XXV - To Live in Balance

A soul that felt disturbed by their uncontrolled inner world, their sick body, their imbalanced mind, felt that their problems could no longer have a solution, and they questioned God, saying: "Lord, I am a well of illnesses and miseries, a well of imperfection and difficulty. I feel there is no solution for me, I feel that I do not have a reason to live. Can You tell me what sense there is in remaining like this?"

And after a long time in silence, the Lord responded: "Beloved soul, the solutions of Heaven are not the same as the ones of the Earth. Everything that you seem to suffer without end is in truth already the response for balancing something within you that needed to be balanced. The illnesses that beings experience in truth, have innumerable reasons and meanings, but all of them seek to awaken the sense of human frailty so that souls do not remain in self-sufficiency but rather perceive that only when there is unity with all life, there will be healing.

A body will only be in balance when all its systems function in unity, and if the smallest of its cells feels self-sufficient and begins to build its own plan within the body, there will be imbalance and illness; however a cell may be, a being can come to death simply through its rebelliousness.

When a soul is ill, they need to understand themselves to be a part of an All. To return to their balance, to be healed, they must be sheltered by the power of unity; they must let love and the help of the neighbor supply that which on its own the soul is no longer managing to achieve; they must allow unity with life, with the universes, with God to again reign within their heart. May this soul must not feel alone, isolated or separate from a greater body.

Each being, little soul, is a cell of the Mystical Body of your Lord and God. For this reason, you must perceive the flow of the laws, the meaning of life, which is not one's own, but rather a universal meaning. Each cell has its function but the purpose of a body is one. For this reason, beloved soul, do not seek a personal purpose; seek the purpose of the Universe, seek your place in My Heart. In consciousness, enter the space where you belong, within this infinite Body of Creation, and this is achieved with humility, allowing oneself to be helped, with peace and with profound rendition, the fruit of a heart that has learned to sincerely pray."

May this dialogue, children, teach you to always be in balance within the Mystical Body of your Creator.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


VII - The Strength for Seeking Light and Crying Out for Mercy

A soul that was treading their path of surrender to God, one day, while experiencing a profound moment of inner definition, tempted by the forces of the world, thought about abandoning everything and launching into the pleasures and illusions of life. This soul was tempted to think and to feel that their surrender had no meaning, that it made no difference to the evolution of life and that despite so much effort, they were standing still; so it would be better to leave this path and launch into the world.

Upon inwardly planning to abandon their spiritual path, the soul felt they could not do so and something tied them to God. With a mixture of fear and of indignation, the soul began to question the Lord, saying: "Tell me, Lord, why do you tie me to Your Heart? What difference do I make for You if I am always the same invisible and imperfect soul in the infinity of Your Creation? God, why do You not allow that I abandon this path and that, surrendered to the world, I may learn to find You through other ways that are not this one?"

And with a smile on His Face, showing His celestial compassion, the Lord answered:  "Can an organ decide for itself to live outside of the body and leave? However much it wants to be independent within this body, and it might create illnesses and imbalances, that organ cannot leave on its own. And if one day, after so many illnesses, it were to be removed from this body, do you believe, little soul, that it would survive alone?

This is how the souls are like that have committed themselves to Me are. All the souls I have created are cells of My Mystical and infinite Body, but those that have committed themselves to Me are organs inside of Me, which have a fundamental role in the evolution of life, and even if they do not realize it, they are part of an infinite Work that does not begin nor end in this world. Therefore, beloved soul, it is not I Who ties you to My Heart and does not allow you to follow other paths; it is your own life and your condition of union with Me that makes you feel that, in spite of all the temptations, you cannot do so.

But for you, this moment is not the expression of your purest thought. You are going through a moment of blindness and ignorance, in which clouds cover your face and your heart, and you cannot see or feel the truth. So that this truth to be revealed to you, do not distance yourself from My Love and do not stop crying out for My Mercy. Even if you are in the desert, I will give you the strength to persist. And even in the inner dryness, you will feel My Fount that, in the very depths of the depths, springs up again within you. In a time of confusion, do not stop seeking Me, and I will give you peace."

In this dialogue with God, children, may the souls that today are blind find the strength to seek the Light and cry out for Mercy.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To know the Universe and its mysteries is to enter into the depths of the Love of God for life; it is to understand that, with the same perfection of details with which the bodies of humankind and every creature on Earth were created, thus the Lord created His Mystical Body, formed by all life that dwells within the infinite.

Divine Wisdom, children, draws you closer to the Love of God, and in your hearts awakens a likeness to Him so that you may be co-creators in the vastness of life; so that you may recreate the infinite Creation of the Celestial Father, with Him and through Him, renewing all things.

Divine Wisdom shows you your place in the Universe, as well as in the Heart of God; it makes you knowledgeable of unity, not only as a virtue, but as a universal and cosmic Law that allows you to return to the Father.

Let knowledge transform you and lead you closer to God, in the awakening of His Love, in the experience of His Unity, in the living of His Grace, in the manifestation of His Purpose.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate and come to know the history of humanity, held in your heart and in the deepest spiritual records of the planet.

As from that point, child, you will know where you should not walk and where your feet and your heart should indeed walk.

Throughout human evolution, beings became lost in the eagerness for a power that made them feel greater than God Himself. Your heart must not be in this illusion.

Your path is to unite with God and discover that you are not only similar to Him, but a living part of Him. And this is built through humility, through the emptying and the constant yielding and surrender of self.

Throughout human evolution, the beings became lost by competing with one another, believing that to grow was to be better than the rest, to defeat them and submit them to their own personal mental, physical, emotional and even inner power. Your heart must not be on this path.

Just as you are a part of the Divine Consciousness, so is every being on this Earth. The Creator is an infinite totality that, to be complete, needs the presence of each one of His children. This is why your path is to serve, with the giving of self, with love, with example and with your life so that your fellow being may reach God, develop their purest virtues and achieve redemption.

Throughout human evolution, beings became lost, child, because they lost their values, became confused and transformed into the opposite of the true virtues that humanity should express.

To return to the sacred and to what is true, you must now break the barriers inside and out of yourself so that you may discover the true meaning of your existence and the true mission of your soul.

To evolve, walk upon the pathway of surrender, meekness, of the pure joy of seeing the evolution of your brothers and sisters, of the sharing of the consecrated Bread, which makes all creatures living parts of the Mystical Body of Christ.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just as humankind was created from an Essential Principle of God, the planets were also. With different missions to express and different levels of life and of participation in the transformation and evolution of the Divine Creation, planets are also parts of the Consciousness of God, fruits of His Breath and of His Word, bearers of His spiritual presence.

Understood from an evolutionary standpoint, Creation, children, is formed by different parts of the Divine Consciousness which, when multiplied, recreates and renews through the learning and experiences lived by the beings.

The feeling of individuality and of independence which some beings experience is fruit of the unconsciousness of their true essence. The Creator granted His creatures the possibility of learning through free will and, throughout their evolution, He only observes and accompanies them, according to their choices, according to the permission they offer to God for Him to act in their lives and guide them. In spite of being present in the vital essence of His children, the Creator remains silent within them.

To think on the science of Creation is like thinking of the human composition: all they are, from the spirit to their cells, are living parts of one being; however, if the consciousness does not enter into dialogue with its different nuclei, each one of them may act in an independent way and sometimes even their cells create their own life within the body, manifesting illnesses, oftentimes incurable. These cells do not cease to be part of the body because they are cancerous, for being ill, but they act as if they were not; as if they could live in disharmony with the whole, which is the consciousness of the being.

In the same way, children, it happens in greater proportions with the Divine Creation. You do not fail to be a part of God for believing to have your own life and for not being aware of the Mystical Body which you are part of.

In the same way, the planets are like the organs of God, galaxies and universes are His systems and you are those particles, almost invisible within the whole, which could be called atoms and which, in spite of being so small, hold infinite mysteries within themselves.

An atom of your bodies can change your lives completely. In the same way, you can transform Creation.

To be aware of unity means to approach God and to collaborate for His Celestial Body to be in harmony. To sow peace in a nation means to sow the healing of a life system which depends on each being in order to evolve and to return to the unity with the Heavenly Father.

I tell you all these things in such way for you to understand the design of Creation; for you to understand yourselves within It, as well as It within each of you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The essence of a spirit that consecrates itself must be renovated, every day, in the adventure that is losing oneself to find in its place, the Living Christ.

For a new resident to enter your house, it must be uninhabited; otherwise, what a great confusion would it be, when such different inhabitants share a single house, being it so small.

Dears, Christ expects to be alive not only in the Eucharist, because He wants to be the living Eucharist inside every being of this world. But for this to be real, you must commune with Him every day.

Little by little, your bodies must give space to the Mystic Body of Christ, so that He can be the life that animates not only the soul, but also all that composes you, from matter to spirit.

This transformation in Christ is slow and, sometimes, painful, but you cannot escape from it, because Christ is transforming all that you are, and the transformation will be with you wherever you are. Many think that they undo with the mind a commitment made by the spirit, but this is not like that.

With all that you have already received in the last years, the seed of a new heart has already started to pulse inside of your beings: it is the Heart of Christ that asks you for space for Him to be your commander, as well He is in the whole Universe.

These are painful times for those who do not make of their own inner transition, a moment of grace and of surrender.  And the hardest will be when you do not want to see that, not only inside of you, but also outside, nothing will remain as it is.

Go ahead, soldiers! Be a little braver so that you can see, in losing yourselves, the great victory of Christ.

The Lord only wins when He defeats you, because He must be the great King of your inner world, and not yourselves.

Surrender yourselves, because it is already time to let yourselves be conducted by the Universal King.

I encourage you and take you to this great defeat at the feet of Christ.

May My blessing strengthen your consecration and give you the courage to be nothing and to surrender yourselves to The One that is all and that is in everything.

Your beloved Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
