Since His crucifixion, and for eternity, from the Heart of Christ emerge Blood and Water, dripping little by little over the world and over Creation. For as long as you pray to His Divine Mercy, for as long as you live under that Law, being merciful, those drops of Blood and Water will touch souls, cleansing their eyes so that they may see a new path, and cleansing their hearts so that they may be worthy of walking upon it.
In these times, children, you need to learn to contemplate and love the signs of your salvation, as are the Blood and Water that emerge from the Heart of Christ.
To remain with your hearts in balance, growing in the spiritual life, with true foundations, it is not enough to live by your own efforts and knowledge or from all the Grace received; you also need to experience the yielding and the love that the contemplation of the sacrifice of Christ leads you into experiencing.
There is a unique power in the Blood of Christ: the power to restore, heal and redeem that which is impossible. The Blood of Christ is the foundation for all redemption, it is the meaning of spirituality in this world, it is the secret to holiness, the doorway toward yielding, the revelation of the deepest mysteries of Love for all Creation. And to enter into this mystery, it is enough that you sincerely cry out for Mercy, that you spiritually contemplate the Cross of Christ, always elevated to the inner levels of the human consciousness, and reliving His Passion repeatedly, to again find the meaning of your lives.
Contemplating the Blood of Christ, you will find the Gifts of His Spirit, the unity of a Triune God, Who surrenders out of love in each instant; you will relive the humility of knowing yourselves to be small in front of such an immense love, and at the same time, the Grace of knowing yourselves to be called to imitate that love.
Pray for Mercy and live the bases of all true spirituality. Within the Blood of Christ lies the foundation for all religious life. Pray for one another, contemplating the Blood of Christ and, above all, yield at the foot of His Cross and you will understand what I tell you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXII - To Be Strengthened in God and Find Faith and Grace
A soul that sought to deepen their strength in Christ, to be renewed in Him in the face of each test, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, where did the faith of the first Christians come from? Where does the strength of those who knew and know how to surrender their lives out of love come from?"
And the Lord responded: "Not only the faith of the first Christians, beloved soul, but also the faith of all those who know how to surrender their lives out of love for God, is based on the certainty of My Celestial Existence. These souls know that their testimony of love rescues and inspires those who lack hope and those who have lost their faith. They know that their example generates merits for the salvation of the greatest sinners. They know that their lives are like a breath, fragile and passing, but that during this brief breath, they must love with all their being, and all their heart.
According to the commandment that My Son left to you, there is no greater love than the one that gives their life for their friends. And to give your life, little soul, is not only to die but, above all, to give of yourself, with all your being and all your heart, to be a living testimony of the surrender and love, the Grace and Mercy that flowed and continue to flow from the Crucified Heart of Christ.
For this reason, soul of Mine, may your effort be in loving and entering My Love more deeply. In this way, all faith and Grace will be revealed to you."
May this dialogue, children, teach you to be strengthened in God rather than in the world, and that in the quick breath of life, you may know how to love with all that you are.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XII - The Law Its Celestial Love
A soul, that feared the Justice of God, constantly prayed and cried out for Mercy and, one day, feeling that the cycle of this Justice had come to the world, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, You are the God of Love, of Grace and Mercy, capable of giving Yourself on the Cross for the salvation of the world, so explain to me, what is justice and how can a God of Love act with justice upon His children?"
And looking at this soul peacefully, the Lord responded: "Beloved soul, that ignores the true meaning of My Divine Justice, the Justice of My Heart is a Law permeated by as much of a great love as Divine Mercy. While Mercy elevates those who are blind and grants the best of My Kingdom, even to the most ignorant, My Justice first washes their eyes, opens them and then allows souls to be aware of all that which I have already given them.
After pouring out Mercy upon hearts and seeing them still submerged in indifference, ingratitude and unconsciousness, My Spirit pours out Justice upon them. And Justice is a ray of Love from My Heart that shakes souls and overthrows their most ingrained illusions so that they may thus realize the truth and repent.
What causes suffering in souls is not My Justice but rather their own ignorance, because they realize that they were standing on foundations of sand, when I so often have offered them the rock of My Heart. Justice, little soul, is a part of My Love, so that none of My children may remain in the world without awakening and perceiving what they really are and wich path they must tread.
Therefore, in the face of Justice, do not suffer, but simply pray so that this new opportunity, which comes through the law of Justice may not also pass by ignorant souls in vain, and may they make of this divine correction the first step toward the straightening of their paths."
May this dialogue teach you, children, how to love God, His Mercy and His Justice, and to understand that the action of the laws is just and filled with a celestial love for souls.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the second Sunday after Easter comes, and souls have already been washed by the Blood poured out by Christ in His Passion, the time has come to reconfirm the commitment with Him, to confess before His Heart the most hidden sins, those that cause shame within the beings and that sometimes cannot even be said before God.
It is the moment to surrender before the absolute Love of the Creator who, with compassionate eyes, turns towards each being upon this Earth and, with Pity and Mercy, forgives them of their oldest and most unknown sins.
It is the time to live in the spirit of humility and to recognize one's own imperfections and weaknesses, the fragilities and ignorances that cause souls to fall, every day.
It is time to look at the Cross of Christ and also to look at the empty Sepulcher, and to know that the One who has been lifted up by human sins, by His Love and Forgiveness, has resurrected, showing each being the path to eternal life, to transcendence of every human condition, including that which separates it from the Time of God, which is death.
The Feast of Divine Mercy is the moment when souls rejoice in Christ. No sin was greater than the power of His Love, and even the self-condemnation of souls can not overcome the Mercy of the Redeemer when hearts surrender before the Cross.
Today, children, is a day to remember the absolute and unfathomable Love of God and to also do this for those who do not, because the One who died on the Cross and resurrected did it out of love for all souls and for everyone.
Therefore, pray for those who are lost, pray for those who do not look to Christ and who are indifferent to all the Graces and Mercies of the Redeemer because, in this way, you will be able to intercede so that at least, at the last moment of their lives or after, these souls may have an opportunity to repent.
The Feast of Divine Mercy is the moment when souls understand a gift that God gives freely to those who only open their hearts and repent. Be humble before the Creator, resigned to His Will and willing to be loved with an immense and unfathomable Love. And, beyond any error, you will know the power of Divine Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gaze and their hearts toward the Heavens, not to plead but to give thanks, to recognize how many Graces and Mercies the Creator has poured out upon their lives and how much there is still to be lived within this walk in God, toward the Infiniteness of His Love and of His Creation.
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gratitude toward the Father for the Love He constantly emanates from the Immaculate Heart, for the Peace that comes from Mary and floods the souls, transforming them and consecrating them to God.
May each Child of Mary raise their gratitude to the Father for the awakening, for the revelation of His mysteries, for the veils that were torn and will be torn, for the life that is consecrated and re-consecrated in each new prayer.
May gratitude be the eternal prayer of all the Children of Mary because it will be only in Heaven, children, after this trajectory of transformation and love, that you will understand how blessed your lives were.
Gratitude will open the doors for you toward Eternity.
Gratitude will make fruitful all the Graces received.
Gratitude will make you instruments in the hands of Mary for the re-consecration of the whole world to Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Divine Mercy descends to the world as the fruit of the purest and deepest Love of God for all His creatures. Allow for this spring to find within your prayers the bridge for reaching the world and, in your heart, the doorway for permeating the hearts of humankind.
Live the gift of Divine Mercy and you yourself be merciful as well. Express your gratitude, being consistent with all the Graces you receive in your life.
Live to announce to the world the gift of the divine presence, and imitating the Love of God with actions, thoughts and feelings of Mercy, child, multiply everything that the Creator gives to you.
You are an instrument of God in the world, the fruit of His Grace, the living expression of His Love. In your heart, carry this certainty, and with your life inspire beings to Love.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Accompany, with your heart and spirit, the steps of your Lord through this world.
Cry out, on behalf of humanity, for the roots of corruption of human consciousness to be pulled out from the depths of beings and of the Earth. Allow the Divine Hands to plunge into the ocean of the records of humanity, to liberate and purify you, removing from the consciousness of men and women of this world, the weight that does not allow them to walk.
Beg for Grace and liberation.
Let Mercy descend upon the Earth as a transforming flow, and offer your heart so that it may be the first one to be healed and transformed by God. Because thus, child, with your own example, you will open an even greater door so that the Mercy of God may descend to the world.
Cry out and be an example of the action of Divine Mercy. Ask God to transform the world and let yourself be transformed. Ask the Father to sublimate human corruption and let Him tear out from you the corrupt roots, the ancient energies and hidden forces that hinder you from deepening your steps toward God.
Look at the world, child, and feel yourself as a mirror of it. If you transform what is inside of you, that which is outside of you will also transform.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Eucharistic Heart of your Lord and within it find relief for your heart and for your consciousness.
In the Eucharist, contemplate the constant surrender of the Son of God for you. Know that you are not simply looking at a piece of bread but rather, child, at an eternal sacrifice, which lasted beyond the Cross and which is renewed every day so that your spirit always has a new opportunity for redemption and forgiveness.
The Eucharist is the fruit of the Mercy of God. In it is to be found His universal Mystery, the key for the renewal of His Divine Love, the key to constantly overcoming, to the emptiness of self and to a wholeness in God so that, in spite of the solitude, the discouragement and the agony experienced by the one who carries the cross of these times, Love may always speak louder, forgiveness may always be alive and Mercy may renew itself constantly, beyond human errors and outrages.
Today, child, contemplate before you the Eucharistic Heart of your Lord and renew your heart, recognizing the Love of God in the Eucharist.
Your Creator calls on you to sacrifice and surrender, to renunciation, to the void and many times, to solitude; but He also lives this for you, every day, in each instant of your existence. That surrender is consummated in all the altars consecrated to God, in all the Shrines of the world.
So, when you feel the weight of the cross of these times upon your heart and your consciousness, come before the Eucharist and be thankful to your Lord for the Grace that He grants you in sharing with Him, not only His Cross but, above all, the revelation of His Love.
The Love of God is revealing itself in the hidden part of your heart and, as much as you sometimes only feel sorrow and emptiness, the time will come in which the tree of sacrifice will yield its fruits, and that will be the Love of God within you. Then you will no longer contemplate the Eucharist with your eyes, but instead you will find it alive in your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To find God, children, it is enough to be sincere of heart, truthful and transparent.
Washed by the Mercy, which descends upon your souls, when you confess with God and you surrender to Him, this is when you will be ready to cross your own inner doors and enter into His Kingdom.
It is not enough to want to know, to understand or to acquire divine knowledge in order to enhance your human personalities because, in this way, children, your minds will be full of half-truths that mankind may achieve, but empty of Wisdom and of the Gift of Discernment and Divine Science.
To want to know is a step, but it is not the treaded path. To want to be is another step, which also does not complete your destiny. To surrender to God in humility is more than a step, it is a key which opens the door for the encounter with the Redeemer and with the Creator of all things.
Therefore, I teach you about humility, before revealing to you the divine sciences. Therefore, I speak to you about surrender, before speaking about knowledge; I speak to you about love, before understanding; I speak to you about faith, before the revelation of the Truth.
In order to go through the narrow door of union with the Father, you must first remove from yourselves the many layers that do not allow you cross it. And this, children, happens through the Sacrament of confession, transparency, humility and the surrender before God.
You have My blessing to tread this path.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into prayer and cry out to the Father so that He opens the doors of His Kingdom within your own heart.
Place your attention in the depths of your essence and, as one who returns to his parents' house after a very long time, go with joy to meet your Creator. Feel His Love waiting for you; feel the spiritual warmth of His Presence. His Mercy fills all the spaces of your being.
Get onto your knees at the Feet of God and embrace Him spiritually. Tell His Heart your most sincere confession, repenting of your most hidden sins, and ask the Father for the Grace of being in Him and with Him, at each moment of life.
Receive the balm of the forgiveness of God and strengthen your faith. Then, cry out with a pure heart for those who most need it in this world. Do not forget to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the sinful souls who get lost in the abysses of their own ignorance.
Ask the Father in the name of all life, of all human consciousness, that the light of His Wisdom permeate His Creation through His divine Mirrors, and that this same light may be reflected onto you.
Understand, child, that at the feet of God, in your essence, is kept the key for the transformation of all things. Do not seek outside of yourself for the relief of your heart, when within you is found the door to be in God.
Receive from Him the blessings for the concretization of His Plan and, more than that, to intercede for this world.
Return then, to the House of the Father with your heart in peace, in the certainty that your consciousness remains there, for He is in you. Live in God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When peace begins to reach the hearts of humankind and, through small renunciations, they are able to find meekness and stillness, it is there, children, where God makes Himself present.
God makes Himself present in hearts that know how to be grateful, even in the details of life; they know how to be grateful for being on His path of Love under the mantle of His Divine Mercy.
When you calm your hearts in the spirit of gratitude, your Creator makes Himself present.
Gratitude is more than a feeling of respect and thanksgiving; in spiritual science, gratitude is a Divine Gift through which the consciousness recognizes its smallness and the greatness of God; it recognizes that, in spite of the vastness of Creation, the Father has His Eyes placed on all His children; and it is this certainty, born in the deep spirit of gratitude, that opens the doors for the Creator to be present.
Gratitude heals your cells, atoms and consciousness. Gratitude heals your spirits from selfishness and human indifference. Gratitude grants humanity a new opportunity to find peace, as it becomes worthy to be in God and in His Truth.
Gratitude opens the doors to the deepest sciences, to the most hidden mysteries, because only the one who knows how to be grateful for what they receive from their Creator will know how to value His Divine Treasure, and then, everything can be given to them.
Gratitude is the key to abundance, the key to free oneself from constant human desires.
Gratitude is the door to communion with the All, it is one of the celestial streams that will make you return to the Heart of God.
Therefore, children, always be grateful, for everything.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Mystery of Divine Mercy
Mercy is a Grace still unknown to humankind. The spiritual science that humanity knows has still not fully comprehended this mystery because they try to place Mercy in their known theology and cannot see it as something that transcends all that is known to humankind.
On the Cross, the Creator transformed all Laws, and the God of Justice opened a new cycle for all of life, a cycle of pity, of forgiveness and of redemption, in spite of the seriousness of the sins of humanity.
There was no other greater sin than that undertaken by those who flagellated and crucified God Himself; but even so, children, when they were touched by the merciful Blood of Christ, they were forgiven, healed and redeemed by the potency of His Love.
Mercy is a mystery that is joined with the mystery of human creation. It is a Grace coming from the link between humankind and God, their Creator. It was from the moment when the Father was fulfilled in His creatures, through His Son, and demonstrated to beings the true essence of what humanity is, that Mercy began to flow toward the planet and to all of Creation.
Mercy is born in the Heart of God as a new opportunity for beings to achieve the Grace of Love, but in order to reach the material universes of the manifestation of life, the vehicle of Mercy is the prayer of humanity, and the doorway to Mercy is their heart.
The human essence is intimately connected to the existence of Divine Mercy, to the point that their genes can physically carry the potency and the presence of this Gift that comes from God, just as it was in the Blood of Christ.
The Redeemer fully lived Divine Mercy so that all beings could recognize their own potential, and move toward it.
I tell you all these things so that you may understand the importance of truly crying out for Mercy in this time, not only for this world, but for all of Creation.
Recognize yourselves as potential carriers of the Grace that comes from the Father and cry out for it to descend upon the world and upon all of life. The more you cry out and pray, the closer you come to God and the more you awaken within yourselves what you truly are.
The potential of human beings is infinite, but in this time, children, only the purity of the heart and sincere prayer will be able to awaken you. It is in serving this planet that you will be able to enter into the mysteries about yourselves and draw closer to the heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as the Love of Christ expanded on the Cross, and His Gaze of Mercy touched the depths of the Heart of God in order to awaken this Celestial Source on Earth, you too, in this time, child, must let love expand within you.
In spite of the difficulties, the atrocities experienced by beings in their nations, peoples and families, in spite of the chaos that tries to expand upon the Earth, let your gaze always be merciful.
Let your heart discover the potency of the Love of God, which is beyond any imperfection and difficulty, is beyond chaos and evil, and transforms all things.
The time has come to tread the path of calvary, in this time, carrying the cross of human indifference for the Plans of God, and transforming this cross into the renewal of Divine Love in each step.
Understand love as your mission, understand the cross as your path and allow your being to be an instrument of God in this time.
The Creator does not seek perfect instruments; He seeks those who, in spite of being imperfect, want to learn to love and to forgive, want to dispose their heart as an empty chalice where God can pour in His codes of Love and of Redemption.
In this time, when you recall the steps of your Lord, let Him inspire you and renew the purpose of your heart, elevating your goals and aspirations so that you will be willing to be a New Christ, a new miracle of your Creator, of His infinite Love, which changes and transforms all things.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your hearts always be available to call upon Mercy.
May your mouths always be available to proclaim Divine Mercy.
May your actions always be ready to be merciful.
May your lives be reflections of the action of Divine Mercy.
May your hearts, with love, always be ready to allow Mercy to expand and reach more souls in this world.
This is My prayer for you today. May everybody love and know Divine Mercy, and thus, be bearers of Divine Mercy for the world.
For this, I bless you, and I keep you in My Heart so that you may grow in humility, strengthen yourselves in prayer and serve the planet through the constant experience of Divine Mercy.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep your heart in peace through the Source of the Divine Mercy, and become an instrument for God to shed His Graces upon the world.
Contemplate the great need of the planet, of the souls and of Creation, and strengthen your faith in the Divine Mercy, in the certainty that with it the hearts will find hope to start again.
May no sin be eternal before the Source of Divine Mercy. May no wound remain open, beyond the one from which the Grace of forgiveness and redemption flows into the world.
At this time, God hands you everything, not just for you to experience redemption, but also for you to guide humanity through this path. Be thankful, every day, because He placed you on the path of prayer and the choice of love, and fearlessly experience the leanings that lead you to this.
May each lived experience strengthen you at this time. May each moment lead you to the experience of love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
By the merits generated in prayer and service, the Creator grants His blessings to the souls so that, through them, the spirits awaken and are ready to serve this world even more, and beyond it.
When the hearts pray, they grant the Creator the power to enter their homes and transform their lives. The Heart of the Lord finds encouragement in these praying souls and, through them, grants graces and Mercy for those who do not deserve them and even deny God and His Presence.
Therefore, children, open with joy the doors of your houses for God and let Him make of your homes cenacles of prayer, where the hope and the Love of the Creator renew themselves.
Within these cenacles of light, the thirsty souls quench their thirst and the Divine Mercy finds a door to descend to the world and to permeate the beings, the Kingdoms of Nature and the nations.
Offer your homes as an abode for the Heart of God so that, through the transformation of your families, many other families may receive the opportunity to be in God.
Today I tell you that the Love of the Father renews itself in your lives and within your hearts, it builds a fortress that many times you do not see nor perceive, but that will sustain you in future times.
Let the Creator find in your spirits encouragement and reparation for so much indifference in the world. While you repair the Heart of God with simple offers, His Love transforms you with an unknown depth, healing wounds that are hidden in the consciousness, but that reflect themselves in your lives.
Let yourselves be healed while you pray and repair the Heart of God. Some day you will discover that His Grace has transformed you into His instruments and, through the door of your hearts, the Lord will return in Spirit and in Divinity to this world.
Today I thank you for transforming your homes into cenacles of prayer, abode of the heart of God, and I tell you that, in these homes, the Heart of His Son will pass to grant Mercy and Redemption to the world.
Do not get tired of praying. Let the miracle of the Lord happen in your lives and, through you, in the whole planet.
I love you and thank you for fulfilling the Plan of God with love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you go, take with you the graces and the blessings that you received from God.
Whoever you meet on the path, may they receive from you a compassionate gaze and a presence that radiates peace.
Whatever you do, may there be the Gift of Divine Mercy in your actions so that within everything, you put forth love and gratitude.
In your life, child, recognize you were rescued by the Power and the Love of God and, in everything you do, give thanks to the Father for His goodness.
Fill all things with the spirit of gratitude so that, thus, more souls also receive this blessing that you, as a beloved child of God, have received.
Make your life a permanent thanksgiving action and aspire that each being can receive these same graces.
Your heart was called to be a gardener in the Gardens of God and, with the seeds of the flowers that were born within you, to generate more Life and more Good.
Go and do not be afraid to announce, give out and multiply what you have received. See each soul like a flower that thirsts for God and pour over it the water which overflows from you when you are united to the Father.
So that you could grow, a gardener of God sowed Love within you. Now, child, you too learn to be a gardener in this time.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, child, express gratitude to God for all the cycles experienced, for all the graces and mercies, for all the talents and gifts, for each blessing and each test you were able to go through.
Today, thank God for His Presence, for His Words, for the awakening that day after day deepens in your heart, as in your consciousness.
Give thanks for the gift of life, with all of its difficulties and obstacles, because you know that in spite of all the chaos and all the illusion that surrounds the world, there is a spiritual purpose for all things and a higher Will that guides the souls who open themselves to it.
Give thanks for the profound Love of God and for His constant Faith and Hope. The Creator trusts in the triumph of each heart, beyond its miseries, because He knows the perfect essence with which each one was created.
Be thankful, because the Father is always searching for ways for you to find the path of Redemption. Be it through His Son, through His angels, through the Celestial Mother, or the saints and the blessed that guide souls to the Heart of God; there is always a guardian watching over you, accompanying your path, and praying for you not to become lost from it.
Fill your heart with the essence of gratitude because, today and always, this is the doorway to Heaven, the door to a new cycle full of God.
Through gratitude, you will find peace and inner renewal.
Through gratitude, you will learn to love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate, within your prayers, the feeling of Love from God who, comprehending the duality of the universe, manifested to His creatures the Sources of Grace, healing and love from the cosmos.
Contemplate the feeling of Love from God who, knowing human fragility, created within the Earth sacred enclosures, receptacles of the records of the purest experiences lived by beings, in Heaven as on Earth, receptacles of the most sublime energies that circulate within Creation, receptacles that attract to the planet the spring that comes from the Divine Sources of the cosmos and which is shed upon Earth for the souls who need it most.
Learn, in your prayers, that all these Graces are available to the beings who acknowledge needing them and who, aware of their miseries, clamor to the Father for His Mercy. And this Mercy descends carrying all the divine assets manifested by the Lord, for the evolution of His creatures.
Learn that the feeling of Love from God is not extinguishable and It only grows, multiplies and renews itself. Therefore, never forget, in your prayers, that the Father expects you to ask, so that all may be given to you.
Thus, raise your word and your heart, and ask for healing for the diseased, ask for Grace for the forsaken, ask for Love for all beings, ask for Mercy for this planet.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In everything that you do, place the power and action of the Divine Mercy.
Wherever you go, take within you the graces you have received so that all beings, through you, may know peace.
In your words, manifest the power and the Gift of the Divine Mercy and tell your brothers and sisters only those things that the Creator, full of Mercy, would pronounce to His children.
Look at your fellow being with a look of Mercy and feel for each being the love that is born in the Heart of God when He is before His creatures.
Aspire, child, every day, to be an instrument and a vehicle of Mercy. Thus, you will make worthy your existence and the sacrifice that God lived for you, on the Cross and in the Calvary of this world.
Allow for the Blood shed on the Cross to convert your most profound human condition and transform you into a being full of Mercy.
I bless you at this time and pouring on you the graces that come from God, I ask you: plea for Mercy but, above all, let your heart be the Mercy of Christ itself.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more