During the dark night, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your consciousness may become invisible in the face of the sieges that will come to test the faith of humanity.
During the night of darkness, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the contrary currents do not strike your spirit, nor defeat it, but rather that you be invincible, just as I was on the Cross.
During the times of great battles, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that nothing contrary to the light may recognize you, nor be able to find you.
During the time of Armageddon, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that all that is revealed, and it will be dreadful, does not reach your heart, but that you may take refuge within My Spirit to pray for those who will be subjected to it.
During the crucial hours of humanity, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the Peace of God may rest in you and you may learn to protect yourself from all that will happen in order to help your fellow being, so that they too may be covered by the Mantle of the Shepherd.
During the definitive hour, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your eyes do not see what will happen in the world, especially in those who never recognized Me as the Son of God and Guardian of Souls.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
Feel My Heart close to yours and My Spiritual Energy filling each corner of your being.
Feel My Presence within you and the great Universe of Love that expands inside of you, and how your soul is collected by the balm of this most potent Divine Energy.
Stay inside this emptiness and discover the magnitude of humility and the infinite splendor of love.
Help yourself of My Gifts so that your life transforms into the project that I have thought of from the beginning.
Feel the strength of the Love of God and cover yourself with His Mantle of pure Mercy; in this way, you will receive the simplicity of the Universal Kingdom and you will commune, together with the angels, of the powerful Divine Energy.
Render yourself into My Arms and this way I will take you up to the Cosmic Dwellings where you will discover the joy of being able to serve God and the gratitude of being able to feel Him and recognize Him.
May your consciousness expand and may everything be healed and redeemed in this expansion.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Light penetrates the world to separate it from error and suffering.
From My Light comes the Renewing Source, the impulse that will bring about the awakening of consciousness to humankind of the surface.
My Light penetrates the world so that a new redeemed consciousness, purified and sublimated by the Christic energy, may emerge from it.
My Light penetrates the cells of all beings so that, at some point, the souls perceive the time of their awakening.
From My Light emerges divine existence and I share this Light with My brothers and sisters, bringing them the moment of the great revelation.
The Light that I cause to penetrate the world is invincible, solid and immutable.
From My Light emerges Love and Love brings Truth, the Truth of what was created, thought, and consummated.
From this Light comes the beat of life and the manifestation of the field of consciousness, a consciousness that is enlightened by its own light, which is transcended by its own energy.
That is the Divine Consciousness, which, being immutable, neutral, and powerful, reveals the essence of original existence, of which all are a part, and towards which all, one day, will go.
From My Light comes the revelation of the mystery, and from that mystery, the sacred knowledge will be unveiled, which will awaken beings to a greater life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Although times are difficult and many souls despair because of not having sought God, trust in My Mercy.
Although conflicts are increasing and many more feel hungry, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the exploitation and mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature and the great oceans, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the psychological imbalance of humanity and the falseness of those who govern the world, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the life of the unborn being taken and the children in this time being the object of the perversion of adults, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the lack of equality, truthfulness and transparency, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the injustice, the illness of the world and the lack of discernment, trust in My Mercy.
Because I will return and I will take on each one of these situations. I will put an end to what is unjust, I will dissolve the pain and the suffering.
When I return, I will take the power away from the arrogant and give all the riches to the poorest. I will reveal My Kingdom to the humble of heart and I will show Myself to the simple in spirit.
When I return, everything, absolutely everything will be transmuted and a New Humanity will begin, free of evil and adversaries, because the new light of the consciousness will rise.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Transmuters are souls consecrated to be victims of the Love of Christ in order to transform, sublimate and liberate the contrary and dense currents that hinder spiritual ascent and the evolution of consciousness.
Transmuters are absolutely at the service of Christ, and, in silence, without recognition or comments, they relieve the pain of the world.
Transmuters are directly chosen by the Hierarchy because this is a task, a need of the Plan, and part of the Divine Will.
Nobody can declare themselves as a transmuter, since that state of consciousness depends on the alignment with the Hierarchy.
In most cases, purifiers exist, which are consciousnesses that, in a permanent and slow way, are purifying themselves, cleaning the spiritual register of their debts and errors through the impulse of a Higher Law that comes to their assistance, such as Mercy.
The Law of Mercy places those who are miserable of spirit within the energy of Grace but, for this to be possible, they must purify themselves.
Transmuters do not have a specific hour or time for this task. This mission of liberating and sublimating, through transmutation, is something the spirit learns throughout time and it has nothing to do with anything personal.
In these times, the Lord will call more transmuters to His service due to the need of the planet and the chaos of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "At the Altar"
Within this song is revealed the importance that there is, for the end of times, in building an inner temple, capable of being filled by universal and cosmic Laws, capable of protecting and of holding the most pure essence of God, within His children, the co-creators.
For this reason, the song cries out for the Spiritual Hierarchy, following the sacred principles of the Brotherhood in humility and in obedience.
It is for this reason, the entire foundation of a true and sacred spiritual life is to be found in the living of attributes, which will be the basic rules for the construction and the strengthening of the life of the spirit; principles and laws that bring us out of ignorance and of the spiritual drowsiness of these critical times.
The song's title is "At the Altar" because after the daily construction, after some evolutionary methods and behaviors in life, the sacred temple of each being, represented by each consecrated body, offers the Lord all of their being to be purified and blessed by the divine energy of Grace.
In this sense, the living terrestrial being begins to lose the power that desires and habits have over human life.
Setting aside these mundane habits, the consciousness takes wing toward the infinite in search of its origin and of its higher reality, leaves inertia behind, and banishes any vestiges of indifference.
In this way, the soul, which builds its inner temple for the Lord, surrenders to an absolute unconditional service, knowing that nothing of what exists belongs to them, that no recognition offered will enlarge their spirit.
The soul ardently seeks union with Divine Spirit and leaves behind the corrupted stream of illusion in order to enter into the great Universal Consciousness where the Spiritual Hierarchy dwells.
Thus, the first premise in support of the elevation of this temple is vigilance and prayer, fundamental keys to keeping the great stronghold of the spirit protected. In this way, nothing and nobody will take the disciple by surprise; on the contrary, the consciousness will be attentive to the new indications of the spirit.
This song teaches about truly building a life based on selflessness and service to others.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Alleluia"
In this song, the inner invocation is centered upon the receptivity of the consciousness when faced with the teaching and the knowledge given by its Master, that is to say, the Instructor; and in the openness to hear the Truth, in order to learn to follow the Law and to fulfill it.
This love for the Law will allow the soul to awaken even more to service, because it will lead it into seeking the good in all places and will give it the impulse towards the ardent aspiration of achieving, through devotion, the union with universal life.
The song also reveals that the disciple has no uncertainties about the great Hierarchy. This is because the faith of the disciple is concentrated upon learning to live and to love the Law of the Hierarchy.
This brings inner security in the steps, that must be taken, to someday concretize the experience of the mission to be accomplished in this world.
To carry out this experience, which will change the life of the disciple, the song indicates the way, saying that habits must change so that this experience of living the mission upon the Earth be real and have no oscillations.
All this surrender that will be achieved will be in the name of the Lord and for His Glory. This will lead the disciple into detaching from riches through the living of the Law.
So that this total experience may be reflected in the life of the disciple, he must gauge his strength during purification and not challenge evil.
Thus, in this resignation and surrender, he will emerge as chosen, among so many, to reflect only gratitude before the Messengers who fill Heaven with signs, determining for the spirit and profound for the transformation of the soul.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Come brothers"
In this song we find several keys that reveal to the consciousness the correct procedure to be able to access, in an appropriate way, the subtle vibrations of the Cosmos.
Beyond being a procedure itself, the song "Come brothers" represents an inner invocation, a call of the souls of the Earth that aspire to reach that union with the infinite and with all of its spheres.
In order for that to be possible, the song points out a few basic rules to be able to contact all that exists and all that inhabits the Greater Universes.
The first key is to change the attitude, to say "yes" through prayer, alignment and elevated singing; to change the vibration in order to be in the correct attunement and on the correct plane.
That door will open through the channel of devotion, because devotion will take us to express what we truly are, beyond appearances and methods.
When the consciousness manages to change plane and vibration through prayer or elevated singing, it is from that point that other Laws, attributes and principles, held in the inner world of each being, begin to be visible and available for the materialization of the Divine Will. Because on changing planes, the consciousness distances from errors and their consequences.
The second key presented in the song is the act of sharing, from inner world to inner world, all the good that each consciousness has, transcending the limits of their own provisioning and the distrust that may exist.
In that sense, dying to self, at each moment, the soul incarnated on Earth will be able to serve with joy to the inner siblings, and thus, the consciousness will be granted the cosmic grace of freeing itself from debts, breaking the ties and the limitations of matter, attaining, little by little, the phases of inner transcendence.
This awakens in the consciousness a sense for the reverent and for the sacred, merging its spirit into the song and into the honor to the inner siblings, creating in this way, an alliance with the Universal Brotherhood and opening the spaces to continue towards the infinite.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Passion of Jesus meant and represented many occurrences for humanity. Some of these facts were known, but others are still unknown.
Many realities and situations took place, mostly in other planes of consciousness, something that was beyond the material and also the spiritual.
The Passion of the Lord was the true testimony that He, above all, had reincarnated to accomplish this mission, and there would be nothing that could modify or alter this event.
When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, the hour and the moment had come, as an incarnated man, for Him to render the human condition to the Father so that, through Him, that sacrifice would be transformed for the good of humanity, although humanity itself did not deserve such Grace.
The father, through His Son, knew that if such surrender and sacrifice did not happen, the human race would destroy itself.
Christ's fundamental reason, during His thirty-three years of life, was to be able to live and accomplish, beyond Himself, the Divine Will.
Jesus was a man born with evident Gifts from God, but He had to know, like every human being, the human condition; He went through temptations and tests so that His Spirit would emanate, all the time, the reason for His existence.
This immediate attainment of Jesus to the Will of His Father enabled Him not to perish.
Let us remember that Jesus arrived in a moment of humanity in which the perversion and the abuse of power were the abysses for which humanity was being condemned.
Jesus maintained the momentum of His Love for the Father. He Believed, above all, in the realization of the Divine Will, as it was written.
His Purpose was to reach the goal that His Father had given Him, in spite of all the difficulties that the Master would face.
His confidence in the manifestation of that Plan and, above all, His Love for it, made Him a spiritually free Being, capable of overcoming duality and the adversity that the human beings had created.
To Love that Will was the main spiritual objective of the life of Jesus. He knew that nothing and nobody could change the destiny that the Father had showed Him for His Mission upon Earth.
Living that Will was an imperative necessity of the Master, although sometimes, despite the sensory and mystical development of His Consciousness, He did not know how far this Will would take Him within His personal and Global Mission.
There were inextinguishable keys that protected and supported the accomplishment of all the work in the Life of Jesus, as in souls, which were humility and the selfless surrender of His Being. In that school no streak of pride and no sign of selfishness could prevail.
The communion that Jesus constantly lived with the Heights made Him truly free, and beyond Him, the Laws of universal Mercy and Grace could act and perform miracles.
What was fundamental in the Life of Jesus was the Love He brought as the Son of God and the teachings that His Consciousness left, that the sincere and true love would be able to transform and sublimate human corruption.
I Thank you for imitating the Will and the Love of the Lord!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Leave your soul surrendered in My Arms so that I may deposit in your essence what I have prepared for a long time.
I need you to give Me permission so that I may be able to work and polish, with My Hands, everything that, some day, must shine as gold.
You are the greatest treasure that I can bestow to the Universe and, mainly, to Creation.
Your life is like a raw crystal that must be worked on so that it shows its beauty and splendor.
Let me remove the streaks of the impurities. Allow me to be able to use the instruments that I have prepared to make of you what My Will has determined.
Do not retreat, advance without fear and with courage so that those who are behind you may also be able to advance.
Be conscious of My Words and remember My Acts so that you can finally perform My Sacred Will.
Take the risk to feel inner detachment of all power, all autonomy and all prestige.
A true servant of Mine is always willing to clean the sandals of his brothers so that they may neatly enter into the Divine House of the Father.
I invite you to decide to be part of Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Message
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
By express Will of My Father, today I Am here to announce you that I Am the Lord of the Eclipse, the One who, through the phenomena of the end of times, announces the definitive times for humanity.
I have come especially to bring you this announcement.
I have descended here from the House of My Father to share with you My Word and My Message of the end of times.
By means of My Heart, I announce you the Truth and I open the ears of the consciousness for those who want to listen.
The last phenomenon that happened was not only physical, but also spiritual and universal; and although not everyone participated in it, the planet is inside of that context and that reality.
What the eclipse announces is the change of a cycle, the passage to a new state of consciousness and to a new time of purification.
The last eclipse announces the end of the end of times. There will be nothing more to expect, everything will unleash quickly.
This is why I come tonight to announce it to you, because at night the Celestial Governments act more deeply and the Spiritual Universe approaches to give this revelation.
I do not want you to feel disquiet about what I am revealing to you.
Each announcement that I make is to strengthen your commitment with Me and to testify to the return of the Lord to the world, for the second time.
The phenomena of the Universe are reflected in the inner phenomena.
Everything that happens in the Universe also happens inside of beings. There is nothing disconnected.
It is time to cross this doorway towards the new cycle. Because the commitments will transform into responsibilitie,s and if your responsibility is firm, the Master and the Lord of the Eclipse will be able to count on you in an unconditionally way.
After the eclipse comes a new time, a new reality, and the Universe expects that humanity realizes what that means.
The events no longer will be abstract, neither for only a few consciousnesses.
The last eclipse announces global events that will impact all over the Earth and specially in its humanity.
Thus, for this special Marathon in Aurora, the moment has come for each server to make his synthesis, meditate, contemplate and reflect about everything that they have received during the previous sixty meetings.
I have given, in each moment, a special key for each being, for each server, so that each one may learn to open the correct door and find the meaning of evolution in the end of these times.
Now the moment has come to give everything for the planet; this is why the first impulse of this cycle of purification will be the definition and the absolute union with My Divine Consciousness.
By means of My Sacred Heart, I offer you the perfect refuge for the difficult and acute moments of humanity; in this place that I offer you, only God and My Mother will find you.
In My Heart there is no fear, but rather the trust that God fulfils His Will, time and again.
Unite to this Principle and make it part of your lives, thus you will be able to accompany My steps, thus you will be able to follow My commands, thus you will be able to help to carry out the Plan, from the place that corresponds to each one and within the duty that each one must live, because what I need is something very simple. All this will help to prepare My Return.
I need that you write, with Me, a new history, which is the beginning of a New Humanity.
For this reason, the events of the end of times will be very intense, inside and outside of the beings, and will take to the souls to give big steps in their awakening.
But who does not manage to take these steps will move backwards, and I need everyone to walk by My side.
Because the Lord of the East is approaching by means of the announcement of the eclipse, where universal conjunctures have congregated and astronomic movements have united, to announce to humanity that the hour and the moment has come to redeem humanity and to restore the planet, after its time of purification and its transition.
May no one be surprised by what they will see.
May no one focus on the events, but rather in the need to love more and more, carrying in heart the Trust of God and the daily work of communion with Me, which will be important bases for learning how to survive in these times.
But today My Hand extends to you and to the world.
Today My Arms are open to embrace humanity and the planet.
The phenomena of the end of times are sudden changes for consciousnesses, because they will come, little by little, but they will be fast and they will demand a total change in humanity.
Who stays inside of the cosmic movements will be inside of the Law.
It is to follow the movements, unite to them and understand them, even though there is not full knowledge of what this means, for this final time.
The Lord of the Eclipse announces a very sudden change in the humanity that everybody will feel and that, from the next 8th of August, will be finally concretized.
I repeat to you again, do not stay in the events, perceive in your inner worlds what this will mean and the expansion of consciousness that this will bring.
Because these are the last Rays of the Universe that will descend to the Earth, by means of immaterial and cosmic Laws, with the aim of preparing humanity for the coming final time that is very close.
Everything will be visible, everything. Inside and outside of the beings.
There will be no more deceit, because the deceit will be seen.
There will be no more lies, because the lies will be revealed.
There will be no more secrets, because the secrets will be unveiled.
It is time to internally absorb the strength that comes from the Universe, by means of the luminous currents that come to the planet through astronomic and cosmic phenomena.
The planet has changed state after the last eclipse and the planet of Mars has been the governor in all this. Humanities of other times have participated in this and the Universe has contemplated this phenomenon, beyond the physical, within the spiritual plane.
And after this event, that has been seen in the world, today the Lord of the Eclipse, the Lord of the East, comes to you.
Because His Greater Fire is coming in large electrical waves of light to remove the dust of the lost humanity and to bring the last impulse of the Light of the Universe, which will open the portal toward the new time.
I will not be able to tell you everything that this event meant, but believe that it was very important.
Today you have conscience of one part of what has happened, but when everything unchains in humanity, you will understand it better and you will remember this day, because what I say is not wasted.
The Word of God is alive and eternal.
The Verb of God, through His Son, is unalterable and inextinguishable, it reverberates time and again by means of vibration and sound.
Commune of this moment and receive the macrocosm in your inner worlds so that it resonates in the depths of the consciousness and does its work in all souls.
May this Marathon represent the definite fusion with the Brotherhood and that, finally, its foundations of love be manifested on the surface.
After everyone has understood the meaning of the Hierarchy, receive My solar impulse for this meeting and may the first glimpses of the Light of Aurora emerge from your spirits so that you become like Mirrors that reflect the Love of the Universe to humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Second day of the Novena
And having carried souls that experience hate, anger and impunity toward the glorious Fount of My Divine Mercy, you will allow My Consciousness of Light to enter into those deep spaces of the being, where the most hardened errors and offenses are sown.
Through the Fount of Divine Mercy, the hearts that are most in need and distanced from Me will achieve peace and no longer feel the need of giving their lives into the hands of hate, anger or impunity.
Although justice is not accomplished in the humanity of these times, and those who are lawless have the power, I assure you that all this will not last, for those who fight by the sword will die by the sword, and their throne will fall, as will fall all their allies.
Thus, before the Divine Justice of the Son of God approaches, there is still time for you to submerge all those who need it into My Mercy so that the Law of eternal salvation may occur in the majority of the creatures of Earth.
I thank you for praying from the heart to My Divine Mercy!
Who blesses you with His Peace,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today, I bring a shower of Graces to an unfaithful world so that everything may be purified and transformed, so that the most lost souls may find the meaning of being alive, and so that they may fulfill their spiritual mission upon this planet.
The shower of Graces is poured out upon the world to relieve it and to generate in humanity a greater responsibility and more consciousness of love during these times.
With eyes of pity and Mercy, your Master and Lord today observes the entire planet and its humanity and expects that, by means of the infinite Grace that is poured out through the rain, everything may be repaired and renewed.
At least a minority of souls should become aware of the difficult time that will draw closer, and how this difficult time will present itself and take by surprise those who are asleep and distracted, those who, at that moment, will not know what to do and will realize that they have forgotten the essential: God.
Therefore, in this time, I come with the Principle of Grace to try to renew the times so that more souls may be participants in awakening.
It is time to prepare the heart, the definite time is drawing close and will place each being of this Universe before its reality.
I thank you for considering My Words with your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In these times, knowing oneself will be the tone.
Knowing the good side, the bad side, will also be the tone of those who walk in the spiritual life, as well as of those who wholeheartedly aspire to, one day, be others.
This is the time for coming to know the two realities of the consciousness, which is to say, what we truly are and what we truly were, without fearing to discover our deep consciousness.
For those who do not know it yet, this revelation, of knowing what you in truth are, is a grace that is granted; a Grace that will remove you from the illusion and the fantasies of what each one believes about themselves.
For each grade, as well as for each school, it will be shocking to know what one is and how much one will still have to heal in order to someday free oneself from everything. It will not be a pleasant time, but indeed necessary, because this will help to integrate, in My disciples, the transparency of heart and, above all, of the consciousness.
It is important to know that there will be a time for everything. It will be of no avail to force the consciousness to know who it was and then be freed from that weight.
Everything has its special timing, because each being will have to learn to overcome duality in themselves, putting into practice, with effort, all the spiritual teachings as well as the tools they have received, in order to generate the transcendence of the self.
Each disciple will take their steps at the proper time, and will work from the terrestrial consciousness to build that bridge that will lead them to an inner freedom.
Thus, children, do not be distressed, do not despair, do not be intimidated; because that will not help at all. Fervently wait for your moment, and in this way, no matter how it will be or how it will present itself, be grateful for being aware of yourselves in this crucial time.
You are called to overcome duality in this cycle, just as the great saints overcame it, to generate, on Earth, more time of peace and of reconsideration.
Do not look at your miseries with contempt, but do not praise them either. Seek inner detachment and you will find the path of the emptiness of the self. Only try it as many times as necessary.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The time has come to break the chains of inertia and of constant evil.
May the veils of blindness and impunity be ripped away.
May the doors to evil be closed and the abysses of consciousness be dissipated.
May the ties be released and may souls walk toward their expected awakening.
May the impious be transfigured and all those who have transgressed the Law of Adonai be redeemed.
May the innocent be gathered and the meek be reunited.
May the peacemakers surrender to God and may the fearful smile because My mighty Light has come for their salvation.
May the impure be defeated by the action of My Mercy and may all the executioners be purified.
I will repeat:
May the impure be overcome by the action of My Mercy and may all the executioners be purified.
May the condemned be freed from their own prisons so that the eternal Love of the Creator may arise, now and always.
May hearts be restored and the Kingdoms of all Creation be forever glorified.
May the angels of the universe participate in the great Final Judgment.
With My Hands, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and bring forth the new clay, the new divine design for every being.
May those who have not repented do so, and may all hear the cry of the mutilated.
May wars end.
May not even one more body be martyred, because the manifested Law is descending onto this Kingdom called world.
May the unjust be converted and the sinners surrender to the infinite Mercy of My Heart.
May the causes of the past be transformed into wonders for the future.
May the truth come to light and may the blind and deaf of heart hear the Call of the Universal King.
All evil is removed from the spaces of the world so that the Source of Purification may spring forever.
May no one fear the end of time.
May the merciful give Mercy, and may the good praying beings pray much, pray much for peace.
Now the King is preparing to give his principality to those who were faithful.
The Son of God comes to end any disturbance and to re-establish the thousand years of peace. But still much must pass for all this to happen.
Open your eyes of the heart and banish from your cells the imperfect badges of evil.
I Am your Love, I Am your Light, I Am that I Am in every soul and heart that knows, humbly, how to recognize My only Truth.
Mercy to those who deny Me.
Pity for the unjust.
Peace for all humanity.
Under the Universal Decree of the Supreme Creator, be living witnesses of My final Message.
Who blesses you,
The Glorified Christ Jesus, the Redeemer
In the simple things, I make you examine your consciousnesses so that you may reconsider your degree of offering to My Heart, and thus perceive the difference between being close or far from Me.
At the hour of Mercy, every day I bring you the opportunity to give up material things, of loving My Fatherly Consciousness and of repairing all the causes that offend the Heart of God the Father.
Thus, I encourage you to quickly mature in these times of spiritual and planetary crisis.
I call on you to grow from the mature consciousness which your spirits sowed at the moment of your human birth.
Your souls can serve Me or hinder Me; depending on the degree of your inner intuition, you will know if you are with Me or not.
From your hearts, I need the possibility to help this Plan evolve and to make it grow and mature like a new fruit through your conscious and healthy actions as apostles of the new redemptive time.
I need you awake to be able to work with Me, and thus, to keep you from the most insignificant temptations of life. In this way, you will be free from suffering unnecessarily and will save your energies of service and charity to be able to give of yourselves in My Name.
When I place a test on your daily paths, it is so you may take steps in the Project My Father offered you through My Merciful Heart.
Day and night, I pray for you and for a sleeping humanity in the garden of My Eternal Vigilance, to carry you to be the stable of My Heart through the luminous essence of My Priestly Spirit. Thus, through you when you allow it, I can assemble the souls that are most in need of My Divine Mercy.
Strive to achieve that spiritual virtue which you still have not gained and I will support you through your perseverance and transparency throughout your life.
Meanwhile, hold tight to the loving strength of My Hands, I will not let go of you, but rather I will take you to find an eternal communion with the Celestial Father.
Revive the power of your vows. They will be full and powerful when you dare to live them in your consciousness rather than from illusion.
I want to see you strong and determined to serve Me in this Plan of transition.
Reflect on My Words, so they may remain in you always.
Thank you for seeking union with Me in the hour of infinite Mercy.
Under the Love of God, be blessed, mature and determined.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
When you pray “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion…” do you know what important deed of Christ you invoke?
In each prayer is encountered a key that opens a new door for the redemption of the soul.
At three in the afternoon I bring to you the Grace of conversion and of the emptiness of oneself. For this I need that you always remember these prayers, they will serve as a shield for the most important moments.
Let that the powerful ray of each one of them penetrate the depths of the consciousness and in this way be reborn a new being. Leave upon My Hands your intentions, walk in trust by My side so that I may be able guide you. I am always with you in the moments of joy, as also in the moments of tests.
You are in My Heart only when you are with Me. I lead you and I guide you always, do not forget it.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for opening the doors of the heart to My Instruction!
Christ Jesus
When you feel a great emptiness in your life and you believe that you will not have strength to surrender yourself to Me, direct your gaze to Heaven and tell Me what it is that you expect from your life.
There does not exist anything but the transformation of the consciousness and this is especially for those who consecrate themselves all of the days to My Heart. I come in the hour of Mercy so that all of the days you may surrender to Me in trust, a little more of your lives and of your faults.
When the souls manage to identify this school of the Earth as the school of constant purification of matter and of the consciousness, from then on they will be able to take steps to find Me.
Put aside all that torments you. You must know that I Am not only found in light, but also in darkness in order to redeem it. I Am found in joy as in sadness and in desolation. I accompany My friends through the desert, and in silence I go following the footprints that your steps leave in the walking.
I Am in every place and in every event. My Heart accompanies your successes and your failures. Nothing wrong that you may do in your lives will take away from Me patience. Know that I was the slain lamb, I was the consciousness that knew the mistaken and condemned humanity.
That one who drives themselves to My Source will never be thirsty. Seek Me! Call Me! Implore Me! And I will leave you free from mistakes.
Know from now on that I Am Forgiveness manifested. I Am your faithful Companion who learns together with you. Remain in My Peace.
Under the Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the Light of My Heart!
Christ Jesus
The most precious souls are those that rejoice My Heart every day because they adore Me and consecrate themselves to My Eternal Presence.
For this reason, I must always take care of these souls that, for various reasons, have come to the world to redeem their lives and their pasts. For the sake of My Infinite Mercy, these souls can liberate themselves from the conditions of the past, those that do not allow them to take safe steps towards Me. I sustain each one of the souls within My arms in order to carry them with Me towards the Greater Kingdom of My Father.
In this time, the consecrated souls are entering into the apex of strong experiences and learning, those which will allow them to mature with wisdom and discernment. All these souls are like treasures in My Kingdom because I pour My Graces and My Peace upon them so that forever may be radiated to the world the sacred gifts of Heaven.
Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping your souls within My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the end of the message, Christ transmitted a new sacred exercise of prayer that, according to His Instructions, will help us to face the end of times and, above all, to annul the actions of capital sin. This exercise is considered by Christ to be a shield of protection against these energies.
The Powerful Novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ comes from an inner emanation of prayer that springs perpetually from the Heart of Jesus.
This novena is a direct dialog with the Creator Source from which the essences of all creatures have arisen. The soul that venerates Me by means of this Sacred Novena will enter into the historical moment in which Christ lived His public life and His Passion. In this way, it will spiritually collect the divine fruits that the Master left engraved on the consciousness of this world.
Whoever invokes Jesus by means of this Sacred Novena will approach the celestial powers that the Father conceded to Jesus at the moment of His birth, and at the first moments of His public life, of His Passion, of His Death and of His Resurrection.
This exercise of prayer must be prayed during nine days, with the purest intention of being able to receive the same spiritual merits that Jesus received when He was upon this world. This Grace that today I concede to you for this time of chaos is similar to the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration 1. The signs of the Transfiguration and of the Passion of Jesus represent for the souls the first school of approximation to Jesus.
Now the powerful novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ symbolizes the entrance into a deeper state of consciousness and of prayer. I reveal to you that you will be able to remain in the same Christic vibration, in the same state of Christ.
This powerful novena will try to help all, mainly those who have consciously consecrated themselves for life to Christ Jesus. It will try to transubstantiate, that is, to change the cellular and mental state of all of the events that have prevented the spiritual awakening of the souls to the Divine Life. This powerful novena will bring to you the impulse of the divine merits that Christ achieved during His trajectory upon the Earth.
This exercise aspires to transfigure the inner states of each being, turning them into divine and sublime principles. For this, the work of prayer with the powerful novena must be constant, without setting a time of ending in weeks, months or years. Now each soul will know how to recognize the importance of becoming a faithful instrument of God.
This Grace is poured especially to transform something that causes the world to drown, that which are the called capital sins. This novena will work as a shield before the presence of these energies.
Have a good work of interiorization and of expansion of consciousness!
Your dear Master, Christ Jesus.
The Powerful Novena
to the Merciful Jesus Christ
First day
On the first day, you will pray to transcend human control through the Most Holy Purity that Christ incarnated during His special birth in the manger of the city of Bethlehem. In this event, you will be able to see manifested the first power of the Holy Spirit, which was the sublime incarnation of God through the coming of the Messiah Jesus.
With total fervor and inner determination, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For the powerful birth of Christ on Earth,
Most Holy Spirit of God,
transcend our matter
so that the power of Divine Purity
may incarnate in us.
Second day
On the second day, you shall pray to expel from the consciousness the human condition, that which throughout times has been awakened by the work of the enemy: temptation, pride, avarice and greed, capital energies that closed off the paths of light for good souls.
With faith and conviction, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For the Sacred Humility expressed
by the Divine Family,
and through the Pure Love
that the Child Jesus radiated to the world,
Lord, expel from our beings
all domination constructed by the enemy.
Third day
On the third day, you shall pray to God begging Him for Mercy through the Divine Pity that Jesus offered during His public Life. You shall supplicate to the Lord for Him to liberate the hearts from the sins of vanity, possession, pride and curses that may have once lived in poor hearts. With consciousness and with truth, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For the Sacred Miracle of Jesus
at the Wedding of Cana,
may all beings be converted
so that true love
for the Creator may finally
awaken in the world.
Fourth day
On the fourth day, you shall remember the blessed healings that Jesus carried out among different people; blind, lame and dumb. In this way, you will ask God for the deep healing of your souls and of the aspects that are marked as indelible wounds within your evolution. You shall request from God that, through the healing power of Jesus Christ, all events that occurred in the lives of simple souls may be healed by Jesus, as He at that time had healed the sick.
With devotion and mercy, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
May the powerful Hands of Jesus
and His Rays of Mercy
descend upon our hearts
so that the Light of the Kingdom of God
may liberate the ties
and forever heal all our wounds.
Fifth day
On the fifth day, you shall glorify God because He has sent the Savior Son to quench the spiritual thirst of the world. You shall then remember the moment in which the Samaritan offered Him fresh water from the well and Christ, in return, offered her the Water of Life.
May your lives, in this divine mystery, be washed by this Blessed Water that sprung forth strongly from the Side of Jesus on the Cross so that the sins of omission, cruelty, torture, outrages and of indifferences, that humanity has generated throughout the centuries, may be transmuted by the sacred codes of the Water of Life, and that healing may be manifested in all consciousnesses.
With love and compassion, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For the Water of Life and Redemption
that poured out from the Side of Jesus,
may the baptismal powers of liberation and forgiveness
descend upon our lives.
Sixth day
On the sixth day, you shall pray to the Father to implore Him for Mercy for those who perpetually blame themselves and condemn themselves eternally, without having changed anything in their lives. You shall now remember the moment in which Jesus was condemned to death. You shall meditate on this mystery that Christ offered for all, and in this way, you shall understand that in absolute self-surrender lies the key to the transformation of consciousness.
Contemplating this mystery of the surrender of Jesus for humanity, you shall pray with hope and joy for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For Jesus' great surrender of Love
on the arms of the Cross,
Emmanuel, Sacred Father,
grant us the Grace of permanent surrender
on behalf of our fellow beings.
Seventh day
On the seventh day of the Powerful Novena, you shall take your memory back to the moment of the encounter of Jesus with His Mother on the path of Calvary.
May the maternal power of love that sustains all and resolves all allow the world to be liberated from the constant falls and perditions that it has been led through.
Through this important act of absolute love between the Son of God and the Mother of God, may the weakest souls receive the Grace of affirming themselves on the path of the spirit by means of the supreme strength that Christ lived during His Passion.
May this same strength lead those consecrated to Christ to abstain from all temptation and energy that may seduce them to deviate them from the path of the good pilgrim. May the Faith of Christ remove the obstacles so that the children of the Father may walk in freedom towards Paradise.
With openness and piety, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For the divine and supreme strength of Jesus
during His Sacred Passion,
Father, affirm Eternal Faith in our beings,
the sublime fire of eternal ascension.
Eighth day
On the eighth day, you shall open the celestial door to receive the Divine Pity that the glorified Christ expressed in spirit and in consciousness after having been brought down from the Cross.
May this mystery of invincible love, that restores all and transforms all, in spite of the mistakes committed, incarnate as infinite and permanent light in the hearts that have decided to live the path of apostleship.
May this Divine Christic Pity transfigure, without being detained, the hard aspects of unconsciousness, those which are kept and prevail, frightening the servers. That the sublime fire of Pity, which Jesus expressed for the whole world after the Cross, may remove the difficulties for those who cannot live chastity, austerity, detachment, impersonality and surrender to the Heart of God
With peace and firmness, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For the divine and powerful Pity
that Christ emanated out of love for the whole world
while in the arms of the Most Holy Virgin
Mary, Supreme Mother, shelter us now and always
in the Heart of Your Kingdom.
Ninth day
And on the ninth and last day of the Powerful Novena, you shall meditate on each one of the eight previous mysteries that Jesus left engraved as light for the world. On this ninth day, the synthesis of all the prayerful and spiritual work must emerge. The Christic codes must already be latent in the hearts that, with so much love, have invoked the preceding eight powerful divine mysteries of Christ.
Today you shall remember the moment of the Sacred Resurrection of Jesus on the third day and you shall see in this act of power of the Son of God that, in profound humility after having been condemned, martyrized and humiliated, He resurrected gloriously, defeating the spiritual death that was condemning the whole world.
Through this mystery, may the souls that fight without rest, those that truly work to accomplish the Plan of God, be liberated from all evil and may they manage, through love of the resurrection of Christ, to redeem the profound elements that condemn the consciousnesses. May they stand up from where they have fallen! In this way, may they defeat, as did Jesus, the spiritual death that generates the sin of the world and may all hearts be raised to the foot of the Sacred Altar of the Creator.
With presence and fidelity, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:
For the sake of the glorious and victorious Resurrection of Jesus,
may the sacred celestial rays
descend upon our lives
so that the Omnipresent Life of God may reign.
Christ Jesus, the Instructor
At the end of the novena, if the one who prays wants to begin it again, one day of pause must be taken.
1 Spiritual exercise delivered by Christ Jesus in April 2012. For additional information, see the book “Siete Dias con el Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, by Irdin Publishing.
If you lose the peace of your heart, you will soon know that you are lacking in love; for this do not permit that the hardships, the tests and the unachievable challenges that I send you with so much love, may take away your infinite patience. Now, in another degree of maturity of consciousness, all that God gives His children has the goal of liberating, each time more, the evil and the sin of humanity.
For this, in truth, those who are with Me until the end are always very few; the quantity of disciples who are encouraged to be burned by the Divine Fire of purification is the minimum.
Now, in a time of emergencies, the universe is served by the virtues and the faults of those who are Mine, so that in time they may revert all the causes that oppress the total consciousness of humanity.
In the path of suffering there exists transformation and the partial purification of that which many carry on their shoulders. But who in truth will risk to live it out of love?
While the clock of the world sets the moment of purification for all, I will support My disciples, those who are encouraged to carry a cross similar to Mine. Know that I will not leave you alone, because I know what it means for you to live the consecration in a time of chaos.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for persevering through My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more