Just as Christ, at each step of the Calvary and in His surrender on the Cross, experienced the Grace of being supported by God as well as the challenge of living His surrender as a Divine-human Being, thus also, children, each of you must live your definition and surrender in this time.

You will live through moments in which Divine Grace will be over your hearts and consciousnesses, and in spite of the difficulties of the path, it will not be tortuous, because spiritual fortitude will support you.

You also may live through moments in which your human condition will be put to the test, so that the divine condition can emerge from it. And in these moments or tests, your hearts must learn to observe themselves, so that thus you may go beyond that and not stop.

When emptiness, loneliness, the weight of the world and despair should knock at the door of your consciousnesses, know that it is the time for going beyond and letting God manifest His Power and His Grace, not from the outside in, but rather from the inside out; it is time for your cells, at the apex of their limitation, to see inner fortitude emerge and liberate the mysterious Light that animates and supports them.

It is thus, children, that you too, as cells of the Divine Body, will see a Love emerge that renews all things, an unknown Love which is born of the transformation of the human condition into its divine potential.

I know that what I speak to you about seems distant to you in daily living, when your actions, thoughts and feelings sometimes are so different than an expression of Divine Love. But I speak to you so that you may point your lives toward this path and persevere, so you allow yourselves to be broken and rebuilt, so you do not fear the void or temptation, so that you may indeed recognize human frailty, but not remain in it.

Open yourselves to experience the transcendence of this frailty, defeating it through surrender, yielding, prayer and the elevation of the consciousness. And each time you think about giving up and believe you cannot go any further, give yourselves the opportunity to remember the purpose of your lives and what you are called to in this time.

 You are called to be living miracles, to be Christs of the New Time, to be the last apostles and witnesses to the fulfilling of the Plan of God on Earth. And this is done, children, with your head on the ground and your heart in Heaven, in the surrender of your lives, so that you may understand human life and its facts and events with a mature consciousness and a look of wisdom.

Persevere and surrender. Do not fear going beyond, for it is only in this way that you will discover the Purpose of God for each stage of your lives.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


After experiencing the meeting with God, hearing His Words and participating in the revelation of His Designs, souls must then grow, strengthened by Celestial Laws; they must live everything they have learned and, with their lives, they must disseminate the Grace that they have received, in their examples, their love and the profound emanation of their hearts.

After experiencing the meeting with God, souls must then define themselves, be reconfirmed and walk onward to discover the Divine Presence within themselves, and thus, hear His Voice in each instant of their lives.

Each meeting with God brings an impulse that must resonate within the being and manifest in human life through deep transformations, achieved by those who have heard the Voice of the Creator.

The Voice of God resonates, children, and must not only be heard, but also be made flesh and life in all His children.

The time has come to not only be called disciples and companions of Christ but, above all, to testify to His Presence and the echo of His Voice with your own life. The Gospel of the end times have already begun to be written, and it is done through the Words of God, and through the testimonies of His children.

You must be witnesses of the Words of Christ.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


VII - The Strength for Seeking Light and Crying Out for Mercy

A soul that was treading their path of surrender to God, one day, while experiencing a profound moment of inner definition, tempted by the forces of the world, thought about abandoning everything and launching into the pleasures and illusions of life. This soul was tempted to think and to feel that their surrender had no meaning, that it made no difference to the evolution of life and that despite so much effort, they were standing still; so it would be better to leave this path and launch into the world.

Upon inwardly planning to abandon their spiritual path, the soul felt they could not do so and something tied them to God. With a mixture of fear and of indignation, the soul began to question the Lord, saying: "Tell me, Lord, why do you tie me to Your Heart? What difference do I make for You if I am always the same invisible and imperfect soul in the infinity of Your Creation? God, why do You not allow that I abandon this path and that, surrendered to the world, I may learn to find You through other ways that are not this one?"

And with a smile on His Face, showing His celestial compassion, the Lord answered:  "Can an organ decide for itself to live outside of the body and leave? However much it wants to be independent within this body, and it might create illnesses and imbalances, that organ cannot leave on its own. And if one day, after so many illnesses, it were to be removed from this body, do you believe, little soul, that it would survive alone?

This is how the souls are like that have committed themselves to Me are. All the souls I have created are cells of My Mystical and infinite Body, but those that have committed themselves to Me are organs inside of Me, which have a fundamental role in the evolution of life, and even if they do not realize it, they are part of an infinite Work that does not begin nor end in this world. Therefore, beloved soul, it is not I Who ties you to My Heart and does not allow you to follow other paths; it is your own life and your condition of union with Me that makes you feel that, in spite of all the temptations, you cannot do so.

But for you, this moment is not the expression of your purest thought. You are going through a moment of blindness and ignorance, in which clouds cover your face and your heart, and you cannot see or feel the truth. So that this truth to be revealed to you, do not distance yourself from My Love and do not stop crying out for My Mercy. Even if you are in the desert, I will give you the strength to persist. And even in the inner dryness, you will feel My Fount that, in the very depths of the depths, springs up again within you. In a time of confusion, do not stop seeking Me, and I will give you peace."

In this dialogue with God, children, may the souls that today are blind find the strength to seek the Light and cry out for Mercy.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Lent is a moment, children, for coming to know Christ again, to recognize Him with a new gaze, a gaze with neither veils nor fears so that you may know who He is and who you are as you stand before Him, what you are called to experience upon facing the Son of God.

Many are those who walk at the side of Christ, eat from His Body, drink from His Blood, participate in His wonders and hear His Words; but few are those who look at the Lord without veils before their eyes, without walls before their hearts and know Who He is, and also discover themselves before Him.

But Lent is this moment, for in it the Lord says to you: "I Am that I Am, I Am He Who Is; One with God, the very God made Man and Spirit."

And in hearing this revelation of the Son of God, your eyes open so that you can not only recognize Him but also recognize yourselves.

Lent is a moment for deciding to seek Christ and to experience the revelation of His Presence; let yourself be flooded by His mysteries and transformed by His Love. Or else, children, let yourselves see Him pass by and do wonders, see how hearts are transformed upon listening to Him and even so they remain blind and deaf to Him.

Choose life, life in Christ, life in Truth, life in the freedom from yourselves. Choose the fading of the dust.

Do not cling to yourselves, to your virtues and skills, to your convictions and knowledge, to your minds and beliefs. Cling to Christ, to His Celestial Truth, to His Presence, to His Life.

This is the meaning of Lent: to prepare and to define oneself in Christ.

You have My blessing for that.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To define oneself, child, is to reaffirm the Will of God for yourself, every day, to walk towards that Will and no longer feed human deviations that, in spite of being small, distance you from God.

To define oneself is to understand your mission and fulfill it: the mission of loving and of preparing for the Return of your Lord to the world; the mission of serving and of being a precursor for a new life, starting by constantly transforming yourself.

To define oneself is to abandon what separates you from God and from His Truth, to leave behind the behavior of the old human being, your own will, your self-affirmation, in order to decidedly tread the path of evolution in Christ.

To define oneself is to no longer feed the doubts and imaginings that cause you to dream a life of illusions, in which your most human desires are fulfilled, and to allow your heart to be faithful to the Divine Plan, even in thought.

To define oneself is to surrender to God, with all that you are, overcoming the fear of being another, different than what you thought of for yourself.

To define oneself is to climb aboard the ship that takes you to the Infinite, to the Heart of the Father and to not look back, in the certainty that your steps open the way for all beings, for all of life.

The definition occurs every day and is reaffirmed in each instant.

For you, child, there is no other definition but being in God and allowing Him to express within you. That is your mission, your path, your plenitude, your commitment. Let all that prevents you from living the Divine Will be dispelled.

It is time to define your heart in God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


This world, in this time, children, is a sea of retrograde stimuli, it is the stage for a spiritual battle of chaos and evil, between the light of the awakening and the darkness of the unconsciousness.

That battle has its roots in the invisible, in a play of forces that stimulate and distract humanity from its true purpose, so that beings never discover who they are or what they came to do in this world. At the same time, the Creator offers you unique spiritual treasures, which give you the impulse to take a leap in evolution and in awakening, if you only make the effort to bring them to  life.

It is a battle between wisdom and ignorance, between love and indifference, between the Temple of God and the illusory temple of the world. And you, in the middle of all this, must experience your definition and take firm steps on the path that you have chosen to follow.

Think about the Purpose of God and seek to love it. Love the path you are called to live and struggle against yourselves to remain on it because this battle, on its more hidden levels, is also fought inside of you. The degenerative stimuli of life on Earth also dwells within beings.

Throughout human evolution, throughout your experiences, your errors, your misconduct, those forces gained their space within beings, and to purify them takes arduous, patient and persevering work.

Above all, children, strengthen your faith, for the one who has faith and trusts in God raises their hands to the Father and receives His assistance. Above all, seek humility, because it defeats all worldly stimuli and leads beings into surrender, which is the doorway for the Creator to be able to act in your lives.

Do not tire of struggling, of walking, of continuing on.

If you sincerely seek a humble heart, you will not so easily get tired, because humility wins the battles through surrender. Humility wins the battle through a meek heart. The one who is humble defeats pride with their simple presence. Thus, children, cultivate this humility within yourselves.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


With the book of your own lives in your hands, write with awareness, each new page, each chapter, each story.

With consciousness, build your own destiny and the destiny of this humanity, not in the sense of controlling your own existence, but rather in the sense of giving God permission, through your behavior, your actions, so that He may guide your steps and His Laws may govern your lives.

To write in the book of your own existence is to know that in all things the Universe respects human free-will, and even though the Lord, your Father, has the authority to transform all things with a single breath, He waits in silence for the definition of the steps of His children.

Thus, today I tell you that you must write in the book of your own life, conscious of each decision, of each definition, action, and thought, because everything that you emanate and manifest opens the way for certain Laws to act in your lives.

Life is creation and vibration. The Universe and the Cosmos move based on living Laws and Rays, which come from the Thought of God, to give life to the Universes and the dimensions.

In this time, be more aware of the Whole, of Life, of your fellow being, and in all that you may do, know that you are attracting a new chapter, a new experience to your stories and to the story of Creation.

It is time to begin to build the new life, and that begins with you being aware that the builders of this Work are you yourselves. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the last rays of the sun begin to withdraw, quiet your heart and fill it with hope. Remember the colors of the day, their brilliance, their warmth, so that the dark night may be a moment of retreat and of inner deepening for you, rather than of fear or hopelessness.

Recognize that within you there will always be the door that takes you to God, and that it does not matter where you may be, it does not matter what happens in this world, communication with God will always be possible for you, because He lives in your heart, His Fount of Life is found by going through the doorway of your chest.

Thus, today simply appreciate the moments of quiet, of silence, of prayer and of upliftment, for in you they will build that bridge to God. It is these moments that will awaken and make the presence of the Celestial Father known within you. So face each opportunity of prayer as if it were the only one, and never fail to be entirely in what you do.

From one moment to the next, the sun will withdraw, and the night will seek from you the fortitude that you built within yourself. It will be three long, dark nights, as if they were eternal. They will be enough to define the hearts of humankind and redirect their paths according to their choices, according to what they built within themselves.

Therefore, pray and appreciate the moments of peace. They will be essential for you and for this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because the world agonizes and needs the potential that God has birthed in you. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and no longer be a child on this path, seeking your benefit and the supply of your needs. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because many definitions in this time depend on you, who listens to the Voice of God. 

Your "no" closes the doors of Grace and does not allow souls to receive a new opportunity, while your "yes" opens the doors of Divine Mercy and, in a time of justice, allows the rescue of those who would not deserve anything. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and overcome yourself every day, not only for the love of this Work, this path and your spiritual mission. 

Overcome yourself and give more of you to the world, which agonizes; for those who are lost; for the outraged and tired Kingdoms, that – at the height of their pain – make their last effort to sustain the planet and allow humanity to live their learning until the end. 

Child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, and stop at once making your little problems so great, your little pains so great,  your little life immutable. 

See the world with the eyes of your heart and your conscience and know that after all you have received, within you is the potential to overcome yourself every day and, more than that, in every moment of your life. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit; believe that this is the last cycle of the planet and reflect on what else you must do for the Plans of God.

Do not stagnate, do not stop, do not get tired. Discover, in your heart, the power of the renewal that God has granted you and that grows in your heart, in soul and in spirit. Grow and be a light to the world; do not take your siblings into the abyss of your stagnation. 

Grow and lift the world into the heart of God. Within you is the resemblance of the Father; let it express itself, manifest itself and absorb you, so that you may be a living truth, part of the Heart of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

Grow up, child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because this planet still needs you.

Your Father and Companion, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The more the clock hands stray from the time and, the hours that used to measure the days no longer pass in the same rhythm, the closer the Truth and The Time of God approach to this world.

The hours of the Earth are revealed as an illusion. The seasons and the days no longer are the same as before, because the Earth is not at the same point; it is in a constant movement of approaching the dimensions of the Universe.

The hearts of humankind fear the chaos and perdition because their souls can glimpse the abysses that open up before meaningless lives.

And those who can feel the anguish within themselves and hear the voice of their souls, are seeking a path on which they can safely walk.

Oh, hearts of the world! The moment of Eternal Time has come, of the dissolution of illusion, of the absolution of sins, of the reparation of the Heart of God, wounded so many times by humankind!

The last doors for the awakening are opening. Send your “yes” to the Universe and let prejudice, fear, or the inability to seek Good give way to a new cycle in your lives.

Be encouraged by the example of those who say “yes” and allow yourselves to be broken within, so that you may be rebuilt by the Hands of God.

To those who have set foot on a path to Higher Life, I tell you: do not allow yourselves to waver.

Be upright, firm with yourselves, and true. Be meek and simple and let the joy that is born in your hearts when finding God be seen, beyond human miseries, because this joy and this example will encourage the souls that are undecided between the Light and the chaos of this time.

Be instruments of assistance for human resolution, and that is not done other than through serving, loving, and allowing yourselves to be corrected, transformed, purified, redeemed, and elevated to God.

Children of a New Humankind, place yourselves in the arms of God, in His new and last Ship. And even in troubled waters, full of the fury inherent to this spiritual battle, stand firm in the faith, do not allow yourselves to be thrown into the sea of the illusions of the world.

Gather Fortitude from My Words. Listen to the echo of the Voice of God in His Messengers and move forward!

Row! And never stop rowing! Lift the white sails of the triumph of Peace and save those who have lost themselves in these waters of illusion. You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend, who will always row with you and in silence will help you to keep, on high, the sails of this new and last Ship of Salvation and Redemption of human life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



If you feel lost from yourself, do not go searching for yourself. Do not want to find that which God took away from you. Seek in God the truth, that which is new, the rebirth of your human matter on all levels.

The impulses of a new time are coming into your life, you already know that those impulses lead you to an absolute definition and not a partial one.

In this time, in this cycle, it is the moment to take more concrete steps that consolidate transformation in the consciousness.

But not only through My words must this information reach you. The certainty that you must be different, now and not later, should spring from within you. The necessity to transform your consciousness must come from yourself.

In the depths of each human being, they already know what steps are to be taken because the truth is hidden in the inner world of each one of you. What happens is that the layers that cover the inner world fall off as the consciousness receives real impulses of transformation and the Universe knows that, when finding the truth, the consciousness will experience it.

The truth gradually reveals itself to the inner eyes of each being; as the being matures and grows enough to experience it, it starts being revealed.

It is each one's growth that dictates the level of awakening and of transformation. These proportions are part of the Universal Laws that govern life beyond this world, that govern evolution and essences, that transcend human comprehension or adherence.

Child, do not wait for your being to have enough inner strength for you to take the steps that you must take, because it is when you walk that Grace makes the strength that you need descend upon you, according to the path that you will tread.

Child, the fact that this path is visible on the horizon must symbolize to you that the time has come to walk upon it and that you have the necessary potential to move forward.

Everything is Law of Correspondence: walk and the paths will soon be opened to you. Seek and you will find. Accept the truth and you will know it. Throw yourself into the unknown of the Plans of God and when everything is fulfilled, you will understand them.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


O soul who aspires to be consecrated more and more to the Celestial Plans, allow yourself to be carried away by impulses rather than by impulsiveness!

Recognize the difference between the powerful currents that come from the cosmos and invite you to take a concrete and precise step, and the unbridled currents of the mind and the emotions, that will carry you into seeking a path that is not for your feet. Meditate with the heart and do not reflect on this.

I do not pronounce these words to confuse you in your decisions, because in truth, you are now mature enough to perceive the difference between impulse and impulsiveness. I simply tell you this so that you be attentive and never lose your readiness to move forward, but that your impetus to walk will lead you to the right goal that God has thought of for you.

This is no longer the time to launch yourself into uncertain paths by not meditating and not feeling the direction to go in. Ask yourself before taking your steps and do not respond with the mind what it is for the heart to decide.

Persevere in the goal that God has for you and do not resist following His Will. If you rejoice in the Will of God, your life may be full of inner joy. And even though you may experience some difficulty, nothing will take away from you the joy of living that which was intended for you.

The One who alerts you to take precise steps in these times of definition.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Find the inner strength in permanent renewal before the Plan of God.

Beloved children,

In these times, the pressure of the planet will lead you to a definition of consciousness and there will  no longer be two paths on which to go.  Light and darkness will struggle before your consciousnesses to triumph in the human heart. Those who have committed themselves to the experience of peace, of love and of unity with God must seek in the Creator their permanent fortitude.

Place your own being into the Arms of the Lord and entrust the guidance of your lives to Him. There is no space for your personal will in these times. You must listen to the inner indications to be in the correct place and collaborate with the Plan of God.

Children, the Creator will shortly silence the echo of His Voice, but prayerful hearts that have built a path of unity with God will be able to feel His Will and hear It through their consciousness.

The tests that many are experiencing in these times and the challenges they are experiencing are part of a higher will that propels you into a more immediate and true transformation. Do not think that God has abandoned you or you are off His path because you are going through tests, often painful for the heart and the consciousness.

If your paths do not take you to the destination you expected, ask yourselves, children, if this is the right path and if the obstacles you encounter have been placed there by the Creator Himself so that you wake up and realize that you should not walk there.

The Lord is trying to correct the steps of His disciples and companions while there is still time to reverse the errors and return, because the time is now coming, children, when the errors will no longer be reversible as they are today, and you will not have Mercy available as the source you have now. It will be Justice that will guide humanity, and it will be other laws that will guide your lessons. For this reason, today I warn you: be attentive to the signs in your own life; meditate before taking your steps and ask yourselves inwardly what the Will of God is. Ask Him for the grace of being in the correct place and collaborate with His Plan. Ask for the grace of being guided to a definition that will lead you to Higher Will.

This coming August will seek to find you firm and mature in your spiritual life. This means that you must take on the consequences of your steps and decisions and that you can no longer count so much on the permanent intervention of the Hierarchy.

Our love and Our gaze will always be upon you; but many times, children, we can only observe you.

I tell you all this as an impulse for the growth of all. May those who still have their feet in two boats define themselves and not allow themselves to fall into the sea of illusions and ignorance of the world.

I love you and I leave you My blessing. I propel you into the new cycle that is coming.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To the youth of the planet,

Children, this is the beginning of a new cycle for the planetary consciousness. Next August will mark the time of even deeper definitions for souls, and the Youth Festival for Peace comes to open the doors of this cycle for all young people of the Earth.

You must be aware that your mission does not start or finish in this Festival, because it is the beginning of a path which will be endless, profound and painful for many, a path of transformation, of definition, a path to discover the truth about yourselves and lose the fear of expressing it.

I tell you that it will be a painful path because the current youth is very involved with superficialities, in a poorly profound life from a spiritual point of view. It is a youth educated to think only in themselves, in their own advantage, in their own pleasure. It is a youth built in an era of permanent involutive stimuli, a youth that represents the last cycles of the old humankind and that is completely impregnated by the patterns left by all the previous generations.

This is the youth that must live the transition of the planet and bear the currents that will descend to reform the Earth and to attract a new life. This youth will have to say "no" to all the patterns they carry in their consciousness - as a compiled set of human experiences of all eras of humanity – in order to be nothing and be reborn in life as children of God.

Thus, children, see that the Youth Festival for Peace is only a door that opens in the consciousness of the youth and that very timidly shows you the rising of a new Sun in the horizon.

Being the beginning of a new spiritual cycle, although it may not seem to be so, the Youth Festival for Peace will place your consciousnesses before an inner synthesis, perhaps even sooner than the Festival happens.

That will be so because those who first say "yes" are the spearhead that breaks the old barriers and opens the consciousness for the new. These must be the example for those who will come afterwards, and to be so they will be forged in the invisible of the spirit.

May the young people awake for a new time and a new life. May they prepare their spirits to sustain the planet with peace and inner harmony, and may they be the sowers of the future, preparing life of those who will be the youth of the new Earth.

I leave to you this impulse that expands your consciousness and elevates you so that you may start to be aware of the life of spirit and do not remain so tied to appearances and to matter. The current youth is already a prisoner of appearances and many young people do not know who they are because they only know what they want to appear to be. As an impulse for all the human consciousness, be true and transparent, and do not be afraid of loving and being as you are.

Recognize that there is a great spiritual mystery behind each request of the Divinity because – when you work for God - everything has a Higher Purpose.

I leave you My Best Wishes for a good awakening for all.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Will of God is expressed to the Universe, all stars and all evolutive consciousnesses are united to this Divine Purpose. It is the Laws of Obedience and Unity, which reign among the confederate worlds, which allow the dissolution of all obstacles that are created against this Superior Will.

In order for the Will of God to manifest on Earth as It is in the Universe, those consciousnesses who respond to the Plan and love it above all things, including more than themselves, must unite to that Purpose, under the spirit of love and of fraternity. This is because the triumph of God is a Law. However, the creatures that inhabit this world, as well as all others, need to adhere to this Divine Purpose and show their adherence, not only with their verb, but also with their actions and their conscious effort to live their own transformation.

A new cycle precipitates upon the world: that is the Will of God that will manifest. The Lord has already given the ultimatum on the Plan of the Earth and asks for clear definitions of the spirits incarnated in it.

Internally, beings recognize the need of an imminent and complete change; however, recognizing this need is not enough, because concrete manifestations of evolving spirits are needed, examples that can serve as a guide for those who will awaken at the last second, before they completely lose their evolution.

The cycle that will begin in this month of December aims to give a last great impulse to the incarnated consciousnesses, to the souls lost in the planetary abysses, as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Creator will make descend His Solar Power as a sign, which He will give to the consciousnesses of all the creatures of the planet, that He is delivering the best in the universe as ruler and guide for all, so that you also be impelled to surrender everything.

This universal movement will generate resistances in its concretion inside and outside beings, but if a few affirm their commitment and adherence to the fulfillment of the Plan and of their immediate self-purification, so that It can be a reality, that will be the permission that the Creator needs to act fully in the whole planetary consciousness.

Now, more than ever, you will need to develop the spirit of Faith and put into practice fraternity and unity among beings, something you have been learning lately.

Darkness will resist, but from persistence love will be born, the beginning of the Creator’s triumph in the human heart.

Rather than counting on your own inner strengths, strengthen yourselves to unity among the spirits congregated to fulfill this mission. Remember what I tell you, because unity is paramount throughout the universe in order to fulfill a Purpose from God. Where there is unity, there will be the Divine Spirit.

I leave you My Peace and My paternal blessing for the times that have come into the world.

Your actions of today, of now, will dictate the next second steps of your lives. It is time to awaken to the present and write with the heart your own history, the history of humanity and, consequently, the history of this universe.

Your Companion and Instructor of always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions in Christ,

The end of a cycle is drawing close, and another begins, marked by the need for even deeper and more real definitions.

In this year that is now ending, you were able to perceive that in many parts of the world, darkness gripped human hearts. However, those who remain united to the Purpose of God will see growing within them the certainty of adhering to the Plan and the imperative need for continuing to go deeper in their surrender, in their true understanding of all that God is teaching them through His Messengers.

This new cycle will dictate the moment for the concretization of all that was once only held as an intention within the minds of servers. All that which, throughout the course of cycles lived, grew as a sincere and real spiritual aspiration within each server of the Plan, and gradually led them into consolidating their inner definition, as well as building the foundations of their inner fortitude, must now be converted into human behavior, in life expressions and in communion with the life that exists within all Kingdoms of Nature.

What was growing as an aspiration must take on such strength within the hearts of servers, to the point of them living their aspirations and no longer destroying everything they believe to be real, whether that be within their attitudes or in their ways of life that did not have enough inner strength to not live it.

With the impulses that will descend upon the human consciousness, as from December 8 of this year, everything that exists in the consciousness of each being as an aspiration, intention and will, and that has been in need of a stimulus in order to manifest, will grow at such a rate that beings will no longer be able to bear experiencing the things that go against what they believe.

At this moment, you must hold on tight to the inner light that dwells within your essences, to bear the sudden changes that will be forced to manifest through personal need.

The same will happen with the consciousnesses that today are gripped by strong aspects, dark and contrary to the Greater Will. They will give themselves without limits to mundane desires and aspirations, and they will lose all forms of conduct or ethics that held them in a certain balance within human society.

For this reason, We so often ask that you study, within yourselves, your deepest aspirations, for they will then be given an impulse to grow in such a way that the mind will have no recourse other than to yield to them. Also, for this reason, we warn you that purification is necessary so that the impulses that will come will fertilize the correct seeds within the consciousnesses.

I love you and I invite you to a deepening and to inner growth.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In order to understand the planetary reality, it is necessary that the soul, the spirit and the material bodies be willing to transform because the untruthful understanding of the reality of the world in which you live is something made up from the mind and sometimes even of the soul that does not want to abandon superfluous and superficial things.

Dear companions and servants of Christ,

The impossibility that many feel towards responding to the urgency of the times with real consciousness of the situation of humanity is caused by the non-adherence of certain aspects of the being to the Divine Purpose.

You must meditate from the heart on what I tell you and seek those spaces of consciousness that still aspire to live their own will and insist on responding to the material life stimuli, for the pleasure and for the convenience that it brings to the bodies.

Seek a path of true holiness, follow the examples already left for the world by those that today guide you in the inner levels of the planet.

I ask you to reflect a little deeper about yourselves and to move towards a definition for all aspects of your consciousnesses.

Find those obscure spaces of your own being that still need to be illuminated by the spirit and, without fear, anguish or preoccupations about what you will find, only move with maturity towards transformation.

You already know what you must stop doing.  If you are in doubt in relation to the steps that you must start to take, do not take those that you know that will lead you to other paths, that are not of God.

Dear ones, know that the Creator counts on very few.  With maturity, assume the responsibility of being a part of those few ones that have the possibility of responding to God and surrender yourselves, without delay, to His Divine Will that is perfect to each one of you.

With few words, I tell you what you need to listen.

May My instructions become alive by means of your hearts, your souls and your spirits.

I leave you My paternal blessing.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children of the Most High God, the agony of the world has not finished and the Heart of Christ keeps being scourged every day by the unjust actions of humanity.

Open the eyes and see around you that the Apocalypse comes to pass in the world.  Transform your lives, live of the balm of praying and give to drink from this water of life, which is the union with God to the thirsty and helpless souls.

May humanity listen to the definitive call of the Messenger of God!  May all of those that consider themselves awake and conscious walk with large steps in their transformation.

No longer waste time with the stinginess of life!  Reconcile yourselves with those who do not allow you to live in the spirit of peace.   Love your enemies and may these ones no longer exist among siblings of the same race, united by a single divine purpose.

Realize that you are passing through the last times of the planet and that it is not time to think about yourselves, to concretize plans and personal aspirations.

What value will have to you to build a project of a material life, if those who do not sustain the fortitude of the spirit will disappear in the midst of the storm of chaos and of evil?

Dear companions, I speak to you in clear words, because whole nations are losing themselves by the progress of darkness.  Where are the soldiers of God? What have those who committed themselves with Christ been doing?

It is no longer time for emotions and half-surrenders.  Pray with the heart, with the spirit and live as true disciples of Christ.  Demonstrate to the world that there is an only way out of this tribulation that the planet lives, and this way out is the Infinite Heart of God.

You have been brought over here, to this world, in order to live love and forgiveness; so, live them.

My Heart of Father warns you, because, in Heaven, the Creator awaits the answer from the human beings, in order to provide new indications about  the course of His Plans.

Do not allow that the most precious treasure of the universe to be lost. You are still in time to convert the mistakes of your lives, but be quick and ready to answer to the call of the Messengers of God.

The world needs prayer, conversion and faith.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the leading of souls for times of definition and surrender

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
