In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Voice echoes in the deepest silence of the universe, in which the inner worlds can hear and recognize Me. It is in this deep silence of the universe that the Father seeks the response, through wisdom, science and understanding.
Silence permeates the deepest layers of consciousness, of life and of every vibration, because in this deepest silence of the universe lies the response of God, which many times you try to find or even hear.
So that wisdom may permeate life, silence is the preamble. This sets the consciousness apart from possible errors, because the Wisdom of God is the certainty and conviction of His Spirit, which knows everything and impels everything, in this and in other dimensions. Without this Divine and Inner Wisdom, inner life would make no sense.
What was the first thing that the Father manifested in this Creation? It was the science of His Inner Life, which later on impelled Creation and everything that was created. There this matrix can be found. There this Purpose is revealed for everything that exists, for everything that lives and vibrates in this universe.
Each element, as well as each particle, each atom as well as each cell within this cosmic science, fulfills a purpose and a duty, because it exists so that it may reflect the Will of the Father, just as the holy angels do in Heaven and on Earth.
In this macro-universe of life, in this space of existence, of evolution, each element, particle or life fulfills its Purpose in the manifestation of the spirit, the mind and matter.
It is in this perfect communion, in this alignment with what is higher and internal, that one’s own consciousness must be connected, united to and even merged with Creation, so that the Principle of God, which is immutable, may manifest, reveal and build His Will in everything that was created by Himself at the beginning.
Within this infinite Creation you must contemplate the Purpose and Origin, so as to transcend the events, facts and even wounds.
If your consciousnesses do not travel in time-space, where the Divine Life vibrates and exists, the Great Purpose that created this existence, all the universes, dimensions and planes, how will you be able to overcome the end of times?
It is time to look at what is essential within yourselves, because that is where the answer is, that is where the next step is, separated from the ideas and thoughts, from everything that you might believe is better.
God is not to be found there. He manifests Himself and presents Himself to souls through His Sovereign Silence and His infinite Divine and Inner Life, so that He gradually builds His Will through them. Today is the time for you to live this, not only to receive or hear it.
Remember that My Words record a code, an impulse in the ether of the planet, so that this wounded humanity may spiritually resurrect and start anew with hope, with the arrival of what is to come, the advent of Christ.
You must think as the angels do, you must feel the way they do; in that way, you will realize how much it is still necessary to sublimate and transcend.
But it is in the origin of this existence, where the Whole is present and inner life vibrates and is present, that the Love of the Father mirrors itself with power, and puts everything in this universe in its place. But not with Justice, but rather with Mercy, through a Sublime Wisdom so that all that was created may learn to evolve and grow.
You must imitate the nature manifested by God to you, its cycles of withdrawal, as well as its cycles of expression and expansion; because just as the seed sprouts so that someday the fruits may be born, in the same way life loses its own leaves and once again sprouts and re-emerges so strongly, through the Light it receives from Heaven, which strengthens the spirit and expresses the surrender in those who live in fidelity to the Lord, Our God.
Today I want to leave you in this level of consciousness because, when I am no longer with you, you will have to seek, within yourselves and in an impersonal and mature way, the power of love and of faith. This very same inner state that I present to all, despite the different schools you are going through.
However, do not forget what I taught My apostles and the people of Israel: that in the Eyes of God, all of us are equal. To God there is no one better or worse, good or evil, awakened or asleep. God knows who each being is within their inner existence.
Can you, by any chance, value this gift, just as God values it with His amplitude and love?
In this way, you will learn how to see your neighbor with the eyes of the soul, rather than those of the mind. Thus, you will be able to recognize, among your miseries, the Inner Christ, this little spark of Light that God placed in each of His children, so that in this life and in this universe, each one may bear life in abundance.
I believe we are already before the possibility to take this step that I ask of you today, to come out of the conflicted third dimension and enter into the time of the Brotherhood, when everyone is considered, when everyone is contemplated, when everyone is heard without being judged. Because if God had placed His rod upon you, you would not be here.
Do you now understand that His Infinite Love cannot be measured by prejudice? That He, the Almighty, as a Father with open Arms and an expanded Heart, wants to have you close, so as to fulfill His Will?
How many, really how many souls need this and do not have it!
Be attentive to recognize, with gratitude, this Grace, so that in you, some day that is not far away nor distant, the wise Inner Christ may be born, the One who does not measure with a rod, but rather loves through His actions; the Inner Christ who welcomes through His Heart and is capable of feeling the miserable as a part of His own misery. Because this is what I lived for you.
With fervor, embrace My Call, and receive it also as a blessing, as an opportunity to open a new door, which with hope may look at the future and, with determination, may close the door of the past so that you may not become lost in superficial things.
Because in truth I tell you that without love, nothing is possible. How are the degrees of your love? Where does love act in you? Do not forget it.
May God’s Wisdom strengthen you. May the Love of God raise you so that you may walk decidedly toward the Purpose, that Purpose which is written in the Heart of God, because we owe Him honor and glory.
I thank those who strive and make efforts to transform themselves, those who can look at the Light of the Face of Jesus every day, in order to be blessed.
May peace promote peace, and may peace grant unity and strength to those who say ‘yes’ to Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come to be close to those who have been consistent with Me, within My Plan of Love and of Redemption for humanity.
Today I come to be with My Own, with those I most prefer for My Plan, for here is where the New Church will rise, so that new souls may assemble under the spirit of faith and love.
I Am your Holy Heart of Love, that has come to give its all for all at this crucial time of the planet. That is why I bring the Universe around Me, so that you may contemplate it within yourselves, in what I call the "inner Christ."
Today I come to ask you, companions, that you allow your inner Christ to emerge at this moment; the Christic Flame of love, which was placed by God since your origins. There is nothing more important at this time. Let this inner Christ be able to appear and be the governor of your lives, to guide you on the path of evolution and peace.
Through the merciful prayer work that you have done today, My Sacred Heart has been closer to you, more than you can imagine. For God, in His Purpose, this means that on the inner planes the Kingdom of God is being etched in those creatures who have been self-summoned to live it for many, many more.
Place your hands in the position of reception, so that I may consecrate all of you today, knowing that this blessing is the greatest that I can bring to My disciples, after all the Sacraments that I have instituted in the world. Because in the presence of your King, everything is possible.
I want the consecrated to bow down to ask for an ungrateful humanity, for all your brothers and sisters that still cannot find redemption; in this way the great portal of Mercy may open for each one of them.
Today I come with an extremely important symbol for the world: with the Holy Grail, which has travelled through many spaces of this humanity after My Resurrection.
It was your Master of Love that summoned His chosen; more than seventy-two, to carry this mission forward, until the Holy Grail should reach one of the most forgotten corners of the world, where My adversary would never find it; where souls, at the end of times, would be able to drink of that majestic energy, which is My glorified and divinized Blood.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At this moment, the Master is placing the Holy Grail in suspension.
The chosen for this mission were seven, who today are among you and have this experience stamped on their spirits. They represented all of you, so that in today's time, this conjuncture could occur, at this very instant, at this same hour, and under the congruence of many stars and planets.
And so, today I also show you universal life in this sacred tool of the Holy Grail, with which I have asked all humankind, to the ends of the Earth, to imitate My last Supper.
In this sacred instrument of Light is kept the most precious transfiguring code that is capable of releasing the human condition forever.
I want you to understand this mystery, companions, that My Sacred Heart causes to levitate over your consciousnesses.
In this Sacred Chalice is placed the maximum expression of the Love of Jesus, the man, and of the living Christ, as spirit and divinity.
Today I invite you internally to drink of this sacred Covenant, each in their own timing, in their awakening, and in their deep adherence.
This is the Chalice of Reparation. Happy are those who drink of It without weariness, for they will never cease to be renewed by My Christic codes of Love.
This is the Chalice that is now to be found in the north of the planet, vibrating in light for souls and for all the consciousnesses created in the image and likeness of God.
This is the Chalice of Renewal and is placed in the hands of the simple, in the pure hearts.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Now Jesus is showing hundreds of angels that have chalices in their hands, as if multiplied by a thousand. Over all this scene, those angels appear, glorifying the Son of God.
The angels are repeating a phrase: "Hallelujah, hallelujah, He is alive in the redeemed."
And so I also come to break the bread of fraternity, so that you may eat of it, in perfect communion, My glorified and divine Body.
You have opened the doors for this to happen. It is the door of your hearts that allows all things, grants all things, and renews all things, until the end of days.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Now Jesus is holding an open book in His Hands, an open book. And He has also left the bread in levitation, beside the Chalice.
He is over a celestial altar, surrounded by white and blue light, surrounded by all the angels. He said that these angels are our Guardian angels, that are honoring Him, are praising Him.
The angels are saying: "Holy is the Name of the Lord forever. Happy are those who live in Him, for they will never lose hope, until He comes in His Glory. May all the beings of Earth be worthy of hearing the trumpets of Heaven; those that announced the coming of the glorious King for all the Universe."
The angels request that hearts open in light of such a majestic Presence: "Adonai is here and Yahweh prays for you, hallelujah, hallelujah!"
Now you can stop bowing down, but continue in the same attunement with Me, for My Word has not ended. Happy will be those who hear it with the ears of the heart, in which the Work is sown and is carried out in the world through all souls.
I want you to peacefully light a candle. Bring the candles of the procession here so that I may bless them for each one of your brothers and sisters. And each one will light it at this moment, so that the Glory of God and His Kingdom may descend to the Earth.
While I wait, let us praise the Name of God through the following song: "Supreme Love Descends."
Adonai, grant Your children the Light of the world, the light of the world that was created by You in the beginning and from the depths of Your essence. You manifested all things.
Adonai, let that Light never go out in Your children. May they always know how to find it within, so that they may live in Your Grace and the eternal wholeness of Your Love.
Adonai, receive the offering of Your children that is born of the deepest core of each being.
Receive the love of Your creatures so that the Plan on Earth may be renewed and all fulfill Your Will, until You, beloved Father, indicate the hour of My Return, in which I will live among Your children forever; to continue to praise You, exalting You, and adoring You, just like the whole Universe adores You.
May this Light multiply in the souls of the whole Earth.
May each soul be able to recognize Your path so that it never feel lost in the hands of evil.
I ask you, Holy Father, that you separate My disciples from perdition.
Let each soul find their help in My Heart, that for all time gives of Itself so that consciousnesses no longer feel alone at the moment of their redemption.
Over the hands of Your children, who today cry out to You, place the greatest wonders of Your Work.
Let each soul, with this Grace, be purified so that it may finally achieve Your Peace and a final alliance with Your Divine Spirit.
Consecrate each heart, just as each heart offers itself at this celestial altar that today I show to My Own.
May your Guardian angels definitely guide your steps so that humanity, as a race, be freed from the planetary indifference and love reign, Mercy reign; so that peace may reign within each one.
Father, today I Am Your Priest. I offer My Heart for Your children, because I know that many more are able to trust in Me. And although they do not have the grace of seeing Me, they have the Grace of being able to feel Me within themselves.
May all the beings of the world, like the children that are here today at Your feet, love divine Will and trust in everything I have shown them, because in the hidden place of the spirit, the purpose for this humanity will be revealed.
Let it be so.
You will use these candles that I have consecrated until they are finished and you will pray with them every day, for the intention of a peer or for some Kingdom of Nature, that also suffers the slavery of humanity. In this way, you will learn to love all that God has created from the beginning of this Cosmos, in which the Greater Purpose emerged so that all souls could live it until the end of their days.
On My altar I receive your pleas from these two days. Bow down before the Lord and rest in My Arms. Trust that all will be well. Do not fear being tested, because if I experienced the test for you, I come to teach you how you can defeat it through love.
Today I dignify you before the Father.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
He is lifting His right Hand, and placing His left Hand over His Heart.
I dignify you before the Primordial Source so that you may return to It and thus the Universal Project be fulfilled. Let it be so.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The angels have also bowed down before the Redeemer. On His hands are the Wounds, almost closed, but the flesh of His Hands can be seen. From the Wounds comes light. His Heart is also lit up, as is all His aura, more brilliant than a sun.
This light that I show you today is the Love that I have for each one of you, beyond your errors, your imperfections.
It was I Who gave My life for you. I will continue to give My life until the last days, until I am finally in you, and you in Me.
While I consecrate the elements, I will bless each one of you, as well as those who will receive them.
I want you to sing Me a song, that is universally ecumenical, in which souls can feel exalted in a profound joy, with your Guardian angels.
Today I come to tell you, companions, that you are more than two and that through this Sacrament, not only My Prophecy is fulfilled; you are also regenerated with the Fount of Love that expresses through this Sacrament.
Never tire of praising God, as you are doing in this moment. You cannot imagine how many sorrows are erased in your hearts, how much suffering is released when your hearts open to recognize the love that beats in all the Universe. Be glad of this love and you will experience peace forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While I rise up, continue singing.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more