Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


On the eve of the Nativity, I want to tell you to have, from this moment on, your hearts prepared to receive the inner impulses that will come directly from My Heart because, for this cycle, these impulses will place you upon the path to concretizing and representing the Work of Christ on Earth.

For this reason, for you, this cycle will mean an opportunity of placing all of your attention on the true circumstance it represents, rather than on the party that it popularly represents, year after year.

The Nativity is an inner opportunity for the renewal of vows with the inner Christ of each being, it is the opportunity of expanding the commitment that each soul acquired before incarnating on Earth.

For this reason, companions, the Nativity signifies the drawing closer of the Christic Laws to the planetary consciousness, for all of humanity.

Who in truth knows how to take advantage of this circumstance will be greatly benefitted, and will not be distracted by the parties that the enemy has created throughout time, on this special date.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


As cycles change and accelerate, the alternate and illusory time of Earth begins to fade away. 

As layers of vibrations permeate the planet, the Kingdoms and the different bodies of men, these layers gradually dissolve, giving space to the Time of God, called Real Time of the Universe.

When the Time of God enters the world, My children, it not only causes confusion in the minds and in the hearts of men. The confusion is caused by the disconnection between the human mind and heart and the divine Truth.

When a being is united to God in heart, mind and spirit, it receives the Time of God with gratitude and, with it, the revelation of the Truth, which, little by little, becomes visible to the consciousness so that it may understand where it came from, why and what is the meaning and purpose of human existence, what is its destiny.

Throughout human evolution, the Lord revealed His Truth to men in accordance with what their mind could understand, their heart was capable of receiving and what the very energetic and spiritual condition of the planet was capable of absorbing.

The Universe of God is complex and holds in itself a science that unfolds since the beginning of Creation and that today is inconceivable to the human mind.

For this reason, for it to be revealed to you, it is necessary that you receive it gradually, and that not only your minds, spirits and hearts be ready for this, but all of human and planetary consciousness; because everything you receive, as part of humanity, reaches as an impulse and vibration to all of human consciousness.

As the Truth of God is revealed and the times unite, the laws of the Earth transform and also unite to the universal Laws. Thus, My children, the commitment and the responsibility of beings grows and deepens, because they will no longer respond to the Universe as beings in an evolutionary experience, but rather as consciousnesses that participate in the Truth and in the Plan of God, in a conscious way.

Throughout the last years, prayer awakened and ignited the mirrors of your hearts so that, in this way, they might capture love and understand the history that is written in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, and this begins to mirror itself within you and within your consciousness.

Nothing is separate. Everything is part of a perfect and divine Plan that builds in your hearts a path of return to the Heart of God.

In order to know how to return, you must remember how you arrived here. No one returns home if they do not know the path to it.

I tell you all this, beloved children, so that you may receive the revelations of this time with gratitude and consciousness, knowing that My words are part of the Grace of God, that transforms and prepares you for the new time; in which you will finally know and live the Truth, and life will no longer be a sequence of theories, questionings, and assumptions. You will be able to participate in the revelation of God and live God, consciously and fully, in all of your being.

For this I prepare you, I bless you and thank you for receiving My words with the gratitude of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I do not intend your lives to be perfect for Me, but that your lives and actions reflect the truth, the opportunity to make something greater for others, for humanity and the planet.

Your lives must be at My reach in each circumstance, in each challenge as in each test, because perfection awaits you in the next stage of your school.

In the meantime, may in this cycle your lives reflect the love of My Heart, the temperance of My Soul and the unconditionality of My Spirit, because thus I will make you part of Me and I will be part of you on this path of ascension towards the House of the Celestial Father.

May your lives be the mirror that reflect My Divine Purpose and My ardent aspiration so that, at least on Earth, New Christs may exist, souls that are bearers of My Love and My Peace.

I only hope, in the joy of God, that your lives be part of Me, so that the project of Christification may be fulfilled in a part of the human consciousness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ



Listen to the Voice of God within you and from His Supreme Heart receive all the impulses so that you can transform.

Through God, receive the keys that you need to be able to go through the times.

Drink from that fountain of knowledge that the Heart of God emanates time and again.

Open to be able to recognize, within yourself, His majestic Presence, and set aside everything that distresses your heart.

Receive from the Universe everything that you need within the Law of Equilibrium and of Harmony.

Live a greater learning in each cycle.

In each step, experience the opportunity to love and to forgive.

Do not cease to look toward Heaven and to feel the Presence of the Father; let His Spirit fill you. Participate in Sacred Unity, feeling yourself to be a creature of God, a part of the Universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because those attributes will allow you to go through the end of times.

Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because from there will come the assistance that you may need.

Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God for grace will draw closer into your life.

Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because better times will come and everything will blossom again as it does in the Spring.

Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because His Mercy will always be active when you simply invoke It.

Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, from His Kingdom, will come the impulse for renewal and for transformation.

Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, from the Universe, doors will open so that souls may enter the Eternal Kingdom of God.

Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, in the next cycle, Christ will come and will transform hearts and lives so that all may begin again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Sometimes everything cannot go perfect, just as it was thought, because perhaps the Universe needs those, who are going through their experience in the life of service and love for humanity, to learn something, from the whole context.

That does not mean that the Universe of Love is closing before their eyes, but that it is important for the human consciousness to learn to live the cycles that the Universe proposes for the correct evolution of souls.

And although some unforeseen experience comes to the life of the server, the Universe will always show them what they must learn, so that the consciousness expands in love, in truth and in the unconditional surrender of their whole being.

With this I want to tell you that the Universe is an extensive school of learning for souls who are willing, from the heart, to go through any teaching or test, regardless of how it ends or the event that brought up that learning.

For this, the souls must dare to live without knowing anything and to embrace each test as if it were the last, which will place the consciousness within a new step in service and unconditional love for others.

So today, I ask you not to get tired because to truly be with Me, you will live many more tests to make of your lives and of your consciousnesses faithful representatives of Christ on Earth.

Assume what the Universe sends you with joy.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


No matter how difficult the times may be, never lose the joy of living transformation through the Merciful Love that the Mother of God can offer you; in this way, everything will be purified and healing will reach your soul through the different cycles.

Never stop looking up to Heaven and believing that, from there, spiritual and divine help will come. God, as the Father of all of His creatures, is Infinite in Love and Mercy, and from this spiritual expression, souls will be able to be further united to Him and to His Divine Kingdom.

Thus, live the power of transformation with joy so that, little by little, the habits of the earthly consciousness may gradually be transformed, discovering that, behind every step, the Love of God exists, expressed from His Infinite Source.

Trust, have faith and everything will be healed.

It is time to be reborn under the Light that Divine Mercy brings to the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I know each one of those who are Mine from the inside out.

This knowledge I have about each one of My disciples, beyond the defects or imperfections, is what allows Me to help them so that, day by day, they get dare to continue transforming themselves until they reach the plan of love I have designed for each one.

Each time you pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, and you really do it, I can help you until I am able to erase any sign of sin or of offense, because no one knows more than I do what it is to be a human being, all that they can do right or wrong.

The most important thing is sincerity and honesty in prayer, this allows that the divine grace descends to continue blessing the hearts and to support them during different cycles of purification.

Receive this message today with much hope, knowing that the day of your redemption will soon come.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


The healing of humanity will take place through the renovation that youth can bring through the strength of prayer, the expression of an evolutionary art and the feeling of elevated music.

The foundations of the new cycle of the planet lie in the union of each youth with the different Attributes of God and in their capacity to express them in order to generate in humanity the transcendence of human suffering and pain.

The youth have a fundamental mission, as, through the impulse of their spiritual awakening, they will be able to renew the awakening of servers and of all the collaborators of the Plan.

The spiritual awakening of the youth of these times is united to everything that represents, within themselves, the communion with the essence of universal life.

Through the Youth Festival for Peace, this foundation is spiritually built so that, through youth, the Spiritual Hierarchy is able to give the impulse to the renewal of human consciousness, with the goal of detaching itself from errors in order to achieve the so awaited healing.

This inner need of reconnecting with the Plan of the Hierarchy must awaken in the youth of today, knowing that each activity offered through music, art and universal prayer creates the necessary conditions for humanity and the planet to be liberated from suffering.

For this edition of the Youth Festival for Peace in the city of Sao Paulo, and in the face of the destiny that all the youth of Brazil have to build, in spite of the oscillations of nations, the attribute is love, which must always act first so that adversity and duality may be defeated by the love that each youth can express in this cycle.

This is the reason why the Youth Festival for Peace reaches Sao Paulo in a new edition, offered, in each detail, with the mission that love may act first.

From the Spiritual Universe, I send an impulse of love and light to each young heart, knowing that this spirit of service and of incalculable love to the sacred Kingdoms of Nature must awaken in each one.

In communion with universal life, once again, dear youth of Peace, I thank you for building this spirit of renovation!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the World


Today My Merciful Heart is divided into two parts, one part is with Brazil and the other part is with Argentina.

The need for help and spiritual intervention in both nations is very large.

The Lord of the Universe, the Master of Love, has His Heart in two places to avoid the deactivation of the rescue project for South America.

Together with all the powers of My Spirit, My Soul and My Divinity, the cosmic and stellar elements are mobilized to help, from the Spiritual Universes, what is happening in the Material Universes.

Great Universal Consciousnesses are positioning themselves in different regions of the planet to carry out a great operation for safeguarding and protecting all the christic essences that have already awakened, and which will traverse the cycle of the end of times.

This is why the Celestial Brotherhood is mobilized, in order to counteract the ideals and the actions that would impact millions of people in South America, a region that, at the moment, is the focus of the imbalance of the surface of the planet.

My Spiritual Heart is divided into two parts for this reason, to give spiritual and inner assistance to those who will face one of the most difficult times of humanity.

But, in the end, My Sacred Heart will triumph in those who have believed in the Lord because, I will not abandon them.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Pain can be overcome through patience and love.

Inner patience is a science that transforms the impossible into the possible, the difficult into something flexible.

Love is still a mystery that can go beyond all limits and all difficulties.

Live patience and love, because you will need to, just as your brothers and sisters will need it when the culminating moments come to the planet and everything has to be defined.

We are already in the last cycle of preparation for these events. Those who have been awakened and attentive to the Hierarchy will overcome all things, no matter how difficult they may seem.

Those who were not interested in everything said by the Hierarchy and tried to refute it, again and again, will know the consequences of their actions. Thus, patience will grant wisdom and love will grant understanding.

The times will be defined through the occurrences in life and everything will be again placed where it belongs, rather than where humankind always believed it should be.

Everything will be modified without asking because the Law itself and divine energy will be that which will stir everything up, for the good of the Universe.

I thank you for keeping My Words patiently in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Although My adversary, like a wolf, may agitate My sheep, remain united with the great Heart of your Shepherd. 

Although great storms may come toward you, remain united with the great Heart of your Shepherd.

Do not seek to run away from difficulties or struggles, because they will find you.

Assume that, in this cycle, the time has come, just as it came to the apostles, of testifying that My Presence is real.

Thus, be attentive and vigilant so that nothing else beyond your possibilities may surprise you.

Allow My Light to shine within you during this time of darkness.

Let me transform and break within you what I need to break, so that your spirits may learn to be as brave as I was up to the height of the Cross.

I do not want nor need you to look like Me. I aspire that you be equal to what I Am, in truth, in love and in compassion.

I leave all this in writing so that you not think differently, so that you not believe that I am expecting something different from you.

As sheep among wolves, the time will come to defend the Work of your Shepherd, from all who will want to destroy it.   

Are you willing to follow me?

Everything will be only but a few seconds, and then you will know the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Do not be afraid of dying for Me, because I will always be with you until the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call and for keeping My Words in the heart of each disciple!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

On this day, in which My beloved Son will once more carry out a planetary task, I invite you to accompany Him inwardly and to be present in the Marian Centers so that, in this union of souls, the Universe is able to act and work once more.

I invite you to sincerely follow the steps of My Son so that your lives, as well as all of humanity, may also receive the divine impulses they need.

In this way, through inner union, My children, you will allow the bonds of union and love to strengthen among human beings.

Because for this cycle it will be important to keep, not only this spiritual alliance with the Heights, but also the inner unity among souls of this world in order to awaken a greater interest to help and mercifully collaborate with your neighbor.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 61st Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the house of My Father there are many dwellings; all were created for each one of His children.

Each one has the dwelling belonging to them; one day they will return to it with all they have learned and lived; that is why it is time to keep memory of everything that the being experiences on Earth, everything that comes from the Universe and from God.

It is time to get rid of the suffering and the agony, because in the Dwelling of My Father will enter all your wonderful learning, everything that you have lived here in My Name.

Everything that you do and experience here is concomitantly written in the Universe.

Each decision that you make in your lives, also has an impact in the Universe.

Each step that you are encouraged to take for Me is something that also has an impact in the Universe.

This is also what allows the Plan to be realized on Earth and is what makes that which God so wants to manifest for His children to descend from the Universe.

Today I come to remind you of the importance of this Dwelling of God, because you must preserve it and protect it from everything that will happen in the coming times.

If you still do not know that you have a place in the Universe, know today that you have it. That place will allow to recreate Creation, toward that place will go all knowledge lived and experienced.

For this reason, you must persist, because in the Dwelling of My Father all the good that you have learned, not only in this life, but also in other times, will be kept.

I want each being of this planet to know that the experience does not end here, nor on this material plane.

The infinite awaits you so that you may live new things, go through new experiences.

All that you sow in this time will be harvested in the future. That is why you must know well what you do and what you live, so that the treasures of My Father are not wasted.

The time has come for becoming aware of all the riches of Heaven and how many times they descend to Earth and try to unite with souls, so that they may live new experiences of love and of redemption.

All that you cultivate in this time will have an impact in the immediate future.

It is not necessary, companions, that I give you examples, because you have already seen them with your own eyes.

Those who cultivate bad things on My Earth will always come out losing, because Love is Wisdom and Wisdom is the Love of God.

Where His Son is, God is, and if you are in Me, truly, you will be able to be in the Father. The Laws are always fulfilled equally for all.

Each one knows what in truth they must do in this time. All that I need is that you always sow good things, because this will not only help you, but also the world.

Humanity has forgotten, to cultivate true attributes, for having distanced itself.

Humanity has become perverted and has deviated, that is why I come from the immaterial Source of My Father to remind you about the sacred attributes which are essential to live in this cycle.

It will be those attributes, like Laws of Light, that will protect you from yourselves and from others.

The time has come to unmask the wolves that are disguised as sheep.

But it will not be necessary for anybody to do, the Law itself will demonstrate it, as it has demonstrated in this last cycle.

Faithfulness to Me is not a passing thing. Neither is obedience a passing thing.

What I ask of you is permanent, true and immutable.

Therefore, if your paths are well seeded, you will cultivate good fruit, it does not matter that your lands are miserable, dry, arid, or empty. Through the Fount of My Love, everything is possible for your lives only when you are sincere with Me.

Today I need you to take that step toward a definite Truth because thus you will be able to be more brotherly, you will be able to live in more fraternity and be considerate with the fellow being.

The attributes of which I speak to you are not of this planet, nor of this universe, although there are other humanities that know them.

The attributes come from My Father and from His immaterial Source and this renews all things for those who truly want to live them.

Because through My Fire I bring you the illumination of your cells and atoms, so that in the deepest of your beings you may learn to live in the Brotherhood through the attributes that I bring you for this time.

That is why I repeat to you again that your first attribute is to love as I love you, and to love the other as you love God, in an immeasurable and infinite way.

If you have not yet achieved this attribute, keep on trying every day: forge in yourselves an unconditional love that goes beyond your miseries and your tests, beyond all the limitations and all the obstacles, and so you will be able to be New Christs that represent their Lord here on Earth.

I no longer want to see a spiritually miserable humanity.

Some of you must achieve much more than I achieved on the Cross and in the Passion.

You must and you can surpass Me in love.

No longer wait to be able to do it; live it with an unconditional effort every day; thus, your hearts will be similar to Mine, even though you do not believe it.

If I descended to Earth and was human and transmuted the human condition, what will the creatures of My Father be able to do, more than what I once did, being direct and intimate children of His immaterial Source?

You do not yet know your virtues, you only know your capabilities. But I come as the Lord of the Universe for each one of your capabilities to transform them, someday, into sacred virtues.

You must only surrender everything to me. Each one according to their time, even though there is no longer time.

It is time to surrender everything to Me and to trust in what I have foreseen for you.

The moment has come to close a cycle and to begin a new one.

Everything that you were not able to live before, you will not be able to live in this new cycle.

Encourage yourselves to unveil the mysteries of the universe with the expansion of the love in your consciousnesses.

Because to the humble will be revealed the Mysteries of God and from the arrogant and the prideful will be taken all the powers they think they have in a personal and human form.

The Law is again fulfilled and again written.

I come to teach you the path of redemption through love; this is what will make your dwellings fruitful and eternal.

And it will not be necessary to live in this world, nor in another what you have already lived, because you will have learned it as a life lesson and a lesson in humility.

I want your hearts to become peaceful, to be small, just as I was small in the arms of My Mother; in this way, the Project will not be lost, because it will not be in the hands of the arrogant, but rather in the heart of those that are humble themselves before God every day and who truly do penance, transforming all things, overcoming all times, vivifying the Sacred Spirit of the Lord.

Only the humble will enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Only the peacemakers will know the Kingdom of God.

All of them will never return again to the Earth, because they will know new dwellings and will remain in them to advance in their evolution and in the awakening of their spirits and a new Earth will begin with christic beings.

The law of suffering will be forgotten, and pain will no longer be remembered.

Love will reign and peace will be abundant in those who were unconditional with the Lord in spite of their miseries and their tests.

I need you to be clean of heart, not only at this moment, but also for the coming times.

I need you to be in ample resignation and in strict obedience, so that you may come to know other mysteries of the Universe that will not try to glorify your spirits, but rather make them more humble, more humble than I once was, as in the simple manger of Bethlehem.

Thus, companions, you will be able to love what you have never loved, forgive what you would never manage to forgive, because you will be in another state and in another vibration.

Thus, you will help those who most need and those who have nothing, spiritually speaking.

I will thus be able to withdraw and say that My task with you and with the world has been fulfilled.

I will thus be able to prepare to return without shifting My Consciousness so much through this Universe.

But I will never abandon you. Who is with Me will never feel abandoned.

Who is with Me will never lack love because they will have understood the mysterious Will of God, that from time to time tries to be written in the heart of men.

Empty yourselves before the Lord of the Universe so that I may place the new in you and withdraw the old from your consciousnesses.

Today you have offered Me a marvelous day through your songs and prayers; that is what gives Me the impulse, that moves Me to come back here all of the time, to be at the side of those who truly hear Me and activate, in themselves, My Words one by one.

From the Solar Source I have come , from the Spiritual Universe I have descended, from the House of My Father I have arrived, to bring you what you need today with all of My Love; so that you may remember, companions, that I will always renew you so that thus the mandate of God may be fulfilled; that you love one another, just as I have loved you and continue to love you.

That is the deepest mystery of Creation.

Love will make your abode luminous and your spirits clean.

Let us celebrate this moment with complete confidence. Let us thank God for all that has been received and let us rejoice in His Heart so that His Word may be fulfilled in the People of God.

May the mystery of this existence be revealed.

Father, send the Breath of Your Spirit
to those who are still sustained in You.
Send the Fire of Your Love
to transform all things.
Send the balm of Your Peace
to appease hearts.
Send, through Me, Your Mercy
so that creatures may know
the great happiness of being in You,

Today, spiritually, I will not only consecrate new adorers, but also those who will adore Me someday, as those who have adored Me until now.

Remember, companions, that there is a dwelling place of light for each one of the children of God, and that dwelling place waits to find you and receive you, so that in it may be kept the greatest experience of His Love on Earth, so that the angels of the Universe may elevate that experience to the Father, in order to re-create this Creation.

My word is like living water and comes to quench the thirst of those who are disturbed, of those who suffer, of those who for some time have been in their desert, asking God for a Grace and an opportunity.

Today I offer you the Word of Life like living water for your souls, so that the balm of the Love of the Lord may unify consciousnesses and banish the enemies, so that the Plan may triumph. Amen.

Today I will deign to consecrate these elements with special gratitude, so that the fruits of My Spirit in the souls may also reverberate in the sacred dwelling that you will come to know some day.

For this reason, I wish to hear "Your Word is Living Water", so that your souls may be worked upon at this moment by the essence of the Divine Sacraments.


For those who are able to, we will stand.


Song: Your Word is Living Water.

Here is kept one of the greatest treasures of the Dwellings of God.

Blessed will be those who avail themselves of it to feel the Universe of God in their hearts while they are here on Earth.

That is why I offer you My Body as a symbol of reparation and of healing for souls.

I also offer you My Blood as a symbol of purification and of renewal for all the spirits of the planet.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, which gives you Eternal Life.

Here is the symbol of those who unite with Me through the offering of each new adoration; in them is built the Temple of God, which one day will become immaterial and eternal and will be especially kept in the dwelling that God has destined for each being.

Receive this symbol of adoration, as an act of gratitude on My part, and a renewing blessing for your souls.

I now want the adorers here, who will be consecrated today.

Most Holy Trinity,
that descends through the Divine Son,
unify these consciousnesses with the Eternal Father,
unify these consciousnesses with the Divine Son,
unify these consciousnesses with the Sacred Spirit,
so that in their essences may be established
the realization of the Plan of God
and the perpetual triumph of the Love of God,
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My God,
I believe in You, I adore you,
I wait for You and I love you,
and I ask pardon for those who do not believe in You,
do not wait for You and do not love You.
Amen. (x3)

And now that My Mission is accomplished in you, I expect it is already reverberating through the times, by means of your adoration, your prayers, and your acts of love, so that the evil in humanity may be removed from this world, so that the Kingdom of God may be established in each human heart, and many, many more may know peace.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for this day and for the day that will come tomorrow, in My Name, fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you.


My Children,

On the eve of the next meetings with My Son, your Heavenly Mother prepares for His arrival at the Marian Center of Aurora so that, in this month of August, we may remember all the divine impulses that, through the humble Aurora, were granted to humanity.

I would like every prayer being to know the importance of staying united with what is High during these days so that the spiritual impulses that the sacred Universe will give you may be recognized within each being, and thus the fulfillment of the divine stages of the Plan may continue on.

Aurora, with the silent strength of its power, will embrace with its fire all who come, and as part of the spiritual mission of Aurora, it will give the last impulses that will define consciousnesses so that they be able to follow the path of Grace or the path of Justice.

The attention and care of every child of Mine who comes to Aurora will show the Sacred Kingdom of Love the possibility for its universal and cosmic intervention, as from the coming 8th of August, in which an important cycle will be defined forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never, My child, let peace get away from your heart.

Never let the peace of the universe leave from whitin you; strengthen yourself in it, and you will always find guidance for the circumstances of life.

Let peace work within you and do your work. Find upon this path the possibility to grow and to love.

The peace of the universe will lead you to wisdom, since wisdom is impregnated with the Love of God.

Love and wisdom are divine currents that permeate the essence of peace, which all beings on Earth must learn to experience and find, from cycle to cycle.

Peace builds newness and therefore everything gets renewed, everything gets restored, everything participates of a greater impulse.

May peace sustain the inner worlds so that the moment of inner healing may be achieved within the souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Messages

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because the world agonizes and needs the potential that God has birthed in you. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and no longer be a child on this path, seeking your benefit and the supply of your needs. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because many definitions in this time depend on you, who listens to the Voice of God. 

Your "no" closes the doors of Grace and does not allow souls to receive a new opportunity, while your "yes" opens the doors of Divine Mercy and, in a time of justice, allows the rescue of those who would not deserve anything. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and overcome yourself every day, not only for the love of this Work, this path and your spiritual mission. 

Overcome yourself and give more of you to the world, which agonizes; for those who are lost; for the outraged and tired Kingdoms, that – at the height of their pain – make their last effort to sustain the planet and allow humanity to live their learning until the end. 

Child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, and stop at once making your little problems so great, your little pains so great,  your little life immutable. 

See the world with the eyes of your heart and your conscience and know that after all you have received, within you is the potential to overcome yourself every day and, more than that, in every moment of your life. 

Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit; believe that this is the last cycle of the planet and reflect on what else you must do for the Plans of God.

Do not stagnate, do not stop, do not get tired. Discover, in your heart, the power of the renewal that God has granted you and that grows in your heart, in soul and in spirit. Grow and be a light to the world; do not take your siblings into the abyss of your stagnation. 

Grow and lift the world into the heart of God. Within you is the resemblance of the Father; let it express itself, manifest itself and absorb you, so that you may be a living truth, part of the Heart of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

Grow up, child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because this planet still needs you.

Your Father and Companion, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, March 2, 2018, in the city of Quito, Ecuador, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I am crowned by the Most Holy Trinity, bringing to your hearts the Purity of God, that purity so original that brought forth all things, to the manifestation of life and the whole Creation.

In the Purity of God is the Love of the Father, that Love that regenerates everything, and makes it possible to rescue hearts and remove the lost souls from the hells.

Today I come clothed of the Purity of God and crowned by the prayers of My children, knowing that, in these times, it is essential to reinforce the prayer from the heart, not only for the transformation of life but also for the recovery and restoration of the planet.

Today I come filled with the Essence of God called “Original Purity”.

I come filled with that which is within you, that lives in your inner worlds and that will always help you to reconnect with God.

I come to close a cycle and to start a new cycle, thus I come filled with the spirituality of God, to purify your hearts and lives, to unify you to the love of God, and in the mystery of His great science, where once everything was originated for this humanity, as for other planets, for the whole Creation.

I would like you to know, dear children, that the original purity, that dwells in you, comes from the universe of God, gestated by the holy hands of the Angels of the Father, in His sublime Sources of Creation.

From there, dear children, comes everything, and there you must one day return, with the lived experience of love and redemption, with the lived experience of forgiveness and reconciliation; knowing that all human beings, no matter how imperfect they are, will never lose the original purity of their hearts.

That is why I invite you tonight, dear children, to look within yourselves, to discover your inner universe and to find yourself with God in the Living Flame of His Original Purity, where neither sin, guilt or perdition exists.

Today I come to cleanse your hearts, but I also come to heal your wounds, seeking in you the purity of the heart, that living and shining flame that will renew all things.

This is My main message for today, seek the Purity of God within you, and you will be able to enter to the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Relive in these times the Gospel of My Son, so that the purity in your hearts may awaken.

No longer seek, dear children,  separation, division or criticism. Open your hearts to the Purity of God, and the Purity of the Father will be able to awaken in you at this time.

Do not complicate your lives more, dear children, make things simple day by day. Live and imitate the Sacred Family, so that the celestial treasures of the Purity of God, through the sublime mirrors, may be reflected upon the souls of the Earth; may darkness in the hearts vanish, may the Light and Love of Christ triumph in these times.

I invite you tonight, dear children, in a simple and maternal way, to rediscover the path to the heart where wounds, guilt and suffering do not exist. Believe in yourselves, believe in this Original Purity that is within you; seek it through the path of prayer, of a merciful life, of a life filled with service to fellow beings.

Thus, you will be repairing the wounded Heart of God, and you, dear children, will be this perfect balm of love that will grant the world that your Celestial Mother returns to everyday to help the lost hearts, to awaken the planetary consciousness, to grant in this last cycle a little more time of peace, especially in those places where it does not exist.

Give great value, dear children, to the prayer for peace in the nations.

This simple exercise that My Heart has granted you to perform every day of the week, praying for those nations that suffer so much, that live in darkness and inside the abysses of the planet, so that they may recover and move forward. Praying for cultures so distant, for brothers and sisters so far away, who feel and live, just like you, the greatness of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, in this cycle may everything be renewed, and that tonight you leave here living a true commitment with Me, so that I can return everyday, for a little longer, bringing the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Infinite Mercy of the Creator.

Because, if I am not among you daily, dear children, in truth I confess, this world would be unbalanced as quickly as the passing hours and the planet would move abruptly.

It is the prayer of your hearts, the prayer for the nations, service, charity and good, the communion and confession with My Son, that allows Me to come back everyday to the world, that allows Me to bring the Grace of God to this world that does not deserve it, so that everything can be stabilized, and, above all, the axis of the earth maintains in its balance.

Remember that I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother and Mother of humanity. I am the Mother of all people, who consoles all hearts and lives, the Mother who is with the poor and the rich, with those who are equal of heart and soul, the Mother who is also with those who are indifferent and still do not live God in their heart.

I come for the whole world, for all nations and all peoples.

I would like this current of prayer for peace in the nations to grow, do not feel limited, nor hindered to learn to pray in different languages, in order to help the angels of the nations, so that they may accomplish their great spiritual task in these difficult times, with the loving support of all My children.

Today I would like for you to not feel grief in your heart, because if the Mother of Life is here, life can be regenerated and the most profound feelings can be healed. For God nothing is impossible, for the Servant of God nothing is impossible.

Today I come clothed of the Purity of God, to remind you of this commitment with Me, that through the prayer of the heart and the loving services to the world, everything can be renewed and repaired, and your lives can finally be other, when you simply take the step, just as I took it before the Archangel Gabriel.

Today, I do not come only to tell you that I will be with you a little time longer everyday, but of the joy that My Heart feels, the bliss that My Spirit feels in telling you that My Son will also be here everyday, to bring the world the last lifeline for all hearts, all religions, and all peoples, in order to prepare the world, for one whole year, for His return.

May nobody lose this opportunity to relive the Words of Christ, to relive in your hearts the simple words of the Mother of God, but also to study them again as spiritual impulses present for these times in which you will still have the key, the inner key to be able to transform yourselves, just as God wishes, for these final times. 

Finally, I wish, dear children, that your lives may be Original Purity, and that this purity may be reflected to the world, so that souls awaken from their drowsiness and may open their eyes to the Kingdom of God, which still keeps the doors open so that many more souls may enter into His Heart.

Do not lose this Grace; receive this Mercy with the humility of your hearts, so that tonight all may be renewed, just as God has thought it since the beginning.

I come here to bring Heaven to Earth, the Consciousness of God to humanity, the Truth to a planet that lives in lies, in order to awaken the hearts to the great feeling of the Love of God, to the spiritual filiation with His Great Divine Consciousness.

Tell the world that I will be coming to you everyday for a little time longer, in order to prepare your hearts for the time that will come, which will not be an easy time. You know, dear children, that time will change, humanity will change and your planet as well.

For that, you must be prepared and firm. You must take My Words and My Instructions, the Instructions of My Son, as stairways to Heaven, so that you may be protected and safeguarded by My Heart.

May My Words be heard in every language; this is My most ardent wish for this year, may My Message of Peace spread to the world so that the souls awaken, so that bombs do not detonate in humanity, over all those planes that My enemy stimulates in a blind humanity, closed of heart, for not being able to see God.

I invite you to the time of the great awakening of the consciousness, to the awakening of your inner senses, to come out of what is superficial and embrace all brothers and sisters with an immense love and an infinite Mercy.

Thus, dear children, although everything is so hard and difficult in this humanity, everything will be fulfilled and I will be able to continue coming to you until God indicates, as it is written in His eternal Heart.

Place your hands in sign of reception, because today your Celestial Mother, clothed of the Purity of God, the Rose of Peace, comes to reconfirm in your hearts and in the hearts of all beings of the world, the reunion with its original purity.

Water to bless…

Receive from My Heart this Grace that should not be lost, because the Mother of God, Mother of the Universe and Earth, of the Angels and all souls, comes to reopen the Spiritual Source of the Original Purity, in the souls of the world that say “yes” to the call of the Creator.

May the Source of the Holy Spirit descend upon this element, and may everything be renewed, may souls awaken to their original Source so that everything may be redeemed. 

May the water baptize the lives of the world, redeem the sins and heal the hearts of their most profound wounds.

Today I do not only come to consecrate those who have taken the step to My Immaculate Heart. Today, as Mother of all and Mother of humanity, I come to renew this consecration for all those who are present here and for all that listen to My Voice, on the five continents of this world.

May this water consecrate all of you, just as the water of the Spirit of God washes the most profound wounds, and may it reignite in souls the Flame of the Original Purity.

Today you will sing a special song for Me, that will make you, in this time, reunite with Me everyday.

Mirarte (To look at You)…

While you perform this song, I raise Myself to heaven to someday return and bring to your hearts the same Peace that I live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that this Peace descends to Earth in all the hearts of the world.

I bless you and consecrate you, to the Immaculate Heart of Love, to the inextinguishable Love, to the eternal Love, to the unconditional Love, to the perpetual Love of the Mother of God.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


I thank you for responding to My call.

I thank you!


The Second Coming of Christ

The day will come in which human suffering will end and souls will come to know the full joy of being in God and God being in humankind.

False beliefs will fall and, in the depths of souls, the temple of the heart will be raised and will receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Gifts that will repopulate the Earth with true and evolutionary principles.

In that hour, the Return of Christ will be close. In the most critical moment of humanity, while Mother Earth is in her birthing process, bringing the New Human to light, the moment of the Return of Christ will come.

The times will stop and the cycle will stabilize so that the Son of Man may enter.

The real time will absorb the illusory time and a new time will begin after the Beloved Son has come to seek His followers of love, and judge those who, for a long time, have done evil.

In that moment, all will be revealed and the souls of the Earth will no longer have veils over their consciousness.

Many will realize all that they could have achieved, but it will be too late.

Others will repent, and on their knees before the Beloved Son, will ask for forgiveness and for Mercy.

But, in that moment, it will be God Himself Who will judge through the mouth of His Son, and the Beloved Son will only proclaim what His Eternal Father dictates in that instant.

Meanwhile, and with a little more time, repent from the heart and you will be safe, because those who accept living the school of Redeeming Love will manage to become a part of the New Earth.

When My Son comes for the second time to this world, everything in humanity will be unleashed, with the power of more than one thousand horses.

Nature will speak for itself and will come out of its constant silence.

The Kingdoms of Nature will express themselves and in each part of the Earth they will leave a significant message that no human being will be able to destroy or erase, because what is shown to them will awaken the consciousness of those who are asleep.

In the same way, many more things will happen. The Sun, the Moon, the stars and all of the firmament will give definite signs.

Natural and spiritual phenomena will show that Christ is returning to humanity.

The most asleep souls will awaken. Others will define themselves for the rest of eternity.

The majority of the men and the women of the Earth will realize that they had been lost and asleep for decades.

One last Grace will be granted to the world, a Grace that will arrive without anybody knowing it and will come unexpectedly to the world at the moment in which the seventh Celestial Trumpet sounds.

In that hour and at that time, that extraordinary Grace will come to men and to women in order to save them and, in this way, the Woman Dressed with the Sun will open the last door so that the last of the redeemed may enter, in consciousness, to the Sacred Enclosures of Love.

When the last door closes, everything will happen and it will not be controllable.

There will be no system, government, nation or people that will be able to stop it, because it will be the higher current itself of the Universe that will remove everything that exists so that the planet may become free of the weight of its atoms generated by the majority with their human and spiritual density.

For this reason, children, let us pray so that the majority of the non-believers and of the non-redeemed may repent from the heart and reverse their painful lives.

Let us pray so that the nations of the world convert to the Plan of the Creator and carry forward real actions in an equality of conditions.

Let us pray and not stop praying, because the unexpected Return of Christ is close and your hearts, in this hour, must be uplifted in worship in order to be able to recognize it.

May God bless you and grant you sacred discernment.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May today My Words be received by humble hearts, so that they may sow within themselves the Gifts of God, and awaken them to live the great planetary service.

May today My Words find only dwelling and rest, so that they may bring clarity and understanding to souls in need of much guidance.

May today My Words be received and considered, so that they may generate in the consciousness the condition to be able to live redemption.

May today My Words be contemplated by those who need them most to live their inner change and to attract to the planet the Grace of opportunity.

May today My Words be heard with love, for this will transform consciousnesses and will make them strong at the moment of experiencing the new cycles.

May today My Words be considered by the world, for in them lies the instruction and the way out for the great inner changes.

May My Words be kept as a light for the moments of solitude, of surrender and of renunciation..

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
