Like the faithful and simple worker Saint Isidore the Farmer, cultivate a peaceful heart so that every soul that approaches your lives may recognize the presence of My Merciful Face.

Accept to live in meekness so that your little imperfections of temperament may be dissolved and may be liberated through the power of My Redeemer Rays that impregnate the hearts that are only open to Me.

And whenever it may seem that you have been judged falsely, may your humiliation and renunciation be so pure and true that the misguided soul may be liberated through the love that springs from your beings for Me.

In the same way, you will allow that every life experience between consciousnesses unite you in love, devotion and hope on the eve of the birth of the true people of God. Let Me reign in your lives so that, as a Divine Carpenter I may be able to polish your spirits and, through My Hands of the Worker of God, may emerge the new wineskin, redeemed and renewed in peace.

Do not fear that the veils will be detached from your faces. Accept with love to renounce the past so that the new being may be able to awaken through your connection with the greater laws of My Father. I Am following your little but hardworking steps to achieve the transcendence of life and of the old being.

May the daily union with the merciful prayer redeem you and allow you to have consciousness of what still has to die so that My Redeemer Plan may be fulfilled upon the Earth. Know that out of love and compassion I have chosen you so that the most unknown sheep, those that do not have any power over the consciousnesses, may be able to transmit and resurrect My Word of salvation and Mercy for the world.

As a Master I look for those who do not want anything for themselves, who only want to be day by day in Me, the Lord of the Universe.

Go ahead, go ahead so that the steps that you must take towards Me may liberate the veils of yesterday because in My Mercy all is possible.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Teachings in the heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Instructor. 


May no one get tired of seeking Me. May for this time My Soldier of light keep ignited the light of his or her essence.

May, united to My Mercy, you take the necessary steps to live in the redemption that I will give you.

May all of My ones be able to take the thirst away from Me through the merciful love of their prayers because in this way I will guide you towards the beginning so that afterwards you may encounter the end of every mission that I entrust to you.

It is necessary to be decided to be with Me. My Heart blossoms with joy and love when a soul decides to follow Me and to imitate in peace My Path of the Cross. If you assume the cross that I give to you, you will be able to liberate your cross, the old cross that you hold from the past and that makes difficult to you to carry the cross of redemption for humanity.

Guide your hearts towards Mine because thus My Light will illuminate you, it will liberate you from stains and you will be crystalline hearts that will serve all for love of God.

Time merits a fast maturing because the armies of Christ must be ready for the coming of the Son of God with flags of peace held High and the heart open to shelter those who have fallen and those who have believed to be in Me but that in truth have been in themselves for self-love. May compassion be endless in you for this moment.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for following My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Feel My Words of comfort and mercy in your heart.

Those who will be persecuted for My Cause will receive the strength of My Spirit of Love so that with courage they may follow without fear My Steps directly to Paradise.

Just forgive and in My Mercy pray for those that for human reasons will not understand the night before the coming of the Redeemer. Open the path for the confused sheep that must again rest by My Feet to receive My Absolution and My Forgiveness.

Be transparent in words, truthful with feeling and clear with thoughts. May your intentions be My Aspirations, may your wishes be My Will in your hearts, may My Path towards the Kingdom be your only and perpetual path.

Nothing will be lost for those who will be judged for My Cause because the strength of their spirits will ennoble the word that will give testimony that it is Me who returns in honor of the fallen hearts.

During the hour of Mercy I ask you to divest your hearts from all judgment that is condemning you, like the stonemason who discharges the weight from his back. Because close is the Justice of the One who is above My Consciousness in the Heavens. This is God that in love will send His Firstborn Son to separate the old and bitter straw from the good and mature wheat.

For this may only the pure life of humility and compassion spring from your essences because if you learn to imitate My Compassion nothing will disturb you.  Let yourselves be guided only by the Light that indicates My Path to redemption. With pure hearts we construct the new dwelling, the dwelling of rest for the Lord Redeemer King.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed and peacemakers.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My dear brothers and sisters:

May I in this time be able to awake in you the sublime humility of the heart so that your lives may liberate themselves from the identification with the things of the world and, in this way, you may walk in consecration to My Eternal and Sacred Heart.

Dears, may the path of competition and of the recognitions amongst men and women of this world be distant from My servers. May prayer be the only path that takes them towards the encounter with Me, with My Kingdom of Love. Because the love of My Heart and the love amongst My companions will allow them to defeat the great atavisms of consciousness, as are pride and vanity. May your hearts, before these attitudes of the world, strengthen themselves by the living the spirit of fraternity and redemption.

My Blessed Heart is open so that you may adore it as a temple of prayer and devotion, a temple of the Beloved God that will protect you from the attitudes of your own selves. For this go through the path of peace and may peace be the reason to gather in the Light all of My sheep.

I wait for the awakening of new flocks. So that it may happen and all may be partakers of My Mercy My servers will be as the living bridge of love and charity. In this way the greater number of souls will cross the threshold towards My Heart.

I wait for you always in patience and in love. Love each other compassionately, in this way the world will be a little more relieved.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, children, for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My dear companions:

Today I take you all towards the depths of My Heart and through this emblem of union with Me I gather you around My Presence so that you may be able to comply with the commandments of My Father.

Dear friends: I know that many of you are about to cross the great threshold of the inner desert in order to thus live the transformation that the Father needs of your lives. He sends Me today for love to you, for love to the whole humanity. My Mercy is today the balsam awaited by your hearts, the one which by means of the Grace poured by Me, will give you strength to walk, love to be able to live and faith to believe in My Powerful Redeemer Word.

Today I am not only with you but also with your brothers and sisters who in this time of infinite mercy are united to My Sacerdotal Spirit.

My dears, I also see in you an intense inner depletion. I ask you to concentrate your faith in My Eternal Faith, your despair in My Comfort, your pain in My Compassion. I love you, I love you so much that I gave the life for you so that your generations would be able to be present in life in this time. Just abandon yourselves in My Arms because My Heart has already received the precious consecration of your souls.

Know, My companions, that the true soldier of Light is formed through the effort in serving and loving God above all things. I adore those who give all for their friends because they will convert themselves into eternal servers of My Kingdom.

While My Spirit circulates throughout the world, pouring Graces and Forgiveness, I ask you that you be brave every day and that you do not lower the banner of peace and redemption.

Dears, I am returning in Omnipresent Spirit in order to let you know the eternal life for your consciousnesses. I encounter in you a luminous path full of blessings.

What else do you want for your lives if from the Cross I completely gave you My Holy Mother?

My friends: entrench your faith in My Immaculate Heart because for you It will be the path of return to My Dwellings.

I thank you for lovingly receiving Me.

Under the Eternal Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My instructions in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of the world. 


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
