Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of Shambhala, the Light of God that has always shone in the East, the Light that initiated many consciousnesses into the sacred path of ascension and transcendence.

Behold the Sacred Light of Shambhala, which reverberates throughout the times and generations, the Light that inspires and awakens religions, for a favored union with Creation.

I Am the Lord of Shambhala, who impelled, on the inner planes, the unity between peoples and cultures, from the East to the West.

Behold the Star of Light of Shambhala, which perpetually shines on the inner planes of the Sacred Gobi Desert; the Light of the Star of God, which guided the great masters of the East, which consecrated many yogis and consciousnesses to attain the path of self-transformation and liberation.

Behold the mysterious and unknown Light of Shambhala, which instituted, from the beginning, the Spiritual Government on the planet, which opened the doors to the self-knowledge of beings, and manifested the Wisdom and Compassion of God.

Behold the return of the Lord of Shambhala, who announces His Return to the world for all generations and peoples; who will come to unite, through inner communion, all cultures and religions.

Behold the Lord of Shambhala, who writes with His own Hand the Law of Creation, who forges, from the human heart, the true warrior, the eternal server, the one who is capable of giving their life for Me.

Be welcome to the Kingdom of Shambhala, to the Infinite and Cosmic Wisdom that impelled and awakened the first peoples of the East of the planet to enter into communion and unity with Creation.

The mysteries of Shambhala reveal themselves for the peacemakers of the Lord of Shambhala, for those who know how to identify in themselves the Signs of God.

Behold the Lord of the transmuting Light of Shambhala, Who will eradicate the incorrect laws of the Earth and replace them for the Divine and Cosmic Laws, because the Spiritual Government of the Lord of Shambhala is approaching, and the consciousnesses are touched by the Light of the Sacred Kingdom of Shambhala.

Just as it was in Israel, the Light of Wisdom and Compassion re-emerges from the East, and many, many who were consecrated in the past, who always followed the footprints of the masters, will again find in this time the reason and cause for serving the God of Creation in the end of these times.

For this reason, remember, remember the Light of Shambhala, the Eternal Mystery of God that was unveiled in the Gobi Desert, and has guided and conducted many peoples who have faith in what is immaterial.

Today, sacred forms emerge from the Heart of Shambhala and express their sublime creative geometries to replace the matrix of evil of this world, convert, transmute and liberate it, until it becomes the archetype that the Celestial Father needs for this Project.

I Am the Lord of the Heavens of Shambhala. I come to announce the New Time. I come to grant the last opportunity. I come to remind you of your origins, preciously held in the stars.

Behold the Lord of the Temple of Shambhala, which is not visible to the physical eyes, but which is visible to the eyes of the heart. The soul that intuits the Light of Shambhala, sees itself before this Sacred Temple, which has been founded here on this planet, from the beginning of the Earth, to institute spirituality in this world. This is one of the seven mysteries of the Source. As the seals open, the Light of Shambhala is gradually revealed through the Lord of the Desert.

The Lord of Shambhala gathers again His disciples, after many schools and experiences lived on this planet so that, at this culminating moment of the Earth, the disciples and followers of the Lord of Shambhala may make their spiritual synthesis, and so that, through the center that rules the heart, the fiery currents of this universe, the sublime impulses of the Source, through the rays and currents, may reconstitute this planet on a spiritual level.

But it will not be through confrontation and battle that evil will be dissipated from this humanity, but rather like the great monastics and yogis from the East, who, with their heads on the ground, recognize the Light of Shambhala and the time of compassion that comes to heal the human heart, and comes to liberate the spirit of each being from the marks of the errors from the past, dissolving the shackles of perdition, cleaning and purifying the paths and pathways of each one of My disciples. Thus, before the great Portal of Shambhala, which unites today all religions and peoples of this planet, may the Grace be granted to start this Sacred Project of humanity from scratch.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Shambhala comes today to meet you, to meet each heart that has faith in the Divine Light, to meet each heart that perseveres in its ascension and transcendence.

The Light and the Lord of Shambhala come to meet those who strive to be consistent with the Law of the Universe and with the Law of Earth, so that peace and harmony may be established in this time of pain.

I promised I would return. Behold the Face of the Lord of Shambhala, who reveals Himself through the prayers of His children and consecrates those who have defined themselves to follow the steps of the Master among masters.

Shambhala returns to present itself to the world for the last time. The Light of Shambhala comes to prepare the coming movements of the Spiritual Hierarchy in this last phase of the second semester of this year.

The Light of Shambhala will come, as it does today, to reorganize the Laws of Manifestation and internally impel the establishment of the Government of Christ. Although this may seem premature, it is not so, because the Light of Shambhala is original in its Wisdom and in its Science.

Many consecrated monastics and disciples have contacted it. From the extensive deserts to the high mountains, from the Gobi Desert to Tibet and from Tibet to India and beyond that nation, the Light of Shambhala has manifested itself through the masters.

Thus, We make you return to the beginning of the Origin, because those who have decided to follow Christ the Redeemer, and have taken the step to consecrate their lives to the Law, will imperiously need the inner guidance of the Light of Shambhala.

Behold the Solar Son of Shambhala, who, through this new Marathon of prayer, opens the doors for the next cycle, after the last August 8.

Many will be the works to accomplish, perhaps few will be the self-summoned, but do not forget to serve the Lord of Shambhala out of love and for no other reason.

May the inner strength of each one emerge from the love that you have for the Wisdom and Compassion of the Great Kingdom of Shambhala, which always has the task of guiding the Plan of Manifestation in the different spheres of consciousness.

I rejoice today for those who work in this world for the causes of wisdom, peace and compassion and, even more, work giving their lives for the presence of the Higher Love in this world. Because without Love souls die, without the Love of Shambhala souls precipitate into uncertain decisions.

Behold the Heart of Shambhala, which presents itself as a teraph, permeated by the pure, innocent and inoffensive experience of many of My disciples of the past, from the East to the West.

May these Words strengthen you, encourage you to follow the steps of the Lord of Shambhala, knowing that there will be a lot to do for this humanity in this time of harsh purification.

But do not forget something: the  Light of Shambhala, which is radiated by the Love of the Creator, will always triumph, will always win in those who have faith in it.

May this Marathon be a re-encounter with the wisdom of the East so that you may be sustained in all works that you will carry out in these months, building the Plan of Manifestation of God in this humanity.

From the Sacred Gobi Desert, who blesses and encourages you, your Master,

The Lord of Shambhala

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace. 

Apparition of Christ Jesus received in the Marian Center of Figueira, by the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Carry in your hearts the badge of the Brotherhood.

May those who have fallen rise.

May evil be submerged itself into its hells and may the doors to perdition and to the condemnation of souls be closed at last; because the Almighty has come to meet you in order to be able to fill you with His Light and His Mercy, and to make of His creatures a new flock of Light, full of the Love of God and impregnated by His Gifts of Compassion, Unity, and Faith.

Today I come as the Priest of the Universe; I come to give you My Peace so that you may be in My Peace, and I give you My Peace so that you may multiply it and make it alive in your hearts and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters.

I have come from a very special place for Me, and also for My Father, one of the most beautiful places in the Creation of this Planet.

I come from the high peaks of the Himalayas, where the spirit of the sacred, of the pure, and of the reverent is gestated for humanity.

I want those who are Mine to walk with Me upon this mountain. I want you to feel your feet free in order to be able to do so.

I want you to be able to attain the goals that I propose for you for these times, and that, in spite of everything, you continue trusting in Me, because even though the purification may be extensive, the Mystery of Faith is infinite and it is what allows souls to be in God, and God to be in them.

I wish you to contemplate these mountains of the Himalayas as a great revelation of your Master and Lord, who, while amongst you, more than two thousand years ago, already knew what existed there.

Let the mountains be the example and the principle of the elevation of humanity, and, above all, of the elevation of the human mind, which is volatile and destructive.

I come to give strength to those who consider themselves to be My soldiers.

I come to bring the Light that rises in the infinity of the horizon.

For this reason, walk together with Me upon that mountain path, until you reach its highest point, thus, your spirits will rejoice, for you will no longer see obstacles nor will you have limitations in rising up to God. While matter is purified, let the spirit be firm in its purpose and in its mission.

Precious jewels of the Brotherhood are being delivered to everyone and they must be recognized first within yourselves, so that later you are able to express them in the physical life.

In order to climb to the top of this mountain, you must follow a rule that is necessary for Me: that you be what I need you to be, that you give the example of your true spirituality and that, no matter what happens, you keep faith and know that nothing is lost.

Humanity has never faced such difficult times as these. It is the first time that it crosses a portal towards a definition of its consciousnesses and of its purpose.

I come from the heights of the Himalayas to be able to show the world that it is possible to attain the goal and to reach the end of the purpose, no matter what the cost may be.

But if your hands remain united as brothers and sisters, and you create a great chain of Light up to the heights of the Himalayas, the one who is last, and experiencing the hardest test, will be able to be elevated through you and achieve the Light, feel Peace, and, in this example, will be able to find the Spirit of Brotherhood.

Many places of the planet keep Sacred Mysteries.

Unknown keys will be activated in the end of times so that the sleeping humanity may awaken.

And in order for this to happen, first this initiative will come from you, because, in truth, you already know what exists in the inner worlds of this Planet, which allow for the true awakening of humanity.

Today I show you the Himalayas so that you can see within them the spirit of that which is sacred, of all that is good, that can be permeated in the consciousness that seeks the transcendence and elevation of its being.

I am not the only Master in that place; there are also others who, on the inner planes, work for the purpose of the salvation of this humanity, especially the most unconscious of humanity.

Enter the heights of these mountains and feel your spirits in deep freedom.

See how your souls fly like the bird; feel how your hearts open to the beat of the Brotherhood and of all that is sacred.

Discover in yourselves the true Sun that you are. Let it shine and let it dazzle in order to be able to fulfill its purpose in this humanity.

I come to free you from the roots of indifference.

I come to raise you up to the spirit of Truth so that you may enter these mountains, free of the past, redeemed in your actions, and healed of your wounds.

In this way, you will receive the inner light that you need, and with gratitude you will embrace the Codes of Love that God will send you through His Presence in those sacred places of the planet.

From the heights of the Himalayas, I come to proclaim My coming to the world, so that all ears may hear within their inner worlds, and this Word may echo and resound where it should resound, beyond this Universe.

Meanwhile, the doorways to an incalculable opportunity are opening so that souls may recognize their origin and cease to be ignorant and asleep in the face of the Mysteries of the Universe that are being unveiled in these times, in which everything is in play.

Today I leave you all in the heights of the Himalayas, in one of the places most Sacred for My Father, in which He has chosen to place His Feet and again bring His Spirit of Reconciliation and Peace, to give it to all of His creatures.

His Fount will become visible in the times that will come, and souls will awaken and set aside their ignorance; they will open their eyes to what they truly are and set aside arrogance and everything that is petty in this surface humanity.

The chains of error of the past will be dissolved because Saint Michael the Archangel will wield His sword over them. Saint Raphael the Archangel will pour out His healing over the spirits that are unconditionally with God.

The keys of the Doors of Heaven will be given into the hands of the simple, to those who have followed the Path of the Lord, in spite of their purification and their tests.

Blessed are they who enter into My inner Himalayas.

Blessed are they who commune of this Mystery and reveal it to the world.

Blessed are they who with gratitude give thanks for all of these things without deeply knowing them.

Blessed are they who seek the Spirit of Brotherhood beyond themselves and their imperfections.

Blessed are they who take care of the Project of God and make It a part of their lives, defending it from themselves.

Blessed are they who remove their shoes to enter the Temple in an act of reverence and devotion to Divine Compassion.

Blessed are they who bow down in the heights of the mountains to plead to the Father, to Adonai.

Blessed are they who build the new and maintain it throughout time.

Blessed are they who have nothing to gain nor to lose because the Kingdom of the Heavens will be within them and scripture will be fulfilled; they will be freed of the sin of Adam and Eve. And a New Humanity will finally rise, full of new Christs, servant spirits, of souls in constant adoration.

Blessed are they who care for their work of prayer, truly and without deceiving themselves.

Blessed are they who build the foundations of spirituality and hold them in their hearts, as the last legacy.

Today your High Priest speaks to you; the Almighty pronounces His Words through His Beloved Son so that the flocks spread throughout the Earth may assemble at the foot of this mountain of the Himalayas, awaiting the great moment of the Return of their Beloved Lord.

"I ask You, Father, to open the Heavens over a world that is in darkness and that, through the Compassion of your Heart in the world, You may see the lights that ignite to recognize Your Call.

See now, Father, how Your fallen stars shine and how they rise up to the heights of the Firmament to become part of Your Universal Kingdom and Your Great Heavenly Vault.

Now, Father, do not leave anyone behind. I promise to give those who are lost refuge in My Arms. I promise to fulfill Your Works through those who give of themselves to Me and who are unconditionally consistent with My Invitation.

Today, in the heights of the Himalayas, Father, I leave those who most need You, so that those who are most aware and awake may, at the feet of these sacred mountains, may care for the rest of Your flocks.

I place My Scepter upon the heights of these mountains and I strike it on the Earth, to ignite it in Light.

The false temples will fall to My right and to My left, and the ruins of perdition and of the hells will be swallowed up by the earth so that Your Great Portal of Compassion may open between the East and the West, and, finally, Father, Your Words may be accomplished in Humanity. Amen."

Today I send My thanks to those who take care of the Sacred Instruction of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy. Through them, My Word is known throughout the world, and all languages can receive My Message so that it may be accomplished in Humanity.

I wish to dedicate My Love to those who make the effort for this to be accomplished, according to My designs.

Know that, through My Words, and all those who revise and correct them, so that My Message of Light may expand through the world, your hearts are deeply worked upon, time after time, and without your perceiving it, your consciousnesses are unified with Mine, and, thus the Plan manifests.

After these last years of work, those who take care of the instructions of the Divine Messengers should know that they have a spiritual treasure in their hands and that, through their offering, this spiritual and inner treasure may reach many souls that also need it.

For, in this way, the one hundred and forty-four thousand will awaken, who will wait for their Lord during a night of vigil.

And, before the sun will rise, before the new Aurora emerges, in your silence, you will hear the footsteps of the Lord, who is drawing closer to again meet with you, and thus seal the Covenant between hearts and God.

So be it.


In My Heart, feel the Presence of God.

In your hearts, feel My drawing closer in this culminating moment of the planet.

I have come as the Messenger of Heaven, also as the Lord of the East, to announce to you My Presence in this place and at this end time, in which many things happen without the majority of humanity perceiving what is truly happening.

That is why I come from this place with a new aspect. Today, I name Myself before you as the Lord of the East, so that knowledge and wisdom may unite between both hemispheres of the planet.

I come in this way to initiate a new cycle, bringing the synthesis of the Sacred Knowledge of everything the planet has experienced in its wisdom and also in the Fount of instruction.

In this way, companions, as the Lord of the East, I come to provide souls with the knowledge of yesteryear, that which the great sages of ancient Asia knew.

I come to fulfill a request of My Father and I come to give continuity, companions, to what your Lord was not able to finish when instructed in His youth, in ancient Asia, where there truly existed the greatest treasures of Heaven, through knowledge and instruction.

I come here to establish a bridge of Light, so that many souls, unconscious of true sacred knowledge, can awaken.

The time has come for the West to recover the values it lost through its different races and civilizations of the past. It is for this reason that your Lord of the East brings in His manifestation of Light the synthesis of all the cultures of the ancient Asian peoples, which in the beginning brought about a balanced and harmonious planet that generated a fountain of wisdom and of instruction.

I had to go through there when I was Jesus, besides going to Persia.

In Asia, I re-lived many things that My Father asked Me to find again, a time before My public life, a time before the baptism in the River Jordan.

In this way, you will understand, My companions, how the values of spirituality still exist on the planet. Thus, sacred precincts of the Father, scattered through the Himalayas, such as in Tibet and farther, in Asia, hold these principles gestated by humanity from the beginnings of the Earth.

God wanted this planet to be a fount of wisdom; that many more creatures became enlightened as He was enlightened. That is why Buddha came to the world, to demonstrate to all in the distant East the divine Source of compassion, which was the first base of the Christic instruction for humanity.

This Source of compassion generated by Buddha to dissolve suffering, pain, and corporeal death, created the bases for the coming of the Messiah.

See then, companions from the whole world, how spirituality is one in all of the Universe and beyond it, based on the Source of Love, of Wisdom, and of Truth; because it is what My Father always wanted from the beginning, when He created Adam and Eve.

That is why today I present My aspect of the Lord of the East, as the first initiation for this great mission that must take place there next year.

As of now, I invite you to accompany Me in this sacred task, because many values of human spirituality are being lost also in Asia because of the suffering, the errors, the wars, and the difficulties that the nations of Asia experience.

In the same way that My Father, through Buddha, brought the Asian peoples closer to the Source of Divine Compassion, today I deign to draw My children of Asia closer in this cycle to the Source of My Divine Mercy.

In this way, companions, such far away brothers and sisters of the planet will be able to be deserving, as you are, of the treasures that I bring you today, which are the most intimate of My Heart, that I have waited two thousand years to pour out upon Asia, and be able to find again in this people the same value that I once found, when your Master and Lord visited this region of the planet.

Thus I come to reveal and to confirm what was written in some sacred books, in which the story is told of the passage of your Master and Lord through the East. If your Master and Lord had not traveled there, He would not have been able to understand, in His phase of sacrifice, all that this people of Asia would need for the future, after My Ascension.

Thus I come to fulfill the Designs of My Father and to elevate your consciousnesses beyond three-dimensional life. And although I present Myself to you in three dimensions, My true intention and purpose is that you also achieve the illumination of your beings through prayer, service, humility, love, compassion, and unity.

In this way, I come to show you that you are capable of transforming much more and of becoming true servers of the Plan, to be able to accompany this Work, which will culminate in being known all over the planet, by all of humanity.

I will give you the gift of the heart impregnated with the gift of love, which will allow you, companions, to understand all tongues, all cultures, and all nations, according to their nature and origin.

So I come to extend what I gave to the twelve apostles when they began to follow Me in this Work of preaching the Sacred Word of God and of proclaiming His Divine Kingdom.

Your Lord of the East desires you to already keep Him present in your hearts, because this sacred aspect will allow you to understand and above all adhere to the next designs that the Spiritual Hierarchy will present to you, in this new cycle.

This is all that I wanted to reveal to you today. I still have more to say, but souls need some time to be able to truly correspond to all that is being spiritually built on the planet, beginning with the Spiritual Church of your Lord, which comes to aid souls and the regions of the planet where Mercy and Redemption are needed.

Today your Lord of the East will celebrate a world Communion integrated by all cultures, tongues, and nations that within themselves believe in the existence of love, present in all that is divine.

Bring a washbowl here.

While My children bring the elements, try to feel and understand your Lord of the East in His aspect of wisdom.

In this offering, also see how what was sacred emerged in the beginning through the Asian continent, and how the sacred mysteries of the spirituality of the planet and of the essence of Christic Love were also present in these cultures, in the faithful example of the Three Wise Men.

The water of Asia must be re-consecrated through your oceans and seas, so that its true essence and nature is not lost.

So be it.

So we now prepare for the consecration. Those who can may kneel. Let us elevate the basket for the offering.

Lord, convert these elements into the Body and the Blood of Your Most Beloved Son, with the aim that today the East can again experience its most sacred awakening and this be radiated to all of the planet, in union to Your Creation, to the continents, to the oceans, and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

So be it.

Abbun debashmaia
Netkadesh eshmoj
Teite malkutaj
Nejuei sevianaj aikana
Debashmaia af ba-arja
Jav-lan lajma teesunkanan iagmana
Washpocklan jaubein wajtagein
Aikana daf jenan shoaken oljaiaben
Wela tajlan letnesiuna
Ela patsan men bisha
Metul delaje malkuta
Wajela wateshpurjta
Laj-lam almin

Your Lord of the East today blesses these elements, and also your hearts, so that they may be rehabilitated and achieve redemption, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us invite all of our brothers and sisters to join us in these moments, offering your prayers and hearts as an act of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Today, from here, we say goodbye, and inwardly united as one heart, let us celebrate this union with Christ, and give thanks to God.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us. In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. Amen.

Special Apparitions

My God, I believe in You...(x3)

You have been encouraged to be close to Me despite of what has happened and that is part of the victory of My Heart, of the triumph of the Plan of God on Earth beyond any adversity, disturbance, or deceit.

Today you have encouraged me to be here, in My Presence, in spite of the sins or the imperfections, because I do not wish you to be pure, but free from yourself, so that you may walk by My side, in the perfection of My Plan that I reveal to My fellowmen, to My friends and apostles.

You have trusted in Me and you have come to find Me, even thought everything has changed and the place is different. That is what the obedience of a good soul brings about, that follows the paths of the Lord in total trust and surrender, so that, above all, My Light may triumph, which is the Light that comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Today I have come as a Priest, to consecrate you and renew you.

I have come to deposit My Gifts again, which were always present, but I renew everything in your life so that you can go on and, as I have told you, walk beside Me until I reach the goal that I propose for your life and your consciousness.

Be encouraged to follow me and you will not miss My Steps, because I lead My sheep to this stable of My Heart, where I comfort them, I keep them and contemplate them through My redeeming love.

Today I am that Priest who renews your life, consciousness and spirit. I am the Priest who gives strength to your soul to not desist or lose sight of My precious Project, which is to turn your life into an instrument of peace and good for the world.

Look at your star, old pilgrim, beloved disciple and servant of My Father. Look at your origin and glimpse your brotherhood; you have never separated from it in spite of what has happened.

Find your existence again, the meaning of your life, and unify with your brothers and sisters, to survive in these difficult times.

Thus, will be My Heart among you, as It was with the apostles to guide you to the final goal of evangelizing the world and of bringing the Supreme Consciousness of God to those who were fallen and lost in darkness.

See in all My Universe the potency of My Love. that is splendorous and magnificent.

See in each step that I ask you to take, how I guide your life and your inner self with new patterns.

Do not leave My steps behind but always seek me, so that you can see in My paths My Will, which is not yours, but the Will of My Father through Me, through everything that I express for the consciences.

I have come to thank you and to encourage you, to institute a new being that must continue to be molded like clay, until the potter reaches the perfection of it and offers to God as a testimony that this Plan can be fulfilled in this world.

See around Me the twelve angels that accompany Me; supreme authorities, worshipers of My Eucharistic and Most Holy Body.

See in them how the love of adoring Me and honoring Me is emanated, because I Am the Son, Who is in the Heavens, and once descended among you to bring you peace and redemption, to show you the true path, the simple path that My Heart traversed through instruction and the word for all souls.
And so I invite you to ascend and enter My Kingdom, where there is peace and unity, just as there is peace and unity in your brothers, your companions.

Because between brothers there can only be love and unity. Blessed are those who live it and who multiply it in My Name without forgetting that all pain is cured through love and compassion.

I am that Consciousness that brought you Mercy, a mystery that is not yet very well known and that at this time I reveal to you. Because if I am the Mercy itself, it is that mystery that is being revealed to you and to the whole world, to the whole humanity, so that you may know that the great compassion of God still exists and his infinite Piety towards his creatures, similar to Him.

If this Mercy were not among you, companions, how would the world survive in this time, where actions compromise many souls and submerge hearts in the abysses?

It is in this that I need you to work, in freeing hearts, souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, because each one has a mission with Me that can not stop living, nor fulfill.

If I call you in this time, it is because I had already called you in another time, and that burning commitment is still alive in My Heart. And so I come to fulfill before My Father the promise I made Him of self-summoning My companions in this end of time, in which everything is in play, even spiritual life.

But if your prayer were strong, persevering, and loving, you will have nothing to fear, because if you pray with Me and pray with My Mother, and pray with Saint Joseph, Our Light will always be, in spite of the darkness.

Thus, I tell you, companion: do not fear purifying yourself, because if the Son of God was purified when He was surrendered in the Temple into the arms of God, all souls of this Earth must be purified because of their debts and actions; but there is a lifeline that will help you to transcend everything, and that is My Mercy.

Because of My Mercy you are here today and I am with you and with the world.

Because of My Mercy, you still walk by My side and follow My steps.

My Mercy is stronger than any sin, than any indifference and omission.

My Mercy renews all things and restores all things.

It was the Power of My Divine Mercy that helped Me to carry the cross of the world and the horrors of humanity, to be able to free souls from all the hells.

That is why I establish this bridge of light with your hearts and Mine, so that you may drink from My Fount and nurture your spirits in the power of My renewal.

So I am consecrating you at this time, in which the majority of souls have need of My Sacraments, of My Gifts, and of My Graces.

I experience so much pain through the indifference of the world or the indifference of one for another, in the face of the need that is visible before your eyes and hearts.

If you are indifferent among yourselves, you will be indifferent with Me, and I will not be able to reach you. That is why until now and in this time I wait for you, and I still keep My Arms stretched out to you so that you will take My Hands and are able to get up from this ground, from all the stones that makes you fall.

I restore you in spirit and in life when you hurt yourselves or when you wound others.

My Mercy helps you to see the truth in each heart and in each brother or sister who are by your side.

It is in this simple truth that I want you to be able to live every day. It is the truth that I taught My apostles and My followers, including those who gave Me up to the cross and to death.

If I suffered for you, companions, was so you would not had to suffer, nor caused others to suffer with any action, or ways that could alter the peace of the heart that incessantly searches for Me.

I remind you all of My legacy and the commitment to live Me every day until the last days of your lives, because you have offered yourselves for this before My Father and today I come to remind you so that you may live Me through your peers, transcending imperfection and errors, because what is perfect, companions, is love.

The imperfect heart that loves is a perfect heart, because it draws love to it, shares it, and distributes it like loaves to the poorest in spirit.

Many times, among you, I wished to show this love, and I had loaves distributed like gifts and graces for your hearts. And some of those times you were not able to see it, but My Love justifies you and saves you, redeems you and restores you, until you are able to take the great step, according to the commitment of each being.

I offer you My Priesthood as a principle of renewal for those who seek union with God all of the time, and especially so that you not forget that God is merciful and pious with all of the Creation.

I give you My Graces so that you may be purified and testify to My Love in the world, especially for those who most need it in this acute hour of the planet.

Cry, resting upon My bosom, and seek the essence of My forgiveness that will unify you and free you from the past.

Cry, and let Me deeply cleanse you.

My Mercy is like the water of the oceans, that pacifies and heals everything in the consciousnesses.

Cry, and free yourself of pain so that My love may enter your spirit and I make a new dwelling place in glory to God.

Feel My merciful Heart and carry peace to a world that urgently needs it at this crucial hour of humanity.

Tests strengthen My followers. Transformation unites you with Me and purification consecrates you to My Divinity, so that I may be in you and you in Me forever.

Before the twelve angels that accompany Me, this Friday we will celebrate the reparation of the Sacred Heart of your Lord, that deigns to show Himself to simple hearts so that they may see My truth.

While I am here, I contemplate the world and all the souls that open their hearts to receive Me.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us... In the Presence of Christ let us sing: "Come Oh Great Spirit" for the blessing of the sacraments. And let us allow that this Spirit of Christ enter into us. We place our hands in the sign of receptivity.

Once again.

Most Holy Heart of Christ,
change our hearts
into sacred flames of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Face may be founded on the great human heart.
May the coming descent of Your Celestial Glory
Redeem all consciousnesses.
In honor and in glory to the Celestial Father.
Amen. (x3)

O beloved Lord! O beloved Christ!,
accept our reparation through our love,
our surrender, and our prayer,
so that Your flogged heart, Lord, gain relief
from our devotion to You.
Amen. (x3)

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…

In this way, companions, I have consecrated you on this day so that your spirits and souls be reborn in My heart and always find peace under the blessing of God and of all His angels.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Could the sisters that came from Menorca come up here to receive the blessing of the consecrated oil.

And in this way, I taught all My servants to love one another through the offering of My Heart, which was pierced for you also so that, beyond all error and malice, you would be able to achieve the Love of God, which is a Love that triumphs and supports souls that live it.

Let us thank the Father Who is in the Heavens, Who assembles us and gives us life, for the presence of His angels that accompany the glory of your Lord in the Sacred Celebration of the Eucharist that redeems all hearts.

Like the angels, let us praise God, so that I may elevate to heaven your pleading and the pleading of all those who listen to Me.

Thus I constitute those consecrated, in different ways, as apostles in redemption.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing the melodic Kodoish together with the angels.

We keep our hands in the sign of receptivity.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, now we are going to share a little story of the Apparition and afterwards, at the request of Our Lord, we are going to do some reflecting.


Story of Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Sometimes it is difficult to memorize everything that happens, right?, because it is a lot of impulses that the Hierarchy gives us.

I am going to try and synthesize everything that happened, because there were several things, it was what I was feeling and what each one of us was experiencing, it was as if we were going through several stages, on different planes. And each time that we went through those stages, the experience and the meeting with Him would deepen, and I don't know if everybody was able to perceive it, but this is what happened.

But when we were in one of the songs, which was "Christ, You are Love," no, excuse me, I made a mistake, it wasn't "Christ You are Love", it was "Apostles of love", He was already getting closer. That was before the last fifty beads that were missing.

When He began to descend, what really drew my attention was what He looked like. In general, when the Hierarchy descends, Christ, Mary, or Saint Joseph descends, they come in a sphere of light, and it is as if they located the place where we are gathered.

So they come from the Universe, they locate the solar system, they locate the planet, and then, they locate the continent where we are, the country where we are. That is how the Apparition happens, how it begins to happen.

And there, He located this place in Avila, where we were, but instead of directing the energy specifically toward us, He expanded it throughout the region, and suddenly, He showed the walls of Avila as if they were channels of liberation, white tunnels, something like that.

And on the streets of Avila the dead began to rise, or those who were dead on this plane; many people began to leave and He was taking them to a place, as if it was a space where He recycled them, we could say, freed them. There was a lot of people from that period, you know?

And the angels that accompanied the Master helped Him.

So, after He finished this task, that the task was ended, He began to address us. As you perceived, He was talking in the first person, because He was talking to each one of us; afterwards, at another moment, I perceived that he was talking to many inner worlds, to many inner beings, not only to us who were here, but in other places, the brothers and sisters who were connected with us and also those who are not. He was speaking to everyone and placed something within us.

And as he said, He manifested as a Priest, dressed all in white, like a priest is dressed, and on the sleeves, on the outside part, like this part of the sleeves, He had embroidery, and he also had a stole that was all sort of embroidered, in a format very  much like a Greek embroidery, as if it were something more orthodox, I don't know how to describe it because I have never seen that. He showed Him like this.

He was all in white and around Him, in His Apparition, were the twelve angels, which He said were governing angels. And so, there He began to develop this task. There were moments which He mentioned as He spoke and also of what He showed, in which He referred to moments in His life in the Holy Land, with all those who participated in those events in His passage as Jesus.

And I perceived that some of us also were in that time with Him.

He was showing what we were like in that time, and what spiritual and human condition we were in; and how in such a surprising, marvelous way He was working with each soul, according to the need that each one of us spiritually had for assistance.

He made this bridge with this moment to this present, and through this exercise, when He transmitted the message, He gave His Word, He was renewing us.

And then in an instant, He spoke of the moment of the Passion, when He falls, and if you remember, He says: "I renew all things"; He says it to His Mother, at the fourth station of the Way of the Cross, when He is with Mary.

He shows that event; He speaks of that happening when He falls and receives a hard blow, right? He shows a situation that was worse than what we know about, and how, in spite of being exhausted, the Master receives a hard blow to His Head when He falls at that fourth station. And when Mary goes to help Him get up, in the blow that He experiences, in spite it being a blow of pain and of suffering, He releases something like many Rays of Mercy, right?, of Light, of Love.

And through the expansion of those Rays of Love and of Mercy, He manages to raise many souls, many fallen beings, that were fallen in that time, and which in this time are also, in some way. According to what He said, according to what He explained, He was trying to have those beings find the path of the light again. And there we were, in all of that process, until the end.

Although He asked to do the blessing of the sisters of Menorca, He did an initiation, like a Sacrament, a renewal, like a vow of union of us with Him, in this task that He is summoning us to live the Plan. That was, more or less, what happened.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

I think that we were all able to perceive that every day the Hierarchy is closer, each day it takes another step toward us.

The Apparition of today was deeply felt, because each one could perceive how Christ was talking to your own heart, as if we were alone, He and us, and there was nobody else in the room.

This approach that He is doing with each one has to do with that link that He wants to build with the heart of each one, and it is up to us to realize it and open up so that He can build this link. Because it is with that link that we will be able to go through everything that must be gone through, that we will be able to transform, harmoniously purify ourselves, being very personally united with Him.

So we cannot lose sight of this approach that He is wanting to carry out with each one of us.

And each time that He is closer, the more codes of renewal we receive.

What is a code of renewal? It is that spiritual impulse that changes something old that is inside us for something new, and that because it is a code, can be infinitely multiplied within us, taking out the old and placing something new in us, spiritually speaking.

And each time that we lovingly connect with Him, those codes are multiplied much faster, we could say.

We have to make what He deposits in each one continue to multiply more and more, each day.

So an Apparition of Christ in this time is not just for coming to listen to beautiful words. It is something much deeper and that we have to open our consciousness, our heart, to not miss not even one second, not even one moment with Him.

So let us place this in our heart, let us treasure what we receive.

Not many people have the possibility of receiving, let us hold this as the great treasure of this time, for our lives, for our spirits, for our future, for everything that will come.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!


Contemplate My Glory. When I am present, everything is perfect and nothing wounds.

Today I again offer you the cross of the world, so that you may carry it with Me during this Sacred Week that is coming; because after so many Graces, everything is already different and nothing can be the same.

Today you are here for My Mercy, which is the Mercy of God; which has gathered you together through Me and around Me, to honor Me.

Today I am with you and I am with the world, with the needs of each heart and of each soul, without ceasing to attend to the requests of My Father, so that His Will may be done.

Today I show you the wounds of My Hands so that you may venerate them during this coming week, where I will give precise signs for these end of times, so that souls may continue on My path and in ascension to My Sacred Heart.

I know that it is difficult to live the chaos of the world, the chaos of souls and of consciousnesses that resist purifying. But I can't do anything else.

Your hearts and the heart of your brothers and sisters must be open so that I may work and thus help you until the end. Because it is the Will of My Father that you live in My Grace and it is the feeling of My Heart that you rejoice in Me all days of your life, so that you may know My Will, which is invisible to your eyes and perceptible to the intuition of the pure.

I need to reach in you holy humility, pacification, surrender and meekness. But I know that everything is by degrees. You must reach it through the effort and dedication you live for My Heart and for the Will of My Father who is in the Universe and who always looks upon you with a lot of compassion. Because if from Him did not flow compassion, there would be no humanity.

The tonic of these times is the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of My Heart, otherwise nothing would be possible, companions.

I don't come here to bring you disappointments but the truth; truth that you must love every day to be able to reach it and so that your hearts are crystalline just like Mine, without pride, without denial, without indifference.

You must persist, as I persisted for you on the Cross.

You must mature in love, as I surrendered the Love of God for you at each stage of the Passion, just as My Mother surrendered Love for each of Her children who denied and rejected the King of the Universe.

I need that in this Sacred Week, your hearts live My Passion in humility. That you feel My Passion as the great victory and as the great promise for those who have not yet awakened and who separate themselves from God day by day.

I need, companions, that through this Sacred Week you live My Passion, so that your souls confirm that I am still here accompanying you, as well as I accompany those who need the most in this acute time of the world.

I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you not only see My sacrifice, but the victory of the Archangel Michael through My Heart and My Consciousness, which at the most culminating moment left My Being so that I would Christify myself, as well as in these times I invite you to live the christification of the heart through dedication and perpetual prayer.

If there were no souls like yous in the world, just as there are other souls who love My unfathomable and merciful Heart, I would not be here anymore and this would not be a denial because I would have no place to pour out My Grace and My Mercy on those who truly claim it for their brothers and for all mankind, as for the minor Kingdoms created by God, your Lord, your Eternal Father.

So I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you multiply My Mercy for all the places where you go and that it multiplies even more when you leave here, from this Sacred Center, after having received My spiritual impulse of love and of compassion.

I do not need you to be martyred with My Passion. There were holy women in the past who lived this for Me through the ages and abode all next to My Cross, together with Mary, My Mother.

I invite you, companions, in this Sacred Week to be holy consciousness that venerate My Sacred Heart through the Passion and the cross and every step that I took for you from the Last Supper until My resurrection.

In these steps that I entrust you to meditate day by day, you will find the strength for these times, the inner strength to overcome your problems, the dissipation of all doubts and the lack of confidence in the Heart of the Creator.

I need, companions, to revive My Passion for those who do not and especially for those who never did and who least know Me in different parts of the world, for living their own idolatry.

This weighs on My Heart, because I come with My Grace for all souls, for all those who nevertheless continue in My way, as it is today before My presence..

So you will see, companions, how is the Mercy of My Heart, how is the sustenance and support that I can give to your spirits when you trust in Me and decree it.

I not only bring you the revelation of My Grace but also the presence of My heavenly Glory reached after My ascension to the Universe, to the abodes of God.

I need you to be purified in My trust and to accept the task that I, with so much Love, have entrusted to you for these times from the beginning of your births.

Just as My Infinite Heart was grateful for the support of My Holy Mother during the Passion and from the beginning of My life in this world for each one of you, so I expect you, companions, to be grateful to your mothers for their existence and presence at this time so special with me. What would happen to you without your mothers?

Even if your mothers do not look like with what you desire, they are the perfect model of transformation for your hearts and lives. You will not be able to continue walking on My path without first reminding your mothers of everything they have given, even if it was errors, tests or conflicts.

God, through your mothers, wanted to break your hardened hearts so that you would feel the true love that is born of the motherhood of all the holy women who conceive before the Creation and give birth, as My Mother gave birth for each of you .

I need you to love the maternal strength and not reject it, because in the maternal strength is the way out of the possible difficulties of the path.

Between My Passion for this Sacred Week and the spirit of motherhood, you will find two great doors to also reach forgiveness and reconciliation among your loved ones.

I do not need you, companions, to judge but to love what God gave you through your mothers and also your spiritual mothers that I have placed on your way, to work the path of perfection and holiness in you.

Discover in the mystery of My Passion and motherhood the path to conversion and to take the steps in the simplicity of the spirit and the soul that is given to the heavenly Father, opening your heart and understanding all the things that come to the school of learning.

I leave you tonight, companions, the symbol of the sores of My Hands, of the Hands that were donated for you, of the Hands that were cured, that healed, that multiplied the loaves and fishes, of the Hands that poured out graces and prodigies, who raised the dead, of the Hands that raised the paralytics, who healed the blind and who redeemed hearts hardened by their own will.

I hope that in each of you and your brothers and sisters, I can make sprout what I come to take for so long and after so many times and many attempts.

Now, companions, that you know all these things, be encouraged to take the step and not back down, because My feet walk barefoot in front of your own, marking the path to peace and transformation

One more request for those who listen to My voice. I would like to see you arranged and clean every day to receive me. Just as I sent the sick to purify the wells of Bethsaida, of Samaria, I invite you to prepare every day for the encounter with Me at three o'clock in the afternoon, in harmony and order, interior and exterior. I do not need you to embellish for Me, but to understand and feel the importance of the ceremony in every detail, because that is part of the Law of the Hierarchy.

And now, companions, on this eve of preparation, let your hearts pulse and feel the Sacred Week beating within you like a living flame that is molded and prepared to receive me in trust.

And the synthesis of all this Sacred Week that we will live for a sick, separated and indifferent humanity; for those who can not live this with Me and who do not yet know it, I remind you of the infinite mystery of the sacrament of Communion, of the bread made flesh of Christ and of the Precious Blood of the Master as sources of salvation and conversion for the souls that commune in faith with the divinity of My Spirit before the Universal Father.

In glory to God for this grace granted to realize the Sacred Week here, and waiting for all Heaven, may your collaboration be efficient for the next meetings in this material order of the work of the Hierarchy.

I hope that My Graces will not fall in vain, but be the permanent multiplication of the service and the donation for this redeeming and co-redeeming work with My Mother and Saint Joseph.

I hope that your hearts, companions, awaken to the importance of collaboration in this project of the Divine Messengers in this material plane. That will define after this Sacred Week the continuity of that sacred project of conversion and peace for the world.

May each one accomplish your part so that the Will of God may be manifested.

My last request, companions: pray for the hearts that were closed. I want to see in these beads the persistence of the consecrated. Let each prayer bead represent the opportunity and grace for a new soul that must be rescued by the trinity of the sacred hearts.

In this sacrament, companions, I leave you the model for your conversion, so that you may be peacemakers, meek in heart and humble in spirit.

I thank you, companions, for sharing this moment with Me in the name of Light and Redemption.

And so to those present I bless you preparing you to live this sacred moment with Me, in this Holy Week that is approaching, where the Heavens will be open for seven days on this place so that souls rise in spirit through My Heart to the House of the Celestial Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Christ, let us sing "Peacemakers".

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus in the city of Bogota, Colombia, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before the whole Universe that rules us, I have come here to consecrate you in My Love and to show you My Sacred Heart that is still wounded by the sins of human beings.

Glimpse My Celestial Presence. Reconsider your surrender, and offer to God your sacrifices for the conversion of this humanity and the glorification of the Name of God, from the beginning to the end.

Today I have come to satiate you, for My spiritual food is important in these times, mainly for those who lean before Me and try to contemplate My merciful heart.

I wanted to come here for one primordial reason, on behalf of the need of the planet and of all souls that live here: you must not forget My Living Heart, which will sustain you in the coming times.

I came here so that you feel My Love and renew your vows with Me in this perfect communion with My Divine Spirit in this time of transition in which many souls are defining themselves whether for the light or the abyss.

Who will have compassion for My Heart and will be able to satiate the lack I feel from the souls? For I do not seek the perfect ones.

I come to resurrect your lives, souls, and spirits from the abysses where they have placed themselves.

I come to extend My Hand toward you to show you a new path, to offer you My Heart for all souls that offend Me and do not accept My prodigies nor any celestial design.

I come here so that you know My Power that is invincible and powerful, because it is the Power of My Father who is in the Heavens, seated on His Throne of Light, observing the whole Creation and each one of your lives. This power is loving, strong, and alive for those who invoke it from their hearts, because through My Living Heart you will know the Power of God, and there should be no fear in your lives anymore because the Will of God will be acting through your consciousnesses.

Thus I come to renew you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so that you may always remember that these times urge new soldiers who consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

I do not come to request impossible things from you. I come to ask you for the simplest things that exist, as I asked my apostles. But I know that very few want to listen to Me. For this reason, I cannot show Myself to everyone, because there must be an inner reception to listen to the message that comes from Heaven with the purpose to transform your lives and families into something sacred.

This is My last attempt before My glorious Return to the world. When My Return occurs, I will not be able to talk to you in this way. I will talk to you as I talk to humanity because I will come for humanity. I will come on the day of the Great Judgment when My Father will separate the chaff from the wheat and I will only be able to observe with My gaze of compassion and goodness towards those who always searched for My path in spite of the consequences and the tests. Because those, who are the last ones, will be victorious when the day of the final judgment arrives.

The scale is upon the table of My Father. The judgment is starting and very few perceive it. But those who follow My Living Heart and My resplendent flame of Love will transform themselves in spite of what happens, because the sacred merit, the great merit of Heaven, will be on the next Earth, in the next life that they will be invited to experience by the Lords of the Law, those who judge this world and others in these times of definition.

This is why I come to show you My Heart which is living because it pulsates in the Spirit of God and still wants to pour His last Mercy upon humanity.

I come to strengthen the devotion of all Colombians because this essence of devotion cannot be lost. It will be with your very hard work that, just like in the fields, this devotion will not be lost and this living flame will never be extinguished in your essences and in all hearts that surround you, every day of your lives.

Thus, you will be waiting for Me with another degree of preparation and supreme awareness, to then see the Son of God, who is already coming in His Divine Spirit, to later arrive in the flesh, to manifest Himself in Glory in the times to come.

But the world must still be purified and so must your lives. Do not fear that which you have to purify, because if you trust in My Heart, which is sacred and full, your purification will pass and you will be renewed in body, mind, and spirit, and you will be prepared to receive My energy of Light that wants to be poured out for the last time upon the world and especially upon the 144 thousand who will prepare the return of the Universal King.

While this is about to happen, companions, may your lives be more crystalline each day. May your acts be more merciful each time so that your pride and arrogance, which have made the world succumb, may disappear from your cells, and thus the spiritual energy of My heart can be instituted.

You must purify your beings all the time, thus you will be deserving of the Grace of God, for many Graces were poured out throughout the times and few considered them as something sacred and reverent.

For this reason, now that the scale of Law is at another point, prepare your hearts through the unceasing search for My Sacred Heart. Nourish your spirits with My Spirit of Life every day in the perfect Communion that is offered in all altars on Earth.

Thus, repent in time and confess every time it is necessary. Experience a life worthy of sacred examples, of prayer, of charity, of service, and in this way, you will be serving My merciful Heart. Because I will not see you as sinful souls, but I will see you as doors through which My energy can enter to work in other hearts. Thus everything will be fulfilled in the hearts that listen to My Call.

And just as in Jerusalem, when I was gathered with the twelve to give My last offering to the world, I told them: "Eat of My bread because it represents My  Body which is divinized by the Father through His maximum offering on the Cross; and drink from My Chalice that represents the Covenant, throughout the times, with all the hearts of the world; blood that is shed by your Lord to this day."

Offer this Communion in restoration and life, and may your hearts be purer every day to receive the Grace of the Kingdom of God.

And thus I also bless these sacred objects that you have brought to My altar so that they represent the signs of light to all those who carry them with reverence and love.

Let us pray.

Most Holy Heart of Christ
convert our hearts
into sacred flames
of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Face is merged 
into the great human heart.
May the coming descent 
of Your Celestial Glory
redeem all consciousnesses,
in honor and glory 
to the Celestial Father.

Prayer: Our Father.

Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to beings of goodwill.

And thus you confirm, companions, the promise to always seek My Heart in times of tribulation.

Joyful, blessed are those who do it because they will be rewarded in the Kingdom of God.

And thus, I bless you and your nation so that you may strengthen the consecration to My Sacred Heart that wants to be alive in each one of you. Thus the Will of the Father will be fulfilled.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now that you are cleansed, you will receive the Body and Blood that are alive in the Sacraments to strengthen the souls and your paths of life.

Go in peace and goodness.

I thank you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is a consciousness that has many degrees of love to offer us and today He offered one of the main ones, which is the profound love of His Heart.

Within that Heart, which He showed us today, a very strong flame of love for us, for the planet, and humanity was burning.

He came as the Sacred Heart and showed us part of the Kingdom of Heaven, where He comes from, where many crystals shone as light at His Feet. And those crystals, that light of the crystals that were at the Feet of the Master, shone throughout all Bogota.

With the help of the angels that were accompanying Him, the Master led us to the moment of Genesis, in which God started writing the history for this humanity, for this creation.

Jesus led us to that moment for us to remember the importance of this Project of God, which according to Jesus, each one of us as humanity has deviated throughout times.

He wants each of us to recover that, the main Project of God, the original one, so that we may know His Love, from which we have always separated.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus came today to Colombia and to the whole planet to remind us that He is the Love of the Living God, in whom we can always trust, in whom we can penetrate with our consciousnesses through the union that we can establish with Him.

God says He loves us profoundly and He comes to remind us of that commitment.

He came to liberate many souls from this region while He descended as a sphere of fire crossing the universe, the atmosphere of this planet until he located this place here where we are.

There a portal of light opened and the crystals appeared at His Feet. Behind Him was the Kindgom of Heavens, a part of this Kingdom, the angels that surrounded Him and that at the same time went through each part of the city of Bogota carrying a soul that was lost, that was looking for light and consolation.

He left us a main message for today which is that if we penetrate into the Love of Jesus, there is nothing to fear, in spite of what happens around us. Because if we trust in Him, as the Master told us today, His divine protection will always prevail.

Thank You Lord for all that You give us.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
