The Guardians and Stewards of the Divine Plan

1. Are those who obey promptly, before even thinking of obeying.

2. Are those who adhere to the Divine Will, and, from their plane, work to live it and manifest it.

3. Are those who protect, from themselves, the Sacred Mystery.

4. Are those who love the unknown spontaneously, even if they do not know it. 

5. Are those who profess and live humility through the permanent giving of self. 

6. Are those who work every day to be able to live transparency within their degree of consecration in order to one day live Truth.

7. Are those who ardently aspire towards the best spiritual results in their fellow beings.

8. Are those who learn to love through mistakes in order to one day be able to love unconditionally. 

9. Are those who do not break the rules and inner codes that they set for themselves.

10. Are those who assume to live the pain of humanity, but work every day to transcend the human condition. 

11. Are those who are not afraid of being mistaken; however, they are afraid of not being able to repair the error, but they trust in the infinite Mercy.

12. Are those who aspire to lose control of their decisions in order to one day live the divine decisions.

13. Are those who revere the Instruction and make it a part of themselves, even though they think they do not need it.

14. Are those who recognize the Power and the Glory in one God, present in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

15. Are those who do not forget others. 

16. Are those who learn to be compassionate with themselves in order to learn to be compassionate with others.

17. Are those who no longer justify themselves but always make themselves available. 

18. Are those who understand, beyond themselves, the Plan of God. 

19. Are those who live Justice, but, first, live Love.

20. Are those who stand in solidarity with everyone. 

21. Are those who, above all else, fulfill their duty without complaints. 

22. Are those who do not step back, but always advance.

23. Are those who promote and gestate brotherhood. 

24. Are those who eradicate, within themselves, indifference and lack of collaboration.


I thank you for responding to My call! 

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Through My daily Apparition, I bring to the world and to the souls a very potent flow of the Mercy of God so that it enters into all the spirits that, day by day, need of expiation and love, so that some day they may be able to live redemption.

By means of My Presence and through the Mercy of God, I pour the codes of healing and reparation so that the souls may liberate themselves from the vicious chain of mistakes and humanity may awaken to the reality and the need of these times.

Therefore, Mercy does not only bring expiation to souls, but also to the consciousness so they learn to make the correct decisions and stop making hasty decisions.

The Mercy that comes from Heaven also absolves the souls, and so cycles of opportunities and of graces come to those who profess their faith, day to day, no matter what mistakes they make.

Mercy grants the necessary peace to be able to transform what needs to be transformed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Each day that goes by is an inner opportunity to renew the vows of union and compromise for this new Nativity that is approaching, a moment in which the attention of humanity will be placed absolutely on something external and material and not on something internal and profound.

For this reason, to all those who are more conscious and are within the spiritual path, My children, will be responsible for supporting and sustaining all of the opposite that humanity will do during this month so that at least the Codes of the Divinity of Christ may be present in the majority of the souls on Earth, so that the consciousnesses feel and perceive that it is no longer necessary to submerge themselves in the superfluous life, but to go within the life of the spirit.

This is the time of the great definitions and of great steps.

I invite you, My children, to be builders of the new time for the emergence of a New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Fraternity of the Light - Part II

In the wind of the next Spring, will be thrown the seeds of Heaven that, holding gifts, talents and graces within, will sow the New Earth.

These seeds will germinate, and from them will sprout the first principles that will some day lead them to approach the Sun in order to feel from it the Fire of Love of the Universal Father. 

The moment has come, after the last storm, for the purifying rain to stop, which refreshed and cleansed the earth so that, afterwards, the great radiance of the Sun of God could come out again. 

Thus, the fertile soil of consciousnesses was prepared to receive the new codes.

The Son of God, Jesus Christ, announced the moment of the great spiritual intervention of the Brothers of the Stars.

The Space Gardeners gathered so that, on the plane of the spirit, souls received, for this new cycle, the necessary impulses that will liberate them from indifference and stinginess.

With the awakening of consciousness to the universal life, doors of inner communication were opened in order to remove humanity from spiritual drowsiness and thus lead it to recognize the Truth from which it had distanced itself.

After so many crises, the planet is about to give birth to the New Human, to the consciousness that is responsible and consistent with the designs of the Spiritual Universe.

And although the Earth continues to be purified and exorcized from the influences that oppress it, the servers of the light prepare themselves, finally, to assume and carry out that which, for eras, had been foreseen to happen.

In this sense, the first flashes of the Fraternity of Light begin to appear and the appearances cease to be on the first plane so that the true brotherhood among beings may be established in consciousnesses.

All this comes together with the time of the revelations, time in which each soul, open to divine impulses, recognizes its origin, its existence and, above all, its duty towards Creation.

The Fraternity of Light is forged with the maturity and the responsibility of those who are consistent, thus many more are lead to live the same experience.

In the Fraternity of Light there are no differences, privileges, nor irresponsibilities towards the development of the Plan upon the surface of the Earth.

The Fraternity of Light is formed from the integration of souls with Divine Purpose and is based on principles, which are rules that allow the awakening of the Virtues of God in the servers who gather, virtues that will lead them to understand and to concretize Divine Will by means of the Plan.

Those who form the Fraternity of Light work day and night to build within themselves this spirit of fidelity and transparency with Christ. They commit themselves to live and represent the Hierarchy in every sense. They do not try to take advantages in their tasks, nor in their works. They understand that every service is a way of achieving, even more, the absolute surrender for the neighbor, and of gestating within themselves the essence of humility.

To be in the Fraternity of Light is to learn to follow and to accompany the Law of the Hierarchy, which immediately helps in the awakening of the obedience that will counteract the planetary disobedience. 

Within the Fraternity of Light there exists equality that leads to solidarity, to good and to mutual respect.

The members and the postulants of the Fraternity of Light aspire to incarnate, within themselves, the principles that will allow them to form part of the Third Order of the Brotherhood.

As it is in the Universe, the Fraternity of Light lives each principle as an attribute and a guiding star, so that the life of the server may not be an illusion, but rather, be correctly aligned with the Purpose.

The new Light-Network, a postulant of the Fraternity of Light, assumes the 33 principles that will someday lead it to be fully in the Heart of the Hierarchy.

All the postulants of the Fraternity of Light assume to:

1. Follow one God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and eliminate from their lives the "spiritual" facets that deviate souls.

2. Have as the only and true Master, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

3. Ardently aspire to be in inner communion with the stars, so as to consciously participate in Universal Life.

4. Not allow oneself to slander or destroy the Work of the Hierarchy.

5. Maintain neutrality as a constant goal for the end of times.

6. Build a spirit of solidarity and good among the brothers and sisters upon the path.

7. Demystify any idea of power, control or command, knowing that every spiritual impulse only comes from God.

8. Accept with gratitude the necessary corrections.

9. Stop justifying oneself for wanting to escape from the Truth.

10. Be a bearer of absolute and unrestricted fidelity.

11. Manifest equality and transparency in ones own life.

12. Not fear to tell the truth. Fear to be absorbed by lie and to not be able to come out of it.

13. Believe in the coming of the New and last Christs.

14. Fraternize with humanity without comming out of the rules that protect the task.

15. Be untiring in prayer, loving in service and peaceful before difficulties.

16. Dissolve from oneself any vestige of criticism or rejection.

17. Aspire to someday know the star of origin.

18. Live the present so as not to alllow oneself to be driven by the past and its decay.

19. Sustain the torch of Christ in an unchangeable way.

20. Not vacillate because of what others may say. Sustain faith through trust in God.

21. Become kindred with the Divine. To disconnect from that which is superfluous.

22. Learn to cut the chain of evil.

23. Assume the commitment and not give up because of the force of personal conveniences.

24. Remember the inner bond with Christ.

25. Divest oneself of errors, believing in the power of the Laws of Healing.

26. Help to build the planetary rescue.

27. Not waste the graces.

28. Not waste the instruction.

29. Be humble all the time. Seek in oneself the spirit of resignation.

30. Learn not to respond in order to learn how to listen.

31. Not place the responsibility on the fellow being. Assume the errors committed.

32. So as not to be imprudent, not allow oneself to be carried away by familiarity.

33. Be a light in the darkness, relief in suffering, permanent giving of self in service.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

May the Prince of the Celestial Militia, the Archangel Saint Michael, be devoutly honored today so that on this, His day of Glory, He may bury His powerful Sword of Light in the unredeemed essences of evil and thus, the Light of Heaven may triumph.

Let us honor the Archangel Saint Michael because His celestial armies work on this day to send to the abysses all the perverse spirits that cause grave faults in humanity and in their spiritual counterpart.

Let us raise the Banner of Peace in the Presence of the Archangel Saint Michael so that He may grant the defeat of all the hells and souls of the world may be freed from the spiritual prisons of these times.

May hearts be consecrated to the Heavenly Father, the Archangel Saint Michael, so that their deepest nuclei and, above all, their essences may be protected from the codes of evil.

Blessed be, Archangel Saint Michael because, with the power of Your angelic Heart and the powerful scale of Your Sword, You defeat evil in the name of the Love of God.

Blessed Archangel Saint Michael, faithful protector of the Plan of God, protect all those who invoke the power of Your Most High Name, now and forever. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Every day, cleanse your heart with luminous prayer and, in this way, time and again, you will gradually achieve codes of perfection.

While you are in the world, you will learn to survive your own miserable human difficulties.

But have a spirit of enthusiasm and courage because each time you go through a test, and you manage to transcend or overcome it, you will find the inner strength and courage so that, one day, all may be transformed.

The human condition is the greatest obstacle for the souls that must express their virtues and their potential.

The human condition is the main test for improvement for the disciples that are willing to surrender to the Lord.

Meanwhile, with inner courage, experience, every day, the challenges that life gives you, not as a difficulty, but rather as the opportune moment for taking steps directly toward the light that dwells within, towards the inner God.

Continue forward without thinking that you will not manage to redeem yourself; on the contrary, affirm, day after day, that you have the possibility of finding within this life the meaning of your mission and your existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to reignite your commitment to the Celestial Father.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to reignite the attributes that will be part of the New Humanity.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to substitute the old codes for new codes.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to exchange the faults for extraordinary Graces.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to withdraw those who wait for liberation from the abysses.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to establish a time of more inner peace.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to pour out the Gifts of God over the world.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to finally gather together the twelve tribes of Israel.

With My Crown of twelve Stars, I ignite the Sublime Mirrors so that the race may be transmuted.

With My Crown of twelve Stars, I offer the Father the prayers of My children, and in this way, He grants Me a spiritual expiation for those who do not deserve it.

With My Crown of twelve Stars, I bring the Mercy of God to the world.

I thank you for responding to My call with perseverance!

Who loves you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

With the Light of My Mirrors

With the Light of My oceanic Mirrors, I come to radiate the wondrous Universe of God to the world.

With the Light of My oceanic Mirrors, I balance the consciousness of the planet and generate, in humanity, a greater time of peace where none exists.

The Light of My Mirrors generates the approach of higher Laws to humanity, Laws that allow the descent of the Grace and Mercy of God.

 The Light of the Mirrors dissolves ideas of conflict and wars, and they become more powerful and luminous when souls pray to the Mother of God.

The Light of the Mirrors averts and appeases human anger, and expands the essence of Love in all spaces where unity and love do not exist.

The Light of the Mirrors can penetrate the human consciousness that opens its heart and its soul to recognize them. In this way, when the Light of the Mirrors is contacted with simplicity and humility, other Laws act upon the planetary consciousness.

I want the world to know the Light of the oceanic Mirrors, lovingly directed by My Immaculate Heart through the life that divine science has.

The Mirrors are part of that spiritual and divine science that is capable of lifting up each space and each soul to greater universes of consciousness.

With the Light of the Mirrors, I come to avoid the worldwide catastrophe that could be easily generated by the wars and the bombs created by the ignorance of some nations.

The Light of My oceanic Mirrors acts upon the unconscious of the planet, bringing codes for a new cellular atomic programming for humanity, in order that its consciousness wake up in the morning with a different feeling and seeming. 

The Light of the oceanic Mirrors draws streams of healing from the universe, since they acquire all that is positive and evolutionary which surface humanity needs.

When the oceanic Mirrors are active, they generate the conditions for the elevation of the terrestrial consciousness and of the Kingdoms in all their diversity.

The oceanic Mirrors can instruct humanity on states of prayer and attunement. They can also inspire the building of a more fraternal and peaceful consciousness.

The oceanic Mirrors are part of the Kingdom of Lys, a Kingdom of prayer and of healing; they are present in the Atlantic Ocean and help to achieve a greater state of peace. It is enough to be in inner attunement with them for them to begin to be spiritually active.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am the Lady of the Light and, with the Light that I bring to the world, I completely dispel and purify all forces of chaos.

I am the Lady of the Light and, with the Light I bring to the world, I awaken the Grace of redemption within essences.

I am the Lady of the Light in order to illuminate your paths and consciousnesses until you find, on your own, the gateway to the Celestial House of the Lord.

I am the Lady of the Light and, with the Light that I bring to the world, I draw away My children from imminent danger so that all may awaken to the truth.

I am the Lady of the Light and I expose all that needs to be liberated until the coming of My beloved Son is fulfilled.

I am the Lady of the Light and, in the world, I reflect the Light of My Mirrors so that the race may receive the codes of My Assumption and of My Divinity, codes that will help souls feel worthy before the Lord.

I am the Lady of the Light and, in My Womb of Light, I conceive a New Humanity so that the Project conceived by the Creator may be accomplished.

I thank you for drinking from the Fount of My Maternal Light!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Most Holy Mary, precious Crystal of the world

Dear children,

I am the precious and humble Crystal of the world that radiates the codes of love and inner liberation.

I am the precious Crystal of the world that reflects the sublime energies of the Celestial Kingdom.

I am the precious Crystal of the world that holds within itself the essence of Christic Love.

I am the precious Crystal of the world that emits the celestial vibration to all essences.

I am the precious Crystal of the world that radiates the new vibrations to the planet that will allow the New Humanity to emerge.

I am also the precious Crystal of the mineral Kingdom that is wounded and removed from its place of origin within the earth element.

Precious are the crystals that the world has, and which are used to adorn and clothe the human race.

O how much the sacred crystals of the world suffer in this time, for they are exploited, broken and polished for something that, in truth, they were not created for!

O poor precious crystals of the world, that are sold and exported to places where they should never be!

O what a blind humanity, which cannot perceive the great task and purpose of the Kingdom of the crystals and of all the minerals!

Sacred are the precious crystals of the world! In their apparent stillness and silence, the stones do not speak and are considered inanimate. 

Holy are the angels and the elementals that take care of the precious crystals of the world and which, in this time, just as with gold, are exploited for the personal benefit of a civilization backward in consciousness.

Sacred are the precious crystals of the world that, being removed from the earth and their habitat, cannot balance nor draw harmony to the Human Kingdom nor to the planet.

O sacred crystals of light, which are conquered by the hands of those who, in truth, do not know of the life nor the origin of this Creation.

Poor precious crystals, which cannot, in this time, regenerate the energies of the planet.

In truth, blessed are the crystals of this world, for within them, they hold the principles that will make of the New Humanity a more reverent, aware and mature race.

Woe betide the crystals of this world, for they are not aware of the cosmic imbalance that is being generated with them!

Let us look after the crystals, for in essence they hold all that surface humankind has lost due to its debts and its actions.

Sacred are the precious crystals of the world, for they renew life and all energy. Each crystal shares a group soul, capable of drawing to this planet what until now it has not been able to achieve.

Sacred are the crystals of the world, for they pick up the Laws of the cosmos, they pick up the powerful currents of the universe and radiate new patterns to the eroded human consciousness.

Sacred are the crystals of the world, for they belong to this planet and to this Creation, because they represent the new human consciousness, and for this reason, they hold the most precious codes of healing and of regeneration.

Let us help the Mineral Kingdom, the Kingdom of the precious crystals, so the debt of humanity may not keep growing in a disproportionate manner.

Let us unite with this purpose and more souls become caretakers of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Let us alleviate the suffering and not punish the innocent Kingdoms.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who makes you aware,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Every day, dear children, I try to have the world become aware of what it is going through in this time, and of the perfect formula of prayer, as a means to liberate and unblock planetary processes.

Through the prayer of the heart, which is worked with every day, souls gain access to luminous and divine codes that help them take their steps and gradually overcome the obstacles that present themselves on the spiritual path and in their own purification.

It is in this way that, from time to time, when I descend to the planet, I remind humanity that the way out of certain worldwide situations and problems is found in prayer, even though it does not seem to be so.

True prayer will place any soul, under any condition, in the Arms of God, and, thus, the soul will be able to be fulfilling Divine Will.

I wish that all of My children could recognize, in this time, the inner transformation that they have experienced since the moment in which they assumed the path of prayer as a means of redemption and of transcendence.

I leave this reminder for all, because the power of prayer in the end of times will be indispensable and necessary.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who contemplates you with love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Listen to the voice of My Heart, so that all may be transformed, just as the Father has thought it so.

Hear My words as a balm for the soul and healing for the consciousness.

In each pronounced word, the sacred word of love is expressed, that which from the origin has created everything throughout this Universe and in others.

Hear the voice of My Heart as the spiritual nectar that gladdens the heart and heals wounds.

Openly listen to the voice of instruction so that each step taken may be based on the living of love and peace.

Listen to the voice of My Heart for those who do not listen, and for those who do not feel it. Listen for those who, due to being unconscious and lacking truth, lose the Grace of recognizing within themselves a higher and unknown love.

Listen to My words, one by one, as if they were the last, the words that leave seeds of love sown in the consciousness, codes that will forge a new being and a new soul, washed by the Spirit of sanctity of the Mother of God.

Listen to the voice of My Heart attentively for those that do not pay attention to all that I say, so that all consciousnesses may be worthy of greater knowledge beyond their limitations.

The voice of My Heart makes you grow in love and in brotherhood, in the absolute void of self and in sacred patience, with the purpose of awakening the Christs of the New Time.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My very dear children,

Finally, your Most Holy Mother and Queen of Heaven has, with Her Divine Consciousness, entered the United States, thanks to the support and contribution of all.

During the coming weeks, we will begin the long-awaited mission.

In this way, through the union of hearts, the Ideas of God will slowly be set forth and thus My children will be more conscious and consistent with the Divine Plan.

On this day, your Heavenly Mother prepares the field of consciousness to mercifully allow for the codes of redemption and rehabilitation to descend.

The city of San Francisco was chosen by the Divine Messengers to be the spiritual region that will receive all the necessary help so that the entire country may benefit from that which will happen here.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother precedes the coming of Christ as a preparation for the spiritual consciousness of the nation.

Because of this, dear children, all that will happen here in the United States, from the beginning up until the end, will be important, as well as all the support that manifests, which will contribute to the psychic balance of this nation as well as others, no matter how distant it may seem.

From the moment in which your hearts implored Mine, I heard you, and, with the power of love and mercy, I opened the doors so that this could take place in the face of the spiritual need of millions of souls.

Now that the Celestial Divinity looks with eyes of mercy upon all His children of the United States, a door of atonement has opened to bring a sacred and final opportunity from the Universe, the opportunity of truly loving God.

For all that has happened and for what will happen with the help of My children, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Assert yourself in the power of prayer…

Dear children,

In times that will come, humanity will violently purify itself and it will not be this way because the Eternal Father establishes it, but the purification of the humanity will come hand in hand with all incoherent actions that will be committed by the humanity of surface, which will affect many people.

It is in this way that in these times, prayer will be the shield and at the same time the spiritual remedy against all mental, psychic and emotional infection, which is consequence of the global mismatch that humanity has attracted to itself and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Prayer will cover with light and peace those who practice it with heart and not for obligation.

On the other hand, humanity will not know how to sustain itself, not even spiritually, the moment in which the purification unleashes in the consciousnesses overnight.

But prayer will offer, to those who live it with heart, an inexplicable balance, capable of neutralizinge spaces or entire cities, because its power is unknown until today.

While the world is being purified, many consciousnesses will realize too late all they never offered to God and how far they have been from the Source of His Eternal Love; this will be the most difficult moment for most of the humans of the Earth.

But prayer will make of the prayerful souls, crystalline essences, not bound to the debts of the past; they will be as mirrors of light that will reflect, wherever they go, the codes of redemption.

This will be part of the last phase of the apostleship in these times.

While the planet is being purified, unknown human situations or causes never seen before in the health of humanity will appear, which the scientists will consider: without explanation.

But these causes will have their roots in the lack of love. Souls that do not pray nor seek union with God in these times will, little by little, fade because the love in their interior will not be enough, since this love is based on the personal needs and not on the divine essence, which is what moves love in the Universe.

In this time, the true prayerful ones will have a special mission, and the love that they have generated inside themselves through the works of good, of charity and of peace, will make that all of these consciousnesses that will be as “dissected living beings” by the lack of love, may receive this divine energy of love that will save them and redeem them.

Here, My children, I speak of inner revelations that will emerge little by little, as humanity fully enters the transition of the Earth.

Many consequences and inexplicable events that humanity lives today are generated by a great worldwide imbalance: by conducting abortion of innocent souls, by the unmeasured killing of animals for human consumption and by the wars that are consequence of a worldwide sin that has increased over the past three years.

In this way, the humanity that has not been redeemed by Divine Love, that denies the existence of the celestial and invisible worlds, will live what it has sown; and what it will live in this last cycle will not be for lack of spiritual assistance, but for the indifference before so much world inequality.

But prayer will make of the prayerful beings, impenetrable shields of light, capable of enduring the purification of the planet; in truth, these prayerful souls were chosen by the angels to accompany the current and acute planetary process.

I did not wish to offer an apocalyptic message, but this is what humanity has started to live since the last August 8.

This world reality must reach the consciousness of all servers of light, because with the support and prayer of all, it will at least be lighter for some.

Dear children, in these times prayer will become the most effective and powerful spiritual tool in the moment of being pronounced with heart.

If souls knew about the power of prayer, maybe their own debts and sins would not be purified through pain, but rather through the love that the prayer itself awakes, a love that is not human nor from this tridimensional world.

In this sense, the prayerful life in the end of the times will become priority for the awakened hearts to understand that, without prayer, the exit and the enclosure to be far from chaos that will reign on planet will never be found.

Prayer will make you remain in the world to serve it and to learn, but without being in it. All this will all be the beginning of a preparation that will define the battle during the Armageddon.

I thank you for accompanying Me in prayer.

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors, continuation

Open your heart and empty your mind in order to understand and live the mysteries of Creation.

In that opening you will be able to penetrate the essence of knowledge, and everything that is sacred in the Universe will reach you not only as information, but as codes of Light that awaken in your being to transfigure you.

This is the power of the Mirrors, heavenly generators of universal harmony that concentrate within themselves all the attributes of Creation.

We state and understand as attributes all the rays and celestial currents that the Creator Fathers used for the manifestation of the planes and of life.

It is thus that the Heavenly Mirrors hold within themselves the remembrance of our spiritual, mental, and material origin. It is these attributes that, from time to time, allow the renewal of universal life and all the cycles, bringing positive impulses that impregnate all of Creation.

In the beginning of the origin, what we would understand as the essence of the Divine Thought of God, the Source created the Archangels so that they could create the Hosts of Light in the Mental Universe; in this way, at the beginning of everything, the Mental Universe was gradually gestated by the existence of the first armies of the Elohim.

These resplendent Consciousnesses were given impulse to collaborate in the creation of the Material Universe, because in the Thought and in the Heart of the Eternal Father there existed the Will for great experiences of love to occur that would go beyond all previous ones.

In the beginning, at the request of God, the Creator Fathers created the Heavenly Mirrors, because in the Material and Mental Universe these would help in the spiritual evolution of all universal life.

The Heavenly Mirrors were also formed by twelve attributes, twelve Rays, or twelve currents of spiritual and divine energy that would allow the history of the origin of the Creation to be well-guarded and available as light-based information for all the consciousnesses that would be created in the image and likeness of God.

The twelve attributes that were expressed during the gestation of the Mental and Material Universes emanated directly from what we know as the Source of Creation, which is the pure, immaculate, and divine essence of the Eternal Father.

From that point, during twelve cycles or twelve time spans, the Mental and Material Universes that were in formation received these spiritual impulses in order that the building of evolutionary life on the different planes be completed.

The first attribute emanated from the Source was that of LIFE; in that moment, God decreed: "On all the planes may Life exist, which will be visible and invisible, but in essence full of Love."

The second attribute emanated from the Source was that of UNITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all the Life that will manifest in My likeness know and live Unity in order to reach the Source through Love."

The third attribute that emanated from the Source was that of LOVE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Divine Love be known by all Life, and may Life express all the degrees of love so that evolution may progress."

The fourth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of KNOWLEDGE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Knowledge make all Life sacred, may spirits ennoble their consciousnesses through having knowledge of love and unity."

The fifth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of HUMILITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all Creation be humble in spirit and constitution; may the true government and evolution be reached by the humble, and may all life imitate this sacred path."

The sixth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of COMPASSION; in that moment, God decreed: “May absolute Compassion arise in universal life so that consciousnesses remember that everything is based on Love and on Mercy”.

In this way, the seventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of MERCY; in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation live Mercy in essence, and may this Law vivify whomever contemplates it in devotion”.

The eighth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of POVERTY OF SPIRIT; in that moment, God decreed: “May true evolution take place in all the poor in spirit, so that nothing nor anybody will deviate them from the sacred path by means of any temptation”.

The ninth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SERVICE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May cooperation and mutual help establish the spirit of service in the Universes; may love and service interpenetrate all life so that fraternity may arise and be the basis of universal evolution”.

The tenth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of PIETY; and in that moment, God decreed: “Happy are all consciousnesses that supplicate in My Holy Name, because I will have absolute Pity on each one of them and in this way they will know the power of the Mercy of My Heart”.

The eleventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of ETERNITY; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all that was created, after its experience, know Eternity; may all the planes that hold universal life elevate spirits so that they may merge into infinity and thus attain immortality”.

The twelfth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SCIENCE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation and life become aware of the Laws and may the Laws guide, lead, and realign all universal life under the spirit of harmony”.

These twelve attributes were essentially kept inside the Heavenly Mirrors, which also radiate these creative principles to the whole Material Universe.

The Heavenly Mirrors are great states of divine consciousness present on three planes: the material, the mental, and the spiritual; in this way, a powerful equilibrium is established in the whole Universe, which is underpinned by angelic consciousnesses.

Thus, the communication network of the Mirrors helps in the redemption and the rehabilitation of all life in different cycles and times. It is in this way that the Heavenly Mirrors, counting on these divine impulses, become sources of the emanation of love and unity for all life.

The existence of the Heavenly Mirrors reminds planetary life that souls must always aspire to someday become similar to a Mirror, not because of its potency, but to be able to mirror what the Father expects of each creature, just as He thought it in the beginning.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the Mirror of Light of each heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While My Maternal and Divine Light penetrates the Earth together with Saint Joseph to redeem the fallen and lost hearts, My Heart joyfully receives your prayers and chants. When the offering is sincere and spontaneous it pleases very much the Heart of God.

Thus, dear children, every day I teach you to love a little more and to lose the fear of doing it because if you loved your brothers and sisters as I love each one of you, many of the sufferings would end.

I invite you, My children, to strengthen the commitment with the Eternal Father of forming a sacred spiritual family, bearer the same codes of the ancient people of Israel; people that at that time vivified the Word of God and made it flesh within them.

I invite you to love the knowledge, but also to live it, for it to be in you a source of conversion and an example of redemption.

In this moment, dear children, the Sacred Hearts approach to this part of the planet for the great need of awakening and redemption.

I need, My children, you to be able to follow each step that the Messengers of Heaven take, in this way you can contribute to the development of the Plan that is not physical, but internal and spiritual.

Everyone without exception is called at this time to provide their virtues and gifts so that My Son will be able to achieve His redemptive Work at these times.

For this, start to love in a different form than you have loved until now, may your human love be transformed by prayer and be transfigured in each new consecration.

I will help you to follow this infinite path towards the real Love. I will motivate you and impel you to concrete in yourselves what the Father so much expects from you; for it to be possible, hand Me what you are and thus I will be in you the image and likeness of God.

Encourage yourselves every day to say yes to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who always blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


At the Marian Centers of the world consecrated by Your Heavenly Mother, by Christ and by Saint Joseph, are spiritually kept precious pearls of Light that, lit in the essences of souls, awaken conversion.

Those are the treasures of Heaven that My Divine Soul comes to pour each time that I am present among My dear children; it is in this way that My Maternal Spirit establishes at each Marian Center one Gift of God that allows to awaken the redemption of the hearts and of all consciousness that pass by them in prayer.

The Sacred Family made use of these treasures of which I speak in order to carry out the redeeming work of humanity. It is in this way that the spiritual relics are to be found deposited, for example, at this Sacred Marian Center where the Celestial Hierarchy still develops a planetary task in union with all the consciousness that are here to sustain the vortex of light that is opened over each Marian Center.

In these final times when humanity will define its next destiny, I ask you, dear children, that you never get tired of being guardians of all the treasures and all the Graces that the Celestial Messengers have poured with much love. 

In this time when redemption and the planetary healing are essential, may your hearts always renew and be guardians of the divine legacy that will have its fruits and its victory in the next humanity.

As once I told you, dear children, you are guardians and successors of a divine knowledge that is kept at all the Marian Centers.

In prayer, work every day so that this knowledge and these divine codes expand more and more in the world and in the consciousness that need it the most.

May the living remembrance of the treasures of the instruction always motivate you to take your steps toward My Son and for the fulfillment of the sacred Plan of Love.

May the flame of your hearts never be extinguished and may it always be united to the flame of Your Heavenly Mother, thus We will reconstruct this humanity.

I thank you for responding My call! 

Who impels you to move forward,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors

In the vast Universe, where infinite life expresses itself, there are specific areas within the material universe such as yours, where networks of Mirrors act as re-transmitters of divine energy currents, as well as of impulses generated through the first seven Rays.

In this huge communication network, evolutionary life manages to communicate within itself, and at the same time, all universal life spiritually and internally receives the impulses that such a network generates.

We understand a network to be an extensive group of spiritual instruments of the Heavenly Hierarchy that is used to keep all evolutionary life in communication with the principles of God, which in this humanity is known as Divine Will.

It is this Divine Will that comes from the Fount of Abba, which is universally re-transmitted through the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors.

Just as in the material universe there are Mirrors of light that fulfill specific tasks, the network of all Mirrors interrelates with itself, and each of these instruments brings to universal life the possibility to expand its knowledge as well as that of working in service to the Creator.

The mirrors are formed by subtle emanations of love of the Creator Fathers, of the Elohim. In the beginning, when the universes were created, the first way to keep all universal life in communication was through what we call Heavenly Mirrors.

Thus it was that the Creator Fathers asked Their angelic armies to create, with their higher mental power, great pools of light in the material universe, which later and throughout time would be converted into the so-called Heavenly Mirrors.

The Heavenly Mirrors were created from the fusion they experienced with the divine codes of love and unity; it was the essential base that would allow all beings living in the Love of the Father to enter into contact with the spiritual treasures kept in the communication network of the Mirrors.

At the request of the Archangel Uriel, the creator angelic armies generated the first network of the Heavenly Mirrors in the material universe, known as the first Heaven. Later on, when the Mirrors had already been created by the spiritual currents that the angels had brought, the same Mirrors were unfolded on six planes or six Heavens, so that they then could be present in all universes; that is to say, in the material, mental, and spiritual universe.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors is present between the first seven Heavens; it is in this way that a great spiritual, mental, and material communication is established in all universal life, and each consciousness that forms part of the Creation of God is integrated into this very potent flow of knowledge and evolution.

It was the Archangel Uriel who entrusted His angels with sowing the essence of love and unity in the Heavenly Mirrors; later on, the Archangel Rafael sent His legions to pour out principles of healing and redemption in the whole material universe. After Archangel Rafael, the Archangel Gabriel sent His messenger angels to place in all the Mirrors the sacred knowledge of Creation, so that some day it may be revealed, as it is today.

Lastly, to protect this divine legacy, the Archangel Michael sent His hosts of light so that for all eternity they may be the doorkeepers of the Mirrors, who would unconditionally and in service to God protect the relics of Creation.

Thus it was that when the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors was formed by the intervention of the Creator Fathers and by Their hosts of light, Abba decided to send a potent impulse of divine and universal Love to the material universe and it was through the Sacred Feminine Energy, through the Father-Mother Essence that He would deposit the principles of Mercy and Pity over the network of the Mirrors.

The Archangel Gabriel tells us that when this event took place, all universal hosts were prostrate during three days of divine time to thank God for having made rise from within Himself the feminine aspect of Creation, today known as the Spirit of the Universal Mother or the Mother of the World.

In that time all Creation was being ordered and prepared for the first evolutionary experiences.

In that time, Abba Father universally considered that created life would need a Maternal Consciousness sufficiently loving and merciful to the point that the Father would send Her to Earth to incarnate as the Mother of the Messiah of Israel.

This act of universal mercy also allowed the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors to be supported and accompanied by the Mother Consciousness of God.

The first revelations about the Mirrors appeared in the 1970s through 1980s, when the Celestial Hierarchy decided to reveal this divine secret that has been present and living for millions of years, after humanity was at the brink of self destruction several times.

The Father granted the Grace that the human consciousness remember its mission in the Plan, and the Universe granted that humanity might awaken to the truth from which, out of ignorance, it had separated for many centuries.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors has allowed this planet to continue to exist in Creation, and above all, the Mirrors have generated the equilibrium of the axis on the Earth and of the poles.

If this silent intervention had not taken place, the race would already have self-destructed, and this unconditional help from the Mirrors has come from the moment in which the aspect of the Firstborn Son of God arrived in the world to save it on all planes of consciousness.

So the awakening is being granted to all, irrespective of the degree of debts. The Plan of rescue of Christ is already active and all will have the last Grace of being able to respond to it.

May the network of the Heavenly Mirrors represent for all the opportunity to remember within themselves that they are consciousnesses created by God, and that they can learn how to love and mirror unity to the entire Universe without the overbearing need to destroy the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the mirror of each praying heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of the Heavens and of all the oceans, each space of this planet is ruled by My Mirrors, from within the oceans of light.

In them I keep the codes of peace, love and rehabilitation, those that radiate to the whole planet.

In the great oceans of the world, the praying souls can find the celestial codes of redemption and rehabilitation.

In each ocean is kept an evolutionary and spiritual history of the celestial Universe, that which radiates itself secretly to the continents.

Spiritual currents of divine energy that help to maintain the planet under a certain protection manifest themselves in the great oceans.

When the praying people unite to the oceans, they reflect what they protect and thus an inner communication is created between the soul of each being and the oceans.

I leave this instruction for all because the oceans keep in themselves the hidden principles of harmony, beauty and balance for humanity.

Oceans exist to contain the emotional plane of humanity. They help the inner healing of consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays for the great oceans,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Making My feet alight on the Kingdom of Fatima, I return to this place and on this day to reignite in the world its original purity.

I return to bring peace to the world and a greater time of mercy.

I return to awaken in My children the Love of God and the inner compassion that must exist among consciousnesses.

My children, from the Kingdom of Fatima I proclaim the greatness of the Mercy of God, since He is placing again on the path all those who had lost it from sight.

Dear children, it is an infinite joy to be able to return to the House of Lis, the Inner Sanctuary that brings new divine codes to the consciousnesses.

Therefore, My children, with your hearts wide open travel again though each space of this great planetary Sanctuary for the angels to deposit in your essences this sacred energy. And those who cannot be present here, place your hearts between My hands for Me, Your Heavenly Mother, to be able to lift them towards the House of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, may your hearts throb in Lis-Fatima so that at the end of all, the Project of My Beloved Son may be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
