Prostrated before the Sacred Blessed Sacrament of Light, today your Mother communes of all of the codes and all of the merits achieved by Jesus during His sorrowful Passion.

These codes are poured out as infinite Graces into the hearts most in need of them and thus, the Work of the Infinite Mercy of God is again carried forward.

Prostrate yourselves before the Lord, just as your Heavenly Mother does, so that your inner senses may recognize the sublime Presence of God through the Divine Son present in the Eucharist.

Revere this sacred moment of being able to be at the Feet of the Most Holy Lord so that many more miserable souls, which do not recognize nor live the Passion of Christ, may receive from Heaven an inexplicable and renewing Grace.

My children, embrace your cross and climb to the top of Mount Calvary, so that your sins may be forgiven by the Blood, shed by the Lamb of God.

Carry the pain of humanity of these times to the top of Mount Calvary, and transform all anguish into joy and love.

May the divine Codes of the Lord radiate to all souls of the world so that the powerful Mercy of the Redeemer may be established.

Remain prostrated before the Blessed Sacrament, uniting with this infinite mystery of Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Musical Note of the Heart

My dear children:

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the note that resonates in the spaces of this world when the soul feels the Love of God within itself.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that this world may be redeemed and so that the hosts of Light of the Father may open the doors of the Heavens.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the musical note that vibrates in the subtle worlds and attracts the Mercy of God to Earth.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that voices may be ignited by the Holy Spirit and this humanity may again receive the powerful current of Divine Healing.

Today let hearts play the musical note of love, so that it may expand in devotion and light throughout all corners of the Earth.

Let the musical note of your hearts reaffirm, on this day, the victory of My Son on Earth, and may your souls enter into the celestial choirs to confirm the Plan of the Creator within this grieving humanity.

Today let the musical note of your hearts light up with the spirit of joy, the devotion to all that is sacred and the faith that strengthens consciousnesses.

Children, on this very special day of elevation of the human consciousness, I ask you: within your voices and instruments, let the musical note of the heart vibrate, because this very deep note in our souls will open the doors to Heaven so that Grace, redemption and healing may be established in humanity.

Let the musical note of your hearts revere Creation and all the Kingdoms of Nature, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom.

Today, let all of your voices be one, to gestate sacred unity between souls and God on Earth.

From Ecuador, as the Mother of the Andes and of all the singers of God, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May this sacred mission motivate you to live the changes.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Light of the Mercy of Christ guide the path of the souls that surrender with trust into the Arms of the Redeemer.

May this unconditional surrender open the door to healing of the hearts and of the lives of people who fully trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus; may in this way a spiritual alliance be established between the redeemed ones and our Lord, and may this union of souls with Christ strengthen the development of the Work of Redemption and of Mercy in humanity.

Leaving the past behind, may souls find the meaning of the Purpose and may they always be able to see and feel it inside of them as the flame that guides all and protects all.

Opening the doors to the Mercy of Jesus, may hearts renew themselves, may they lose the fear of failure and may an unbreakable alliance be established between souls and the Creator.

May everything become renewed, may life be permeated by the spirit of peace and may, finally, everything be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My child:

At every moment, seek to live the charity of the heart and do not allow anything or anybody to force this inner virtue, nor that they demand you to give of yourself, because charity of the heart must spring forth and arise like you breathe.

At each new step that you are called to take, may the charity of the heart emerge from within you so that you may learn to find spiritual piety, a principle that will lead you to someday love the sacrifice of giving your life and your unconditional service for others.

May the charity of the heart not be a thought formula. May your soul impel you through intuition to be charitable at each moment and to center your purpose on the realization of good for others.

It awakens in you the charity of heart and it is something spontaneous, something that leads you to understand that the Mercy of God is also found in service; thus you will be confirming your vow of true union with Christ.

Within the charity of the heart may you find the meaning of evolving because in the charity of the heart you will develop degrees of love, more than in self-attunement or in the redundant human inertia.

May the charity of the heart be the essence of the New Christs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Jesus Christ during the 53rd Marathon of The Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I deliver, for those who most need it, My Sacred treasures, and by giving those treasures, I can renew all things. This is why everything that you receive in this time is unique. From that which comes from spirit, to what matter receives, everything can be blessed by God when you simply open your hearts.

My Power can expand and reach the most distant places on Earth.

With this I tell you again of the importance of My followers in this time, within the Work of Divine Mercy.

This Work is formed of the Mystical Body of the people of God, and can expand when your hearts are receptive to the summonings that comes from the Universe.

Today, the world again received great assistance, because when your hearts unite in the truth, I can do many more things than I thought; I can reach those spaces where not even a drop of light resides.

With this, I want you to understand the significance of the Work of My Mercy, which comes to embrace the world and completely transform it, just as My Father wishes.

Today you have allowed My Heart to feel something inexplicable, which emerges and is born of essence when you invoke the name of the Son of God in unity and love; this recreates Creation because the subtle vibrations reach the planet, penetrate the spiritual consciousness of humanity, and souls are freed from their oppressions and suffering.

For this reason, never fear expanding your hearts. This is what My Father asks of you through My Heart, because in the expansion of the heart is to be found freedom and it will no longer be necessary for you to seek the truth, because you will be living it when your hearts expand more each day.

The expansion of the heart is like a new sacrament that souls can live when they simply surrender in complete trust into the arms of your Creator. You cannot imagine, companions, how My rival is defeated and its most impure plans are broken, dissipate and disappear from the consciousness of humanity.

My name, which was delivered by the Archangel Gabriel, has no obstacles nor barriers. Who invokes My name is within Me, and I am able to be within them, in profound communion with Creation.

My name is blessed because it emanated from the Source. You also, within yourselves, hold your real and sacred names, those names that, in the beginning of your essences, emanated from the Source of Creation, and you became life, consciousness and energy.

Who invokes My name will find their sacred name; they will know what they have come to do in this time, what they have come to accomplish as an absolute service to God.

Your sacred names hold a story, which in this moment the veils of your consciousness do not see. But those veils will be taken away and the whole of humanity will truly know what it has been; there will be no mysteries, everything will be unveiled, but if you work with God, in a heartfelt way, everything will be fulfilled; everything has its timing, its moment and its place.

Continue to propagate faith in the world, and the blessed name of your Lord, Jesus Christ, so that the Earth may continue to be repopulated from the designs of God, which need to achieve their freedom and bring captivity to an end.

Today I have called seven of the twelve Creator Fathers so that they may be here, together with Me, in praise and adoration to our Father, Who is in the Heavens, which brings the good news through the Divine WordD and the Sacred Word of His Only Begotten.

The seven Creator Fathers represent the cycle of renewal, each one of them brings to humanity a new experience and a new mission that the world will discover in the following cycles that are to come. That is the reason for the importance of expanding your hearts, so that you do not miss these impulses that come from the Universe and that will try to make souls into a true example of redemption and of peace, sublime energies that the world needs in this time.

Each Creator Father, each Archangel of God, comes to stop something in the world. With your hearts, and even more, with the expansion of your hearts, you can change the history of this humanity, through unconditional service, through true charity, through works of mercy. Everything will be offered for everyone.

Who wishes to take the next step, should do so. My Heart, which is Merciful and Glorified, has Its doors open to embrace your aspirations in Its interior, which I will clothe in new forms so that you may learn, in this cycle, how to live My Will.

The planet, your humanity, and this time are in need of whole servers, full of an unconditional spirit that will always transform them, that will not tie them to terrestrial life nor to outdated forms.

This spirit, which is transformative, is one of the Gifts that I gave yesterday to your hearts. Remember that impulse and vivify it, so that the Work of My Mercy may continue to expand in the world.

I dedicate this message to My followers so that you may feel and know that you are following the correct path in which you can be embraced only by My Will; in this way, you would renounce your personal will so that the designs of the Father may manifest on the surface of this planet and form part of the new Essene community, the Essene community of peace, which will bring continuity to the work of mercy and of redemption that the first Essenes accomplished in ancient times.

To be an Essene of peace is to live far from terrestrial forms, from the ideals that your own will may want to build. I know that at this point you still would need to work, companions; this is why I repeat the importance of expanding your hearts, so that the Work does not stop.

Who opens their heart to God will understand what is unknown, just as the old apostles did who,  in their greatest ignorance, received the wisdom of all things within themselves, although they may not have understood them.

To work for the Lord Jesus is a challenge. This is why I come to lead you into a new direction, toward a new destiny that you have never experienced, that you have never learned. Give yourselves to this new project that My Heart is tracing, so that you may participate in My Work of redemption.

Do not fear giving up, because you will discover within yourselves that you will be able to do many more things than what you do, and thus will become free of the chains of these times.

When your hearts expand, love expands; this is why the supplications, the prayers, the adoration and the praise expand the hearts of humankind, so that you may receive, in your interior, the Kingdom of God, which is what in this time and in this era will spiritually nourish you, and you will have the strength, courage and bravery, such as what you have had up to now, to follow My steps.

Do you accept forging your spirits even more for transformation?

- Yes

You do not know what you say (Jesus is smiling)

I asked My apostles the same thing, and Peter thought that he could do it all, until he realized that without Me, without being in Me, he could do nothing. This is why I gave him the key to the Heavens, because when he understood what I was talking about, I gave him My legacy, so that throughout time he would have the good news and the gospel of the Son of God come to be known.

Upon My hardest rock I built My new Church, and you, who have already been broken several times within, I have built new things; have faith in that. Do not think that life is just lamentation. I do not only call you to live sacrifice, but also the joy of serving in the work of redemption, and of expanding that love to the world, that so needs it.

In this hour, opening the doors of the Celestial Church, let us enter, My apostles, into the temple of adoration, into the temple of praise, into the greater temple of gratitude. Because God has summoned you, and His beloved Son visited you to remind you of this commitment.

Let each one fulfill their part in this Plan of Love for humanity.

Let the Christs of the new time light up within you, and may the promised land, which will be impregnated by the thousand years of peace, be able to be seen and discovered by all of humankind, under the spirit of faith, wisdom and love.

Let us thank God for this moment and for all the graces that He still pours out upon the world, in spite of the errors of human beings and of the nations. Blessed are those who expand their hearts, for they will be drawing the Kingdom of God toward themselves.

May the planet again be radiated today by the praise, adoration and gratitude to God.

May the holy name of the Son of the Father be heard in the four corners of the Earth, so that souls may awaken to redemption and love, and the Universal Sacred Family may be established.

All the praises are received in My Celestial Church, and this offering is responded to by means of the Graces of God.

May the doors of My Celestial Church open and the angels receive this offering from your hands.

May your hearts expand, so that love is able to grow and obstacles no longer exist, but rather the ties of love between human beings, nature and the planet.


Dear children,

On the eve of this Nativity of the Lord, I would like all My children to work, every day, under the spirit of joy and love for serving God.

I would like your smile for receiving this next Nativity as something special and unique to be reflected on your faces, so that the spirit of the families may also continue to be helped.

For this, children, I daily invite you to renew yourselves, to be in Christ and for Christ, living each moment as something primordial, knowing that everything you do will have repercussions in the world.

I would like your lips to not tire of praising the Lord, because great are His Glory and His Mercy towards the world; a world that at this time needs infinite interventions and graces.

Celebrate every day and do not tire of doing so; celebrate from the heart and do it for your brothers and sisters of the world who lose the sense of living and the opportunity to love, just as I teach you every day.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

 | List 

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the region of Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When hearts, without realizing it, invoke the power of the Mercy of God, souls that are further away from the place where the Marathon of Divine Mercy is taking place, receive important spiritual assistance that resonates in those consciousnesses for a period of five days.

In this way, dear children, souls are worked upon on several planes of consciousness until Reconciliation can be established as a Sacrament of union with God.

It is thus, My children, that the practice of the Marathon of Prayer allows dissolving the ideals from the planetary consciousness that later on, will affect nations through the great conflicts in the world.

For this reason, the true fervent prayer makes it possible to rebuild, repair, and restore not only the consciousness that prays but also the whole place where that meeting of prayer is carried forward.

In this way, humanity as a race is assisted each time that it is open to the meeting of prayer of Divine Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the region of Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let there be no lack of absolute trust that, in the name of the Lord, all will be well; because in these times, souls need to learn to survive and remain in God so that the perfect and invincible union with the Kingdom of Heavens may be established.

This trust that we can have in God every day is that which attracts the effect of miracles and of marvelous things that can happen during the path of spiritual life.

Therefore, My children, rejoice, smile, and give thanks to God, because His Plan, which would seem impossible to be carried forward, is being fulfilled under the spirit of charity, fraternity, and effort, so that more Graces and more miracles may be materialized on this planet and in this needy humanity.

I encourage you to say yes to each new service so that the doors of the Mercy of God remain open.

Good start of work for all My missionaries!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Humanity as a consciousness must surrender to God so that all the faults committed may be forgiven and the hearts may be relieved and liberated form their inner captivity.

As long as there is no true surrender and disposition to God, the humanity that does not yet repent will suffer greatly and will learn to become conscious of its errors through the effects caused by all its decisions.

Announce to the world and to all those you find on your paths that the time has come to surrender to God, to place your head on the ground and to ask for mercy and forgiveness so that, before the last great events, the souls may find the path of salvation.

For this, I come to ask all the souls of the world the daily consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that I can intercede more each time for all those who are lost and hypnotized by the traps of the enemy.

I wish at this time, My children, that everyone can open their eyes and come out of the world illusion that traps millions of souls.

Tell the souls to consecrate day to day to My Immaculate Heart, so that the majority can live a true repentance of their sins and thus, receive the Grace of a victorious redemption directly from My Beloved Son.

Remember that repentance form the heart opens the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that the Divine Mercy may descend.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all that happens in the world can be repaired.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all that happens in the inner world of the planet may be purified and filled by the Motherly Light of My Heart.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that God may hold you in His Arms of Mercy and may realize His Redeeming Project of Love in you.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all the circumstances of life may be resolved by the immaculate power of My Love.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that the life of the planet, its kingdoms, elements, angels and devas may also be aided in this time through the intercession of your prayer.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all you lost and is real, which comes from God, is recovered and you feel the fortitude that My Heart radiates in these times.

Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so you live in My Love and My Motherly Love is able to be in you until the Divine Work on this planet is accomplished.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmittedin the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

In the times of great inner purifications, may peace reign.

May this peace, which emanates from My Immaculate Heart to the whole world, make you similar to My Consciousness; so that, in these difficult times humanity is facing, the Mercy of God may be established in hearts.

The time has come for the deepest aspects of the consciousness to be revealed and be lived through much compassion, for in this way, you will make your purification a light path for all, and nobody will suffer too much for that which they have still to redeem.

May your horizon not become clouded nor darkness emerge. My Son comes to meet you so you may walk at His side, barefoot and divested of the old human being, so that on your inner paths, lessons of light and of love may manifest.

Do not stop. Make this moment a true and victorious triumph for Our Lord. Forward!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of the Virgin Mary at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this world for those who do not deserve My Grace.

Today, may those who are tired come to My feet. May those who can no longer bear their miseries come to My feet; those who have not yet found the way out to experience their sacred transformation.

I cannot have near Me those who do not experience gratitude, consideration for their neighbor, nor a perfect union with the magnificent Work of God.

God asks you for simple things, but also very significant.

While the world is in agony, I come for those who really live in despair, experience the terror of these times, persecution, exile, hunger, illness and the catastrophes of the world.

I come tonight, for the United States. I come for my brave hearts of North America; for those who have had faith in My Grace and for those who persevered in prayer of the heart, in spite of what this nation was experiencing in these times.

I again wish, dear children, with your help and collaboration, to return to the United States, to again bring to My Immaculate Heart all those who have need Me, those who follow My steps and who in these times experience their unknown purification, without knowing how to step out of themselves and sometimes without finding the path of light, which can take them into the healing of their wounds, of their errors, of all their misunderstandings.

Today, I come for the regions of the world that experience the planetary turmoil, the world disorder, and the lack of fraternity and charity among human beings.

Today, My children, I come in truth for those most in need. You here have received many graces, more than you deserved. I am being sincere and fair, just as My Father and your God has requested. I have to be true, dear children, honest with all of you, so that you may grow from the love of your hearts, through an act of bravery and of courage, of releasing your resistances and forms, for all those children in the world who have no peace, who cannot find serenity, who have no home, not even a country where they can place their feet.

I invite you, dear children, with the maternal honesty of My Heart, to finally come out of yourselves, thereby greatly helping to free My Heart, and I will have a place and space to be able to endure the true planetary suffering, rather than your small and insignificant sufferings.

I invite you, dear children, to open the eyes of your soul, to look at the horizon and see around you the abysses that the planet and its humanity experience. I have invited you throughout time to accompany me in a planetary work rather than in a domestic work, so that your consciousnesses may expand through this Work and reach great spheres of consciousness, so that you may be able to understand a little more, every day, of the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Today, souls that cannot take their steps distress Me, because in truth they can take them, by means of this Sacred Center and this group and communal life. All the keys to all the doors exist for being able to transcend the human condition. 

During a full year, My beloved Son gave you the experience of Saint Joseph. And this beloved instructor of souls gave completely of Himself to you so that you could be like Him in the simple and humble example of His consciousness, and especially by means of His messages, so that your lives could be the testimony of Saint Joseph.

Where are these teachings? What repercussion have they had in your lives?

Do not lose the keys of Heaven. Do not waste the treasures of Heaven, because in the Universe nothing is wasted, everything is transformed until it reaches the true Light, conversion and redemption.

I no longer come to call the usual children. You are already adults in My Maternal Presence.

Do not use up your time in unnecessary things that may crystallize your spirits and all your consciousnesses, for the simple fact of not wanting to take the step.

Just as we thank you for everything that you have made possible for Our Sacred Hearts, for this mission of peace in the world, we must also correct you, although there may be greater resistance, because we want, we aspire and we beg Our Creator Father that you always continue on the same path, without deviating from the paths of Christ for such petty things.

The world is suffering and needs help. Souls are experiencing chaos, floods, catastrophes, the lack of hope and of faith, as the United States has experienced.

I will go to those children who do not yet accept Me, because they do not truly know love. I will go to those children who are in the United States waiting for Me with open hearts and an unknown hope, those who have opened the door so that I may return, until I conquer each sinning heart and have them change through the Love of My Son, an infinite and invincible Love.

I do not want you to feel anxious, nor that you experience any regret. I need you to truly grow, and not only inwardly but also externally. That you are able to show My beloved Son that you have understood His instructions and that you make an effort every day to be very like Saint Joseph.

Now is the test that each one of you must go through. Saint Joseph explained the details to you thoughout an entire year, about the simple path of inner transformation. If this Plan of Love, that the Sacred Hearts bring, does not bring about results within you, what will happen to humanity? Who will testify to Our Presence? Who will be a participant in their own redemption?

Meditate on the messages and live them because, in this way, you will show God that My words did not reach you in vain.

We are in a time of great demands, in which the greatest part of darkness reigns upon the planet and thousands of souls are led to perdition, minute after minute, second by second.

My Son, tonight, has asked Me to be clear with you, without any restriction, because I love you so much that I wish the good for your souls, and that this good may be achieved even in the smallest details.

Never boast again. Never seek inner self-realization again. Experience the desert that God presents to you because, in this way, Our hands will never be separated from your hands and you will be guided toward the end of the desert, towards the Portal of the Heart of God.

We need you to be what you can be, but for real; because this will free you from all of your limitations, from all your imperfections, from everything that resists and still does not want to change.

You already have enough of My Love to transform your lives in the Sacred Tabernacle, where the Heart of My Son will be placed so as to illuminate and transmute the abysses of the Earth.

That is all I want to tell you, with the sincerity of My maternal Heart, aspiring that someday you will much more greatly understand the spirit of My words, the meaning of My message, the intention of My consciousness for each one of you, without doing any harm.

Fill My eyes with joy and no longer with sadness. Fill My face with light and no longer with dismay, because I already have enough of it with the world, which turns its back to me and does not accept My Love.

You are part of My Love and I need you free of your own resistances, of your own fears, of your constant difficulties, so that you may soon find Christ within you and thus He may be able to carry out His Work, the Work that is so expected.

Let us continue praying to God so that you may be aware of the planetary reality and less of yourselves. Because while you are here, beloved children, the children all over the world are exploited, such small children are sold and women in the world abort what God gave them with so much love.

Who will be responsible for this planetary debt? Who will present themselves before the Creator to ask for an opportunity and an incalculable Grace?

Although it does not seem so, this is My mission, and I need you to be transparent, real, sincere with one another, free of lies, of illusions and of all pride; because being free of everything, with His eyes of Mercy, God will see that His most cherished treasures of Heaven have not gone astray within their hearts, nor in their lives.

I invite you to reflect, to understand with the wisdom of the heart,  in which you are present, in which Work you are participating; because on the day of the Final Judgment, dear children, you and your guardian angels must declare everything that you have received, and what you have done with those most precious treasures.

I bring you consciousness so that you may grow and mature quickly. This Work cannot be carried out with immature consciousnesses, only with true souls, true of heart, in spite of their imperfections; because in this time I come to seek the good that dwells in your consciousnesses, rather than your obstacles. If you prevent me, even if only in a small detail, I will not be able to place My Scepter of Light upon you, and My Celestial Government, which is part of the Government of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, will have restrictions for proceeding in humanity.

Now, do you understand, dear children, the difference between being within My Heart or outside of It? A simple divergent step could change the events. Watch your walking and you will realize how your attitudes are and what your responsibility  is before the Plan of the Creator.

To be able to continue with My Work on this surface, I need you to be decided. My beloved Son can no longer accept lukewarm hearts because, otherwise, His Work would never be fulfilled.

Reflect and meditate before everything happens. The world is in flames and many are being burned without even perceiving it. 

It is time to work for a Plan of Love that is possible for all and especially for those who will be farthest from God.

This is the Law that I present to you today: "Love one another," just as My Son said, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

Remember that your freedom is respected in this Universe. As I said to you today, the decision is in your hands.

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 50th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat:

Come, Humility of God,
and strengthen my life.
Come, Humility of God,
and make me nothing in Your Divine Essence.

And now, at the request of Christ, we will do it together.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come toward you with all the Rays of My Glory, Rays more brilliant and golden than all this altar, than all the suns that exist in the Universe; more brilliant than all the stars, than all life and all essence.

This is the Humility of God in My Heart, that makes the impossible possible, converts sin into love and dissolves error through Divine Mercy.

These are the Rays of the Divine Humility of God, that will shape you, strengthen you, and encourage you to continue, in these times, the path of apostleship that I show you today, to which you have offered yourselves through your intentions in this simple basket.

I come to bring you the Gift of the Humility of God, which has allowed all existence; because in the Humility of God there is love, and love is in Sacred Unity, which is the Source of expression of all things.

I come with My resplendent Heart on this day, feeling the deep bliss of your hearts for opening the paths to Me so that I may travel on them, together with you, on this sacred planetary mission.

I come to give the Gift of the Divine Humility of God to all souls, especially to those seeking the  Truth, to those that still do not feel whole in the Lord.

Today I come to ask, beloved companions, that you no longer look at your errors; that you see in yourselves the virtues, the holy virtues of inner transformation, not to boast or to magnify yourselves.

The Gift of the Divine Humility of God will allow you to carry out My Work and fulfill it at each stage, as My Sacred Heart has foreseen.

In this Sacred Humility of God, in this Divine Humility of the Father, the renewal of your lives is found.

Because if you live in the Humility of God while you are on the surface of this planet and in these chaotic times, nothing else will matter.

May your hearts and lives be sources and instruments of that Divine Humility.

Today I have decided to come before the foreseen time, because Grace has allowed Me to and because your hearts aspire to find Me within you, whole and alive.

I invite you, companions, to seek in these times the Divine Humility of God.

Remember that yesterday, I told you I would place My Designs in your hands; this is the first and fundamental one, because in the Divine Humility of God you will always find the way out of the difficulties and all the tests that you may go through and experience in this time.

I encourage you to not be afraid, but rather strengthen your trust in My merciful Heart.

I am finally living in your lives, the Virtues of God, the spirit of the realization of My Work in the most imperfect souls of this planet and in the spirits that were very far from God, a long time ago.

Thus, I come to demonstrate that it is possible to live in the Divine Humility of God. This will always unify you as brothers and sisters and My adversary will not place its hand to try and destroy My Plans in you.

You have already built in yourselves, in these last fifty meetings, the Gift of Fortitude, which causes you to always have more wisdom at the moment of making important decisions in your lives.

An example of all this is the Adorers of My Most Holy Eucharistic Body.

See how I have not done anything, but rather how you have done everything through your constancy, your perseverance, your faith; overcoming obstacles, inner and outer; overcoming barriers, limits and all possible disruptions, to finally be united with Me in the Sacred Source of the Eucharist of My Heart.

So today I come as the High Priest, to celebrate this moment with each of you, for humanity, for all peoples and all races, for all the nations of the world; even more so for those that are far from God, in their profound darkness.

Today I want your hearts to become reliquaries, to become tabernacles, so that I may place the Eucharist of My Heart in the most perfect unity with your essences.

Thus I come to weave, symbolically, with strands of gold from My Heart to each one of your hearts; bringing you the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which have truly shown themselves in your souls, in each group of prayer and in each service group, that perpetually supports My banner of Peace.

Tempests will come, the Earth will tremble, the universe will cry out and terrifying things will be heard, but I ask that in this fiftieth meeting, your hearts do not falter, but rather that you put into practice the spiritual virtues that you have acquired through prayer, communion, and the Adoration of My Sacred Heart. That will make you invincible, in spite of any madness. That will make you strong, in spite of any conflict.

Even if Heaven and Earth may pass away, My Words will be perpetuated in those who have believed in them, for you will be victorious as Your King of the Universe and each divine essence that vibrates in this sidereal universe is victorious.

I come to give you strength, courage, valor, enthusiasm, and an inextinguishable motivation for the difficult times that will come.

I cannot deny you the three days of darkness. You must be My Light in the world, more brilliant than the Sun and than all the stars, for in this way, you will be lamps in the world that will illumine in the night all the fallen essences, and the angels of the universe that will come to the aid of humanity to withdraw it from its abyss and its defeat.

Thus, I will send the Archangel Raphael so that He can heal you, still in these days that are left.

I will send the Archangel Gabriel so that in your inner worlds the Word of God may be announced, and you will know how to be, act, and proceed to where I need you.

I will send the Archangel Michael so that your souls will be converted into a luminous sword that will cut the tempests, dissolve the abysses, and illumine the paths of those that are in tribulation.

Thus, My Most Holy Mother is announced in this time to give the message of My Return.

The last phase that humanity will experience will be a great and more demanding service, until all takes place.

That will be the hour for you to take refuge in My Heart, so that the Lord, the All Powerful, may sustain you and safeguard you from all evil.

But I will ask a last thing from you at this moment, that you pray for those who will remain in the darkness and will leave this world in the shadows because they have sought that destiny for their lives.

Nobody will be able to escape the Universal Judgment. It will be necessary to go through that because otherwise, a New Humanity will not be able to exist.

I prepare you so that you may be a part of this New Humanity, so that you may believe that you can be above all things, and especially, so that you stop feeling like fallen stars, because now you are already redeemed stars for the Glory of My Heart.

Then accept, on this afternoon, this Communion with Me so that we may prepare for that coming time with complete awareness and discernment.

Through the priests, I come today to officiate these sacred Sacraments that will act as a spiritual impulse for souls, of healing and of renewal for all those who experience them inwardly.

Today I do not want to speak to you of the evil done by the world, no matter how great it is. Today I want to stay in the rejoicing of your hearts for having trusted in My holy Word; even if you do not see Me, even if I do not perform great phenomena or miracles before you, because the real miracle is the conversion and the redemption of your hearts; thus, My Will shall be accomplished.

Let us then celebrate, children of My Father, this special juncture where My Heart is the Portal toward Heaven for each of you, where Heaven goes through My Heart to reach here and unite with your souls.

Let us enter, then, in the jubilation of My Celestial Kingdom, where I have prepared a dwelling place for each of you after this life.

Do you accept this Dwelling Place of God?

Do you accept going with Me to Paradise?

Then My Work will be accomplished even further, I will count on you, step by step, in all that I will need for carrying out the Redeeming Project.

On this afternoon, feel the bliss of being with Me and, through this union, dissolve the evil in humanity.

You are souls in service to the Father, live in the spirit of His Holy Humility and the Earth will be repopulated with New Christs.

I will now consecrate the elements and also those who are being consecrated today, after having experienced this exercise of Adoration of My Eucharistic and Divine Heart.

May this exercise be fulfilled until the end of your lives, so that more souls may feel the magnetism of experiencing, like you, the sacred Adoration, bringing the Universe of God to Earth with a simple gaze at My Eucharistic Heart, full of kindness, Mercy, and a deep love that I have felt from you in many moments.

This is what causes Me to return here; because it would no longer be possible because of all that the world and its humanity does, because of all that this race of the surface fosters in Creation and in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Finally, companions, with My Hand on My Heart, I can say that you are already a part of My Hands and My Feet, and I Am in you, in this Work of planetary redemption, through the groups of prayer, the pilgrims and the members that are part of My universal Light-Network.

Shine like suns all the time.

Shine like souls and essences, and your difficulties will dissolve.

Shine like the Adorers have shone and continue to do this so that you surpass Me in Love and in all that I have lived for you during My Sacred Passion, because I believe it is possible for you to surpass Me in Love.

In the Name of My Father, hallelujah!

I will not continue to emanate any more Love because you could drown.

I am demanding, but I love everything I contemplate, everything I seek and who I call on to serve Me.

Let us celebrate this alliance between Heaven and Earth. Let us celebrate this alliance between God and His peacemakers so that a greater time of peace may exist on this planet.

Now, so that the angels can transubstantiate the elements, we will intone the song Hallelujah, just as you have intoned it with the bliss of your hearts in My priestly Presence. I am listening.

I feel happy when souls are consecrated, and the Plan of My Father is carried out and manifests in the simplest and most humble things. This is a faithful example that there you will always find the Kingdom of God.

All can be Adorers of My Heart through following the principles of the Order that I have founded, in strict obedience. This testifies to My being present, laboring and working through your hearts and lives. This is what will always cause My Work in humanity to be eternal.

I thank you in the presence of the angels and the choirs of God.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before I leave here, I also want you to glorify this moment with a simple song so that through it, I am able to cause much more love to rain over the world.

I thank you.

Song: Rain of Love.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, to São Paulo, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through My Presence and My Words, I purify your life and your wholes consciousness, and what would seem impossible to transform is dissolved by My maternal Love.

In this way, you will have your feet free from all ties so as to be able to walk toward My beloved Son, and He will wait for you, full of His Divine Mercy, to pour It out as a balm over you.

Feel that it is possible to be redeemed and live all the Gifts of Heaven in these difficult times.

Today I caress your face, place your head on My chest and have you know the Love of God, which heals and closes the wound of any situation.

Hold My Mantle tightly, and everything will pass. Only God is enough for the simple hearts that live the prayer of the heart.

Do not worry, God is above everything, and He, Who is powerful, will free you from all evil.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and absolves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Commune of Luz-Saint-Sauveur, the Hautes-Pyrénées, France to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Receive in this hour all the Strength and Love of God, in order to overcome the tests, definitions, and unexpected events.

Receive in this hour all the Trust and Grace of God, in order to carry forward His Plan in a world of chaos and abysses.

Receive in this hour all the Faith and Wisdom of God, in order to step by step, materialize the Divine Designs and make of each moment an opportunity for redemption.

Receive in this hour all the Intelligence and the Science of God, in order to manifest at each stage, the Will of the Creator and thus allow hundreds of souls to be benefited by this action of service and charity.

Receive in this hour all the Life and Regeneration of God, in order to express the spiritual and inner healing that this race sorely needs.

Receive in this hour all the Mercy and Peace of God, in order to gather together the self-summoned from different schools, experiences, and paths, and in this way manifest the new flock of the Lord for these times of definition.

Receive in this hour the Unity and Fraternity of God, in order that the Plan of Redemption may be carried forward for this world and all humanity, so that higher Love and the inner and definitive union with the Consciousness of the Father may be experienced. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and protects you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

It is extremely important to experience the Sacrament of Communion with My Son every day because it strengthens the life of the spirit and the living of the path of redemption.

Communion with Christ builds new goals and makes the path of the spiritual life more light-filled and peaceful.

To experience Communion with My beloved Son means and represents the living of His sorrowful Passion and the renewal of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.

This Lamb brings eternal life with it and draws souls closer to the experience of rehabilitation.

The Lamb of God grants Divine Mercy and atonement of the faults committed throughout life.

Thus, Communion with Christ renews the spirit of faith and unconditional service to the Plan of God.

The Sacrament of Communion offers freedom from the human condition and the deepening of surrender to Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Oporto, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My Son comes to the world in Spirit and Divinity to justify before the universe the salvation of the current humanity.

The Lord descends in His Glory on these dates to demonstrate that it is possible to reverse all that this race generated in these last times.

Only the essence of love and compassion will allow something to change quickly in order that souls may perceive that the path of rescue is different, which is now being lovingly offered by the sacrifice of the Son of God.

The union of each being with the Love of Christ will allow those sacred bases of salvation to be strengthened in a world that remains at the same point of indifference as it was two thousand years ago.

Thus, My beloved Son now comes with the power of His Divine Mercy to awaken the apostolate for this task of the end of times, in those who in other times, have united with His meek Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Be poor of heart and you will always have the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven at your side; you will see the door that will lead you toward the House of the Father.

Aspire to that humility and I also assure you that you will find peace, like an oasis in the desert of life.

Be seekers of this humility, and all your aspects will also achieve the Grace of being aware of your time of redemption.

Be carriers of humility and you will see the Source of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy be born, which will be like the rainwater that purifies you and washes you until it is able to have you be in likeness to My Son, as an example of holiness, love and compassion.

For always be what God the Father expects you to be, to the point of being aware of the path of redemption which you came to experience for this planet and for this humanity.

Think all the time about the humility of your Heavenly Mother, Who also offers you the poverty of Her Soul and the Mercy of Her Spirit, in order that a larger number of souls be reconciled with God and with all of life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

After the victory of Jesus on the Cross, the doors of Divine Mercy remained open in order that all sinners and the non-repentant could receive the expiation necessary for the redemption of their lives. 

So it was that the victory of Christ on the Cross represented a before and after for planetary and human life; because that great sacrifice lived by Christ more than two thousand years ago represented the opening of a cycle in which souls could practice forgiveness and reconciliation.

That is how the Master of Love, with His Divine Passion, generated an opportunity that could never have existed in any other time or cycle of the planet. And that was possible because in His Sorrowful Passion, Love prevailed and won over all human error.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Free yourself from all that oppresses your heart through the imperative strength of faith and your love for God.

He is on your paths to guide you towards the concretization of His Divine Purpose.

Detach from all that prevents your soul from walking towards an emptiness of self and humbly conquer the Kingdom of God.

Let each divine word resonate in your depths and, in this way, the sacred alliance with that which is most High may be built in the spirit.

God has mercy on the world and on all its servers. The doors of His Kingdom are open so that the consciousnesses of the Earth can go through them.

Have the courage to transcend yourself and affirm in yourself the divine help of the Breath of Spirit.

It is time to be able to live in inner freedom, and to finally make of the incarnation a precious triumph for Creation, for in this way, the New Christs will be born.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who spiritually encourages you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
