Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Contemplate, in this desert, the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and find in it all that you need to go through this moment.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and become empty of yourself, so that the codes of the Savior may convert your life into something new.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart with faith and proceed without looking in the past, but rather living in the present and waiting, in peace, for all the good that will come.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and you will be a different consciousness, permeated by the Light of all the merits achieved by the Lord.

This is the path of the aspirant and of the disciple of Christ: to contemplate the greatness of the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart so that everything may be in peace."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Place your feet inside My ocean of Mercy, the deepest waters of the bowels of My Mercy will purify you.

Now, place your hands and your head so that, just as with the holy apostles, I may purify your intentions, expectations and any ambitions.

Surrender your being to Me so that, renewed by the codes of My Redeeming Love, you may be henceforth a selfless servant, surrendered in trust to the Light of the Divine Purpose.

After being purified, reflect so that you do not return to the same state or situation as before. The vices of life are to be transcended and redeemed.

Behold, here lies the horizon of My Heart. Seek in Me your support, the motive and the reason for living on Earth."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"The time of the Return of the Lord will come, when the chosen, the persevering and the truthful will have a part with Me in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

In that hour, everything will be known. Those who have been humiliated, will be exalted; those who have been exalted, will be humiliated.

In that hour, there will no longer be appearances, because the gift and the attribute of the Truth will prevail, and nothing will remain hidden any longer.

Therefore, purify your hearts, purify your feelings, purify your thoughts, and above all purify your intentions, so that, when the Lord returns, He may find you free from yourselves and transfigured by all the codes of Love that you have received throughout the times.

Know that I will be arriving without warning. I want you with Me."

Christ Jesus



 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the universe, which belongs to you and this is still unknown.

From the universe, I have come to bring you My Message of awakening, in the face of a planetary scenario that only provokes chaos, conflict and confusion; a scenario in which the human consciousness in this time must make a great effort in order to elevate and transcend itself; in which the abysses of the earthly consciousness absorb souls and make them lose track of the Christic Path.

Time and again, I approach the Earth’s orbit to contemplate the world and humanity, knowing that this moment would come, because I already knew it since the Garden of Gethsemane.

Today I come dressed with My violet garment, with the flame of the violet fire of the universe so that the waves of adversity may be transmuted and liberated from the earthly consciousness, so that My apostles and disciples are not absorbed by evil.

I have always spoken to you about the importance of entering My Heart. This is the time, this is the moment; but in order to cross the door of My Heart and be protected, you must surrender, you must yield, you must humble yourselves.

The door of My Heart is so small, that you cannot imagine. It is through the door of humility that you will be able to enter My Heart and there you will be safe from any harassment.

Although the human consciousness commits itself, day by day, to that which is not evolutionary nor spiritual, I come again to the world to make it remember what I left here more than two thousand years ago.

The Blood of the Lamb was shed upon the surface of this planet and this has incalculable value for you.

Invoke the power of My Blood and be bathed by it, receive the Christic Codes of Light that were achieved through the sacrifice of your Lord. In this way, from the consecrated consciousnesses to the consciousness of humanity, everyone will be filled by these Codes and be able to straighten their paths, until they can meet Me in the inner planes.

I know it is not easy to liberate oneself from the chains of oppression, of harassment and of darkness, but you have the tools to do it.

The power of the word of prayer will lead you to be at another point and in another state of consciousness.

The commitment to the life of the Sacraments will lead you to be protected and blessed by My Gifts.

To love the power of the Cross of Emmanuel and of the Cross of your Master and Lord will free you from sin.

A life of charity, of surrender and of service will remove you from yourselves so that you may learn to truly love.

Thus, with these simple tools that We have taught you, you will be able to survive in this fierce battle that is taking place on the planet, which many do not see and most do not want to accept.

This is the time of Armageddon, it is the first time of the book of the Apocalypse.

No longer let your eyes be covered by the blindfolds of illusion. Tear up these blindfolds and free yourselves forever from that which is superficial.

May your hearts not become points of indifference, of insensitivity nor of despise.

I have given you all that you need and a little more so that you may come to this moment. Do not fear knowing yourselves just as you are, and not what you appear to be.

Through the spirit of My Truth, become free from yourselves, and thus you will free the world from suffering.

Many of Mine throughout the whole world were assigned to live this time, they were anointed by My own Hand of Light, under the impulse of My Divinity, so that they would never forget the commitment.

Now it is not time to be busy with yourselves, but rather with My Plan. It is time to love the proposal that I gave you seven years ago.

I still wait that you can be My Word, My Message. I still wait that you can be My apostles, as many have been throughout the times. But this, companions, has a price; it is not a favor, nor is it an emotion.

To be under My Government means responsibility and discernment. To be under My Government means love and unity, transparency and truth, because evil does not know these attributes.

If your lives are these attributes, as imperfect as they may be, you will be protected and you will not suffer. For a moment, look around you, and you will realize what I tell you, it is not necessary that you go far to perceive it.

Each one of you must purify your lives during this Lent, but let this be a true purification and not a mental one.

You must feel in your own flesh the need to be different, the aspiration to fulfill My designs and at least reflecting on Earth a little love, a little light; because the world lacks this light and lacks this love, and you know this.

May this Marathon number ninety represent discernment for all, the action of love in all things and needs, the responsibility to live the commitment and not to escape the commitment; the affirmation to be My apostles, and someday be the New Christs, the Christs of the New Time.

I know that many of you have thought someday that you would not come to this moment, nor to be so aware of the responsibility of being with Me, of being by My side; but this is what God needs.

His celestial treasures cannot be kept just anywhere nor in just any consciousness. His celestial treasures must be kept in the most humble, the most simple but truest hearts.

If humanity could understand the need to live change, that which is happening in the world would not be so.

Many think that the Celestial Father does not want to dissolve everything that is happening in the world, but this is not true, companions.

Humanity generates its own sufferings, and these sufferings fall upon the most innocent and the poorest among the poor.

A true King would never be born in a palace. I need you to be humble, just as I had to be in the manger in Bethlehem.

God does not hide in material wealth. God is present in the spiritual treasures, which can be the very example of souls that are converted and redeemed.

May the sacred violet garments of Christ make you understand, in this Lent, that you are already in the time of a great transition, a transition that is more definitive and profound than it seems to be.

Open your inner senses to understand all that I tell you. Do not try to understand with your mind nor with your external senses.

In this Lent, open yourselves to be transfigured by My Light.

May My apostles hear the call of the Lord of Israel and may they prepare the spaces for His arrival.

This is the time marked for My Return. It is the time when many of Mine will have the opportunity of learning and of growing, if they so accept.

I will no longer force you to follow Me. Your feet must walk by themselves, just as I have told you, that for faith you must walk upon the waters, just as the apostle Peter.

May this Marathon invoke the Gift of Discernment of the Holy Spirit so that the consciousnesses, from the consecrated consciousnesses down to all of humanity, by irresponsibility, by indifference or by lack of common sense, not miss the opportunity that the Father has given them.

At the doors of this Sacred Week, and after so many Sacred Weeks, the moment has come for you to carry your own cross and to be brave, to learn to endure the fire of purification and to learn to transcend yourselves, to free yourselves from yourselves, forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who will collect, in the chalice of their heart, the Spiritual Blood that your Master sheds at three p.m. upon the world today?

Who will give the deserved value to this infinite Mystery of Love?

Who will decide for Me to give everything for everything, for this world and the nations not to disappear?

I only need that, each day, you value the Legacy of your Master more, because His Divine Blood is able to purify and to wash your faults, especially those that are rooted in the deep consciousness and that only the Love of God can eliminate and liberate from your beings.

Therefore, every day, value and recognize the sacrifice of the Blood of Jesus by communing with Me truly, everyday, so that the world does not lack Peace nor the unfathomable Mercy of My Heart.

My Spiritual Body, My Heart and all of My Being are filled with codes of Mercy and of the Divine Blood for those who, in their purification, want to accept them.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ

Daily message received during the journey from Zagreb, Croatia, to Budapest, Hungary, transmitted by Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Through means of the Pilgrimage for Peace, I pour the attributes and codes of redemption which the different peoples need in order to be able to prepare themselves, in the inner planes, for the Second Coming of their Lord.

This is why, through the Pilgrimage for Peace, the souls find the possibility in some level of their consciousness to awaken to the call and invitation of their Redemption.

For this reason, we pilgrimage, to give spiritual and unique opportunities, so that the nations may know how to some day correspond to the Universal event of the Second Coming of Christ.

For this, all the love and dedication offered in these times to impel the awakening, will help souls to find, at some moment, the path of return to the Dwelling of the Celestial Father.

Each gesture of love, lovingly offered through the Pilgrimage for Peace, allows the different nations visited by the Celestial Messengers to be in a better internal condition to consciously take part of the great planetary moment, of the Coming of Christ.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Dear companions,

Everything is now prepared for the glorious descent of your Master and Lord.

Everything was prepared with love by the hands and hearts of My followers.

The victorious door of merits and the legacy of the Passion and of the Resurrection of your Lord will open again.

All the spiritual Universe is awaiting the great moment in which the Shepherd and King of kings will return to celebrate the redeeming Communion with His friends.

While the doors of the Universe are opening, as time goes by, the pressure and oppression of the hells are becoming unbearable, since the powerful Codes of Christ are descending over the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.

Thus, the seven angels of the trumpets are positioning themselves in the proper places, while the Arc of the Holy Covenant, that carries the Holy Chalice with it, is placed near the dimension of the Earth.

All that is contrary will become paralyzed during the eight days, when the Son of God descends in spirit to Earth, and the end will begin within humanity.

I thank you for truly accompanying me during this Sacred Week!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While the days go by, the moment of My Passion, Death and Resurrection is approaching as a spiritual and valuable legacy for the souls.

For this reason, I approach Mine, so that they may consciously remember the inner meaning of this great surrender of Love that their Master lived.

Therefore, companions, we are already on the eve of the return of the Son of God to the world during the Sacred Week; not only to announce the Word of Life, but also so that you unite with Me and in reverence, be in spiritual tuning with My Heart.

For this reason, children, I gather you around Me, so that the attributes and gifts that will repopulate the Earth, with the direct codes from the Source, may awaken within you.

Therefore, by raising your faith in Me, I will be able to guide you through the path of peace and redemption.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ



Second Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be purified of my mistakes.

Hide me, Lord,
within Your Wounds
so that I may receive the Divine Codes
of Transfiguration.

hide me within your Wounds
so that spiritual Light
may invade me completely.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be protected from all evil
in order for Your powerful Peace to reign.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may receive all Your Grace
and be deserving of Your unfathomable Mercy.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that my soul may be a partaker
of the inner communion
with Your Divine Spirit
and all difficulties may dissipate.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may know the profound essence
of Your Love and Your Compassion.

hide me within Your Wounds
and make me a new instrument,
empty of everything and completely surrendered
to Your Sacred Heart.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that Your sacred Humility
may awaken within me.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May the last drop of Blood of your beloved Lord be poured out as spiritual Light over this planet so that all that was manifested in this humanity becomes completely redeemed.

May the last drop of Blood of the Chalice of the Lord be the end of a cycle and the beginning of another so that souls may perceive that the times have changed.

May the last drop of Blood of your Lord purify all that is manifested, especially what lives on Earth, so that it may receive an opportunity to love and to forgive the past.

To enter into the Time of the Lord is to enter the real time of the Brotherhood, where all the higher projects are carried forward so that consciousnesses may participate in the great moment of awakening.

The more codes that are poured out ,the greater the possibilities that will emerge for a sleeping humanity, and new virtues will awaken and express what consciousnesses in truth came to do.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May Peace be in your hearts forever. Let us adore God because it is He who allows the manifestation of that Grace.

Ask God for forgiveness for your offenses, so that His Son full of Mercy be in Glory among you.

We pray the Our Father.

While I stretch out My arms to you, companions, My Heart expands in your lives, bringing you again the Law of Love, so that you remember it and live it in these times that will come.

It pleases Me to see your hearts open to receive Me, and My Spirit draws closer to all your consciousnesses to bless you again in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May this blessing multiply in all those who need it.

Be My Apostles of the new time and retransmit My impulses of Light to the world.

In your souls I find charity and service, the true fullness where God can express in each little action of His children.

I come here to give you the impulse to move forward, because in these times, companions, the Grace of God will be your fortitude.

And victory will take place in each one of you when your hearts vivify Me even more than they already vivify Me.

You have adored Me and you have contemplated Me in the Blessed Sacrament, and My Heart was restored by you and by the Glory of God, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

I come here to bring you, My companions, what you have given Me with so much love during these last times. The adorers of My Merciful Heart through the Holy Eucharist are indispensable for these times.

You will be able to be custodians of My Light; each time you contemplate Me in the Blessed Sacrament, I will be able to deposit in your hearts all the Graces that will not belong to you, but rather to those who need them the most; in this way, I invite you to be My mediators between Heaven and Earth just as you have done in these last months.

A thread of Light is established between God and humanity when souls adore My Heart.

The reparation becomes deeper in the spirit and the soul of each being, and each consciousness can find its path through each exercise of adoration.

The adorers are the epicenter of My Christic Energy. Even in this humanity, companions, there are many consciousnesses, many devoted souls that adore My Heart of Light.

And it is through that adoration, perpetual and permanent, that I am allowed to be present today among you.

I come to give office to your sacred task so that you continue forward, sustaining this Project of God, which each one is called to live in this time.

It is for this reason, companions, that today I bring you My Merciful Heart through the symbol of the Blessed Sacrament; powerful Light of God, solar and infinite, which interpenetrates all the souls of the world and especially all those who contemplate the Power of the Heart of the Son of God. In them is My Kingdom, and thus My Kingdom is in the world.

Despite all adversity, may your hearts become even more in peace, because My Codes of light of the Universe come to place themselves in your consciousnesses; believe in this because it is true and you will see this shortly.

If your souls were encouraged to contemplate Me in the Most Holy Blessed Sacrament, what more could you do on behalf of this so lost humanity?

May your eyes never cease looking at My Heart despite the adversity that surrounds you, despite the tests that come, despite the challenges that you may live in these end times.

Believe that I am present in the Blessed Sacrament emitting impulses of Light to consciousnesses, which are retransmitted, accordingly for all of humanity.

Today I do not come to do battle against evil; I come today, dear companions, for us to enter into adoration, in union with the Infinite, with the One, which is present through His beloved Son.

I come to establish in you a Temple of light that is built in each new adoration. Maybe you will not understand the mystery of observing the Blessed Sacrament, but adore, adore My Merciful Heart, for It is very full of Graces and many souls reject them because they are looking at other things.

Looking at the adversities of the world, the lack of control, the capital sin that overflow the hearts that are lost in the illusion of humanity.

Seek union with My Heart and I will give you peace always, and peace will be in your homes, in your family members, in each place where you are.

Because if your hearts adore My Heart in the Blessed Sacrament, you will be the peace makers of the New Time, the apostles of the last hour that apply for entering the columns of My Armies, that will help in the transition of this humanity.

I know you are feeling many mysteries; love them, adore them, live them, and after, you will understand.

Adore My Heart in the Blessed Sacrament so that your old codes can change, and I may pour out into each one of you the Codes of God, of the Celestial Kingdom, which want to be close to each one of their creatures.

Let us adore the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, because the Most Holy Trinity is present at this time through the Heart of Its Beloved Son.

Feel how My Heart can live in you; in the silence of prayer ask for what you most need. Ask for your fellow beings, ask for all those who live the consecration and are in their transition.

Ask for those whom I have called to serve Me, so that My Heart does not suffer the lack of understanding of My Apostles.

Ask for Me to be present in those who instruct you, because it is of vital importance so as not to leave the path and become blinded by your own light.

Ask so that I may stay here longer.

This is why I have come here, companions and adorers, because I know that you can ask for this when your souls open to recognize the Will of God through His Son.

Ask for Heaven to descend to Earth, so that the darkness can be dissipated and My Merciful Heart may triumph in all those who are fallen and are blind of spirit.

Ask for My Peace to be among you and in your brothers and sisters; the Justice that will reach the world will be very great and few will bear it.

While you purify yourselves, My friends, adore My Heart, and I will alleviate you in the Blessed Sacrament. Because in the silence of a good adoration, My Mother is to be found, God is to be found, and the holy angels of Heaven who unceasingly adore the Most Holy Trinity.

In these times, My beloveds, imitate the angels of the Universe, be similar to them and in this way you will draw peace to the world, the peace that is ending because the world prefers to live its own will and not the Will of God.

If you adore Me, I will be able to contemplate those who most need Me, and we will be one single Fraternity, a Sacred Family, which responds to the end of times, to the last call of God.

Ask for all who are suffering the consequences of My adversary.

Ask for those who are in darkness and who work through it.

Ask for souls so that they are able to wake before My return to the world.

This moment, companions, is a time of preparation and I will still continue to do it for some time, until the last day comes, the last day of the planet, before the New Humanity, and this is not far away.

Because who lives in My Heart knows that everything will take place, and that what the Son of God says is True and is Law.

Today I have brought the Angels of Heaven, a part of the Elohim, so that they may receive all supplications from your hearts and souls.

Adonai is listening. In the silence of the Heart the true enunciations are spoken, the voice of the soul makes itself felt, in union with the Celestial Father.

Today I have come here, not only to be with you, but with the world, and together with you to ask the Father of the Universe for this Project of humanity that still must be fulfilled in the life of each being.

While I speak to you, your hearts are liberated, and your souls can feel the relief of the Kingdom of My Peace. The Divine Word makes itself felt in the spirits to ignite the flame of the heart that will illumine the end of times as the precious sun that each one of you is.

At the request of the Master, we will sing “Adonai, Holy Spirit” several times. Making the offering to the angels, to the Elohim.

I thank you for the love of your devotion, but enter with your consciousnesses and even more with your hearts to this blessed moment in which the Son of God surrendered on your behalf, to save you on that day.

When the angels descended to the poor ground of the Last Supper, the Most Holy Mary with Her disciples, as with some of you, entered into adoration and said yes, to live Me in this time.

Remember the time when I offered this same bread and this same wine to God that today you offer to the Creator.

In this small mystery of the sanctified bread and wine, Love is to be found, in something so insignificant, but very great, like communion with the Son of God; to mend all the faults and what has been committed, all offenses and all sins that souls live through ignorance, when they are persecuted by My adversary.

Adore the moment when Your Master and Shepherd of all the flocks of the world, and throughout all times, is offering Himself in the Sacred Eucharist so that souls may finally find God and live in Him.

I took the bread, companions, and said, Father, may this be My Body, to save all souls and liberate them from evil in honor of the triumph of Love and of the Sacred Unity of Your Most High Heart.

Commune, My apostles, and live Me.

In the same way, I took the Chalice and said, Father, may this be My Blood, the Precious Blood of Renewal and of Peace in all those who drink it in reparation for all the outrages to your Most Sacred Heart.

I offer Myself in this Supper so that souls be in Me, in deep adoration and reverence. And in this manner, I may be in them, at each point of the planet for whoever invokes My Holy Name.

In this way, companions, without your perceiving it, in the center of this city My Heart triumphed and the doors to evil are closed, so that souls may truly live Me.

You asked Me to return here, in your task of adoration and in each moment of prayer, and here I Am, friends, so that you never forget Me.

Praised be God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah!, Hallelujah!

May this Marathon, companions, be dedicated to adore Me on behalf of all those who do not adore Me, on behalf of all those who do not live Me, on behalf of all those who reject Me after I have appeared on their paths.

Restore My Heart, and in this way I will be able to restore the world, especially the unborn, who need many prayers.

May your spirits be ignited in this Marathon, and the joy of being in God, the joy of serving God, and feeling Him in the depth of your hearts reign.

I leave you the Gift of My Peace, so that you may work with it every day, and your souls transfigure into the perfect model that I hope for in each one of you.

I thank you, adorers, for responding to My convocation.

Your Master and your King,

Jesus Christ

Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus transmitted at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let My Blood circulate within your heart. The powers that I manifest and give you are unknown to you.

Let My Blood circulate through your veins, so that your codes of the past may be renewed by My codes of light and redemption. Let My Blood remove all your cells from their place.

Let My Blood purify your feelings and transmute your wounds, for I have the power to reverse all evils. If My Blood does not yet live within you, seek the reason why you do not have Me within you.

Let My Blood free every part of your being; and may your body, even while it is still impure, reach purity and consecration through Me, because what I offer you is not part of your will nor of your desire.

I come from a cell of Higher Life that illuminates even the smallest particles of those who seek Christification through the giving of self. Therefore, let My Water emerge from within you, so that every corner of your being may be bathed by My Water of Life and Liberation.

Let My Spirit dwell within you and cause that which is now old, to die. I have the authority to renew you and, at the same time, to embrace you with My warmth and My peace during the hard cold nights that will come.

Let Me act through you and, in a short time, you will not recognize yourself, for I will perform wonders in your life.

Leave your miseries and tears on the palm of My hands so that, in the name of My Father, I may convert your evils into blessings, your sorrows into liberations, your unhappiness into joy, your doubts into affirmation and truth.

Therefore, I wish My Spirit to have a dwelling within imperfect souls; I seek them and they hide from Me out of fear or distrust. If this happens to you today, it is because you do not know the power of My healing Love.

Let Me be in you, day and night, in your mistakes as well as in your virtues. I contemplate the world and keep it every day within My Heart, in spite of the wounds that many cause Me.

Let Me be unity and life, Mercy and consecration; if you only allow, in a short time, you will be My apostle.

Allow Me to be, allow Me to act, allow Me to live in you, just allow Me to be in you forever because the only way out is through Me.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and united.

Thank you for just allowing Me to be!

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Weekly message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Monastery Madre del Sol, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

My Heart glorifies the efforts of those who are consequent with My Sacred Heart.

My Heart glorifies those who stand by My side and, with nothing in return, wait patiently for My coming.

My Heart glorifies those who are no longer at My side, but who are drawn by the power of My Spirit which once gathered them together and saved them. To all of them I give My Healing and My Grace by comforting them overnight, pulling them out of the void into Paradise. So, I leave alive My Christic codes so that those souls may someday reconsider and surrender to Me.

In My Kingdom, I have many servers, and every one offers Me their great virtue and love with the whole strength of their heart. It is in those servers that I feel fulfilled, for through them I endure, I suffer, and I understand human lacks that generate great deserts without the Water of Life within.

But I am taking you to the great shore of My ocean of Love and Mercy so that, in these difficult times, you may trust, take hold of My Hands and climb into My saving boat of redemption and peace, for through this infinite and inexhaustible ocean, I will reflect to you your true mission of love and redemption for this era of Earth.

Thus, I give you My paddles that are as heavy as the woods I carried on My Shoulders, out of love for you, without hesitation and without thinking. I wish you to row in spite of tiredness or loneliness, there is nothing between you and Me that can separate us.

I Am of this world, I Am part of you and from you I rose up to My Father to speak to Him and plead with Him for all humanity. But know that in continuous rowing, some will become shipwrecked, others will survive great storms of overcoming and trial. But through me, my Father will make you strong and serene.

Through My Peace you will reach the awaited harbor, the harbor of My Heart.

I leave you this parable, so that you may live it and not only listen to it, but that it may be the example of the full server who lives My apostolate.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Special Message of Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on the occasion of the Grace Mercy Order Annual Meeting

My Heart is the Living Eucharist for the souls of the world. My Heart dispels the shadows that live within humankind.

Through a union with the power of this Sacrament, consciousnesses are redeemed and sanctify their walking toward God. Blessed is the sincere heart that communes with this Eucharistic Sacrament, for it will have eternal life when every day it only seeks the path of perfection.

I send My celestial angels so they may pour out the Christic codes all over the world that were gained by Me during the Passion; in this way, My Grace avoids the power of the Laws falling upon the just, because even on Earth dwell souls prized by My Father.

Thus, through My Eucharistic Body and Heart, I will establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the world. In this way, those consciousnesses that every day of their lives, have sincerely sought Me, overcoming and transcending the limits of matter, on the day of Divine Justice, these souls will not be the cause of My Justice, but rather, will be mediators for the salvation of other souls that in these times will be prisoners of evil.

Happy are all those who have sought the path of Adoration. The temples of the heart will be prepared to move forward with universal works of peace in the misery and the chaos, because I, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will carry out My last magnificent works on the consciousness of humanity; in this way, many will know Who in truth has been the Son of God.

So, before the great universal moment, My Spiritual Source will prepare the flocks. When the time of the great celestial revelation arrives in the whole of humanity, those who will follow the course of My Paths will be as lances of flame, that will pierce the evil, and just by their presence, will release all darkness. But nobody will know who will do it; I will place a veil over this whole mystery; only the love and humility in the simple will demonstrate the power of this great creator mystery.

And even though impure spirits are released like fierce wolves in the current world, the worshipers, who are part of My Mystical body, will defend the power of My Glory and My Return.

The angels of Heaven will be the shining stars that will guide the path of the watchmen and guardians of the Gospel of Christ; thus, the time will come in which My Spiritual Church will be only one.

It will not be necessary that any person or being on the Earth reign in My Name, because when I return, I will reveal the power of the Kingdom of Emmanuel to those who heard My Words with the ears of the heart and the soul.

So the just must be compassionate with the unjust. The time will come to execute works of mercy and charity, which will free the innocent from becoming involved with the confrontations many will experience. Those who will have become worshipers of My Divine Mercy will be victorious.

The Kingdom that approaches will change the spiritual misery and the unjust destitution of the corrupt imbalance that humanity experiences. For My Celestial Light, with the power of Divine Fire, will wear away all the acts and the ways of being that led to the damnation of millions of essences in humanity.

In this time, nothing will remain hidden; life between brothers and sisters will become as mirrors that will reflect the truth that has always been hidden. Thus, I ask the brave for a quick resolution in their surrender; in this way, you will quickly be freed from the corrosive code of human passions, and the immaculate spirit of each being will establish the Divine Kingdom in all things.

The true step to consecration is to be found in the path of the permanent faith of the heart, which will give you the confidence and total fulfillment to live an unknown universe. The most simple will survive the disasters that will come as a purification and fire over a rebellious humanity; in this way, after everything has been purified, like the grain that is crushed in the granary, I will come to re-establish My Greater Kingdom, which perpetually beats in the heart of this Celestial Universe.

Now, My petitions are offered to all those who want to hear what the world has generated. The coming time indicates the path of overcoming the self and this will be more real when the steadfastness to live My Kingdom is the true purpose of servers. In every step and overcoming, I will be interceding and radiating My Celestial Peace.

I will return with the purpose of recovering the lost and confused paths of all those who once remained behind through the actions and attitudes of others, of those who believed they were doing everything correctly; but now they must pay the same price of what was broken, ground and wounded in the spirit of those who were deceived.

My Kingdom is of Truth. Through My Love, I teach you to be a supreme light for the world, thereby releasing the corrupt codes held in the cells of human inheritance. Thus, I gather you together to live a path of transparency and of immediate service to the Plan of the Celestial Father. I need the righteousness of servers, who in themselves will forge the fruits and the potentials that resist giving of themselves through an act of extreme appropriation. But little by little, like a Good Mother, I wake up the divine talents that will serve as an aid and be of help for the current cycle of humanity.

Today I speak to you with this righteousness, because all the beings who have already responded to My Commands are ready to listen with a maturity of consciousness.

Be watchful with Me and you will find the answer in all that may be necessary to clarify. Today, the Wisdom of My Heart pours out infinite Mercy over you. Remember that My Love for you is immediate and unmistakable.

I embrace those who once gave Me their 'yes' and carried My Words to the center of their heart, which will now be the path of liberation from the self.

Love one another Christically.

Unite cosmically.

Work fraternally, and thus you will please Me.

I thank you for accompanying Me in the Eucharist, together with the greater angels.

Peace to all, the Peace of God.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

The Merciful Christ Jesus



I leave to Mine, a profound appreciation, that springs from My Most Sacred Heart.

For this Grace that is born from My Essence, today I give to you one last prayer, that which will close the cycle of the nine days with the Merciful Jesus.

I wish to explain to you that this prayer is an inner confirmation of your souls before the Throne of God by means of My Divine Mercy.  Permit that through this confirmation all the Christic codes be sown within your hearts, because My greater aspiration as King of the souls is that you may be able to eternally live within Me.

May after these nine days of union between Heaven and Earth, your lives find rest in My Sacred and Divine Heart of Peace.  May the path that you have traversed through the Powerful Novena confirm yourselves as new Christs for the current time. 

Walk by My side because, in this way, I will not lose you.  Remember that I always need the loving help of Mine. 



Prayer of the Divine Confirmation

Lord, God the Father,
Infinite Source of Love, Unity and Light,
I am Your humble and small servant.

I am Your spark of fire that comes from the Great Source.

Allow me to be as simple as Your Beloved Son,
allow  me to be as pure as Your Precious Universal Mother.

Liberate all ties from my path,
with Your Sword of Light cut the ties that the enemy has established,
because by living in Your Supreme Freedom
I will find hope in the future,
I will find strength in the Light of Your Divine Heart.

May the nine powerful deeds
that Christ lived upon the Earth
be sown in my heart
so that, on the day of the Great Celestial Victory,
the Angels and Archangels may
guide the purpose of all essences
and we may live together with You, Lord of Love,
in the Kingdom of Eternity, of Service
and of Absolute Surrender to Your Plan of Redemption.

May those who have fallen be raised!

May Your Divine Mercy
resurrect the spirit of our brothers and sisters throughout the world!

May Your Love and Compassion unite us as one heart
forever and ever,
united to Christ Our Lord!


And Infinite Glory upon the whole Earth.



Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My call!

Merciful Christ Jesus


Those who with joy pray to Me a mystery of the Holy Rosary by the Sacred Manger on the 24th of December and, in addition to that, ignite a candle of light, will be giving the universal permission of removing from eternal earthly suffering the souls that are the most desperate and that have condemned themselves to worldwide purgatory. 

For this the 24th of December will be something more than a simple manger.  If your hearts keep themselves united to My Precious Heart during this day, the Christic codes that are engraved in the Sacred Blood of Christ will also be deposited upon those hearts that may open to Me the inner door.

I wish during this day to reign among people and God because to the hearts that may receive Me humbly through the message of the manger, I will let them know My Sacred Gifts of Unity and of Redemption.

I invite you that, in truth, you prepare yourselves for this day.  God has given Me the permission to consecrate again the hearts that are most separated from Me for some reason.  On the 24th of December I will come to the world as a new star of the night, that which will shine in the inner firmament of each being.

Opening the doors of your inner dwellings, celebrate in God the Divine Mysteries of the birth of Christ.  I will be thankful to the devoted souls for uniting themselves for an instant to My Greater Task, in this way the world will again be relieved by the action of My Divine Mercy.

Guard your lives in the Sacred Manger of the Lord Jesus.

Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for celebrating with Me the birth of the Inner Christ!

Christ Jesus of Mercy


Prayer to be recited especially during the Christmas Eve of the Lord and at the end of the Holy Rosary of the 24th of December.

    Act of Consecration of the Sacred Family of Nazareth

Divine Rays descend from Heaven
       over the dear city of Bethlehem.

The Angels announce to the shepherds
       the Birth of the King of Humility.

Jesus is known by His Sacred Name,
       He is the Prince that was born from the family of King David
       but His identity does not belong to this world,
       His Wise Spirit comes from the Holy Spirit of God.

The Jesus Child has arrived to the world
       to liberate it from error.

He is the Savior of all the races,
       He is the Messiah of the Celestial Annunciation.

The Angel Gabriel has dictated His Sacred Name.

The Most Holy Virgin has sheltered in Her bosom the Creator Power
       from Her most pure womb has been born the Savior,
       from the Most Holy Mary has awakened the Redeemer Christ.

Before this great universal mystery
       our hearts consecrate themselves
       because the prophecies of the Patriarchs have been fulfilled
       and the Son of God has defeated death with His Divine Passion.

Every race has been renewed
       by the victorious coming of the Son of God.

From Bethlehem has emerged the Eternal Light for the dark world.

The Orient has been united to the Occident
       and nothing will ever more  be separated
       because we have received the Mercy of God.

We are sheep of the Great Shepherd Child.

We are redeemed stars upon the Earth.

May this Holy Birth of Christ impel us to continue walking.

Nothing shall detain us.

Nothing shall torment us.

Nothing shall separate us from God.

We are members of the Sacred Family.

We are children of the Most Hoy Virgin.

We are faithful companions of Saint Joseph.

In Christ we shall fulfill the Will of God
       as it was in the beginning,
       now and forever.



Soul of Mine!

Direct your steps of light towards My Heart and I will give you the tunic of humility so that you can wear it.  And with your hands you will donate life for the others, so that they may be able to feel the plenitude of your holiness.

See in every place an answer, a sign that will come for the transformation of the heart.  Conduct yourself through My Words, in this way your path that is full of stones will be converted into a garden of flowers and of subtle aromas.

O soul of Mine!  That belongs since the beginning to My Kingship, surrender your tiredness in My Arms and marry your Faithful and loving Husband.  Seek the ardent Fire of My Heart because only in Me will you find the answers for your doubts, the true food for your spirit, the eternal peace for your most little heart.

Gentle soul of God!  Allow the Worker to build His House of Love in your being because in this way will emerge the Temple of Light, that which will radiate its inner presence for all.  Consecrate your life to My Path.  Live Me all of the days as the only and supreme passion of your life and let that My Blood be poured over your body so that it may again be as pure as it was in the day of your birth.

Receive in the silence the Light of My codes.  Give Me the thanks for having called at the door of your life.  Stay in Me forever, I have greater treasures than those that exist upon the Earth.  I offer you My Eternity.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for pouring your lives in My Heart of Peace!

Christ Jesus, the Faithful Husband


The most precious souls are those that rejoice My Heart every day because they adore Me and consecrate themselves to My Eternal Presence.

For this reason, I must always take care of these souls that, for various reasons, have come to the world to redeem their lives and their pasts. For the sake of My Infinite Mercy, these souls can liberate themselves from the conditions of the past, those that do not allow them to take safe steps towards Me.  I sustain each one of the souls within My arms in order to carry them with Me towards the Greater Kingdom of My Father.

In this time, the consecrated souls are entering into the apex of strong experiences and learning, those which will allow them to mature with wisdom and discernment.  All these souls are like treasures in My Kingdom because I pour My Graces and My Peace upon them so that forever may be radiated to the world the sacred gifts of Heaven.

Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping your souls within My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the end of the message, Christ transmitted a new sacred exercise of prayer that, according to His Instructions, will help us to face the end of times and, above all, to annul the actions of capital sin.  This exercise is considered by Christ to be a shield of protection against these energies.

The Powerful Novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ comes from an inner emanation of prayer that springs perpetually from the Heart of Jesus.

This novena is a direct dialog with the Creator Source from which the essences of all creatures have arisen.  The soul that venerates Me by means of this Sacred Novena will enter into the historical moment in which Christ lived His public life and His Passion.  In this way, it will spiritually collect the divine fruits that the Master left engraved on the consciousness of this world.

Whoever invokes Jesus by means of this Sacred Novena will approach the celestial powers that the Father conceded to Jesus at the moment of His birth, and at the first moments of His public life, of His Passion, of His Death and of His Resurrection.

This exercise of prayer must be prayed during nine days, with the purest intention of being able to receive the same spiritual merits that Jesus received when He was upon this world.  This Grace that today I concede to you for this time of chaos is similar to the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration 1.  The signs of the Transfiguration and of the Passion of Jesus represent for the souls the first school of approximation to Jesus.

Now the powerful novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ symbolizes the entrance into a deeper state of consciousness and of prayer.  I reveal to you that you will be able to remain in the same Christic vibration, in the same state of Christ.

This powerful novena will try to help all, mainly those who have consciously consecrated themselves for life to Christ Jesus.  It will try to transubstantiate, that is, to change the cellular and mental state of all of the events that have prevented the spiritual awakening of the souls to the Divine Life.  This powerful novena will bring to you the impulse of the divine merits that Christ achieved during His trajectory upon the Earth.

This exercise aspires to transfigure the inner states of each being, turning them into divine and sublime principles.  For this, the work of prayer with the powerful novena must be constant, without setting a time of ending in weeks, months or years.  Now each soul will know how to recognize the importance of becoming a faithful instrument of God.

This Grace is poured especially to transform something that causes the world to drown, that which are the called capital sins.  This novena will work as a shield before the presence of these energies.

Have a good work of interiorization and of expansion of consciousness!

Your dear Master, Christ Jesus.

The Powerful Novena
to the Merciful Jesus Christ

First day

On the first day, you will pray to transcend human control through the Most Holy Purity that Christ incarnated during His special birth in the manger of the city of Bethlehem.  In this event, you will be able to see manifested the first power of the Holy Spirit, which was the sublime incarnation of God through the coming of the Messiah Jesus.

With total fervor and inner determination, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer: 


For the powerful birth of Christ on Earth,
Most Holy Spirit of God,
transcend our matter
so that the power of Divine Purity
may incarnate in us.





Second day

​​​​​On the second day, you shall pray to expel from the consciousness the human condition, that which throughout times has been awakened by the work of the enemy: temptation, pride, avarice and greed, capital energies that closed off the paths of light for good souls.

With faith and conviction, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer: 


For the Sacred Humility expressed
by the Divine Family,
and through the Pure Love
that the Child Jesus radiated to the world,
Lord, expel from our beings
all domination constructed by the enemy.



Third day

On the third day, you shall pray to God begging Him for Mercy through the Divine Pity that Jesus offered during His public Life. You shall supplicate to the Lord for Him to liberate the hearts from the sins of vanity, possession, pride and curses that may have once lived in poor hearts.

With consciousness and with truth, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:

For the Sacred Miracle of Jesus
at the Wedding of Cana,
may all beings be converted
so that true love
for the Creator may finally
awaken in the world.


Fourth day

On the fourth day, you shall remember the blessed healings that Jesus carried out among different people; blind, lame and dumb. In this way, you will ask God for the deep healing of your souls and of the aspects that are marked as indelible wounds within your evolution. You shall request from God that, through the healing power of Jesus Christ, all events that occurred in the lives of simple souls may be healed by Jesus, as He at that time had healed the sick.

With devotion and mercy, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:


May the powerful Hands of Jesus
and His Rays of Mercy
descend upon our hearts
so that the Light of the Kingdom of God
may liberate the ties
and forever heal all our wounds.


Fifth day

On the fifth day, you shall glorify God because He has sent the Savior Son to quench the spiritual thirst of the world. You shall then remember the moment in which the Samaritan offered Him fresh water from the well and Christ, in return, offered her the Water of Life.

May your lives, in this divine mystery, be washed by this Blessed Water that sprung forth strongly from the Side of Jesus on the Cross so that the sins of omission, cruelty, torture, outrages and of indifferences, that humanity has generated throughout the centuries, may be transmuted by the sacred codes of the Water of Life, and that healing may be manifested in all consciousnesses.

With love and compassion, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:

For the Water of Life and Redemption
that poured out from the Side of Jesus,
may the baptismal powers of liberation and forgiveness
descend upon our lives.


Sixth day

On the sixth day, you shall pray to the Father to implore Him for Mercy for those who perpetually blame themselves and condemn themselves eternally, without having changed anything in their lives. You shall now remember the moment in which Jesus was condemned to death. You shall meditate on this mystery that Christ offered for all, and in this way, you shall understand that in absolute self-surrender lies the key to the transformation of consciousness.

Contemplating this mystery of the surrender of Jesus for humanity, you shall pray with hope and joy for thirty-three times the following prayer:

For Jesus' great surrender of Love 
on the arms of the Cross,
Emmanuel, Sacred Father,
grant us the Grace of permanent surrender
on behalf of our fellow beings.



Seventh day

On the seventh day of the Powerful Novena, you shall take your memory back to the moment of the encounter of Jesus with His Mother on the path of Calvary.

May the maternal power of love that sustains all and resolves all allow the world to be liberated from the constant falls and perditions that it has been led through.

Through this important act of absolute love between the Son of God and the Mother of God, may the weakest souls receive the Grace of affirming themselves on the path of the spirit by means of the supreme strength that Christ lived during His Passion. 

May this same strength lead those consecrated to Christ to abstain from all temptation and energy that may seduce them to deviate them from the path of the good pilgrim. May the Faith of Christ remove the obstacles so that the children of the Father may walk in freedom towards Paradise.

With openness and piety, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:



For the divine and supreme strength of Jesus
during His Sacred Passion,
Father, affirm Eternal Faith in our beings,
the sublime fire of eternal ascension.



Eighth day

On the eighth day, you shall open the celestial door to receive the Divine Pity that the glorified Christ expressed in spirit and in consciousness after having been brought down from the Cross.

May this mystery of invincible love, that restores all and transforms all, in spite of the mistakes committed, incarnate as infinite and permanent light in the hearts that have decided to live the path of apostleship.

May this Divine Christic Pity transfigure, without being detained, the hard aspects of unconsciousness, those which are kept and prevail, frightening the servers. That the sublime fire of Pity, which Jesus expressed for the whole world after the Cross, may remove the difficulties for those who cannot live chastity, austerity, detachment, impersonality and surrender to the Heart of God

With peace and firmness, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:


For the divine and powerful Pity
that Christ emanated out of love for the whole world
while in the arms of the Most Holy Virgin
Mary, Supreme Mother, shelter us now and always
in the Heart of Your Kingdom.



Ninth day

And on the ninth and last day of the Powerful Novena, you shall meditate on each one of the eight previous mysteries that Jesus left engraved as light for the world. On this ninth day, the synthesis of all the prayerful and spiritual work must emerge. The Christic codes must already be latent in the hearts that, with so much love, have invoked the preceding eight powerful divine mysteries of Christ.

Today you shall remember the moment of the Sacred Resurrection of Jesus on the third day and you shall see in this act of power of the Son of God that, in profound humility after having been condemned, martyrized and humiliated, He resurrected gloriously, defeating the spiritual death that was condemning the whole world.

Through this mystery, may the souls that fight without rest, those that truly work to accomplish the Plan of God, be liberated from all evil and may they manage, through love of the resurrection of Christ, to redeem the profound elements that condemn the consciousnesses. May they stand up from where they have fallen!  In this way, may they defeat, as did Jesus, the spiritual death that generates the sin of the world and may all hearts be raised to the foot of the Sacred Altar of the Creator.

With presence and fidelity, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:



For the sake of the glorious and victorious Resurrection of Jesus,
may the sacred celestial rays
descend upon our lives
so that the Omnipresent Life of God may reign.



Christ Jesus, the Instructor

At the end of the novena, if the one who prays wants to begin it again, one day of pause must be taken.

1 Spiritual exercise delivered by Christ Jesus in April 2012. For additional information, see the book “Siete Dias con el Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, by Irdin Publishing. 


My arms of Compassion are opened to receive in My Kingdom all of the disciples, those who in this time must follow My Steps, a path that I will indicate to them for them to reach eternal life.

In this era of definitions I call you to concentrate your lives in My Supreme Light.  In this way nothing will torment you or disturb you and you will be prepared to face with Me the final times.

Day by day I leave in your essences the Source of My Divine Mercy so that you may be able to recognize that My Love for you is unreplaceable and it will last for all eternity.  Now that you have already taken with your hands the flag of peace, follow Me in trust and open the doors to Me so that My Consciousness may be able to reach quickly to the flocks that most need to find My Peace and the Truth of My Father.

I invite you to be transmitters of My Redeeming and Christic Codes through the devotion that you have proclaimed to My Sacred and Kind Heart.  In this cycle I need for My Apostles to be very attentive and awake so that My Voice may be listened in all place and within all.

I invite you again to reconciliation and peace.  Do not lose sight of these two sacred attributes.  The Lord radiates them to you through His Son so that the world may someday achieve redemption.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Teachings in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Shepherd of Souls


My Heart is the center of your Eucharist and through the Eucharist your beings will be redeemed from sin as from error.

Whoever communes with Me cleans every day the stains of their heart and affirms in each new encounter that My Sacred Spirit is a part of themselves. Through the Eucharistic Communion the evils of the souls are liberated and the steps are safe for whoever is willing to walk through the path of transformation.

It is through My Eucharistic Heart that the beings enter into the sublime act of the true reverence and it is at this moment that the consciousness finds the comfort and the strength that it seeks so much.

In this sense My Eucharistic Body is the solar element capable of liberating and of transmuting the deep traces that evil has left in the consciousness from the sieges received.

From the first moment in which My Life instituted the Eucharistic Communion as a ministry I was leaving to the world the power of My Solar and Divine Essence, because it was and it is only through the Eucharist that humanity will be able to liberate itself from the errors that it has imposed on itself.

For this in each new act of Communion of a soul with Me there is established a spiritual and divine relation capable of universally uniting Heaven and Earth for some moments. Whoever communes in Me not only opens the consciousness for new celestial things but also, that in an act of pacification, are removed from the world the grave and most heavy offenses that hurt Your God the Father.

It is necessary that humanity, before My Return, understands and gets to know what it is that happens when a being from the Earth communes in My Eucharistic Holy Spirit: the laws change and reverse the evil existent in the heart of all of the souls of the world. One’s own consciousness that communes with Me is forgiven and each time that it participates in the sacred ceremony its life becomes blank, as sheets of a sacred book.

The most sinful souls receive the opportunity of meeting Me in some moment of life and especially, the Eucharistic Communion of all of the beings with Me repairs and re-establishes the plans of life and of evolution for the consciousnesses as for their spirits.

For this it is time to open the chest that exists in the heart of each being so that the infinite light may pour and expand the Christic codes in each consciousness. The Eucharist in this time foresees a rapid process of redemption, expelling the indifferences and arrogances that the souls generate day by day.

My Eucharistic Body, adored and venerated by souls, will establish the thousand years of peace for the future Earth. It is the moment to build this peace at a time in which peace does not exist so that all may, in this way, achieve it.

Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed.

Thank you for communing with your heart with My Spirit!

Christ Jesus, Eucharistic Spirit

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
