Go, child, to the aid of souls who suffer, souls who, in the loneliness of their heart, carry the weight of hopelessness, despair, discouragement, souls who are searching for a meaning to their own life and have need of help to find the Light of Divine Purpose again.
Go to the aid of souls and give meaning to your existence through service, prayer and the Sacraments, which lead essences to a return to their divine origin.
Go to the aid of souls, listen to the hearts that suffer, remain by those in need of support in order not to fall into the abysses that are so close to their feet.
Through true prayer, hold the hand of the Children of God who need to return home. Be a bridge so those souls can find the path to the Celestial Dwelling Place again.
Go child, go to the aid of lonely and forsaken souls, those who committed to Christ, but have become lost in the murky and rough waters of the end of times.
Let your heart be an island of salvation, let your spirit itself be the bridge and doorway so those in need of rescue are able to be helped. This is what you are called to live today.
Through the emptiness of yourself, allow Christ to use you as His instrument, because the only things that will rescue souls in this time are Unity and Love. These are the two keys that turn on the Light of an inner world that is in darkness; this is the hand that reaches out to a soul imprisoned in deep abysses.
Thus, through the virtue of service, practice the gifts of Love and of Unity, because souls have need of rescue and of Light in this world that is being extinguished from the inside out.
In times of an ever greater chaos, be a bridge of Love and Unity for souls.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and let your prayer open the doors of Heaven for the Creator to elevate the souls that became lost in the seas of this world while they were seeking hope and consolation for their lives.
Pray for those who emigrated from their countries in search of peace and of a grace and however, did not find encouragement, but loneliness, despair and the suffering of feeling lost in the seas of the world.
Cry out for Mercy for their souls to be relieved. Cry out for Mercy so that nations be pacified. Cry out for Mercy so that hearts get to know piety and repent for their errors and sins, redeem their past and design their future with acts of peace.
Pray, child, for not only souls agonize, the planet also agonizes and cries with the same tears of your Heavenly Mother, for it can no longer bear the evil that oppresses it through the error and indifference of beings.
Pray, for the Divine Justice is approaching the world and those who are blind will not have many opportunities of seeing the Truth and the Grace of God anymore.
Pray for your heart to be filled by the Divine Piety, and thus make your intercession each day more sincere and truthful before the Father.
Pray, for the Grace of God is already upon you and it must expand all over this world. Allow the Mercy of the Father to flow through your clamor for peace.
Feel the urgency. Feel the pain of the world. Feel the grief of God and offer your heart to repair this planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more