Never let your heart be closed by the indifference or the wrong actions of your peers.

Work intensely in you the transcendence of human indifference and of conscious omission. Thus, you will attain a state of mature love that will lead you to understand everything and accept everything, however difficult it may seem.

Never let your little human heart close, by absolutely nothing, because thus you will avoid delaying your steps towards My Son, in the direction towards His Divine Kingdom.

You know that within the human life there are many imperfections and many defects, some of them with great and hard resistances.

Begin working in yourself all that which still does not want to transform or mold. It will not be by facing yourself in battle with your own inner enemy but by loving it with the Christic Love so that, little by little, the remnants of these resistances that lead to error may dissolve.

You will not be a saint in three days, the transcendence of the human condition is until the last days of life. But have the certainty that everything can change without the need to live suffering nor agony.

Reach perfection in a positive sense and thus you will advance on the path to someday entirely embrace the consecration of the spirit and of all consciousness to God, the Creator.

Trust that every day you will be able to begin from zero.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


So that your heart may be able to heal from all deceptions and offenses received, you must think and feel from the position of forgiveness.

So that the deep and inner wounds may close, you must think and feel from the position of forgiveness.

So that what was experienced in the past may be erased and you are able to be born in compassion, you must feel and think from the position of forgiveness.

This will be the only way to be able to continue living the Christic path, the pathway to, on a larger scale, understand the Universe of compassion which, without conditions, includes all the miserable consciousnesses that, because of their actions or because of what they committed, are condemned to a path without meaning.

Thinking and feeling from a position of forgiveness, humanity may be able to be reconciled with itself and will leave behind the path of suffering and of their own agony.

The pathway of forgiveness offers the human consciousness the possibility that, in everyday life, they may love on a larger scale so that, in this way, the terrestrial human being may set aside the pattern of mistakes and constant hatred.

The essence of forgiveness is filled with the Compassion of God and this opens doors toward the reconciliation of life and spirit.

If in this time souls are not able to attain this path, many will suffer for not having searched within themselves for the school of unconditional forgiveness.

Forgiveness has the capacity to dissolve errors and bring inner peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel encouraged to move forward because the Father will give you new and true companions so that together you may continue walking the path of faith.

Leave behind all of the past and affirm the present because this will liberate you of those who were on your paths before, but who did not accept change.

The time has come to take the leap into the emptiness of self so that, in this hour, everything can be fulfilled.

For this reason, have faith and keep moving forward, continue walking, continue seeking to find God within you, because the Universe itself will resolve the rest.

No longer feel any fear; the Father is a Source of Mercy and of Compassion and He will make all things new.

Announce to the world that it is time to surrender to Christ, to live the path of integration rather than that of indifference.

It is time to make of each stage an opportunity for learning new things.

In faith there is Christ, and thus, Christ will be in the hearts that persevere together with Him.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Pray every day for the hearts that, having received all the Graces, have not yet taken even a minimal step towards total surrender.

Pray children, with fervor and devotion, because the attitudes of the souls themselves will defined them by the time of Grace or by the time of Justice.

Do not seek to blame or accuse the hearts that do not show gratitude; help them so that they may feel love and compassion for their fellow beings.

Happily, My children that moment has come in which souls will enter the path of Grace or the path of Justice.

It is for this reason that your Celestial Mother works tirelessly to help to untie the knots of consciousness, works to liberate those aspects of the unconscious world that govern and act by their own decision.

I come to teach you, through the path of prayer, to be merciful, so that the possible accusers of your fellow beings may disappear; knowing that in this time, no one has permission to throw the first stone, because in some ambit there are still debtors.

It will be the love itself of your fellow beings that will free you in order to understand the essence of life from another point-of-view.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Great Miracle of the Sun

One hundred years ago at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal, the last and definitive Apparition of the Mother of God happened, the one which brought to the world the end of a terrible war and a prolonged period of peace. At that time, humanity was on the brink of its own perdition.

Although the message of Fátima was clear and convincing through the revelation of the three secrets of Fátima, the Most Holy Mother warned Her children that a true penance was urgent and immediate, since the repentance of the hearts would grant the world a significant atonement.

The Miracle of the Sun, also called the stellar phenomenon, was the culminating event when, on October 13, 1917, this local Universe, of which this planet forms part, lived a cut in time and space.

The Miracle of the Sun, or stellar phenomenon, consisted in mobilizing great consciousnesses of the Material Universe and Cosmic Regents which allowed, at a planetary level, to put an end to the endless cycle of siege, destruction and of the conquest that humanity was immersed in by the First World War.

This phenomenon, understood by humanity as the constant and random twirl of the Sun, meant the reunion of certain cosmic currents of the Material Universe, that have their bases in the Central Sun of this galaxy.

I would like, dear children, that you comprehend that, if this evolutionary intervention of the Greater Universe had not have happened on October 13, 1917, humanity would have already destroyed itself.

It was necessary, at the universal and divine level, to carry forward this movement of the solar and stellar elements of the Universe.

This allowed to stop, upon the planet and within its humanity, the idea of a conquest and of an unmeasured power, that would lead to the development of other events.

The Miracle of the Sun, or the stellar phenomenon, cleaned and purified the psychic plane of the entire planet in less than fifteen minutes, a time in which the solar and stellar elements that were operated by the Regents of the Universe, dissipated from the ether of the Earth a great quantity of registers of suffering and death that had been generated.

The global Miracle of the Sun, with the meeting of the angels and the Hierarchies, despite having its epicenter in Fátima, embraced the whole planet, relieving it from its chain of great human and terrestrial errors.

October 13, 2017,  was the closing of the mission that your Celestial Mother came to accomplish during six continuous months, in which humanity was prepared to live the Miracle of the Sun.

Even though the Most Holy Mother had announced that if there were not a true repentance a second war could come, worse than the one that was already occurring, humanity was able to know, after the atomic bomb, that it was capable of self-destruction and irreversible damage to itself, even in these current times.

That is why, on October 13, 2017, after one hundred years of My Apparitions in Fatima, your Celestial Mother came to beg the world not to forget to live a deep and true repentance, because this lack of penance in the human beings of today is heading toward ideas and war projects, worse than the ones that have already occurred, it is headed toward wanting to destroy the life and the evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature, as has been happening in the last fifty years, and it is leading to the loss of logic and discernment of the human beings who lead and govern this planet.

I come to ask for the repentance of the heart, so that you remember that there exists only one God present in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; I come to ask you not to forget to be considerate, merciful and fraternal to one another; I come to ask you to proclaim your faith in the infinite existence of the Celestial Church of Christ; I come to ask that you give the examples, among yourselves, of equality, compassion, love and respect, because, after all the help received, humanity continues to hurt itself in ways never seen before.

As the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I remind you, dear children, to pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, and that you do not deceive yourselves anymore by exchanging this important prayer for the technologies and their constant problems.

Do so with the heart, and you will see the powerful results of this spiritual tool, that will provide you with peace and the spiritual healing of your lives.

If at least just a few fulfill all these requests, I will be able to continue interceding before the Celestial Father, although the scales are in great inequality. I will go tirelessly, to meet of all My children, and I will be able to help, one by one.

If humanity does not pray and does not stop to think before acting impulsively, a worse crisis will embrace the planet and, as in these days, innocent lives will unjustly pay for the others.

To avoid all this, I come again to ask for the consecration of your lives and homes of the world to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, thus I will triumph, being able to live among you in a true and solemn way.

I thank you for responding to this important call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today, let the caresses of My Hands touch your face, so you may feel the profound warmth of My Heart which restores all things, heals all things, purifies all things, just as  God needs it.

Today, may you feel the embrace of your Celestial Mother, so that your spirit is comforted, so that your soul is fortified, so that each corner of your being may finally say 'yes' to Me.

Today, may you feel the beat of My Motherly Heart, may you achieve holiness and a complete consecration through small but sure steps.

Today, may you feel the motherly protection of My Mantle, so your being will feel God's shelter and the protection of all His Celestial Kingdom.

From all these gestures of love, may you receive the essence of compassion, so your being is able to be completely healed and then be redeemed.

From Heaven, receive today the perfect caress of the angels of love and of all the spiritual stream of My Immaculate Heart, so that every day you are renewed until achieving an immovable state of peace, serenity and calm.

Today, the universe is here.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who sanctifies you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


A path to the Heart of God

Dear children,

I come to open a path for you to the Heart of God, because the Consciousness of your Most High Father aspires in this time to reach each human heart, to Himself be the principle of renewal that awakens and transforms you.

So great and so deep is the Love of the Father for His children of the Earth that, while hope is being lost in the hearts that see the growth of pain and of chaos, the Heart of God grows in hope, grows in Love, grows in compassion for His children.

The Creator also learns from humanity and is renewed through His children, from those who follow His footsteps, to those who deny Him, who do not seek Him, and do not know Him, because these children allow a Higher Love to arise in the Heart of God.

The Creator of all things, apparently so distant and hidden to the human heart, waits to be revealed to humanity, as in old times, and even more deeply. This is so, My beloveds, so that hearts may definitely awaken to unity with the Creator.

In the times of the Patriarchs and of the Prophets, God manifested to His children in order to lead them into a new cycle. Humanity of that time needed to stop being so primitive and confused by the small amount of love that existed within its heart.

There the Creator began to build a path for the human heart, because humankind did not know Love, true respect – beyond that which was imposed on them by the human mind – and they did not know compassion, which was only humbly born in the hearts of a very few.

God spoke through His Divine Aspects and also through His Archangels. El Shaddai manifested to the Patriarchs a long time ago, so they would begin a new cycle, a path of coming together with the One God, Who loves, supports and guides all.

Today, My children, El Shaddai again approaches and is revealed to human hearts, so that a new path may be shown to you. Humanity already understands the existence of the One God, Perfect and Merciful, and now it must come to know His Universal Aspects, the cosmic and higher Truth that hides in Eternity, where the time of this world cannot reach, where the clock does not keep track of time, and evolution is what determines the growth of creatures rather than their age.

El Shaddai came to the world so that humanity could awaken to that eternal time, in which souls recognize the path of redemption, and this path is strengthened through knowledge of the higher life, by fraternal life and by the transcendence of the degenerated condition of humanity.

Today I tell you, children, that in this place, God avails Himself of the purity of the children, of the effort of the young, and of the love that is born in the heart of adults, who in spite of their imperfections and difficulties, do not lose hope of being different and of someday expressing what God thought for your souls.

As long as there is this spirit of hope and this fortitude that is based on unity, God will be here, and day after day, will show you the miracles that are possible through His Presence.

Tread this path to the Heart of God with humility and with peace. Do not feel the abandonment of the world, do not become involved in the chaos and in the scarcity of love on the planet. Be a source of the gifting of peace and of hope, because one who is willing to give will always receive what they need from God.

I love you and infinitely thank you for accomplishing your mission and for opening the doors of this House to the Heart of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmittedin the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

In the times of great inner purifications, may peace reign.

May this peace, which emanates from My Immaculate Heart to the whole world, make you similar to My Consciousness; so that, in these difficult times humanity is facing, the Mercy of God may be established in hearts.

The time has come for the deepest aspects of the consciousness to be revealed and be lived through much compassion, for in this way, you will make your purification a light path for all, and nobody will suffer too much for that which they have still to redeem.

May your horizon not become clouded nor darkness emerge. My Son comes to meet you so you may walk at His side, barefoot and divested of the old human being, so that on your inner paths, lessons of light and of love may manifest.

Do not stop. Make this moment a true and victorious triumph for Our Lord. Forward!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The little Flower of Carmo

Here is the little Flower of Carmo da Cachoeira, a flower that buds and opens on feeling the love of its most simple children.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that emanates the subtlest aromas of the Grace of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that expresses for everyone the beauty of Creation.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that shows everyone the Simplicity and the Purity of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that radiates the subtle rays of Love like a sun.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower present in the spaces and gardens of the pilgrims of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is in the hands of its children, worthy children of the Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that adorns and blesses the altars and the homes that receive the Presence of the Mother of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws the most simple and humble towards the Glory of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that reflects, in itself, a devotion for the beloved Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that gives to all the simple Love of the Lord.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, that is found on the streets, in the valleys and hills of this people in redemption.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws from the Universe the Omnipotence of God, so that all living beings awaken to the spirit of Divine Compassion.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that conceives in its simplicity the inner Gifts of God, a flower that heals the wounds of the hearts and of the souls in need of forgiveness.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that opens portals to the Mercy of God, so that every creature, in Heaven or on Earth, may be worthy of the Grace of God.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that unites and consolidates what is divided; a flower that gathers and strengthens the fellowship in the family, a deep and wise love among all the beings of the Earth.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that mirrors the Purpose of God for the world, the essence of the mission for each being of this planet.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that awakens the Holy Virtues of God in the pure of heart.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, the flower of each missionary heart, the flower of the guardian of the Will of God, a flower that shows to all the ardent devotion for the Higher.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is abundant in the city, in the corners of this town, so that souls may remember that God loves them, expects them to be open of heart in order to carry out in their lives the infinite Purpose of His Divine Heart.

Here is the little Flower of Carmo, flower of the Most Holy Mary, flower that manifest from the Heavens to emanate all the Graces that you need, in order to make of your lives instruments in the Hands of God.

I thank you for receiving Me today in this place with such love.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Sant Esteve, Barcelona, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My eyes show the Love of God for the world and all His creatures.

My eyes show the pain of the Father for all the children who are daily lost.

My eyes show the coming of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

My eyes show the path toward eternal faith.

My eyes show consolation for the souls of the world.

My eyes show the pain caused to the Kingdoms.

My eyes show devotion for prayerful souls.

My eyes show the path of sacrifice.

My eyes show the planetary reality seen from on High.

My eyes show the concretization of My call.

My eyes show the path of constant and service only to God.

My eyes show the clarity and light of the Heavens.

My eyes show the love I feel for My children.

My eyes show the constancy of reaching all the way to the end.

My eyes show the moment the planet is facing.

My eyes show pain for the indifference of humanity.

My eyes show the perpetual supplication of a caring Mother.

My eyes show the presence of the Mercy of God.

My eyes show patience for those who are slow in their awakening.

My eyes show the essence of compassion.

My eyes show the hope of a New Earth.

My eyes show the moment of a great definition.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

To transcend the human condition in these times will be a challenge to be overcome through love and determination.

With courage, look to see how much there is to still be transformed and break the barrier that separates you from the truth. That barrier is formed by preferences, desires and gratifications and, day after day, it is consolidated by the collective of humanity itself.

Every human condition can be worked on when compassion awakens within you, capable of going past the limits and abysses in which the human consciousness frequently decides to be.

In this hour, in which all lessons are allowed, I ask you, dear children, to unite with what you truly are, without looking into the past, because everything can easily influence you.

I invite you to penetrate the mystery of love, for in that love you will find Christ and you will be protected.

The Source of Divine Love awaits you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear and beloved children,

Today, with a white tunic and mantle down to the feet, wearing a blue belt and with the holy rosary between My hands, I present Myself to you as the Lady of the Poor.

This is My Face of humility and surrender for the poorest among the poor.

Today, children, I wish that on this day of renewal of vows with the Evolutionary Plan of God, you be as your Mother of the Poor, so that, in this cycle, just like Me, you may find the need for help everywhere.

I am the Lady of the poor in spirit, the poor in soul, the poor in faith, the poor in heart.

I am the Lady of the poor who are helpless,  the poor who are orphans, the poor who have lost maternity.

I am the Lady of the poor who are alone, the poor who do not feel loved, the poor who have lost all hope.

I am the Lady of the poor who do not pray, the poor sinners, the ignorant poor, the poor in spirit who have lost love for God.

I am the Lady of the marginalized poor, the enslaved poor, the poor children who are sold and exploited.

I am the Lady of the poor who have gone mad, the poor in wisdom, the poor who live and sleep on the streets of this world.

I am the Lady of the poor who become lost, the innocent poor, the poor women who sell themselves on the streets.

I am the Lady of the poor women who are slaves of life, the poor indigenous consciousnesses who have lost their culture and their land in these times. 

I am the Lady of the poor hearts who experience injustice, of the poor elders who are rejected and do not feel loved.

I am the Lady of the young poor that have been conquered by temptation and deception.

I am the Lady of the poor essences that do not fulfill their mission upon this Earth.

I wish, children, that you could imitate Me, and that the House of the Lady of the Poor, conceived in the bosom of the Children of Mary could, through the prayer of the heart, spiritually attend to all these forgotten needs in these times, because of the indifference of humanity.

I am the Lady of the Poor and I want you, children, to adopt this Face of your Mother so that you may work upon it in yourselves day by day; because through the Lady of the Poor, I bring you and the world the essence of the Compassion of God.

The Lady of the Poor will be the teraphim of the Children of Mary, which will be the instrument of work through which your daily prayers will gain greater results for all of planetary life.

Today I am here among you, renewing the vows of consecration to My Immaculate Heart with each of My Children so that, in this year, your lives also may concede the Grace of your Lady of the Poor arriving again in Europe in the months of May and June, so that, with the help of everyone, it may be possible to avoid a great social movement among the nations, just like up to now has been avoided in the United States, thanks to the help of all of My children.

Today, the Lady of the Poor, Patron of the Children of Mary, blesses you and thanks you for renewing, for one more year, the daily vows of prayer, service, and selflessness.

I love you and will always love you until the end of days.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Renounce your imperfections and virtues for all those who do not do so.

Renounce the great aspirations and the failures for all those who do not do so.

Renounce all the tests and the challenges for all those who do not do so.

Renounce all the expectations and discouragement for all those who do not do so.

Because renouncing everything that the world offers you, you can achieve being in the Mercy of God.

Do not fear finding what has not yet died within you or what you still have not purified.

Be brave and you will receive the necessary inner strength for taking the steps toward My Son. He has great compassion for the miserable and also justice for them.

Rise, rise and only rise for all those who do not do so; and draw the Grace of God to the Earth.

It is time to find yourself, but it is also time to mirror the Mercy of God above all things.

Forward! And you will triumph in Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who encourages you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With the trust deserved by God, dear children, today I bring you to Mexico the Divine Compassion so that It will touch the hearts of the most in need of inner healing and peace.

Opening the doors to the Love of God, I place each one of your little hearts in the Source of Unity so that you and the world will strengthen yourselves in it and in this way the world indifference will end soon.

It is therefore that as your Mother of Guadalupe I bring you today the Primordial Source for you to recognize it as a filiation within you.

Dear children, with the joy that brings Me here today to Mexico City, I show you how it is possible in spite of everything to fulfill the Will of God, and thus establish the principle of peace that does not exist in many hearts.

By showing you all My Immaculate Heart, today I leave you the possibility to be reborn every day in God and thus live in His Love so that your faith will be unwavering.

My children, I give you thanks for all the efforts performed and I ask you to trust in My Holy Spirit because It will always be for you the source of manifestation of the Work of the Highest.

I thank you all for following Me in this sacred mission.

Who blesses you under the Spirit of Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear and treasured prayerful children,

While new doors of Light open, other uncertain doors close, and the spiritual consciousness of some nations finds itself free of the evils generated by constant errors.

Venezuela and its people, so loved by Me, must finally be free of that captivity in which they were placed. In this way, through the power of the permanent prayer of everyone, the great and last knot will be untied; and the people, without violence or mistreatment, will be freed from that whole chain of errors.

Continue to pray with faith, in spite of what happens or what you experience, dear children of Venezuela. I am your inseparable Mother and I come to lead you on the path of true freedom that is unknown to My enemy.

Trust in Me and I will always open the doors of love to you, rather than that of suffering.

With faith and hope, proclaim the victory that My beloved Son has achieved in you and be His new witnesses, so that love and redemption may triumph.

Remember that part of what you are experiencing today is the consequence of the mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly the Mineral Kingdom.

With Mercy and Piety, ask that the compassion of the Celestial Father be poured out over all your beloved people and that your Heavenly Mother may have first place as regent of Venezuela.

With the gentleness of My Immaculate Heart, I again invite you to peace, for in peace you will find the way, the truth and the renewal of your lives.

Do not give up, persevere and show the universe that you know how to transcend the errors of your peers with acts full of Piety and of Mercy.

From your people I want the triumph of love so that the hunger, the looting and the war may end soon.

I pray that your nation returns to the joy of experiencing national peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who supports you unconditionally,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today the Sacred Hearts of Mary and Saint Joseph come to you with the wooden scepter in Their hands to tell you with this that the humble Justice of God will descend upon the world to purify it completely and thus be able to bring peace.

Dear children, the human heart causes much evil and much harm because it lives in pain and has forgotten to feel loved; its repudiation and blasphemy are generated by having closed its spirit to God, by not knowing what Mercy is.

At this time, in which the enemies and the persecutors strengthen their plans against My Plans in the world, you live in love, because in love you will know peace, and they will be touched at some point by the Love of God, a Love that they have not experienced for a long time because they live a mental and imaginary love.

Just as My Son has asked you to pray for those who persecute you so that, at this crucial moment for humanity, all those who promote public and social slander, within and outside My Holy Church, be considered by the Mercy of God.

With eyes of compassion and consolation, see beyond everything, see how these souls suffer their captivity within a church subdued by the power and the relics of the past.

Dear children, let us pray so that the spirit of My Peace may protect you all, especially the priests of Christ who have under their care millions of souls and their good faith and credibility.

My beloved Son contemplates you and silently speaks to His Father because He already knew from the moment of His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane that this perverse time would come to His dear apostles in redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In continuous prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children:

The Grace of God is what permits all things, it is what permits the manifestation of miracles in the life of souls.

It is the Grace of God that conceives the spiritual life and at the same time the renovations of hearts.

The Grace of God brings the sane joy and the jubilation for living in His Divine Plan. It is this Grace that permits you to know His Will, but before that, it has to be loved with all the heart.

In the Grace of God new paths are built and the doors open for the consciousnesses to live their redemption.

It is the Grace of God that brings the Divine Mercy to the sick world, the one that generates in the consciousnesses the opportunity to live its rehabilitation. In the Grace of God is kept the essence of the divine compassion, the possibility of experiencing mercy and piety for one’s own mistakes or for the mistakes of the fellow beings.

The Grace of God deposits in the souls the memory of plenitude and at the same time motivates the consciousnesses to take a step with confidence within the Plan of the Redeemer.

It is this Grace that can embrace spiritually whoever needs it the most, because it represents the indispensable engine for the souls to be able to liberate themselves from their debts and thus reach a state of profound forgiveness.

It is this Grace that I bring for My children at this time, a life raft before the world purifies itself; it will be this infinite Grace which will sustain the New Christs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the Grace of God, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Making My feet alight on the Kingdom of Fatima, I return to this place and on this day to reignite in the world its original purity.

I return to bring peace to the world and a greater time of mercy.

I return to awaken in My children the Love of God and the inner compassion that must exist among consciousnesses.

My children, from the Kingdom of Fatima I proclaim the greatness of the Mercy of God, since He is placing again on the path all those who had lost it from sight.

Dear children, it is an infinite joy to be able to return to the House of Lis, the Inner Sanctuary that brings new divine codes to the consciousnesses.

Therefore, My children, with your hearts wide open travel again though each space of this great planetary Sanctuary for the angels to deposit in your essences this sacred energy. And those who cannot be present here, place your hearts between My hands for Me, Your Heavenly Mother, to be able to lift them towards the House of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, may your hearts throb in Lis-Fatima so that at the end of all, the Project of My Beloved Son may be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While the majority of the human beings remain in the illusion of forms, few are the ones who open themselves to true love, to develop the potential of their own heart.

Humanity, children, is more committed to the development of the mind, of criticism, of judgments, it is more willing to affirm itself in the mistakes of the neighbor than in discovering their own essence and the reason why the Creator sent them into the world.

This is the era of the blooming of the heart, of the spiritual life, of the sense of maternity. Therefore, children, I am at your side every day, to teach you about Piety, Compassion and Mercy of a Mother towards Her children.

If you only observed My examples of love towards the human heart, you would have a thousand possibilities to imitate Me, to leave the point of decadence in which you are as human consciousness.

The one who lives in the Love, in the Piety, in the Compassion and in the Mercy of God enters in His Laws and is sustained by them. Their joy will no longer depend on the successes in this world and they will discover, in their own essence, that the true plenitude is within themselves, in the union kept with God.

The material life, My children, will be the vehicle of transformation and of redemption of everything that separated itself from the Creator over its existence. The material life will be for you the challenge to demonstrate to the Creation the greatness of Love of the Father that converts everything and redeems everything, transforming the most distant essence of the divine Source into an essence filled by the Heart of Christ.

Many think, My beloved ones, that what I am saying is impossible and unreachable, but they fear to launch themselves into the discovery of love and to surrender, handing in the false reign of their minds to the government of the heart that unites itself to the Father.

Others do not understand My words because they are so distant from the truth of their own hearts and because they ignore almost completely the life of the spirit, believing that the fact of knowing concepts and philosophies approaches them to the Truth.

What really approaches you to the Truth, children, is Love and Unity, that are the experience of Truth itself. All the attributes of the Highest God are saved within these divine principles: Love and Unity. But, to unveil and to know them, you should first take the risk to live them

The first step of everything is prayer; then, the prayer practiced in service and in sharing.

Cry out for Mercy, but also be merciful.

There are no secrets on this path, My beloved ones. You do not need to fear the change of times or the purification of the world. Concentrate yourselves in transforming your hearts and in becoming true instruments of God. Concentrate yourselves in unveiling the mysteries of your own essences and in loving your neighbor as they are, making an effort to overcome the layers of matter and to reach the essence of each being.

Dispose yourselves, beloved children, to be real soldiers of prayer, those who surrender their will to the Will of God and who make theirs the divine Thought.

I love you and I want to see you consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, so that, by means of your consecrations, I can consecrate the Americas and impregnate, in its sacred soil, the new life.

Today I renew you, I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The Cellular Christic Code

Dear children,

Today I reveal and teach you the importance of the cellular Christic Code, which was the sacred and greatest experience of the Love of Christ, seen by the whole universe.

The Christic Code is understood to be all the degrees of Love, Forgiveness and Mercy achieved by Jesus during His Passion and Death.

The living and sublime expression of this Christic Code spiritually manifested during the scourging and, from that point on, this Code of Love, which understands all and forgives all, gradually deepened in the human consciousness of Jesus.

In order to take this step, My Son had to incarnate in spiritual, cosmic and human conditions, greatly and specially prepared for that time period. This Christic Code gradually awakened in the spiritual essence of Jesus as the little Child grew in the heart of the Sacred Family.

This same Christic Code gradually manifested at a cellular level from the moment in which My little Son preached for the first time in the temple. It was in that very special event that the divine intervention of the Archangel Michael came forward until the holy prophecy announced by the prophets would be fulfilled.

The Christic Code incarnated in Jesus from the sublime spheres of consciousness in order to teach the world the true and unique Law of Love-Wisdom.

Throughout the history of earthly humanity, the planet as a mother consciousness was always assisted, and the Christic degrees of Love-Wisdom also greatly manifested from the moment Buddha's enlightenment.

In this way, through Divine Compassion, that is an aspect of the Ray of Love-Wisdom, humanity was able to understand that the errors made and all the debts incurred have a path of liberation which, through Compassion, leads the consciousness towards forgiveness.

The first spiritual impulse of Compassion was expressed by the Consciousness of Buddha, who, at that time, awakened deeply to a revelation of Divine Love that humanity had never known throughout it's history.

I would like to emphasize, children, that the holy Essenes had an important task on a spiritual level, and also in the continuation of this stream of Love-Wisdom and Compassion that humanity was in need of.

Where is the spiritual bridge that links the period of Buddha with the period of Jesus?

The true essence of both manifestations of Love lies in the Will of the Father and in His Divine Mercy, finding humanity in a constant attempt of spiritual, moral and human self-destruction. It was thus, dear children, that the intercession of the universe came forward in the human consciousness through the revelation of Compassion and the incarnation of the Firstborn Son.

The Christic Code slowly took shape as an awareness of Love in humanity as from the experience of Jesus on Earth.

I told you, in previous statements, that the Essenes were the consciousnesses who, in their inner worlds, united all experiences of Love-Wisdom in humanity.

They collected the essence of the Christic instruction manifested since the emergence of Buddha to the incarnation of Jesus. In this way, that source and that experience of Love were placed as offerings in the consciousness of the planet to prevent it from self-destructing.

That source remained active in humanity until Jesus began His public life, and with the divine approach of Archangel Michael, certain spiritual values were allowed to begin to be recovered in the terrestrial human consciousness.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of the universe accompanied all the events of the life of Jesus, and, in this way, the Plan was modified after the Resurrection of Christ.

The cellular Christic Code was cultivated by the essence of Love-Wisdom which the Master Himself radiated by His Presence.

The Son of God brought to the world the possibility for the creatures of the Earth to recognize their worthiness before the Creator and, at the same time, for all to find the Way, the Truth and the Life that Christ Himself showed.

The Christic Code became even more latent from the moment of the Ascension of Jesus and, afterwards, it was poured out by the divine impulse of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It was at that sacred moment that your Most Holy Mother instituted the ministry and the formation of the first Christian monastic orders, thus, opening the doors of evangelization through Christic Love.

After more than two thousand years of ministry and mission, in which surface humankind, through religion, used the maximum authority Christ had given them, the Heavenly Hierarchy presents Itself in this cycle to correct and restore the values of true Christianity.

It is for this reason that all are called to contemplate the immaculate heart of the Sacred Family, for there you will find the spiritual and human values that will also lead you towards redemption and forgiveness.

Every being that incarnated on the planet after the Ascension of Christ holds within themselves the cellular Christic Code, a Code that the adversary has separated from the interest of those who sleep so that they cannot evolve. This potential for Christic Love is necessary and vital in this planetary cycle in which chaos battles against the forces of evil to conquer the consciousness of humanity.

The process of purification, transformation and non-resistance will allow this precious cellular Christic Code to awaken and manifest for the redemption of the race. For this, acts of sacrifice, silence, charity, prayer, Communion and consecration to the Plan will encourage the emergence of the cellular Christic code within the human consciousness.

The possibilities are being given to all, all that is needed is determination and promptness so that every human being may, at this time, be an extension of the Love-Wisdom that was sown in the beginnings of this race. It will be that Love-Wisdom that will place humanity in a different, more evolutionary reality. Thus, I call upon My soldiers of prayer and service to reflect upon what I have told you. I will be grateful for your attention.

Who propels you towards the Love of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Guardian of the Precious Codes of Christ


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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
