Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, may God, may Christ, and may the Holy Spirit be praised. 

While the Doors of Heaven open and higher lights come to you, in this place and in each human heart of this Earth that opens to receive Me, I institute a column of Light that comes from the universe and descends to the planet to establish the Kingdom of God in hearts that were distanced from God. 

On this night, when a new cycle begins, I come with the blessed, with those who, having once lived in this world, achieved a spirit of sanctity and of renewal. 

Today I am united to each of My children who has opened the door of their home to Me to receive the Most Holy Trinity, today present before you in the magnificence of the Spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who pour out new codes for lives redeemed by the Love of Christ, Our Lord. 

Today, the reason for being here is not only so you remember your Heavenly Mother, who deeply loves you and contemplates you from the depths of Her Most Chaste and Immaculate Heart. Today I come to show you My Glorified Heart, My Heart made divine by the Spirit of God from the moment of My Assumption into the Heavens. It is this Heart that I want you to contemplate; not for Myself, but because this Heart, My children, is the safe and true portal to the Kingdom of God. It is the Heart that will lead you to a meeting with Christ in the moments of great tribulation that this planet will experience in its cycle of purification. 

But today I no longer want you to think about bad things, about things that still happen in this cruel world. I want you to think about the Kingdom of God, which through each Apparition I bring to you with so much Love.

I need you to drink of the fount of this Kingdom of God, to heal your wounds, to cure your faults, to renew your fallen spirits, because you will always be able to rise up again, since I stretch out My loving hand to you, and I help you to walk firmly on this path of transformation. 

I know that your hearts have not yet forgiven. You have not forgiven yourselves, nor your family and peers. The campaign to sow love in the consciousness of humanity is still on, dear children. 

My beloved spouse Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste and Venerable Saint Joseph, has been willing to help you to seek this path of forgiveness. 

Dear children, wake up! The voice of the Holy Spouse echoes in these times of chaos. He brings you His principles of chastity and brotherhood, so that little by little, all feel encouraged to live the patterns of the Sacred Family, which are the Project of the New Humanity. 

Today, dear children, in light of the angels that accompany Me, because of the caress they give each of you, I want you to be able to enter into this Kingdom of God through My living and glorified Heart. Because I am not here only with you; I am with each of My children that is lost, at this very moment, through the curses of the adversary. 

But that does not matter, dear children; if God has allowed Me to be here among you on this day, it is because there is a Greater Purpose which can be accomplished through your hearts, through your giving of self and service to the Plan of God. 

I want you to be able to feel the grandeur of the Kingdom of God at this moment, and how each cell of your beings, each atom of your bodies, each part of your non-material spirits receives the Spirit of God, which through My Presence, blesses you and constitutes you as a new being, like the model that Christ anticipates realizing in this time, in each of His creatures. 

Thus, dear children, through My Heart of a Mother, a kind and luminous Heart, the door is also found to the Mercy of God. Within this Celestial Kingdom that has descended directly from the Universe to be poured out over Aurora, place each of your brothers and sisters, place those people you have not yet forgiven, so that this new year may be a new year for everybody, renewed by the Spirit of God and by His Grace, which in spite of the sins of the world, continues to descend for the purpose of saving humanity.

Today I want each one of My children who is listening to Me, to leave this Marian Center being a great spark of Light that will commit to shine in this darkness to guide other hearts in prayer and in the simplicity of service. Because it is the works of charity and of prayer, the works of Mercy, that will be able to reconfigure the lost Land into a promised Land, as was the promise to the peoples of the desert.

In this way, dear children, today I announce Myself to you as the Celestial Lady, the Lady that experienced the Assumption to the Greater Kingdoms, to promise God She would save each one of His children throughout time and the centuries. 

Dear children, venerate My Heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

Because through this veneration I will seek to transform your essences into an essence in likeness to Mine. 

On this night, I want My Purity to be a reality within all those who listen to Me, because I do not come to transform you only for yourselves. I come to build, My children, the living islands of salvation, which within each of you, stretched throughout the four corners of the world, will help those that most need to find God.

Dear children, when you are in My Presence, feel My Heart and listen to My Words, because each thing I tell you must enter into your cells, as a principle that transforms you and converts you, which definitely causes all the darkness that still exists within you to disappear. 

I want to make of you beams of light amidst the darkness of the Earth, that you be beacons that point the way for those who are lost. 

I want each one who listens to Me to be bearers of the truth. That through your example, you draw more souls to the path of the spirit, the path of evolution, of the development of this new race which will be reborn in humanity through the conscious transformation of each creature.

My beloved ones, although My Eyes contemplate the entire world at this time, I come to this place to prepare a pure dwelling place in your hearts, so the Redeemer is able to return and so that, before His Feet step upon this world, His Spirit is able to receive the life within each of you.

Do not think that I do not care about those of My children who are becoming lost tonight. Today I am here also for them; because the transformation of your spirits, your minds, and your hearts will help to rescue those children of Mine who never knew the Light.

When the time comes, when souls need it the most, they will find that Light they never wanted to see, and it will be as a fountain of water, pure and crystalline in the desert of this world. This water will spring from the heart of each of you, just as it sprang from the Heart of My Son. For just as Christ gave to drink of His Mercy at the pinnacle of His sacrifice on the Cross, you also, My children, by resisting the tribulations of this planet and on being reconfirmed, again and again, in your consecration to My Immaculate Heart, you will give each creature on this Earth to drink of the Divine Pity and Mercy that you once received from Christ.

For this reason, I ask you to contemplate My Heart that today reveals the Glory of the Kingdom of God to you, so that this Glory not be far from your lives, but rather that it may live within your beings, beat in your hearts.

On this night, may each one of your hearts beat in the same rhythm as Mine, because I want to make them one with My Immaculate Heart, just as this Heart is with all of Creation. 

May you be aware of the unity with God, with His Divine Spirit and with the Mother of the world, because I am already united with all that was created. Now the time has come for all of Creation to be united with Me, so I may return with you, within My Consciousness, under My Mantle, to the Celestial Source from where I once withdrew you in essence and in spirit, to fertilize this Earth, and multiply Divine Creation and Its Grace, renewing all that was created in this Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, as today I do not have any new children to consecrate, I have chosen three new children, at this moment, who will be consecrated in My Presence, without yet wearing My Mantle of Sky-Blue Light.

This is so that you can see, My children, how important the conversion of heart and redemption are; how important it is that souls find the path to Christ and to God again.

I am not judging you, My children; I am renewing you; because through these three children, I will be blessing all of you.

Today I come to renew the vows of all the Children of Mary, wishing that this new year be a year of inner peace for everybody, and that you and your brothers and sisters be seekers of peace.

Let us now go, My children, to this awaited maternal blessing, in the company of all the angels of Heaven, the seraphim and cherubim that sing to the Glory of God. 

Call them.


Song: “Children of Mary”.

Dear children, in this new time that is coming, I want you to be converted like this light, which as little as it may be, will light up all of the world and all hearts that need to live again in the Mercy of God, in forgiveness, in compassion, and in love.

By the Light of all the angels gathered together in this sacrament of prayer and in a most important communion with My Son, I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, dear children, for being with Me today.

Sing while I rise up to Heaven. Let the bells ring, for a new time has come for all.

I love you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Mary, we hold a minute of silence for peace in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Brothers and sisters, all that is left is for us to do is deeply thank Mary, for this blessing She gave us reached each of your homes. She was showing us how She visited each of the families at the same time.

So, we are going to leave here, the Marian Center of Aurora, with this impulse; committing to strengthening our faith and our prayer, so this Plan of Peace of our Divine Mother may be accomplished in the world.

Thank You, Mother of God, for all that You give us!


In times of battle for the mind, for the body and for the spirit, keep your heart in peace.

Hold onto the purpose of these times and not so much to the tribulations that disturb your being, in and outside of yourself.

If you cannot pray, then simply unite your heart to God and ask for His assistance. As a soldier of His army of love, the Lord will never deny due help to you.

However, little by little, talk to your bodies, with the life which inhabits your consciousness and which expresses itself in different ways, because times have changed and the density of the planetary atmosphere itself will seek from you the spirit of the permanent transcendence.

Just do not surrender. Be a little braver and more determined to overcome yourself and the energies that are around your consciousness, because inside of you and outside of you there will be resistances not to allow you to be a triumph of Christ in the world.

Do not allow your consciousness to be an instrument of disunion. Always cherish the unity, yours with God and with your brothers and sisters and of all with the purpose of the Creator.

You will have to learn to find within yourselves pure airs to breath and nourish your soul and your spirit, because there will be days in which you will find no breath in what surrounds you. Therefore, construct today a path of union with your inner world. There are found the codes left by God on the many occasions in which He came to you. There you will find peace.

For the inner deepening of all beings,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


As the Sacred Family, we have come to encourage humanity to respond to the Call of God and to fulfill His Holy Will.

As the Sacred Family, we invite the world to learn from the purity of children, and to let them teach you how to find God.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to open your hearts to experience mysteries that absolutely transcend human understanding, and completely transform all that is known about life upon Earth, and even about yourselves, opening your eyes to that which you truly are.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to offer your souls as instruments of God, to overcome the fear of losing the things of the world, and even yourselves, because everything that you keep as treasures, whether it is ways of life, material things or sentimental relationships of any kind, as well as that which you know about life itself, all this will pass with a breath of Divine Justice, while the experience of Truth strengthens the power and action of Mercy.

As the Sacred Family, we call you to live true love, a love that transcends possessions, that does not seek rewards, that only gives and receives nothing, except from God, Who, each time you open yourselves to give something, infuses you with a greater will to give everything.

As the Sacred Family, we place you before the Grace of the return of Christ, a gift that is incomprehensible to the mind, and only acceptable to the heart that has already discovered faith within itself.

As the Sacred Family, we invite you to discover the possibility of living peace in times of chaos and of maintaining trust in God, even in the face of the greatest suffering, when the Lord asks us, even for our lives, for the love of His Plan, just as it was in the Passion of Christ.

Receive through your prayers the codes of the Sacred Family, and do not leave them guarded under seven keys within yourselves; allow them to take life, to expand and multiply in those who come to you, just as it was with the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

I leave you My peace and absolute trust in the presence of Christ within humanity, because the Lord has been reborn.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the Sacred Presence of the Most Holy Mary


When from your own inner self begin to emerge all that for eons of time has been hidden in the human consciousness, as codes that degenerate the Project of God, many may be destabilized from the internal, emotional and psychic points of view, depending on the bond of each consciousness with this information and the way it has been balancing negative codes with positive experiences over the course of its existence.

When that moment comes, dear ones, it will remain for you to open your heart and trust those whom you will have at your side in greater balance to assist you. You should cling strongly to humility to ask for help and let yourself be guided. You should also cling to fraternity, in case you have to help others.

The development of love will be an opportunity given by God in every instant of your lives, especially in the moments of the inner transition of each being and the own transition of the planet as a whole.

You must remember what I tell you, because many trust that they will be in perfect balance and will always be those who will help others and not those who will be helped. But it will not be so, because ninety-nine percent of human beings are unaware of the roots of all that they live on Earth and ignore that they came into the world to balance codes of their own consciousness that needed such degree of love to be converted and that only on Earth they would reach it, in this small planet, in which the great Project of God was conceived, which had its triumph in Christ.

Not counting on this reality and fully enveloped by ignorance and illusion, it will be expected of most people to open themselves to humility, but this will not be easy in a race that, for centuries, has been the result of the greatest codes of pride, vanity and selfishness, that came to be converted by the Love of Christ, by the Christic life.

However, dear companions, everyone will have an opportunity and no one will be left without being contemplated in this School of Love. It will be up to each one to open himself to the choice of the superior life, of fraternity, of unity and allow himself to be guided by God, trusting in love, more than in his own self.

When I tell you to trust in love, it is also to trust in unity among brothers and sisters congregated for the same purpose and know that, if you are united in heart, you will always sustain each other on the right path. However, if you discredit love and unity and want to follow your paths based on your own will, you will deny the Plan of God, which is based on love and unity among all beings, regardless of differences or even mistakes committed throughout their existences, because love heals all things and, in the spirit of unity, the love of one will suffice and balance the error of the other. This is the Law of God.

I love you and, that is why, I come to the world, as well as the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and of Mary, so that, in unity with human beings, Our Infinite Love for all may balance the errors of the past and give you an opportunity to start over in a redeemed race.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions,

The arrival of a new cycle for the human consciousness approaches the human consciousness, especially for the consciousness of the planet; it is the spirit of Earth that shelters you, welcomes you and, with so much love and self-giving, sustains you.

This cycle that will come will impel human beings to offer to the Earth’s Divine Project their true potential and, for that, it will help them to purge from their own interiors – the conscious and unconscious world of each being – those codes that they have generated as humanity and that, gradually, have been degenerating what they should express as human consciousness.

This new cycle will try to help this Earth’s project so that the Kingdoms of Nature may no longer be that which is sustaining the consciousness of the planet, but rather that there may be conscious human beings offering the most possible so that the planet may fulfill its function within the Plan of God.

In the Project of the Lord, when He created this world, filled with manifestations of His perfection, through the different cohabiting Kingdoms of Nature, God thought of a living expression of fraternity and unity among His creatures, however different they might be.

The Creator tried to make of the Earth a school of love and evolutionary cooperation, so that each Kingdom would bring to the other something vital for its existence. This is why the Earth needs balance to exist, the balance that is generated in the different Kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom.

Especially the Human Kingdom should generate a special harmony and love within its corresponding Kingdom, as humanity, in order to inspire the evolution of the others Kingdoms of Nature.

In a way, all Kingdoms have fulfilled their part, except for the Human Kingdom, which is the great pillar of the Earthly Project. The Plant Kingdom is the expression of self-giving, elevation and beauty, as it was supposed to be. The Mineral Kingdom is the expression of purification, transmutation and sustenance, as it was supposed to be. The Animal Kingdom is the expression of fidelity and love, it is the guardian of the spirit of cooperation and evolutive fraternity in each species, as it was supposed to be.

The Devic Kingdom continues to create beauty and praise to the Creator and, together with the Elemental Kingdom, sustains and animates the other Kingdoms of Nature, as was its part.

To the Human Kingdom, it would correspond to be a bridge of communion between all Kingdoms; the one that cares, supports and protects, loves and helps so that each Kingdom can express itself. The Human Kingdom should create conditions for the devas and plants to express their beauty; for the animals to be able to bring to the planetary consciousness the unique attribute that each species possesses in its essence; for the minerals to be able to nourish and assist the other Kingdoms and act with freedom in the world.

The Human Kingdom should be the bridge to the Divine Consciousness, bringing the spirit of constant evolution and growth so that Creation would never become stagnant and the Kingdoms would continue to take evolutive steps and gradually change their spiritual school. In this way, new essences would gradually arise and permanently renew the Creation of God and, from the laboratory of the Earth, the whole Universe would be able to be renewed.

This is a part of what the Project of God represents.

The new cycle of which I speak will accelerate the human purification and will be more or less harmonious, depending on the conscious collaboration of each being. This will be so that, as far as possible, the idea of fraternal life may gradually manifest itself – even though it may be manifested only in a few individuals and in islands of salvation and of expression of God’s Project – and so that this Plan may also be materialized.

After eons of time of experiences that did not have the expected result, the Creation will give a solar impulse to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature, as a last opportunity of concretization of the Divine Plan.

It is important for you to be aware of all this and to collaborate, fulfilling your own part in this Plan of Love. This is why I tell you all these things.

Your Beloved Instructor and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Josephaily m


Today, day on which you are praying worldwide and clamoring for the energy of Mercy of Christ for the planet, I want to help you in the path of prayer.

Dears, the weight of the world will become internally, mentally and emotionally heavier and heavier, mostly for those who are trying to walk an evolutionary path.

On the current days of the planet, to be a praying consciousness is like paddling against a great current of inertia, distractions and quest for pleasure and for gratification. That is why, even more in this time of intense inner purification for all, you must be attentive to what I will tell you.

Throughout all the human existence, all the codes that humankind has generated with the quest for power, for pleasure, for gratification, with competition, vanity, wrath, were impregnating the human consciousness as a whole, and they even reached the depth of the cell consciousness of many beings, those who have never lived an experience of seeking the sacred, the evolutionary, the pure.

In different proportions, these energies, called capitals, are inside of all beings of the Earth, because they inside of the human consciousness and, in certain parts of the world, some of these energies completely control the consciousnesses.

Why do I tell you these things? Because - even if it may not seem it – the small and great distractions during the moments of prayer, the thoughts and the recurrent desires against the evolutionary path, all the impulses that you cannot control in yourselves and that are always taking you to the opposite of what you try to build, all of this has its roots in the human consciousness, and these roots are not so easy to extinguish as it seems, but this is not something impossible.

You must start changing your own deepest interests. For instance: during prayer, observe to where your mind conducts you and what is more important for it than the act of praying. With much peace and harmony, seek the roots of those things, in order that you can transform them. Think about the reason for your distractions and, then, think about the Middle East, about Africa, about the children, about the youngsters and the adults that suffer in the whole world. So, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: the distractions or praying to reverse these situations of the planet?”

And do it so with everything. Talk to yourselves. When you are before a desire that does not lead you to an evolutionary path, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: this or fulfilling the Will of God?”

Do not fear the answers, because – even if they are not the ones you expect – they might reveal to your consciousness what is in your most profound inner abyss, in order that you can clean and purify what prevents you to fulfill the Plans of God with perfection.

Review, dears, in your own interior, your priorities, your desires and your aspirations.

Ask yourselves while you pray: “Why am I praying?”. And if your mind answers you: “So that the others can see me praying”, so, tell it: “Well, now I will pray for the planet.”

Thus, transform yourselves with peace, with love and with joy, but do not cease to take a small step each day.

My Chaste Heart tells you in a simple and clear way, because I need that you understand Me definitely and take the steps that God expects from all, because there is no longer so much time left.

I love you and I guide you to the transformation of life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Peace can be a reality in the world, as well as it is in the Kingdom of God, where His Supreme Consciousness fully expresses itself.  However, in order for this to be possible, it is necessary that the human beings want to be with God, as well those who live in His Kingdom want.

When a being aspires to be permanently with God, they seek Him in all things and expect to find Him in everything, in the certainty that the Creator deposited a part of His Consciousness in all that He created.

For this, in order that peace establishes itself, you must seek and find God in everything and in everyone, transcending the influences of the world and whatever people who transit through it appear to be.

Permanently remember the existence of the spirit of each being and that, to each one, the Creator has a perfect plan, an idea and a divine thought.  Remember that, inside of each consciousness, in the its innermost, are the codes that it needs to fulfill its mission.

Today I want to reveal to you a mystery of the Kingdom of God, of His Plan for humanity.  When He created the human beings, God deposited in each essence a divine attribute, called Universal Ray, which is a way of expression of His Divine Spirit, This one that creates all the things.

The Rays of the Creator are responsible for conducting His Creation to perfection, but, in the case of the human beings, there is a secret, a particularity: the experience of perfection in humanity depends on the expression of love, and that perfection activates itself not only when a being loves, but also when it is loved.

The love of which I speak to you is not the love that you know because the human beings are used to love what is convenient to them, what pleases them and what causes them some gratification, but that is not the Love of God.

The Love of God is that one which looks at a being and transcends its imperfections, finding thus the truth of the essence of each one, and this is what it loves: it loves the Will of God for His creatures; it loves the perfection of God hidden in the beings; it loves God Himself, by means of His creatures.

This love is not impossible to be lived, but to find something that is lost in the other, you must find what is lost in yourselves, which is the possibility of truly loving.

For this I am here.  For this I descend every day to the world, to make simple the spiritual life, to make simple what, for humanity, has always been so complicated.  Because what difficulty there could exist in truly loving, if you were created exclusively for that?

Seek inside of you the truth about what you are.  When you take the first steps, I will help you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the awakening of love in the human consciousness


Throughout the history of humanity, as well as the one of the universe, each act, feeling, thought and intention of the beings remains embodied in the planetary consciousness.

When a being acts in a correct way and lives an important learning that must be experienced by all, something that would lead the race to take a great evolutionary leap, such experience is distributed as a code of light for all the human beings and, in this way, everyone receives an opportunity to evolve and learn.

When humans act incorrectly and unite to the actions of chaos and of evil, these experiences also remain embodied in the human consciousness and in the consciousnesses of the nations, preventing the souls to live according to the Plan of God.  While they are not liberated from such situations through the forgiveness and the understanding of what they lived, they can spend centuries remembering the same suffering.

Also the executioners, those who committed the mistake, do not receive an opportunity to redeem themselves before God and balance the past, because, for that, humanity itself must generate codes of love that may be more powerful than any darkness.

When the Divine Messengers arrive to the different nations, They do not only come to bring peace and the awakening for those who dwell there, but also to liberate and to forgive, with the power of Their Love, all the past that prevents the Kingdom of God to descend to those places.

Therefore you must be more conscious of the invisible task of God by means of His Messengers and also be participants of the liberation that you carry out in each pilgrimage.

To this, be whole during your prayers: devoted, truthful, united to God with the word, with the spirit and with the heart.  Feel yourselves as a part of the human consciousness while you pray and, as well the human body unites its energies to heal some wound, unite as human consciousness in order to deposit the Light of God in all of the spaces of the world.

You know that humanity has made many mistakes throughout the centuries and continues to distance itself from God; for this, now has come the moment to generate the correct balance, until the scale will allow you to live a superior live in this sacred world that must live Redemption.

I love you and I thank you for being more conscious of the Will of God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Beloved children,

It is in the silence of the heart that you will hear My unmistakable voice.

It is in the silence of the heart that you will feel the Presence of Christ in this time, a time of tests for a humanity that will be purified, as is the Will of God the Father, the Eternal.

It is in the silence of the heart that I will leave the seeds of My Purity, of My Love and of the Forgiveness of God for all peoples; so that there they may germinate, grow, blossom and bear the fruits that the New Humanity will express on the New Earth, the paradise promised to the just, the faithful, the pure of heart.

It is in the silence of the heart that creatures will find God, to revere Him, to reconcile their spirits with His loving Heart of Light, Mercy, Love and Pity.

It is in the silence of the heart where creatures will find the Will of the Father and will discover what their true paths are, the ones the loving God charted so that His children could travel them in peace and joy.

It is in the silence of the heart that the children of the Most High will learn the art of loving and serving their neighbor, where they will experience the school of compassion, a step that will take them to the love taught by Christ on the Cross.

It is in the silence of the heart that humanity will find the lost hope, the love God placed in each essence, an essence that today is drowning in a solid box of stone, closed with infinite keys, without air and without light.

It is in the silence of the heart that you will find Me, beloved children, because I have the key that opens all doors; the door to redemption, to healing, to reconciliation among peoples, the door to love that forgives everything and rebuilds everything, the door to pity that will come through the selflessness of a service rendered without personal interests.

It is in the silence of the heart, My beloved ones, that you will find the great Peace that I bring to the world and place in each of you, so that you may experience this peace in your lives. And if there is no silence in the heart, because unease reigns in your beings, pray with Me, so that the codes of light of the blessed prayer may reach your hearts, and, like a balm, that blessed prayer may take away the pain, like a fresh breeze that will bring ease, tranquility and harmony into your lives.

Children of Colombia and of the whole world, today I invite you, I call you to feel Me, to find Me in your hearts, where I came to sow My Peace, the Peace of Christ, the Peace of God for all.

Thank you for assembling and gathering together in My Heart. Thank you for being with Me today.

Who loves you and covers you with Celestial Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Mother of all the Peoples of God


Dear companions,

I would to remind you that the world still agonizes and suffers for the actions of humanity, but I do not tell you that in order martyrize your consciousnesses and make them suffer an ill that you do not know; I tell you these things because, with all that you receive every day, you must be a little more consistent with that in your actions, in your thoughts, in your feelings and in your aspirations.

Many frequently forget about what happens in the world and let their consciousnesses get lost in the daily distractions and in the little inner problems, which become large, such is the attention that you place on them.

The beings, in their majority, do not truly recognize that we are in apocalyptic times.  Even those who consider themselves more conscious will need a great impact in their consciousnesses in order to know that, in truth, the end of times has come for the current humanity.

God expects that those who believe in His Messengers and who follow Their instructions be more vigilante than ever and seek, over all things, to manifest in themselves the Purpose of God, in which they trust.

I have always told you that you needed to be brave, but many take these words with a merely emotional enthusiasm and believe that will be brave when they are before chaos that spreads itself throughout the world with violence.  But what I come to show you is that this same chaos dwells within the creatures of the world in their due proportions and must be purified and elevated by the transformation of the consciousness.

It will do little that My Chaste Heart may descend every day to the world and deposit, in the beings, a part of the codes that I reached as Joseph of Nazareth, if your hearts do not do anything or almost anything to develop these codes within yourselves.

I do not want to discourage you or to disregard your efforts, but you must recognize that your distraction is very big and that you often still allow yourselves to live the old human patterns, even with all the knowledge that you have of the planetary situation.

Today My paternal Heart talks to those who aspire to live the transformation and to those who will not feel hurt with what I tell you, but rather impelled to maturing, because I come in this definitive time to deliver the best that there is in God to those who will move forward.

You will no longer have thirty years more to follow with a slow and precarious change, because what you build inside of you today is what will result in the years that will come and it is what will dictate the steps that you will take as consciousnesses in the future of the planet.

I assure you that nothing will stay as it is and that, with those who accept to move forward, the Plan of God will be fulfilled.

I love you and I warn you.  I guide and I always protect you, especially from yourselves.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Eternal glory to the God of the Heights and peace for the hearts that persevere in the quest for the Merciful Heart of Christ.

Dear companions, I thank you in the name of God, the Supreme Father of all Creation, for answering to the prayer request of His Holy Servant, the Virgin Mary.  Your prayers are being heard in the Kingdom of the Heavens and many souls are being removed from the abysses and hells of this world.

I ask you, with My Chaste Heart of Love, to keep praying for the world and to not detain the power of salvation that is being generated from your hearts.

I ask you to give priority to this urgent need of the planet and to remember, in every instant of your lives, the souls that are dying forgotten by the world, as something normal.  Today My Chaste Heart comes to tell you to not allow that the world atrocities become natural to the human heart.

Do not relate the Middle East with wars and with permanent conflicts or with death, with suicide and with massacres, because that land must be recognized as the sacred ground where the Family of Christ lived and where His Merciful Heart of Love learned to serve God and the others.

The adversary of the Project of God is trying to erase from the memory of humanity, and above all, of the Middle East, the codes left by Christ, by His Family and by His apostles and disciples.  But the enemy does not know, My dears, that these codes of love are imperishable and that they will always light up before a pure heart that invocates them for the redemption of the world.

The Blood of Christ was not poured over that ground by chance and all the blood that is poured today must be converted by the prayers of all the peacemakers from the whole world.

Never forget the souls that lose themselves every day in the whole world and, above all, in Africa and in the Middle East.  Pray without ceasing and offer all your difficulties for those who do not have an opportunity of traversing a spiritual path.

Live in the spirit of gratitude every day, for all that the Creator God delivers to you in order to be able to fulfill His Plan and be a bridge of salvation for the lost hearts.

Awake and walk fast to the union with Christ.  The salvation of this world starts in the little transformations of your lives.

Know that your souls and your spirits are sacred before the Eyes of God, because you keep in themselves a unique potential of imitating His Son.

I love you and expect to find you in prayer and vigil, in transformation, effort and sacrifice every day.

Saint Joseph, the Watchman and Guardian of Holy Plan of God



My Maternal Grace is pouring universal codes of Pity and Mercy over those souls that open themselves to recognize the Will of God on their paths.

Thus, My children, these universal codes of My Grace will be the ones that will help you to walk in the culminating moment of your purification; there you will be able to see clearly the passage from the old to the new humanity, filled with the divine and Christic codes.

For this, children, I am calling all of you today for you to live the redemption; in this way you will be willing from the conscience to materialize the Divine Plan of your Celestial Father.

Now, My children, the Plan will determine a next round in the life of the whole universe.  You are invited to prepare and train yourselves, such as the planets do when, from cycle to cycle, they rotate around the sun, always seeking a relation with the balance of the cosmos.

Dear children, this new cycle is arriving and nothing will remain as before; inside and outside of yourselves, the universe will move in order to be placed into another point, and if certain aspects have not been worked out by then, the universe itself and the cosmos will relocate you to another school of instruction.

Children, do not waste the opportunity to change in time, such as all the cycles in the universe change.  Now these cycles will be visible to many and on the Earth the most unconscious and ignorant soul will notice this, because the planet is almost at the doors of facing the so waited cycle of purification.

And in that way, the prophecy of My Son will be accomplished: ´´ The chaff will be separated from the wheat and then it will be burned at the stake.´´

Beloved children, I am your Mother and I try to guide you always along the path of good. Peace will be your ally in the moments of purification and your faith will remove everything that until now had been tied in the consciousness.

You, My dear ones, already know how to do it; take the tools and work, thus the planet will be saved.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you and guides you to the main goal,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Let the self-summoned seat themselves at the table of light, for their time has come, the hour of their surrender.

Now I am here, among My Own, recognizing the resurrection of all sinners through the compelling power of My Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

By the glorious ascension of Jesus
that saved all of humanity,
give us Your Spirit, Lord.
(repeated nine times)

Receive My Graces and once again let My Light penetrate your hearts.

Today, with My gifts, I come to touch those who recognized Me as the Shepherd among shepherds, as the Greater Star among the stars of the Universe.

Let the consecrated mothers bow down within this sacred cenacle at the foot of this altar.

Watch with Me in union and love.

Let the mothers bow down in this cenacle at the foot of this altar so that I may give them to drink of the sacred Fountain.

I gave you a grand Mother for the end of times, but this sacred Universal Mother that knows you deeply, needs more arms and hands to move forward with the preparatory work of My Return.

Cleanse your hearts, sanctify your consciousnesses, from My Heart receive all My love. Recognize the spiritual Hierarchy extensively manifested on the surface of the Earth, for God weaves His precious project through the hands of all His instruments.

It is time, companions, that you recognized the great task God has placed in the most imperfect to achieve the best things, which are unknown to you; but if you remain firm in My Heart, you will know what I tell you. My Words will not only move through here, they will remain in your consciousnesses, just like I desire all of the time.

Today I bring you the essence of My Blood, a precious code for souls in redemption, a divine Light for spirits that are dead. Because in the same way that I come to resurrect you to the great existence of the Universe, I also come to resurrect all consciousnesses that united with My Heart this week.

Be happy and blessed, for only this will be a preparation for what will come.

The Lord is requesting that here at the foot of the altar we place the sacraments that will be offered today.

The water, the wine, the bread, the incense, the oil, and mainly, companions, your hearts, are the greatest offering of love to the Creator.

But if your hearts are united with Me and you trust, greater will be the gift for God, and from His scourged Heart the pain of the world, of the ungrateful hearts will be erased; thus, the way the women prepare My table will be seen, and My Spirit gives continuity to the events through omnipresence, where all souls avail themselves of My ministry to receive the gifts that I so wish to pour out over all, from the beginning to the end, from the Alpha to the Omega, in which everything will be accomplished and humanity will enter into a new cycle.

Lie down on the ground like children. From My Heart receive the blessings, but do not make too great an effort. My Presence fills you completely and gives you life, within your lives. It is the regenerative code of My Christic Light.

Women of yesteryear, consecrated mothers, rise up from the ground and remain kneeling to offer your Lord the sacraments of reparation and of healing for souls, which I come to vivify through the presence of good hearts and also sinning hearts, which on this afternoon of Divine Mercy are being freed of their faults, of the stains of evil.

Take up the sacraments, mothers, as fruit for the altar. With harmony and deliberation, offer an intention to My Heart, in the silence of your constant prayer.

The Greater Mother, Who accompanies you in this world, must also offer Me an intention, which I deeply know in the essence of the spirit. 

Remember what I gave you yesterday. You will not understand it through the words nor the feelings, but when your memories enter into the heart and you experience again all these facts, as happened last year, you will remember the legacy that I gave you, the same as with My apostles. Happy are those who believe in My Presence, for in the end of times they will be resurrected.

Our Lord is giving us a song of the celestial choirs so that it may be repeated here, with the help of Sister Piedad.

Song: Praised be God.

All together My children.

And may this peace that I give you be offered for sinful, martyred, and mutilated hearts; and for all the existence of this creation that suffers the consequences of humanity.

Mothers, lifting up your offering to the thrones of God, the time has come for all, together with their guardian angels, to lift up this offering to the temples of the Creator in the celestial spheres, through My Merciful Heart.

Sing again.

Walkers without boundaries, serve God in fullness, and drinking of the Source of My trust, testify to My Return, for the world needs to hear that I was here among you, announcing My new Good News for all the redeemed and for those who will be freed from captivity.

Carry the Message of God in your hearts, and may this love that was poured out over all be able to reach all the people that come in these days to your homes, to your workplaces, and on your roads. Wherever you go or travel through, there you will always find a soul that needs the encouragement, the relief, and the hope to be able to find Me.

Mothers, keep the sacraments in the same way that you took them, for today they were especially sanctified for sinful souls, many of whom are not here today.

Companions, I not only leave you the planetary adoration. Here I leave a space consecrated for all, within the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. I leave a cenacle for all in this space, so that all may remember that they will always be able to find Me here, in the omnipresence of My Silence.

Today the Celestial Choirs observe your actions. Blessed are those who offer acts of reparation and of love, for the thorns are removed from the innocent and souls reach the Kingdom of God through your sacred offering.

The names of God are keys of transcendence and doorways that lead you to the greater spirit. They are sacred and blessed names, scales of vibration, of sound, and of energy. Sublime Codes that descend to the universes through the emanation of the Creator Fathers, who are the forerunners of the love and the unity of God in all the universes of which you are a part.

Let us sing to God and give thanks for this meeting.

Let the names of God be intoned with reverence, but also with much rejoicing so that this love, which is in your hearts, may reach the world.

I thank you.


My arms of Compassion are opened to receive in My Kingdom all of the disciples, those who in this time must follow My Steps, a path that I will indicate to them for them to reach eternal life.

In this era of definitions I call you to concentrate your lives in My Supreme Light.  In this way nothing will torment you or disturb you and you will be prepared to face with Me the final times.

Day by day I leave in your essences the Source of My Divine Mercy so that you may be able to recognize that My Love for you is unreplaceable and it will last for all eternity.  Now that you have already taken with your hands the flag of peace, follow Me in trust and open the doors to Me so that My Consciousness may be able to reach quickly to the flocks that most need to find My Peace and the Truth of My Father.

I invite you to be transmitters of My Redeeming and Christic Codes through the devotion that you have proclaimed to My Sacred and Kind Heart.  In this cycle I need for My Apostles to be very attentive and awake so that My Voice may be listened in all place and within all.

I invite you again to reconciliation and peace.  Do not lose sight of these two sacred attributes.  The Lord radiates them to you through His Son so that the world may someday achieve redemption.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Teachings in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Shepherd of Souls


Every day my feet touch the clouds that circulate over your beloved planet and from there, in the great celestial dome of the universe, My Heart pours Its Rays of Divine Mercy.

At three in the afternoon the whole world has the precious possibility of renewing itself through My Christic Spirit and in this way, to liberate souls from eternal sin.  My Mercy is like a great power plant that from time to time renews all of the things and all of the beings.

Those disciples that have the mission of praying to My Divine Mercy at three in the afternoon enter like holy water into My Power Plant repairs and transforms your consciousnesses.  Your essences are rapidly impregnated by wise codes of light, those that I once achieved on the Cross when I entirely surrendered Myself to you.

From this moment the Source of My Mercy has become prodigious and constant, bringing relief, liberation and reparation for those that are  most in need.  Remember that you will always carry a part of My Source in your hearts because whoever lives through My Heart will become free.

Under the Divine Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior  


The true souls that heal others do so through love. Therefore, My healing Rays descend upon them to carry out the work of liberation from the past.

The instruments of healing are guided by the Fire of the Holy Spirit and it is this Divine Fire that inspires them, without delay, to heal the heart and the soul of those who are spiritually hurt.

In these times, the true Healer is guided by the fluidity and by the principles of Christic healing, gifts that the Holy Spirit provided so that the Son of God would carry forward His Healing and Redeeming Work.

For this, everything is united to the same principle, which is the Love of God. In this way, the healing of the soul and of the body may happen spontaneously, only because the consciousness has received the Love of God.

The path to healing the spirit of the sick is infinite, and this is possible stemming from the healer’s merciful union with their Master.

The main diseases throughout the world will only be able to be healed by love, and there will never exist a greater spiritual science than the Love of God, which will reestablish the codes of life that have been lost.

Intentionally, I today want to visit one of the few points of healing in the world that radiates love and sows it within the infirm soul. I refer to the Sector of Healing at the Marian Center of Figueira, which has awakened to the knowledge of Universal Healing. Such Healing emanates directly from the Primordial Source of Love and of Unity. These principles are present because the mission of the instruments of healing has been to continue the examples of the Christ, Man of God and Healer.

Under this gift of the Love of Christ, the hearts that have truly been open have received My Rays of Healing and of peace through the apostles of Christic Healing.

In order to respond to the epicenter of Christic Healing, one must only pray with the heart so that the Work of the Holy Spirit may be realized within the suffering souls.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for helping to heal and relieve the hearts of all beings.

Christ Jesus, the Master Healer of the Heart.


The soul that seeks all the time to be in Me and makes an effort will never be detained in the path or in the time that it travels, because My Love always calls for the advance of the soul that dedicates itself to be day by day with Me. In this way it will not be a prey of the enemy and in the roughest moments its spirit will be as strong as Mine.

For this the soul must dedicate significant space for My Merciful Heart because the door of redemption is first opened by those who exercise the merciful prayer and in this way My Source will wash it and nourish it with new codes.

In spite of the circumstances and of the current time, perceive how much you separate yourselves from Me only for the more external things. Before this can occur, take the infinite path that you have constructed towards My Sacred Heart and let yourselves be renewed By My Purifying Fire.

The souls that do not dedicate time to Me are the most fragile souls in the world because in spite of the challenge and of their commitments, including that of service, they will be vulnerable to the wiles that the enemy with cunning articulates.  It is necessary in this time to not forget Me and to nourish oneself with forces of light through the daily prayer, because the cycle of the souls is being defined again in this era and this spiritual definition will determinate the total number of flocks that will be prepared in consciousness to receive Me when I return.

Be attentive to the daily union with Me because I only need that you think of Me, and My Grace and My Mercy will be able to be amongst you in this time. Pray for the souls that unfortunately distance themselves from Me. Assume that your consecration to My Sacred Heart is perpetual, is renovating, is redeeming. Advance without fears because who is in Me is in God.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Voice with attention!

Christ Jesus


I choose the hearts so that they may transmit in these times My Renewed Messages. This has a spiritual and divine aim because in them I try to repose with My Sacred Heart, aspiring that those who are awakening to Me and who return after such a long time may resume My Path of Holiness.

As a Son and Eternal Server of God, I come to the world to remove from My Disciples the weight that cause the past, impeding the materialization of My Project in each little soul. For this in this last cycle I renew My Soldiers through the path of merciful prayer, that which is consecrated to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.

This Chaplet will not only remind you day by day of My Passion so that you may imitate It, but It also reunites the universal powers that imprint themselves as codes of light in the soul that prays this powerful sacrament of prayer.

Prayer for Me is a great redeeming sacrament along with communion. These two sacerdotal principles will allow you to be closer to Me and, from the ecumenical perspective, to rescue the importance of living of My Body and of My Blood out of love and for the salvation of those who have, for a long time, communed with the modernities of the world and not with My Savior Spirit.

You will encounter Me, as has been said to you, in all of the sanctuaries of the Earth. For this go in trust to the shepherds, and to the consecrated ones, so that they may offer My Body and My Blood, symbols of eternal union with the Glorious Father of the Heights.

Today I remind you of these things because the moment has arrived for the existence of a universal order in everything, and in order for this to be a reality in your spirits, you must exercise the sacred sacraments.

I listen to you in the silence. I bless you in the prayer. I baptize you with the Water of Life in each confession. I surrender Myself to you in the Sacred Communion.

For this be attentive to the signs of the new times because only that soul that lives through the love of the heart will be able to recognize Me in My Return to the world.

I Am the Living and Eternal Heart. I Am the Heart that wants to beat strong inside of your beings when only you abandon yourselves in My Paternal Spirit.

Under the Mercy of the Father, I thank you all for having accompanied the great purpose of the Plan of God!

Peace and Good for My children,

Christ Jesus, the Universal King


I Am the Renewing Blood that enters into the heart of all of beings to give them eternal life. I Am the Water that peacefully purifies each interior and, thus, ignites the Codes of Light that will liberate Mine from sin.

For this reason, the Eucharist is the symbol and the faithful covenant that I have left for you so that you would unite to Me. The one who stops communing with Me in the Eucharist acts as if he or she were leaving Me aside. There is nothing more important than your union with Me.

My Work will not be able to be constructed in lives that resemble great places built of sand. My bases must be founded upon the pillar of prayer, the pillar of communion, the pillar of confession and the pillar of service. In this way an orderly and aligned temple will be raised with My Christic Laws.

As long as the wineskin holds with mistrust your relics of yesterday, My New Wine will be waiting in Heaven to be poured only into the redeemed wineskins.

It is time to decide in which place you will want to be. The stable and the barn are already open because the farmer from Heaven will be arriving to separate the old straw from the good and mature wheat.

All the decision will be in your hands and prayer will help you to take the great leap towards My Sacred Heart.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with love.

Christ Jesus


Dear apostles,

The trajectory to get to Paradise will still be a little more extensive, but My Heart is rejoicing when the disciples unite themselves to Me through the chant of love. In this way My Paternal Spirit radiates the Christic codes upon the consciousnesses that in faith and in love persevere in complying with My Call.

It is the hour of the Mercy, for this, day by day permit that by means of the merciful prayer will be accomplished My Great Project of redemption in your essences.

My servers:

I want to be the Water of your water, Heart of your heart, Spirit of your spirit, Divine Breath in your inner, Truth before all things. Open to Me the door of your beings so that as a Good Worker I may reform and construct My Life in your lives, My Heart in your hearts.

Time indicates a single direction, straight to the essence of My Merciful Heart. For this the permanent life of prayer will never make you tired, but still, it will give you strength so that when I return I may collect the precious fruits that you have cultivated in the center of your being.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for be living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
