XXIX - Dialoge Between Nature and God

When the soul of Nature enters into dialogue with God, what does it say? How is it answered by its Creator?

The soul of Nature speaks with God in silence, through the expression of beauty and the movement of the elements. The soul of Nature expresses its pain to the Creator through the wind, the rain, the closed and silent sky, the time that seems to stand still so as to feel the life of the Earth.

Nature expresses its self-giving and love through the flowers, fruits, the green leaves and the leaves that are dried, surrendering to renewal. It speaks through the deep silence of the oceans, through their balance and surrender, their constant and selfless service, their effort to keep the Project of the Creator alive for this world alive.

The soul of Nature speaks with God through the silence of the earth, renewing in its deepest layers the most ancient records of humanity, transforming with fire that which has happened and giving to the planet a substance that nurtures, that supplies, that sustains.

And God responds to Nature with the sun that shines and communicates life, with the night that restores and brings encouragement, with the breath that becomes air and breathing so that, in spite of all the density of the planet, there may be Spirit within the spirit of beings. God responds to Nature with gratitude, renewing Nature´s perfection and beauty, its life and its form, its peace.

May this dialogue, children, teach you to serve unconditionally, to give of yourselves out of love, to express peace even in times of chaos, to adore in silence when the world becomes stirred and to receive from the Lord and the Love of His infinite Heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While walking with the Cross, in the Heart of Christ, beyond suffering and pain, there was peace and compassion.

This was a constant exercise of His Divine Spirit within a human body: to transcend in each second the dimensions of chaos, ignorance, evil, while the beings that surrounded Him were absorbed by obscurity and He had to enter into dimensions of peace, compassion, wisdom, Truth, where His Eyes could see every occurrence as it really was and not as it seemed to be.

The Eyes of the Christ of Calvary contemplated the world and saw a more complex, deeper reality; They saw the evil of beings and saw essences trapped within the yoke of this evilness; He knew the evil spirit that guided every action of those who mistreated Him, and He knew that the way to liberate those essences was Love, not only the Love of the Cross, but the Love of all eternity; Love that would begin to be born with His example, like a source that would emerge with the last drop of Blood, which would be poured out of His Body, but would stream through the souls that, over the centuries, would respond to His Call and follow His example, renewing and multiplying this Love.

In each obstacle of life, child, may your eyes be the Eyes of the Christ of Calvary, contemplating the Truth and not the illusion, placed on the dimensions of peace and not of hatred, knowing that healing comes through living Love, in the example of each second of life.

This is how you will fulfill the Plan of your Celestial Father and be one with Him at all times.

You have my blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Offer God all suffering, pain and sorrow, so that everything in your life may serve as reparation for all humanity. 

Transform the obstacles by means of a leap toward evolution and thank the Father for the opportunities that you receive to repair His Heart.

You, child, are called to be an instrument in the Hands of God and, through the perpetual gratitude of your heart, you are able to make this a reality. 

Gratitude is the key so that the Father may take your life into His Hands.

Seek, each day, to love God more, His Will, His path, and I do not say that you will not suffer from anything, but that everything you may suffer will be merits for the Father, so that His Love and His Grace may descend to this world, especially for those who are ungrateful and indifferent before God.

Sincere gratitude is the key to the unity with God, and it is the doorway for what you call in this world, holiness.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To My little and adult children of Africa

Calm your little hearts in My paternal and meek Heart so that I may give back to you peace and hope, and in this way, you do not become discouraged by the challenges of these times.

The paths of God are unknown and the ways He conducts this, which is His Plan, have always been incomprehensible to humanity. 

The Creator Father honors and loves the peaceful hearts that do not fear to surrender their own lives in order to establish peace, that do not fear to encounter chaos in order to manifest the truth that dwells within them.

Each soul on this Earth has a unique learning experience to live, and there is a time and a place for it to be fulfilled. On this day a child of God fulfilled his cycle and entered other schools, where he will continue learning about love and peace.

Place your hearts only upon the Love with which God welcomes His children, and have the certainty that a time of greater peace will come for those who in life aspired to fulfill the Will of God beyond their difficulties, beyond their suffering and the weight they carried in their hearts because of a thousand-year history of anguish and pain.

Today My heart expresses itself because every day I see the effort of My little children of Africa who, in spite of everything, love and serve God. The merits of this service touch the Heavens and open the doors so that a child of God may reach the Father.

Do not be sad, nor fearful.

This is a time of purification of the Earth as well as of the human heart, and many tests are about to come, but if you are strengthened in love and permeated by the aspiration for peace, you will always have, as today, the doors open to Heaven.

I dedicate this message to the souls who make an effort to transcend the human condition and transform the history of this world with their persistence, and although I know that many will not understand Me, I speak for a Divine Will, because the Lord wished you to know of His Love for the children and young people of Africa, for the servers and adults who seek Him. The Lord wished to express Himself in the voice of His Humble Servant because as Father of service and charity, I come to protect those who serve this world, although they do not know it.

You, My little children, serve the world in prayer; you serve the world by establishing peace; you serve the world by being firm in your purpose of healing the human heart, through your own heart; you serve the world with the joy that is still  born of your spirits in spite of so much pain that you have already experienced; you serve the world because daily your love and hope touch the Heart of God.

Your prayers are heard, and today not only one but many souls arrived in Heaven through the merits of those who departed trying to establish peace.

Calm your hearts in the Peace of the Creator and do not give up serving; do not give up smiling and praying; do not give up forgiving and healing your hearts, because the Heavens open with your effort and the blessings of the Father descend upon Africa and upon the whole world.

Just as God does, I love you and bless you so that you may find peace and hope.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


God contemplates the world in silence and, with an unalterable Love in His Heart, receives the wounds which day after day, minute after minute, are being opened by the indifference of His children and by the outrages they cause to one another due to a lack of love and ignorance. And, even so, from His wounds, Mercy continues to spring.

As His Son, a living part of Himself among humankind, the Creator also lives His spiritual Passion, because in order to heal the evils that are lived on Earth, the Father and Lord of all things offers to Divine Law that which humanity fears the most: pain, sacrifice, and the true Love, which surpasses all those things and defeats these fears in its expression. The Creator lives, within Himself, that which humanity fears the most, in order to teach everyone that there is something higher than this, which is achieved through Love.

The Universal Laws are alive and by themselves act in all levels of Creation. Thus, even the Lord of the Law Himself respects them and lives them, so that they may be fulfilled in His children. So that creatures may continue to receive Mercy, God remedies, with His own Heart, the evils of the world.

To restore the Heart of God, you only need to live with Love what, for most human beings, is painful and difficult. And I am not talking about the death on the cross or the sores or wounds of the heart. I am talking about everything that moves a being to reach the cross and to offer the sores and wounds of their heart out of Love and Mercy.

The same Love that moved Christ to continue with the cross is what moves God to remedy human errors and it is what you are called on to live today, within yourselves and with your fellow beings, transcending the poor and immature love, which often lives within your hearts, into a true Love, the fruit of fraternity and Mercy, the fruit of the effort to understand and to love the neighbor, the fruit of surrender and wisdom, the fruit of faith.

Encourage yourselves, children, to find in your prayers, the Wounds of the Heart of God and offer Him a conscious reparation, through the effort of loving as He loves you.

Encourage yourselves to take great steps through the effort in the small daily things, in which the opportunities for choosing between Love and the human condition present themselves. Always choose Love.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When Saint Joseph arrived, He showed us an image of Himself, when he was about 30 years old. It was night, and He walked alone upon a hill, looking at the starry Sky and talking to God. He then asked us to write down what He, at that time, was saying to the Father in prayer, which He now allowed us to listen. He prayed:

Lord, heal me

Lord, heal me, entering with the power of Your Love
into all my atoms and molecules.

Lord, heal me, burning, with the fire of Your Holy Spirit,
each particle of my small being.

Lord, heal me, reduce my soul to a true nothing
so that I may recognize Your Greatness and infinite Majesty.

Lord, heal me and show Your Face to my impure eyes
so that I may recognize You as the Father, the Truth and the Origin of all things.

Lord, heal me and remove from me that which believes to be separate from You.

Show me, O Lord of all Creation,
that You are in all things;
You are behind all illusion, hidden in the essence of each being.

Lord, heal me, defeat me and leave me surrendered at Your Feet.

May my whole being recognize Your Power and rejoice in You eternally.

God of Love, God of Truth,
God of Purity, God of Joy,
God of the poor and the rich,
God of the healthy and the sick,
God of Heaven, Earth and the whole Universe,
God of the Cosmos, God of Existence, God of Creation,
heal me, renew me
and allow me to discover You to be as within me, as I am within myself.

Lord, reveal that You are in all things and that all things are in You.

Reveal Yourself in unity with All and, thus, heal me, Lord.


True healing comes from the surrender of the heart before God, from the recognition of His Greatness and of our own smallness before Him.

Healing, which must be born in spirit and have its reflection in matter, is nothing more, children, than the demystification of unity and its absolute experience.

When you understand the Presence of God in all things, there will be no illness, neither in body nor in spirit, that can bring you down because when the consciousness lives unity with God, all its cells are encompassed by this Divine Presence and find in themselves the Principle of the Father, in this way dissolving all imbalance, all sickness, all anguish and all pain.

Therefore, today I teach you to ask the Lord for healing. Do not ask for healing of the body, of the mind or of the emotions: ask for the healing of separateness, of ignorance, of illusion and thus, children, you will discover that a healthy spirit is the one which unites to the Living God and finds Him within, multiplied in its cells, animating its body, permeating both matter and spirit with His Holiness.

Pray from the heart, pray as humanity, because it is very ill; if you, as cells of this great human body, recognize unity with God, you will gradually heal the ills that still permeate the world.

I love you and leave you My Blessing and My Peace so that you heal yourselves and thus, attract healing to the whole planet.

Your Father and Healer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


       Today Saint Joseph took long to appear, and when the portals started to open in Heaven, I saw that He was coming from somewhere in the planet.  I saw a destroyed place, a grey color scenario, and Saint Joseph appeared with a young black man in his arms, fainted.  I felt much sadness in His face.  For some time, Saint Joseph showed that He was removing many souls from that place, which I did not know where it was. Until He started to deliver us His daily Message:

      Children of God and companions of My Chaste Heart, today I tell you that My Spirit of Love received from the Father the possibility of interceding for a part of humanity.

Before the Celestials Altars, I deposited at the feet of the Creator, My Heart, as a way of offering Him the purest that exists in My Consciousness, in order to balance, thus, the impurities of humanity.

As a spiritual part of the human heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God for all those who will follow My steps, in the hope of finding Christ and merging themselves with Him, into His Resplendent Spirit.

I tell you that, through your prayers, My offer has been accepted by the Most High and in the coming days I will be entering, in Spirit of Divinity, into the Asian and African continents, in order to remain in the inner world of the planet, in vigil and prayer for Peace in the world.

I ask you to accompany Me with your hearts, and never forget that the sorrow and the suffering that humanity causes to God are responsibility of all beings of the world.

By praying together with the Most Holy Mary, also offer the intercession of My Chaste Heart and, as humanity, elevate a request of Mercy every day.  All the offers, as small as they may be, will be accepted, because the urgency is infinite and the need of the planet transcends your understanding.

I only ask you to pray with Me and allow that My Presence make you understand that these are already the acute times of purification of the planet.

Become aware of the superior life, of the spiritual needs, beyond the physical ones.  Know that all that happens in the physical level has a spiritual counterpart, even worst to be healed.

With the consciousness in the Plan of Rescue of Christ, pray from the heart, unite to Me and help Me to intercede for the world.

Peace for all the hearts that suffer.  Forgiveness and redemption for those who have got lost from God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
