I purify your hands, so they may be free of self and gifted to the All.
I purify your feet with the Water of Life, so they may be clean and free at the moment of walking toward peace.
I purify your hearts, so they may be free of all stain and thus have great and expansive feelings of love.
I purify your eyes, so they may see God in every place.
I purify your ears, so they may inwardly hear the Sacred Word of God as unique and true.
I purify your mouths, so they may pronounce elevated vibrations, and that silence may penetrate into the depths of each being.
I purify each aspect of your beings, so that in the morning you may be free of everything, of any tie or any prison.
I purify, purify and purify in order that your souls govern, and your divine essences emerge into the awareness of each being.
After purifying you, I will definitely consecrate you so that you may be instruments and examples of the total human redemption. That will be the testimonial of the inexplicable victory of your Heavenly Mother in this humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Charity leads to immediate sanctity because, through service, the doors are opened to help and collaborate with those in most need and also with the Kingdoms.
Children, in this time, all that you do must be done in the name of charity so that, in this way, the human consciousness may not lose the impulse of giving itself to others, without conditions.
It is charity that allows peace to be established among nations and peoples because charity is moved especially by the essence of the Love of God.
In each act of charity, as in each new service, it is possible to take steps inside the Plan of God and His great work.
Charity, as the essence of the spiritual life of the apostles of Christ, represents the possibility of giving oneself through service to others and of constantly pouring out the Love of Christ.
The pacification of the consciousness is established in charity because a soul that lives permanent charity is attracting the Christic codes of pity and mercy toward itself.
Charity is a direct source of transformation for all hearts because it generates a highly positive effect for all that still must be redeemed in souls and upon the planet.
The path of charity leads you, at some point, to embrace the divine sacrifice because, after a long walk through charity, the soul learns to renounce for others and for the good of the Divine Plan.
Charity is an impulse to live inner redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who fills you,
Your Mother Mary Rose of Peace
While I place My hands on you to intercede for the world before My Beloved Son, I ask you feel encouraged to love everything you live, without caring if you do not know how to do it.
Fervently love everything the Universe presents to you and I assure you that you will be happy.
You were born in this cycle to live the end of times and to learn from it, because in order for a new humanity to arise, everything must live its transition.
You, dear children of the planet, are this transition that you are already living within and outside of yourselves; you are this sacred experience in which the whole Universe is learning how to love, just as you are invited every day to love a little more.
I ask you that, with courage, humility, and service, you live as challenges these times that are unknown; if in this time when everything define itself you are awakened, you will be favored by a teaching that humanity has never lived.
With your hearts expanded in light, accompany these times without fearing what you will live or what you will learn about yourselves.
I leave you the opportunity, dear children, of taking your steps in consciousness and of learning how to give of yourselves above all else, because in the whole of this story is Christ, who commands you from His sincere and silent Heart.
I thank you for responding to these times!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Greater misery than the material misery is the lack of compassion and of unity among human beings.
To lack the necessary is the consequence of an even greater lack, a lack that is not individual but that is human: a lack of love in the hearts.
To be poor and miserable physically, children, is not the greatest of evils. To be poor of virtues and miserable in spirit is what hinders the human being to share bread for the body. Where there is no compassion, there is no equality. Where there is indifference, there can be no fraternity and balance.
Do not be indignant about the inhuman misery in which your brothers and sisters live, if compassion and fraternity are still missing in you – and with this you collaborate in the growth of indifference and of social inequality in which you live nowadays as a civilization.
Children, may there be more action and less emotion in your lives. May you be more ready to act and not let yourselves get involved by feelings that do not make the spirit grow. If you are facing the misery of your brothers and sisters, do not only give them bread, but, besides bread, also give your own life, offering your transformation in reparation for the lack that exists in the human consciousness and that results in this misery that impregnates matter.
Love, feel your neighbor with compassion, be fraternal, overcome the indifference, overcome selfishness, surrender to fraternity and erase from your consciousnesses the fear of missing something in the future – this fear that makes you keep everything for yourselves. These codes, children, are the ones that make the difference – when deposited in the human consciousness.
Why do you complain so much about the governmental systems and become indignant with the social misery, if you do nothing for the human consciousness to be different, and even nourish the old patterns that maintain them at this point of involution?
It is time to grow and take steps in a very neutral form, understanding the point in which you are and doing an effort every day for humanity to receive new divine principles.
Do not search for virtues for yourselves – to affirm the other’s misery and to highlight yourselves -, search to be virtuous so that the whole of humanity may be so; in this way, children, you will reach true virtues.
Serve and feel in the heart the sorrow for the material and inner misery of your brothers and sisters, but do not remain there. Change, grow, fly and take with you each human heart.
The goal is not only your own sanctification: the goal is the conversion of all of humanity and the Christification of a whole race, that will be able to love their neighbor as they love themselves, and God above all things.
May peace and unity be in your hearts.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To heal the present and to prepare a new life for the future, you must forgive the past.
It is only love, children, that enters the depths of the human consciousness and erases the record of the mistakes committed. Words, actions and even acts of charity and of service are only vehicles to experience this love that must emerge from the depths of the heart.
Prayer is the language of love, it is the door that opens within each being so that this love flows from God to every consciousness and from your consciousnesses to the planetary needs.
To search for an external result for your own actions is to close the doors to love, because the return is not something sought by the one who really loves. Whoever loves only gives and does not seek, in anything, to receive.
For you to be vehicles of a divine and higher love for the planetary consciousness, you should be a little more humble and simple, but not want to be one of those who transform and redeem all things, because what transforms and what redeems is love, such love that does not come from you, but from God.
Children, when you serve, know that the most important is not the service in itself, it is the love with which you serve. When you are in contact with someone and you offer them a word of relief and of hope, know that what is important is not what you say or how well you express yourselves, but rather the degree of love and of union with God with which you do so.
Before serving and even in your daily life, as the first exercise of your day, unite yourself with God and say, “Lord, make me a vehicle of Your Love.” If you are sincere and true when pronouncing these words and letting the word be the vehicle of a pure intention for it to reach the Father, this will be sufficient for the Creator to bring meaning to your lives and to make every moment of it worthwhile for the triumph of His Plan.
That your actions, thoughts, feelings and words be impregnated with something more than yourselves. That everything be for the manifestation of love and that love, by itself, be the result of your service and of your life.
For the healing of the human and planetary consciousness, launch yourselves into the discovery of the divine love and allow the Creator to make you bearers of this love.
I bless you and lead you to the true service that you already know that does not start and does not end in your actions, but that has its true acting in the life of the spirit and there should have its essence and its principle.
Your Father and Companion, in service and in prayer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Love your fellow beings without limits, as if God Himself multiplied in each of your brothers and sisters and called you to serve Him and accompany Him in His development within beings.
Love your fellow beings without limits, so that your love may fecundate the hearts of your brothers and sisters with the seed of hope of one day fully experiencing fraternity and unity among you all.
Love your fellow beings without limits, and even though your works are sometimes not able to reach all creatures of the Earth so directly, love all the same, and in your spirit, let love permeate all beings, just as the Lord your God and your Father does, calling you to follow in His footsteps.
Love your fellow beings without limits, with a true, spiritual, mature, simple, in service and fraternal love, for in this way, God Himself will be able to love through you.
Love your fellow beings without limits, and give all of yourself for the concretization of the Divine Purpose in others and on the planet.
Love your fellow beings without limits, pray for the world, cry out on your knees for those who lose their faith. Feel in your chest the pain of those who live without hope and carry your plea to the feet of the Creator in such a true way as if the despair of your brothers and sisters was yours.
Love your fellow beings without limits and learn to help them as God expects rather than how you want to. Love with the Heart of the Father within your heart and you wholly within Him. In this way, you will know how to love beyond emotions and serve beyond the impulses of the human ego.
You will love just because love dwells within you, and you will not gratify yourself because of experiencing love, because love is in you and it leads you into a giving of yourself, in a natural way.
What is love worth if not to be gifted?
Love your fellow beings without limits, with prayers, with silence, with service, with understanding, with welcome, with a smile, with a correction, with a warning, with an embrace, with care or with distancing. Love as each one needs and not how you need to love.
Love and give the other your love, even if for you the way of doing it causes pain.
Learn to give of yourself, to be and to live the Law of Love, which is the law of this Earth, it is the beginning and the end of human existence.
I will accompany you and will love you always, so that you may avail yourself of My example to love your fellow beings even more, without limits.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray with your hearts for peace on the planet and make this Marian Center(1) a great mirror of light that radiates redemption, love, faith and peace for those brothers and sisters of yours that are in the world and do not know the power of God.
Pray for those who are in the last moment of their lives and are leaving this world in ignorance, in abandonment and in the sadness of their souls, for not having fulfilled their mission or even known of its existence.
Pray today for those who are imprisoned in the illusions of the world, those who materially have everything and, yet, are empty of God.
Pray for humanity to understand that the greatest treasure is that which is found when beings give all of themselves for love of their neighbors and for love of the Kingdoms of Nature, because empty of self, they will be filled by the Spirit of God.
Pray for the poor and the starving, so that they may understand poverty as an opportunity for finding simplicity. But also pray for the imbalances of the world, because the rich and satiated in everything must learn that everything was given to them by God so that they could share it with their neighbors.
Pray so that the youths of the world awake to higher life, so they may find the path of union with the Spirit of God and, in this way, reverse the future of the planet and are able to be builders of the New redeemed Earth.
Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that the spirits of each species, which are already tired of supporting the world, are able to accomplish their mission until the end and, in this way, they also place the learning of a constant giving of self into the experience of the planet.
Pray, but also serve. Give of your word, but also of your hands and the sweat of your brows.
Ask for the Kingdoms, but also take care of those you have by your side and those that come into your lives asking for help.
Be simple and joyful in everything. Be aware in this world that is blind; radiate light for the eyes of humankind with your examples. And instead of following the streams of illusion of the planet, be like a boat that goes against that stream, carrying souls into the new, to redemption, with your nets in the sea drawing forth beings that want to step out of a retrograde life.
I love you and thank you, in the name of God, for praying all day long, so lovingly preparing for the coming of Saint Michael the Archangel. May the liberation brought by the Servant of God, Saint Michael, reach all the spaces of the world.
Peace and redemption to the planet.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1. It refers to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay.
The principle of every learning in this world must be love, the living experience of love, of unity and of fraternity and, inside these three attributes you shall find all the other virtues that are part of the Most Sacred Spirit of God.
From the universe, your spirits observe you permanently. Some learn from the love that develops in those of you that fulfill the Will of God; others learn from the love that they receive from the neighbor, and others learn by observing the registers generated by the errors from the past and that are reflected in matter. But all those who have arrived at this world, something they must learn.
When a child goes to school, they can learn many things. Some learn everything the school has to offer; others only learn from the group consciousness and very little from what the school offers, and others do not open themselves to learn anything and, even, hinder the learning of the others. But these last ones will grow up and will be able to observe the opportunity they have had with a look of greater maturity, and it is from there that their learning will happen, and they will take something in their consciousness for having participated in this school.
You are in the wider and most profound school of all the Creation of God. Here are synthesized all the teachings of the universe. From the attitude of each one before the Masters and Guides of this school, will result the development of humanity.
While you have the grace of still being in this world, seek without delay to learn from it everything that you still have not been able to learn. Give of yourselves to the others, donate yourselves as much as you can, not only to the poor, but to everyone and to everything. Seek to unveil the power of love and ask God to lead your steps because He will listen to you.
I bless you and thank you for opening to Me the doors of this great school of heart, for Me to teach you the essence of the Project of God to humanity.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children,
Day and night I come to the world to call you for a greater task.
I need to shape the new apostles of Christ, through prayer and the Love of God. So that this may happen, dear children, your hearts must be open to respond to My call.
Know that this is the last time that I am among you, at the end of a time that is preparing for something new, before the return of My Son Jesus.
Thus, open your arms and take My Words into your hearts. They are the last Words that will move over the face of the Earth, preparing hearts and dwelling places for the Final Judgment that all of the Earth will experience.
For this reason, dear children, enter into this spring of Mercy which Jesus represents, give yourself over completely to His Most Sacred Heart. In this way, My beloveds, you will feel trust and wholeness, you will lose your fear and will become free of sin.
God wants to forgive you, dear children. Listen to this very important call to reconciliation.
The Universes and the Greater Heavens come to aid you; open your eyes to the Greater Light that comes from the Father.
See My Sacred Heart coming from Heaven; because in this very important era, I have need of servers ready to respond to My call. In this way, you will be free of your worries and doubts; because I come here, in this era, to console you, to reconcile your hearts with the Highest.
Dear children, God has allowed Me to transmit these Words to you because it is necessary to prepare, in this time, for the great changes that will come into your lives and the entire world. Thus, you are in time, dear children, for warming your hearts in My Maternal Fire.
I want to pour out My Grace and eternal devotion upon you.
I only have need of simple hearts that want to open to the new and know the higher, that which many do not know in this time, which is the mystery of God that wishes to reveal itself to all. But it is necessary, dear children, that there be a sincere response on your part.
I Am your Most Holy Mother Mary, Who has come throughout the centuries to restore and redeem humanity. I have been preparing humanity for centuries for the Advent of My Son, which is near in this time.
Thus, observe your lives, observe your actions and examples, imitate Christ in this time, in what you can give truly and in a heartfelt way.
Dear children, you do not know how great and full is My Grace for you, My eternal Love for each of My children, I know humanity in depth, inwardly and outwardly. I know your intentions and pleas.
But now, I need you willing to serve a little more; you are in the great time of giving your all, of giving yourselves into the Arms of the Eternal Father and of truly feeling yourselves to be loved, for who is in God will lack nothing.
Dear children, see the example of the Sacred Family, which, in humility and simplicity, lived the mystery of God.
I invite you to be humble and simple, dear children; this will allow you to take the steps on the path of conversion and redemption.
First, dear children, look to your brothers and sisters, to their needs, so that you are able to help them. This is a faithful example of charity. I invite you to serve, in heart and soul, in striving and in permanent sacrifice.
Dear children, I want to tell you that God has chosen you, as an important nation, to fulfill a Promise of His, in the New Humanity.
Thus, the seeds are being planted in your hearts.
For this reason, I need your hearts, dear children, to be fertile in prayer and that through prayer, you open to finding the path of brotherhood and of peace.
As your Mother from Heaven, I only ask you for simple things, so simple that few fulfill them. Thus, I invite you, day and night, to live in the universe of prayer so you are able to perceive the end of times, which all of you are going through in this period.
Open your eyes and feel the beating of My Heart, feel My Maternal Love and My protection in your lives; I need you always.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Each time you are in My Presence, in your essences I place a luminous part of My Heart, a molecule of My Divine Consciousness.
But on this night I ask, My children, that the Grace I give to your lives not be held by you just for yourselves. Go through the world, announce My return to Earth, My Word, which once again resounds so as to wake up the hearts of the world.
With this light that I turn on in your hearts, illumine the path of those who today live in the darkness. Do not fear being an example for those of My children who today do not have a reference point; because I see the world from the Heavens and many of My children are lost in this time through ignorance, because they do not know God and because they have not felt My Maternal Love, which today you can feel.
My children, at this time I ask that you travel the world, expanding to all hearts this Light that I bring you today.
The Lord has asked Me to come to the Earth to wake up even more missionary hearts, because this world has need of charity, has need of fraternal service among brothers, because unity among beings, My children, is being lost on this Earth. Do not allow this essential attribute, which is the unity I radiate to you from My Kingdom, be lost in the world, and through service, fraternal charity, cultivate unity, brotherhood and fraternity among beings in your hearts and the heart of others, because in this time, the world is lacking in these attributes.
My children, I do not invite you to carry out social actions, I invite you to share the deep giving of your hearts with love and truth; for one who is ready to serve and gives all of themselves to others will discover a wondrous Grace which up until today is unknown to the majority of the hearts of the world.
Today, I urge you to follow the steps of Saint Joseph, to aid humanity through prayer, charity, the giving of your lives, so that many more are able to wake up to service, selfless and real service.
My children, your souls thirst to give of themselves, but it is necessary that you not fear doing so, but rather that you risk experiencing a Love unknown to you and which wakes up in the heart that serves.
When you open to carry the Presence of God, through charity, the Lord can use your hearts as a bridge for the lost humanity. But I need you to say 'yes', that you be ready to open that door, because humanity has need of awake hearts, hearts which in all the actions in life, radiate love and charity, that are always ready to provide for the need of the other at any moment and at any time; for it is in this way, My children, that little by little, My Kingdom enters the Earth, that hearts and souls are converted, and the Divine Presence can be among beings.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
All of you, dear children, are potential children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and some time ago, My Immaculate Heart requested the consecration of two daughters of Argentina who, from the first moment of their lives when they met Me and woke to My call, trusted My Immaculate Heart and recognized the Presence of the Mother of God in this time, in this region and also in this country, which I have so lovingly visited and will continue to visit as many times as you allow Me to.
Remember, dear children, to warm your hearts in My Eternal Fire of devotion. It is necessary that it beat in your hearts, in devotion and service, opening ways for those who need it, redeeming lives and healing hearts.
For this reason, on this night of Mercy and Pity, I call these daughters to consecrate them, and a son who has also responded to My call.
Thus see, dear children, how My maternal task is universal, embraces peoples, souls and nations. My Mercy for you is infinite.
I want to pour out My Light and My blessing upon you.
Dear children, My Immaculate Heart will always be open to welcome you. I accept all kinds of consecration, because in My merciful and pious eyes, and for the Celestial Father, all souls are the same.
I thank you for responding to My call on this night.
I joyfully await the meeting with you tomorrow, when My Celestial and Universal Rays will deeply descend upon the planet.
I love you and bless you.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón del Jesús:
We want to share a little story about the Apparition, so you can also understand how it was that Mary came here, to Santa Fé.
Today Mary came as the Queen of Peace, a young, beautiful woman with a white veil on Her head, a pink tunic and a light blue mantle wrapped around Her; She had a golden sash, announcing a symbol for us: the birth of something new for humanity; She was barefoot, Her smile was crystalline and pure, and in Her hands She held a rosary that She moved each time She spoke with us.
She came surrounded by angels, who opened the doors for Her so She could reach this place and share Her Motherliness and Her Love with us.
Today, Mary gave a very specific Message for each of us, which you were able to hear through Sister Lucía and Friar Elías; because we repeated everything the Mother was saying to us, not forgetting any detail of what She indicated at that moment.
Today, we understood and felt that our Mother has need of a hotter fire from the Argentines that comes from the heart, a devotion that allows the concretization of those Plans God has foreseen for this nation.
Today, She told us She uses us as Her instruments so you may consciously wake up and together, according to our Mother, we may be able to help you concretize that Plan which God has foreseen, which is a Plan through prayer, charity, service, through being attentive to the needs of others and seeing the needs in each place we go.
In reality, our Mother expects new apostles to emerge here, who are able to be born through their heart, and are able to feel this situation, this Message of Mary's as something real.
Today, symbolically, our Mother Mary was mobilizing our hearts, our inner selves, quite a bit, because She has need of us so that her Son can come here. She comes to prepare this place, this planet, for the coming of Christ, but She needs us to believe that Christ will come back first in our hearts, that we are able to feel Him, call Him.
Today, our Mother showed us Her infinite Grace and Mercy, like a spring, like a river of Light, which reached here, this place, and which, at a certain point, stopped, because we need to open the doors so Grace can descend, and we will manage to do this, according to our Mother Mary, when we are fraternally united in our hearts.
The Mother needs to see us united as a group, as consciousnesses and as souls, so She may accomplish what She plans to do in this nation through you, and that in some way you also be mediators so other consciousnesses, other brothers and sisters, are able to receive the Grace they need.
Today, we were given a very profound Message, and a last call, as She said. We must keep in mind that this is a unique opportunity for everybody and as is said here in Argentina and in Uruguay, the train, the last train is coming through and we need to climb aboard that train so as to not lose that spiritual impulse Mary brings us from Heaven.
She waits for a sincere response from each of you.
Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Blessed are those who gather their strengths to be with Me in these times; those who make an effort to overcome, day by day, the limits that the world and their own body imposes on them.
My children, I am with you to teach you to live the last times, and to overcome this threshold with bravery and peace in the heart.
It is for this that day by day I ask you for more of an effort. And, at the same time that I conduct you through a path of sacrifices, I accompany you step by step, radiating the Peace that is born in My Heart and that is expanded throughout the world.
In this way, a space is opened so that I may be present in your lives, even if your are giving the maximum of yourselves, never will you lack the peace and the strength to offer always more.
Today I say to you that, when I ask you something apparently unreachable, it is to show you that you are able to do much more than that which you are doing today.
On each day that passes I will ask you for a little more, and I will make you donate of yourself that which you did not know you had. And little by little you will perceive that the impossible has become simple, and the unreachable already rises on the horizon.
When the time comes to cross the threshold of a new race, many will see themselves in the plenitude of the human race, as God idealized it in the Universe.
I just want you to be simple and true and adaptable as the water; that you may be true and pure in your actions, in this way the Creator Hands will be able to act in your lives and in your consciousnesses.
Those who have said yes to Me, that they may be renewed each day in this yes, and take care to not have conditions in their surrender. If they are attentive to that which I say to you today, they will see that they still say no to Me many times, believing that they are deepening in this surrender.
Upon awakening and at going to sleep, renew yourselves in the adhesion to the divine Plan, and if today you are tired, prepare yourselves, My dears, because you know nothing of what I have for each one of you. But do not fear, because I prepare you in the measure that I offer you new sacrifices and I will not place stones in your paths which you are not able to step over.
I want to thank you on this day for the Love with which you have received Me in this city, and say to you that I have waited for long to come to this place and to awaken those who have been commited with Me for so long.
Come, dears, come to My encounter, because My arms await you, and the Lord waits for you for the return in Redemption to the Celestial Dwelling.
I love you and I welcome you in My mantle.
I thank you for the answer to My Call.
Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace
Blessed will be those who have understood My Presence, those who trust in My Words and those who follow My Heart.
To those who aspire to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, I say: this is the hour of conversion, of the surrender of all faults to God and to humbly receive the forgiveness He sends.
My children, more than once I have said to you: awake, awake in time to receive the Mercy, which flows from an infinite spring of the Kingdom of God. Awake in time to see that the Hands of the Lord are extend toward your hands; that the Heart of the Lord is open to receive your hearts; that the Forgiveness of the Lord is ready to definitely erase all the debts that you have with God.
Beloved children, there is still time to make a correct decision in your lives. There is time to be true servers, ready to manifest the Will of God. There is still time to balance the part that is yours to do in this world, through prayer, fasting and a sincere confession to Christ.
When I tell you there is time, it is because there is time to act, to decide to respond now to the call of the Heavens. When I tell you that you are in time, I want to show you the opportunity for reconversion that the Lord places before your lives, so that even those who believe they are awake can truly awaken to the last call of God.
My children, the Lord has already sent all the Graces, has offered you His Son, His Kingdom, His faithful Servant, His hosts of angels. What more are you waiting for to accept the call of God? What more can We do so that the will to awaken be greater than the slumber that you feel?
The world is asleep, dear children, to the existence of a greater life. There are many who chose to not awaken and closed their eyes to the existence of God. There are many who believe they serve the Lord and do not perceive that a long time ago they closed their doors to Him. And there are many who give very little of themselves, when the world needs that each one give everything of oneself.
It is time to give oneself, little children, to give oneself to the Creator of all things. This which Is the very giving of Self, Who gave you life and offers you Eternity.
So immense is the Mercy of God that, to those who are most lacking in Him and forget His existence, He never tires of calling and in every way tries to bring back His children who get lost on the way.
That is why I am here, My children. I am the Mother of your hearts, sent by the Supreme Lord to awaken your consciousnesses, to make them active and prayerful. I am here because it is now time for the rescue, and My soldiers must be ready, for there is much work awaiting them.
If you knew the world as I know it, there would never be complaints in your lives, and once and for all, you would decide to accompany Me.
Thus, My dear ones, place all your difficulties at My feet and allow Me to Guide your lives through permanent prayer. Come with Me, do not fear to follow Me; I have waited for you for a long time. For centuries, humanity has been preparing; it is time to begin to act.
If you want to know where to begin, where to be or what to do, pray, pray and pray. Truly fast, commune with My Son and listen to His daily Words.
Walk, walk, for you are in time.
I thank you for listening to My urgent call with your heart.
Mary, Mother of the World and Queen of Peace
My children,
As the Queen and Mother of Peace, today I invite you to search in your hearts for the inner union with Jesus so that through prayer you may help My Son to carry the cross of the world.
As the Cyrene, carry, out of love, the pain of the world. May your prayer be the nourishment that may satiate all, and the water that quenches the thirst of many of My children.
Today I want to tell you that the cross of humanity must be supported in the perseverance of the groups of prayer that, united with the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fulfill the call to alleviate the Heart of Christ.
A small part of your lives, by means of prayer and as a ser- vice, can contribute to others. Today I refer, dear children, to the inner state of giving yourself to others. This inner state will allow you to recognize the humility that is necessary to live in these times. Because of the lack of humility in the human heart, many events are unfolded, events that condition the harmonious walk of My children.
Therefore, searching in yourselves for Jesus, the Redeeming Love, you will find the essence of giving, and when this giving becomes a daily exercise together with prayer, your hearts will begin to glimpse the Light of humility.
All of My children are being called to live this path of humil- ity, of emptiness of oneself, for love of God and for the reparation of the great conflicts and the arrogance that humanity lives, in which there is so little love for one another.
Dear children, I am calling you to form yourselves as good instruments of God so that your High Priest, Jesus, may be able to pour His Merciful Graces upon the pure hearts and upon the fallen hearts.
It is time to be in Jesus every day. Let us pray.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
The greatest suffering that My Maternal Heart observes in this humanity is the lack of love in the heart. This is why, dear children, to be in the Love of God, to live in the Love of God and to work in the Love of God is what will allow you, in the end of times, to make wisdom blossom in humanity.
Dear children, a path to find the Love of God is to open your hearts to prayer, because it is the mediator, it is the new Light that is arriving in the consciousness of all of My children.
My children, as Mother I am here among you to teach you to walk in the art of prayer, in the life of prayer that all My little children need to awaken and to carry out in these moments.
You can count on My Son Jesus, who is the living expression of prayer, of the perpetual union with God the Creator. When I invite you to pray for peace and for Light in humanity, I call you so that your hearts may become merciful, so that they may imitate the path of humility and total giving to the Creator.
Dear children, therefore, walk, walk and do not detain your steps in the life of prayer, because thus My Immaculate Heart will accompany you and God will make use of your prayers.
The Work of God in this time is the redemption of all souls, and the prayer that is born from the heart will be the great key for the salvation of the most humble and of the ones in most need of peace.
Listen to My call and remember that these are My last words in this cycle of humanity. Prepare your hearts by being con- stant in prayer.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
A soul dedicated to the life of prayer is a heart open to new cycles. Therefore today I ask you to be an instrument of living prayer so that My Son may manifest Himself in the essence of your hearts.
Remember, dear children, that your lives must be the source of prayer, of a prayer that must spring from the heart.
Therefore, My children, live within the great Source of Prayer that is My Son so that your lives may recognize the Love of the Redeemer. As sheep of the Shepherd, unite your hearts to each brother heart and keep your hands united to each heart, because if so, you will be renovating the existence of love in all of the world, a Merciful Love that is radiated by Jesus to each heart of this Earth.
Dear children, be in this way a source and may your lives not tire of giving love, unity and hope in the times that will come.
My children, transforming your lives into inexhaustible sources of prayer, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach the reality of each life, lives that need the Light and the Love of God.
Therefore, My Immaculate Heart tells you again: pray! Pray and pray, My little children, so that all humanity may receive the essence of Good and Peace.
As Queen of Peace I call you to pray with Me so that your hearts may become, through prayer, roses of Light for the Creator.
Reflect today on the importance of giving yourselves for love of others.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
First of all, dear children, I want to thank all of this Marian group for your sincere dedication, especially in the last few hours, during the trip from the city of Montevideo to Brazil.
To all My other children, today I want to give you this example, the example of the constant selfless giving, which you can understand as the Will of the Lord.
Therefore, dear children, I invite you to walk by means of prayer in the Purpose of God because this Purpose is a celestial idea that the Father plans for the soul that decides to be in the arms of the Creator in order to be accompanied and guided throughout eternity.
My children, as Pilgrim Mother who has been following humanity step by step in this world for many centuries, today I invite you to imitate the path of the pilgrim so that the Love of God may be revealed in your life. A pilgrim who is consecrated to My Immaculate Heart is a soul dedicated to a life of prayer for the world. A pilgrim who is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a spirit in harmony at the feet of the Redeemer. A pilgrim who is consecrated to God is a complete soul, willing to stop living its own will and to remain in the unknown, in Heaven.
Dear children, through the prayer of the heart every day your souls can consecrate themselves to the Will of God. As humanity, this will allow you to find the peace that is lacking in the lives of many of My children. In this way you will find the essence of the true Love of God in your hearts because the soul that prays through the voice of its heart is living in the Love of the Father.
Today I thank all the brave ones for responding to My call, and in the Blessing of Jesus, the Only Son, I give you My Peace.
Thank you for responding to My requests.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Do not fear being before God, He loves you. My Son contemplates you and I protect you under My protecting Mantle.
God knows your skills and virtues, Christ knows the power of talents and My Heart assists all those who, with love in the heart, call Me.
For this reason, dear children, may the joy of living in God and of giving yourselves to God prevail within you today. Every mistake the world makes can be forgiven. Therefore, look back no longer, see the celestial hope that emerges on the horizon.
Just keep your hearts open so that the Holy Spirit may fill them and purify them. It is necessary, My children, to keep the heart pure so that the feelings and thoughts before God may be pure. Do not be afflicted by how much you see that still needs to be transformed: the life of consecration is eternal and everything begins now.
Be carriers of the joy of My Maternal Heart because the world needs relief and you can help with prayer. Elevate your consciousnesses to the Door of the Heavens and ask with compassion for Mercy, My Son will hear you because His Rays are still over the world.
Build with your hands the bridge towards the prayer of the heart.
If you have fallen, I will lift you.
If your hearts are discouraged, I will make them joyful.
God is everything for your lives, God is Love and Truth for your hearts.
Today, stay in Jesus because His Sacred Heart will alleviate you, and It will repair you with His Compassion.
Accept the time of Mercy that is still left and be brave praying soldiers willing to consecrate your lives to the God of Love, the Only One for all.
I hear your prayers when they are born in the essence of the heart.
Rise, as Jesus said, and do not become faint.
Be spirits in transformation.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I will be in your heart when you allow Me to live in it. I will be your Blessed Mother when in trust you walk through My garden of roses.
I promise many Graces to the hearts when they are in absolute faith.
The conversion of life begins with the giving of the heart and the spirit. This allows you to discover silence to then find the new and the good that comes from the Lord.
Whoever waits in faith, resumes the path towards the Heavens because the spirit that prays to the Creator Father finds the favorite refuge within the Heart of My Son.
It is time to open the ears to hear the call that God sends you through the presence of My Maternal Heart.
Dear children, today I ask you to make your hearts become like pure water and to convert them so that they may be as beautiful as the nature created by God, the Source of Love and Compassion.
Be responsive to the requests of praying for the conversion of this humanity so that the Kingdom of Grace may permeate all hearts. It is time to repair the heart and the life of many of My children who, remaining distant from God, are deviated from the path of the aspiration to find the Redeeming Kingdom of Christ, the path of salvation.
Dear children, My voice will not tire of saying that you must change before the time that will come for the world; that you must confess daily with My Son and that you must fulfill the act of reconciliation through the Sacred Communion with His Heart of Peace. If you could have these exercises as fundamen- tal, the world would be able to reach some more time of peace.
You must have each one of these acts as something precious and practice them in the name of all those children who do not do so.
I thank you for your response!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As Mother of the Good Advice, today I tell you My children: be in My Peace, trust in My Peace, live in My Peace, so that this celestial and inner serenity that many of My children lack may come to all through the imperious strength of the prayer of the heart.
Today I am with you, tomorrow in the Celestial Kingdom of God the world must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, this is My divine mission for this time.
For this dear children, the offer on your part, by means of the exercise of prayer and of a life of sanctity, manifested in fraternity, in charity, in service and in love to the neighbor, all this will count for the merits of the salvation of the world, for the salvation of all the souls who are without God, even those who still believe they are in Him but whose lives take them away from the Heart of God.
So, beloved children, the most loving act of reparation for all faults comitted against the Universe of God is the prayer and the fraternal donation for others.
I want to tell you, My little children, that each step you give through prayer will be collaborating for peace in the world.
The Grace and the Love of God will be the strength for all the Marian missionaries who are on their way to the consecration of My Immaculate Heart.
Also, today I tell you, My little creatures, to not have fear for anything. I will be in your hearts when you allow it. Know that I am a Messenger of God who wants to let you know the infinite love of the Father in My Son Jesus.
Your hearts must be prepared for when the One Son of God returns to the meeting of all the hearts. Trust in His Merciful Love because each one of you may be in this immense and compassionate love of Jesus.
Let us pray for all the reasons that hearts need before God the Father.
Thank you for answering My call.
Dear children,
Daily I address My words to your hearts because they have the gift of wisdom and understanding. Therefore, little children, know that the true words that come from My Immaculate Heart want to awaken in you the precious gifts that My Son has given you.
You must open your hearts day by day as the roses open up in the morning when they see the sun, and this may happen through the prayer that is born with the purity of the heart.
Dear children, you know how important Inner Peace is in these times. So that it may exist in all My children, I form you in the school of prayer so that your hearts may also call other children who must awaken in time to the life of prayer.
For this reason, I leave you the mission of praying for all of those children who are waiting to be healed from the sorrow and alleviated from the loneliness which invades their lives day by day.
All My children will be under the spirit of Grace in order to receive the strength to begin the path of the rehabilitation of the heart. This will happen when each one of My praying children extends their hands and delivers the love from the heart to those who, in truth, still cannot recognize the Face of the Lord.
Because of all this, My children, the task of giving to others must be broader in order to reach the hearts that are most distant.
Today, dear children, I teach you the path of charity through service and prayer because this last time is of immense Graces for the conversion and the healing of the heart.
I hear the supplications of My children and I send My praying Marian soldiers to work through the peace of the heart. Walk, children, towards the Eternal Light of My Immaculate Heart!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
In My arms you will find the refuge that your lives seek so much. I bring you My Peace so that you may live it and imitate it with the heart.
My children, today I invite you to the opening of the heart, a heart that must give itself and surrender itself with confidence to the Creator. Thus, dear children, your lives will travel the pathways that God proposes to each one of the souls: the pathway of love, the pathway of peace and the pathway of reconciliation. In this way, My children, you will be able to find My Son, present in each one of your lives.
Dear children, raise your lives and your hearts to Heaven so that through the holy prayer, the Heart of My Son may be able to call all of those who have distanced themselves from Him.
My little ones, it is the time of conversion, therefore everything will happen according to the Will of God, which you must love and revere.
Dear children, recognize the Purpose of the Celestial Father in your lives, which will be revealed to you when you contemplate with Me in prayer. Many of My children need to reencounter the path because they have distanced themselves from My Son. This is why your prayer will contribute so that, in this time of tribulation, many of My children may be able to be rescued, as you were rescued through the power of prayer.
Cultivate a healthy joy in your lives because the world without joy will not be able to reach peace. Trust the Merciful Love of My Glorified Son.
May this Easter renew your hearts. Be with My Son, the Redeeming High Priest.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more