience that remains engraved in the consciousness, that is still not aware of this reality.
But those veils will also fall someday and you will be able to recognize your actions and errors. And you will be able to amend them in the Love of Christ, especially through the strength of your faith in the sacred Plan of the Creator.
Your Guardian angels keep the history of your existence and deeply know your inner and spiritual reality; what you were, what you are now and what you will become someday, after transcending duality, death and illusion.
But in order to be able to live this as many other beings have lived it at some time, humility, resignation, obedience and a great deal of willingness are needed to concretize the purpose that brought you here, beyond what you think, what you feel or what you live.
The true essence that brought you here is not in material life. Material life and its vehicles are instruments to live that experience, to learn something that you stopped learning or that you never learned, for different circumstances or reasons.
Material life can reflect spiritual life, but it will never be the same as supreme life. God created each plane of consciousness, thinking of each detail and meaning of each movement, each action and each purpose.
You, as humanity and as a planet, as an existence within a universal system, within an infinite creation of a vast universe, you are immersed within this Purpose, which must be designed and accomplished in these coming times, so that an unknown Will may be fulfilled, so similar to the Will that God once had to bring His Son to Earth.
With this spiritual comparison, My children, you are faced with a great divine responsibility and before the Portal of a great opportunity of carrying out the Greater Will on Earth.
Therefore, My children, as time, months and years go by, each time new Children of Mary are consecrated, they take on greater responsibilities before Creation, knowing that it is not only carrying the mantle of the Virgin Mary on their bodies; it is something much greater, that comes from the Source and that gives them the grace of living their consecration.
Those who will be consecrated today can approach the stage.
You will make your vows before the Mother of God of learning to submerge in Divine Life, so that your consciousness may be divinized and thus, one day, you may fulfill the Greater Will that brought you here.
I have said a lot more than expected tonight, because God observes and contemplates the movement of your inner beings in order to measure how far it is possible to deepen in the revelations of His Sacred Knowledge.
Today, may those who will consecrate themselves, and those who have already consecrated, be permeated and filled by the sublime spheres so that, essentially as souls and spirits, you may unite with the Greater Source through the love and the unity that brought you to the Earth to fulfill a Sacred Purpose.
Continue to pray every day so that the Mother of God and your Mother may be able to continue pronouncing and revealing the Mysteries of God and thus, more each day, human ignorance may be dissolved from humanity.
Today, by means of the Mirrors of the Universe, through My Maternal Heart, as Empress of the Universe and of the Earth, as the Greater Lady of the Universe and Mother of the World, I radiate My attributes to you so that, as little seeds of light, they may be sown in your hearts and essences, so that when Christ returns for the second time to the Earth, He may find in you the talents and virtues that He will need to be able to redo and reconfigure humanity.
Listening to the Hymn of your consecration, I raise your aspirations to the Highest, and in His Heart, the Father receives your pleas, so that your souls may be contemplated by His Mercy at this moment of consecration and of union with the powerful Light of the Celestial Universe.
For this reason, children, on this night, before the Knowledge of God that has been revealed, receive My warmest and sweetest love of Mother so that in your hearts you may feel the promising warmth of My Love and the coming of hope. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We all stand, at the request of Mary. And together with Her, let us give thanks for the immensity of Her Love and Her Grace, because we know that we are not deserving of so much knowledge. And through this knowledge, through the Most Holy Mary, each one of us can discover each day more of the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.
At the request of the Divine Mother, we will pray for this consecration and for those who will re-consecrate today, renewing the vows with the commitment to live the Plan of God on Earth and to materialize it in these times, so that the salvation of humanity may be accomplished.
Let us pray the Our Father in Portuguese, together with Our Lady.
Pai Nosso...
With the power that comes from the Source of God, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, I bless you and I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
You may sing the Hymn of your consecration.
I thank you for responding to My call and for being open to hear the revelations of the Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today I come to the world with a Face that is still unknown. I am the Mother of all peoples. That Consciousness that once presented Itself as the Sacred and Immaculate Spirit to the first peoples.
As Mother of the Indigenous Consciousness, today I present Myself with a different Face so that you may see that nothing is separate and that souls can only unite through My Heart of Light.
Today I come with the vestments of the first peoples to be able to reflect throughout this humanity, and, especially in this place, the spirit of that which is sacred and pure; that which God conceived of within each indigenous consciousness while originally living the beginning of unity with Creation.
I am the same Woman who governs Heaven and Earth, and who, with Her more than one thousand Faces, over the length and width of the planet, presents Herself in this region to unite that which is separate between the consciousnesses of the original peoples and God.
It is for this reason that My goal of coming here, most especially the Purpose that the Father has indicated to Me, as the Sacred Spirit of Peace and all wisdom of the universe, is that today I am already fulfilling the Mission which the universe placed Me in, of being able to spiritually work with the consciousness of the original peoples, not only of North America, but also of the world. For in truth I tell you that at the beginning of these first civilizations, the Indigenous Consciousness was always pure, before the white man emerged.
In all of the Americas, God created a sacred civilization, just as He created the civilization of the peoples of Israel, who fertilized unique principles that helped humanity to incarnate the spirit of the sacred, the spirit of reverence and devotion for all that God granted the consciousnesses. Each people and each race, throughout the history of humanity, was able to understand Creation in different ways.
But today I come to speak of the North American indigenous consciousness, because many of you have to do with it, in spite of coming from different nations and peoples, from different races and origins. All are united under a same spiritual, as well as genetic, principle. All come from the same Source and all emerged from the same portal to be able to govern this planet under universal order and harmony.
For this reason, dear children, My wish is that, through opening your senses and all your consciousnesses to the words of the Celestial Divinity, you may be able to enter the mysteries that, on this day, cease to be hidden for the whole planetary consciousness. This way, as Mother and Lady of the Peoples, I come on this afternoon, dear children, to try to conceive and fertilize the patterns of life and evolution in the spirit of the Indigenous Consciousness, which they once lost.
I know that many of the peoples of North America, who in the beginning represented the spirit of the sacred, were influenced by the colonists, causing them to carry out actions that changed the direction of their destiny, their future and their purpose.
And although all this has already happened, this is the motive and the reason, dear children, that your Lady of the Peoples, of the peoples of North America, today presents Herself with the vestments of the Indigenous Consciousness, to remind you of the path of return, the return to the Heart of the Father, of the Sun Spirit and the Moon Spirit, which in these peoples created a sacred manifestation of love and brotherhood, with each essence of the elements of nature.
I know that for you it will be impossible, dear children, to be able to return to the beginning, to the origin of how your peoples were. But the experience, the experience of your spirits, which come from other origins and stars, have not been lost. This is what God has asked of Me: that your consciousnesses and mainly your hearts again recover in these times. Because it will be this sacred and pure spirit that will help in the transition of the United States, especially in the tests that are coming and for which the majority of North Americans are not prepared.
With maternal Love, with a Sacred Spirit of devotion and reverence for each of the original consciousnesses that were a part of the sacred spirit of the United States, I come to ask, dear children, that you enter again into a Unity with God. That you enter again into the patterns of life and of evolution that made of your consciousnesses the purest peoples of the planet.
So it is that, in this time, I invite you to reflect what you truly are, what you essentially truly are, because this is what God needs so that in the times that will come, a New Humanity will be able to be shaped, based on the sacred principles that once existed in the Indigenous Consciousness as the ancient peoples of the desert, peoples that allowed the incarnation of the Sun Son, in past times, in a humanity that ardently was in need of redemption, salvation and liberation from the human condition that their own genetic code imposed on them.
Opening your eyes to the Science of God, dear children, feel My Heart, My indigenous Heart, My Heart of a Mother, of Mother Earth and Mother Sky, Who comes to offer Herself to you on this afternoon, to be able to recover what is most valuable in the world in this time.
I want you to reach My arms, My motherly arms, My Spirit of Peace, of brotherhood and reverence, as small children, as children of light, like those children who participated in the beginnings of the original peoples in all that was blessed and sacred for the Indigenous Consciousness and which made of these peoples, sacred peoples, since they were united with God through those elements, through the ceremonies of praise and worship of the elements of Creation.
Dear children, open your hearts to My Words, because My Words are energy, are life and divinity that comes to transform things that are corrupt so that, finally, they may become incorrupt and placed at the service of God's Purpose.
Contemplate My Face of Lady of Peoples, of the Indigenous Consciousness, that today shows Itself to the world so that, through this symbol of My holy Aspect, you may be able to discover, understand and penetrate My Message for this time.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
With this, I come to dissolve the indifference of hearts so that you may understand, children, that each people, each race, brings a divine purpose that is perfect, to live in this world.
As Mother and Lady of all peoples, I come to show the world and your little hearts that to travel the path of return to God, you must learn to love and respect each expression of humanity, because, each of them, My children, represents a unique way of loving so that all consciousnesses of the universe can find opportunities on this planet of living love, as well as being able to express it.
Today, with all that I have said to you, I cry out to humanity, and especially to this nation, that you dissolve prejudice, indifference, the denial of the expressions of My children, which must return to being sacred, that must find their origin again.
I do not come to change forms, My children, because there are things existing that in this time will not change form, but rather will change in the deepest essence of the human beings.
I come to remove from your consciousness the walls that separate you from your brothers and sisters, walls built in the past and that many times are unknown to you; you do not know they exist within yourselves. I come to destroy those walls with the power of My Light and My maternal Love, to then build a stronghold, into which each of My children can enter.
I want you to understand, My dears, that God expresses in many ways, that there is not just one path for reaching the Father; but all the paths He created, when they express a love and unity with life, will one day meet in the pure and original essence of all things.
I know that for many it is still difficult to love and understand a fellow being because they are different, but I ask, children, that you learn to love the differences so that you can also be loved, and build on this planet a humanity that expresses true Love. My Son taught you how to love without boundaries, without limits, without cultures and without religions. And it is that Love I come to bring you in these times because this is the true essence of the human project.
I want you to teach your children, your grandchildren, this Love without limits, so that they may grow and live fraternity among all beings of this Earth. Believe, My children, that in My Divine Presence, everything is possible if you open your hearts and contemplate My Immaculate Presence within them, because, today, In My Immaculate Heart, I contain all life, all Creation. Within Me, as Mother of all life, of all the peoples and all beings, all things lie there, and you as well, My children.
Recognize each other in My Heart and know that, there, you are all one.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On the inner planes, where everything is truly carried out, Our Lady of the Peoples comes, on this afternoon, to sow seeds of Light, that will sprout as the Children of Mary have sprouted, bringing gifts of Grace and Mercy for souls.
Today I have also come to consecrate those who have accepted Me as their Mother of life, as Mother protector and Mother of Love.
In this crucial hour of the planet, in which many things are waiting to take place in this humanity, I ask, dear children, that with the strength of your hearts and the potential of your faith, you not tire of consecrating your lives to My Heart. Because just as I consecrate you daily through transformation and purification, so that someday you may be sublime spirits, I also, dear children, consecrate the Indigenous Consciousness, because that legacy they hold in their essences must be present in this time for humanity, and also for all the universe, which will use this experience to continue evolving and come out of this duality that has taken the planet and the race toward their self-destruction.
I now call the children who are to be consecrated today, so they may be at My feet and I can bless them as the Lady of the Peoples, as the Spirit of Peace, as the Divine Consciousness that fertilizes the human consciousness, the New Race.
Come here, dear children, so that I may bless you in the name of many children of Mine who do not hear Me, who do not look for Me, who do not accept Me nor love Me.
I avail Myself of the love of your hearts, dear children, so that, without nations or borders, My Love may expand throughout the world and embrace those most in need of redemption and peace.
It is through the mirror of your hearts that I can refract Light for the world, the saving Light of My Son, the redeeming Light of the Father, the Light of wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit.
With each of the steps you take, every day, in a life of service and of prayer, in a hidden way I can work in the planetary consciousness and in all creatures that need to find the path of return to the Creator's Heart.
With the Graces poured out today by My Indigenous Consciousness, present today as the Sacred Spirit in all peoples, I consecrate your hearts and souls so that My Immaculate Heart, which is infinite and immaterial, may triumph in your lives and in each brother and sister, in each child, in each creature that you find on your paths. Because I invite you to become a part of the consciousness of My Love so that the original peoples of the United States recover the love they conceived, the love that allowed them to commune with the Creator, the Love of Jesus and His whole Kingdom.
I bless you, dear children, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Today I want you to sing to Me again in Cherokee, because I will carry this proclamation to the Heart of God with the intercession of simple souls that, living their transformation and redemption, implore for their peers, for their origins, for the true race that conceived that which is sacred and divine in this humanity.
With the Spirit of Grace and of Mercy, I thank you for having helped Me reach Oklahoma and for all I will still continue to do in these days, in this place, with your prayers, in unity with each one of your hearts.
I love you, and may this year beginning, be a year of greater Mercy for the world and the awakening of those who still sleep in the illusion of humanity.
I give you a part of My Heaven so that you may contemplate it in the universe of your hearts.
Wisdom, much wisdom for humanity.
I thank you!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more