In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the darkest night comes to the world, it will be the sign of the Return of the Light, for I Am the Light of the world, I was born for this and for this I live infinitely and eternally.
When the darkest penumbras cast the planet into shadow and it seems that nothing makes sense, within or outside beings, it will be the sign of the Return of My Light, it will be the hour for you to recognize Me and once again follow Me in all that I will do in this moment.
Meanwhile, may your faith not weaken, may your trust not be disturbed, may your conviction in Me not fade; for, if you allow Me to, I will place you in the learning experience that you need to grow internally so that, through this growth, you may mature and be My solid and steady servants in the end of these times.
For in truth I tell you that there is no other path to go through but the one that I offer to you day by day.
And even during this dark night of the planet, when millions of souls do not know what to do or where to go, when they have no answer, in Me, in My Heart, you will find this answer; you will find this peace, which is immutable, which will not make you hesitate in the face of any situation or experience, which will not defeat you, which will not allow you to be frightened or suspect what you are experiencing. For everything that comes to your paths has a reason, just as everything that comes to humanity has a reason, even without answers or explanations.
Yet, be brave in the face of this dark night that you will have to go through, first within yourselves. Do not fear discovering or knowing what still must be transcended and healed, forgiven and reconciled, because souls arrive in the world without perfection; because they come here, to this world, to find this perfection within themselves when they truly commune of Higher Life, when they allow themselves to be guided and oriented by the Hierarchy.
There is nothing more important than this: that the disciple may have their Master and that the Master may have His disciple, because it is a constant effort along the path of ascension and transformation.
But know this well, it is not possible to live a path of redemption with suffering, because I do not want to see you like this, neither you nor your brothers and sisters. Sometimes souls become lost in this, they hurt themselves for not being able to see that there is a learning experience in each moment, but there is also a synthesis, a moment for recognizing and even for forgiving.
This is how you will grow inwardly in the degrees of love rather than in the degrees of self-esteem or of the illusory power, for the freedom of each one lies in living the Will of God, even without comprehending or understanding it.
I come here tonight to give testimony that this Higher Will exists and must be fulfilled, even if humanity takes a little longer to reach it or understand it, to accept and live it.
Meanwhile, My patient Heart is here, as It has always been, on this path that each one is learning how to live and go through, on this pathway of daily challenges and lessons.
But what is most important, companions, is that you can reap the fruits from each learning experience, from each step you may take; there is no other reason for being here but being able to advance in the conviction and faith that the Divine Purpose gives you, in the flame of Love of My Heart, which illuminates your paths.
It is not time to stop or become crystallized, it is time to achieve this inner freedom that is not personal but rather granted by God to the souls that serve Him and fully experience Him.
Today, from the Sacred Valley of this Center of Love, I speak to you and share My Faith with you again; even while seeing and contemplating a destroyed world, not only in its spiritual but also in its human form, in the degree to which violence and wickedness are experienced today.
Now is the moment when the Christs of the New Time must act in My Name so that there may be love in abundance in this time, rather than condemnation; so that there may be mercy and forgiveness, which may grant you understanding and wisdom before the suffering of your fellow being and brother or sister who is enduring their own test.
I want you to contemplate this time with eyes of compassion rather than those of justice, with a heart that is close to the one who suffers and endures, close even to the one who does not understand or comprehend the Hierarchy and also those who cannot live this new cycle; because God launches the Light of His seeds into the hearts that accept them and want to make them fruitful within themselves through the gifts that He delivers, the virtues that He distributes, the Eternal Love that He shares as the Celestial Father.
This is how He has done and does with Me all the time, just as I did with My apostles and do today with you, sharing the Divine and Cosmic Love that heals, cures, repairs and reconciles the inner world, even in a difficult and perhaps inexplicable time.
Although the shadows darken the planet, do not become discouraged or lose faith; because it is in what is most anonymous and silent that I Am present, but I Am also present in the one who seeks Me, in the one who calls Me, in the one who invokes Me, in the one who responds to My Call.
In this month of March, we reach the end of a cycle of the Work of the Christic Hierarchy, but do not think that I will go away and stop accompanying you, because I Am here preparing you and your brothers and sisters of the world for My Return. This is what we must concentrate on.
Just as the apostles, despite the fear they experienced during My Sorrowful Passion and Crucifixion, prepared the Resurrection of Christ, today you and your brothers and sisters must prepare the Return of the Lord, first within yourselves, through your vows, through the principles for your lives.
Today I come as a Consciousness you have never seen or experienced. But the Love that I impart to you is indeed the same, you are just coming to know My other Faces, the universal task of the Redeemer.
Welcome into your hearts this last impulse of conclusion, thus preparing yourselves for the next Sacred Week, for no matter how far or close you may be, what is most important to Me is that you be with Me, regardless of the distance or the situations.
Remember that you must still surrender your lives to My Heart, just as I gave My Life for you on the Cross.
May your only aspiration be to fulfill that which God needs in this time so that you may learn to renounce your own aspirations; because if your own aspirations must be fulfilled one day, they will be fulfilled, be sure of this. However, God always calls us to live that which we do not aspire to, to accept that which we do not want, to love that which we reject. This is a Christ.
May the aspiration of God be fulfilled in your lives in this next Marathon of Prayer, and may it be a reality without conditions or obstacles, may the fulfillment of the Plan, the Plan of the Lord, be a joyful reality.
The last thing I ask of you is that you be a mirror of hope; you must attract hope to the world so that peace may reach the places where it is most lacking.
I Am united to the brave and the bearers of peace, regardless of the time of purification.
May spiritual freedom grant you the understanding and the reason for existing in this world and in this incarnation to serve the One, Our Creator.
My blessing to all in this cycle of conclusion and maturity for My disciples.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In joy I gather together these young people to represent many more in the world, where My Christic Flame is ignited to call the self-summoned, so that at this crucial time, the soldiers may come together and form the first ranks, declaring thus My Return to the world to all of humanity.
I want you to hold up the torch, the Sublime Fire of My Sacred Heart.
I want you to carry My banner together with the legions of angels and archangels.
And so, dear youths, I baptize you with My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My Heart is glorified, because your lives glorify My Name, the Holy Name that God gave to the Son of all Creation, and to the One that comes from the sublime Source, from which all the graces and Mercies for all beings of the Earth arise, especially for My disciples that today begin this walk towards the transformation of their lives and consciousnesses, for all the young people who wound My Sacred Heart, which is filled with Mercy for all the youths that must uplift their spirits through an inner union with My Redeeming Work for these times.
So today I decree and declare: the new future is in the young people, the coming of the New Jerusalem, of the promised Land, of the great spiritual and cosmic Consciousness, that, after the purification of the Earth, will make the spirits that will form the New Humanity emerge, that will sow the Earth again with the codes of My Blood and My Water, achieved during the Passion, the Crucifixion and Death.
So today I consecrate you. I consecrate your lives to the Glory of My Sacred Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
With the redeeming sign of the Cross, the committed errors are removed and the doorways open so that consciousnesses may be uplifted and find My Celestial Presence on the inner paths, and hear, in their souls, the call of the Redeemer, Who calls on them to become part of the great celebration of this Supper, the great and last Supper, that will announce the coming of the King of the Universe to all of humanity.
The Celestial Choirs are already playing the trumpets and the spirits that have come from different parts of the Cosmos are assembling on the five continents to awaken within themselves the great Sun that exists and illuminates all times, through the impulse of My Christic Essence of renovation, transfiguration and transubstantiation of all the codes, and as from today, in you, dear youths, they are illuminated by My Presence.
I initiate you into a new stage filled by the greater Love of the Universe. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Never retreat from what I have asked of you. Rather, open your eyes to feel My Divine Consciousness in this place, in the depths of your hearts.
I come in this way to open a new cycle in this Center of Love, closing the doors of the cycles that already passed away and preparing, in your consciousnesses, new patterns of life that will be very necessary for planetary life, for all of this race that is still sleeping.
Today I dedicate this Sacred Call to all the youth of the planet who still have not dared to cross the threshold of My Sacred Heart, to be renewed by My Spirit and enlightened by My Presence, which is the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice and fear no more. The thousand years of peace will be fulfilled, but it will be essential for the Earth and humanity to be completely purified.
When your hearts, minds and bodies suffer, submerge yourselves in My Divine Mercy, because My Spring is still open for those who thirst for the divine Light of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Today I am giving the sacrament to each one of those present to prepare you for My awaited "Sacred Week", which will be unique, unrepeatable and conscious for everyone.
Just like in the peoples of the past, announce to the world that the Sacred Lord of Love is coming in the awaited Holy Week, to announce His Gospel again. That One who transforms impossible things, and that, from time to time, frees you from perdition.
Thus, the Lord and King of the Universe, in His infinite humility, will not come alone to this meeting. He prepares the Cosmos, the Earth and the human consciousness for this moment.
Blessed are they who believe, even whithout having seen. They are already worthy of the New Earth.
Today the Kingdom of God draws closer to help the planetary consciousness and all those who are purified inside and outside of their beings, so that they may conceive My Christic Flame in each one of their lives, Flame which is the light that will illuminate their paths in the times of tribulation.
Today you will be anointed by the Sacred Son, under the unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Oil for consecrating.
If today I consecrate you, I am consecrating humanity so that it may participate in the New Earth, in the New Covenant of man and God, in the evolved consciousness with the Infinite, the love that exists in each one of you, united to the Heavenly Father.
Today the choirs and the praises are sung in the Kingdom of God, in Paradise; they raise up the promise that the self-summoned are to be the visible sign for the unredeemed, by living redemption within themselves.
Do not lose My Words. Put your attention on what I am telling you. Divinity economizes everything that says, for the times are urgent and souls must define themselves in order to find peace, eternal peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the request of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will hear the Pater Noster.
May the Lord pour out His Grace here, so that the soul, the mind and the body may be anointed by the Most Holy Trinity, that in a sacred triangulation descends over the Centers of Light so that souls may vivify their awakening and their union with the Divine Purpose, until peace is established.
Praised be the altars of the Creator! May souls exalt in joy, may spirits rejoice, because they have heard the Redeemer, the Son of Creation, the Son of the Almighty, the Son of Man and Life!
May the disciples be happy and their families rejoice, for they have heard the angels of God, fulfilling the promise of the annunciation of their spirits to the evolution of Divine Life!
May, after this earthly life, your souls find Me in the Kingdom of God to eternally praise the Father, together with the angels and archangels declaring Hallelujah! Glory in the highest, peace on Earth for all the beings of good will and for those who are part of the armies of light, of the Return of Christ!
So be it! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Most Holy Trinity,
13 bell tolls.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
In this meeting we honor you Lord!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May evil disappear from this place, in the name of the Almighty and of His angelic legions!
May the Light descend to Earth and may hearts recognize the Purpose of God, for it is the time of the self-summoned, of the 144,000!
My Heart is present here again and all My Divine Consciousness, which is part of God, manifests before you to have you know the Will of the Father in each one of your lives.
I establish My Kingdom here, and in it no adversity may dwell, because the Plan will be accomplished in all inner hearts through My blessing, by the authority granted to Me by God, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Praised be the Father, companions, Who at this time gathers His smallest sheep so that they may return, after having been lost in the world with nothing to drink and nowhere to graze, to the stable of My Heart; because in My Kingdom exists providence and souls do not feel thirst eternally nor do they feel hunger of spirit perpetually.
Do you know what that means? That the Father may gather you together again so that you may remember Him through His Son, His Glory and His Mercy, which allows, in this time, this reality.
I come to call the chosen with the luminous Finger of God, Who with infinite Love and Mercy comes to rescue the fallen and to withdraw millions of consciousnesses from the abysses.
Thus, I reveal to you the power of My Divine Mercy, of My Grace, and of My wholeness for all those who are Mine.
Yesterday, I told you that I am more than the Sun. Today I tell you, companions, that I am more than a Divinity.
Because if the Son of God is in the Father, the Eternal Father will be in His beloved Son. And if you are in the Son of God, in the depths of His Most Sacred Heart, you will also be in the Father and the Father will be with you, in spite of what may happen.
Strengthen your trust in the Creator, companions, and deny the modernity of these times. Souls are hypnotized and are profoundly blind, they cannot manage to see My Path of Light.
Again and again, from time to time, I knock on the door of your hearts to call you to this sacred task of sharing the time of redemption with Me.
Redemption is a profound essence still very unknown to the world. A small sign of it has already been shown through the Passion of your Lord, when for you I suffered all the martyrdoms, all the sins, all the unconsciousness of humanity, through the agony, Calvary and death. And so I reveal to you, companions, that Redemption is something deeper, for it is based on the essence of Love and of Unity that all beings can live in these end times.
The Redemption of your lives has steps. They are steps of Light which you are invited to ascend, little by little, until finding My Glorious Kingdom, which does not belong to this world.
Thus, I uplift your consciousnesses to other realities, withdrawing them from material life and opening your hearts to what is real and profound.
Through prayer, companions, build the first base of Redemption.
But there are more bases existing that you must build on this path of prayer, on this spiritual path of consecration which you are invited to journey on to get out of the illusion of the world.
Little by little your lives will transform. When you accept My Summoning, you will be accepting the Will of God and My Heart will be glorified in the Father, because His children are glorified in My Heart.
And I will ignite in God so that My Divine Spirit may descend to Earth, to rescue the last who remain in this transition, which still has not ended; a transition unknown to you called purification. A mysterious transition that is discovered, is revealed to the hearts that are simple, without fear and without deceit.
For this reason, companions, I offered you the Cross, a teraphim, a sacred symbol, perpetual and eternal.
I offered you My Mother, so that you could accept Her as your Guide and Governor. She unites you with God through Her humble Heart.
And if your hearts are humble, you will be in My Mother, My Mother will be in God and all will be in the Father, in perfect unity.
It is unity, companions, that you cannot lose. Unity will be the key for going through the transition.
Humanity does not know about being united; it only knows to be divided all the time and throughout time.
Through My Gospel, I taught you how you should love one another. This rule is in force, companions, because that love will protect you from yourselves when you sacrifice yourselves for your peers and your peers will sacrifice themselves for you.
In this way, you create a real spiritual family, regardless of blood, genetic, or human relationship. Because the real family is the one that lives in the Heart of the Father, and vivifies Him all the time, seeking to please Him with the emanation of love and of unity present in each one of you.
For the first time, I come to teach all those present the basic Laws of God that are kept in the Commandments, which are completely forgotten by all of humanity.
If the Commandments had been accurately fulfilled, it would not be necessary to live the transition.
That is why I came to the world and incarnated among you, to show you the true Message of God; through the incarnation of the Beloved Son, the Love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit was manifested, something that very few learned.
But you are still in time, before this transition arrives on the planet in which the straw will be separated from the wheat, and that will be inevitable, companions.
You know the world is wrong, is immersed in its adversity, in its profound darkness and blindness. And while evil things continue in this world, I will reinforce the merciful spirits so that they may serve in this Plan of Love, which must be accomplished in the human consciousness and then in material life.
I will do everything possible, companions, so that you may walk with firmness and with valor. That is why I am with you and among you today to teach you to truly love from the heart, so that you set aside your bindings and the errors from the past, and so that through this meeting you may leave renewed by a true and sincere commitment of your hearts with Me.
In this way, beloved friends, I give you a sacred task, which is not material, but rather non-material.
Your spirits know that this exists and that it is not an analogy.
My task in the world is concrete and visible. You have seen My Holy Church, My true and celestial church, rise up in the humble hearts of the faithful and religious people.
It is this Church that I lift up to God every day, so that the Father may contemplate it in wholeness with His Merciful and Compassionate Eyes.
It is this Church that the Father comes to seek in you with your action of service, of charity, of love, and of prayer.
It is this inner Church which will never be broken.
Remain in stillness while I speak, for the celestial and universal Church of the Spiritual Kingdom is visible at this moment for your souls. Enter into contemplation and do not lose this moment. Let inertia not be stronger than devotion.
Let indifference not be stronger than compassion.
May we always be in Unity and in Love, so that the celestial Church may continue to descend.
In the past, I gave My apostles and all of you a message that you did not understand.
When I said that in Peter I would found My Church, it was that in him and in his brothers and sisters the celestial church was to be founded, in each human heart, and not in material life.
But I avail Myself of all the faithful, because in them My Light may be present.
I come to have your inner worlds understand something that you never see, because you always look outward and forget about your inner universe, where the true wealth is, the story of your origin, of all of your existence in the center of your hearts.
My Celestial Church is in the depths of your souls, which I expect you to worship when your King enters into it, just as I enter in you at this moment, when you open to Me in humility and devotion.
May this divine Fire that you have received during these days never go out. Be renewing flames that can ignite other flames that are darkening on their own.
Carry these celestial and divine impulses to the precarious consciousness of the planet, to each place you go, where the Peace and the Love of God is needed.
Be united among yourselves and your families. Religiously renew the vows of the Sacred Family with all of your loved ones.
That the misunderstandings, the indifferences, the judgements, and the evils disappear from the bosom of your families. Thus, I invite you to be a little more merciful.
You, companions, on this sacred day in which My Mercy is made present, receive more awareness of the true reality.
Your blindness disappears, your hearts open and understand the Infinite Mystery of the Universal King; your inner churches emerge, all the temples of your hearts become sacred, having pronounced and invoked My Divine Mercy in these days.
This is how I always hope to see you, companions, in the next meetings, irrespective of where you are from and that I cannot be with you; because if you are united to My Heart, I will be with you. You know that this is true and that it is not far away from anyone.
Then live, companions, this practice of unity with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You will thus allow the whole Earth to not suffer the consequences of its own faults.
Have My Divine Mercy be known in the world, just as Saint Faustina did.
Be apostles, ambassadors, and servants of My Divine Mercy. In the simplicity of your prayers and the love of your services, transmit all the codes of My Light.
Take to your fellow beings and to the Kingdoms of Nature the help they need. See with different eyes, with eyes of Mercy, the true planetary need.
Grow in love and in devotion, and you will always reach the Heavens. The angels will lift you up and you will enter the Kingdom of God in absolute awareness, to worship with them this celestial moment.
The doors of the Universe are opening, the spirits of all are summoned to form the lines of the Plan and ignite the Solar Light of My Heart in your breasts.
Let hearts be happy. Let souls become peaceful. Let errors be erased. May the Mercy of God be established and all be blessed in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
You will live the Sacraments again to renew your consciousnesses with the Gifts of God that are kept in them.
Do this for your peers, for all of the planet and for the Universe, which contemplates this moment in omnipresence.
Let each Sacrament be an opportunity for forgiveness, so that your souls do not make the same mistakes, and with more attention and vigilance, you accomplish My Will and protect your paths from My adversary.
The last battle has still not come, in which the Archangel Gabriel will perform His defining Judgement in the face of the great fallen angel and all its armies, those which do not live in the Love of God.
That hour is coming. For this reason, I prepare your hearts, time after time, and meeting after meeting, so that in that moment you know what to do and where to be.
Do not seek to understand how it will happen. Love the unknown and divine life, and you will be true beings of the Light, in the simplicity of heart living the Supreme Will of God.
Just as I will bless the Sacraments, I will bless you and all the family members that you place at the foot of My Altar, in the silence of the heart, in the profound prayer of your souls.
Know that you are being graced by the divine Light of the Father, Who in His divine Mercy manifests this Grace for a humanity that does not deserve it but receives it, when the Father observes in His creatures the effort of wanting to change.
Change a little every day and you will not lose the battle. Because those who are with Me live the hardest paths and even though they do not understand, on experiencing the sacrifice and the surrender, after everything, by My Holy Hand they are victorious.
In this way, the Law of God and the Plan are fulfilled. Each one has the opportunity of consecrating themselves to My Heart.
I need you to put yourselves in a place where, in truth, you can give Me everything.
I Am the Sacred Heart, the Source of the inexplicable wonders, which manifests from time to time in redeemed hearts.
I am happy to see your efforts and the concretization of this sacred task in this city, with whole servants that can still give a little more and that have testified to My Heart that they truly love the Plan, beyond themselves. This is very important for the Father, in such imperfect creatures, where the Work of God is realized through the hands that give of themselves and through the feet that dare to walk toward the Light, the infinite and unknown Light of the Universe. Thus is established in these serving souls the possibility of perpetually adoring Me and of recognizing Me in a fellow being.
I call My angels here so that they may transubstantiate the elements and your bodies, in honor of God and the triumph of His Love on this planet.
Divine Hierarchy of angels and archangels... (x3)
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The Master asks for thirteen bell strokes.
Creator Parents descend and resplendent beings draw near, to venerate the Son of God and all His creatures that respond to Him, manifesting the Glory of God and His Work on this planet.
Glory, Glory in the Highest and Peace on Earth to all the beings of goodwill.
While I am present, companions, make an offering to God so that it may be placed in My Merciful Heart and be accomplished according to the Will of My Father.
Offer what you still have not given Me and dare to take a step toward that final summoning.
So be it.
Here I give you the example of My most beloved and ancient disciples, that in the silence of the heart and in the work of permanent service, have built the foundations of fraternity and unity among consciousnesses.
Into the hands of My beloved servants I placed many Graces, which allowed the manifestation of the Plan of God in the part that your group is responsible for, in the islands of salvation and in the nuclei of love.
Thus I again establish these principles, now in a new time, in which all My servants accompany Me to prepare for My coming, My awaited coming to the world.
Again I give you My Body and My Blood, so that you remember Me, when you were with Me in that time, walking in the lands of the Holy Land, accompanying Me in the Gospel and in the Word, serving your King in prayer and in the silence, in the contemplation of My Heart, which in that time was already Glorified.
Thus I show you, My companions, the Order of My Universal Service, formed by all My apostles of the new time that have come, in this cycle, to serve Me.
Today I am here with you, as in Emmaus, when after having resurrected I appeared to shepherds similar to you, on a night of stars and moon, at the foot of the fire.
I took the bread, now with My Body already transfigured and glorified, I broke it in two and I said to the shepherds:
Eat, this is My Body that always lived among you and will live forever, for all eternity.
Commune with the Master of Love and of Forgiveness, for your hearts will be glad because the day of His Mercy has come.
I bless these elements for the deep healing of souls and the redemption of hearts, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And before saying goodbye, companions, with the deepest affection of My Spirit for each one of you, I want to thank you, because My Redemptive Work of the end of times was accomplished once again, through the hands and the arms that served Me in a profound giving of self.
May ardent devotion interpenetrate you and illumine the end of times and your paths forever.
I wish to rise up to Heaven with My angels, that play harps and violins, with their trumpets announcing the coming of the Universal King on the day so awaited by all.
I wish to hear your song of Hallelujah.
I want you to stand up and thank God for this Work, which with all of His creatures, unites Heaven and Earth.
May this Marathon remain engraved on your hearts. May you always be able to remember it as an impulse to step out of tests and of all adversity, for who is in Me will fear nothing.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Peace for the world and an end to war.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to absolve you in the name of Love and Forgiveness, in the name of the infinite Piety that exists in the Universe and which is lived in the angels and archangels, in all the beings of goodwill, that in the Universe and on Earth live the Plan of God.
Today I come as the King of the Universe, as the living Presence of God for this humanity, still very asleep.
I come to awaken you from the dream of this material life so that your souls may be uplifted to Me, and in communion with Me, follow My steps, that are the steps that God asks you to take in this definitive hour of humanity, at the beginning of the apex of this transition, that many will not know how to face.
That is why I have come here, not only to bless you with My Mercy, but to unify you with My Plan and with My proposal of peace for the world.
Today, My wish is that you leave at My Feet what you should no longer live, what does not belong to My paths, nor to My Work.
I want you to transform in Me and I will transform in you, so that you may be new christs; a new race that will colonize humanity when the 144000 emerge, that each day more, you may approach in the spirit of awakening and of the mission that you are summoned to live in this final time.
I know that many of those who are present today do not understand what I say.
I do not need, companions, that you understand Me, but that you live Me, that you keep My Words in your heart, because they are not only words.
My Verb is vibration and energy, it is a principle of manifestation and of all Law for this Universe, of which you form part in this solar system.
That is why I need you to open your hearts and not your minds, because what I am saying today, I said two thousand years ago, in each one of the parables, in each one of the signs, and even so in My Passion, which was the most visible sign for all of you that My Work still continues, in the Victory of God, the Most High.
I have brought the guardian angels for you, so that you may pay a little more attention to them, because they serve you since your origins and they expect that you may be able to perceive them. Only the angels and no one else, that may make himself look like an angel.
Your prayer will raise you to that consciousness, to which I need you to approach, to the Ultra-terrestrial Consciousness, to the Divine and Universal Life; because humanity is very densified.
Your actions weigh heavily, your feelings, thoughts and the works that go against the Plan of My Father, against humanity and the souls.
Today I reveal to you, through My Heart, the Plan of God in this era of the Earth, in this moment of humanity, in which each one of you, companions, must be that living principle of My Presence in the world; you must be that soldier that responds to the commands and that apostle that takes the word of salvation and of truth.
In order for all that to be possible at this moment, My companions, transform yourselves, transform yourselves a lot and do not fear transforming.
The time has come for all of you and the world to be purified, not with fear, but with valor, to let go the ties of the past, dismiss what is not of the Plan of God and embrace the cross that the Father has given you in this evolutionary trajectory of humanity.
Thus, you will be with Me living My Principles; because I will help you to get up from the ground, to raise your eyes to the Universe so that you may recognize your star and so, unite again with your God.
Adore the Father, Who continues offended, and offer a reparation on this day for the whole world.
Thus you, companions, will receive what you need at the exact time and not when you look for it; because everything has its time, within and outside of you.
Today I offer you My Constancy, for each one of your souls and for the souls of the world that still do not live Me.
Today I bring you this reality, because I want to share it with you, and thus you will share it with Me, in this eternal silence that I promote today for everyone, the silence that lives in the silence and that allows the discovery of what truly happens within the hearts.
Embrace this moment as something unique and reconfirm your vows of collaboration with the Plan; that Plan that today you do not know in depth, but that I deliver to you today so that you may follow it in prayer and in vigil, in fraternity and service.
I need you to continue fulfilling what I asked you two thousand years ago.
The souls are very lost and hearts despair for not knowing the Love of Christ, your Lord.
If I come here today to ask you these things, it is because in truth you can do it, in a simple and honest way, without so many concepts, or forms. Because in truth I say to you, companions, everything is born from the heart, and it is the heart of each soul that rules things, and it is what helps everything to be fulfilled, under the Will of Adonai.
As I told you yesterday, companions, the discipleship must awaken in the youngest ones, the discipleship of Christ, Who will guide their lives and will lead them by the correct path of redemption.
Be awake to what I tell you and do not miss a word, because I will not be able to repeat it.
I say all this before everything happens, for the time has come for the hearts to be converted by the fire of prayer and by the principle of peace; and may all be more brothers, united in a great spiritual family governed by Christ, for this Redemptive Work of the end of times.
This region and this city must be the cradle of new things, of elevated patterns of behavior, of fraternity, and of brotherhood.
The young people must know My christic energy so that they may be redeemed. And just as the apostle John did, they may follow My Steps to the mount of the Cross, where I will share what I expect to share with all, at this hour of the planet.
I come to heal in you what is still not scarred; I come to heal your wounds.
Through My wounds, I purify you; through My Blood, I consecrate you; and through My Body, I glorify you in the name of My father, so that finally the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
Let us pray.
(The Our Father in Aramaic)
And today you will wash your feet, as I washed those of the apostles, who at that moment did not understand the humility of the Master of Light.
Because in the humiliation and in the renunciation of those who wash the feet of their brothers, is found the existence of love and of life, which unifies them with the Universe and thus, everything is renewed, as I renewed it on the Cross for you and for the world.
So, I want you to do it always and that you live it all the time that you can.
Because who washes his feet, wash his past, heals his wounds and re-ignite his soul in the Light of God, expelling the impure, exorcizing everything that is not of the Light, under the Christic Energy of Jesus.
Song: For the Wounds of Jesus...
Through My Sacred and Glorified Heart, companions, I give you My Kindness and My Grace and I make you participate of My Spirit, in this perfect Communion with My Eternal Father.
Thus, I bless you, renew you, heal you, and I raise you up close to My Heart, so that you may be between My Arms and may continue to feel the confidence that, since the beginning, everything was fine.
In the name of the Light, I thank you and I bless you under the luminous sign of the Redeeming Cross of Your King.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now, I can leave in peace from this place, because I know that you have heard Me at this moment and in other times, My beloved apostles in redemption!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more