Since His crucifixion, and for eternity, from the Heart of Christ emerge Blood and Water, dripping little by little over the world and over Creation. For as long as you pray to His Divine Mercy, for as long as you live under that Law, being merciful, those drops of Blood and Water will touch souls, cleansing their eyes so that they may see a new path, and cleansing their hearts so that they may be worthy of walking upon it.
In these times, children, you need to learn to contemplate and love the signs of your salvation, as are the Blood and Water that emerge from the Heart of Christ.
To remain with your hearts in balance, growing in the spiritual life, with true foundations, it is not enough to live by your own efforts and knowledge or from all the Grace received; you also need to experience the yielding and the love that the contemplation of the sacrifice of Christ leads you into experiencing.
There is a unique power in the Blood of Christ: the power to restore, heal and redeem that which is impossible. The Blood of Christ is the foundation for all redemption, it is the meaning of spirituality in this world, it is the secret to holiness, the doorway toward yielding, the revelation of the deepest mysteries of Love for all Creation. And to enter into this mystery, it is enough that you sincerely cry out for Mercy, that you spiritually contemplate the Cross of Christ, always elevated to the inner levels of the human consciousness, and reliving His Passion repeatedly, to again find the meaning of your lives.
Contemplating the Blood of Christ, you will find the Gifts of His Spirit, the unity of a Triune God, Who surrenders out of love in each instant; you will relive the humility of knowing yourselves to be small in front of such an immense love, and at the same time, the Grace of knowing yourselves to be called to imitate that love.
Pray for Mercy and live the bases of all true spirituality. Within the Blood of Christ lies the foundation for all religious life. Pray for one another, contemplating the Blood of Christ and, above all, yield at the foot of His Cross and you will understand what I tell you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-second Poem
Lady of Calvary,
alleviate the weight of our cross,
help us to live Your Son’s Mystery of Love.
Lady of Calvary,
may we contemplate and live the Agony of Jesus
as a moment to strengthen our faith
and trust in the Eternal Father.
May we contemplate the Flagellation of Jesus
as the deepest testimony
of His redeeming Love for each one of us.
May we contemplate the Crowning of Jesus
as the triumph of Divine Wisdom
over our ignorance,
as the moment in which our consciousnesses
expand through the knowledge of Love received.
May we contemplate the Path of Calvary
as the opportunity for us to live our cross
and make of our lives a victorious cross,
wining through love
and through the transformation of the human heart.
May we contemplate the Crucifixion of Christ
as the coming time of liberation
from our spiritual slavery,
a liberation given by Jesus
in the last moments upon the wood of the Cross,
a liberation granted through the work of Divine Mercy.
Lady of Calvary,
may we learn to imitate Your Son
on the path of unconditional service.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
God came down from Heaven and became a man among humankind to be crucified, humiliated and abused by those who received His miracles and blessings.
God poured out every drop of His Blood, through His Son, and that very Blood redeemed and is redeeming, up until today, all those who invoke It so as to be purified.
God poured out His Water, through His Son, so that humanity could be newly blessed by the Consoling Holy Spirit, and then His Spirit descended at Pentecost.
Only so great, patient, humble and merciful a Love could have done what was done and, in this time, it is done again, because God loves His children through Christ.
Thus, in these days, the Crucified One again endures and suffers, this time through the sacrifice of His Spirit for humanity, so that souls may again find the path of return to the Celestial Father.
And by means of this path that Christ offers, by means of the Sacraments, let hearts reconsider and see that without fraternity or solidarity it will be impossible to continue onward with this beloved Project of Creation that is the human race.
The awareness and the faith of those who believe in Christ will allow them to live this change, and the doors of Grace will be held open so that what is written and foreseen can occur.
Thus, children, let the Passion of Christ make you understand the passion that the planet is living today and, in this way, the majority may manage to bring about the relief that the whole planet cries out for.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Through His Wounds, you were healed.
Through His martyrdom, you were liberated.
Through His pains, you were redeemed.
Through His agony, you were reconciled.
Through His three falls, you were converted.
Through His loneliness, you were unified.
Through His silence, you were absolved.
And through His Crucifixion, you found peace again.
On the eve of this Sacred Week, may your hearts ignite with love and devotion for Jesus, so that the merits of His Passion and Death may be the bridge toward the conversion of sinners.
Through your union with Christ, children, may the legacy of His Passion be valued. May each act of the life of My Son be contemplated as the opportunity of reconciling with life and with God.
In the face of all events that humanity goes through, and taking into account the time of perdition that souls experience today, by the merits attained by Christ, may the souls on the Earth receive the grace of reconsideration and conversion for their paths so that they may meet the Love of God.
Children, now that you will have the spiritual grace of reliving the Passion of My Son, may your lives testify the triumph of the Love of Christ in your hearts. And may this testimony help you in the elevation of consciousness and in the reparation of all that happened.
Dear children, during the next Sacred Week, may you again go through the mystery of what the surrender of the Love of My Son meant for the world. And may this mystery, filled with profound compassion, help the world to live its purification as a preparatory path to receive the Redeemer for the second time.
Make each moment of the Passion of Christ a part of yourselves, and may this reflect within your daily lives, in the sharing with brothers and sisters, in the Works of charity and of peace; thus you will be able to be witnesses of the Love of the Lord and carry it wherever you go.
I encourage you, My children, to have the Divine Passion of My Son transform you into His Instruments of Peace in these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Thirty-three are the principal constellations of this Universe that carry forward evolutionary life, places from which many come and that have come for a special reason to the Earth, to be a part of this school of redemption and of forgiveness that My Son has been offering to you from the beginning.
Nobody will be able to enter the Kingdom of God without having first gone through this school.
It is necessary that the Universe becomes recreated again, based on feelings of peace, of love and of charity, based on experiences of redemption and of forgiveness; experiences of a feeling capable of going beyond everything, just as My Son did up to the last moment on the top of the Cross.
But in that time He gathered together all those who were needing redemption and forgiveness; not only those present during the event of the Passion of My Son received this great universal opportunity, but also all the constellations that are a part of this system of life, of which the Earth has also been a part for a long time.
But for this humanity to reach a new state of consciousness, it will be necessary to live the school of redemption and of forgiveness, placing at the feet of the Creator all the events, all the experiences and all the facts that have altered His Divine Plan of Love.
For this reason, My children, today I say to all creatures of the Earth that we are now in the time of living that redemption to be able to definitely transcend the suffering and the after-effects that pain leaves within the lives of human beings.
It is no longer necessary to learn from mistakes; it is necessary to learn from love, from an unconditional and living love that is capable of giving one's life for another, just as My Son gave it for each one of you.
In that time, when Jesus was on Earth and lived His Passion, the door to the great opportunity for humanity opened, and that door is still open in spite of the currrent errors. It is the door that We cross each time We come from the Universe to the Earth to announce the Word of God, to give the graces to My children, and to give new opportunities to all those who have disregarded them, for some reason.
All, absolutely all are before that door of redemption. This goes beyond religion, society, peoples or nations. It goes beyond all the errors that you have committed in the Universe, because this door is open for the Love of God, for the Love He has for each one of His children, in spite of the disregard that He receives in this time.
This too is the work of the divine and unfathomable Mercy, so that all the creatures that came from the Universe, and that are present today in this humanity, do not miss the opportunity of redeeming themselves and of unconditionally loving as Jesus loved them.
In the face of the revelation of these times, it is important to be aware of what we are experiencing, My children, because this opportunity that you receive today can also be received by your brothers and sisters throughout the entire world, seeking in a precise and objective way that souls may be able to awaken to what they came to realize on Earth, and can make the Divine Plan of our beloved Creator Father a part of themselves.
The Universe does not only revolve around this world. The Universe is something more than the Universe itself. It is broader than it seems, more vast than what it has, more infinite than what it possesses.
The Universe is yet to show itself to humanity. Only in recent times has the Universe showed itself through the spiritual Hierarchy in order to seek the awakening of humanity, to deliver warning of the deviation from the Purpose of God, from going down the path of self-destruction.
That is why divine intervention occurs time and again, just like the intervention of the spiritual Hierarchy in different regions of the planet, with different cultures and with different impulses of light that come from the Source of Creation, to bring awareness to humans of the surface.
It is thus, that today the whole world, on this March 13, 2019, is before the presence of its origin, with the opportunity of spiritually reconsidering and of amending all events, even though they may be unknown and far away.
Today the first veils of consciousness fall from your faces so that you can see the reality that must be redeemed and forgiven, because that reality will no longer be in the New Earth, will not be in the feeling or in the consciousness of the New Humanity. Everything, absolutely everything, will be transformed, especially during this time of transition and of chaos.
The expansion and the deepening of love in the consciousness of the human being will be the great key of the end of these times that will be able to remedy the chaos that exists in the nations, bring peace where it no longer exists, and fraternity where it is not present today.
That key of love that is in your hands and especially in your hearts will be the door that Christ will use to return to the Earth.
It will not be an allegory; it will be a living reality that will come overnight.
This is why it is the time for the whole world to solve its debts, forgive its conflicts and transcend the mistakes through the help of divine intervention that the Universe gives you on this day.
Each new consecration of a Children of Mary is the opportunity to expand that divine knowledge and approach this revelation to the human consciousness, of what exists in the Universe, as well as what exists within the inner universe of each being.
This is the time in which knowledge can be deepened, when souls can become more aware of everything they have done in order to amend it and forgive it, to finally be able to live the purpose that brought them here.
That is why today the consecration of Children of Mary will be special for Me, because it goes beyond your personality, it goes beyond your spirits, it comes very close to the Divine Purpose, to the main and primary reason that this consecration will generate within humanity and not only in a group of people.
With this expansion of consciousness I call you here today so that you may be consecrated, because you will be making vows not only with your inner worlds, with the purpose that brought you here, but also you will be making a vow with humanity, knowing that humanity must finally learn to live the Will of God, that it will no longer be necessary to go through so many mistakes and so much suffering in order to be able to learn something.
Today it is the school of Love that I am offering to the Children of Mary, especially to those who are being consecrated today and placing the offering of their heart and of their life here at My feet to someday reach the Will of God.
Let the spiritual flame of your hearts be lit today so that wisdom may be present on the Earth, beyond the events or the tests, so that the Wisdom of God, like a living flame, will always carry you to the Love of God and to the experience of forgiveness, which must be lived in this time with deep sincerity and truth.
Listening to the hymn of your consecration, today we again renew the vows before the Celestial Father on the path of persistence and of faith, of constancy, of charity and of good above all evil and of every test, of every difficulty or every illness, fully trusting in the Presence of Divine Grace, in the Universe of the Mercy of God, that on this night assembles you in the Presence of the Divine Spirit to consecrate you and bless you in the name of Love
.May these flowers, which were placed at My feet today, not only be received by those who will be consecrating themselves today, but also by all those who are here, who accompanied Me here to Aurora, to support your Heavenly Mother in this impulse of the new revelation that the Universe of God is giving you so that forgiveness and redemption may be lived.
May these flowers you left at My feet today remind you of the return to your origins, to your inner essence, to your original purity, to your truth, the truth that God placed in you since the beginning as essences, as souls, as spirits.
May these flowers, these roses, always remind you of the Truth of God, and especially of the infinity of His Love and of His Wisdom, present and alive in all Creation.
May your lives, My children, someday convert into a flower, so that the Light of the Christ, of the living Christ, may be radiated to Earth. Amen.
I bless you, I consecrate you and I awaken you to universal truth, to the truth of love, to the truth of wisdom, and of the healing that all beings can experience to reach the celestial joy of being in God and with God forever.
I bless you with the authority that My Son granted Me and by the merits of His most precious and divine Passion, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You may sing.
I thank you.
Second Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
I affirm it, Lord:
I know You can do everything in me,
although sometimes indifference or arrogance
may make me fall.
I know that You, Lord, can do everything,
and someday You will break
with Your own Hands
this hard stone of the human condition,
and on this day Your Glory, Lord,
will liberate me from all evil.
Meanwhile, Lord,
You, who know our
deepest miseries and errors,
I ask You, my Beloved,
make me a partaker of Your eternal Grace
so that I may be reborn
through the intercession of Your Sacred Heart.
Do not fail to show me the truth, Jesus.
However painful it may be, it will not be similar to
the pain of the nails that You endured
in Your most pure Hands.
Make me small
among the smallest,
make me invisible, Lord,
so that my arrogance
and my pride may disappear.
Hide me, Lord,
within Your luminous Wounds
and redeem
this whole imperfect being,
inside and out.
Because I know, my Jesus,
that someday You will triumph
and You will place me with all authority
where You most need me.
The hour has come, Lord,
for me to no longer be the one who lives
wishes, aspires or hopes,
but rather, dear Jesus,
the moment has come
for You to be in me.
Let me
die within, Lord,
just as Your humble Mother
died with You in each moment
at the foot of the Cross.
Reveal to me, Lord,
the incalculable value of Your Love
so that divested of everything
I may always say “yes” to You.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Through the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries, what does the agony of Jesus in the Garden mean to you? What does the flagellation of Jesus mean to you?
What does the sorrowful crowning of thorns mean to you?
What do the three falls of Jesus with the Cross mean to you?
What is the value of the crucifixion and death of Christ to you? And the moment in which the spear thrust His side and poured out Water and Blood?
Have you understood the greatness of these merits?
In some part of your being and of your consciousness, all these facts and true experiences of Christ may be resonating.
Why should they resonate?
Because in communion with these mysteries, you will be in perfect communion with Christ, and you will allow all the merits of the Redeemer to replace, in your consciousness, all that must someday be transformed.
Therefore, live the Sorrowful Mysteries as a triumph, at each step, and experience surrendered by Christ.
Live each Sorrowful Mystery as the deepest demonstration of the Love of God that forgives all and can do all.
This is the essence of the experience of Love of My Son: to leave His legacy to the world so that humanity may avail itself of this legacy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the Silence of the Heart of God speak to the world.
Let your hearts transcend appearances, matter, this physical space, so that I may lead you to the place where I want to take you to today.
As a Servant of God, I come to lead you to the Source of Divine Mercy, from which I drank, as consciousness, as a human heart.
The Mercy that comes from the Heart of God is still very unknown to you, because if you knew this Mercy you would love it infinitely.
Place your attention on the Heart of God. Give this permission to your own spirit, so that in this place I can show you something different from all suffering and anguish that is kept in the human consciousness and in the ether of the Earth.
I want to show you a Face of the Divine Consciousness that is the merciful aspect of God, through His Son.
Mercy is not only born of the suffering of Christ on the Cross. It has, in that suffering, its door to the world, but this Fountain is vast, universal and divine. This Fountain overflows to all life from the Heart of Christ.
Mercy is the healing for all diseases. Mercy is the forgiveness for all errors and the Grace for all needs.
I look at the world and see a sick humanity because it does not know the power of Divine Mercy. I see the souls that get lost in the abysses of darkness, of hopelessness, of ignorance and of lack of love for not knowing the Divine Mercy.
I look at the world and so often I see the Kingdoms of Nature outraged by the human consciousness because the Divine Mercy does not dwell in it.
As simple as a spring of water that rises from the Earth and becomes in a river that quenches the thirst of men, so is the Fountain of the Divine Mercy in the Heart of God.
A Fountain that becomes an inexhaustible flow when souls cry out with sincerity, when words do not pass empty through their mouth when they invoke: "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and on the whole world."
This is an exercise that opens the door for Something still inaccessible to the human heart, incomprehensible, because you have not yet deepened in the love for the Divine Mercy.
If you knew that there is no eternal sin when souls sincerely cry out for an opportunity, when you repent and convert your paths by the Grace of the Divine Mercy.
Souls can be raised from the hells and purgatories of this world if there is that sincere heart that cries out for Mercy.
Mercy is the Fountain of the Hope of God, it comes from the infinite Love of the Father for humanity and for life; it comes from the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.
Mercy is the true sign that He is God, the God of Love and of Grace.
Mercy hides even in the Divine Justice; it reconverts the Laws and transforms them when they seem to be immutable because it is there where the potential of the human heart is kept, its resemblance to the Father.
The likeness of men with God is not in the appearances, nor in what they know of themselves. It is in something deeper they do not know. And it is when they consent to this truth that they can convert the Laws and transform the destiny of humanity, as well as that of the planet, of the Creation.
The Mercy that was born of the Heart of Christ when He was on the Cross, and shed the Blood and the Water from His Body, fertilizing the Earth, expanded to the Universe and generated opportunities of redemption for all creatures.
But this Mercy does not spring on its own. An inner force is needed to propel it. It Is the repentance that opens the door, the clamoring or the sincere love that is born from the heart when it cries out for Mercy not only for itself, but for the whole world.
Many think they know the Divine Mercy, but they do not live it. They are saddened by the situation of the planet, they resent the suffering of the Kingdoms and of men, but they do not seek for Mercy.
Children, the transformation of this world will not be born of social projects, it will be born of the depths of the human heart.
It will be worthless building great things if inside of you love were not great also, and Mercy does not live in your cells.
Today I am here not only to rescue souls and heal wounded hearts.
I am here to teach you to be true intercessors, who deepen in your prayers as the greatest service that you can render to mankind and to the planet.
Few were like Saint Faustina, who, deeply knowing the Divine Mercy, could not withhold inside of herself her will to announce it to the world.
So great was the anguish of her heart knowing that the balm for all diseases was available and hearts preferred to remain sick.
The greatness of the Divine Mercy is that you can ask for it to one another in the name of Christ when you cry out to God.
If you unite your hearts to the Heart of the Father and immerse yourselves in the Fountain of His Mercy, you will be interceding for the world, for realities that you do not know, that you could never imagine, that only the Eyes of God, which contemplate everything, can see.
Justice is already knocking on the doors of the world because the hearts have chosen not to awaken.
That is why We have come here, so that you may unite your hearts to Mercy.
May you unite the human consciousness to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy, and may you not miss the opportunity to live the Redemption and the Forgiveness of God, for ignorance.
Thank for the Mercy that is born of the Heart of Christ every day. Love the moment of uniting with it, because it justifies the existence of this Work and of your lives.
It is to bring a new opportunity to the world that your souls were gathered; it is not to allow humanity to go astray, not to allow to fade all Love deposited by God in this human project.
Be aware of this mission, which goes far beyond your little human understanding.
You can penetrate the mysteries of the Divine Mercy when you pray and when you ask God to know it a little more, to live it.
When you contemplate the Cross of Christ, when you contemplate the Immaculate Heart of Mary, eternal bearer of the Divine Mercy, and when you contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart, as a symbol of that Heart that opened to something higher, which allowed itself to know the Mercy of God, to live it and to announce it as I do today.
Let My Heart inspire you, so that you may find a sure way to transform your lives and become intercessors before God.
The doors to the Celestial Kingdom are always open to the servants who pray from the heart.
Enter, place yourselves at the Feet of the Father and, by the memory of the Passion of His Son, cry out for Mercy.
By the memory of the surrender of the Most Holy Mary, accompanying the Calvary of Christ and feeling, in Her Heart, each of His Wounds, cry out for Mercy.
By the renunciation of the Heart of Saint Joseph who, knowing all that His Little Son and His Holy Wife would live, left this world, because His renunciation was His true Mission. By the merits of this renunciation, cry out for Mercy.
And by the renunciation that each one live, every day, which is ever greater and you are invited to love, also offer it in order for you to cry out for Mercy.
Every act of your lives can become an opportunity of intercession before God if you learn not to complain, but to cry out for Mercy.
Receive today the Grace of knowing this Divine Fountain.
Accept this mission of being merciful and everything will be fulfilled just as God thought in the beginning.
Today the Rays of Mercy of Christ pierce My Most Chaste Heart, they radiate to the Reliquaries of My Heart in the world, wherever they may be.
Remember My Words when you contemplate those Reliquaries and before them ask for the Grace of loving Mercy, because I will intercede for you, that you might intercede for others.
With these words I thank you, I bless you, and I unite your hearts to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
You were created for a purpose and it is not by chance that you are here today at the Feet of the Creator.
Let us now go to the universe of your essence to discover what exists there, what is eternal, perpetual and infinite, that nothing nor anybody can dispel, from where you emerged to come here to Earth to fulfill the Project of Redemption and of Love.
Focus your attention on this moment, in the center of your being, and together with Me, enter the universe of your essence, to meet with God, to renew your purpose, to continue walking until, companions, you accomplish the goal God has given you.
Look into your essence, contemplate it with great love.
Feel the Original Source that exists within you and how the spiritual Light of My Love penetrates the deepest layers of the consciousness to elevate them, to have them transcended, to place them into the Hands of God.
On this night, in which the inner light is ignited through the intercession of My Sacred Heart, look toward your essences.
Discover within yourselves the only truth, which will free you from this captivity, from this planetary prison, from all error.
On this night I come to find the essence of your hearts, that which once existed in the beginning as consciousness and energy.
Let us return to those origins.
I came here tonight to take you toward that place, where you began to have a spiritual, causal and physical life.
Your essences have been traveling throughout the times, carrying out this trajectory, a path to redemption.
See in your essences, in the very core of your hearts, the Creator Source of God, which renews you, heals you, grants you redemption.
Let us return to the origin, to the beginning of everything, when our Eternal Father in His highest dimensions, in His greatest degrees of Love, thought of creating creatures much like Him, just as you are, at this time.
Remember, children, that you are the children of God, that you are the children of Life, that you are the children of Love, who come from an existence that has never died, that is perpetual, that is eternal and sublime.
Return to your essences and ask within: What is it that You want from me, Father?
Stillness. Stillness. Stillness. Do not interrupt what I am doing.
I have come here to elevate you to God, so that you may be part of what is existent and infinite.
Return your attention to the essence of His Love, that which emerged from the Source and which has lived many experiences to be able to reach this point and say 'yes' to redemption.
Today I come to dispel the forces of contrariness, because where love is present, God is; and your hearts are in God, just as God can be in you.
Let us now go toward the origin of what in truth you are, so that you may know how you were created in the beginning before becoming souls, before being spirits; so that you may know how it was when you were essences in the Source of the Love of God, together with the Creator Fathers, the Archangels; to the place where millions of lives for this Universe emerged.
Thus, companions, today you are not here alone. The whole Universe is here, all existence and all life, through My Sacred Heart.
Be brave. Penetrate this mystery that My Heart grants today so that you may know yourselves consciously.
See yourselves as being in love and continue forward through these times, overcoming all the obstacles, elevating your consciousness to the Creator.
Kneel before Me. And in an act of reconciliation through My Sacred Heart, let us return to Life, to what you always were.
Come with Me, to the Source of Creation, and find your essences there, that which is pure, which experiences no suffering, which is eternal and invincible in the Eyes of your Creator.
Look within yourselves and seek the sphere of your essence, the deepest light of your consciousnesses, that which has been born of the Source and moves through the times, learning about love and forgiveness.
I come in these times to find that truth that exists in you, a truth that brings Me here continuously and patiently, until you on your own are able to enter into communion with this truth.
In this way, you will free your Master, so that He may continue working in the world with other millions of essences, which are lost and far from love, the Love of the Source.
Hold in your hands this essence of light as if it were a newborn.
Feel that sphere of light in your hands and, at the same time, as a sign of imploring, let us be reconciled with God.
This is the essence that is within you and which seeks the path of return to the Heart of the Creator.
See how God created your essence with immense love, with eternal tenderness, with an immeasurable compassion.
This is the essence that is to return to the Source, with the marked sign of Redemption, saying 'yes' to Forgiveness and to Divine Mercy.
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, has been working with these millions of essences throughout time.
You are not only matter, you are also energy that comes from the Source and that at some time deviated from your path, so that in this time you would again find the path of redemption and of love.
I come to conceive in your essences the Grace of renewal, mutual service, an extreme charity and infinite consideration for the fellow being.
With this essence that God has given you, which is fragile and simple, which is mere and pure, companions, return to the school of love because love will heal you, the Love of God will save you and soon you will be worthy children of God, deserving of His infinite Mercy, tireless servers that never give up, that always say 'yes' to the Divine Hierarchy.
Feel your divine essence in your hands, feel how the Angels and Archangels contemplate your inner dwelling places.
Believe it is possible to overcome everything through the Love that My Spirit sows today in your essences to again give them spiritual life and an eternal union with the Creator.
In the same way that your essences bow down before the Most High at His Feet, thus, companions, today I want each part of your beings to bow down before God as an act of reconciliation, of forgiveness and of healing.
And now, Father, that you see what I come to seek, time after time, what you have created in image and likeness of your Existence, Adonai, Your Son pleads for these essences and for all the essences that are far from You.
Just as you are in Heaven, Father, may you also be on Earth, and when I return, surrounded by Your Glory and Your Power, may all the essences of the world experience their last step toward forgiveness.
Emmanuel, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who once was on the Cross for all the essences of the world, for all those who fell into the abysses.
Listen to the Voice of Your Son, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba.
Bowing down at Your Feet, Eternal Father, I offer My Body, My Blood, My Soul, My Divinity, for the essences that today must be with You to serve and honor You.
I offer You, Father, My Sacred Heart, for the ungrateful and unjust hearts.
I offer You My Spirit so that You may be present in all that exists and lives, in all that breathes, so that the cell of evil may be erased, so that the Light of Your Divine Consciousness, Adonai, may be reborn.
Eli, Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, Who with great atonement and mercy dissolves error, lack of union and lack of love so that Your Plan, Father, may triumph on this planet.
We all bow down before You, beloved Creator, because You breathed and created life, because You felt, and creatures emerged, because You thought and granted Your Universe without restrictions so that forever and ever we may praise You, honor You, supplicate to You and thus, be in communion with Your non-material Spirit.
Pour out You Grace upon these essences.
Pour out Your Love upon these lives, so that You Project, Adonai, may be fulfilled, and souls may be redeemed and live to the end of their lives in Your Peace.
Today I water this tree that was drying up, and see how Love transforms all things, makes all things regrow; everything blossoms again because I have not allowed your essence to die, but rather, in the balm of My Love, I have nurtured them with My Spirit.
Let those who were dead be joyful.
Let those who expected a Grace, to be glad, because I will not tire, I will not tire until I achieve what I expect of your essences.
Love one another as I loved you, up to the last moment on the Cross. And when you do not love one another, when you do not unite, remember Me on the Cross, everything that I endured for you up to the end of your lives for, in this way, you will recover your strength, you will recover your bravery and courage to love beyond yourselves.
May the advent of the new 'figueiras' (fig-trees) be accomplished.
May the seeds of brotherhood planted in the earth regrow, because the Almighty has heard His Son and the angels have poured out your Grace in the depths of your beings.
Today the Scripture is fulfilled.
You will see the Son of God coming among the clouds and the breath of His Spirit will vivify your consciousnesses and evil will be dissolved, because the Love of the Sacrificed Heart of Jesus will triumph until the New Earth.
Let the knots of human separation be dissolved.
Let the ties of love and of faithfulness be established, because the Father of Mercy has heard the Voice of the Redeemer.
Place your hands upon your hearts.
And may you be able to feel this mystery every day, which is no longer a mystery, but just the simple Love of your Redeemer Who comes to make all things new.
Because when I fell with the Cross, three times, I promised the Father that I would renew all things.
And blessed will be those who allow themselves to be renewed by Me without fearing the changes, because what God wants to give you is His Heart, so that He may live in you in essence and eternally.
Let us thus celebrate this act of reconciliation, because your sins were purified and your faults were forgiven.
The High Priest has come to celebrate a Restoring Communion so that you may remember every day to fulfill the promise of being part of My Love and to express it in each moment.
Let us listen to the trumpets of the angels, that sound to announce the Divine Word and institute the Holy Eucharist in this place again, the perpetual triumph of the Love and Life of your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
And today, at My Feet, I have not only the holy women who anointed My flagellated Body at the sepulcher, together with Mary, My Mother and Mary Magdalene; but I also have at My Feet those who once did not recognize Me, those who experienced miracles, and those who converted at the foot of the Cross, when My Blood flowed from My Side and My Water penetrated the very core of the Earth, to renew the Project of the Creator.
Let your essences blend today into My original Essence, into My Divinity, into the Second Person of God, the Firstborn Son, the Only Begotten, the Redeemer, and may these essences that live and shine within you, help you to experience the changes in the end of these times.
Only Love will make you free and when you are not in Love or in Truth, call upon Me. I will give you the strength to love as I loved, up to the last moment of the Cross.
And as an act of reparation and healing, for the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine of your essences, today I will ask for a song that reflects the love that I had for you in Calvary: "Christ of Calvary."
May the symbol of this song help you to have the same strength, the same courage, and the same valor that your Master and Lord had up to the last moment of having expired on the Cross, for all of you.
When you cannot manage to humiliate yourselves, kneel; when you cannot manage to stay calm, rest your face upon the ground; when you are not humble, place yourselves in a cross upon the ground, as I will help you to transform what cannot be transformed, to free what resists, and you will feel the Fire of My Love in your hearts, just as the holy women did up to the last moment, overcoming all the tests, all the obstacles, to be close to the Sacrificed Son, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
And before listening to this song that makes My Heart humble, because, in truth, it is God Who is in Me, so that I am able to be in you, I remind you of the scene and the culminating moment of the communion with the apostles and all the souls present two thousand years ago, in Jerusalem, when I took the bread and gave thanks to God for the sacrifice, saying:
Take and all eat of it, because this is My Body, the Essential Body of your Lord, Who will surrender to you for the forgiveness of sins.
In the same way, I took the Chalice, giving thanks to the Creator for the sacrifice, and I said to them:
Take, take in trust and drink from this Chalice, the Chalice of the New Alliance, Blood that will be poured out for you for the forgiveness of all faults.
And in that moment, the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit descended, and instituted the Eucharist.
Today I ask You, Adonai, that you not let Your Sacred Tree die, a Tree much like the burning bush of Moses, in which You once showed Yourself, so small and humble in Your creatures.
May the same Spirit and the same Fire that penetrated the consciousness of Moses, today penetrate the consciousness of those who teach, of those who guide Your flocks, so that Your powerful and invincible Love may always triumph. Amen.
I will listen to the song.
In joy I gather together these young people to represent many more in the world, where My Christic Flame is ignited to call the self-summoned, so that at this crucial time, the soldiers may come together and form the first ranks, declaring thus My Return to the world to all of humanity.
I want you to hold up the torch, the Sublime Fire of My Sacred Heart.
I want you to carry My banner together with the legions of angels and archangels.
And so, dear youths, I baptize you with My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My Heart is glorified, because your lives glorify My Name, the Holy Name that God gave to the Son of all Creation, and to the One that comes from the sublime Source, from which all the graces and Mercies for all beings of the Earth arise, especially for My disciples that today begin this walk towards the transformation of their lives and consciousnesses, for all the young people who wound My Sacred Heart, which is filled with Mercy for all the youths that must uplift their spirits through an inner union with My Redeeming Work for these times.
So today I decree and declare: the new future is in the young people, the coming of the New Jerusalem, of the promised Land, of the great spiritual and cosmic Consciousness, that, after the purification of the Earth, will make the spirits that will form the New Humanity emerge, that will sow the Earth again with the codes of My Blood and My Water, achieved during the Passion, the Crucifixion and Death.
So today I consecrate you. I consecrate your lives to the Glory of My Sacred Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
With the redeeming sign of the Cross, the committed errors are removed and the doorways open so that consciousnesses may be uplifted and find My Celestial Presence on the inner paths, and hear, in their souls, the call of the Redeemer, Who calls on them to become part of the great celebration of this Supper, the great and last Supper, that will announce the coming of the King of the Universe to all of humanity.
The Celestial Choirs are already playing the trumpets and the spirits that have come from different parts of the Cosmos are assembling on the five continents to awaken within themselves the great Sun that exists and illuminates all times, through the impulse of My Christic Essence of renovation, transfiguration and transubstantiation of all the codes, and as from today, in you, dear youths, they are illuminated by My Presence.
I initiate you into a new stage filled by the greater Love of the Universe. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Never retreat from what I have asked of you. Rather, open your eyes to feel My Divine Consciousness in this place, in the depths of your hearts.
I come in this way to open a new cycle in this Center of Love, closing the doors of the cycles that already passed away and preparing, in your consciousnesses, new patterns of life that will be very necessary for planetary life, for all of this race that is still sleeping.
Today I dedicate this Sacred Call to all the youth of the planet who still have not dared to cross the threshold of My Sacred Heart, to be renewed by My Spirit and enlightened by My Presence, which is the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice and fear no more. The thousand years of peace will be fulfilled, but it will be essential for the Earth and humanity to be completely purified.
When your hearts, minds and bodies suffer, submerge yourselves in My Divine Mercy, because My Spring is still open for those who thirst for the divine Light of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Today I am giving the sacrament to each one of those present to prepare you for My awaited "Sacred Week", which will be unique, unrepeatable and conscious for everyone.
Just like in the peoples of the past, announce to the world that the Sacred Lord of Love is coming in the awaited Holy Week, to announce His Gospel again. That One who transforms impossible things, and that, from time to time, frees you from perdition.
Thus, the Lord and King of the Universe, in His infinite humility, will not come alone to this meeting. He prepares the Cosmos, the Earth and the human consciousness for this moment.
Blessed are they who believe, even whithout having seen. They are already worthy of the New Earth.
Today the Kingdom of God draws closer to help the planetary consciousness and all those who are purified inside and outside of their beings, so that they may conceive My Christic Flame in each one of their lives, Flame which is the light that will illuminate their paths in the times of tribulation.
Today you will be anointed by the Sacred Son, under the unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Oil for consecrating.
If today I consecrate you, I am consecrating humanity so that it may participate in the New Earth, in the New Covenant of man and God, in the evolved consciousness with the Infinite, the love that exists in each one of you, united to the Heavenly Father.
Today the choirs and the praises are sung in the Kingdom of God, in Paradise; they raise up the promise that the self-summoned are to be the visible sign for the unredeemed, by living redemption within themselves.
Do not lose My Words. Put your attention on what I am telling you. Divinity economizes everything that says, for the times are urgent and souls must define themselves in order to find peace, eternal peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the request of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will hear the Pater Noster.
May the Lord pour out His Grace here, so that the soul, the mind and the body may be anointed by the Most Holy Trinity, that in a sacred triangulation descends over the Centers of Light so that souls may vivify their awakening and their union with the Divine Purpose, until peace is established.
Praised be the altars of the Creator! May souls exalt in joy, may spirits rejoice, because they have heard the Redeemer, the Son of Creation, the Son of the Almighty, the Son of Man and Life!
May the disciples be happy and their families rejoice, for they have heard the angels of God, fulfilling the promise of the annunciation of their spirits to the evolution of Divine Life!
May, after this earthly life, your souls find Me in the Kingdom of God to eternally praise the Father, together with the angels and archangels declaring Hallelujah! Glory in the highest, peace on Earth for all the beings of good will and for those who are part of the armies of light, of the Return of Christ!
So be it! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Most Holy Trinity,
13 bell tolls.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
In this meeting we honor you Lord!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Deepen yourself in the ocean of Divine Mercy, so that, as you pray, this fountain that descends to the world may flow through your being and transform your entire consciousness first and then the whole world.
Consciously deepen yourself in the existence of Divine Mercy and recognize that you are a miracle of this Divine Power; your awakening is a fruit of its action.
Meditate on what this Sacred Mercy means to you and the entire Creation, poured from the Heart of Christ on the cross, emanated by the power of the forgiveness of His Most Sacred Heart. Meditate on this unfathomable source that does not give humankind what it deserves, that acts beyond Justice and transcends this Law that also comes from God.
Meditate on the Forgiveness of Christ, the one that opened the door to this fountain unknown to the human heart until then. It was by forgiving each of His wounds and all outrages committed towards Him that the Lord raised Himself beyond Divine Justice and gave humankind His Love and His Piety, which together were converted into the Sacred and Divine Mercy.
So many centuries have passed and humanity still ignores this powerful fountain. The hearts still have not learned to be merciful, or to ask for Mercy.
Clamor, child, for mercy for the ignorant and ask for the Grace of being merciful as was the One who is, for you, the Path, the Truth and the Life
Let the Mercy for which you clamor convert you into an imitation of Christ and thus make it worth each drop of His shed blood; make it worth each of His wounds, His Cross and the Love that made Him reemerge after death.
Show the universe that the Plan of the Creator is fulfilled in you and, by the merits achieved by Christ on the Cross, live His Divine Mercy.
The one Who teaches you to be merciful and to clamor for Mercy,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Jesus was on the Cross and said: “Father, why hast thou forsaken Me?”, it was His humanity that proclaimed those words; it was His Cells, sustained until then by Divine Power, that in the depths, feared the hour of being alone with their pain and their suffering.
After that question of His human heart, Jesus recognized in all the spaces of His Consciousness, from matter to spirit, His filiation and unity with God. He understood, at His core, the essence of love and of the human project, and experienced the fullness of being in likeness to the Father.
The fear of His Cells dissipated through the power of the love and forgiveness that emanated from Him. Jesus understood the Will of His Father and why He abandoned Him in that hour that seemed to be the most difficult when He had always accompanied Him. He discovered that the Father wanted Him to feel and experience the love He had within and which made Him in likeness to God and united to Him; and that, in truth, the Creator had not abandoned Him. He allowed Him to discover that the Father was in Him, as He was in the Father, through the love, forgiveness and mercy which, at that moment, were poured upon the Earth.
The Virgin Mary and John understood the Will of God when they saw Jesus on the Cross asking for forgiveness for those who crucified Him, and together with Christ, they learned this unfathomable love, which unites matter with spirit, which divinizes humankind.
That was how the Virgin Mary and John also experienced that profound union with God, by the simple fact of observing Christ. That union was later experienced by the apostles and disciples of Jesus and Mary through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and in this way, all overcame the fear of death and loneliness; all filled their spirits with the courage that was born of the certainty that God was in them because they were a living part of the Divine Consciousness.
It was because of that certainty and of that courage that the Church of Christ was consolidated on Earth. But throughout the centuries, not all human beings understood the Passion of Jesus and meditated on His example to the point where they allowed themselves to be divinized by Him; not all found the certainty of the likeness to God; not all sought fortitude in the living God within themselves.
Children, today the Creator speaks to you and instructs you through His Messengers. The Most High Lord accompanies each one in their steps and renews the story, awakening New Christs. But just as He “abandoned” Jesus on the Cross, the moment will also come to each one of you to discover, in solitude, the union with God. And for an instant, it may seem unjust, painful or incomprehensible to you that the Creator abandons you when you have the most need of Him. However, if you overcome human fear and seek that union with God in spirit, you will understand that the Father, whom you always sought in the heights, is living within every being, in their essence, in their inner universe.
When the time comes for the trial of humanity, remember what I have said to you and do not fear, but rather, love and live forgiveness, like the One Who loved and forgave before you, leaving you the example.
Your father and friend, Who prepares your paths for divine union,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
When souls pray, the doors to rehabilitation open and everything that seems impossible to resolve and is impregnated with error is dissolved as it receives the Light of the Spirit of God. This rehabilitation offers humanity the chance of living its conversion and of rediscovering the path towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.
In this time, My children, the Sacred Hearts open the doors of the Universe of love so that souls can enter and rehabilitate their lives and consciousnesses. This present opportunity is the last one of this cycle; this is why I ask you, children, to be aware of this Grace so you can be part of it during the time remaining.
May your rehabilitation in this cycle help the rehabilitation of the planet and of humanity so that finally, the errors will be corrected and everything moves toward the path of the light and of redemption; also, live it for all the Kingdoms of Nature so that they also may be participants in this important spiritual rehabilitation that Heaven is offering to all souls of this world.
In this way, dear children, the age-old errors will be corrected and new opportunities will be given to those consciousnesses that do not deserve them in these times.
Your inner rehabilitation will begin through love, the giving of self, and through the absolute surrender that you can give to the Celestial Father; in this way, the promised and awaited Earth will manifest after the cycle of purification of the planet and of humanity.
That spiritual rehabilitation was granted by Christ Himself when He died on the Cross for each one of you.
My children, accept this call. Redeem your lives in Christ and for Christ; thus the planet will be liberated.
I thank you for responding to My call!
For the rehabilitation of humanity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate today the mystery of the death of Christ and the solitude felt by all of His apostles and disciples, by all of His followers, since very few were able to understand the greatness of His Crucifixion.
Contemplate in your heart the withdrawing of Christ, His silence and the uncertainty that this silence caused within His ones.
Those who were waiting for Him were facing a test of faith: were synthetizing in their own interior everything they had received and everything they had learned, to put into practice to help others.
This Holy Saturday will be similar to the test humanity will live in the future times. For now you are still in the presence of Christ, of the Most Holy Mary and of My Chaste Heart; now you still count on the instruction and guide of Those who were sent by the Lord to represent Him in matter and to lead His flock to the encounter with Him. But time will come when each one will have to confirm themselves and affirm their own faith. Each one will have to share the bread and be a bridge with God for those who are empty in spirit. Each apostle and each disciple of Christ will have to announce the awakening that will come after the dark days and thus, make those who will persevere to the end keep standing and with faith in their heart because they have made a commitment with God.
Contemplate the faith of the holy women of Jerusalem and how they overcame the pain they felt in order to live the pure love that the Lord had taught them.
Contemplate the devotion of these holy devotees of Christ, who not only persevered in the Calvary but also anointed the Body of Christ, saw Him resurrected, traveled through the continents announcing His Victory and, throughout the centuries, returned to the world, still as holy women to perpetuate the Work of the Savior.
Take your strength from the mysteries of the Calvary, from the victory over death, from faith during the days of darkness and from the glory of resurrection.
Relive the history of your Lord and multiply His Grace and goodness, being yourself the living word of Christ and the fulfillment of His promises.
Do greater things than He did and so accomplish His words,
Renew the Church of Christ that is not kept in a religion, but is in the heart of everyone who has faith and disposition to follow the steps of the Lord.
The one who guides you to the Savior,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Venerate and adore the Crucified Lord:
Today I came here, showing My Side to the world, from where what is most unfathomable emerged for all and from where it continues to emerge for all of humanity, up to the last days of the Earth.
See the Lord in seclusion, preparing for His moment to be able to rise in more hearts that are dead and do not live Me.
See the Lord together with His Choirs, penetrating the abysses of the Earth through the remembrance of His Crucifixion, for the salvation of humanity and the liberation from all its sins.
See, at the foot of the Sepulcher, the Guardian Angels in adoration, so that the Son of God may soon return to humanity.
I invite you all to venerate My Cross as a victory, as the realization of the Work of the Most High in those who know how to distinguish the wonders of the Messiah, of their Lord.
At My right, the Archangel Metatron, today dispelling the abysses of the world and the darkness that embraces sleeping hearts.
His violet Flame renews all things.
His Light illumines what is dark, in union with the Favorite Son, your Lord Jesus Christ.
Let this flame, companions, pour into your consciousnesses and souls.
I call those who have consecrated themselves to Metatron for this planetary task of liberation.
See the Aspects of God Resplendently manifested and as Light over the world.
In this time of human cruelty and of profound indifference, remove from your hearts any lack of union with yourselves, or with your peers.
Let this Fire of Metatron descend into your spirits so that it may purify them and uplift them to My Kingdom
See the burning spear of Metatron in His sacred hand, which decrees the powers of Heaven and unifies them with all souls.
See that Solar and violet Fire that descends upon the world, in this time of conflict and lack of Peace.
See the wonders that the Holy Father Metatron carried out through My Cross against the demons of the world and the infernal beasts that cause lost hearts to succumb.
He is the transformer of corrupt matter.
He is the fire that sublimates the frictions among hearts.
He is the Unifier of thought between consciousnesses and the Patriarch of the chosen.
He is the carrier of the universal message of the Triune Flame, the incandescent fire of the liberating fire of all forms.
Today see My Cross as a great victory rather than as a failure, as many believe in the immensity of their ignorance.
See the Son of God in the Sepulcher being exalted, renewed, and transfigured by the angels of Light and the legions of the Creator Parents who lived this Mystery together with Me during My Death, and even when I descended into the hells to banish the ambitious, the persecutors, and the unfaithful to the Law.
So many I withdrew from the abyss during My days of burial!
While My Father held Me in His arms and while the holy women prayed in adoration outside the Sepulcher, I did not cease to work for the world not even for a minute, awaiting My Resurrection in the silence.
Let us repeat:
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus now says that we have to do it with a little more inner faith.
Archangel Metatron... (x6)
And thus, companions, you may be able to free the evil spirits that corrode souls and the sleeping hearts that still do not accept God in the true testimony of the resurrection of His Son and of His second return to the world, at the most crucial time for humanity.
When you feel a lack of faith, implore and decree, through that prayer, to the Archangel Metatron, the Father that transforms through His Divine Fire and that uplifts souls through liberation.
In this way you will see, dear companions, how the Work of the Creator Parents is unique and Omniscient, how all those sublime Consciousnesses interceded during My Passion for the salvation of sinners and all mortals.
What was the great mystery that the Sepulcher revealed during the three days in a profound silence? It was the liberation that the Beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ, brought about, together with Metatron and Michael, in all the hells of the Earth for a cycle of two thousand years.
And although evil is still present in hearts and on the surface of the planet, you must believe, companions, that your captivity will end and that your freedom will be close, for the next world.
Do not expect to quickly see results, but rather, sacrifice your lives so that the New Earth may be born in the victory and the triumph of My Sacred Heart.
How many angels from Heaven visit your dwelling places today and the dwelling places of your siblings that are not here today, but that are present in My Most Sacred Heart!
Take your cross with courage and valor, and work every day for your redemption, just as I have lovingly taught you through peace, compassion, and mercy.
Do not be indifferent about your peers any longer.
Break and crack your structures so that the true spirit of the inner Christ may be born when I am no longer here among you, addressing My Words to the world.
Be consistent with the Universe, and live your cross, perfectly happy to be able to serve God till the end of your days.
At least, companions, do it for Me and do not fail Me.
This Work, that today I gather together in you and among you, was chosen by Me with much love after My Passion, My Resurrection, My Apparition throughout time, and the revelation of My Sacred icons of the Aspect of My Mercy and of My Glory until current times.
At this present time, the Work continues in union with your Most Holy Mother Mary.
If you, companions, do not support this Plan, who will fulfill it?
We come from Heaven with Metatron to bring you Grace and Pity.
You, roll up your vestments and work on the paths that I build so that the Work may be accomplished, just as it has been foreseen in the Heart of God.
If the Work is not accomplished in each part of the world that we lovingly visit, how will the other part of humanity be saved and wake up?
I could send millions of angels for awakening hearts without your help, but how, companions, will you be Christs in collaboration with the Plan of My Father?
Do not forget all that you are receiving.
You must bear witness and judgment on the last day of the Earth, and in this way, you will know that I have spoken the truth and that I will still separate the straw from the wheat.
Remain firm, in prayer and in vigil with Me, because in the end you will see your glory in Paradise.
Our Father in Aramaic.
And now I have purified your errors so that, renewed by My Spirit, you may carry the cross of redemption and of peace, that will bring about the opportunity for many hearts of the Earth in the constitution that I am carrying out and in the effusion that I build through this Order, with My Sacred Spirit.
In the Presence of the Most Beloved Archangel Metatron, let us intone His sacred name, so that His legions may help and go to the most needy hearts, in this time of the Passion of the Lord in the heights of the spiritual Calvary of the whole planet.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of our Lord Jesus Christ, we stand up.
Whoever has a cross, of the pilgrims present here, the Lord requests that you place that cross on your breast so that He may bless it as well, in the Presence of Metatron, while we sing and invoke His name.
We are going to sing a melodic Kodoish and when the Lord says, Our Lord, we will begin to sing.
May this memory never be erased in your lives, and you should know that you can count on a divine intercession that comes to aid humanity in this period, the same as the rest of the Creator Parents.
Let the confirmation of your cross be the absolute surrender to the Creator for this sacred task.
In the name of the Heavens, give peace to the world, I bless you, your siblings, families, those in need, and all the sacred objects that represent the presence of faith in hearts.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Divine Hierarchy of Angels and Archangels... (x3)
This is the oil of simplicity for those who experience the monastic consecration to My Heart.
Today I will make the sign of the cross over everybody so that the Father, in His Mercy, in spite of what may happen in the end of times, will remember you and help you.
Song: "Christ of the Calvary".
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
In the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Song: "Hear Me, Redeemer"
Contemplate the world where you live and, for an instant, silence the thoughts of your mind and the emotions of your being.
Observe how your inner world recognizes that the life which expresses itself on Earth does not resemble the Thought of God.
See how within you inhabits the archetype for humanity and the expression of the planet as a whole.
Feel how your heart has the yearning of living fraternity and of knowing true love, that One who makes you give your life for your friends and to forgive the enemies, loving them as if they were part of you.
What will you do with this which dwells within you? Will you shut your heart – as most of the human beings do – or will you renounce worldly views to institute new life on the planet, even if it seems crazy in the eyes of the world?
Child, the age of the Armageddon has come to the planet, but most of your brothers are seeking scientific, philosophical and spiritualist concepts which place a pattern of normality in what is happening in the world today. These are the human minds trying to silence the heart.
Those who listen to the voice of God in their own interior know that a final time has begun in the world and that, without the establishment of peace in the human heart, chaos will establish its reign and govern the minds and spirits of those who did not open themselves to the truth.
Those who unite themselves to God and silence their minds, in order to let the wisdom of the essences arise, do not fear to know the truth and do not want to silence the Will of God. They know that, at the end of all this battle, the good will triumph. For this reason, they recognize the urgency of the need for transformation, recognize the imperious inner will of renouncing the old man and its tendencies and to open themselves so that the New dismisses the reign of the outdated human addictions, even though, for the human mind, these retrograde and degenerated energies, when manifested in matter, sometimes are called technologies.
Child, the path to retrocession is known by the human mind as a progress. Those who follow the trends of these so-called “advancements” do not perceive that the path to evolution was left behind when the human consciousness rejected simplicity, fraternity and love and in the industrial age, that marked a spiritual retrocession of humankind, opened itself to competition, slavery, the obsessive usufruct and the almost absolute denial of spiritual life.
In other eras of decadence, as in the end of Atlantis and Lemuria, it was the eagerness for manipulation of the spiritual power that lead man to lose its path of purity and unity. Now, again, false power takes control of the mind and of the aspiration of men who believe they can place themselves above the Creator with their free will.
The degenerated man believes it has the power over life and over the Kingdoms of Nature. That is why, by sending His Son, Who conquered death and perpetuated His Resurrection, the Creator wanted to demonstrate to humanity that only He has the Power and that all that exists under His Power belongs to the force, which is the one that loses itself and vanishes like dust before the fire of the Glory of God.
I tell you, beloved child, that many of your brothers did not learn from the example of Christ and chose an even greater suffering, a learning that would transcend the experience of only one man and would involve in himself all humanity and all the Kingdoms of Nature. The Armageddon is the Passion of the planetary consciousness.
You might be in this Passion in three different ways, as Christ and the crucified thieves next to Him: both the thieves were thinking only about themselves; however, in the end of all, one of them accepted the Will of God and converted himself in time. The other decided to keep his pride and not even with all the suffering did he surrender himself to the forgiveness of God. Or you might be like Christ, being this one who will live the same steps of the Passion of all the beings on the Earth, but not with the spirit of punishment, guilt, anger, frustration or of pain, but only offering to the Father each step with the cross of the world, so that a new redeemed race can appear from your offer of love and of forgiveness.
Child, you must choose, right away, the path which you will follow: if your footprints will be over the footprints of Christ, confirming the victory of God; if you will choose to suffer in the ignorance and remain in your own opinion, to surrender yourself in the last hour; or if you will remain in your boundless pride and even in the presence of God, you will choose the path of the abyss.
The cross will be given to you in every way. Hold it tight and take your steps.
The first steps in the planetary Passion will dictate the destiny of humanity. For this reason, from now on, in your inner Gethsemane, renounce temptations and accept redemption. God will be with you, the angels will support you and you will carry your cross, only contemplating the victory of your Most High Father.
After all, peace will reign.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who comes to open the eyes of humanity
In decisive times such as these, the spiritual war will have its respite, but this will be possible when your hearts, ready to serve the Plan of God, live the path of true prayer, which we teach you every day out of love for Creation.
Dear children, the souls of the world are assembled for redemption and peace so that you not lose sight of the path toward the Purpose of the Celestial Father.
The difficult time you are experiencing is called the Armageddon and, as Celestial Hierarchies, we know that many of you do not know how to face the traversing of the times. This is not the first time that the planet has experienced this; humanity has already gone through various times, and one of them was when Jesus incarnated in Israel.
Humanity was faced with its errors after the Crucifixion of Jesus, and even more so after His Resurrection. This brought about consequences up until today, and only a small part of the race adopted the call of Christ as faithful and true. It is for this reason that My Son, minutes before dying, gave Me to you; and as from that moment, Heaven, the Will of God, and the Earth, which is to say, the experience of redemption of souls, were fused so as to allow Forgiveness and Mercy to awaken.
Now that Our Most Pure Divinity descends from the universe to bring the world a new warning, humanity is at a greater turning point than it seems. This generates insecurity in the spiritual life of souls because they do not know how to find God in the middle of the chaos.
The chaos is generated by humanity; it is a deviant current that triggers fear, panic and apprehension. But the principles of Love and of Truth are the gifts that the Divine Messengers are pouring out meeting after meeting, as a last lifeline. In this way, in redeemed hearts, the Celestial Hierarchy generates the possibility of again finding the path of the sacred and the pure among the horrors that many souls are living today.
God wants the world to not self-destruct and lose the Grace of being reborn in the Promised New Earth. The doors are open for those that want to submerge in the ocean of the Mercy of God. For this to be possible, and so the codes of the Most Holy Divinity may be sown in your spirits, you cannot keep the vows or commitments made with the realities of these times.
My beloved children, you must be collaborators in a magnificent work that is being done through your essences rather than through your skills. That attitude of true surrender and of a profound union with the Purpose of God will be the difference between being close to or far from Universal Will.
All are called to rebuild the Earth. All are assembled to prepare for the glorious second Coming of Christ in their inner beings and on the whole planet. It is for this reason that Our divine words will not tire of being poured out in your lives and consciousnesses until somebody manages to represent, in soul and body, the Kingdom of God. This will prevent the Project from failing through malice, folly and sorrow.
We thank you from Heaven for praying together with the Spokespersons of the Universe!
Who blesses you now and always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, in the sacred presence of Her Chaste husband Saint Joseph, Laborer of God and of all souls
The principle of the universal Sacred Family
Once upon a time there was a humble family of Nazareth, who in their spirit cultivated sacred obedience to the Divine Laws.
From a most pure womb was born the Supreme Mercy named Jesus, and in those very difficult times, the Three Sacred Hearts accomplished a task in support of the spiritual salvation of humanity.
From Saint Joseph emerged the humility to serve God. In Mary was expressed the obedience and the love for souls, and in the little Child Jesus was manifested the Grace and Mercy of the Greater Universe.
It was this project of Sacred Family that should be cultivated in all non-redeemed creatures. It was this well-thought-out project that would transcend the barriers of evil and of pain through the Love professed by the little Jesus.
This triune project ended when the Master fulfilled the Will of God on allowing Himself to be nailed to the Cross, and it was there that Sacred Mercy was poured out once again over the world.
It is this project that is still latent in the Divine Messengers, and it is for this that They work tirelessly, so that the greatest work of planetary redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.
Let the inner ears of creatures be opened so that they may listen to the celestial call, for the Will of the Heavenly Messengers, which encompasses all things, is that all creatures of the Earth be a universal sacred family. And it will be during the time of purification, My children, that this sacred and divine desire of God will be able to be concretized.
Do not cease to work for your redemption. Do not rest until you are completely empty of yourselves; it will be in this way that My Son will find new clay to mold the archetype of a family divinized by God and by the Most Holy Trinity.
It is this sacred creative project that must be fulfilled in at least a part of humanity. When somebody manages to live the principles of unity and love, it will be the sign for the Divine Messengers that the Sacred Work has been completed.
It will be on that day that the angels will sing Hallelujah, for they will have seen the promise of the universal sacred family fulfilled, which must be formed by each one of you; thus, evil will be liberated from the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you in the Most Holy Trinity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this great day in which the world remembers the crucifixion of My Son, I wish that no soul may be martyrized by the hands of their own brothers and sisters, because this has led to the lost of the inner innocence of the beings.
Dear children, in order to be able to detain this wave of scourge, outrage and martyrdoms of siblings against siblings, today I invite you to consciously relive the sacrifice of Our Lord as an act that must never be repeated again in this civilization.
And as this keeps on happening in other ways that are concealed from the eyes of many, I come to beg you to detain yourselves and to no longer injure. Nor subject the life that is being generated in the wombs of the mothers because there, a chosen soul must be born to the light that calls it.
Children, pray, pray a lot and offer your actions and daily exercises to God as a precious prayer, thus you will help to spiritually rebuild all that which has been destroyed by the hands of the ungrateful humans.
Children, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the whole world, which faces, more than a passion, a consequence that in some cases seems irreversible. For this, with maternal love I invite you to live today the crucifixion of Jesus as a part and essence of your lives because, your little souls, by achieving this inner union, will allow that the codes of Heaven be poured over the planetary sphere under the intervention of the celestial angels.
Dear children, although your own cross seems heavy and unbearable to carry, remember that My Beloved Son carried on His back the greatest sin and the greatest denial that you can imagine. For this, in absolute and immediate surrender, enter the Calvary and accompany the Celestial Messengers in this transition that has not finished yet.
Children of Mine, it will be through the unconditional acceptance of your own cross that all of the crosses of the ungrateful will be relieved and thus one day they will resurrect to the spiritual conversion.
Many remember the Friday of the crucifixion, but few are able to penetrate this sacred mystery of love that My Son lived.
You, more conscious about the Passion of Christ, help to renew this moment with your faith and with the same enthusiasm as always, accompany the Lord wherever. In this way the whole humanity will revere this day as something sacred and will not consider it to be a common day as it has done so far.
This is so due to lack of consciousness and of love for what My Son offered for all.
For this, year after year you are called to live and to review the Passion of the Lord. Only through Him you will find the inner strength necessary to overcome the end of times for which very few are prepared.
I thank you for answering to my call.
Who accompanies you in the beginning of this inner Calvary,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Do not fear for anything anymore! Because behind every circumstance or difficulty is found the supreme support of My Heart. See this time as a moment of sacrifice and of permanent effort to accomplish the Plan of God on Earth.
Despite the fact that the Marian soldiers are very few, on them falls the greater degree of service and responsibility; through these servers who are not indifferent, but helpful and abnegated, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I want on this day to encourage you to continue on the path of faith and renunciation. In this way, My little ones, you will permit that the Lord of the Universe may accomplish His great works through His children, especially those who live the apostolate of Christ.
By means of constant prayer, nothing that is outside the light will disturb you. Know that My Mantle is over you daily, and that only I may permit that in this time of chaos your souls may know the judgment is being lived by the evil.
God wants to establish over Latin America the true devotion to My Immaculate Heart; if this gesture of love and devotion were exercised by all My children through the Holy Rosary, future social, political and family confrontations would be avoided.
Those who do not pray with heart and soul in this time, will not be able to stand the involutionary game that the enemy intends to create in the hearts, such as discord, lack of unity and, above all, the absence of love.
But humanity still does not want to recognize that the end of the times is happening and that the Woman Dressed of the Sun and crowned with the twelve stars of salvation is proclaiming to the world the last saving and redeeming call; a call that Christ will be accomplishing before the great judgment.
It is time, dear children for your eyes to see a little more beyond the normal life, because while some nations of the Americas open the doors to chaos and to the plans of the enemy, I beg of you: Pray! Pray! and only pray! Be mediators between the world and God, because over the course of this time I have already taught you how to open the Doors of Heaven through holy prayer.
If the Americas do not achieve a praying, fervent action, many families will suffer the subjugation of those who believe that they make good works. I want to say today, before anything, that I do not come to instill fear, but I come from Heaven having decided to rescue and save those who are submerged in the abysses and in the illusions of this world.
Pray, My dear devotees, so that vices and consumerism that deteriorate the souls of the Earth, may be liberated by the Mercy of Jesus.
It has already been some centuries since My Immaculate Heart descended in Mexico, over Mount Tepeyac, to announce through Saint Juan Diego, a time of peace and reconciliation between the indigenous civilization and the white civilization; this stopped the continuous slavery of good souls and permitted that this human slavery did not continue from generation to generation.
A long time ago the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe brought between Her hands the perfect revelation of union between the peoples and God.
Today, the Queen of Peace cries out so that Her children may awaken in consciousness to that which is happening in the whole world.
Dear children, whoever truly lives prayer will have the shield of My Mantle upon their being. Whoever lives the prayer of the heart in truth will be able to protect themselves and their families; God has given them an instrument of elevation that is much feared by the enemy.
For this today I say to you that it is already time to grow and to mature; I beg you to support Me, and that you dedicate to Me the help that I need from you, to go on pilgrimage throughout the countries of the Americas. Even though God granted the Faithful Servant the power of manifestation, Mother Mary today gives you the opportunity to dedicate a part of your lives to the Plan of God.
Now redemption of the world must be brought forward by the effort of all; My Son will not be crucified again by human cruelty because He will return victorious for the second time to pour His Mercy over the world.
Accept the offer and the call that I give you, forever and forever I will be eternally grateful to you!
Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Protector of hearts
At the end of the strong revelation that the Virgin Mary today announced to us through the message, She gave us the following prayer dedicated especially to the Indigenous Consciousness; for this day of December 12 of 2013, on which the date of the Apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is celebrated.
Saving Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the Indigenous Consciousness
Dear Mother of all the races,
Sacred Mirror of the Divine Justice,
Virginal Chalice that pours out
upon us the Most Precious
Redeeming Blood of Christ.
We now beg of You,
of mind, soul and heart,
Mother and Queen of Guadalupe:
unite that which is separated between our consciousnesses,
liberate the human condition with Your celestial rays.
O Holy Mother of the New Race!
open the Doors to the Sacred Heart of God for us
so that, in the times to come,
all of humanity may see the Promised Land
be born for the absolute good of all.
In Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more