The art of singing...

Dear children,

We have reached the closing of a cycle, a cycle that from the beginning helped the consciousness of humanity by means of music, of the voices and of the instruments.

In this cycle that closes today, you had to learn to tune your patience, to uplift raise more and each time more the love of your hearts in each new music encounter, and to work the surrender of your lives for the unity and the fraternity among all the participants.

From now I tell you, that all My singing children were placed, throughout the last times, in the test of the constant self-improvement in order to be able to free the human race from everything that conditions its evolution and its awakening.

Thus, through the encounters of music, you were facing the own human condition, which is a determining factor in humanity, which hinders the free walking of the soldiers of the Plan.

In truth I say, to all My singing children, that in these encounters of music, love was never lacking although it might not have been apparently present in everyone. The love offered during all the meetings helped gestate the necessary conditions so that your Celestial Mother could work with humanity and with the planet.

To all this, to My dear singing children of the group in pilgrimage, the last challenge has come on this day: to give all for all, placing themselves in the school of sacrifice, of effort and of renunciation, so that on this afternoon the music can give the necessary fruits that will prepare you to begin a new cycle of these encounters.

I affirm that it is difficult to gather to sing such different consciousnesses form one another, it is a true miracle that in times of planetary crisis, the encounters of music have been realized victoriously.

In this way, for all this to be possible, you never lacked the help from Heaven and from the angels, so that the essence of the encounters of music and its purpose could be fulfilled.

Today I also dedicate this message to a little child of Mine, the one that has been for your Celestial Mother the testimony of perseverance and of effort, at the moment of dealing and working with the souls in this audacious mission of gathering to sing for the healing of humanity.

I send to this little child of Mine, all the Love of the Mother of God and from now I give thanks that the planet has been so, but so helped by the gatherings of music held, and that this has avoided the activation of wars.

In the closure of this cycle of encounters of music, I will ask each singer, instrumentalist and composer to reflect about everything that has happened and that, placing your hand over the heart, you confirm to your Celestial Mother how you can help better, so that these impulses continue reaching humanity.

With more consciousness about the true events that move the encounters of music, your lives will be more fraternal, selfless and available to fulfill the designs of My Immaculate Heart.

For last, remember that these encounters of music dissolved the earthly hell and placated the planetary chaos.

I leave you this reflection, waiting that in the next encounter of music, in six months, the consciousnesses will have elevated themselves in fraternity to the divine Purpose.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you in love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

So that a Divine Work may be realized and continued on the planet, with your hearts, you must follow the changes that are drawing closer and not fear experiencing them or have them taken up by new consciousnesses.

The Divine Plan is not archaic nor transitory but rather endures throughout the cycles of renewal that it goes through, time after time.

It will be enough to experience inner union with the Plan of God for it to begin to materialize on the surface of the Earth, and fundamental to this is adherence.

It is important that hearts feel that the cycle truly changed and that there are other needs approaching in this end time.

Thus, with your consciousnesses elevated and your eyes fixed on the Purpose, you will be able to follow this cycle that the whole of humanity is going through and that only needs to be experienced from your deep understanding.

This new cycle comes to renew the spaces of the subconscious and beyond, it comes to take it out of human inertia.

To live the Plan of God also means to raise your arms to receive the gifts that will prepare each server for experiencing the changes, from the moment in which they give their 'yes' to the universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In joy I gather together these young people to represent many more in the world, where My Christic Flame is ignited to call the self-summoned, so that at this crucial time, the soldiers may come together and form the first ranks, declaring thus My Return to the world to all of humanity.

I want you to hold up the torch, the Sublime Fire of My Sacred Heart.

I want you to carry My banner together with the legions of angels and archangels.

And so, dear youths, I baptize you with My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My Heart is glorified, because your lives glorify My Name, the Holy Name that God gave to the Son of all Creation, and to the One that comes from the sublime Source, from which all the graces and Mercies for all beings of the Earth arise, especially for My disciples that today begin this walk towards the transformation of their lives and consciousnesses, for all the young people who wound My Sacred Heart, which is filled with Mercy for all the youths that must uplift their spirits through an inner union with My Redeeming Work for these times.

So today I decree and declare: the new future is in the young people, the coming of the New Jerusalem, of the promised Land, of the great spiritual and cosmic Consciousness, that, after the purification of the Earth, will make the spirits that will form the New Humanity emerge, that will sow the Earth again with the codes of My Blood and My Water, achieved during the Passion, the Crucifixion and Death.

So today I consecrate you. I consecrate your lives to the Glory of My Sacred Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

With the redeeming sign of the Cross, the committed errors are removed and the doorways open so that consciousnesses may be uplifted and find My Celestial Presence on the inner paths, and hear, in their souls, the call of the Redeemer, Who calls on them to become part of the great celebration of this Supper, the great and last Supper, that will announce the coming of the King of the Universe to all of humanity.

The Celestial Choirs are already playing the trumpets and the spirits that have come from different parts of the Cosmos are assembling on the five continents to awaken within themselves the great Sun that exists and illuminates all times, through the impulse of My Christic Essence of renovation, transfiguration and transubstantiation of all the codes, and as from today, in you, dear youths, they are illuminated by My Presence.

I initiate you into a new stage filled by the greater Love of the Universe. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Never retreat from what I have asked of you. Rather, open your eyes to feel My Divine Consciousness in this place, in the depths of your hearts.

I come in this way to open a new cycle in this Center of Love, closing the doors of the cycles that already passed away and preparing, in your consciousnesses, new patterns of life that will be very necessary for planetary life, for all of this race that is still sleeping.

Today I dedicate this Sacred Call to all the youth of the planet who still have not dared to cross the threshold of My Sacred Heart, to be renewed by My Spirit and enlightened by My Presence, which is the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice and fear no more. The thousand years of peace will be fulfilled, but it will be essential for the Earth and humanity to be completely purified.

When your hearts, minds and bodies suffer, submerge yourselves in My Divine Mercy, because My Spring is still open for those who thirst for the divine Light of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Today I am giving the sacrament to each one of those present to prepare you for My awaited "Sacred Week", which will be unique, unrepeatable and conscious for everyone.

Just like in the peoples of the past, announce to the world that the Sacred Lord of Love is coming in the awaited Holy Week, to announce His Gospel again. That One who transforms impossible things, and that, from time to time, frees you from perdition.

Thus, the Lord and King of the Universe, in His infinite humility, will not come alone to this meeting. He prepares the Cosmos, the Earth and the human consciousness for this moment.

Blessed are they who believe, even whithout having seen. They are already worthy of the New Earth.

Today the Kingdom of God draws closer to help the planetary consciousness and all those who are purified inside and outside of their beings, so that they may conceive My Christic Flame in each one of their lives, Flame which is the light that will illuminate their paths in the times of tribulation.

Today you will be anointed by the Sacred Son, under the unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Oil for consecrating.

If today I consecrate you, I am consecrating humanity so that it may participate in the New Earth, in the New Covenant of man and God, in the evolved consciousness with the Infinite, the love that exists in each one of you, united to the Heavenly Father.

Today the choirs  and the praises are sung in the Kingdom of God, in Paradise; they raise up the promise that the self-summoned are to be the visible sign for the unredeemed, by living redemption within themselves.

Do not lose My Words. Put your attention on what I am telling you. Divinity economizes everything that says, for the times are urgent and souls must define themselves in order to find peace, eternal peace.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the request of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will hear the Pater Noster.

May the Lord pour out His Grace here, so that the soul, the mind and the body may be anointed by the Most Holy Trinity, that in a sacred triangulation descends over the Centers of Light so that souls may vivify their awakening and their union with the Divine Purpose, until peace is established.

Praised be the altars of the Creator! May souls exalt in joy, may spirits rejoice, because they have heard the Redeemer, the Son of Creation, the Son of the Almighty, the Son of Man and Life!

May the disciples be happy and their families rejoice, for they have heard the angels of God, fulfilling the promise of the annunciation of their spirits to the evolution of Divine Life!

May, after this earthly life, your souls find Me in the Kingdom of God to eternally praise the Father, together with the angels and archangels declaring Hallelujah! Glory in the highest, peace on Earth for all the beings of good will and for those who are part of the armies of light, of the Return of Christ!

So be it! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I profoundly adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages, 
and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.


13 bell tolls.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting we honor you Lord!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Doorway of Peace.

I am the divine and powerful current that draws the principles of Creation to the world.

I am that most pure ray that comes from God and awakens redemption in hearts.

I come at this time to announce the Coming of My Son.

I come to prepare the paths by which souls will find Christ.

Thus, this cycle is decisive for all; it is the moment to meet the Eternal Father to accomplish His Sacred Will.

It is the time to feel the future and the hope shaped within all beings.

As your Mother, I lead and guide you toward My Work of Peace, which not only embraces nations and continents, but also, throughout the ages, It has taught humanity to live the Plan of the Creator.

I leave everyone the Spirit of My Peace and an absolute trust in the Designs of the One.

I embrace each one of you, so that you may feel My maternal warmth and thus be vivified in the Lord.

May everything become peaceful in this hour, and may those who walk embrace their cross and carry it, for it will not be heavy; it will be the cross of the liberation of the world and they will be in likeness to My Son to the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and of the Greater Love

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The inexplicable cycle of peace that I have already spoken about to you, dear children, began on the last eighth of August, and new opportunities for redemption will be opening up for the consciousnesses that most need this.

In this planetary hour, some souls among all those that exist will have the opportunity of receiving a special Grace that will lessen their sins and their faults.

That hour which I refer to is the hour in which the Mercy of My Son will go through a great universal expansion that will draw to itself the most miserable in spirit so they may achieve redemption and be re-inserted upon the path of spiritual evolution.

It is for this reason, My children, that your Heavenly Mother works untiringly so that the greatest number of souls possible recognize the only Kingdom of God and so they draw closer to it as the self-summoned of the Plan.

I ask that, in the same way that you became aware of your awakening, that you have enough love for those souls that will come to straighten their paths toward the Light after having been lost in this world.

Thus, once again, My Son goes in search of those who, for various reasons and circumstances, remained behind, imprisoned in the hands of My adversary.

Now that this cycle of Peace and Grace for granting many things has come, children, I invite you to follow the steps of the last global events that will place humanity upon its axis and consciousness, after all that it has done, deviating throughout these times.

I ask you for that great spirit of peacefulness in order to be able to follow along with your purification and the final purification of your fellow beings, for if you do this, My dear children, it will be the test that you have understood and knew how to live in the Love of God in these times.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Human growth is often difficult and painful. To go through so many stages of physical, emotional, and mental maturing require effort and dedication from those who experience them.

Spiritual growth is similar to human growth: beings experience different evolutive cycles that demand from their consciousnesses an increasingly deep and consolidated maturity.

In physical human life, the being that grows is progressively assuming their role in society, and is responsible for sustaining it and for building its future. In the spiritual life, the being that grows and matures, gradually assumes its responsibility before the Plan of God and recognizes itself as responsible not only for its evolution but also for the evolution of all humanity, the planet, and as a result, of the universe.

This last evolutive cycle of the awakening of new suns sets the threshold between the old and the new humankind. Children, it will be the time to spiritually cross this threshold and face the changes that this will bring about in your lives; to face the resistances and obstacles imposed by yourselves for this maturing, just as a young person who is in the transition to adulthood, and often resists taking that step.

Many want to live a spiritual life; they aspire to know the truth about themselves, about this world and many others, but children, what you must understand now is that this step in the spiritual life that allows you to know the truth about all existence generates a commitment that requires certain effort and transformation.

This is what happens with many youths who want to live by themselves, have their own houses, their own jobs, but they do not understand that independent life will demand immediate mental and emotional growth from them. 

It would not reflect the reality that consciousnesses with a certain degree of instruction did not have the same degree of conscious commitment to the Plan of God. Children, this is the Law of the Universes, of life, of Creation.

So that new worlds may be revealed to your eyes, you must spiritually mature. And as the change of times is urgent right now, and the truth emerges even for those who do not want to see it, the very condition of the planet will demand from all immediate and concrete spiritual growth.

This growth is nothing more than a true transformation in the consciousness, a response to the Creator, with daily examples that you understand the times in which you live and your responsibility to the Plan of God.

Children, I tell you these things because now we are in the last time, and you will not read as many instruction pages as before, because everything has already been said and it is time to put it into practice.

For the spiritual growth of humanity,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

On this day, in which from Aurora, you live the renewal and the beginning of a new cycle, I would like to invite you to accompany this new path which many of you were encouraged to walk, the path of the awakening of consciousness and the act of living the Plan of God.

After so many years of instruction, in this meeting, here in Aurora, My maternal eyes, for the first time, observe the steps which some consciousnesses are being  encouraged to take for the sake of this humanity and the evolution of this planet.

My eyes see the New Christs emerge from their inner beings, which will not be known, but will be contemplated by the Creation which has guided them since the beginning.

Today, I retreat from Aurora and from this house to rise to Heaven and announce to My Son that part of this inner project is now fulfilled.

I will continue praying, just as in all times, so that My children, determined to love the Plan of God, may have the inner strength of all the angels and archangels of Heaven.

In this time of inner definition and battle, may My beloved children count on the intercession of all the angels of the universe, who will come out of love to help you, whenever you need it.

Seeing the concretion and realization of this Work of Redemption within the hearts is an infinite joy; because from now on the Celestial Father observes from His Kingdom that His smallest and most imperfect creatures open their hearts to finally experience His Divine Purpose, His Holy Will.

Thus you will learn, dear children, to be that to which you so aspire, to be servers of My Son, to be faithful witnesses that it is possible to feel and experience the Love of God and of the whole universe.

The Grace of God has filled you in these days, as spiritual healings have occurred in the consciousnesses in need.

Today, a new spiritual brotherhood is formed among the spirits gathered by Christ for this important mission of being suns that illuminate the end of times, being stars that reveal to the world the message of peace and redemption.

Today, your Mother accompanies you from the sacred Heaven of Aurora and announces that the doors towards Peace remain open here so that, when you return to this House of God, you may re-encounter the essence that has saved you and has formed you as soldiers of the Plan.

Now, go with joy and take the same experience of love and brotherhood which you experienced here, from the first days of August. Transmit the essence of Love and Truth to the vast majority of My children who are asleep in this world.

Do not tire of being My arms and hands on this planet, so that I can work through your small hearts. Do not tire of being My feet, so that I continue sowing Light in this humanity in need. 

Lastly, My beloved children, I leave you My gratitude for opening your consciousnesses to the transformation and transfiguration of your lives, because in this pace you can keep the flame of your hearts ignited so that you may be in the plenitude of God all the time.

I have filled your consciousnesses with new Graces, just as My Son has asked of Me. I have left within your essences a greater commitment, which will impel you to experience something divine in your lives.

I poured over Aurora the last part of the Purpose that God asked Me to deposit in this place, and now, all those who are present are participants of this living part of the Plan which little by little begins to materialize.

It will remain as a mission, in this spiritual work, the prompt manifestation of the Auditorium of Mercy which, for the reality of these times, will be the same as the one found here. This auditorium will remind everyone that it will be the house of the Sacred Family.

I hope to see the walls of it raised this year. The foundations of this simple auditorium will be founded by Me and I hope you will accompany Me.

From this Heaven of Aurora, I allow the light of your hearts to shine so that the Father can see that humanity is not lost.

I leave you all My Peace and My Love of a Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Children, may this new cycle be the birth of new fruits in the consciousnesses of all, to see these fruits grow and mature over time, and from them, may new seeds emerge.

The fruits that were born in the consciousnesses represent the result of the action of grace in your lives. Until today, you have received much, as impulses, instructions, graces and blessings, so that with perseverance and inner peace, you may be prepared to go through the times that have come. 

This new cycle will be marked by the birth and maturing of these fruits, for which each one must be responsible. This means, children, that you must care for the garden of consciousness with your own hands and prepare, for the new time, the seeds that you will plant in the soil of the Earth.

This cycle will demand more effort and dedication from each one of you for your own maturation. It will be the moment in which the consciousness must be confirmed on this path and make its own personal effort to remain on it.

Up until now, we have been supporting and giving impulses to many of those who committed themselves to Christ, but who had still not matured, within themselves, their own potential to take steps in their evolution and stand on their own feet, in their own inner fortitude.

Therefore, the time has come for disciples to recognize the truth about themselves in every sense: may you face that which must be transformed and sustain yourselves through your own potential for inner maturation. It will be a transition between spiritual adolescence and adult life when the consciousness becomes responsible for itself.

Those that will wake up at the last minute will also be led - by grace - to take their own steps and enter the same cycles of those who, for some time, have walked on the evolutionary path. I speak to you of an inner maturity, in the consciousness, and not in the material bodies, because matter will always need to be trained to express its inner world.

Children, care for this cycle as if it were the last, taking advantage of each day and each instant to find the Truth and express it. May the conscious effort of all to be more and more in the Divine Purpose be permanent. 

After this cycle, in the cycles to come, it will be time to put into practice what you have learned, for the currents that will descend on the planet will no longer wait for you to be ready for them to act upon the planetary consciousness. These currents will sweep away those who are tepid of heart, undecided and outside the Greater Purpose.

May this cycle be marked by the effort of each being. May all assume their posts, and just like a young person leaves their home to take up their own life, may each one take up their own transformation, their own surrender, the building of that which you truly hope to be able to offer to Christ one day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, not all of humanity understands the universal science of the evolutionary cycles. Not all believe that these cycles truly exist and, still less, that they impel the consciousness to a certain apprenticeship.

All Creation responds to the Universal Laws, which are principles that organize life based on divine energies and rays. These Laws are captured and radiated by the Mirrors of the Cosmos and are received by the mirror in your own interior, so that then they can be lived and practiced on all levels of consciousness.

An evolutionary cycle is the moment in which the Creator sends, to His Creation, certain divine rays that organize new laws and impulses and that, radiated by the mirrors, must reach every creature so that they will express them.

These impulses of the Divine in each new evolutionary cycle try to lead His creatures to a more profound approximation to His Consciousness, through love and transformation. Not to live the cycles and not to open oneself to the impulses is like closing the doors of consciousness to the evolution, to the approximation to God and to the return to the Origin.

The 8th of August of each year represents a synthesis of all impulses given by God until then, when the Creator gathers the principles He aspires humanity to achieve and sends them to the world like rays of light for them to reach His creatures.

Although these impulses renew themselves at each new smaller cycle that you will live throughout the year, the response emitted to the Father on the 8th of August is primary for the evolution and assimilation of the cycles to follow.

To send this response to God, children, you do not need anything extraordinary: only to open the heart and dispose yourselves in consciousness for the Creator to be able to act in your beings.

You must be spiritually available for this union with God to be a priority in your lives and for the love to His Plan to guide you to unveil the truth about human creation.

It was on an 8th of August that the Lord sent His Holy Servant to the world, because She represents all the divine rays, all the mirrors, all the graces. Mary represents to humanity the path to the manifestation of the Divine Plan.

For the Living Christ to be gestated within you, as Mary gestated Him in Her Womb, you must follow Her and learn with Her about Her Purity and Her Love, about Her capacity to love and to obey God above all things.

May this new 8th of August find you awakened and willing to be reborn. Live the new cycles with fullness and do not let the impulses pass by without transforming you completely.

Your Father and Instructor, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To all the youth gathered for the first time at the Youth Festival for Peace:

Praised be Christ, dear children!

After the last months of preparation and of having faced tests and challenges, finally, My request is fulfilled and a new phase in the planetary rescue will be accomplished through the integration of the youngest ones within My Campaign for Peace.

I would like, My children, to thank the unconditional support of Association Mary for having opened the doors to the youth and, mainly because some consecrated ones offered to fraternally collaborate in the awakening and in the maturation of the consciousness of the young founders of this spiritual impulse that is being born concretely today for everyone.

Many of the youth present today in Florianópolis, as well as the youths from different Light-Communities, will be able to create this bond of fraternity and service with the Higher Plan of the Celestial Father.

Thus, dear children, this first meeting is the redeemed seed of light that is just sprouting and showing all its potential.

On this day on which there must be joy, love among brothers and sisters and enthusiasm for complying, I invite you to give the best of yourselves and a little more, so that, willing to learn, you may come to know your inner virtues and discover that everything is possible by willing and serving.

This first Youth Festival for Peace has been considered by the Hierarchy as preparation and, at the same time, as a spiritual and material decoupling of all the human ties that My adversary creates among good souls.

This first impulse of the Festival in Florianópolis promises to be the incipient cycle in which new doors will open for the youth that wants to assume its mission for the end of times.

Therefore, you must sustain this first impulse of the Festival until the next six months come to an end, when in the month of January of 2017, the second Youth Festival for peace will bring twice as many people as there are present today.

I invite all the founding youth to work as the Spiritual Hierarchy does, in a cyclic and paused form, so that the true fruits may be able to emerge and mature through the task.

The next six months will be, among prayer, service and diffusion, the preparation for the second Youth Festival for Peace, which will have more social and public importance,as its spirit is, through music, art and the elevation of consciousness through service to the Kingdoms of Nature, to separate from vices all the youths who are submerged in them.

Be aware that, in the meeting of today, My Heart will be with each youth, hoping that the seeds of love and peace may sprout in each being that is present there.

I thank you for responding to My call!

United to each young heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I have come from Heaven to bring you My Peace and My Hope.

This is a reason for My Joy on seeing so many children that are being consecrated to My Heart, to have My plan triumph in the world, which are the Plans of God, in this humanity and on this planet.

Today I open the doors of the Heavens for each one of you, My children, so that you can enter, in consciousness and in devotion, the Great Kingdom of Fatima that waits to awaken the original purity in you.

You know, My children, that Europe has need of this purity. This purity must be in all the hearts that live here, so that the Work of My Son can continue forward.

Do not get tired, dear children, of listening to My words, for today I bring you the sign of My star of Light, the star that indicates the new time in humanity and that I once made appear in Fatima, at the foot of My Mantle.

This star indicates that the time of the purification of hearts is coming, so that, clean of every stain, you can be able to enter into the Kingdom of God and never again be separated from the truth that dwells in the higher worlds.

Dear children, today I finish My pilgrimage through Europe. And from this moment on, I will be sowing a new cycle when I return here once again, to embrace you and console you, so that your hearts may definitely be healed and apply for this Redeeming Work that My Son offers to each human heart.

In the same way, dear children, that I am united to each one of you and, through My words, am preparing your true consecration, I am united to each of My children of the world, to each light that emerges from each Marian Center and that unites to My Heart in this moment, so that My Work can spiritually expand in the world, and in this way, in all the souls that most need it.

It is in this way, dear children, that through your souls and hearts, I am weaving this Light Network that is expanding throughout the continents of this planet, to reinforce the alliance of hearts with God and so with His Divine Purpose, which I come to lovingly offer to each one of you today.

Extending My Hands to you, I again pour out My Graces, just as I poured them out in Argentina, a Grace for each one of you; what you most need in this life and for this spiritual path that I invite you to experience with Me, through prayer and the faith that your hearts must profess today, as the greatest testimony of love of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart here in Portugal and in Europe.

I come to this city once again to tell My hearts, My little children, who have already been initiated in this spiritual task for so many years, that you must renew, that you must take the step, so that many more souls can approach here; and that not only Portugal may receive the Grace of My Heart, but all the souls that are in Europe, waiting for this awakening, for that definite step, which they came to experience in this incarnation.

It is in this way, My dear children, that My star of Light rests at the foot of My Mantle and reveals that sign to all.

The New Christs must wake up, be the new legionnaires of the Lord, live His Word, His Testimony of Love, His Purpose in each one of you. It is in this way that you will transmit to the whole planet this spiritual impulse that I bring you today through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, the hour has come for you to sign that spiritual document in the sacred book of My Heart, where your names have been written since a long time ago, so that, together with Me, united with Christ, your Lord, we may accomplish this Redeeming Work of the end of times.

I need you to leave your homes to seek the hearts that are most in need of Light; I need you to be My arms and My hands in this hour, to carry forward this Work of the Redemption of souls.

Your hearts are full of instructions, for you have received them over the years, through My faithful Son, whom I brought for you, so that you would be able to grow inwardly and learn to live in brotherhood.

Dear children, do what I ask and you will not repent (regret it). Souls must draw even closer to My Heart, to be the light in these times of darkness. For this reason, I bring and present this purpose to you, a divine purpose in the Eyes of God, which must be accomplished by each one of you.

It is thus, dear children, that My Work will not only be in the Americas, but also beyond Europe, for I wish to reach the hearts of Asia, of the Far East, who need My Voice, an Embrace, My Consolation, My Heart, My Light, to be able to continue walking in this crucial time of the planet.

You have that commitment, dear children, as European consciousnesses, to open the doors for those hearts that are so far away.

It will be the language of your hearts, the love of your spirits and souls that will open the doors for all those hearts, for there are still, dear children, many souls that must deeply know Me.

I am not only the Virgin Mary, I am the Mother of the world, I am the Greater Governor, I am the one Who rules your lives and souls, I am the shepherdess that leads the flocks of My Son toward the Temple of the Heart.

That is why I am here today, renewing your vows before leaving for the Americas, to meet all My children and unite all the hearts of South America and of the world at the Marian Center of Aurora, where the ninth year will be experienced with everyone, the anniversary on which My Consciousness definitively came into your lives.

Nine cycles will be completed and new doors will open so that hearts may be guided toward their purpose.

My wish, dear children, is that you accompany Me in this great summons that I am issuing for you to be with Me at the Marian Center of Aurora, receiving a little more inner healing for your spirits, for all your peers, for all the consciousness of the planet, which so needs servants of peace, warriors of My Heart, who in their forbearance, may achieve redemption.

Opening the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, I congregate hearts in the Love of God and all those who join this moment, so that in this beloved Europe, peace may be experienced and professed as the purpose for these times.

Today I come as the Lady of the Great Star, to show you My Sign of Light that is still to be revealed in the simple hearts that lovingly follow My steps, with the living of prayer, of Peace, of Service, and of Love. An absolute love that fills you, renews you, redeems you, that uplifts you to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I am that Lady of the Great Star, who brings to all the revelation of the Universe, of the true Consciousness, the One Consciousness of your Father that is still not known to the world.

Fatima is a preparation for that moment. I thus bring continuity to My Work in this time.

After having opened the doors in Medjugorje, here, dear children, I bring continuity to My spiritual Work so that souls may be consistent with God, and just as I have requested throughout time, through various visionaries, humanity may be able to accomplish what in truth it came to do, so that the New Humanity may be born.

It is through the children who are being consecrated today, just as those who have already consecrated themselves through the apparitions, month after month, time after time and cycle after cycle; I thus institute, dear children, the seeds of the New Humanity that will sprout in the next time. This is the sign that My great star brings, the promise that will, at last, be fulfilled in each one of My children, as long as you are consistent with all that I request of you.

You, dear children, are part of My celestial and worldly Work. You are pieces of this great puzzle that I come to put together again in the world, after My adversary destroyed it.

I come to concretize the true purpose for your souls in your lives, the task that you must carry out with Me in this universal summons that I issue for all today.

And this moment that you share with My Immaculate Heart will also serve for those who will be consecrated in the future, taking on their faithful commitment to Me to make all efforts to accomplish My designs, to accomplish the Will of our God, of the Most High Father.

On this tree I leave the presence of My Love for all the Kingdoms of Nature. Here I leave the sign, on this small tree, that the Kingdoms must be revered and that they also need your prayers.

You, dear children, as a single race, are here and have been here up to this time, in this planet so loved by us, because the Younger Kingdoms have generated that Grace for all.

You know that they greatly suffer the consequences of human actions, the destruction, the blasphemy, everything that humankind does against their evolution. And even so, dear children, they continue to give of themselves because of you and for you until the end of times, until My Son returns.

Tell the unjust human beings not to destroy Nature, to take care of the Kingdoms, that they do not assassinate the whales.

They, dear children, are destroying the evolution of the Creation of God and that is one of My profound pains because of the lack of consciousness, above all because of the lack of love.

Tell all of Europe, and beyond it, to take care of the Younger Kingdoms, to sow codes of light through service to each one of them. In that way, on the day of the final Judgment, you will not be judged because the Mercy of My Heart will have acted.

Have you asked yourselves at some time, dear children, why do I long so much to be over the trees? I leave you this symbol to meditate upon.

A tree represents the Wisdom of God and you, as unconscious human beings, destroy that spiritual wisdom that the Plant Kingdom reveals to the world.

Many of those who are not here today, who were forerunners of that destruction throughout time, became aware of all this after having left the Earth.

I pray for them, for the souls of purgatory, so that they may reach the Light of the Celestial Kingdom.

Let yourselves, dear children, not follow the same paths. Warn all hearts, mainly the most unjust, that they are in time to change their attitude.

The whales cry because of the consequences of humankind. Remember that I Am the Mother of the world, Mother Nature.

And when Nature is destroyed by humankind, you are destroying My Consciousness. But My Love, which is more infinite, powerful than all the errors of the world, brings the Grace of awakening your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters for this magnificent Work of Redemption of the hearts of all the beings of the Earth.

Let us pray.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

One more.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms. Amen.

Remember that the whales are the mother consciousness for the planet. In their original purity and their innocence, they embrace all the beings of the Earth; because they balance the oceans, and also all the mental consciousnesses. Remember this instruction.

And now, dear children, together with My angels, let us celebrate this moment of consecration for taking on this commitment to Me, to be carriers of My Peace and of My Grace for all of humanity that  needs it so much.

And thus, I will bless the sacred objects you have brought to My Altar so that they may be given to those who most need them. In this way, you will work on your detachment, because My Grace will fill you beyond the objects.

Be merciful, as the Father is Merciful with you.

Carry peace to all those who need it and do not forget that a fellow being must be first in your lives.

Let those who will be consecrated today as "Children of Mary" come here.

While the doors are still opening, sing the hymn of your consecration.

Flowers of light are poured out...

Three Hail Marys...

My very dear children, today I leave the Grace of My Heart so that it may take shape in your lives as the greatest testimony of your change and as a response of your hearts to the call of My Son, Jesus Christ.

By the authority the Father has granted Me and from all the choirs of Lys with all the angels of Heaven, I bless each one of your hearts and families, establishing peace and the good in each one of My children, the renewal and hope of all the hearts of Europe, so that you may fulfill the purpose of following the path toward your freedom and redemption at the moment when My Son returns, glorious and victorious among the clouds.

I place My hand over your heads, praying to My Son.

I thank you for responding to My summons and for being carriers of the celestial peace that it is possible to live in these times.

I love you, bless you, and embrace you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, being consecrated, proclaim this hymn in union with all the "Children of Mary" in the four corners of this world.

Go in peace.

I thank you for having helped Me to fulfill this pilgrimage and remember that I promise to return, when God so decides.

I thank you!


My dear children:

I thank you for the prompt response of all to My maternal call. You already know that, as the Mother of humanity, I long for the best for each of My children, because My ardent wish is that nobody misses the opportunity to meet with God and to know His true Love.

In the next six months of prayer you will be able, if you assume it in your consciousness, to find the path that I will make you know, the path to be in Christ permanently and not to leave it.

Dear children, this cycle of continuous prayer that I am calling you to live is to banish the planetary inertia and everything that leads constantly to the perdition of the souls.

I would like, My children, that your hearts find in this cycle the flame of faith that will help you to live the tests and deal with the challenges for the Plan of God.

My children, in the following six months I will be with you praying daily in each place where you may be, without ceasing any moment to bring you to My Heart for you to feel peace. If the world would respond promptly as you have responded to My call, many planetary and human situations would be avoided by the angels of the Universe.

Dear children, when a heart or more responds to My summoning I can work through it, not only in prayer but also in charity, humility and in Divine Mercy.

Awaken at this time those who are still asleep and tell them that there is a grandiose Celestial Mother who loves them and hopes to have them in Her arms to shed over them all the love of the Universe.

Tell them to have determination and valor to abandon sin, the human indifference and omission.

Tell those who sleep to encourage themselves to listen to Christ in their interior and to allow prayer to heal and to redeem them.

Tell them, My children, that the Divine Mercy is still available for all those who want to look for it and to discover it in the source of the Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call for the world peace!

Who loves you and always follows you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

As the Mother of Jesus, I lost My son, beloved and glorified by God, during His Passion and Death.

My sorrow was the sorrow of God for seeing so much human indifference. This human indifference that My Son and I, as His Mother, had to transmute from the moment He was handed over to the Pharisees.

Thus, in a profound and heavy pain of a Mother, I had to give to God what I loved the most, and had gestated in My womb of Light.

In that moment, your Mother from Heaven, as a woman and servant of God, trusted in what was happening and at no time did God abandon us, even though the Passion of Christ was extremely harsh and difficult to bear.

When a mother loses a child, it is like losing a part of herself, something the human mother herself generated within, in her heart.

When a maternal bond is broken by the loss of a beloved child, spiritually or physically, there is a moment when the consciousness lives a deep solitude and emptiness, even more when this child is indifferent to everything. 

Thus, while still suffering the cross of the world, Christ gave Me humanity as my child, so that new consciousnesses had the Grace of being redeemed by God.

God sends new consciousnesses to the arms of a mother so that they can be attended to and from then on a new cycle is presented to the life of the souls, and the children that have not taken the step or have remained indifferent, go through another school of love and forgiveness, until they are able to achieve true unity. 

There are many children who feel forgotten and who are waiting to love and be loved; for this reason, the Father sends them to renew the time and the life of everyone.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

In prayer and faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear companions,

The arrival of a new cycle for the human consciousness approaches the human consciousness, especially for the consciousness of the planet; it is the spirit of Earth that shelters you, welcomes you and, with so much love and self-giving, sustains you.

This cycle that will come will impel human beings to offer to the Earth’s Divine Project their true potential and, for that, it will help them to purge from their own interiors – the conscious and unconscious world of each being – those codes that they have generated as humanity and that, gradually, have been degenerating what they should express as human consciousness.

This new cycle will try to help this Earth’s project so that the Kingdoms of Nature may no longer be that which is sustaining the consciousness of the planet, but rather that there may be conscious human beings offering the most possible so that the planet may fulfill its function within the Plan of God.

In the Project of the Lord, when He created this world, filled with manifestations of His perfection, through the different cohabiting Kingdoms of Nature, God thought of a living expression of fraternity and unity among His creatures, however different they might be.

The Creator tried to make of the Earth a school of love and evolutionary cooperation, so that each Kingdom would bring to the other something vital for its existence. This is why the Earth needs balance to exist, the balance that is generated in the different Kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom.

Especially the Human Kingdom should generate a special harmony and love within its corresponding Kingdom, as humanity, in order to inspire the evolution of the others Kingdoms of Nature.

In a way, all Kingdoms have fulfilled their part, except for the Human Kingdom, which is the great pillar of the Earthly Project. The Plant Kingdom is the expression of self-giving, elevation and beauty, as it was supposed to be. The Mineral Kingdom is the expression of purification, transmutation and sustenance, as it was supposed to be. The Animal Kingdom is the expression of fidelity and love, it is the guardian of the spirit of cooperation and evolutive fraternity in each species, as it was supposed to be.

The Devic Kingdom continues to create beauty and praise to the Creator and, together with the Elemental Kingdom, sustains and animates the other Kingdoms of Nature, as was its part.

To the Human Kingdom, it would correspond to be a bridge of communion between all Kingdoms; the one that cares, supports and protects, loves and helps so that each Kingdom can express itself. The Human Kingdom should create conditions for the devas and plants to express their beauty; for the animals to be able to bring to the planetary consciousness the unique attribute that each species possesses in its essence; for the minerals to be able to nourish and assist the other Kingdoms and act with freedom in the world.

The Human Kingdom should be the bridge to the Divine Consciousness, bringing the spirit of constant evolution and growth so that Creation would never become stagnant and the Kingdoms would continue to take evolutive steps and gradually change their spiritual school. In this way, new essences would gradually arise and permanently renew the Creation of God and, from the laboratory of the Earth, the whole Universe would be able to be renewed.

This is a part of what the Project of God represents.

The new cycle of which I speak will accelerate the human purification and will be more or less harmonious, depending on the conscious collaboration of each being. This will be so that, as far as possible, the idea of fraternal life may gradually manifest itself – even though it may be manifested only in a few individuals and in islands of salvation and of expression of God’s Project – and so that this Plan may also be materialized.

After eons of time of experiences that did not have the expected result, the Creation will give a solar impulse to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature, as a last opportunity of concretization of the Divine Plan.

It is important for you to be aware of all this and to collaborate, fulfilling your own part in this Plan of Love. This is why I tell you all these things.

Your Beloved Instructor and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Josephaily m


Sister Lucía de Jesús: When Saint Joseph appeared today, He presented Himself in a way I had never seen before.  He was dressed with a white tunic and a brown mantle that was held on His left shoulder and fell upon the tunic.  He had in His right hand a branch of tuberose a little to one side, with three little flowers almost on top of it.  His eyes were shining like never before, with a very light honey color.  He looked younger, about 40 years old.  He had the hair just above His shoulders and was standing on a green field among the clouds.  He said that this was the image of the day when He was chosen to marry Mary in the temple and that this was the face that He wanted us to know in this time, because it would give us the impulse we need in order to start a new cycle.  That moment represented to Saint Joseph the beginning of a new and definitive cycle, when He entered into the development of the archetype of God for humanity.

Today I come to meet you with this face because it is in this way that I will talk to you from now on, bringing to the world the impulses of the first steps of the sanctity of My Chaste Heart.

With this symbol, I want to demonstrate to you that the first step to start a new cycle, a new life, guided by the Will of the Most High God, is the transparency in the heart, in the mind and in the senses.  Being that transparent, do not hide from your fellow humans what you truly are and never try to hide yourselves from God.  It is by being true and transparent, before everyone and everything, that you will be able to begin this path.

Do not be afraid of proclaiming your own faith and spiritual journey; and do not live according to the tendencies of the world just to not look different to the eyes of people.

If you do not seek to hide yourselves from God and offer Him every day your own miseries, as well as your virtues, you will know then what must be transformed and what must be strengthened, under the spirit of humility and prayer.

May the simplicity of the heart open the paths so that you can be truthful, without fear.  If you aspire to this, you will discover in yourselves a potential that has always been hidden by the layers of the fake faces that you would like to appear to the world in order to, thus, feel as a common part of this degenerated humanity.

Feel now as a part of the Project of God and open yourselves so that, little by little, you may be able to lose what you appear to be today, in order to discover what you truly are.

I bless you and impel you,

Your instructor and guide,

the Most Chaste Saint Joseph

In the end of the message, Saint Joseph transmitted the following prayer:

Prayer to begin the spiritual trajectory toward the discovery of the New Human Being, which, in truth, is the beginning of the manifestation of humanity, which has never before found a space to descend to the consciousnesses of this world. Those who pray from the heart will open new doors for their own transformation.


Inspirational Prayer of Saint Joseph
to manifest the New Humanity

Saint Joseph,
may Your humility reflect in our hearts
as a symbol of simplicity
and the recognition of the greatness of God.

May Your sacred face inspire our paths
and, through You,
may we discover the essence of the New Humanity:
expression of the perfection of God,
profound likeness with the Creator,
living manifestation of the fount of His Divine Mercy.

In Your Chaste Heart,
Saint Joseph, Servant of God,
may we learn to let ourselves be guided
by the Sovereign Will of the Creator.



As an enormous Grace brought from the Kingdom of the Heavens, My Chaste Heart comes to announce to the world the last year of Messages that I will deliver to humanity.  And as the main blessing for all the hearts, during the period from August 20th of 2015 to August 20th of 2016, I will deliver the first cycle of daily Messages from Saint Joseph to humanity.

It is in this way that, in the urgency of the days, My Chaste Heart begins to deliver to all the step by step for the emergence of the New Humanity.

When this cycle of messages finishes, I will not come to the world as before and this will be the sign that the time of definitive probations begins.

The Divine Messengers, for Your prayers and claims, have reached the grace to deliver this last impulse to humanity with the purpose that all you may need to transit in the times that will come be available for your souls and consciousnesses.

Never forget that this impulse will come as a last opportunity of following the steps of God and in this way, impelled by My Humble and simple Heart, you may be able to follow the steps that conduct you to the materialization of this superior Plan of Existence.

Through My words, I will take humanity to the discovery of the sacred and, with examples and revelations of My Holy life, I will try for the last time to conduct you to the holiness of spirit and heart.

Know that you are graced spirits, in the midst of a humanity that suffers and degenerates itself day by day through the consequences of its actions.  You must reflect and meditate about what the spirit of eternal gratitude is, because you are being deservers of this grace, and about what God expects from the souls that listen to Him by means of His Messengers.

While suffering and illusion expand themselves throughout this world, God gives you the grace of awakening and, with His Messengers, learning the true essence of humanity existence that has not yet manifested itself fully in this world, except in His Son and in the Sacred Family that followed Him and learned from Him.

May the spirit of peacemaking become life in your beings.  You will discover thus that it is on the most simple transformations that you will reach the manifestation of the New Humanity.  Many seek to do great works and forget that it is in the spirit of humility that you find the true key to open the doors of Heaven and to unite yourselves to the Consciousness of God again.

I love you and I expect you to be awaked and attentive to this new and last cycle of instructions of My Chaste Heart.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant and Apprentice of God

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May peace be in this house and in those who do not possess it.

I Am your path of conversion toward Jesus, because My Heart is given to the world to generate the salvation of humanity.

Blessed are they who yield at My feet and seek the path of Light through the path of prayer.

Today, My Graces are poured out over this part of the world and I assemble you for a paramount task of peace.

The world is crazy because it cannot find peace. But there are hearts in the world that do have peace and that do not fear the hostility of My adversary, for one who is with Me is in My Immaculate Heart, and even though everything falls on the right and the left of them, they will continue to walk forward on the Path of Christ and will not waste time in accomplishing the Will of God, which is the Will of My Lord.

Today I come on this special date, also to bless you, to continue to untie the knots of the consciousness of this humanity; for as your Lady of Mount Carmel, I come to place the mantle of humility on you, which is the fundamental principle for your lives in today's times.

Do not fear, dear children; the tribulation is moving over the surface of the planet, yet many souls join in that tribulation, they submerge in the hells every day and lose sight of the Love of God.

I come to remind you of the principle of universal Peace, so that you may continue trusting, praying with Me for this maternal purpose I have for all.

On August 8, My children, a cycle will close with you and with Me. We begin to go deeper, My children, in the uplifting of your spirits to God; for matter may be  purified, it will die and become dust; but your spirit, My children, is the great treasure that will return to God, to His dwelling places in the cosmos, to unite with the Primordial Source, to the essence of Love and of Unity; bearing the fruits that I have left in your lives, as a great experience of Love for all of the universe.

Do not, My children, let evil be able to disturb you. Aurora is there in your lives so as to be able to defeat evil. For I Am that Aurora, that great Star, the great Mother Who guides wayfarers, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to announce its last lifeline to the world. But My great works will be done, My children, in very few.

You, beloved children, must radiate the spirit of My Motherhood to the world. In this way, many souls in the four corners of the planet, in the last days of their lives, will find the way out to the Paradise of God and also will be aware, in light of the Father, of what they did.

I Am the Mother of the whole universe, the Mother of the world, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to teach you the path of humility and of peace, through an inner divestment, so that you may walk freely toward the Heart of My beloved Son.

Today, He sends Me, and from the Greater Universe, also greets My beloved daughter, because these moments are very special for the world.

I come to teach you, My children, the true spirit of celebration of a soul, so you may see that God feels a great compassion for all the souls of the world; even though His Law will be poured out over humanity, and perverse hearts will recognize the Law of God, will feel it in their lives, in their hearts.

I come, as Mother of all, to extend My hand to you so that you may tightly take hold of it and follow the path of purification that I offer you. Perhaps, My children, after eight continuous years, you have understood very little of all I have said to you. But do not fear; My Words are placed in your heart. I come to speak to your essences and not your minds. I come to transmit My Spirit of motherhood to you, and of love for each of your hearts.

The world has greatly forgotten God, and it is not enough that just the ambassador of peace is present, Pope Francis. All of you, beloved children, to the degree and measure in your tasks, must transmit this energy of peace to the world; because if your souls are united, in spite of religions, the world will not move much; although it would deserve to move a lot after everything it has done and all it has not listened to.

I come to bring you the hope, My children, of finding a path of change and redemption. In this end time, My true miracle will be the conversion of your lives. Because throughout the centuries and times, I have already performed many miracles in the world, which are recorded in your terrestrial books.

But has the world changed after so many miracles? Where are the results of this experience of Love?

In Kibeho they did not want to listen to Me. Could it be that South America will listen to Me?

I come to prevent great things in this part of the Americas. The spirit of the New Humanity must be born here; it is already written in the books of Solomon and in the Heart of My Beloved Son.

I come to announce, in these times, the emergence of a New Humanity, experiencing a profound transition, an intense purification, but without lacking the Mercy of God. It is the Mercy of God, beloved children, that has brought Me here today, into your presence, and will bring Me many more days until your hearts become receptacles of My Divine Message for peace.

When I have achieved the result, My children, of a true change in some of you, I will cease to appear, for I will have accomplished the last part of the promise I made to God.

Let the suns, from various points in the universe, be ignited in the fire of prayer and be mirrors in the times of chaos.

What I need, beloved children, is that you reflect your simplicity and love for God. I do not need your skills, although they are important for My Works of the end times. I come to make of your lives a model, a model in likeness to that of Christ, My Son.

Imagine, beloved children, when your lives, your bodies and souls will be that true model, and God has finally seen that My task, in this time, was accomplished in this part of humanity.

Think about what I tell you. These are already My last Words after so many Messages.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come on this night to knock down each of the barriers that separate you from God.

I come to show you a way, which is the path of the loss of self; because in this time, My children, I will lead you into announcing My Message in the four corners of this world; I will ask you to lose your fear of giving up even your life to announce the Return of My Son; I will ask you to surrender each space of your consciousnesses for the fulfilling of the Plans of God; that you encompass, in your hearts, the grandeur and the perfection of this Plan and how small the world is and everything that dwells therein. How little it would be to lose everything that exists in the face of the grandeur of the Purpose of God!

The time has come for the apostles of My Son to emerge, those who in other times did not fear pronouncing His Words of Life, who were moved only by faith and the hope that this Christic Heart should ignite in the greatest possible number of souls. Because in a past time, your souls knew about the urgency for preparing His Path, of preparing for the salvation of souls, so that, the time of Justice having come, you should have an opportunity for redemption.

My children, since the beginning of this human project, you were called on to help Me in the redemption and the salvation of this world, through your own salvation and your own redemption; because it is only through being living examples of the existence of God that you will be able to change the souls that live around you.

Thus, My children, in the same way that My Voice is pronounced to the world and very few were capable of hearing Me, I ask that you copy My steps and without fear, announce My Words of Life.

Even though you are not believed nor heard, know to sow a seed of awakening in souls; because when they are at the last step between the abyss and redemption, the seed will emerge from within them, planted by the love of your hearts for all of this humanity.

Do not tire of pronouncing My Words or of announcing the Return of My Son, because one day, the Heavens will open, and from the clouds will descend the King of the Universe, confirming for the incredulous the existence of the Kingdom of God, making those who never heard His Call fear.

But for those who repent from the heart, Mercy will defeat Justice, because the Lord of the Universe has an infinite Mercy and a profound Love for this Creation of God. Where there is a repentant heart, there His Mercy will be poured out.

For this reason, My beloveds, do not worry about the incredulity of beings, just do your part, fulfill your mission without expecting any result; because this is what the Christic path is about: an eternal giving of the whole self, a surrender of the life out of a pure love for God, His Plan, even knowing that very few will be able to respond.

A seed will always germinate in consciousnesses and even though many do not have the opportunity to enter into My Kingdom, they will be able to begin again from a healthy place, and in this way, at least their essences will be protected from evil.

Today I come, My children, to announce the existence of God and to leave this certainty imprinted on your hearts, because doubts about My Presence cannot exist in My soldiers.

Dispel from your consciousnesses the doubts in relation to the Plan of God. Struggle against yourselves to fully trust in Our Words, the Words of the Divine Messengers, which are the echo of the Lord of the Universe for each creature of this planet.

Defeat yourselves, My children!

Surrender before the Altar of the Creator!

When pride becomes greater than faith, place your heads on the ground and cry out for a humble, simple heart willing to fulfill the Divine Purpose.

Cry out every day, for the Higher Truth to be revealed to you and the ignorance of your hearts to be dispelled by the Grace that is to know the Universe, the Higher Reality, the Life that beats in the Heart of the Cosmos and which invites you to return to the Divine Origin, where everything is the fulfillment of the Law, where all hear the Voice of their Creator and follow it unconditionally.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As your Heavenly Mother, I want to rescue from shipwreck all those who drown in their own sea of illusions. Thus, the doors of Aurora will be open in August, so I may pour out My last spiritual healing over souls. You will be welcome in this, My House of Love, to meet again with Me in a new cycle and for a new end.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Sing to God and be thankful that He has allowed Me to visit you on this day. Remember My Words; they must be indelible in your hearts, sacred Words that will prepare the new being of the New Humanity.

Go in peace; I bless you under the luminous sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother of God, for all that You give us!


Stay in My arms today, child of Mine, because My mantle of light will make you invisible to the eyes of My adversary.  Stay between My hands, because My Maternal Love will make you stronger than the sorrow of the world.

Do not let the great door of purification be opened because God, Who is in the Heavens, has already counted the seconds and the minutes where each child of Mine will have to face the last battle.

Stay with Me and pray by My side.

Although the storm is greater than the very fortresses that I have constructed with My Love, the ground will not tremble because the foundations that I build are unmovable.  Stay today between My arms and do not fear anything; the cycle of surrender and of humiliation shall be lived by each child of Mine, because in order for the next time of peace to be born, all of My children will have to live their purification.

Let today, child of Mine, Your Heavenly Mother wash your body and your impurities with the divine water of My Grace; lie down and surrender yourself into My arms so that I may purify you and convert you in the model that God has asked of Me; in the model of the great redemption.

Rest today, child, between My arms and do not look that much the constant falls;  I come to raise you from the ground, and bring you to the eternal lap of the Heart of My Son.  His Mercy is as great as His Justice; for this come with confidence towards Me and do not give up before the great time.

For My children I fulfill the Works of God, for this I protect you like a lioness protects her cubs, nothing will be able to frighten you.

Open space, child of Mine, so that the impurities of the old will be banished.  In the same way that My Heart prays and implores for each one of you, My hands of a Mother undo in time the knots of egoism and of foolishness that live in each of you.  Prayer is the source of every solution, it will always rekindle the heart that is dim and without inner light.

The red dragon draws its armies closer before facing the Lady Dressed of the Sun.  In turn, the stars of My Crown are launched to the Earth in order to demarcate the spaces where the dragon will neither be able to step nor find anyone of you.

When the Lady Dressed of the Sun has thrown Her last star of salvation to the Earth, the great door will open, the great cycle will be untied and it will not have an end.

The armies of light will have to be already formed so that, through the divine word of prayer the islands of salvation, which were marked by the stars, will be manifested.

And the great sign will arrive, thus all shall be more fused than united since the dragon will not enter this space of the consciousness because it will ignore it.  This time, child of Mine, has not yet arrived, but it will not take long for this to happen.

The seals of the Apocalypses are being opened and the angels will wait for the answer of the creatures of God. The purification is the preamble of a time that is different for all; a time that humanity ignores.

May your purification be, in this immediate time, the preparation and the liberation of all of the debts, because unity and prayer will be the instruments that will defeat My adversary.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Read the messages everyday.

Who trains you in the armies of the celestial light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come to the world as the rain that blesses the planet. I bring, from the Kingdom of God, the key for every being, that will open the door to learn how to love and to forgive. 

In My Heart the promise of saving My children is fulfilled and, in My arms of Light, I put each one of the creatures of God.

Dear children, in this cycle that begins, I come to thank you for the Vigil of Prayer carried out yesterday. My Heart rejoiced when all of you made yourselves available to serve, aware that I would not descend to the world, even though My Spirit was among you and My inner joy filled the hearts that opened to hear My Message.

Therefore, My children, today I am here and I will be among you all the time you allow Me. Remember, little children, that you are already walking and learning how to take the first steps as the good hearts that you are.

Today, My request for prayer not only extends throughout the whole world, but also to all Christians who are being unjustly mutilated and disappearing in the East.

I ask you to pray wholeheartedly and offer the Most High a plea for Mercy so that the families of the East, who are being disintegrated and separated, may receive the spiritual help they need.

I supplicate to all praying beings in America and the world that, through the strength and infinite power of prayer, you may help change the cruel destiny that other consciousnesses will live due to the injustice and evil of the hearts closed to God.

As the protector of the essences of the world, I come on this day of joy and also of sorrow, asking you for an immediate collaboration for the gravest faults that humanity commits day by day.

The enemy has imposed on humankind separation and the lack of brotherhood and peace. Therefore, under the spirit of Love and before the Justice of God is poured over the world, I come to awaken you and call you to constantly work for peace. This will allow all souls of the East who suffer, to receive a little of the Mercy of Christ.

The world is on the verge of spiritual collapse and the nets of evil are increasingly trapping the attention of My children. With a spirit of prayer and wisdom, today I will descend to Aurora to ask you for a greater awakening, so that at least a part of the most conscious humanity may banish the ideas to destroy the Purpose of God.

The more the souls of the world know about My summoning and pray wholeheartedly, the less will be the supreme action of Justice. Direct your petitions to God for the priests, for the bishops and for the religious of the Church of Christ, many of whom are allowing themselves to be convinced by the things of the world and not by the true search for the Love of God.

Entire nations promise to modify the laws of the Earth, as Uruguay has done it, and this attracts unjust consequences for many poor hearts. Sin has become a mode and tendency, and the lack of reconciliation and penance is generating alliances with the ideas of the enemy.

Only through those who are willing to defend and protect the call, can the Will of God be able to be fulfilled and the pride of the ungrateful humankind cease to act.

While My maternal Grace fills you, internally embrace the Graces that I pour out, because these are already the last ones that will awaken the new apostles of Christ.

I am grateful for the sincere response of all the children of God!

Who blesses, loves and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Peace

Attentive to the emergencies of Heaven!


For these times of tests, of confirmations and of surrender, I invite you to the path of overcoming.  Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the steps, certain and confident, that all of His beloved children are taking for this time of spiritual and material crisis. 

I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred instructions of Heaven that I have given to you.

Dear children, I have come in pilgrimage to Santa Fe to remind humanity that in these times only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.  Now, God has asked Me that His dear children learn to discover the universe of inner growth by means of the tests and of the experiences.

Before the enemy wants to take you from the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of the times.  You, my beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and of light, capable of being vessels for the divine and supreme energies.

But for this to be possible I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and of purification.

All of humanity is found hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of the modernities and of human advancements.  I ask of you, in the name of My Son, that you do not fear detaching yourselves from that which artificially hurts you inside.  May your true communication be with God and with the all of the Greater Universe.

If the souls had truly sought the union with the Heights and with the Supreme, many circumstances would have not taken place in the material life of My children.  For this definitive century, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of the unconsciousness and of the lack of attention.

As Your Celestial Mother I wish that you take the steps to the awakening of a new life, united to the entire Universal Creation to which you belong.  My urgency is to take you out of this sleep that the modernities generate, and the lack of connection with the Supreme Laws.

All of you were born to live in happiness and in love.  The disorder in the world and the lack of balance has generated irreversible effects in the life of My children, and many were conducted along the path of sadness, of sorrow, and of sickness.

God has asked that I advise you for the last time that Heaven will open Itself to receive all.  It will pour the Graces and the blessings over all those that have not deserved them.

For this, my children, with courage confront this ultimate cycle of hard tests and confirmations so that the light of Christ may flourish in you.

I wait day and night for you, and from Heaven I pray for all, so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to quit thinking of yourselves: to begin thinking of the world, and of the necessity of service and of prayer for this final humanity.

In this way My Heart is offered to you, so that in consciousness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, that which resounds in the Universe and calls you to the awakening.

In this final monthly message I invite you to make a compilation of all the messages, so that you may live them and practice them; in this way you may be prepared for that which shall come.

For this encounter of God, may we remain united in prayer for these moments.

Who thanks you for the inner attention,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
