In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I have come from Heaven to be with you and, through you, to be with all My children of the world, those who cry out for justice, those who weep through their prayers, those who are sick and suffer in the innermost depths of their hearts.

But My children, this is the great time of purification. Do not see it as a punishment, do not see it as a condemnation, because the Son of God Himself was purified in the Temple. And the Mother of God and Saint Joseph were also purified.

The human matter must be sublimated, the human condition must be transcended, and each one of My children on this planet has their school, the best learning experience they need so that, at the end of their days, they may surrender their soul to God and merge with the Cosmic Source of Life.

Thus, My children, nothing is out of place at this moment. What is out of the Law in this time are the horrors that the world and humanity commit, the imbalance of the Universal Laws on this planet, the impunity that surfaces as something common and subdues millions of souls in the world.

But today, My children, I come to bear witness, before God, of how many wonders My Son has made in your lives, the small transformations He has achieved through the surrender of each one of you to God.

Therefore, do not see life as suffering or as a lament. Hold on to the Heart of My Son, and renew yourselves in Him.

And when the falls on your paths are so continuous and permanent, My beloved children, do not despair. In the deepest intimacy of your hearts the decision is already made and My enemy cannot make you tremble nor can he terrify you.

As much as the difficulties in this world are very great, and souls really need a lot of spiritual guidance, I invite you, My children, just as My Son called you, I invite you to affirm your faith in hope, in the Sacred Flame of the Divine Purpose, which now blazes before your souls and consciousnesses, a Purpose that your spirits already know, and which cannot be erased overnight, regardless of the great pain that you have undergone in these times.

On this special day for the Mother of God and for each one of you, I have brought something very special from Galileum: the Holy Shroud of the Lord, which is today in My Arms to envelope your souls and hearts, to envelope your bodies and consciousnesses and thus transfigure you.

Do you believe in the power of the Holy Shroud of the Lord, the Shroud which witnessed each drop of the Blood of Christ?

Today I have taken this Sacred Relic from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, through this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, I may purify your bodies, wipe each tear and each weeping from your faces and so that you may feel renewed and healed by the Hands of the Mother of God.

Continue praying and asking for the Grace of being consistent.

In that which is smallest and most invisible is where the Work of God can be carried out, because God does not show Himself with His Power to the world, God reflects Himself with His Power, with the Power of His Love, through the hearts that transform and redeem themselves day by day.

Thus, I offer this Holy Spiritual Shroud to you, so that it may serve as a Mantle of purification and healing for each one of My children, so that their physical and spiritual pains may be relieved, and thus on this day the soul of the planet may also be relieved of its suffering, the suffering that is caused by humanity.

But see, through this example of the Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, how great is the Mercy of the Father, how immense is the Love of My Son for this Project of the surface of the Earth.

And on this special day, when we reaffirm, between you and Me, the commitment to fulfill the Eternal Will of God in all the times to come, My Son has asked Me to offer to you this Holy Spiritual Shroud so that on this August 8 the Cosmic Laws may descend to Earth, the uncertain doors may close once again, souls may be liberated of their own abysses and hells and all may be healed by the power of the Love of Jesus, just as you, My beloved children.

As much as your Heavenly Mother has ascended to the Heavens and is today the Spiritual Governess of all worlds, and carries in Her Hand the Scepter of the Will of God and of the Sacred Feminine Power at the end of times, I continue to be the Faithful Slave of the Lord, just as the Slave of God humiliated Herself and resigned Herself before the Cross for the salvation of the world, so that My Son, despite His agony and His pain on the Cross, might grant you the Grace of His being with you at this end time, a permission that was granted by the Eternal Father Himself.

Thus, dear children, I want you to glimpse and contemplate, regardless of the difficulty and of the human condition, the treasures that your hearts have received throughout these sixteen years, and each moment of sincere prayer that you have shared with Me in these years, even without many of you knowing how to follow My steps.

But rejoice and be reborn in Christ. He comes to liberate you from sin and error, through the Heart of the Mother of the World. He comes to grant you His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

I am here for the cause of the consistent and the brave, for those who do not fear purification, for those who take the risk of living the Plan of My Son regardless of the consequences.

Today, I come clothed with the Mantle of the whole universe, of all stars and all suns.

Today this is the Universal Mantle of the Mother of God, which extends Itself throughout the world. And the Light of this Sacred Mantle of the Mother of God, just as the Light of the palms of Her Hands, reaches the deepest corners of the hells of the planet, to raise the stars that are still fallen.

No longer think that this Armageddon is a new rebellion. This is the time of synthesis and of the great step, when the great spiritual battle against My enemy is carried out.

But do not forget that you are under My Mantle when you do not dare to leave it, when your paths are paths of prayer from the heart, when your acts are acts of charity and mercy for your neighbor, when every day you do not forget that life is eternal service.

Today, the center of My Crown is the Light of the New Aurora, like the aurora that radiates in the Northern part of this planet.

I am the Light of Aurora, which announces to the world the new time and the advent of My Son, the Redeemer, the arrival of His Presence.

Continue to be part of My Rosary of Light, continue to be this precious pearl that is purified and polished through the pious Hands of My Son, the Christ.

I just ask you one thing, My beloveds, that you never again close your hearts. May your hearts be a door open to self-giving and joy, to the bliss of living an encounter with Christ and eternal communion with the Father.

While I am here with you and for you, as the Cosmic Mother of the universe, many situations in the world are deterred.

And on this August 8, when Heaven descends to Earth and the Earth ascends to the Heavens through the hearts that open to the call of the Mother of God, it has been granted to Me that no soul should become lost at this moment, and that the unprotected, the innocent and the orphans may be safeguarded by the angels of the Mother of God at this moment, with the help of all their guardian angels.

My end with you also draws near, but do not lose heart. I will say to you the same as I said to the visionary Lucia of Fatima: “My Grace will be your strength, My Light will be your path and at the end of your days you will find My Great Star, that incandescent and perpetual Star that shines in the Eternal Sky of God to welcome and receive you.”

This is the same that I tell each one of you today, because the time has also come for you not only to listen to My Message, but also to be My living Message in this world. In this way, My Word will be fulfilled.

So that this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus may expand in the world, embrace the impossible causes, protect all souls, especially the souls of the most unprotected children and young people of these times, My Son has asked Me that, as a preparation for this new stage, for this new year of the Brotherhood, we may close this inner meeting through the Holy Communion.

This is why it will be a moment for each one of My children to make their offering to the Universe, as the Sidereal Universe at this moment is open and attentive to the voice of all supplications.

This is an extraordinary moment, granted by the Eternal Father to all the hearts that listen to the Mother of God, all those who at this moment embrace the Mother of God, who at this moment love the Mother of God. A moment granted by the Eternal Father in these sixteen years of tireless work with the Divine Messengers.

Let us prepare for the moment of Communion. I am waiting for you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to a world in chaos and suffering, a world committed to the forces of evil, submerged in desperation, without finding the way out.

I come to a world in despair, with a lack of faith and fortitude.

I contemplate My children in suffering and in deep sorrow. I bring from Heaven all you need to be able to achieve redemption and live in Peace.

For this, you must surrender to the Plan of God, place yourselves at His feet to someday live in His promised Land, to live in the New World, the New Humanity.

I am in prayer for all the situations you face and experience, for the world disease you are going through, the effect of a great disharmony with the universe and the Law, generated by the life of illusion and indifference.

You must learn to leave suffering. You must learn to find the path towards the Light. You must return to the Heart of the Eternal Father, which is the Source of all life, regeneration and healing.

But you have to surrender and you also have to offer yourselves for what God wants to accomplish in each one of your lives, for what God wants to build in each of your hearts.

He patiently waits that one day you will say yes and that you will cross the portal into His Kingdom so that you will acknowledge and know about the reality that you have never seen and never known.

This is the most difficult time of all, of all the times that have already passed through this planet and this humanity. But this time is this way because humanity generates it.

Prophecies are fulfilled because humanity attracts them, concretizes them through its actions, through its thoughts and feelings.

The prophecies may not come true or be concretized, but they exist, not as a punishment, but as a warning, as an opportunity to be in time to correct the confusing paths of My children, of all beings on Earth.

The prophecy has no religion, it is part of the Sacred Word, of the Divine Word, of spiritual instruction, of the Message from the Heavens. Therefore, you should know that the prophecy might not be fulfilled if your behavior and actions become different.

If you were attuned and in union with the universe, you would transcend your material and human conditions, you would be led towards the truth and you could understand much more than what you know or think you understand at this time.

If each one of My children, on the surface of this planet, did the same, the prophecies would not be necessary.

But the prophecies are announcements that not only warn humanity but call it to be more attentive and vigilant so as not to lose the path and the universal opportunity that it is being given.

Humanity went through a year of great difficulties, uncertainties and problems, and is still experiencing it with full consciousness.

But your inner worlds can be in another attunement and at the same time in another dimension, they can be united to reality and to the Supreme Truth, and thus you will have inner tools to get through these difficult times.

Humanity has disconnected from the Source, this is why it lives suffering, this is why it lives adversity.

These are times when that divine and true connection, through prayer, is fundamental.

You cannot close the Source that gives you the Water of Life to quench your thirst in this great planetary desert. You must place yourselves, even more, you must be even more available so that this Source penetrates the depths of your consciousness and renews it.

But I know that even in what is spiritual, My children, in general, you are confused, you are disoriented, you are withdrawn from the Path that My Son, the Christ, offers for your redemption.

The signs that the Hierarchy gives are visible, unalterable and unmistakable.

What a human being can offer today on the surface of the Earth is their own condition, their own inner situation, their purification.

Therefore, you must bear in mind that not everything is from the Light. The Light is a direct source, it penetrates the depths of the being and leads it towards change, never towards convenience or towards that which is static, never towards that which is inert nor towards that which is indifferent.

The Divine Light that is unique can heal you in all senses and on all planes.

It is to that Divine Source that humanity must surrender at this time because, otherwise, healing will not come.

Humanity must make amends for its mistakes, it must rebuild what it has destroyed with its actions, not only in humanity itself, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature, in all of Creation.

I pray all the time that you can achieve this, My children, because I know that you can do it, and this is the strongest thing for the Hierarchy, because you can do so, and there are many of My children who do not do so, who do not determine it that way, who do not take the final and great step.

My Son expects that this inner construction be established in the majority of human beings, regardless of religion, but that it be a true inner construction that leads you to reflect the Supreme Source within your lives.

Thus, My Son will have His pillars upon the surface of the Earth in order to carry forward His great operation, in order to free the planet and humanity of their adverse and retrograde conditions, in order to establish the Kingdom of God in a very complex and sought after Universal Project.

But remember that you are part of a universe, of a universal life, which is not seen with physical eyes, but it is felt with the soul, with the heart, which can vibrate in the inner world of each being. From this universal life, help has always come for all races that have passed through this planet, as well as for other humanities throughout this universe.

These currents of the universe that can help humanity, and that always come to assist all life, are immutable currents. It is in them, My children, that you must place your aspiration so that your consciousnesses are more and more elevated, so that you learn not to be subjected by chaos and darkness, so that you make the Plan of Christ triumph through your lives, through your redemption.

Meanwhile, the spiritual universe mobilizes, collaborates and helps in situations unknown to humanity, with the purpose of alleviating the world and terrestrial consciousness, with the purpose of opening the doors to the cosmos so that many more may awaken and see reality, just as they knew it in other times; with the purpose that the veils of consciousness are removed so that you can remember and thus know that you are here for a Greater Will.

On this day, when the Birth of Christ is remembered and prepared for, may the families of the world be the center of prayer so that the cell of the Project of God, the most important cell, be cared for and protected from the chaos of the world.

Today the families of the world live their great banishments, exiles and crises in all forms. For if My adversary destroys them, the Project of God in the family will disappear.

But I am here, and I am your Mother, the Mother of families, the Mother of humanity, the Governess of the essences of the world.

Children, do your part, and help will come. It will not be necessary to go through suffering anymore, but necessary to find the calm of having entered into communion with Peace.

Let us pray that the angelic help rescues the world at this moment and leads humanity towards healing and peace; so that Christ, in this year, may be born in humble and simple hearts, in those who trust in His Return.

Divine Hierarchy, of Angels and Archangels,
we open the door to you, let the Light in.
In the name of humanity, we now invoke 
Your cosmic intervention. 
(repeated three times)

May the knots of consciousness be untied. Let the ties be removed from the feet of those who walk. May the pilgrims be converted into doves of light to reach the Source and merge with it in order to carry out the Plan.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
