If you wish to be tested, transformed into that which God expects of you, He will test you, but He will give you everything, so that each test may have its Grace, its merits, and its reason for existing.

I was not only tested by God; from Him, I received the greatest treasure of His Creation, which was His Son and His Servant, Who taught me to be tireless, just as today I teach each one of you. She also taught Me love, just as She teaches you; She opened My heart to a truth which was unknown to Me, in spite of My knowing that God was preparing Me for something since the beginning of My life in this world.

God will test you, will purify your consciousnesses, and will cause to emerge in you that so hoped-for new human being for which you cry out every day in your prayers. I too cried out for a new human being, because I did not feel worthy of being part of this very Sacred, Divine family on this Earth.

But I learned, children, that human dignity does not come from its condition; it does not come from what humankind has built on this Earth. This is not being a human being.  

The human being is that one prophesied in the Scriptures, clay which comes from God, in deep likeness to His Heart, to His Divine Source. And this is what, little by little, I come to have you know.

Today I humbly reveal My Aspect to you, so that you may also see Me just as I want to express Myself to the world in these times. I do not come to be worshiped. This image exists so that you may unite your hearts with Mine, so that you may recognize this moment in which My imperfection was set aside to give room for the perfection of God. This image exists so that you may understand the essence of human existence and the path you must follow in these final times.

I am not the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  I am on the Way, in the Truth, in the Life. I feel Myself to be part of the Heart of My Son because His Mercy opened the doors to me so that I could enter His Heart. That same Mercy presents Itself in your lives, that same Way, that same Truth, that same Life, which transcends life in this world, is also here, available to your hearts, to your spirits, to your human condition.

This image represents the impossible, the moment in which this dried, dead, staff blossomed. Humanity is also like this, it seems dead and dried; but in truth, children, unique seeds of flowers still unknown in the Universe, are held within you so that they may blossom in a truth which should no longer be unknown to you. Let this image be the water poured out over the seeds of your hearts so that before it, the truth may blossom and each of you come to know your true being.

May this Reliquary, small and simple in light of the Greatness of Creation, be the symbol, children, of the treasure that is held inside each one of you.  

Today I bring the patterns of a new life, which in truth, is that which God thought of from the beginning. Today the Creator observes you with joy, with deep happiness, because He will be able to awaken His Gifts within those who say 'yes' to Him. His heart is offered to the world through the humble Reliquary of my Chaste Heart. This wood allowed itself to be transformed, in spite of its imperfections; it gave its life for something perfect, for a new life that will resurrect those who have died, even though they still walk on Earth, because their spirits are empty and their lives have no meaning.

From all over the world they will come to contemplate this Reliquary, because its Graces will speak through the testimony of the transformation of beings, and that which seemed impossible will manifest.

The Creator granted me the Grace of placing part of My Heart in this small Reliquary, because everything I received belongs to God, and today He wants to give it to humankind, to His children, to create a bridge to His Divine Heart.

The Creator gave me a part of the Heart of Mary, a part of the Heart of Jesus, so that I could transcend My human condition, grow in spirit, manifest His Will, multiply His Graces, and today could be here, uniting these three parts into a single Heart, which in truth is His Heart, and which today is kept as a treasure in this little Reliquary. Believe this. Believe that this Heart is a bridge to the Heart of God, and pray before it for the world, for peace, for the end of wars, for the union of religions, for understanding among cultures, for respect among beings, for love. Pray that the children of this whole planet may accomplish their mission in this time and do not lose their purity. Take from this sacred Reliquary the purity of My Heart so that it may reach those who have lost it for some reason.

Let the service multiply through sincere prayer; the Father will thank you.

I shall ask you now that, for an instant, you again sing this little song that with much joy, you prepared for Me to honor the Reliquary of My Heart. If you sing with love, you will demonstrate to the world and to God that you have understood the grandeur of the Grace that He grants you through the intercession of My Chaste Heart.

In the same way that the tests of this world will be unknown, so also shall be the Graces. In the same way you will not believe the atrocities which you will see on this Earth, the grandeur of God which is expressed among humankind will also be unlimited. For this reason, do not think it is too much if the Father wishes to place His Heart in a little Reliquary on this Earth, through the intercession of My Chaste Heart. Let God express His Greatness, for He can do all things, just as He could give His Son on a Cross in the Calvary of this world. 

Sing and let the portals open to the Heart of God, of Mary and of Christ, because I am a small part of each of Them, and it is with these rays coming from the Sacred Hearts that I complete this Grace given today to the world.

I hear many minds sometimes thinking: “How is it possible that the greatness of God is placed in material things, such as images, such as this Reliquary?” Do you perhaps doubt that God is in all things?

Sometimes I help you with such simple, everyday things, not because of these things in and of themselves, but because I learned with the Child Jesus to transform this material life and awaken faith with small services, with the little things. He opened My Heart when He helped me in the carpentry work. He, Who was a child, taught Me to be a carpenter while it seemed as if it was I who was teaching Him.

In this same way, I come to the world to bring you these Graces, and teaching you material things, being in your daily life, I gradually transform your lives, like Christ and the Most Holy Mary transformed Mine. Who knows, one day, children, in the new humanity, you may be helping others, you will be learning about life, about the renewal of Divine Consciousness, and you will remember this moment when you were little children in the human evolution and I had to come to the world to teach you these things.

In the simplicity of My Heart, a greatness is held, which is the same greatness hidden inside of you. Let yourselves be guided by My simple words. Let yourselves be guided by My silence, just I did with the Most Holy Mary.

Today I bring you the memory of My life as the Most Chaste Saint Joseph to place it in this Reliquary, as in this image, and in its multiplication in all the homes of this world. The same Grace which I grant you, I will multiply each time you multiply this image. Believe in this.

Today I had you understand, with the sun and the rain, that I need you to expand My house. I hope you have understood My message. I want many more than those who are in it today, because they will arrive here as pilgrims and will need to be welcomed. They will transform your lives as much as I have transformed them. Someday, among them, I too will arrive.  I hope you will welcome Me as I today have welcomed you.

Give thanks to God for sending His Messengers to the world.  Do not be like the humanity of My time, the majority of which did not understand the Grace they were receiving. The human indifference was so great, that today the world is how it is, asleep.

Let yourselves become new apostles, renewed in your faith, in a faith that is built in silence, in the invisible, a profoundly spiritual faith, whose only miracle is the transformation of the consciousness.

I thank you for expressing devotion to My Heart. May this devotion transform into a source of redemption and salvation for the souls that today are being withdrawn from the abysses of this world, even though no one sees it. 

Keep in your hearts a little Reliquary of My Chaste Heart, a Grace that is born of the gratitude I feel for your being here and for listening to Me in the four corners of this world. Receive this Grace with faith, for the gratitude of My Spirit unites Me with God, and this Grace that I give you, I received from His Heart.

Hold My Words within yourselves, as well as all the impulses that I brought you today.  And as if this were not enough, I grant you something greater: Communion and union with Christ through the priestly intercession of My spirit.

Together let us pray the Our Father in Aramaic, offering the Father not only these elements but each of the Graces that He has given you today; through the priestly intercession of My Chaste Heart, may the angels of the Presence come here to change these elements, fruits of the soil and the work of humankind, to the true perfection of the human heart in the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Our Father in Aramaic
(transliterated into English)

Abwoon d'bwashmaya
Nethqadash shmakh
Teytey malkuthakh
Nehwey sebyanach aykanna
D'bwashmaya aph b'arha.
Habwlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana.
Washboqlan khaubayn
Aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn.
Wela tahlan l'nesyuna
Ela patsan min bisha.
Metol dilakhie malkutha
Wahayla wateshbukhta
L'ahlam almin.



Through your spirits, may peace come to this world. With this, I thank you for being here, for listening to My voice, for making My Presence alive.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Multiply these Graces into the world and sing so that I may rise up to the Heavens. May the Reliquary of My Heart expand so much that it will not fit on the Earth and reach the four corners of this universe.

I thank you.