So that the religious orders of the world and, especially, those consecrated in this time are able to overcome and transcend the definitive times in themselves, I come to ask the Grace Mercy Order for the reparation of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus on Saturdays; so that My adversary does not continue to push My disciples with its tail to make them fall into the abysses, and so that the Heart of your Sweetest Redeemer may be consoled by all those who, in the religious and priestly life, lost the Gifts of God through the influences of the tests of these times.
I at least hope that the consecrated life in the world will continue to be a bridge that leads souls toward God rather than to a pigpen of squalor and adversities.
My wish is that, through the divine merits of My Sorrowful and Extreme Passion, your religious order, on Saturday at three in the afternoon, will offer a group prayer to Divine Mercy, irrespective of the place or moment when you meet.
If you respond to this request of your Lord for an unspecified time, the Saving Grace of the Father will descend over hundreds of clergy in the world, and the great temptations and disobedience of these times will be dissolved, for I will place My Hands over the one who pleads in My Name and they will no longer be an instrument of spiritual distortion, but rather a balm of love for My Heart.
I come to ask that, on the Saturdays of reparation, you have a collective adoration with all the members of your Order, which will also calm the indignation of God because of so many deviations that many clergy experience in this cycle.
If that request is done and nobody fails to fulfill it, I promise you, through the fruits of My unfathomable Mercy, to rescue the male and female clergy who fell into temptation and are lost.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Finally, companions, after so many years of work and of shared meetings with you, I will be able to leave, implemented and established, within the Marian Centers, the experience of the Sacraments for the souls.
For this reason, beginning next March 3rd, everyone who wants to receive a sacrament will be able to go to a Marian Center in order to prepare to experience the Sacrament they need.
It will be in this way that on March 4, 2019, just as every 4th, for the months to come, the Marian Centers will prepare their altars to offer and administer the Sacred and Divine Sacraments to souls.
I have chosen the Marian Center of Aurora to begin this impulse so that the new cycle of the Marian Centers may be more supported by all, especially by the pilgrims.
For this reason, I wish, with love in my heart, that on the 4th of each month, the pilgrim buses may come to the Marian Centers and that their welcome and reception may be preciously organized by the Children of Mary and by the Guardians of the Eucharist.
So, every 4th, after living the sacred procession with the Most Blessed Body of your Lord, the Priests, the assistants of the Priests, the Guardians of the Eucharist and the Children of Mary, will prepare to offer the Sacraments of Baptism, Anointment and Feet Washing.
Thus, the Sacraments will become spiritual bridges of preparation for those who will then participate in the prayer meetings of the Divine Mercy.
The Sacraments, except for the Holy Communion, will no longer be administered on the 5th and the 6th, so that the souls may be spiritually better prepared in order to be before My Presence during the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, of each month.
For another period, I will continue consecrating the hosts for you, with love, so that you may continue helping yourselves of My Body and My Blood.
Lastly, on the 4th of each month, the Priests will offer the Sacrament of Confession during the mornings, as part of the liturgical and sacramental activity of the Marian Centers.
For this, portable confessionals will be built, which will be reverently placed in some points of the Marian Centers so that the confessors may have better spiritual conditions to offer this exercise of purification.
I invite all the faithful followers of Christ, the devotees, the ones who pray and the pilgrims, from the month of March of 2019 on, to humbly help themselves of the Sacraments and thus relieve this suffering planet.
I will wait to see, at the door of each Marian Center, the arrival of the pilgrim buses. I Myself will receive them with open arms so that they may enter the Temple of My Heart, expressed in the simplicity of each Marian Center.
I thank you for keeping My aspirations in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Eleventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Jesus, Savior and Redeemer,
make me humble and similar
to the angels of Heaven.
Make me similar to them
in obedience and in service
so that my whole imperfect consciousness
may have the Grace of, someday, being part
of the Law of the Hierarchy.
Help me and teach me,
through examples,
to respect and revere my brothers and sisters
so that there may be built in our consciousnesses
the sacred spirit of brotherhood
and unity.
Alow me, Lord,
to fervently embrace
each cross that I am to carry
so that humanity and the world
may be relieved of its errors.
May we all, Lord Jesus,
have the happiness of participating
in Your Presence in the Eucharist,
in Communion as well as in Confession.
May we all, as brothers and sisters,
feel and encounter the Great Priest of Love
so that we may commune
of His precious Divine Energy.
For this, Lord,
wash my face with the Water of Your Fount.
Purify my hands, my head and my feet
with the sacred Water
that once sprang from Your Side
and may I, just like the Roman soldier
who wounded Your Heart,
be bathed by the powerful Light
of Your Christic Cells.
Convert me into the apostle that You need
and make me small in everything
so that I may always
Your Truth.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
My Lord,
may the Rays of Your Heart
dissolve any possible
spiritual blindness within me
so that I may have the happiness
of recognizing Your humble steps.
Make me brave,
just as You were, dear Jesus,
in each step of the Cross.
May I not fear to carry
my own miseries,
may I fear not being able to find You.
But I know that as You are
kind and merciful, Lord,
You will grant me the Grace of finding You,
of feeling You and of recognizing You
in my inner world.
May You be this Divine Flame
within us
that transmutes and purifies everything.
Distance me, Lord,
from the illusions of life,
from everything that is superficial.
May I never lose the thirst
of drinking of Your Blood
and eating of Your Divine Body.
Make me similar to all
Your humble servants and martyrs
who gave until the last
minute of their lives
to recognize You and give testimony of You.
May I not fear the deserts
in which You may place me.
May I not fear the aridity
or the lack of sensitivity
or encouragement.
I only ask You, dearest Jesus,
that You renew me,
that You redeem me,
that You do in me
according to Your Word and Your Will,
because thus I will know the freedom
and the infinite joy
of serving You until the end.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Liberate me, Lord,
from the fear of any pain
that I may have to face.
May this liberation,
that only You will grant me through Your Grace,
help me to learn from suffering
and to not fear it.
Because I know, Lord,
that in everything there is a reason
and You, My Beloved, give us wisdom
to be able to understand it and accept it,
just as You silently and humbly accepted it
in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of seeing
the holy redemption everywhere
and how the powerful Love of Your Heart
transforms all and cures all.
Stay with me, Lord,
in every moment,
at least until I learn
to recognize Your Will
and to fulfill it, step by step.
In the difficult and bitter moments
let me be close to You, just to contemplate You
in the luminous power of Your Holy Eucharist.
That by means of this offering, Lord,
I may find the strength and much courage,
every day, to overcome
my ideas, likes and satisfactions.
Make me surrender at Your Feet, Lord,
so that my pride,
vanity and arrogance may kiss them,
and all adversity or inner selfishness
may be dissolved by the balm of Your Light.
I trust in You, dear Jesus.
You, who know my weaknesses,
transform them all,
even though my sacrifice is just
a small grain of sand
in this vast Universe.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Finally somebody places their gaze on this, on My Church and chapel of the people.
Finally somebody comes to visit me in the Sanctuary so that I can pour My Graces, the Graces of a meek Heart, that cannot do it without having a place and a space to pour My Love.
But today I have found this place in the heart of Mine who, in spite of everything, comes to Me and visits Me.
I am present and attentive in all the Sanctuaries on Earth, there I can attend to their supplications.
My Heart is sorry when the souls forget Me and leave Me aside, because then I cannot do anything, I cannot give anything while the souls are distracted with the world and do not visit the Blessed Sacrament.
I encourage you to remind your brothers and sisters of this and, in spite of how empty the Churches are, to call and invite your friends to visit the Silent Blessed Sacrament at the altar.
Thus, I will give you all the treasures that I have and I will be able to pour the Fountain of My Mercy on those who most need it, and also on those who search for it in their heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Praised be your Holy God in the Heights! Because holy will be those who, in humility, collaborate with the accomplishment of the promise of My return, which is written in the Sacred book of the Bible.
May those rejoice who also in sincerity consecrate themselves to My Heart, because they will always have a safe space in the Kingdom of My Father.
May those rejoice who collaborate with Me, so that My Task is incarnated in those that I have chosen from the beginning. Without the help of My collaborators of the Divine Mercy, the Orders united to My Spirit could not exist.
I give you to drink from My Fountain, and from My Fountain emanates the Great Spirit for all the universe. Whoever directs themselves to Me will lose nothing, because they will find the infinite path that they seek so much. But whoever sustains all the Orders are those who live the great sacrifice out there; in them My Heart is supported, because in Love and in Grace they permit that My apostles walk towards the mission that My Father has entrusted to them.
Praised be all those who are part of My Eucharistic Body, because a cell of My light has been planted in those who have said yes to Me. For this never forget the Life of the Spirit; your spirit will be like the times, it will adapt itself to the final changes, and humanity will be able to sustain itself by the unbreakable faith of all My followers of Mercy.
Now go two by two and say that I have consecrated you in body, in mind and in heart, and say that I have resuscitated you in spirit, and that again you have seen My inner light.
Be firm bridges for those who must cross. Today I give you three keys that will protect you from yourselves and from the enemy, these keys are humility, purity and love. May these three fountains spring again in your hearts; in this way those who are thirsty may drink and go out of the desert in which they live.
Before My return certain Orders, to which I have entrusted My legacy, will serve as salvation and rescue for those who are in need of My Absolute Love. Go and say that I love them always and that I am with you.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words from the heart and from the spirit!
Christ Jesus, Your Humble King
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more