Illuminate your consciousness with the Light of Wisdom that the Messengers of God bring to the world.
Awaken to the principles of Christification, living service and unconditional surrender every day.
Experience the gift of humility and the grace of silence in the light of Divine Grace and thus, My child, see the promises of God become fulfilled within you.
Live the alchemy of transformation of the consciousness in the simplicity of prayer.
See the Divine Purpose be fulfilled within you through the sincere submission of your heart to God and discover how simple it is to manifest Divine Will.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Holy Saturday was marked by silence and emptiness, in heaven as on Earth. The Heart of the Creator and Word went silent, and God Himself withdrew in the depths of His Heart. There the power of the Resurrection of Christ was gestated, the wisdom of eternity, the rebirth and the renewal of Love.
It would no longer be through science that the universe would know eternity and the extension of life. The spiritual resurrection was something new, never experienced in all of God's creation; and even the sages and the archangels silently followed the movement of love that, in all dimensions, made the life of Christ resurface.
His Spirit, which had given all of Itself, touched the Father with His experience and returned to Earth so that He could renew His Love.
God followed, in deep silence, the Love that was born from His Son. Even the Creator Himself learned from His surrender and from His Resurrection.
By the perfect power of Love, His Soul, Spirit, Divinity and human and material Body lit up and rebuilt. Love was the air that circulated once again within His cells. The code of Christification gave life to His Blood, His physical and spiritual organs. Life regained its meaning.
The Love of Christ continued to expand beyond the material layers. His surrender continued growing and penetrating unknown dimensions, in the cosmos as well as in the most obscure dimensions of material life, that which we know as earthly hells.
Like a wave that goes in all directions of the sea of Creation, the Love of Christ traversed the universes and all the manifestations of life. At the same time that it touched all creatures, the very experience of Love made His Body become revived and renewed, in a new, imperishable life, an omnipresent and all-embracing life. A life that does not have its own dimension and that at the same time lives in all dimensions: eternal life, because it is life in God, in unity with the Creator.
Just as the Father is in all things, so is the Son. His Body could manifest itself in matter as well as in the supra-dimensions. And where there is no matter, not even colors and sounds, only the silent and invisible Existence, there is also the Son of God. Everything is united to His Love.
The Resurrection of Christ cannot be explained with words or with science, because it transcends all science, all understanding and all wisdom. The Creator Himself, on Holy Saturday, was renewed, and with Him, all of Creation.
Silence is the only explanation for what happened there. In silence, you can experience this Love that embraces everything. Fullness, omnipresence, life, everything was made new on Holy Saturday and manifested on Glory Sunday.
Meditate, feel and experience the codes of this divine experience.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For you to carry the cross of these times, and make of your own being a triumph of God, you must first learn, children, to experience humility and anonymity, which draws you closer not to human honors, but to the Heart of the Father.
For thirty years, the Savior of your souls remained in silence, in solitude, learning from the humility of His simple life, deepening into the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the Heart of His Father so that, only in the last three years of His life, He could express, under the strength of humility, what He truly was.
For thirty years, your Lord transmuted and transformed the human condition by means of His silence and His humility. Each day more, he emptied His inner being so that the Heavenly Father and His archangels could dwell there.
It was only when His entire Consciousness was ready to renew the Love of God that He presented Himself before humanity as the Way, the Truth and the Life, for there was no distance between His humanity and God. Everything He was, was a part of the Father.
Today, children, I invite you to understand humility as the foundation for the union with God and for Christification. If you do not love the Presence of God more than the presence and honors of humanity, you will never reach where the Creator expects to you.
Love the greatness of His Plan and the majesty of His Presence, and you will understand what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Learn to let yourself be sustained and renewed by the love of your brothers and sisters, just as Christ renewed Himself on the way to Calvary by observing the presence of His Divine Mother, the holy women and some of His companions.
In this time, although each one will carry their own cross, you will only arrive to Calvary and to Christification with the help of one another, with the love and support of your fellow being. Because the Plan of God manifests through unity; this is the vehicle for the awakening of love.
Therefore, walking with your cross, let yourself be helped, besides helping. Allow yourself to be loved, besides loving. Receive the service and the surrender of your brothers and sisters, besides serving. Understand that it is together with your brothers and sisters that you will live the renewal in love.
These are the keys so that you may tread this path and also learn from the essence of humility which comes from the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Christ is not only your Master and Lord, King of the Universes, a living part of God manifested among men. Christ is a state of Divine Consciousness, a principle of the renovation of the Love of the Father, which awakens when beings give everything of themselves for love of the fellow being, for love of the Creator and, when they think they have drained their strength, they take one more step, and another, and another, until they surpass themselves, not in their strength; they surpass themselves in love.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Way: christification, surrender, giving of self, love for all creatures, without distinctions.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Truth: He, the Creator of all things, dwells hidden within all beings, and all those who decide to step out of the darkness of ignorance to enter the path of love, which is beyond any science, will not only be able to know Him, but above all, live Him. Let the Father express Himself in your dwelling places, within creatures thought by Him, in order to renew and to surpass His Love.
God sent His Son to the world to reveal Life to them. Love is Life. Where there is no Love, there is no life. And although beings may walk through the world and believe that what they experience is living, they do nothing more than go through an experience permeated by illusion, without ever having known the Truth, without ever having experienced Life.
The Creator calls you to enter this Way, to know this Truth and to live this Life, which is His Son, Who is Christ.
Give yourselves always a little more. Do not leave for later the help that is necessary now.
Love, without expecting to be loved. Serve, without expecting to be served. And when it seems you have no more strength, ask the Lord to renew you and to teach you to surpass yourselves in love.
Say to Him: "Lord, my strength has reached up to here. Now, I surrender my body, soul and spirit to You, and make room for You, so that You come and, being in me, You make me surpass myself in love."
Begin by making your being available to God so that you may surpass yourselves in love, and when you have offered all of yourselves to God, it will be Him, within you, Who will surpass Himself, and like in His Son, will raise you and awaken you, in all the levels of your consciousness, in imitation of Christ, the so-called Christs of the New Time. Those who, entering the Way offered by the Lord, will come to know His Truth and will achieve the Life He thought for His children since the beginning.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Saint Joseph began to approach to transmit His Message, He began to show us some images of the life of Jesus before He complied with His mission publicly. He showed Jesus working in a woodshop, talking to people, walking alone... And, while He was showing these images, Saint Joseph said: "Children, Jesus lived 3 years publicly, but 30 anonymously. He lived 3 years proclaiming Himself as the living Son of God, but 30 in humility, as a simple carpenter, born in a poor family. With this learn that there is no one who better lives a public task than the one who has learned to live anonymously."
And then He asked me to take note of the message of today:
There is no braver warrior than the one who overcomes themself.
There is no preacher more prepared for their mission than the one who prepares themself in silence.
There is not heart more willing to receive Christ than the one who abandoned themself through the essence of humility.
Child, there is no soul more consecrated to God than the one who recognizes that their consecration begins in spirit and that their absolute rendition is what matters the most because - if there is no rendition- there is no consecration.
Live - with the joy that you may feel - the abandonment of yourself.
Rejoice in waiting in the Lord for the time in which He will call you to His side, and let humility be what prepares your spirit for the mission that you must comply with in these times.
There is not heart more attentive to My Words than the one who aspires to live them and try doing it, everyday, in the silence of their heart.
Remember what I told you with simple words, because here lies the difference between living a Christic experience and never finding it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Not even the heaviest yoke can make you give up this path. All sacrifice, when lived with love, becomes light and simple.
The weight of the Cross of Christ was not in the wood He was carrying. His sacrifice did not lie in the pain of His wounds. He was carrying the sins of the world that had been committed until that moment, and was also forgiving there all those which would be committed throughout time.
Incomprehensible to the human mind was the weight of that cross, just as incomprehensible to many today is the weight that some companions of Christ carry to prepare His return. Because both the Cross of Christ and the cross of these times hold in themselves a burden invisible to human eyes, yet almost palpable to those who carry it. This burden, which exists in the consciousness, is carried to transform that which must be healed in the human consciousness itself.
In the same way that the merits attained on the cross of Christ were only seen after the Resurrection of Jesus, the merits of the burdens carried in these times, for many will only be seen after the return of Christ and the establishment of the new life on Earth.
Those who understand the life of the spirit will not be confused by the appearances of matter and will live the love and unity needed to cross the obstacles that will come. But many others will fall through a lack of understanding and through the inability to live a higher reality and to transcend material happenings, just as occurred with many in the time of Christ.
In a spiritually similar way, the happenings are repeated for the establishment of the Plan of God, because the science that carries them into the manifestation of this Plan is always the same. For this reason, you must observe the life of Christ and reach the essence of the Teaching that He left you, and not only the facts. The facts may change, but the essence of the experience that you must live is the same.
The happenings themselves are leading you to that experience: the same tests, the same temptations, the same burdens. It will be enough now that from you spring the same perseverance, the same unity with God, the same surrender, and the same love of Christ.
The path to Christification is now proclaimed and your feet are already called to step upon this way. It will be up to each one the way you will live the Passion of these times, carrying with love your own cross or being a burden carried by others.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not forget to think in the planet more than in yourself. The one who aspires to know all sciences and forgets the most important of all – which is the love of neighbor and of the Plan of God – will never find the path that leads to Christ.
Then concentrate your attention every day on the life of The One who came to the world to be your example. Revive His Gospel, not seeking to be a Messiah, but rather living the Teaching He brought to the world. There was only one Messiah and there will always be only one because that is a single mission, which will finish to be fulfilled in the return of Christ. The state of Christ is what must be multiplied. It is on the experience of this Teaching that your attention must be. Remember that Jesus reached Christification on the cross when, alone with His humanity, He was able to forgive and love the humankind, the planet and the Plans of His Father, more than His own life.
I will not ask you, child, to die on the cross in order to learn to love, but rather to die a little more every day because each time you die a little, you learn about true love, the Christic love.
Renounce all glory on Earth, all recognition, all honor, even when this honor will be given to you by the humankind out of the admiration of seeing you virtuous and adhered to the Plans of God.
Jesus could have descended from the cross and convinced humankind of His Power. If He had done so, maybe many people would have honored Him and believed that He truly was the Messiah, but the Teaching of Christ was also a learning for Himself: from His birth till His death, He should demonstrate to humanity that it is not through glory, through aggrandizement or through the use of power that you reach God, but only through the simple humility and resignation before the Father.
Jesus knew that all powers He had belonged to His Father, and these powers were taken away from Him on the cross so that He would learn from the maximum power that comes from having or being nothing: Love and Mercy.
It was like this that Christ renovated the human consciousness and even the universal life because not only on Earth but in the whole universe power and the use of forces and energies were valued.
All the Creation lived a learning with the example of Christ because after having renounced Himself and His life, He made His Body be reborn and regained the life of His Cells only with the power of the love achieved on the cross. There was no science, substance, energy or vibration that, in a laboratory, would revive the Body of Christ: it was pure love, renovated by the renunciation and by the surrender of Jesus, which made He regain life.
Thus learn, child, to renovate once more the human condition with this living example of Christ within and before you. Imitate Him, overcoming the fear that humanly torments your heart, and open yourself to be nothing.
The one who, in humility, was nothing and achieved everything, your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Greater misery than the material misery is the lack of compassion and of unity among human beings.
To lack the necessary is the consequence of an even greater lack, a lack that is not individual but that is human: a lack of love in the hearts.
To be poor and miserable physically, children, is not the greatest of evils. To be poor of virtues and miserable in spirit is what hinders the human being to share bread for the body. Where there is no compassion, there is no equality. Where there is indifference, there can be no fraternity and balance.
Do not be indignant about the inhuman misery in which your brothers and sisters live, if compassion and fraternity are still missing in you – and with this you collaborate in the growth of indifference and of social inequality in which you live nowadays as a civilization.
Children, may there be more action and less emotion in your lives. May you be more ready to act and not let yourselves get involved by feelings that do not make the spirit grow. If you are facing the misery of your brothers and sisters, do not only give them bread, but, besides bread, also give your own life, offering your transformation in reparation for the lack that exists in the human consciousness and that results in this misery that impregnates matter.
Love, feel your neighbor with compassion, be fraternal, overcome the indifference, overcome selfishness, surrender to fraternity and erase from your consciousnesses the fear of missing something in the future – this fear that makes you keep everything for yourselves. These codes, children, are the ones that make the difference – when deposited in the human consciousness.
Why do you complain so much about the governmental systems and become indignant with the social misery, if you do nothing for the human consciousness to be different, and even nourish the old patterns that maintain them at this point of involution?
It is time to grow and take steps in a very neutral form, understanding the point in which you are and doing an effort every day for humanity to receive new divine principles.
Do not search for virtues for yourselves – to affirm the other’s misery and to highlight yourselves -, search to be virtuous so that the whole of humanity may be so; in this way, children, you will reach true virtues.
Serve and feel in the heart the sorrow for the material and inner misery of your brothers and sisters, but do not remain there. Change, grow, fly and take with you each human heart.
The goal is not only your own sanctification: the goal is the conversion of all of humanity and the Christification of a whole race, that will be able to love their neighbor as they love themselves, and God above all things.
May peace and unity be in your hearts.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Discover in service the ennoblement of soul and spirit, the birth of universal love, because only when the need of your neighbor transcends your own, can you understand a little of the essence of true love, which you came to learn in this world.
Understand that when you serve, it is not only the act of serving that liberates souls from the hells of this world but it is also the love and fraternal charity that you imprint in your actions and the sincerity with which you transcend your fears and limitations to do that which you have never thought of doing, which truly unites your hands with the Hands of the Creator and makes your service sacred.
Go and meet the poorest; go far away into the abysses searching for those who need your union with God. Go where the helpless do not know hope, where the sick do not know faith, where those starving do not know mercy, where the poor do not know the wealth of fully living in the Spirit of God. Imprint all these attributes in the silence of your mouth and in the sincere acts of your hands, in the profound beating of your heart.
Place in service the hope that this world will reach redemption, that souls will recognize unity and love.
You do not need to preach because, in these times, words are sometimes very imperfect. Choose to give an example of peace-making, fraternity, selfless surrender.
Never expect to be thanked for the service you render. Do not expect returns, do not seek results. Place in the soil the seed of a tree that maybe you will not see grow, but trust that it will bear fruits for a future time when there is starvation and that it will provide shade so that those tired of so much walking may find a place to rest.
Just like you ignite your heart in the service to the poorest, also ignite it in the service to those who are beside you. You often worry about the souls far away that become lost, but you do not see those who are getting lost because they do not find in you a little support, help, compassion and fraternity.
I know that you want to heal the world, rebuild the Earth, and not allow the boat of salvation for this race to sink. So, start with your own home, with the Centers of Love, with all life around you, because the one who learns to love does not love once in a while or only a few, the most miserable ones.
Child, when love really dwells in the human heart, it contemplates all Creation; it contemplates the fellow beings and also the Kingdoms of Nature; it equally contemplates the poor and the rich, because the greatest lack is the lack of love.
Love has no culture, no religion, no language, no ethnicity. The love that is proposed to be experienced in this world is the same Love of the Heart of God. Therefore, love in this love and be this love at every moment, with everything and with everyone, in the silence of your actions, in the solitude of your heart, just as among the crowds. Thus, you will learn that the greatest service to be lived in this world is not only charity, it is Christification.
Your Father and Cmpanion always, the one who leads you to the Heart of Christ,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Heavens announce the last hour of the salvation of a planet, the souls that inhabit it have a choice: surrender to the abyss of the world and deny the perfection that exists within them, or definitely defeat the doubts and the fears that stop them from fully being within their spiritual mission.
You must understand that the trumpets that sound from the heights of Heaven announce the hour that you are to set aside mediocrity and begin to be completely filled by the Spirit of God.
In each instant of your lives, you must remember that it is now the time to take a leap into the life of the spirit.
Live each day as if it were the last, as if you were facing the last chance for forgiveness, of being reconciled with a neighbor, of providing a service that you were never able to provide, of giving up vain pleasures and likes that were always in your lives as small impediments, and that today have become large, because they do not allow you to reach the goal of your consciousness.
The time has come to assume universal life with the full awareness that you are in the school of Christification for the whole universe, and the time has come for living consequently with the opportunity given to you.
Just for an instant, think of being in the culminating moment of your lives. Think that, in the infinite cosmos, Creation is waiting for you to return with the experience of the Living Christ within your very spirit.
The universe awaits that, from the Universal King, there will come a race that can completely change the Creation of God and allow all creatures, that did not have the opportunity of being in this world, to live the Christic codes of love and unity.
You came to this planet to learn how to not live for yourselves, but rather for your neighbor. This is the essence of the lesson on Earth: surrender everything and endure everything for the evolution and growth of others. Meanwhile, up until now, you have only allowed for the growth of pride and egoism, which was brought from the universe and does not allow you to act for anything other than yourselves.
Christ left you the example. He did not come to the world to be a king. He became King because He was capable of setting Himself aside out of love for the creatures of His Father. Christ lived within Himself the Love of God for God's Creation. It was for the evolution of all Universal Creation that He surrendered His Life and continues to surrender all of Himself, even while being in Spirit of Divinity.
My dear and so loved companions, the time has come to grow by setting aside the old way of living and opening to the new, to spiritual virtues, to the real being, to love, to unity.
If you are soldiers of an army of peace, live peace, live love, live fraternity.
The Plan of the Most High God will be accomplished, and this will come about through your efforts and with the courage that you may become nothing, so that you may be filled by God.
I leave you My peace and My blessing for awakening.
Your companion of all eras.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep in your hearts the moments when you were with God. Keep as a treasure, as a stronghold, the moments when Heaven descended to Earth, to show humankind how this world must be.
Thus, in times of chaos, transmit the peace that dwells in your hearts to those among your brothers and sisters who have never felt God in their lives.
Hold as a treasure the moments when the Holy Spirit merged with you to show you that there is a divine essence within each being, which must express itself so that you may be an example for the whole of humanity, just like the Son of God was.
Christ arrived in the world not only to be contemplated, but also to be imitated. And, so that you may follow the steps of Christ, God offers you all that Jesus once received. You are beside His Holy Family, surrounded by angels and archangels and living under the guidance of the saints and patriarchs of all times. Now, the Lord cannot do anything else but wait for you to accept His offer.
May you, as did Christ, take the cross that will lead you to a new humanity, a cross that for the current humanity is not the martyrdom of the body; it is the overcoming of the temptations of the world, with the elevation of your consciousnesses. It is to be able to say “no” to all the stimuli that the enemy imprints in the human consciousness, and that little by little, make the union of creatures with their Creator disappear.
To carry the cross that will lead you to the new humanity, to the new Christs, is to find joy in the humble spirit, and though it is a solitary walk, little understood by humanity, may you follow this path which leads you to God.
May My words fill you, inspire you, and also encourage you to follow this path, which makes you find, within yourselves, the perfection of God.
Your beloved companion and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The essence of a spirit that consecrates itself must be renovated, every day, in the adventure that is losing oneself to find in its place, the Living Christ.
For a new resident to enter your house, it must be uninhabited; otherwise, what a great confusion would it be, when such different inhabitants share a single house, being it so small.
Dears, Christ expects to be alive not only in the Eucharist, because He wants to be the living Eucharist inside every being of this world. But for this to be real, you must commune with Him every day.
Little by little, your bodies must give space to the Mystic Body of Christ, so that He can be the life that animates not only the soul, but also all that composes you, from matter to spirit.
This transformation in Christ is slow and, sometimes, painful, but you cannot escape from it, because Christ is transforming all that you are, and the transformation will be with you wherever you are. Many think that they undo with the mind a commitment made by the spirit, but this is not like that.
With all that you have already received in the last years, the seed of a new heart has already started to pulse inside of your beings: it is the Heart of Christ that asks you for space for Him to be your commander, as well He is in the whole Universe.
These are painful times for those who do not make of their own inner transition, a moment of grace and of surrender. And the hardest will be when you do not want to see that, not only inside of you, but also outside, nothing will remain as it is.
Go ahead, soldiers! Be a little braver so that you can see, in losing yourselves, the great victory of Christ.
The Lord only wins when He defeats you, because He must be the great King of your inner world, and not yourselves.
Surrender yourselves, because it is already time to let yourselves be conducted by the Universal King.
I encourage you and take you to this great defeat at the feet of Christ.
May My blessing strengthen your consecration and give you the courage to be nothing and to surrender yourselves to The One that is all and that is in everything.
Your beloved Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek within yourself the true union there is with Christ and, through Him, with God. The Lord has already been before you many times; some of those times, you were able to feel Him, others not, but He left a seed of the tree of Christification within you, so that you may be in likeness to the Christ that was born in His Son.
Your soul suffers and feels lonely, for it has not recognized Divine Omnipresence yet and ignores the Presence of God and of His Son in everything and everyone. For you, Omnipresence is still a theory which you know but do not fully live.
Christ was not before you and then left; Christ illuminated you with the most intense ray of His Solar Light, and you were able to feel It, but His clarity illuminates all things, within and on the outside, all the time.
It is now time for you to recognize that you are united with Christ, united with God, because a part of the Project of God must be born from you, which will seek nothing less from humankind than the Christs of the New Time.
Contemplate the Lord in the Eucharist, as well as within yourself. Contemplate Him with the eyes of your heart, in an apparition or hidden in all things, and find Him.
May the peace and unity with Christ be a reality for the human heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who united with Christ and God for all eternity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more