If your feet hurt because they are tired, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If your hands feel heavy from so much work, from dawn to dusk, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If your eyes are tired and just want to close and sleep, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you are the first to get up and the last to lie down, while each brother or sister is already resting, and you make sure that everything is in its place without complaints, repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you are ill or if you are in agony, if you can smile or can only cry, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If they give you the most difficult task and if you can only be in prayer because it is impossible for you to work, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you want to overcome yourself but do not succeed, if you want to transcend every day but you always stumble upon the same stone, without justifying yourself, repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."
If you are tired because the day has become long and you do not want to hear even another word, without hate, repeat: "Praised be You, Lord."
Because everything that God puts on our path is only so that we may learn to love more and more, and thus praise God.
Nothing is out of place. On the contrary, each test or challenge is so that we may become resigned, saying: "Praised be You, Lord."
Because in Heaven the servers will be rewarded for their efforts so that, in each moment, as in each step, the Will of God may manifest.
Let the Lord always be praised so that His eternal trust may be within you and thus all may be renewed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Even if you are not able to, walk barefoot towards Me so that I may receive you and mold your consciousness just as I had thought, even before you awakened to Me.
Therefore, in the effort of relinquishing all, you will have the impetus to renew your life, time and again, to make it more sacred and blessed each day that goes by.
Coming barefoot to Me is a great challenge, but not unattainable, it is the inner permission that you give Me so that I may turn your life into the model I once had thought.
Even if you have imperfections and still have defects, these are not impediments for Me to transform your life. The only thing I need is your most sincere love so that the Laws which come from My Consciousness may act freely in you.
Thus, cheer up, and release your being from everything, even if you sometimes cannot manage to do it.
It is worth the attempt and the effort of being able to live it and do it.
Let Me have you in My Hands as new clay, so that this Potter and Craftsman of Love may be able to make of you something unknown and never seen before.
Believe that I can do all, because the time will come for you to witness My Presence before the cruel world and thus, My Word will be fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
As in scrolls of light, God's Designs descend to the world and are delivered to the hands of men, through His Messengers.
The Creator Father told them: "Go and fulfill My Plan, without understanding, without analyzing, without resisting, go and fulfill My Plan with love, with courage, with the gratitude that is born of the spirit and manifests itself in human works and actions.”
The Creator, children, invites you, at this time, to manifest a truly fraternal Work renewed by His Spirit, where the sacred can dwell and all souls find their space, their place, unique and irreplaceable.
Contemplate the Will of God for this world, as well as for each being and you will understand that I come in this time to teach you to love and to transform this world of chaos and war.
Beloved children, with the portals open to Heaven, I come to invite you to allow this Celestial Kingdom, still hidden to the human heart today, to manifest itself on Earth.
I come to call you not only to prayer and to the awakening of a superior life that for many is still invisible; I come so that you to may learn to manifest on Earth what you seek in the highest of Heavens, and so that you thus no longer spend your lives seeking something that you will never reach, but so that you may be builders of what humanity is seeking to find, and so that you, children, may be the hands that are extended before the souls so that they may see and feel that what they have so much been looking for is palpable for them.
I come to invite you to be the ones who concretize My Plans, manifesting the superior life, and so that it may not only be spiritual but also palpable and be part of your humanity, and compose the spirit of what man manifests in matter.
In a world of wars, in a world of abysses inside and outside of beings, I come to call you to be the new, and to always be willing to be others, accompanying the flow of transformation of the Universe so that in all stages of the planet souls may find in you what they need.
I ask you, My children, to observe the celestial Designs, to understand how the Will of God moves because I won’t always be here to dictate the way to you, and for that moment your hearts should be one with the Divine Will and Wisdom, because you love it, respect and revere it, because you live and know it and experience it every day.
The time has come for the islands of salvation to fulfill their role. The world is agonizing and the life of the spirit must no longer be selective, everyone must be able to find their place and the door open to discover their way of serving God.
This cycle is a cycle of last opportunities for many spirits. Understand that your evolution and that of many of your brothers and sisters are defined at this time, in this cycle of the planet. That's why, everything that you can do for others to find God is little.
My children are lost in this world and I come to find them. For that, I must make of those, who already hear Me, My Feet that walk in the world, My Arms that guard the souls, My Hands that extend to help, My Eyes that find the lost, My Heart that welcomes those who feel abandoned and forgotten by God, and by the world.
Therefore, children, today accept ,more than the life of prayer, the life that leads you to be instruments of God in the world, and be part of My Heart and an extension of My Presence.
May this Work be the embassy of My Peace on Earth, and all of you proclaimers of My Presence.
I love and thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not think that all is lost. Affirm and confirm the triumph of the Light in each new stage.
Thus, under this principle, live without ceasing to aspire every day to experience the Truth because the Truth will set you free.
Therefore, encourage yourself to follow this current of Truth so that the world will also be freed from its prisons.
The more souls are true and honest, the greater relief the consciousness of the planet will receive in these times.
Believe, above all, in the power of Love; for Love conquers, but at the same time heals without leaving wounds.
Submerge yourself in that Source of the merciful Love of the Lord and allow Him to fully invade you with His Rays of Mercy and Forgiveness.
But always accept your condition and with sublime effort ennoble every aspect of life, for then everything will be relieved from the beginning to the end.
And tomorrow you will see that everything happened quickly, that you are a different person and that you live according to Divine Consciousness.
Everything has its time to be healed, everything has its time. It is already planned. Have faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When I find your hearts open and without resistance, when I find your souls united with Me and without the interference of human aspects, when I find your spirits in communion with Me and without considerations, it is when in truth My Work of Mercy is fulfilled in you.
For this reason, companions, may this infinite Work of Mercy of God propagate first in you, and then victoriously propagate in the world.
Be this example for me, which I expect to see every day of life; just as on this day in which your hearts opened to Me with simplicity. Because it is in the same simplicity of the open hearts that I can carry forward the Work of Divine Mercy.
I invite you, companions, to be merciful in all details as in all acts; thus you will attract to the Earth the sacred Virtues of God that your humanity needs in order to be able to live the process of redemption and of forgiveness.
With an impetus of effort, of patience and of dedication, My companions, enter the supreme school of the Divine Mercy, so that the principles of love and of unity may not be lost in this humanity and hearts may be less forgetful that everything begins and ends in the greater expression of love from the heart.
I encourage you to renew the apostolate of these times by being disciples of the spiritual school of the Mercy of the Lord.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The internal counterpart of the Pilgrimages, what not all eyes can see
Dear children:
When a Pilgrimage is materialized, and, through the resources and donations of everyone, this Pilgrimage is carried out, when the whole purpose of the Pilgrimage is fulfilled and there are no material debts pending, when the adhesion, the consideration and the support are true, such a Pilgrimage acquires an indescribable result little considered by the world.
Since materializing a Pilgrimage for Peace in humanity means, for these times, facing and overcoming many obstacles; and the first obstacles are those of its very manifestation and of the patient waiting that the Pilgrimage will be fulfilled as it was thought from Above.
The Pilgrimages do not mean nor represent only the prayer encounters that are realized in the different nations of the world; the Pilgrimage itself, in the spiritual and mental planes of the planet, mobilizes many events, which take place in the inner planes.
Among these, the closing of an innumerable hells, the reunion and the congregation of new souls to respond to the call, the awakening of the sleeping consciousness, as the Discovery of the Truth within the inner being of each being, as well as the liberation of negative bonds of the souls that had been spiritually imprisoned.
A Pilgrimage, which can be projected to develop at some moment, will never be equal or similar to the previous one, although the same prayer encounters are realized.
The Pilgrimage is under the command of your Heavenly Mother and this means many things for the planet and its humanity.
Each Pilgrimage is a great planetary rescue operation that embraces not only the planet as a whole, its humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. But also each Pilgrimage for Peace, lovingly concretized with the help and the donation of humanity, not only represents an evolutionary response on the part of souls, but also the possibility that the Spiritual Universe has to be able to penetrate certain human projects that, permeated by a great ambition and ignorance, intend to conquer the world.
Each Pilgrimage for Peace that is concretized is a new plan that is strategically carried out, overcoming and facing a sea of difficulties during its development.
When collaborating souls place themselves as available to donate and concretize the next Pilgrimage, this is a mature response of a consciousness that loves the Plan of God, beyond its difficulties and its tests, and which will always do the impossible for this planetary rescue Plan that the Pilgrimage will carry out to be fulfilled, absolutely trusting in its principles and the objectives that must be realized.
For this reason, the possibility of greater or lesser help that the planet and humanity could receive in this critical time, will depend on the awakened consciousness that the souls that will donate for the mission to be fulfilled may have; and this will always be so, because humanity throughout the centuries has wasted the resources, from every point of view, and in this cycle, for humanity be worthy of a Greater Grace that is intangible, it will need to learn to donate what it has always kept for itself, as personal profit.
In this time, the spiritual expansion of the Pilgrimages and the divine assistance that humanity can receive will depend on the love and the donation that the beings of the Earth will place, in order to keep this beloved and wounded planet standing.
For this reason, in this cycle, the non-concretization of the Pilgrimages for lack of resources will not be an act of disregard or lack of interest on the part of the souls for the Mother of God, but it will be a reflection of great indifference and of unconsciousness for the Plan of God.
In your hands and above all in your hearts, My children, is the decision of the continuity of this humanity and of the next one that will come.
Today, and after ten years of being beside each child of Mine, I must tell you the truth: the decision is in you.
I thank you for listening with the heart and for responding to My heavenly call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Those who offend and embarrass My Heart by their sins, faults or omissions are not those who are beside Me and who persist; they are those who for different reasons have distanced themselves from the guidance of My Hand and of My Will in order to carry out their own.
That hurts Me more than all the sins that souls who are by My side can generate.
In truth, My Mercy expands to those most miserable and imperfect; but it is not poured out upon the traitors or the unjust because everything begins with a Law that is unchangeable and autonomous, and as all righteousness and the good comes from that Law, your Master and Lord is governed by it and cannot alter it.
The shame that My Heart feels is for those who once were with Me and now turn their backs to Me, not believing in My Words and even less in My actions.
And even though your Master already knew the destiny of those who are ungrateful, the Love of My meek Heart did not stop loving them for a moment so that some space of their consciousness may be moved to awaken and learn to truly love.
But now they are faces of clay, about to fall from their own weight.
I ask you, companions, to quickly learn from all of this so that at the most critical time nothing surprises you.
If in truth and wholeheartedly you surrender to Me, nothing will happen to you.
Do not even think about acting or doing everything like the clay-faced ones did, who left, dismissed by themselves, who cannot find a place or even manage to return.
Today I speak to you clearly because I hope this is not repeated in any of you.
Thanks to the Father, the nest of snakes have already been expelled to its own abyss since, in truth, in a proud way, they love to be there more than with Me.
I thank you for making My Words flesh in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My legions of Light are formed by the angels from Heaven and the servers from Earth. I count on each one of them to pour out the Restoring Source of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.
Time and again, I lift all the essences and the souls that serve Me unconditionally to the Kingdom of Heaven, so that for a moment they may be in My Arms; but above all, so that the souls that serve Me, and that also experience their inner purification in this time, may feel relief not only because of the Merciful Love of My Heart, but also for the affluent of My Divine Mercy.
All the praying armies of the Earth are especially strengthened during the days of the Marathon of Prayer; as happened this time when your Master and Lord, after the last Sacred Week, withdrew to Heaven and with complete confidence turned over the directing of His Work to His most valued followers.
In this way, souls gradually are spiritually braced through inner contact with the sublime Ocean of My Mercy so that in the future when it will become necessary to take care of a great part of humanity, souls may receive the same impulses of love that you are receiving today.
Trust, and the strengthening of it in these times will allow souls to make their holy virtues more real and, in this way, be above any ambiguity or opposition, overcoming through love and unity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In this time, have absolute faith in My Heart, because everything that will happen cannot cause your confidence in the Divine Purpose to waver.
As from now, start preparing yourself for the new challenges and apparent obstacles.
Your Master and Lord will help you to create this faith which must be born from within you, be deeply based on the love of service to fellow beings, on the love for the Instruction received, as well as on the love for the Greater Purpose.
Those three virtues will be able to strengthen your small faith so that it may be strong and immutable in the face of the events in life.
Begin as from now to consolidate that faith in the Heart of your Master so that in spite of everything you may see the Will of God concretized in the different spheres of His Work.
So, surrender, again and again, in confidence, so that everything that is foreseen can happen without fear of failure, abandonment or loneliness.
It is time to move forward with courage, knowing that, above all, unity must reign among hearts receptive to the Greater Call.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Consecrated child:
Renew yourself on this day and celebrate for being part of the Work of Mercy and Love of your Redeemer.
Renew yourself within confirming the internal vows that you have made before your Master and Lord and do not worry about anything because if I am part of your life and your existence, you have to believe forever that everything, absolutely everything, is under My sovereign Power and that nothing similar to your Lord will be able to interfere.
For this reason, with eyes full of joy and light, My child, celebrate this day of confirmation and re-consecration to My Paternal Heart. May this inner affirmation allow the new purpose to be built in you and may this purpose embrace more hearts.
On this day of renewal for each consecrated person, let there exist no fear, doubt or lack of faith.
May every consecrated soul know that it must always do its best so that the Sacred Heart of the Master may triumph in order for more uncertain doors in the world to be closed by means of the intimate communion of the spirit with the Savior of the world.
May this day be a reason for celebration and not of anguish, of hope and not of bitterness.
May each soul, who consecrated themselves to the Redeemer, look with an ardent aspiration towards the firmament and, at some point in sidereal space, find the return of Christ, first in its heart and second, in this sorrowful planet.
May each consecrated person offer their consecration and above all their human heart to be a repository of new virtues and Graces so that this Order of love and brotherhood, which I have previously founded, may receive the Grace of new vocations, of the awakening of new talents for these times, in which universal love and peace must reign.
Receive, from your Master, the paternal blessing so that each soul consecrated on this day may again say to My Heart: "My beloved Lord, here I am to serve you, to fulfill Your Will".
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Certain terrestrial consciousnesses, that previously handled human power with severity, will require a demanding effort in this cycle to let go of that so deeply rooted attitude.
The same thing happens when the being, for a long time, handled and generated other attitudes that were not spiritual or evolutionary.
If that consciousness, which in spite of its actions or its errors, surrenders at the Feet of the Lord, prays and trusts in the one sovereign Power of God, will be helped and will free itself of those ancient chains.
Certain aspects of the human consciousness are unknown and in this cycle of Armageddon they show themselves with the strength and autonomy that they have. They are like independent people who always did what they wanted, who always conquered what they wanted to conquer.
But, in this last era of humanity, the principle of the Law of planetary Purification comes to purge, from those who accept, all those human attitudes, so that the true codes of spirituality and Christic life can be established.
The first step, even if it is not conscious, is to aspire to detach and to release itself from what has bound the consciousness, for so long.
The surrender before the Sacred Heart of Jesus will help to resolve the movements that provoke the action of those aspects, bringing peace and the confidence that, someday, the old man will die and the New Man will be born, full of the Love of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come in this cycle to take off the sandals of My disciples, and as in the past, I will wash the feet of all of Mine, purifying them with My Fire, sublimating them with my Consciousness, removing from each one of them what no longer serves Me.
Therefore, when it is your turn for the foot-washing, get ready, because it will be the time of the great surrender and of the victorious defeat. That will be the moment in which you will be more purified and will enter into the current of My Fire, to be able to expunge what is already expired and old.
Thus, I will keep you prepared for My return, above all for the last part of the Work which must be fulfilled exactly as in the Holy Scripture of God.
If you are already feeling that within you the great inner resistance is being removed, and that it is doing the impossible to not be defeated, I tell you: do not be afraid, the end of human captivity is close and you will know freedom.
No matter how painful it may be to lose control over wanting everything or desiring everything, surrender at My Feet, because as a Good Shepherd, I will be tirelessly by your side, to pick you up from the ground of your bitterness and pain, as many times as is necessary.
The only thing I ask of you is that you trust Me, because in spite of the terrible storm or tempest that you may be going through in this time, know that My Sacred Spirit of Love is always there, waiting for you to call Me, waiting for you to invoke Me, so that I may have the inner permission to intercede.
Do not lower your arms, the Universe is in need of disciples divested of self and of everything. The Universe is in need of souls capable of living a Divine and Unfathomable Mercy beyond the self for those who are truly more miserable and are within this humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
You Master of Love, Christ Jesus
Do not seek the path of perfection outside of yourself; it is present in your inner universe.
The path of perfection is achieved through permanent service, spontaneous donation, an unbreakable and unalterable unity with God. Seek this path of perfection through your essence, which knows how to find it.
Perfection is not vainglory. Perfection is not self-realization. Perfection lacks prestige and recognition.
Perfection is in you, because God made Himself humble and small so that His creatures could know it.
Christ Himself is the model of humble and disinterested perfection for all souls.
Perfection does not flaunt benefits, advantages, or prizes.
Perfection is full of the sacrifice and renunciation that hearts can live every day.
Perfection is not suffering, is not abandonment, is not pain.
Perfection has its own science and its own autonomy, because it is part of one of the Gifts of God.
Perfection is not recognition nor is it a guarantee.
Perfection is an emptiness of self and the absolute surrender of everything; it is to allow oneself to be where one should be, without wanting or aspiring anything else for oneself.
Thus, perfection as a path is humility, is reverence, is a support of the brave, and encouragement for the oppressed.
Perfection walks hand in hand with love, because true love always wins. Love never loses nor does it worry. That is why love is perfect, because it is simple. Love is unconditional and this makes it perfect, but not proud.
Perfection is faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a heart breaks inside, it is a sign that the Law of Inner Liberation is being fulfilled.
Therefore, on this day, leave your heart open so that, like others, it is available for structures to fall and all forms to be broken.
Leave your heart available for all that it must experience, because thus you will allow the Universal Laws to flow in you, those which will order your life and adjust your consciousness.
May your heart find the necessary liberation from all that hinders the free walk of the disciple of Christ.
Let your heart conquer the emptiness of self so that it may soon be filled by the balm of the Mercy of My Heart.
Surrender, as if nothing else makes sense, and in this way you will find the exit door that will lead you on the path of hope and Greater Love.
Let everything within you find a meaning, a realization thought of by God, but which is not under your human power.
In this sense, allow the Work of Love to act within your being so that in the next cycle you may be what in truth the whole Universe expects you to be.
Follow My Steps of Light.
I Thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Concentrate your attention on My Heart, which is the preferred refuge of simple and loving souls.
United to each one of them, your Master and Lord does wonders, because in the same way that good souls enter into My heart, I can commune of humble souls.
The first step is to feel yourself within My heavenly fullness.
The second step to be in My Heart is to recognize the Ocean of My Mercy, because there everything will be washed and you will be purified.
The third step is to forgive yourself or the fellow being, and establish, thus, an act of reparation capable of dissolving human suffering so that the Love of God may reign.
Enter into My Heart in trust, and there, everything will be clarified from the first moment. Feel yourself a participant of the Work of My Mercy so that, through your soul, that Work of Mercy and Redemption is reflected to the world.
Decide now, to remain in My meek Heart, and I will shelter you and protect you from the storms of the spirit.
Commune with Me on this day and feel renewed by the powerful action of the Holy Spirit.
Have much faith.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses and absolves you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Trust, My child, in the indescribable power of forgiveness.
If there is no peace in your heart, it is because you have not yet experienced the power of forgiveness, that which transcends misunderstandings, that which surpasses differences, that which grants, above all, peace.
May forgiveness be the keynote in these times for all My children because everyone, in spite of their learning or their schools, will need the divine power of forgiveness.
Encourage yourself to exercise forgiveness above yourself and all that happens.
Forgiveness is the safe door to reconciliation and to the transcendence of the human condition.
May you find, in the essence of forgiveness, the way out, to overcome the obstacles of the lower human consciousness.
Embrace forgiveness as your ally and you will live each test and each challenge in a different way, without entering into suffering or division.
Gestate within you the divine essence of forgiveness and you will know new grades of love that only the Eternal Father can grant you.
Be a participant of the great current of forgiveness and help Me to liberate the human division or indifference that may be hidden within you.
Open yourself to forgiveness so that your brothers and sisters also learn to forgive in the same way that God forgives humankind regardless of their mistakes.
May forgiveness be the balm for your souls, be the perfect motive to live, every day, new tests of love.
Forgiveness heals.
Forgiveness clarifies spiritual life.
Forgiveness dissolves guilt and errors amongst beings.
Be part of the essence of forgiveness and everything will pass.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Words will remain, but time will pass
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and the moment will come in which all the divine knowledge of the Sacred Hearts will be the guiding star, when we are no longer among you.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and in that hour you must have been confirmed in unity and in faith so as to know what to do and where to be.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and for the majority it will be too late to become aware that all that was said by the Voice of Our Sacred Hearts is essential for the transformation and the redemption of humanity.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and everything will be happening, inside and outside of creatures. Inexplicable things will be shown and the majority will know who they really are.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and some will remember the sacred keys of instruction that we have brought for the great change within the human consciousness.
My words will remain, but time will pass, and many will not be able to return to the previous moment because they will not have taken the step in trust and obedience to the Higher Law.
My Words will remain in the consciousness of the peoples and the nations, but time will pass; each impulse given is decisive and definite and will never again be repeated.
My simple Words will remain in humanity, but material time will pass and everything will be shown inside and outside of human beings.
Merciful and compassionate hearts that can withstand the fire of imperfections will be essential, because there will come a time in which souls will be able to be free themselves, for the last time, from their prisons and chains of yore.
This will be the moment in which your Heavenly Mother will come from Heaven to open the last Seal of the Armageddon, and everything will be unleashed in order to define the emergence of a new and purified humanity.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and only those who dare to lose control of their lives, the power and pride of their actions, will experience overnight the great inner changes.
For this reason, My Words will remain so that all may remember them, but the time of the world will pass and the Source of Graces will unexpectedly close. In this hour, your hearts must have alraedy truly repented and have become reconciled with fellow beings. This will be the only way in which the beast, who will come out of its abyss, will not find you divided, distracted or indifferent.
My Words will be strength for the simple, a shield for the peacemakers, encouragement for the humble, and victory for the divested of self.
My Words are now the last, and they will remain to guide those who want to be guided by the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray, when the night seems to fall over the sky of the Earth.
Pray when the difficulties are great, and the challenges seem impossible, because in this way, My children, the Grace of God will always come to assist you.
Pray so that the world may receive the healing it so much needs, and may neither the wars nor the chaos cause the faith of your hearts to wane.
Pray when darkness approaches, when solitude seems infinite and emptiness takes over your inner world, and persevere.
From the perseverance of your hearts will be born the merits for a new life.
From the healing of your souls will be born the merits for the healing of the planet.
From the sun lit in your hearts, in spite of the difficulties, will be born the merits so that Aurora may rise again in the sky of the Earth and within beings.
From the fortitude of your hearts will be born the merits so that the weak of spirit may rise again.
From the invisible of your hearts, I build the universal triumph of God.
In the silence of your lives, I teach you to imitate My Steps and to transform the Earth in the anonymity of a celestial victory.
So that the world may know the Grace of higher life, persevere, and have faith in the invisible.
What is a mystery to you today will be tangible to you someday. But, before touching, you must believe, feel, and live under the Grace of what is not seen.
Have faith and strengthen the faith in your hearts.
Trust will make you free of doubts and you will know how to recognize within yourselves the portals of the new life, because you will already be part of it.
Build now, within yourselves, what will make you guides of the new humanity, because it is through knowing how to go beyond yourselves and the difficulties of these times that you will be able to guide others.
It is by trusting in what is invisible to you today that you will be able to guide beings to the path of their redemption, even when there is no light over the world. Because you, children, will not depend on the light of the Earth, but rather on the light that illumines your inner self.
Pray in the presence of doubt, pray on facing error, pray on facing temptations, pray on facing indifference, pray when you feel separate and distant from one another, and more than that, pray, pray a lot, when you feel distant from God.
Today I tell you, My children, that a great mystery is drawing closer to your lives.
The planet is facing the birth of the new human being, which will be painful, but also, it is facing a light that is unknown to you, in spite of it having been here since the beginning.
Pray to recognize the truth, pray so that the truth can be before your eyes, and even though it is invisible, that you may be able to see it.
The rays of Aurora that are being born within the Earth are already illuminating a part of the planet, and those who open themselves to its rays and to its light will never be in the darkness of this world.
Pray, My children, and feel that I Am part of this New Aurora, which as it is born on Earth, is also born in heaven, in the depths of the infinite, and illumines all spaces, renewing them with the balm of the Light of God.
Pray in order to know how to trust, pray to awaken faith and do not let yourselves be deceived or darkened, do not let yourselves become cold by this night that you live on Earth.
May the rays of the New Aurora warm your hearts and reveal a new path to you where Heaven and Earth unite, where that light that was ignited in the depths of the Earth finds part of itself in the infinite. And in this mystery the Creator reveals to you that the same Aurora is born in Heaven and on Earth, and that is where My Immaculate Heart is.
Pray so that, more than understanding what I tell you, you may live it.
I bless you, today and always.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
May the Light of the Mercy of Christ guide the path of the souls that surrender with trust into the Arms of the Redeemer.
May this unconditional surrender open the door to healing of the hearts and of the lives of people who fully trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus; may in this way a spiritual alliance be established between the redeemed ones and our Lord, and may this union of souls with Christ strengthen the development of the Work of Redemption and of Mercy in humanity.
Leaving the past behind, may souls find the meaning of the Purpose and may they always be able to see and feel it inside of them as the flame that guides all and protects all.
Opening the doors to the Mercy of Jesus, may hearts renew themselves, may they lose the fear of failure and may an unbreakable alliance be established between souls and the Creator.
May everything become renewed, may life be permeated by the spirit of peace and may, finally, everything be healed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Message
My Silence also speaks for God, and tonight I reveal My Five main Wounds to pour out My Blood upon the righteous, upon those who persevere and make My Name worthy while some of Mine put on their sandals to follow their own paths and set themselves apart from Me.
Today I offer My Agony for those who are still here, and by My side.
And if you have trusted in Me until now, I can only tell you, companions, that someday you will find Me and on that day, you will remember that everything I have said has not been in vain.
Do not suffer for those who defeat themselves.
Love for those who do not love, have charity for those who do not serve and
be merciful for those who outrage My Sacred Heart.
Everything that I have given to Mine, will someday return to the Father and nothing will be wasted.
Therefore, who does not know how to take care of My Treasures must ask Me for sincere and open help, so that I can intercede; while that does not happen, there will be no way to convert the impure into pure, there will be no way to transform what is resistant into flexible.
Everything is part of a Law, and if the world comes out of the Law to live its own will, it will suffer the Law, because the Law is for generating justice, equality and sovereignty.
No one can transgress the Laws of My Father as if nothing had happened.
I have the permission to forgive and to absolve, but I do not have the permission to allow injustices or rebelliousness.
Because, who has not been worthy of carrying My Treasures, where will he end up? Who will lead him? And how will he survive?
The divine energy that I pour out is never wasted nor is it used in vain.
Human beings believe they know everything and laugh, perhaps, at My Words and at My Requests, but remember, My companions, that everything that I tell you from time to time has already been thought by God.
That is why a large part of humanity does not accept to live My Will, because it knows that it must die to its own will someday and that will be the great moment to take the great step in love and in evolution.
Today I have not come to dedicate this message for those who have been unrighteous or rebellious.
Today I came here to be with you and with those who without understanding anything at all, live My Call and trust blindly.
If Judas once betrayed Me, couldn’t human beings by any chance betray Me for the second time?
History repeats itself again and it is painful to be able to see it.
No one can hide from this truth, I only ask you to learn how to die to yourselves, so that your inner enemies do not condemn you, as some have already been condemned before entering the eternal life, remaining without it.
But nothing will remain without being solved, companions, because, just as I Am a God of Mercy, I Am a God of Justice. And the Justice of God is full of the Love of the Father; but it cannot be judged nor can it be tempted by any creature of this planet.
Today I carry over My Head the Crown of Thorns to represent, on this day, the flagellation that I live for the ungrateful and for the proud of heart.
If My Love has not yet been able to reach them, teach to all of them, My children, that they may reach My Love, before it is too late for souls to repent.
Today I come as the God of Justice and of Sovereignty, without ceasing to pour out My Divine Mercy.
So that I can renew you, you must die to yourselves, and this is achieved with the obedience and the trust that many do not want to live today; that is why they suffer, that is why they become disturbed and do not find the way out.
But those to whom I have given everything, because I have chosen them, must report to the Celestial Father someday.
I repeat, companions, the celestial energy is not to be wasted, nor is it to be outraged.
I want you to repair My Heart for those who lie, for those who distance themselves from Me and reject Me, for those who are ignorant and are blind, for those who do not believe in the love of the heart nor in the regeneration of life, for those who turn their backs on Me, for those who make Me suffer and embarrass Me by wearing their sandals to abandon Me.
But today I tell you that I already knew all of this, from the Gethsemane Garden to the Cross.
Judas handed Me over so that I could love the world in its most mortal and human condition.
Today I revive My Celestial Church in those who are blessed, in those who honor My Name and My Gospel, living it every day, despite imperfections and doubts.
Today I would like that an unconditional love arose within your hearts, able to overcome all tests, all indifferences and all obstacles.
I do not want you to be better than the others, but more humble than those who are humble and do not know it.
God pours out His Grace for those who are the most miserable, this is why I choose the most imperfect ones to be able to serve Me and fulfill My Work, to the point that My Presence and My Heart forge the liberation of resistances and of everything that is archaic.
When that moment comes, companions, do not give up, and repeat as many times as necessary: “Jesus, I trust in You”.
And thus, an inexplicable door of liberation will open, and your hearts will be relieved and there will no longer exist fear because you will have trusted in the Name of the Lord.
I come here to celebrate this reencounter with Aurora and leave behind those who have profaned My Name and have dirtied It with their examples and their words.
I come here, to Aurora, to give honor to My Father, Emmanuel, so that He descends again with His Ray of Liberation and of Healing on all the souls that participate in the blessing of the Blue Cross.
I will especially come to bless it on the 5th, at night, when you have already prayed during all day to My Merciful Heart.
And I have called seven regent angels, so that they may deposit in the Holy Cross the seven powers of the Redemption for the souls:
First, repentance.
Second, introspection.
Third, forgiveness.
Fourth, inner healing.
Fifth, reconciliation.
Sixth, inner transformation.
Seventh, inner transfiguration.
These seven powers will descend upon the Blue Cross when it is contemplated as the Victory of Emmanuel on Earth and for the re-consecration of the Marian Centers to the Plan of the Creator.
Emmanuel will come to see the union and the congregation of His children during this day, and thus, He will grant an expiation to Uruguay and to the Southern Cone.
And those who prostrate themselves before the Cross will be forgiven because the Father, who is in Heaven, waits for the great love of His children, for the great trust of His creatures, for the reparation of all the sinners.
Rejoice your hearts, because a new cycle will begin under the universal banner of the Cross of Emmanuel.
Blessed will be those who believe in His Power because they will defeat the sieges, and the adversary will lose the millions of souls it has conquered, because the Holy Cross, once it is lit up, will call to the essences in Aurora and at the other Marian Centers where the Cross of Our Eternal Father is raised.
Unhappy will be those who are not here today for this great event, because if only they had trusted, their ties would have been liberated and their debts would have been forgiven.
The Trust of God is conquered with the love from the heart and not from the mind.
The mind is a means to carry forward the Plan of God, but not to direct it nor to concretize it.
If the love is not in your hearts you cannot live the Plan of God; do not try to, because you will fail, as some have failed.
Those who have put on their sandals and have moved away from Me are written on the last page of My Sacred Book; there will not remain stone over stone, this is no longer a theory.
May the souls repent before the time of great tribulation!
Woe to those who turn their backs on Me! because they will remember, vividly, all that they no longer have, because they have lost the state of Grace and have come out of the guidance of My Hand.
But, trust, because everything will be redirected and those who can no longer be here, will be in other dwelling places to learn how to love, from the beginning.
Those who have denied Me will know the Gift of the Fear of God and when this Gift descends, in a short time, everything will be consummated.
Celebrate for those who are alive of heart and pray for those who are dead of spirit.
Because the legacy I give to those whom I have called cannot be wasted nor altered.
Meanwhile, hold onto the Blue Cross of Emmanuel, because this way you will not only help Me carry with the world and humanity, but your hearts and lives will rise by the wings that It expresses in union to the Father.
May this Marathon be dedicated as a greater surrender for those who offended Me, for those who hurt Me, for those who dirty My Name.
And with all your prayers and supplications, I will be able to say to the Father, as I said on the Cross before expiring:
“Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.
Forgive them, Father, because they do not live You nor feel You;
because they do not call You nor beg You, with humiliation and renunciation.
Forgive them, Father, and place them in Your Kingdom so that, someday, they may be Your worthy children.
While My Wounds hurt by the nails of the ungrateful, My Heart is relieved with the cry of the righteous.
And thus, everything is recreated, everything is transformed, and the souls participate of the communion with My Spirit.
May in this Marathon be revived the commitment of My soldiers with My Sacred Heart; may their heads, feet and hands, be washed and purified by the Water of Life, so that the unconditional donation of self, and the service to the fellow human beings and to the Kingdoms of this planet sprout in their hearts.
Father of Humility and of Love,
Lord of Mercy and of Justice,
I offer Your this Sacrament in the name of those who still follow Me and persist,
so that, by the means of Your Grace and Your Wisdom,
My armies, My soldiers and My companions fulfill the future of a new and fraternal humanity.
So be it. Amen.
Like all the times I meet with you so that you revive Me, feel Me and listen to the vibration and the power of My message, in this spirit of reparation and of consolation, I wish to listen to a song, so that My Wounds of the Feet, of the Hands and of My Side can close and I too, as an apprentice of the Work of the Creator, revive what the Father once showed Me at the Gethsemane Garden, when the future generations, when all My followers, would make My Project worthy on this planet.
“Christ is You”. (Song requested by our Lord).
This is My request for your inner Christs and for those who are not here today among us.
I bless you and prepare you for a Marathon of internalization and reconfirmation of vows; so that you may have the world know that there exists a Blue Cross that descends as a Project on Earth to save the most lost souls.
Blessed are those who cry because they will be comforted.
Blessed are those who persist because they will be strengthened.
Blessed are those who trust because they will have wisdom.
Blessed are those who love because they will know the Kingdom of God.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more