In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the world seeks a mistaken way out, and humanity still keeps flaunting power and personal will, through the Fire of the Holy Spirit that congregates you today, I bring you the mystery of the Cross on Mount Calvary so that you may contemplate it through My Heart present here today. So that you may be at the foot of the Cross, just as My Mother and the holy women were. So that you may be at the foot of the cross of the planet, because many try to escape this commitment, because it is unknown and many still fear it.

That which I can offer you are sacrifices, it is a Law not yet understood by the world. Sacrifice has been transgressed by men and women of the Earth because they have not understood it, but My Mother was at the foot of the Cross, and loved that mystery.

And today, your Master and Lord, Glorious and Resplendent upon this mountain range, rejoices for being back here, for being with the warriors of Mercy of this Community, for being, for a moment, with those who are His, with those who are learning to overcome themselves, with the apostles who sustain this Marian Center.

I am here, at last, with Mine, with those who are faithful to this Plan, who accompany the Work of the Hierarchy. This is the reason that has brought Me here and it is the permission that I have directly received from the Father.

Many more must open up to love the mystery of the Cross, the Cross that was marked by My own Blood, the Cross that was bathed by My own Water. And today, through the mystery that I bring to your inner worlds, through My Cross, I mark you again as Children of the Father.

Today, I again purify you through My Blood, as those apostles who are written in the Heart of God and whom, through their talents and virtues, I come to seek.

Today, I speak to you from an abstract universe, but if the heart is open, it can understand and feel all. It understands the mystery that I bring to the world and to hearts, because it is a sacred seed of Light that I sow in consciousnesses, a seed that will germinate and sprout in the coming times. Therefore, your faith and devotion to My Sacred Heart must keep watering this sacred seed, which is invisible and imperceptible to the eyes of humanity.

Thus, I come to anoint you, and I come to mark you with My Fire.

Today, you are open to be anointed by My Spirit again. And to complete My task in Argentina and for Argentina, I come to mark, through anointment, the flocks of God, the children of the Immolated Lamb, so that they may be a visible sign of redemption throughout the world. Because not only do you need it, but the world also needs it imperiously.

Rejoice, and feel you are resurrected in spirt and soul, and no longer allow your souls to be impure.

May the visible sign of the Cross, which I bring today, to each one of you, again bring you a sacrament, through My Spirit and My Divinity, so that the apostles of the end of times may be more defined, and doubts or uncertainties may no longer exist.

Therefore, I approach you at this moment, through a special and spiritual proximity, because through you I work with the whole world, with souls, and in Spirit I can reach those spaces that need Me.

As I told you in Buenos Aires, you will still see, in the end of times, the purification around you and within you. Why should you fear, if your Shepherd is here to help you?

Do you by any chance believe I do not know each part of your beings? Each corner of your consciousness is known by Me. There will never be anything that you can hide from Me, although you may believe so.

Through the Sacrament of Anointment, which today I will offer to you, once again, I will lead you to enter My Christic Path even more, the path of sacrifice. Because the door of the great rendition is open to those who want to cross it, and I will be there to accompany you, to follow your steps so that on this path of rendition you may recognize My Footprints, the Luminous Footprints of Christ, so that you may learn to walk just as I walk in this world, so that you may learn to see Me, just as I am present through various suffering souls and hearts.

If the world deepened into the Gift of Charity and the Good, and the Good were not used as a business weapon, or if the Gift of Fraternity were not used to the benefit of just a few, I assure you that the war in Ukraine today would have already ended, just as in other conflicts throughout the world that you do not know about, in which I am silently present, sustaining the mothers of war, the cry of the innocent, sheltering with My Light the children whose innocence and childhood were taken away. I could tell you, at this moment, many more things of this world.

The great key to cross the door of rendition is the giving of self.

The one who gives their whole life and being does not find limits in their consciousness and, even if they have limits in their consciousness, they know how to overcome them.

Giving of self will always lead you to piety and service.

Be more attentive and give of yourselves. Do not do it only for you, do it for the whole world, for all those situations that are not yet forgiven by God, and only the Law of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy can bring a solution to all that happens.

Thus, I invite you to strengthen yourselves in the apostolate, and this will begin in you and among your family members, at your homes, in daily life and also at work.

This is what I taught My apostles so that, although they abandoned Me at the foot of the Cross and denied Me three times,  they would not cease to feel they are My apostles, those who, through the Fire of the Holy Spirit, would carry My Word, the Gospel.

Now, your own lives must be My living Gospel. I not only need the testimonial of your love and redemption, I also need concrete, true and honest action. This is what I need from the apostles of the end of times: that your lives may never cease to aspire for consecration, that your own legs never tire of walking toward the encounter with the Great Master.

Why do I say all this to you today, although it seems that you have listened to it so many times?

It is because it has not yet happened, and through My Blessed Grace and the Holy Humility that My Heart can offer you, I prepare you for the great times of revelations so that you do not do the same as My apostles did in the past, leaving Me alone at the most important moment.

Therefore, I ask you, “Who will climb the Calvary of the cross of the planet together with the Master?

This is something profound and spiritual. It is to live the testimonial of Christ in the flesh, not just to adore and recognize Him as the Lord among lords, but rather that the very story of your lives, the story of your redemption and your love for Me, at each step of life, may be like a blessed Code of Light stored in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which today, once again, I come to offer to all.

Argentina needs these kinds of apostles, apostles of One Lord, apostles of one path, apostles of one God. Because otherwise, companions, how can that which Argentina and the world live today be reversed?

I come to call to My Path those who have said ‘yes’ to Me from the beginning.

I come to call the sheep by their own names.

Children of My Father, it is time to raise the walls of the inner temple and, once and for all, surrender your dwellings. Because the Gifts that I gave you must be available, at this moment, for your Master and Lord. This is what I most need at this moment.

I am by the side of those who allow Me to walk by their side, so that I may accompany them as I Have always done.

Although the experience of this life may seem painful, sad or horrible, aspire, appeal, implore to come to know the Gift of Sacrifice, because it is something that you can live between My Heart and your hearts.

The Gift of Sacrifice is a Law that the Father enacted before I expired on the Cross. Because the Gift of Sacrifice is a Gift of Sacramental Communion between souls and My Heart, between the divinity of each being and My Divinity, between your spirits and My Sacred Spirit. It is not something palpable, it is something spiritual. It is not something material, it is something profoundly immaterial.

Each time you offer something to Me, remember that you will be in communion with Me, under the Law of Sacramental Sacrifice.

Not everyone can be called to live this school, because it depends on the history of their lives and, above all, of their souls. But today, opening the great door of rendition to the whole world, marking this door to each one of you, I need souls with courage to cross it, because I need to justify, before God, so many errors in the world.

Our Hearts, the Heart of My Holy Mother, Mary, the Chaste Heart of My Father, Saint Joseph, and My Sacred Heart, need to keep coming to the world to help in this cruel planetary reality and intervene in this scenario of horrors of the world.

Souls need to remember, but also need to love the price of My Blood, so that this Spiritual and Powerful Blood may keep descending to the world, and all those who still wait in the abysses of this world for rescue and liberation may be rescued and liberated once and for all.

Do you now understand the importance of sacrifice? It corresponds to a mature and adult attitude.

I prepare souls to feel motivated to live their own Garden of Gethsemane.

Will you drink from the Chalice when it appears before you?

When the angels show you this Sacred Chalice, will you drink of it?

You will have just one minute, at that moment, to remember what I have told you today.

No longer cling to your fears, cling to My Truth, cling to My Path, be part of My Life, just as the Son is part of the Life of the Father, and the Father is life in His Children.

Argentina approaches this great moment of inner definition, and when you see even more chaos in the streets of this world, will you run away as the apostles did to escape the sacrifice next to your Master and Lord? Will the Holy Mother be alone again at the foot of the cross of the planet? Who will give Her their scarf so that She may wipe Her tears?

The Sorrowful Mother silently walks in Argentina. The Mother travels each nation of South America and, together with Her Angels and Archangels, in the dimension of the Divine Consciousness, She crosses the calvary of this world and of souls.

Remember, companions, God knows each heart and, through His Son, God approaches you and your brothers and sisters in the world so that, just as it was in the Garden of Gethsemane with your Master and Lord, you may receive His strength, courage and bravery and say, “Lord, my heart is ready.”

As a testimonial of the greatness of the Mystery of the Cross and of the Love of God, today I will have the bliss of again consecrating new adorers who are learning to love My Eucharistic Body, who are learning to be part of My Mystical Body. Because remember, in the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar lies the power of overcoming to go through the end of these times. The one who is capable of falling upon their own knees before the Blessed Sacrament will know how to overcome themselves.

I do not care how many times you have made mistakes, My Heart hopes you will never again miss the opportunities that I bring you, which are not transitory.

My Kingdom needs to have souls as flowers in God's Garden. How many souls in religious and lay life wither away, day by day, like a flower that dries up due to the lack of the Water of Life! I bring you the Fountain of renewal so that you may cross the door of consecration.

I am grateful that you have prepared this space for Me and for Saint Joseph. You do not know how significant this is to My Consciousness, how important it is to My Heart. Because it is in the heart where the Treasures of the Father are kept, it is in the heart where the Son and the Holy Spirit can dwell.

Now, may the doors of consecration open, may incense be lit, and may water be offered to bless souls. May the Sacred Oil of the Altar anoint needy hearts, through the Powerful Cross of the Redeemer.

Let us truly prepare for this moment, because all may receive a Grace at this moment. an Incalculable and inexhaustible Grace.

Bring Me the scarves of the Adorers so that I may consecrate them with the Breath of the Spirit. So that they, day by day, through the Eucharistic Adoration, may unite to Me until they are in Me, in Eternity.

Those who will be consecrated may approach the foot of this Altar.


Lord, God of the Universe,
 through Your Spirit
and through the offering of these Sacred Elements,
which are a part of My Christic Congregation on the planet,
bless and renew souls whenever it may be necessary,
so that they may feel, in this consecration, the Breath of Your Spirit,
so that all may be healed and liberated.




Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Christ will accompany this consecration of new adorers, and we will unite to Him, at this moment, through a song that He has asked of us, which is called “Consecration.” We will sing it in Spanish.

And at the request of Christ, we will accompany the brothers and sisters so that they may live this moment in a deep and inner way, while the Lord accompanies this consecration.

Please, let us preserve silence, as the Hierarchy is present.

(The consecration of new adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ is carried out)

We will ask the mother of Friar Juan Evangelista to come here, and be consecrated, at the request of Christ, as helper. 

We ask for the elements to be brought, please.


I have the power to renew all that you offer to Me, when this offering is true and honest.

My Love blesses the souls that truly surrenders to Me, because I make all things new.

Today, the Lord blesses you with the name Lucero de Dios.

Welcome to this path of helping at the Altars of Christ and of honoring His Name forever. Be welcome, Lucero de Dios!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now we will prepare for the moment of the Eucharistic celebration, the Spiritual Communion, expanding even more this spirit of consecration, so that it may be received by the souls of the world.

I give you My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

Adonai, Eli, Olam intercede for your children at this moment. Intercede for the world and its humanity. Intercede for those who are not part of Your Mercy yet. Allow them to know the sacred values of Your Spirit. This is why I come here to show it, presenting Your Second Person to humanity. 

I come to a land where many wounds were caused, where many martyrdoms were lived, stronger situations than My Passion. 

For this innocent blood that was shed, for those that moved away from love and caused many sequelas, today I bring the Holy Chalice in My Hands so that in this redeeming Supper, Germany may receive the atonement it needs, so that the power of Your Creator Heart triumphs. 

In this Sacred Chalice that I bring today from South America, where it is preciously kept and protected, I bring the spiritual Blood of the Lamb, that was immolated by the injustice of humankind; the Lamb of God that offered Himself to put an end to the evil of humanity. 

And even though many generations did not understand this message, and evil continued being generated in humanity, it was the same error of the beings of this land that caused great outrages in the civilization of the Earth itself. 

But through the codes and the merits of My Passion, I have the joy of arriving in Germany with the Mother of God, to grant souls and essences the rehabilitation that they need on the spiritual level. And thus, once again, I will be able to renew everything within and outside humankind, in the essence and in the expression of this race. 

With the authority that My Father has conceded to Me since the beginning, I come to put an end to the past, I come to erase with My Light the suffering lived, and by means of My Mercy, I come to offer you My Heart of Peace so that the men and women from Germany and from the world may recognize the value of the Love of this Heart, that from time to time offers Itself to the world to be able to supply it with the Love of God and heal it with the essence of His Heart. 

This is the Heart of Jesus, the Christ, that has been offended by humankind and that in Its innermost holds the flame of His Love that comes to be poured out upon the world and humanity so that it may be redeemed and forgiven. 

Before the Celestial Universes, today My Presence is upon Germany and the Hands of the Son of God write, in the Book of Light of the Father, a new story that today will begin to flourish in the most intimate of the souls that by means of this meeting have responded to the call of the Son of God, of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. 

Germany has always been in My Sacred Heart. Germany must find its spiritual path to be able to rise as a redeemed civilization that awakens to the values of fraternity and love, of hospitality and hope. 

I do not want you to remember the suffered Germany. I want you to remember the renewed Germany that must fulfill its mission before the Celestial Father.

Just as My Heart has offered Itself to consecrate many nations of the world, such as Ecuador, today I offer My Heart to consecrate Germany to the divine Plans of God that will be gestated and created by very few, but that just like two thousand years ago, with only twelve people, this Plan of God in Germany will be able to flourish and silently awaken in many hearts. 

Today before My Presence I bring you the spiritual archetype of this nation, the one which God thought since the beginning, since its conception. 

May this principle awaken in the hearts that listen and, by means of the Sacred Chalice of the Lord, may the codes infused by the Mercy of God, the codes infused by Divine Grace, the codes infused by sublime healing, erase the suffering generated throughout the times, and may the joy of serving God, of fully living Him in Heaven as on Earth, be reborn in hearts. 

For this you must work much, but My Trust will strengthen you because what I expect from Europe is very big and everything will begin in the small so that afterwards this may be reflected in the big. 

Commit yourselves to live of the Blood of the Chalice of God's Lamb so that your inner codes may be renewed through the Sacrament of Communion that today I will offer you so that the times may be renewed and so that the spirits may renew themselves in My Grace. 

With special dedication and with a spirit of consolation, today My Heart reflects Its Rays upon Germany, and very unknown and profound experiences are dissolved. 

Souls, in their spiritual universe, receive by means of My Intercession, the help they need for liberating themselves from the chains of errors, and for living the Will of God, by means of the balm of Love of My Heart. 

I have chosen Cologne because you have opened the door to Me. And when just one single soul opens the door to Me, this soul will open the door to many more souls. 

Look around and you will understand what I tell you. 

I draw to My Mercy those who need it the most. 

I draw to My Light those who live in a deep darkness. 

And by means of the most suffering souls, I renew the times and recreate the Project of God in all those who answer Me. 

For the Lord of the Universe it has been a great universal and spiritual movement to be able to arrive at this moment, at this hour and under this circumstance. 

But see that when the Love of God is present, nothing is impossible, because the Love of God is what conducts hearts and does not separate them from Me, on the contrary, it merges them with My Spirit so that My Spirit may feel the eternal joy of living in communion with souls. 

This is why today I will raise this Spiritual Chalice in the name of Germany and the world, and I will take you all to My Divine Mercy so that you may live in My Divine Mercy and so that you may learn to find it at each moment. 

In this hour, when My Heart fully expands Itself to the world and to all the souls of the Earth, I will offer this plea to our Creator, not only for Germany but for all those who listen, so that they may be invaded by the intimate Spirit of God, and the profound flame of love may sprout again in the simple hearts, in the hearts that are open to reencounter the essence of love in their lives. 

Let us offer this moment for those we know and do not know, for the unveiled mysteries and not yet unveiled, so that the energy of Divine Grace acts and proceeds according to the Divine Will. 

May today this whole scenery be converted into an altar so that more souls may enter it and submerge themselves in the fountain of My Grace. 

For this reason I have not asked you to come up on it, because it will already be blessed for when the Queen of Heaven and Mother of the whole Earth comes. 

I want you to know My profound simplicity because the Lord of the Universe is simple and His simplicity is to be found in the essence of love, which is what renews everything from time to time. 

And now we will reach the most culminating momento of this day, in which souls and God will unite, in which Heaven will descend to Earth by means of the consecration of this offertory. 

Today this sacrifice that is renewed by all humankind of the Earth and by means of the Body and the Blood of Christ, is preciously offered for the inner and spiritual healing of all Germany. 

More than two thousand years ago I taught you something very simple but very great. And today I ask you again to innerly imitate Me and unite to Me by means of the Spiritual Chalice of the Lord that  I have brought today with all My Love so that this sacred teraphim may radiate to you. 

When I was among My ones in the Last Supper, in the profound opening of My Heart that emanated love to all the beings of Earth, I asked the Father to bless the bread and His Spirit descended upon it, and I told them: Take and eat all from it, for this is My Body that will be delivered by humankind for the forgiveness of sins. 

And thus, the apostles ate from My Body and the Wisdom of God entered their souls for them to carry the testimony of My Presence until the end of times. 

And today I offer this material chalice in the name of the spiritual Chalice, that today has specially come from South America to make the boat of the Hope of God, which no one will be able to stop, flaunt among the continents. 

The Father blessed the Chalice with His Spirit and the wine was converted into the Blood of the Lamb and I said to My apostles: Take and drink all from it for this is the Chalice of My Blood that will be shed by humankind and today especially upon Germany, for the remission of sins and healing of every wound in the innocent hearts. 

This is the Son of God present in Body and Blood that sheds His Mercy from time to time to offer humankind the profound testimony of His Love. 

In the end, the mission that I have come to fulfill in Germany has been consummated and will continue forward by the response that souls may give Me. 

Now I will be able to return to Heaven to carry in My Heart this feeling of love that hearts have given Me and thus show it to the Father so that He may rejoice His offended Heart. 

Most Beloved Lord of Creation, infinite and sublime Spirit, make Your Mercy spring in the hearts of Germany so that all may recognize their filiation with You and thus Your divine Project of Love may be fulfilled. Amen.

Before leaving to the Universe from whence I will come to Earth for a second time, I would wish you to bid Me farewell with a song that moves My Heart, so that your hearts are moved for rediscovering the path of deep union with the Primordial Source. 

I want Germany  to listen to this song as one single voice. I wish all those who know it to sing it so that more souls may be moved by the power of My Spirit, which renews you and gives you redemption. 

The song is called: “The reason of my existence.” 

I thank you. 

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the city of Kraków, Poland, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

After more than fifty years, I return to Kraków to bring Peace to the world and grant Mercy to humanity.

I am here for this reason, and I have asked you to be here with Me so that souls may be freed from suffering; a suffering that stopped being historical and changed into a millennial suffering.

That is why I have brought you toward the Fount of My Divine Mercy, because I need you to go deeper into it, that you come to know it more, that you are able to penetrate more with your consciousness, because the world still needs it.

But today I brought you to a more difficult scenario, to one of the most difficult scenarios of humanity. This is why I condescended to descend here so long ago, just as My Mother did in Fatima, to have the world know what God thought and felt. But humanity has still not understood Our message, because it has not truly heard Our message.

This brings delays to the awakening of humanity. For that reason, I have returned here to Poland, through this Work, so that you may know that My Work of Mercy is a single Work, born from the same Essence and from the same Source, of which the world must come to know, not only invoke and ask.

While I am present here with you, I am present with My children of Poland and of all Eastern Europe, because I am already opening the paths with My Divine and Paternal Consciousness in order to reach Asia and Oceania.

Preparing the foundations through the Fount of My Mercy, the Work of Redemption will be able to be carried out and will be developed with the unconditional help that many have given so that Poland could receive this special opportunity.

Thus, today I am stopping the story about what has happened; that is to say, I am dissolving the human suffering, which has been registered in the consciousness of the men and women of all of Poland.

Through My Fount I come to dissolve suffering, I come to grant peace and to bring hope to hearts, knowing that there is still much to do in this humanity.

So today I am presenting Myself to you as the Lord of Mercy, but also as the Lord of Grace, as the Lord of Piety, the Lord of Love, since these attributes are the ones necessary for this moment and for what the brothers and sisters of Poland need, knowing that their own faith has saved them.

It is that faith that is so ardent, so real and pure that has allowed this Grace, that your Master and Lord of the Universe returns to Earth, returns to the place where He opened the Fount of His Divine Mercy, so that not only everything could be regained, but also so that souls receive what they need at this moment.

We are at an important time in the Universe, in the Church and in humanity. The Lord of Mercy comes to meet you, not only to erase the past, but also to have spirits be reborn in the Source of Love and of Unity.

In this hour I dissolve everything that has happened here, in this people, just as in your hearts I dissolve the impotence (powerlessness) that existed here in some moment, of not being able to survive. But now, before My Celestial Presence, the Master of Love and of Unity again presents to you His Fount of Piety and of Reparation, so that all the essences of Poland and of the world may submerge in My Fount of Reparation and of Healing, where the codes of evil will be dissolved, so that the true light that you are for the Celestial Father may be reborn in you.

Thus, on this afternoon, when Poland receives the presence of Heaven, I offer you the Gift of Forgiveness and that of Reconciliation, so that they may be instituted in your lives, in order that these gifts of My Grace help to restore many more souls that will need to detach from suffering and from agony to again trust in God, and above all, in His Divine Kingdom.

With all of the power that Heaven and the Universe institute, I bring you the Fount of My Divine Mercy, so that you may submerge in My Ocean of Love and the Codes of Light be renewed in your beings and in all of the Polish people.

In this way, I bring you expiation, so that you are able to forgive and return to love, knowing that you are all part of a same Source and of a same Origin and that someday all will be one within that Source of Love and of Unity that represents the Celestial Father.

Today let your faces not reflect the sadness of the past, for I know it is a real sadness because of the agony, the suffering, the pain. But I ask that you reflect a face of hope, because God has granted your people two successors of My Mercy: Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II.

In them you will find the foundations for this restoration. Through them you will reach My Merciful Heart, because they have offered themselves completely unconditionally to the world after having ascended to the Heavens, to help humanity and above all, Eastern Europe, in order to repair and to close the wounds; unforgettable wounds in minds and hearts.

But know, companions, that in the Fount of My Divine Mercy everything will be resolved, because while I speak to you and you hear Me, I hear the crying of the innocent, I welcome them into My paternal Heart and I carry them to the Fount of My Divine Mercy; a harmonious and peaceful Fount so that they all may be freed.

Thus, in this hour, many things are happening. There is no confrontation with evil or adversity. My Presence has neutralized all spaces. My Presence has illumined all corners. My Heart has granted the end of a spiritual captivity that has been held in the heart of the Polish.

In this intimate union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Mercy and of Piety comes to rebuild His humanity and His people, through the servers that I have sent to the world, who have gone through this Earth to announce and proclaim My Word and who will still go through this humanity as ambassadors of peace, to proclaim My victorious Gospel and the coming to the world of My infinite Mercy, before the Source of Divine Justice opens.

For this reason, companions, you not only enter the Fount of Reparation of My Heart, but also carry it to all those who need My infinite Mercy; in this way, I will be able to perform many more wonders, as I do in the spirit of those present and those not present, carrying you into a communion with My Eucharistic Heart and igniting in your souls the merciful Fire of My Love, which will finally heal the wounds, will free all souls, and will establish peace.

Thus, let the advent of the Mercy of My servers be accomplished, so that the planet as a whole may receive an opportunity, knowing that it must return to God to find the healing and the reparation of all planetary life, especially those events that have marked the history of humanity, and especially the millions of souls that have not yet achieved freedom from human suffering and pain.

But today, through My Grace and the Fount of My Divine Mercy, your Master and Lord comes to restore all essences, especially the original essence of Poland, that in spite of all that it has suffered and endured, has not lost the hope, the gladness, and the joy of experiencing your Master and Lord.

The test of the past was truly difficult, but the victory of your people is in the perseverance and in the dogma of your faith; this causes the Fount of My Mercy to return to Poland, knowing that there is still time to be redeemed through the Sacraments that I have granted to you from My public Life, up to the Last Supper, reaching the height of Mount Calvary on the Cross.

All these merits, all these gifts, all the powers of this Grace granted by God, are part of the unfathomable Fount of My Mercy that today I again pour out over Poland and especially over the souls that live here, so that in the coming time, the time of the great restoration and the great change, you demonstrate to the world that it is possible to inwardly forgive, love, and be reconciled, in spite of what happened.

It is by this means of Divine Mercy that the Lord and Master of Poland, the Lord of Eastern Europe, comes to this place, which is blessed by Grace; to again give you communion with My Body and with My Blood so that all may be renewed in your spirits, so that all may be dissolved in your consciousnesses, especially that which has stopped you from continuing to walk in faith and in the joy of living God in fullness and in trust.

So raise your hearts to the altars of our Creator Father, so that in this offering and sacrifice of the Firstborn Lamb, everything may be repaired and restored in the Fount of Divine Compassion, granting your people and the world the Mercy of God, which dissolves errors, suffering, and deep wounds. 

Today, together with Me, offer this Sacrament of the Altar, so that the Angels that have come to meet Me and from the Kingdom of God, not only transubstantiate the form of the bread and the wine, but also transubstantiate all the essences of Poland, so that the Fire and the Spirit of Consoling Love may be reignited and all may be redeemed, bringing suffering to an end and entering the Portal of My Heart, of the Heart of Gladness, of Hope, and of Joy.

With these words that I bring you today from Heaven, I invite you to celebrate this Eucharist on behalf of millions of other souls in the World, that in many corners of the Earth, as in many nations of the World, wait for the Fount of My Divine Mercy.

On this afternoon of celebration and of profound reparation, I want you to carry this Fount to the world, through the communion with My Body and My Blood, thus establishing in your consciousnesses the state of My eternal Grace.

Let us then celebrate this moment, for all the priests, for all the clergy, for all the believers and the non-believers, for all those who need to submerge in the Fount of My Mercy, granting your people and humanity this special expiation that today My Heart brings from Heaven, to pour it out in your hearts, like a Chalice renewed by the Blood of the Lamb. Amen.


And all who hear Me in any part of the world also offer this sacrifice together with your Master and Lord, so that peace may not only reach hearts, but also the nations of the world that experience the conflicts and the wars of these times.

I send this Ray of My Mercy in a special and very loving way for Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. May all those souls that are there,  be deserving of Divine Mercy today, so that they not lose the hope and the aspiration of finding their Master and Lord again, when He returns to the world for the second time and brings human suffering to an end, to institute the spirit of gladness of the Kingdom of God. So be it.

Let the elements of the altar be transubstantiated by the presence of the Angels of Heaven and thus the Spirit of Renewal may be instituted, bringing Peace and Mercy to the World.

Happy today will be those who live this Sacrament, for they will be able to recognize Him Who will come among the clouds, bringing the Glory of God and the return of the Kingdom of the Heavens, as it was in the beginning.

May the Holy Spirit descend over this element, so that it may scatter its Gifts in Poland and the world.

With the water I purify you and also consecrate you.

With the water I uplift you and also transcend you.

With the water I sublimate you and also sanctify you.

In this Supper that I offer you today, a mystery will be unveiled again that is to be found in the center of My Heart, which is the Mystery of the living Love of God in all beings and in all the creatures that He has created in His Image and Likeness. It is to this powerful flame of Love that you must return and come back always, because the Love of God is to be found in the Fount of My Mercy.

The Blood and the Water that sprang from the Lamb is the Blood that sanctifies souls and redeems them spiritually.

For all those who labor in My Church of the Earth and in My Celestial Church, today I offer this Sacrament so that it may be scattered as Light in the World and the darkness be dissolved.

Take and all eat of It for this is My Body that is offered by the Lamb Immolated and surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Never forget to do this in Remembrance of Me.

Take and all drink of It, for this is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that is shed for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Drink of this Fount of Love and of Reparation so that all may be healed, within and outside of humankind of the Earth. This is the Chalice of the Original Conception, the Chalice of the Most Holy Trinity that is being offered in what is most simple and humble, so that it may be drunk by the children of God in order to renew all the times.

This is the Sacrament of the Faith of all humankind of the Earth. Blessed are those who commune of It to renew their consciousnesses, families, peoples, and nations, so that the Power of My Glorified and Merciful Heart may triumph.

Our Father...

Let us listen now to the Our Father in Polish.

Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. (x2)

Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, bring us peace.

Happy will be those invited to drink of the Blood and to eat of the Body of the Lamb, so that all may be renewed.

It is in this way that I grant you Peace, so that you may live in My Peace and be My Peace.

Go in Peace and carry Peace, for in this way the world will be restored and all humanity will be consoled of its innumerable sufferings.

I thank you for having helped Me to come here, to re-open the Fount of My Mercy, not only in Poland but also in the Middle East.

All has been consummated.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now you will give each other the greeting of peace in My Name.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 59th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the province of Algarve, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The one that is My rival will never manage to separate My flocks, no matter how much he agitates or disturbs them. The Faith of My Heart will prevail because it is a real Faith that comes from the Heart of My Father, is projected in My Heart and I project it over those who are Mine.

That powerful Faith of My Heart will always be invincible and that Faith, I invite you to testify in your lives, in your paths, in your coexistence, in your brotherhood.

It is the Faith of My Heart that will triumph in the world, through the powerful flame of My Love and of all those who love Me in the world, unconditionally.

I come to transform your love in the name of My Higher Love, so that you may live Christic Love someday.

Behold the Lord of Divine Mercy before you, the One Who announced the salvation of the world to Faustina, so that she could contemplate His Divine Image at the feet of Our Lord.

Behold the Rays of Pity and Grace, which are poured out today upon the world to generate atonement in the souls and true justification before all the committed errors. 

Behold the Lord of Divine Mercy of the Nations, The One That has no frontiers, nor divisions, race, color or society.

Behold the Lord of Life Who penetrates all souls with His Divine Power, Who comes from the twelfth celestial dimension and descends to the Earth, to this third dimension, to generate the great awakening.

Behold the Defeater of Death, the One Who rose for you, so that you could rise in spirit.

I am the Lord of Mercy and the Lord of Peace. Where I am present, no evil can abound or surround, because the victory of My Heart is realized in those who open to recognize Me within themselves.

Behold the Second Person of God manifested before you, the Firstborn Son, the Only Born Son, the Redeemer, your Savior.

Behold the One Who sustains the Sword of Justice, so that it may not be buried in the planet and cataclysms come about.

Behold the Lord of Justice, of Equality, of cooperation and of understanding.

Behold the One Who expurgates the evils of the world and defeats the hells with His Love, with the powerful Light of His Heart.

Behold the One Who transmutes the world, Who transmuted it and will transmute it, the One Who sublimates laws and unifies dimensions in the hearts that open to this sacred knowledge.

Behold the powerful flame of My Heart, which is revealed to the humble and shows itself to the simple to conceive in them the Glory of God, the Grace of the Father and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Behold the One Who breaks the chains of evil, Who dissolves human inertia and awakens the consciousness of human beings to the real spiritual truth that emerges from the heart of the Universe for all of this solar system.

Behold the One Who governs after the Father and is seated to the right of the Almighty.

Behold the humble Servant of God, Who died, suffered and endured for you, so that you might know the dimension of My Higher Love.

Behold the One Who opens the doors of Heaven so that all may enter into the House of God. Although you remain on Earth and are not in Heaven yet, you may enter through My Heart to the Kingdom of God, to His sublime dimension.

Behold the Lord of the Truth and the Life, the Way and the Kindness, Who decides, together with the Archangels, on the continuity of this race and of the Universe in which you are today.

Behold the Lord of the Milky Way and of all the local Universe.

Behold the Lord of the galaxies, Who contemplates with love even the smallest particle created because everything is part of God, of His Heart, of the kindness of His Love and the purity of His Spirit.

Behold the One Who will judge the fallen angel through Redemption, Who will stop the times so that there will be a single time, Who will grant the world the one thousand years of peace.

Behold the risen Lamb, which will free souls from suffering; which will give hope back to the world so that all may know the happiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Behold the Servant of Humility Who will renew the Church when He returns to the Earth for the second time and will destroy the oppressors, so that the good news of the Kingdom of God may be fulfilled in those who have been faithful and unconditional to My Heart.

Behold the One Who carries the Scepter of God in His Hand and the great Star of the Confraternity that unites all creatures of the Universe under the same condition, which is the higher condition of the Spirit of the Source of Creation, from where all come, from where all emerged once as sparks of this universal experience, which must be recreated through your sacrifice and redemption so that love, truth and unity may triumph in the hearts of the Earth and in all those that exist in the Universe.

Behold the Lord of all humanities, That One Who deeply knows the Project of God, after having incarnated as a man and as a Divine Consciousness on Earth.

Behold the Lord of fraternal Love, Who gave Himself for you to correct the Project of God, to turn this Project into a divine dignity in the Eyes of our Creator.

Behold the Lord who calls you to correct this Project through the transformation of your lives, the love for service, the redemption of your hearts, through your path of conversion.

Behold the Beloved Shepherd Who will always give you His Gifts, Who will show you the way and will point the path out to you to merge with the Creator.

With all of this, I want you to know My spiritual Aspects and the power of the omnipresence that the Father has granted Me since My Ascension, so that I could be present in all places and with all creatures, no matter what their condition or their evolution.

With My Mercy I come to renew the world and grant souls the Graces they need in order to know how to go through these times without losing the way to My Heart.

Through the Sacraments, I come to give you peace and the conception of good in your lives so that this higher good may reverberate not only in your lives but also in the world, which will need to awaken to cooperation and fraternity.


Everything that is offered from the heart has its reward in Heaven and furthermore, acquires an immense power when it is offered with humility and simplicity.

May these Sacraments that you will receive today renew your lives, so that the Kingdom of God may be established in you.

Yesterday you washed your feet, but today you will wash your heads, anoint your bodies, for the Love that the Holy Spirit will grant you.

Each Sacrament is the profound symbol of the reparation of souls, the opportunity for dissolving inner suffering and for generating healing for the spirits that most need it.

Today the Light of the Holy Spirit will be ignited in your consciousnesses so that you may be blessed.

Today you will be anointed by the immolated Lamb, so that Its precious and divine Blood may sanctify your lives.

As the power of the water that baptized Me in the River Jordan, may today this power be imparted and registered in this element that is offered at the feet of its Creator so that more souls in the world may testify to the immensity of the Universe of My Love for all hearts, so that peace may be established.

The moment has come to relive the Sacrifice of the Lamb.

Let all who can, kneel, so that this sacrifice that will be offered today to God may continue to be a source of reparation and of mercy for the world.

In each new sacrifice there exists the emanation of the Love of God, which can be experienced and undergone by the hearts that receive the Sacraments.

Seated at the table, together with My apostles, I took the bread, gave thanks to God for the surrender that I would live for you, and in that profound sacrifice of love, His sublime and divine Spirit blessed it. And all the angels of Heaven prostrated themselves before the sacrifice of the Lamb and for the Blood that would be shed in reparation for the outrages, indifferences and omissions of all men on Earth up to the present time.

Thus, I said to My apostles and today I say to you: all eat of It, for this is My Body that is given up for men for the forgiveness of sins.

May this sacrifice be recognized by the whole world and throfoughout the times.

Having the first part of the Supper ended, I took up the Chalice, that sacred teraphim of the Universe, which is still reverberating throughout the times and generations. The Spirit of God blessed it and the Holy Father, the Almighty Lord of the Universe put His Head on the ground, as a sign of reparation for all of humanity and the whole planet. The Ray of His Heart blessed the sacred wine, converting it into My precious Blood.

And I said to the apostles and today I say to you: all take and drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, which will be shed for you for the forgiveness of sins and the atonement of all consciousnesses.

Do this in remembrance of Me.

Our Father...

Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world,
have pity on us.
Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world,
have pity on us.
Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world,
bring us peace.

This is the Lamb of God, Who has sacrificed for you. Happy will be those who avail themselves of it so that nobody else may be immolated in this world and no other being may shed its blood for the injustice of the world.

I will always give you My Peace so that you may learn to live in My Peace, knowing that peace opens the doors to the healing and the redemption of souls.

Before your Master and Lord be witnesses of this Peace that comes from Heaven and descends to the Earth to close and dissolve deep wounds, great spiritual wounds in humanity.

Through the Rays of Mercy that today emerge from My Heart, I grant you peace so that you may learn to put yourselves under Me, so that My Rays of Light and Love may continue to be poured out in your lives and over the planetary life.

May the Peace of God be with you and go in peace. Through this Peace, I dissolve your sins and your offenses, in the same way that I dissolve the offenses of the world at this very important hour of the memory and remembrance of the Lamb of God and of His Divine Sacrifice.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You may give one another the greeting of peace in My Name.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
